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Who are we? It's a big question. I'm a human being living in a wonderful world an amazing planet with the gifts of the earth. And we are also gifts of the earth. So I need to be connected with the earth to bring us back to ourselves and who we are. The longer we expose ourselves to that environment the more atuned we become to that environment. And that's where that reconnection happens. Reconnecting with the environment that created me. To remember the birthplace of me. Man is not a special creature. He is part of nature. You've got to start looking at the plants, the insects... every single thing is inter-related. We need those things in order to stay human. We try and make the world fit what we think it should be instead of trying to fit into the world. Sometimes people are totally disconnected. No link. Then the pyschologist is necessary, the psychiatrist is necessary, everybody is necessary to make this person... and then they patch you. I think you benefit more when you are more in balance. It's a connection with nature because we are nature. We are from the earth. We are made up of physical material matter and so is everything else around us. Human being need to get more involved... descend into matter. We're all trying to ascend, but we need to descend and become dirty I suppose. Modern people don't really want to get dirty, no. There is a balance in everything... just like there is a balance of the day and the night. The sun comes up, the sun sets, the moon comes up. It's all a balance. Observing the times and the seasons Spring gives a certain way of interaction - it blooms, it grows. Winter is rest - the earth is resting. You yourself, you are internalising, you are hibernating. In spring, everything comes out. So this is all in this balance. Just like behind our physical material matter there is a soul and a spirit... and I think it's the same thing with the earth and nature. Behind it there is a soul and a spirit and a creative force or energy, and I feel I need to connect with that. I can't help but say, maybe this is the answer... this is why we need wilderness. Nature makes you think. It makes you look into yourself. And we need to look into ourselves. I think it's essential that people spend time out there alone. You can't believe what it does to you. I could be in a bad mood because I got out of the wrong side of the bed... walk outside and then a bird flies past. Within 5 minutes I'm in a different world, I've calmed down. You're moving out of your bad mood. That's the kind of thing that happens out here. There is a remembering. I think that's why I go back to wilderness... is to remember. I remember what it is to see. I remember what it is to hear and feel and touch. I remember to stop. This is what it means to be human. This is what it means to be alive. This is what it means to exist. And this is what is existing with me. All of a sudden the world is a bigger place. I don't think words can do it justice most of the time. It's just an experience and you know it's right. It's returning home... real home. Thanks to all of you who helped make this film possible. All of our films are totally crowd funded. So if you'd like to continue to support us on our journey check out our 'Green Renaissance' page on Patreon.
Channel: Green Renaissance
Views: 82,896
Rating: 4.9809127 out of 5
Keywords: green renaissance, sharing ideas, inspiring change, covid, covid-19, covid 19, nature, connect, reconnect, who are we?, virus, corona, South Africa, mountains, clouds, ocean, humanity, connection, soil, garden, plants, wilderness, healing, earth, Mother Nature, rekindle, artlist, patreon, Justine du toit, Michael raimondo, canon c500, canon, interconnected, health, outdoors, outside, lockdown, indoors, inside
Id: HqErYbUpKRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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