A Long Expected Parcel | Lord of the Rings Subscription Box | Unboxing

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what is up guys tabby here and welcome back to my channel [Music] so it is time to go on an adventure and not just any adventure this is an adventure through middle earth that is right guys i have a lord of the rings box and i know some of you might not know this about me but i am a massive massive lord of the rings fan not quite as much as harry potter okay not even close to harry potter but still massive lord of the rings fan so i am beyond excited for this box this is from a long expected parcel look how big this box is uh kit kat sat on it that's why it's like dented down and it's even personalized with my name we have the sticker here middle earth the eagle male like i said this is from a long expected parcel claire the owner curator is a friend of mine on instagram she follows me here on youtube and she sent me this box for free to share with you guys but even though this box was sent to me for free all opinions are my own i always forget to say that because i always try to be honest and upfront with you guys with my opinions especially when it comes to new boxes i've been burned in the past but yeah let's go ahead and jump on in because it has been sitting here way too long i wish i had hobbit ears or elf ears to go along with this video okay let's do a sneak peek so right on top we have some yellow tissue paper and an eagle feather very cute i'm already liking what i'm seeing right on top we have an envelope the theme of this box was the shire and it says dear tabby thanks so much for accepting my lord of the rings box nervous my etsy link isn't is on my instagram i admit the box is quite expensive but they're spaced months apart so i hope that helps people this is a labor of love but there's another piece of paper it says a long expected parcel ramble welcome to the shire box the first box in my middle earth adventure inspired by unboxing videos of harry potter and generous book boxes i've seen and received myself i felt the need to fill the void and become the hero middle earth fans need yes i hope that by focusing on one theme at a time regarding middle earth i can fulfill fans desires for more and varied goodies each box will be focused on following along the chapters of the book that is genius although i've also included things from the movies of course with the shire setting the scene for our adventure first off i want to apologize for the slow postage i had to wait longer than usual for items to ride due to kova drama coved ruining everything as usual but i'm also finding my feet as i've never done this sort of thing before i guess i'll learn along the way it's made me sad as we now miss september which is when i wanted you to receive the box due to bilbo's party let's pretend it's next year's party i've used my own money to fund the first box as i'm one woman team with a full-time job and can't compete with large companies so if you like this box please consider pre-purchasing the next one as well i'll be offering a mini box alongside the full box for those on a tighter budget i'll also be selling items in my etsy store so check that out if you've missed anything i've enjoyed every minute of coming up with ideas although bringing those ideas to life and sourcing products isn't easy so i'll be keeping business small i originally wanted to release a box every quarter but i'm not sure i'll be able to meet that deadline once i get a rhythm going i'll hopefully be able to decide on the best course in this way i hope to grow a loyal following rather than a large one so first come first served to those who actually purchased this box with no concrete expectations thank you so much for supporting me i endeavor to improve with time i'd also love your feedback and ideas what would you like to see in the next box we joined frodo and sam and the journey begins here's hobbitly claire yes i love supporting small businesses and this box is genius because there are so many lord of the rings fans out there but let's just get into it first item is a pillowcase and it's a pillowcase of middle earth look at that we see gondor rohan this is so detailed and it's actually a pretty big size pillowcase and it's kind of that canvas material so it's not the softest in the world but it definitely feels like good material good quality that is amazing great start to the box next we have a really long package in tissue paper and it's bubble wrap so this is not getting broke 20 years later y'all i i can't even talk it's bilbo's pipe oh my god oh holy babies y'all this deserves a holy rabies look at the color of this do you see the details on the i don't i don't smoke a pipe so i don't know what this is called the little this part and on this part whatever this is called the design and details of this carving etching on the wood down here i can just see in my mind bilbo and gandalf sitting there on the bench or whatever just smoking their pipe oh my god it's official i have to have a lord of the rings section on my bookshelf and this is going to be the star of that shelf just amazing i am blown away right now and you can tell again this is really good quality this does not feel cheaply made just amazing i i have no other words this has made me speechless next we have a box with a label that says just tea thank you and of course it's a mug guys i don't think i have a lord of the rings mug oh i'm excited oh my god i love it it is a picture of baggage you can see bilbo baggins door and we even see gandalf on his cart with the fireworks in the back again the details of this mug is amazing we can even see the sign on the gate and this is actually a pretty big coffee cup just white on the inside this might be my new favorite mug i know i say that every time but i legit think this might be my new favorite mug yes yes yes yes gandalf a disturber of the peace and next we have a scroll oh i almost don't want to open it but i have to because i have to know it says dear tabby you're invited to a long expected party celebrate bilbo's 11th birthday and frodo's coming of age date 22 september 3001. time all day location filled opposite bag in by water special invitation dinner beneath the party tree limited to 144 free gifts upon arrival meals mystic mirth gandalf's fireworks limited to one gift per hobbit i love this you guys know i am a sucker for anything that is personalized like the fact that they took the time to personalize my very own invitation from bilbo just amazing and i'm loving the little gold gym detail on the ends this feels so authentic to that time this is definitely going on my lord of the rings shelf love it next we have another package bubble wraps it kind of feels like a candle bubble wrap to play with little and it says made by nicola nicola and it is a candle that says hobbiton berry and vanilla tart and it even has a little tag on there with like the lord of the rings font that's what i'm going to call it that says enjoy so it's just a white candle oh this actually smells really freaking good i was kind of worried when i read vanilla because you guys know vanilla is not my favorite but the berry and vanilla together is actually working for me yes this might be the next candle i burn for my owl carousel up there do you guys see it moving magical next we have a package that says the road goes ever on and on down from the door where it began i want to go on an adventure with gandalf like is that too much to ask and legolas of course he would have to come and it is an enamel pen of bilbo's door from nerdy teeth creations i don't think i've ever gotten anything from them before that is so cute i love the design and how reflective it is you guys know i collect enamel pens i love enamel pens i'm obsessed with enamel pens so yes i am a fan and we have another package that says a wizard is never late nor is he early he arrives precisely when he means to gandalf that must be the quote that calvin lives by because that man is never never anywhere on time i have learned through our years years is years of marriage to lie to him about the time of something so we get there on time i mean speaking of time we have our very own tolkien pocket watch you just push this and it pops open and it even has the writing around the middle the details and quality of this is just perfection and it came on this really long chain like we could wear this as a necklace like my mind is so blown right now there are pieces on the ceiling i am obsessed with this this is the coolest thing ever i cannot even i cannot even y'all oh my god and next we have another brown package that says you can drink your fancy alas you can drink them by the flagon flagon i think that's what that says it is a necklace with a bottle with the foam kind of top like this actually looks like ale from the green dragon and we even have some beads on here with a dragon charm that is so cute and hilarious at the same time not really a necklace that i would probably wear i'll probably end up putting this on my bookshelf as like a display but if i did want to wear it the really cool thing about it it's one of those that like adjust lengths so you can make it shorter or longer and we have another brown package i have to say i'm loving that all of these items are kind of like individually packaged with quotes like that just makes it so much more fun but this one says the only brew for the brave and true and it is a coaster of the green dragon by water hobbiton so this is actually the same as our necklace that is awesome i so want to go there and drink let's go on an adventure and get some ale and again the quality of this is so freaking good like you can tell this was very well made and just the picture the details i love it love it next we have a bookmark that says i don't know half of you as well as i should like and i like less than half of you half as well as you deserve yes the perfect quote for a bookmark that is hilarious and you guys know i love bookmarks i collect bookmarks this will definitely be used quite a bit especially when i read the lord of the rings books don't judge me i haven't read the books i know i'm a fake fan i'm a fake fan i'm sorry but i love the movies next we have a postcard from the shire and it's an art print with different hobbit houses on there we can see bilbo's back here like i want to stay here there is apparently a place somewhere i have no idea where if you know let me know that you can actually stay in a hobbit house where is it how do i go there because i want to i'm only 411 so i would have absolutely no problem staying in one of these houses oh i love this so pretty and last but certainly not least it is an envelope that says keep it secret keep it safe we all know what this is a part of me doesn't even want to open this and then again another part of me wants to go throw this in my fireplace and watch the envelope burn and the ring emerge but i won't i promise let's open it and it even has a wax seal on the back with a b it is the actual ring and it even has the writing around it on the inside and outside one ring to rule them all i didn't disappear that's kind of sad i'm not gonna lie i'm a little disappointed this this is amazing this is what a lord of the rings box should be oh my gosh i'm going to wear you the rest of my life my pretty my precious i'm sorry i had to you guys know i had to do it i'm sorry but guys that was everything i think yes that was everything in the box let's take a quick look at the spoiler card to make sure i didn't miss anything this was the shire by a long expected parcel greetings excellent and admirable hobbits welcome to the first ever middle earth themed ongoing mystery box this box is based on the shire i hope you enjoyed opening all these surprises inside yes yes i did the list continues on the other side of this page i included 12 items in this box because i couldn't fit 11 and see what i did there claire i see i see what you did number one was the birthday invitation join in the frivility fro join in the fro friv at bilbo's 11th birthday party handmade by claire at alep number two the green dragon necklace carry the only brew for the brave and true wherever you go to remind you of your favorite pub or just have it sit pretty on the shelf handmade by claire at alep the birthday speech bookmark our favorite witty quote from bilbo made by alicia at quotation marks bookmarks find her on etsy and instagram number four bilbo's door enamel pen the iconic green door where it all began designed by gabby at nur tea creations number five was the hobbiton candle enjoy the aroma from a shire kitchen with this berry vanilla tart candle what i wouldn't give to enter a hobbit's kitchen so true oh so those were exclusive those first five items were exclusive to this box the next few are from red bubble artists number six was the green dragon coaster still a coaster from the local pub as a keepsake it's what good burglar would do designed by shirt warp number seven gandalf's arrival mug arranged to have a cuppa with a very old friend designed by shea huskies and then number eight the shire postcard pin on your wall to remind you of where you'd rather be designed by sarah basso and then the next few are commercial so number nine was the middle earth map cushion cover get comfy as you reminisce about your last adventure with this cushion cover 18 by 18. number 10 was the pocket watch the monogram of john ronald real tolkien adorns this classic timepiece so you can always arrive on time unlike wizards number 11 the long tobacco pipe it wouldn't feel like the shire without an iconic prop piece i don't endorse smoking of course but i couldn't leave it out and then number 12 the ring one ring to rule them all one ring to find them one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them it cannot stay in the shire join frodo sam mary and pippen for the next box the journey begins okay excuse me one moment why i go ahead and go buy her second box because my mind is literally blown i am in love and i'm not just saying this guys because this box was free because i'm friends with claire i am literally blown away by this box as always i would love to hear from you guys in the comments down below you guys will have to let me know what was your favorite item least favorite least favorite non-existent i loved everything down to the bookmark favorite item uh i'm pretty sure i have at least three favorite items and that would be the ring my precious of course this pocket watch which i mean there are no other words and of course the smoking pipe i would have bought the box just for these three items but i mean throw in a cushion cover a mug enamel pen coaster candle necklace i mean amazing and especially amazing for her launch box her very first box ever because i've unboxed quite a few launch boxes on my channel some of them uh missed the mark by a lot this box hit the mark bullseye just amazing there aren't there are no more words for me to say about this box but i would love to hear what you guys thought of this box in the comments down below are you a big lord of the rings fan and if you are what did you think of this box what do you think she should include in future boxes but as always thank you guys so much for watching if you liked this video give it a thumbs up and if you're new to my channel hey welcome feel free to hit the subscribe button if you want to join my small community of harry potter lovers and bookworms and i will see y'all next time bye guys like why didn't they just fly the eagles to mordor like okay anyway echi etchy etchy etching for except it just spit everywhere oh my god i guess these my cheeks are starting to hurt from smiling so much oh my god the box just fell y'all i would have died i would have died oh my god this box is trying to stay ah an airplane i had a i had a uh what are they called it's not a picture it's not a portrait poster i had a poster of gan i had a gandalf no i had a poster of orlando bloom as legolas in my room all through high school sword dord oh my god i cannot talk today and he knows i do this so i loved that moment in the movies because everybody was like who's he talking about i can't stop smiling but i'm for real wearing this ring and this the rest of the day or life which whichever one ah i almost did it again oh my god failure i'm i feel like gollum falling off the cliff at mordor so happy death oh my gosh i can't i can't even i mean i could give this to calvin maybe he would actually be on time but i won't because it's mine
Channel: Gryffindor Bookworm
Views: 2,985
Rating: 4.9863482 out of 5
Keywords: subscription box, subscription box 2020, subscription box reviews, subscription box unboxing, subscription box unboxing 2020, subscription boxes 2020, lord of the rings, lord of the rings unboxing, the lord of the rings, the hobbit, middle earth, fellowship of the ring, jrr tolkien, j.r.r. tolkien, lord of the rings merch, first look lord of the rings the shire subscription box, lord of the rings the shire subscription box, a long expected parcel subscription box
Id: 3lsTb0f5-Ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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