A look inside Smokey Yunick’s Hot Vapor Carburetor.

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[Music] hello youtube and welcome back in this video we're going to be looking at the carburetor the smokey eunuch used on his hot vapor engine this is on the plymouth and he used the same carburetor on several different engines and the reason was is that he had a lot of them left over from the buick program when he helped buick with their v6 so let's get into this carburetor we're going to look at the inside i want to run vp fuel in it so it's never had ethanol fuel in it back in the 80s there was an ethanol fuel so let's look inside and see how it looks come on [Music] the first thing we want to do when we pull the top lid off of this carburetor and actually i've already had it apart and clean we had to weld this piece on but i thought that you all might like to see what's the inside and a little more just on the carburetor first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to pull the accelerator pump arm this little accelerator oh we just tap that back and then voila that goes back and only has one hole some but i do got to see that over here look even put on a clip you can change the position okay so yeah he's already got it done and look he even looks like he modified the top of that because it usually comes green and he ground the top of it so maybe it's interfering with air cleaner i don't know i believe that is just so that he could clear the air cleaner and not have an issue with it and sure enough that is exactly what it is is right there he had to just slightly shave the top of it but something that we do want to note is that it's on the last hole on the accelerator pump we can move this rod to change the accelerator squirt so he's using the last one right there all right so the first thing i did is i took a punch and i just punched out that little pin but when you drive that pin all the way in if you put it all the way up against this wall right here you're going to have a difficult time sliding it back so i stick a little screwdriver right there i don't know if you can see it or not so when i drive that all the way in just leave a little gap there that's what i want to say leave a little gap so that now this is lifted up when it's time to put this back on you can just reach in here and just push it right back in real simple as opposed to if you drive it all the way to the touch is there good luck you're gonna take a pair of vice grip you're gonna you're gonna be awfully upset um and there ain't no need for that so you don't want to be upset i'm gonna go and take this and he also did is he made a little stud here with a little spacer he put and that's for a bracket to hold the air cleaner which was missing so we still need to fab a bracket for the air cleaner next thing we want to do is basically it's simple and straightforward this is the oldest screwdriver known to man um used to belong to my dad dad if you want it back come find me oh all right i don't want to do much to it besides look at it and preserve what it is but interesting he added this little screw here and i don't know why they normally don't have a screw right here so he drilled it and tapped it and we don't know why yet okay i'm just i'm just oh my god yeah i feel like we're historians yeah we're just remarking yeah that's not normal so i don't know maybe there's a air passage or something we'll find that out also we're on an archaeological expedition these two little screws are special screws oh and i've lost one before and you have to go get another carburetor and if you notice they're different screws oh no okay it's okay he got one the smaller one yeah front oh okay this is it's nate it's just he's deciding what is imagining what he was doing yes what is he doing so so here's the deal up here on the top the screws are different obviously right yes so i assume because i've done it before i've lost one of these before and these aren't normal to anything else they go in the top it's a tapered screw so i was like yeah yeah you can't put another screw in there you just told me you went to a junkyard and like would get a whole other carburetor just because of that so then so okay so but they're both tapered both the same thread so that's all fine then i'm getting to the side right here right okay because i'm gonna pull this off so i can pull the lid and not have to get into the choke and what do i do he loses a screw i did well check this out look are you gonna freak out oh my god oh my god oh my god what oh my god he swapped um he swapped them so so ralph johnson was the carburetor guru well so i don't know if ralph did it well we know from book club ralph's history of uh loving um you know the libations yeah uh so at some point the screws aren't lost we found them the holy grail we found the screws it just had one and one so uh and i never like to like to i'm most definitely not taking any pride in finding something to smoke you did wrong never no no no no it's interesting it's history and also like i i don't know what i'm getting the takeaway from here is no one's perfect and all the time you know from automotive book club we're reading that these guys are building this stuff i mean the hot vape branch was a little different but like so many late nights like all like so like sleepless nights like and these guys like slept four or five hours and then we'll just like work through the entire week so it's like at some point yeah stuff like that's gonna happen how could you do that yeah so if anything this is humbling not not exactly we're right yeah and it's like they're humans too basically that's what i'm getting out of it yeah not like you could do any more damage oh perfect good spot i already got this little choke rod off um we got our accelerator pump off on this side our choke rod on this side anybody doesn't know this choke rod controls the choke this this little accelerator pump here controls accelerator problem so that's going to stay in so i think we're ready to go um yes okay the gasket needs to stay at the bottom here it goes here it goes cool remarkably clean look at that for for so here's the accelerator pump and we will check it as well um let's lift this gasket up so far the gasket is intact right in the center these are this is your metering rods and yep yep yep and what it is is there's a little cut in the gasket that you rip and you put a round rip you move this gasket's so old i'm going to try to lift the metering rod up there it is it came up so there's a metering rod for the inside and then now this is going to just come right up and we kept it with the metering rods going to want to know the size of those meter oh my gosh so this controls this is what controls your fuel curve up on the top end so these are medium rods and vacuum pulls this down here so inside of the carburetor there's two jets and these little pointy rods go in the jet the further in they are the leaner it is the further up against you know the richer it is so this is how the fuel curve is controlled on an analog carburetor so there is specifics to these uh i don't think ever in my life can anybody see this yeah put your hand behind it that's awesome there you go yeah right there like a needle how in the world did he machine those oh my gosh they are so small so thin like they could be damaged so easily that one even looks a little bent right there i know i'm stressed out just like looking at them so i'd have to show you the regular ones they're not that thin i've never seen any any that thin yeah just for folks who haven't seen them before yeah maybe we maybe we can find a regular one for an example yes so what i'm what i'm talking about is look at it it's those little needles no i see that one is a little bent and i wouldn't want to even try to straighten it because no oh my god we bend that we're not going to duplicate it so and you see how they're stepped yes and that's for the different fuel curves as it moves up it changes so this is all analog this is all analog wow the accelerator pump is remarkably still soft wow so we're not going to have to do the last time that i did this i just cleaned it never even got on the inside and it ran perfect so let's keep going in here and let's see what we got this is the little splash shield the fuel comes in here this is your needle and seat and this is your choke not your not the choke but your float just like a toilet bowl yep yep and there's your float right there and look at the inside really and it got it's remarkably clean yeah we'll use a little carb cleaner and just blow it and we're gonna put it right right back in we're not gonna have to do anything really to it and clean a little bit um what i should do because i've been dying to do is pull one of the jets out and see what size jet it is everybody this is the this is the holy grail of everybody wanted to know about the fuel curve danny the time is now yeah the time is gone i'll pull one of the jets out and we'll let y'all know what size jetty has in here yeah yeah all right only the ones that hang out hang around or watch it you know your or my channel will get this there you go heck yeah i tried to screw this down and get to how many turns from the bottom i even have the special socket that i've always used for quadrajets and looks just like it then that's it what else did i do that we can learn from this is using a straight edge here it is just above perfectly flat i don't know if it's i mean it's it's perfectly flat if anything got very maybe a thousand or two above perfectly flat so that has to help um some people that want to know that no more than me let's put this back together again it's real clean there's nothing really we need to do to it i don't want to hot tank it is more of a restoration than it is to completely get this looking like a brand new carburetor we're not trying to do that even to the engine so let's put earlier we've got a little shield they're going to go back on let's put our needle our float back together again it looks extremely clean on the inside i mean look at all this stuff looks really beautiful not any signs of anything going on like i said it never ran ethanol fuel there we go one of the easiest part of the carburetor is that right there this is a splash shield to keep the fuel when it comes out of here it raises from spraying everywhere it lets it push itself right back down there we are let's drop that in there don't forget our accelerator spring there i like to put a little wd-40 on the accelerator pump itself it doesn't hurt if it's anywhere else it doesn't hurt okay normally on this gasket there's slots cut in it and you bend it out of the way you put your needle in seats first and then you lay the gasket this gasket is so old and i don't want to break the gasket i'm doing it the hard way i'm gonna have to pay attention so i'm gonna move the camera back out of the way because i don't wanna hurt anything [Music] the way you want to know if it's right is push this down and it should move effortlessly we're done we're done we're done gotta hold the accelerator pump and then we're gonna go ahead and put our lid back on got a couple of screws in there laid it back down you can actually hear the accelerator's pump squirting so put the carburetor screw back in like i said that little screw that's over here doesn't go nowhere it's just a little screw so i'm thinking he had some kind of sensor there i thought i could think because it's not a passage it doesn't go anywhere but we're gonna go and put that screw right back in for whatever reason he drilled and tapped that for some reason there's four of these screws and they're tapered little screws about the same length and like i said there was two mixed but i know that these go up here and the other two go on the side so let's put those right there one two okay i'm gonna go ahead and snug those first i'm gonna want to lose any of the motor do we all right beautiful accelerator pump let's put it back on right there push that back into its happy home there we are okay what do we have we're going to get a piece of vacuum hose this is just too old and cracked so let me get a piece of vacuum hose okay i got a brand new piece of vacuum hose i'm gonna just put that on there like that look it's there that goes right there stick that in there done done and done look i brought these for the smoky car hold on you'll have a you'll have a cameo what did you bring what did you bring what did you bring hi i brought these oh yeah for a little piece yeah yeah i don't know if i like the metal or the plastic better to be honest then plastic looks really clean but the metal of course is gonna last forever so yes and that's what happened with with the heat from underneath the the car and a little update this attached so look wow it wasn't the easiest to weld well just like you would just like you had said so i was actually just just last night editing the portion that i had filmed and that was where i had left off or you were talking about like the different the difficulty of welding the dissimilar metals and everything like that i mean i'm a pro at welding to similar metals i didn't know yes you are yes you are so and you'll have to you'll have to get that on phase video so that will be on phase um this part here so i even have that on there and then i'll give that to faye and you can do that because yes uh i had already mentioned how you made this beautiful template and everything came out really good and i think we're still gonna add a little jb weld down at the bottom oh yeah i'm just thinking i was definitely gonna recommend that maybe we could do something even like jb weld to fill in the gaps there and sand it down just to make it look a little better not that anyone's gonna see it and look at this look how this we're we're there we're there they're still looking so good there's still some fabbing one last piece to fab okay and we need to fab a little bracket to go across so this bowl goes in yeah and it used to be a two barrel so now because of this it's a four barrel air cleaner yeah so we just need a little bracket to go across here and grab the two sides just a little piece of metal bent i don't know about you but i happen to know someone that doesn't suck at fabricating yes and look he even had he even made look there's this little spacer he made he did that so it's already so when you tighten it it doesn't just keep bending down right see i don't know where that little bracket it ended up i never had it he never came with you're going to with but we need to do that so we're going to five that or another another task for fantastic fan testing we'll have to make sure that we drop our videos at the same time so everyone gets the complete and full story well we might have to do a premiere we might do this we might schedule premiere so we'll see what we can have ready for friday maybe but don't no holders to it it's friday okay one friday they don't know what friday it is yeah it is this friday yes it's friday so join us this friday all right so i think we're done here i'm gonna put on the last little piece here is just the choke the little choke arm and then that's it all right so now you get to see the carburetor that's on the hot vapor engines there's no damage inside because there's no ethanol fuel you see the modifications he did to the carburetors pretty much basically simple what do we think we know he's dumped a lot of fuel it's not a lean burn um that's what i think but now you get to see it and make your own opinions [Music] let's get this back on the engine so i can get back to work and we'll see you on the next [Music] you
Channel: Daniel Soliz
Views: 4,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smokey yunick, hot vapor engine, daniel soliz, faye hadley, pistons and pixie dust, carb, carburetor
Id: -yv1FNLgPDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2022
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