A long-winded 1-year ownership report on my Hyundai Ioniq 5

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Really cool that one of the big technology channels does such a deep dive on the car.

A-t-on of important info in the video.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/faizimam πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 08 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thanks OP; really good video. Reassuring.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Turbulent-Feeling-76 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 09 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is the first I've heard of the brake lights not lighting unless you let completely off the pedal in ipedal. Can anyone else confirm, because that's scary. I do most of my driving in ipedal.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Lancer_Luck πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 09 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello everybody it's time for a one year and two months ownership experience update with my 2022 Hyundai ioniq 5. um in case you didn't know I got one of those and I've had it since February of 2022. I was one of the very first people in my area to get one um and so I want to bring you along with an overview of everything that has happened in that year and two months overall I have been extremely pleased with the car I would not trade it in for anything else um so just to start this off it's been mostly wonderful there have only been two problems with the car that are its fault and they're both very minor one is I don't know if you would call it minor but I had a very easy way to fix it and the other one is more of an inconvenience that it is um an earth-shattering problem I will get to that in a bit but first I want to talk about the reason this is a one year and two month update and not a one year update as it turns out two days after the one year anniversary of me getting the car I decided to take the car to a car wash um my the color on my car the a shooting star Matt Gray according to Hyundai cannot go through a mechanical tunnel style car wash I learned this when I was sitting in the car after I had signed all the paperwork and the salesman was doing the tour that they do um that's kind of a bummer I don't mind having to wash the car by hand all that much my biggest concern is I like to take cars through tunnel car washes a lot in the winter because we salt the roads here and I think that doing that to get an underbody undercarriage rinse to get the salt off can really prolong the life of your car and I really can't do it with this car because of that color um I have been I keep I'm on the fence of whether or not one day I'm just going to try it and see what happens the reason why they tell you you can't is because if you go through a car wash that isn't and I should say it can actually go through a car wash as long as it's a touchless car wash and it doesn't use a wax shiny product because the whole thing with the with the finish of the paint it's a really cool looking finish it's striking in person but it's not shiny so if you add a product to it that makes it shiny you've kind of ruined the paint and if you go through a car wash that has brushes and they scratch the surface you can't buff it out without again making the paint shiny and ruining the Finish supposedly I had heard in one video I don't know whether or not this is true that Hyundai is proud of their matte paints for 2023 model year cars I first saw this on a preview of the ionic six because they can go through a tunnel Car Wash so that makes me wonder is that true for my car too or not I have been I've not dared to do it so I've been washing my car in a manual wash bay and I just spray around the wheels as much as I can hopefully to get any salt off although this winter has been weirdly mild and I haven't been driving in Mucky roads much at all um anyway so I decided one evening to take the car to a car to my local car wash which isn't that local because there's not that many uh manual car washes around me um and on my way back from washing the car wind blew a garbage can into the road and there was too much traffic around me for me to really do anything to avoid it so I decided to just hit it and see what happens um that caused a very very tiny amount of damage basically it scuffed up the corner of the car I have a picture it scuffed up the corner and the bumper cover got popped out just a little bit it was the kind of damage where it's like almost not even noticeable but knowing how much Bodywork can cost I thought I better make a claim with my insurance company so I did and they got back with an estimate and it would be over a thousand dollars out of pocket to repair so I decided let's go ahead and get this taken care of that did not go that smoothly and this has nothing to do with the car this is to do with the state of the industry right now as far as I can tell so my insurance company wanted me to use one of two actually there was a third option but there was only one I think it was an independent shop it was nowhere near me so they wanted me to use one of two bigger uh shop chains in the area and the first one my preferred shop I called them explained it's very very minor damage you're not going to need to do any sort of structural work to the car it's just plastic um and he was like okay send me the estimate from your insurance company I emailed it to the guy and he got back to me within minutes and said we don't work on electric cars okay that sucks and also maybe you should because I don't know if you've noticed but there's more and more of these on the road and it's going to be an existential problem for you if you don't decide to start working on these cars um so my second option I actually got to the point of arranging the car to be repaired and then out of out of the blue they claimed that they could not get a part that they needed because they were not certified um I don't know if that's true or not and from what I've heard from the shop who eventually did fix my car I don't think that was true I think they just didn't want to fix it for some strange reason uh so the repair process was just kind of up in the air for a while I kind of just gave up I was working with my insurance company and I said look I gotta I gotta find someone who can fix the car so what I ended up doing was I just called my dealer and said who who can you recommend to fix this car and they recommended a body shop I called The Body Shop and The Body Shop was like yeah sure drop it off on Monday and I I was like don't don't you want to see the car because I've gotten two people who will not repair the car and they were like sure bring it over and it was the same thing I think I brought it over on Thursday he looked at the car he's like yeah sure just bring it in Monday we'll take care of you and uh they had it fixed by Friday so I don't know what the heck was going on with the first two shops but this is to say that the people are spooked by electric cars doing body work I can sort of get it if it were like a big accident and they would have to straighten the frame or they don't have frames anymore but straight in the body do some sort of actual uh body work like that but for the tiny little thing that I had it was just replacing a couple of plastic parts and doing touch-up work I don't know why it was so difficult to get that repaired so I do want to say that right now we are in this weird state where certain people don't want to touch electric cars for reasons unknown and the second shop who didn't uh who we almost went with until they just were like no we can't work on it okay um they have a location which is certified to work on Teslas and they actually bothered to find out would they be able to work on the car and they also said no so I don't know what the deal was if they thought the estimate was too low or what but they just wouldn't touch my car but luckily the the third shot pulled through for me I'm happy with the work they did on the car and that's the end of that so um the the most trouble I've had with the car has nothing to do with the car like it's not the car's fault at all um I hit a trash can and I needed the tiniest amount of Bodywork done and nobody wanted to do it which is Bonkers um but that's that's honestly the the biggest issue I've had with the car and like I said it's not the car's fault so I can't really blame the car for that at all um but it's all fixed and uh also here's a fun thing that was happening so I have the Blue Link which is Hyundai's Connected app thing it's like their version of OnStar and the app tells me when the car is unlocked which is actually kind of annoying I might talk about that later but I was able to tell when they were working on the car and what was really cool was at some point when they removed the front bumper they turned on the car with the front bumper disattached I think um because that sets some codes there are the active Grill shutters in the bumper and that set codes in the car and what's really cool is the blue link app actually tells you what the dtcs are which is awesome you don't need a code scanner to get the trouble codes out of the car so long as you have the app and our you know it comes with like three years of free connectivity so that's really cool I am quite yes because I had the volt The Volt The Vault has the silliest it does the silliest thing the uh prior to 2014 I think the charge door popper was electronic and they would tend to stick and if you did three pops of the button and it didn't open that would set a trouble code which turned on the check engine light it was nuts and um the app never told me like what that was for I had to use a code scanner to pull it out that was the the silliest thing about that car like okay sure set a trouble code if you want about like charged or actuation performance or something like that but don't don't turn on the check engine light that was just stupid um but yeah that's a really cool thing is that it was able to the dtcs were in there and I was able to look them up and it was like related to the active Grille shutters so and then by the time the car was returned to me the shop had cleared those codes and everything is hunky-dory so anyway that's enough about that experience uh let's talk about the two problems so the first is the 12 volt battery discharge book this is affecting a lot of people with Hyundai ioniq fives it doesn't seem to affect the other versions of the agmp platform cars as much um and in my case I don't think I was affected by the thing that most people have been uh so what happened to me was I this was last summer I think the car I had left the hatch open in the garage and the reason I did that was because I was being lazy and I had a cooler back there with the um ice packs inside the cooler and I just wanted to leave the cooler open and let the ice packs thaw and I wanted to let air flow into the car it was silly I shouldn't have done that but when I went back out to the car the next morning I hit the button to shut the trunk and nothing happened I didn't realize that the car was dead it was completely dead um so I hooked a jump pack up to the car which quickly woken up turned the car on and left it on for not that long I didn't leave it on for long enough as it would turn out um I think I left it on for like 15 minutes so I turned the car back off closed it up and then later that evening it was dead again because I didn't leave it on for long enough I put an ammeter around a battery cable to see how many amps were going into the battery it was only like 20 amps so the battery was not the 12 volt battery I should say if for those who are not familiar most electric cars I think I think all electric cars have some low voltage battery um most it's just a regular 12 volt lead acid battery and that battery is there because everything that's not the traction Motors or the air conditioning or the heater will operate on 12 volts like Hyundai's not going to get window regulators that run on 800 volts and they're not going to run 800 volt wiring through all the cars so most of the car systems are still 12 volts and that starter battery is used to wake up the car so effectively it closes the high voltage contactors inside the battery pack and from that point the DC to DC converter wakes up performs the same sort of tasks as an alternator and then the 12 volt batteries just there the heart of the 12 volt system so in the ionic 5 people have been having issues with the 12 volt battery just randomly discharging and then the car is dead and you have to jump it like you would a internal combustion car with a dead 12 volt battery um so sorry I went out of order there so it was not charging the battery that fast so when I got it rebooted the second time I left the car on for I think 45 minutes I made sure the 12 volt battery could charge up and then from that day I've not had the issue again so what we have found out um the ionic guy he's another YouTuber who's been really in depth with the car he got to the bottom of well um he was in contact with Hyundai and they claim that what's causing this is Hyundai has allowed people to sign up with Blue Link or sign up with their utilities to do a sort of like demand charging system so they could delay charging if the grid demand was high through Blue Link and some of those third-party apps were pulling the car way too often they said like 20 000 pulls every day and so every time the that system would ask the car what's going on it would wake up the um Blue Link system but that wouldn't turn on the high voltage system to recharge the 12 volt battery so that would kill the car I don't know if you heard that reads at the top of the stairs meowing at me um that would not explain what happened to me because I've not had any third-party apps like that all I have is the blue link app and I think it was just because I left the trunk open all night um there was also speculation that it was something to do with the charge port door whatever happened to me it only happened one time after that I did an infotainment system update because that we can do at home it's a little bit not so elegant you need a flash drive that you can you know actually burn the data onto and plug into the infotainment system but we can do that at home since I've done that I've not had that issue again and there is a light on the dashboard that comes on when the high voltage system is awake just to I don't really know why it's there but if that light is on you know that the car is charging the 12 volt battery I've seen that light more often after doing that update and so I think that update had something to do with it in any case that issue affected me one time um that's it though and so I don't know if it's okay to call it fixed but it has it has not really been affecting me and and sometimes I leave the car sometimes I don't use the car for four or five days at a time and I've not had any issues so yeah that happened to me that is more that is a you know potentially a big problem because the car is dead you need some way to jump start it so I would say at this point I've kept I've had a 12 volt jump pack on me ever since I've had the volt because your most um hybrids and EVS you're not supposed to jump another car with them and when I worked in the hotel industry uh jump starting guests cars was something that happened every once in a while so I wanted a jump pack so I could help out other guests and I've had that same jump pack since 2015 I think um and still kicking so I used it to to turn the car back on so I think everybody should have one of those jump packs but if you're considering this car you definitely should have one of those jump packs just in case this problem's not fixed the the other problem that I've had with the car this is really just an inconvenience but it could be problematic depending on your situation the charge scheduling is just not reliable so you can through the infotainment system say I only want you to charge between these hours which is what I do for um my time of use rates with the utility so I had it set up I only want you to charge between I think 11 p.m and 7 A.M or something like that I I wanted it to start charging at 11. I may have made it midnight I'm not sure um before and this is the weird thing before I did that software update it worked perfectly I never had any issues after I did the software update to the infotainment system on two occasions the next day it had not charged and after the second time I was the first time it happened I was able to reset the infotainment system there is actually a a recessed reset button like like in the good old days on on the climate controls uh panel which will reset the infotainment screen which is awesome that fixed it once but after the second time it just didn't charge I waited until like I stayed up till 11 o'clock or whatever I told it I wanted it to charge by and again I just forgot to start charging um so I don't rely on that anymore unfortunately I have I set an alarm on my phone when I'm gonna plug it in um and I just remember you know I'll set an alarm for like 10 p.m and I'll plug it in at 10. that's a disappointment um and if you were at 20 state of charge and you absolutely needed to start charging but you delayed it until midnight you could be in in a jam there so um because I have been relying on it since like I want to say July or August maybe it's gotten better but I haven't done a software update to my car so I don't know enough about how that system works um to comment on it so yeah it's just unfortunate because first of all the way that system was set up was wonky you had to put in a departure time which I I didn't care about because like what you can do is you can say oh I leave at 8am I want to make sure you're done charging by then I didn't care about that I just wanted to limit its charge hours to you know X to X but you have to put in a departure time before you can do that so that was clunky the the car's biggest weakness is there's the software is a little rough around the edges um but in a lot of ways I don't really care about that but that particular issue is a problem I don't know if Hyundai's in the process of fixing it I'm there are updates available for the car but they're not the infotainment updates um I've not taken it to the dealer to get some updates they can get yet because they they're not important to me so I will do that eventually um yeah but I guess I'll talk about that later uh okay so those are the only two issues the 12 volt battery bug which affected me once it has affected some people a lot but it sounds like Hyundai has mostly gotten to the bottom of it and the charge scheduling those are the only two issues I've had with the car other than a few glitches which I'll talk about later um and so I'll call that a win it has really been I'm gonna go on a bit of a tangent here so there have been people I follow online who have gotten new um new electric cars from a certain brand that have had a lot of little things go wrong in the first year and that they've taken them to service centers um and like just a lot of things were not buttoned up perfectly when the car was made from the factory or that they had some something actually go wrong which required service and my experience when buying when owning a new car going back to when I was a kid because my for I mean I shouldn't say that my parents are always getting new cars but like going back to the 99 Accord is the First new car that I remember it has been my experience that you buy a car new nothing should go wrong with it for a few years and that's been my experience with every car that I have either been in the like my parents have gotten or that I got later uh there should be no problems for the first two or three years that I think is the expectation and people who get a new car and have to send it in for all these little service things um I don't think that's acceptable include so uh my the volt my 2015 volt not a single thing went wrong with that I bought that car used not a single thing went wrong with that car until I think I talked about this somewhere on the channel until I went to sell it in the low coolant warning that's a known issue with the car showed up for me literally like when I was going to sell it prior to getting this car um but that was a relatively simple fix the TSB from GM took care of that the blue Chevy bolt that my parents have they still have it's still kicking nothing has gone wrong with that car uh there was one random error that showed up oh gosh when was that it was a few years old at that point which required a trip to the dealer to reset something um but as far as mechanical issues there's been none other than of course the battery pack recall but that affected every single bolt so it's not like it affected their car specifically they even had a 2015 Equinox Chevy Equinox which had no problems from 2015 to 2021 when they sold it so to me it's just like if you buy a new car from any brand and you have serious issues in the first couple years like that's you shouldn't accept that that shouldn't be good so I'm not really surprised that the car has been Flawless for the first year because that's just been my experience even even a Chrysler there is a Chrysler in our family back when I was in Middle School that car did not have anything go wrong with it for three years it did have a catastrophic engine failure at about 45 000 Miles when it was four or five years old um but three years trouble free and I feel like that's a pretty low bar anyway I've been talking about that for a while um so we talked about the Collision Repair experience other issues I've had with the car which are not the car's fault at all I had I had to run a bad luck with this car as far as just like road hazards um I got a nail in the right rear tire uh I have no idea where I got that I was out doing errands and I was leaving the parking lot of Trader Joe's I think and then the uh um the low tire pressure warning came on lovely that that's a thing now I know some people are still grumpy that cars have to have that but hey it saved my bacon because I would not have known that tire was running low um I got home with about 20 pounds in it and I inflated the tire back up because I could not see a nail I must have been I must have had the car parked on it uh and then I took it outside while watching the live tire pressure display and saw it was dropping by a pound about every two minutes and said okay there's something in the tire um so that happened right before Christmas and so I needed to get a new tire that was like 250 dollars all in because I have the big wheels they're not cheap tires uh and then the other thing was I got um a scuff on the paint unfortunately so again talking about that matte paint um on I think it was I-55 it was going through a construction zone and a car in front of me kicked up a piece of asphalt that scraped across my hood so there is a small blemish on the hood of the car and because of the matte paint I can't really do anything about it it's very minor in the grand scheme uh but when the light hits it it kind of looks like there's a piece of bird poop on the car I keep waffling back and forth between maybe I will get the car repainted at some point or just put a clear coat on the matte paint and stop worrying about the Finish but I do really like the way it looks so for now I'm tolerating it that I believe is is it as far as like as as far as money I've had to spend on the car um other than electricity it has been the 500 deductible from my from my insurance company and that new tire that's it um so if I didn't have the nail in the tire it would have had no cost other than the collision repair so I think that is all about I wanted to talk about with big problems now I want to talk about just my experience with the car um I'm so happy with it I really am so unfortunately I'm sure some people will be disappointed to hear this most mostly I view cars as an appliance and this is the real kicker I wanted a crossover I'm sorry but my my first car was a coupe with a uh you know a regular trunk and I don't want a car with a trunk anymore a sedan is certainly more useful than a coupe but um I wanna at the very least I want to hatchback and unfortunately all the hatchbacks that are left in the market are just a little bit small for for my for my desires uh because I lived with the bolt for so long I just knew that car because I do Long Highway trips between work and here the studio that car is just a little too small for that to be comfortable The Vault was actually great um the car it it was only about the size of a Civic the vault is really a Chevy Cruze that just has a different drivetrain in it and some different styling and that car I loved the way it rode um it was still a little bit small for my liking but but part of why I didn't consider getting a bolt of my own is just it's for the kind of driving that I do it's just a little bit too small a little bit too rough I haven't driven the current versions of the bolt and I believe that they've been softened a bit from 2017 but I did want something a little more substantial um and the ionic 5 seemed to be a good fit for that it is extremely comfortable it soaks up bumps very well the seats are comfortable um it's just very very easy to live with and it it turns out is actually more of a crossover than most Crossovers and what I mean by that it's actually like a crossover between a crossover and a car it's somewhere in the middle the rental I had during my repair was a RAV4 and I know that my car is like length and width it's pretty close to a RAV4 let me fact check that so my car is 183 inches long by 74 inches wide and let's just go with the 2021 so a RAV4 is 182 long by 73 wide and my car is 183 long by 74 wide so length and width it's about identical to a Toyota RAV4 but it's nowhere near as tall and I didn't realize that um when I had that rental it was like wow this thing feels much bigger than my car even though dimensionally it's as far as it's footprint it's virtually identical but it's nowhere near as tall I have that number here why didn't I give it to you my car is 63 inches tall the RAV4 is as high as 69 inches tall so it's only a six inch difference but boy does it feel much taller though I don't need to put my phone away I have to look at the document still um but yes uh the way I it's just definitely for me if you are uh if you like performance driving it's probably not the car for you and I will say that uh some time ago I was borrowing the bolt again um I had it for a few days and I had forgotten that car is fun to drive um it's much zippier than my car my car is faster 0 to 60 by a good deal it's like two or three seconds faster but it's not tossable like the bolt is and it is bigger so the bolt has a very go-karty type feel which I understand it's fun but as a for a daily driver that is just not what I want so the the ionic 5 is uh much more Serene much more of a just Cruiser than it is a fun go-karty type car that's for me that's what I wanted um so I'm very very satisfied with it I will however say that despite the fact that I really don't care that much about how it handles if you do hit a big bump on a curve it does it does get unsettled and it is um I noticed people talking about this in reviews of the car it is true the the it's like unsettled is the only way to describe it um it's not dangerous or anything but it definitely feels like the car briefly was not going the way you expected it to go um as the suspension gets itself gets all four tires back and back onto the road so um if you're looking for a performance handling car it ain't for you but if you're looking for something that's comfortable it's for you road trips in the car are great and uh it's crazy long wheelbase means that um the interior room is fantastic uh however the turning radius on the car is not great it is not unacceptably bad but I find myself doing three point Maneuvers in parking lots more than I expected that I would do um so if you value a tight turning Circle it's not that tight unfortunately but that where was I driving experience comfort so um compared to the bolt I already talked about this it's not as fun to drive the bolt is is more of a fun go-kart Zippy go around town car the ionic is just not that um and comparing it to the volt the Gen 1 volt um it is a little bit more comfortable but the volt didn't get that weird unsettledness uh at least I don't remember um so it doesn't handle quite as well as a volt I don't think uh but the car as far as like I I know I talked about in this past it's just the it's like it was designed for me I have been asking for the longest time for people to stop trying to make cars the sportiest things in the world and the ionic five they just did not try to make it that they tried to make it more comfortable than sporty at least that's how it feels to me and for my daily driver which is more of an appliance than anything else it's exactly what I want um so now let's talk about the efficiency so in the 15 000 odd miles that I have had the car it's averaging three miles per kilowatt hour uh most of that's highway driving like a lot of it is highway driving um and I'm actually a little surprised it's that good I'm pleasantly surprised it's that good but three miles per kilowatt hour is where it has ended up I just looked at the bolt I was over at my parents and the bolt with 55 55 thousand miles 53. so after 53 000 miles in five uh this is used as fifth or sixth year I'm not sure it averaged 3.2 miles per kilowatt hour now that's not a very big difference three versus three point two but my car is a lot bigger than the volt so why is that largely the heat pump so my the the ionic 5's heat pump is excellent and I'm very very happy it has it it basically when so long as the temperature is above it can be around freezing a little bit below freezing if it's there or above the the ambient temperature really does not affect range that much so long as you are starting with a battery that's not like iced up like if you if you can keep the car parked in the garage doesn't even necessarily need to be heated so long as the battery is not cold soaked ambient temperature really does not seem to affect range all that much until you're getting significantly below freezing which is great um went throughout the winter wind has been the by far the bigger Factor than ambient temperatures um so I'm super happy about that the heat pump is making a huge difference so the bolt because even though it is smaller it's quite a lot smaller and in the summer it's it will get four miles per kilowatt hour on the highway which the ionic five will not um the bolt on average is only a little bit more efficient because every winter you start running the Heat and that just saps so much energy out of the battery pack saps zaps that's the word I meant um however it's not all perfect once it gets below 25 Fahrenheit or so the heat pump stops being that effective and once you're below like 10 degrees Fahrenheit it's not going to do anything so and the reason why I'm the reason why this is a big butt is that this winter was freaking mild it got really cold around Christmas and then we had one other pretty cold snap in January but other than that this has been a very very mild winter um I used the snow blower twice I didn't even run out I didn't even use up the gas that was left over from the last year in the tank so this has been just a super super mild winter so I can't say that the car wouldn't um lose efficiency or like I can't say that three miles per kilowatt hour is a decent average in a cold climate it may be skewed up and the reason why I I think it's I think it's fair to say that is that I did in January when it got cold again I decided for Grins and Giggles to take the car on a fairly Long Highway stint uh 73 ish miles an hour when it was about five degrees Fahrenheit outside and boy did efficiency plummet on that trip averaged 2.1 miles per kilowatt hour so like only tooth a little over two-thirds basically that 30 percent range reduction that um I talked about in the EV charging guide you can expect a 30 range reduction when it gets that cold however while the heat pump wasn't really doing anything the heat works great um much much better than the bolt um or even the volt with the engine running the car's heat when it was that cold uh it was fantastic and um so it wasn't that efficient but boy was it cozy warm inside and with the heated steering wheel and all that stuff it was great so um when it gets significantly below freezing the heat pump doesn't really help but because unless you live you know some parts of the country yes it gets well below freezing most of the winter but even here around Chicago um on average the winter days are usually 20 degrees Fahrenheit somewhere around there so for much of the winter the heat pump is going to help a lot and it like around you know it's really only the three darkest months of the winter that the heat pump may not do anything uh fall and spring whenever it gets chilly it's going to be great so I'm definitely every EV needs a heat pump I'm super happy it has the heat pump okay so with the efficiency discussion out of the way which again your mileage may vary as they say uh let me talk about the um highway driving assist system uh and the glitches I've had with that there have been two glitches that happen with that system one happened way back in March right after March of last year right after I got the car and then the second one happened this winter um and then also I just talk about let me first talk about the highway driving assistance system uh so my car being The Limited trim has hda2 um I'm not well versed on the differences between two and one other than my car will do automatic Lane changes um which is I mean yes it kind of does it's it's a little bit finicky um but so my the highway driving assistant feature it is basically adaptive cruise control with aggressive Lane centering and with the um when you tap the turn signal stock it will move itself into the next Lane once it's safe to do so that's really really finicky because it wants to know that your hands are on the wheel before it makes the move so I found that to get that to work you kind of have to tap it and then give the wheel a bit of a nudge to reassure it that you are holding onto the wheel and you have to be light in that nudge because if you do anything more than a nudge it thinks you are giving it a deliberate steering input and then cancels the lane change so I've I have managed to get the Finesse required to make that system work but it really does require finesse it's it's a little bit goofy but um the highway driving assist feature in general is excellent um my mom and dad now have a I'm not sure if it's a 21 or a 22 they have a Toyota Sienna the the first year where it's a hybrid now and comparing its uh adaptive cruise with Lane centering to the Hyundai my car is in general much better especially the lane centering their van always feels like it's hugging the left side of the lane and actually the RAV4 that was my rental when the car is getting fixed it too was like every time I turned on the lane tracing it felt like it was way too far to the left um my car does not it feels very well centered so I'm starting to think the Toyota system is indeed hugging the left side of the lane um but the the system is very very good it's like 95 good but there are some minor quibbles I have with it which I will talk about later but at first I want to talk about the glitches so back in I want to say this was March I was on the highway and I happened to be following a semi that was going just a hair slower than I had cruise control set to so I decided to just follow it um I wasn't drafting it I had it I was following it with the distance set to two which is what I normally drive at so I was by no means dangerously close to the truck that's um I could I couldn't estimate how far that is because it is based on speed as well but anyway I was following this truck and it had the the back of it was like the pleated kind of like quilted looking shiny Chrome texture I don't know what you'd call that and I think that confused the car I don't know if it confused the radar signature or if it confused the cameras or something because after I had been following that truck for maybe like 15 or 20 miles the car started throwing all these errors related to the Lane centering system and the lane changing and uh it just shut those Systems off I had a bunch of warning lights um and then they went away so they showed up for about a minute and then they disappeared then they came back then they went away again and then they came back a third time and they stayed there for the rest of my drive um so when that glitch happened all it did was affect the lane centering Actually I don't even know if it was I don't know if it affected the lane centering but it would not do the auto lane changes but adaptive cruise was still working uh fault distance falling was still working all that was still working it was just the lane system had errored out when I got home I turned the car off and then when I turned the car back on all those errors were gone so I don't know what that was about I always suspect it was that texture on the back of the truck but I have no that's just a hunch uh from then until about two months ago it was Flawless including the entire time the road trip to Florida I also took it to Michigan earlier uh last year and it has been flawless but then um I think this was in January it might have been February I was driving in Fairly light snow on the highway like the roads weren't even getting slippery at all uh but it was building up on the front of the car and at one point it threw an error that said radar sensor blocked smart cruise control canceled this was a bigger deal than the other error because it disabled cruise control entirely I couldn't even use manual cruise control I figured out how to get it into a mode where it would give a max speed so I could just keep the pedal floored and it wouldn't let me get any faster but that's not super safe in case I needed to do something evasive so I was old school manual mode when that uh error happened so I pulled off the highway not too long after that and looked at the front of the car and it had maybe like three or four millimeters of sleet and snow and ice built up in front of the radar sensor and I and I regret this because I didn't try just power cycling the car I cleaned it off first so I cleaned off that snow then well I had turned the car off went out cleaned off that snow got back in the car turned it back on and then it was fine so yes the radar sensor had some snow on it but I don't know if it was enough to truly make it stop working and the errors seemed to come out of nowhere like the car wasn't behaving weirdly it just um just stopped working and so that that uh I don't know if that truly was that's too much snow I wouldn't think so but um maybe it was so I also had that uh back glitch that's been it though um and both both of the errors that it threw were resolved with a turn it off and back on again so uh the first the first time those glitches happened I thought oh great some modules got a bad connection or something I'll have to take it to the dealer but no I I don't know what the heck that was about um so I have experienced those two glitches the last glitch has nothing to do with the cars driving I have had weird um Android auto connection issues that haven't happened in a while and I'm not sure if it's my phone or the car that's the fun thing about Android auto which is the problem uh so there has been you know I'll be like 40 minutes into drive listening to a podcast with the map on and then like the car starts it disappears from Android auto and it says phone is disconnected and then there's like a little status bar that comes up on top of the screen and it rapidly changes between phone disconnected phone available phone disconnected phone available which makes me think it's the car not my phone um in every case this has happened unplugging the phone and plugging it back in fixes it but that's weird and I wish it didn't happen it has only happened like three times to me maybe four and it hasn't happened in a while but that is something to report those are as far as my glitches so if you count every single thing you could consider was a problem with the car I have encountered five the 12 volt battery discard discharge bug the charge scheduling which I can't rely on two highway driving assist glitches and the Android auto weirdness all of them are quite minor if you ask me so I would call that a good batting average um so yeah that's been my my total experience with issues um trying to think if there's anything other anything else noteworthy to talk about because it has really been just like tiny little errors uh that really don't matter no so let's just move on to my gripes with the car because I do have a few um the first is despite me having the top of the line car with the upgraded stereo not that great it could be better um mainly it's lacking treble output I um I am not a bass head whatever you I'm not all about that bass about that bass I like some but I'm actually very much like the clarity and when the car's default settings are bad it was like really muffled and I've I should have looked at it but I I dialed it in as best as I can but I'm pretty sure I have the mid-range all the way down it's just it was really boomy with no Clarity and I was like is this what people want these days but I've heard a lot of people have had similar assessment of its stereo it's just okay um so I don't listen to music all that much in the car anymore so it's not I mostly listen to podcasts so it doesn't it's a minor gripe but it is like for what you're paying for the car I think it should have a better stereo my 2013 volt I was very impressed with its stereo it had the upgraded Bose stereo and this car also has a Bose branded stereo but it is not that good so bummer there uh the next gripe is the heated and ventilated seat controls are in the touch screen um the car has a decent set of physical controls for like the climate control they're not physical controls it is a touch panel but it's always there it's separate from the touch screen but the heated seat controls are in a sub menu of the climb control all is not terrible though because there is a button called warmer and you touch that and it brings you this is on the climate control panel you touch the button that says warmer it brings you straight to that screen the heated steering wheel control is also there so for me it's not a big deal because there's a there are also two buttons that you can program to do any number of there's a few things you can tell to do and the star button I have programmed to go back to Android auto so for the most part what what ends up being is I get in the car hit warmer make the adjustment hit star would it be better if it had dedicated buttons for all those things yes but there is a shortcut early on all the automotive journalists were missing that button so they complain these uh these controls are buried in the menu but like there is a direct shortcut there and Hyundai has now fixed it because I've noticed on the ionic six and likely the next model year the five the button doesn't say warmer anymore being all cryptic it shows the seat and the steering wheel so good job they fixed that um the car really should have a rear wiper so it doesn't have a rear wiper and Hyundai claimed oh we've done this Arrow treatment with the rear spoiler and it's going to create an air curtain over the glass like I said so it doesn't need a rear wiper no that's baloney it really could use a rear wiper um is it a deal breaker for me no uh [Music] but it is it is problematic using the rear defroster helps um and the timer on it is very generous it's 10 or 15 minutes you don't have to keep turning it on all the time but it should have a rear wiper and I believe it's gonna get one in 2024. the the first pictures of the ionic 5n it has a rear wiper so I I think they're realizing oops we should have done that um for me it's not a big deal in the rain because you can see enough out the back to when you are at speed it's not the the air current effect kind of helps you don't get like big blotchy Messes in the in the waters more like you have a like a fine Mist on the window so it's not so bad but when you if you are somewhere where they use road salt and you're driving in that muck uh it's gonna get it's gonna coat the back glass and you're gonna barely be able to see out of it so last winter I found myself cleaning the back glass a few times but this winter because you know we've gotten so little snow and I I didn't have to drive in most of the conditions it wasn't a big deal um the next thing is a problem that I'm going to make a video about because it's not specific to this car um the way the brake lights behave when you are using one pedal driving is dangerous and not acceptable so I have stopped using the ipedal mode because it's it's not good so the reason this is turning into a main video topic is because going to the bolt so it has had since 2017 a very good one pedal drive mode you because GM is GM you engage it by moving the shifter to L it's a shifter out of a Buick and they just reused low gear for the one pill drive mode um and the way the bolt handled it always seemed overly complicated I don't know if it used an accelerometer or if it was just it had a lookup table of deceleration curves but the brake lights would come on if the car were slowing down by any significant degree but then they would go out when you had come to a stop I was not the biggest fan of that behavior because here in the US where everybody's got an automatic transmission uh your brake lights are usually on when the vehicle is stopped and I was always a little bit like during the day when the back of the car is not lit up with tail lights uh if you're stopped at a at a light or an intersection or something and the brake lights aren't lit I'm always a little bit worried about that so I always thought the bolts Arrangement was weirdly overly complicated like just make it so that when when the pedal when the accelerator pedal is in the first 10 turn on the brake lights you know so like so long as the accelerator pedal is above the neutral point turn on the brake lights well Hyundai kind of did that but that this car only turns on the brake lights when you are completely off the gas pedal and in ipedal mode you can be decelerating quite aggressively without having your foot completely off the pedal and the brake lights will not be lit uh I I one of my first concerns was how did the brake lights behave so at night I took it out and was watching the third brake light in the in the mirror and it truly does not come on until you are completely off the gas pedal that is just not good and um I if you have an ionic five I would encourage you to maybe not use ipedal mode most of the time because the issue is yes you can just let your foot off the gas and the brake lights will come on but that is a it's really uncomfortable to drive the car that way because it's very rubber Bandy um and just like sudden deceleration to get the brake lights to come on it's it's not good and um so I'm I'm planning to make a main Channel video about this is a new problem that we probably need to agree on some rules for because neither of those two behaviors are perfect the bolts is better I would rather have some sort of deceleration based uh activation of the brake lights and have them go out when you're at a stop then my car's new yeah they stay on whenever you're off the gas but you need to be completely off the gas and there are you can be really aggressively slowing down without your foot completely off the pedal so now the car has a blended braking system so you can leave it in level one regen currently there's a really bizarre my car if you put it in level zero regen that disables regen entirely so then the brakes the brake pedal doesn't do anything but friction breaks I have no idea why they did that I I don't know if a software update is going to fix that um or if that's something they assume some people would want so if you have an ionic five never ever ever put it in level zero regen because you will lose all region it's dumb uh but level one is the very very light regen it's practically like it's practically nothing it's probably about what a car with an automatic is gonna decelerate when you let off the gas so I would recommend probably driving it in level one two or three I normally drive it in three now because a sudden let off of the accelerator is not so jarring so I'm able to do that but that's that's a problem that they they need to fix um and in general the car industry needs to be a little more uh aware of how the brake lights behave as we do these one pedal driving modes [Music] um and of course the other thing with the brake lights in North America it has a combined stop and turn light which bothers me ever so much um my understanding as far as why because with this is the only Market where it's like that and the rest of the world of course it has separate Amber strips and the tail lights are actually very different because there's four rows of pixels and in most of the world the top three are your brake lights and the bottom row is your turn signal but here all four rows are brake lights and the way there's a row of like frosted pixels there's like a little circle going around the the brake lights and then the center bits are more of they're more of a lens type thing so the Frosted ones are not a directed light they're the tail lights the middle ones are more focused light those are the brake lights my understanding is and I think it was V Westlife who first uh got me along this path we have a minimum area requirement for our signal lamps which is much larger than most other countries so not only do they have to be a certain brightness but they have to be a certain size and so what likely was the case is that the European set up the brake light the only thing that counts is a brake light is that inner part that is not frosted and because you can only count the part that's off of the hatch it's very small so my presumption is that the European brake lights are too small to count as brake lights here so they had to make entirely new taillight modules it's stupid and it's a regulation that we need to fix um but that's probably why we have combined stop and turn here because the the brake lights are too small uh and then my last gripe has to do with highway driving assist there are a couple behaviors that I think it could do better uh the first thing is it does not give you any audible warning when it has lost confidence in the lane markers this is bad um it will ding if it shuts off uh but if for instance it doesn't have a good view of the lane lines you will see the blue lines in the head up display which by the way having to talk about the car has an excellent heads-up display at least in my trim I think it's exclusive to the premium it might be an seal but the heads-up display is amazing some people have complained that the steering wheel covers the speedometer on the main display it doesn't for me but even if it did I pretty much don't look at the main display at all when I'm driving the heads up display is that great it even shows um it shows you awareness of other cars around you and has an indicator for the blind spot monitors which is fantastic it's fantastic um but anyway so you see these blue lines surrounding the road which tell you it is locked in the center they will sometimes disappear and the car the auto steer stops working you don't get any sort of audible notice about that now I am not confident about this but I believe Lane keep assist is still functioning so I believe is going to ping-pong you it's going to keep you from crossing over the lane line but it doesn't keep you centered so I don't think that is necessarily terrible because it like I said if it disables the HDA it does do a double ding um and then of course it starts slowing down but it it does bother me that it loses the centering ability and doesn't warn you to be clear that doesn't happen very often ex like on interstates it practically never happens but you can use the auto steer feature on any road um it it doesn't call itself I don't quite get the distinction because there says HDA and HDA nav and green the nav only comes on on like interstates but like on uh State routes that aren't mapped you can still use the auto steer function so I don't quite get that distinction um anyway the auto steer my presumption is that lane keep assist is still on I think it's using the cameras in the side mirrors because they're looking down at the road I think you can see the lane line so that might be what's going on is that it still knows where the where the lane lines are but it doesn't have a good view out of the front camera so it can't keep you locked in the center that's speculation on my part the whole point I'm getting at is it loses confidence and it doesn't necessarily tell you it did but I don't think it's going to let you drift into the other lane so I'm it's not a deal breaker to me but it does concern me the other thing with the HDA system which is just annoying is if so it's good about like um the first car I ever drove with adaptive cruise was a Ford Fusion rental um and that car is if someone like cut you off it would basically slam on the brakes to get you back to the following distance you had set and it was very aggressive bad bad no good so this car if someone cuts you off it does you know slow down to match their speed but then it gradually eases you back off the car which is good that's how it should work but if you say you get out of your lane what tends to happen is like say I get over to the left to pass someone seemingly like seven out of 10 times I will get behind someone who's just passed me and the car will not accelerate back up to my set speed until my set distance has been collapsed so I hope our has been reached so I hope that makes sense so like say my set speed is 73. I'm stuck behind someone going 70. I can't get over yet because someone is currently passing me but as soon as they pass me I signal to get over so my car gets over it stays at 70 until my following distance is matched with the car passing me which kind of makes sense but the problem is it always it gets in this weird catch-up problem because then the car is at your following distance and now you're still going 70. so it gets farther away and then you end up catching up with that car I don't like that it's the main reason I don't like it is because if I'm in heavy traffic and I want to not heavy traffic if I'm in enough traffic where like I need to get into the next Lane and accelerate quickly because there's someone coming up behind me the car just won't so I often end up stepping on the gas to force it to accelerate um I wish that behavior were better uh the other thing so that's related um to the to the first thing so every time it doesn't accelerate until you are at that following distance and related to that this seems to happen this is the thing is that like I can't figure out why it does this sometimes and doesn't others because just uh yesterday I actually got over into the right lane because uh my exit was coming up and as I signaled right the car started accelerating um as soon as I signaled right so sometimes it's aware enough of traffic to be to to be willing to do that or else either that lane was completely clear at a new hat anyway it could use some refinement there I think it needs to you know if it it's aware of other traffic it actually shows you diagrams in the displays of the cars going around you which is cool I would think it should know that car is going five six miles an hour faster than I am so as soon as I'm behind them start inching up in speed you don't have to wait until they are X many feet away from me um and the thing is this mainly happens when the highway driving assist feature is turned on if I don't have the lane uh centering and I'm just using it like adaptive cruise control then if I signal left it immediately accelerates [Music] um so yeah that's a little bit wonky I wish it that could use the refinement but overall the highway driving assist is excellent It's always locked in the center the um the way it handles traffic um and the radar sensor it's never done something that like concerns me uh and it's it is very very much like it's very impressive um the car is almost driving itself but don't ever say it is do not blow yourself into thinking the car is driving itself because it's not you are in control of the car and they should make that clear with language like assist or super Cruise or anything other than that other word we don't need to rehash that um yeah that might be the end I've been going on for a while I've gone through everything right so the 12 volt battery bug charge scheduling I talk about the software update my Collision Repair experience I needed to get a new tire there was the scuff on the paint talked about how it drives love it talked about the heat pump great talked about the glitches with the highway driving assist feature the Android auto weirdness and my gripes would I buy the car again absolutely and unfortunately it doesn't qualify for the tax credit and likely won't um possibly ever again I'm a little surprise I just saw some news actually that there might be an agreement to let cars built in Japan qualify so maybe the Korean makes will get that uh handed to them um but also the Honda and Kia are trying to move production here the eve the Kia ev9 is going to be built here soon that's an impressive car um kind of big but looks impressive uh and I you know you know I don't want to get into that as that whole thing but um because it's contentious but um I was lucky enough to buy it before the rules changed so I am getting the tax credit and but even it's still a very good car and the charging the the fast charging is amazing uh the vehicle to load feature is great there's a lot of things about about the car so it's a huge bummer that it doesn't have the tax credit anymore but like compared to a Volkswagen id4 I think it's a much better car I've never I've never driven an id4 I don't dislike the id4 I have a neighbor who has one and every time I see it like you know what that's a that's a nice looking car I I actually quite like it I almost got one it wasn't until the ioniq 5 was announced so but I was going to talk about this I'll tack it on the end the reason I was able to get it so early was um basically the the first time I saw the car I saw a video overview of it I think before Doug demiro did his so I saw an early one and I saw it and I was like yes that and I made it I made a reservation immediately so I was in the uh Insider program and uh I put a hundred dollars down and that's how I got it so quickly um and I didn't get it that soon in the U.S but for Illinois I I was in the first allotment that my dealer ever got and the only weird thing is the way that Hyundai um when you signed up for it like my expectation versus reality was quite different because when I put the deposit down Hyundai was like tell us how you would like the car and at that time we didn't know so many of the details um like we didn't know yet that the rear-wheel drive models would not get a heat pump so I said I want to get the uh rear wheel drive Limited in white with the green on gray interior and I assumed that they were going to send one of those to the dealer but no what happened was when it finally came time to pick up the car they said hey we're getting you in contact with this dealer they'll call you shortly I got a call a couple days later and it was like Hey we got these five coming in which do you want so it was not what I expected um okay because honey even said like when I made the reservation if you want to change your preferences just um let us know and I did when I learned that the all-wheel drive would have a heat pump I changed to all-wheel drive um but then it didn't mean anything at all I don't know if that was just because of my dealer or maybe I picked a color because the white I don't know maybe they don't sell any of the limiteds in white but they let me pick that that was just a weird not what I thought was going to be the case but um uh yeah I just I got the car very very early because of that um and I'm happy because I got the tax credit but yeah I I've been talking for over an hour right I think so I didn't expect the video to be this long maybe people aren't going to want to watch it I'll put chapters in why am I just do should I stop yeah I'll stop thanks for watching
Channel: Technology Connextras
Views: 215,286
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Id: itAMIIBnZ-8
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Length: 70min 11sec (4211 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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