A Life Anchored In Jesus | Steve Carter

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well hey everyone it's been a long time man um for those of you who um have no idea who i am as uh andy said i'm the third steve and so there's steve poe legend steve arderburn who's written more bibles um than anybody i know and then there's me and i'm just the michigan fan who somehow you guys let come back here and mock me for how bad we are um but i'll miss you all i miss you all and i just i just want to start and if you're watching online um you know last time i was here we were in a series called made for more and i was so fired up i mean we were like standing up and we're like rock shazok we're like holding hands thinking we're redwood trees i'm in a sleeping bag wearing like some butterfly purdue flag on my neck and like i leave week five and i'm feeling so good i mean people from benford and peru and kokomo i mean people all over and anderson they're texting me they're like kind you all are kind people the rest of the world aren't like you and i'm like so good and i feel like i just feel so good i'm like man jesus you work thanks be to god i go to the indianapolis airport i drop off my my hertz car rental like i got my way back i got my bag and i'm walking someone sees me in the airport and they're like rock she suck and i'm like yeah man god's good and like i'm feeling feeling so amazing i'm waiting in the line and like i i i'm waiting to like go through tsa and so i'm standing there and just i'm thanking god because i just believe in this church just thanking god for how he worked thanking god that he uses broken people like me and and tsa agent calls me up and you know i i just walk in give him my license i put my my app down which is my ticket and they walk me through and so i i head to the little conveyor belt and i'm taking out my laptop i put everything in and i start walking and all of a sudden i you know put my hands up and uh it like does the scanner thing and i walk out and the tsa agent stops me and just says hey we can do this in in another room or we can do this right here and i was like you go to northview you got me and he's like i don't know what you're talking about and i was like oh this is serious they're like yeah and i'm like um and i look and at the monitor there's like some areas that they need to like check out and so i'm like oh okay and i've never told anybody this publicly um and i um i have this moment i just feel on top of the world i never had a series where god worked in such amazing ways and i'm standing as this tsa agent just says hey i'm just going to have to pat down your everywhere and i was like okay and so my hands are open and he just begins to pat down and um in this moment a memory from my childhood that i am i had never remembered starts to happen as he's just patting me down and i freak out i have a full-on panic attack because i'm back to a situation where i experienced abuse and so what do i do i just start to walk away from the tsa agent which you don't ever do and the tsa agent goes sir and i'm grabbing my shoes to put my shoes on i'm and they basically grab me and i'm standing here like what is going on on top of the world and then all of a sudden reality hits and they're like sir we have i don't have anything i promise you and i'm in my mind going there's probably someone from northview going what is going on and so everything checks out i didn't have anything they let me go i get to where there's like the old indy cars in the in the in the airport i just sit down i call my wife and i'm like i don't know what just happened this memory that was so real and vivid from many many moons ago hit me in this moment and all of a sudden i land in arizona and i begin going on this journey to like figure what happened now four or five hours earlier i was like we're made for more and i'm thinking it's about charging and then all of a sudden i realize oh my goodness this is like internal work and then three days later a global pandemic hits and i'm like what and then there's no gatherings and i'm like what and again just this like what in the world and people you all were like made for more like made for more in my zoom room like you all started texting me and messaging me and i was like i don't understand what's going on and i don't know if you felt this but in those first like few months you just watched almost people begin to escape alcohol sales went skyrocketing when people just didn't have one glass of wine they had more than one bottle you watched pharmaceutical drugs skyrocket pornography skyrocket all of these escapes began to skyrocket and it was in this like moment where i just felt like for many of us we were being exposed for where we had put our faith the things that we really ran to when it got difficult and jesus began to show me some stuff and jesus began to bring some stuff to the surface that i was like oh my goodness my wife and i we bought a little cabin um like a month after covet hit and this cabin it was just a mess and we just thought hey why not we can't go anywhere let's just start fixing up this place drop down ceilings green blue carpet old school kitchen like and i i'll promise you nothing gives me more anxiety than pulling into the home depot parking lot because i literally i'm like i'm not a man they all know it like i walk in and they're like this guy has no idea and i'm i'm like trying to act like captain makita but i don't know what a tool is and so every time i'm walking into home depot i just pray to god with one of those kind kind people in an orange apron show me the way and they always do and so i just started watching youtube videos and we just started destroying and gutting this house and there was this moment when i thought it would be smart to take down an entire drop down ceiling it's not smart but what happened was so powerful because all of the ceilings were blocking the light the natural light that this house had the bones were good it just some of the stuff inside didn't make sense and there was in this moment when i'm working on the floors i drop down ceilings tore down it's like atrocious all of a sudden i could see this light coming in yes lord yeah and um that i see this whole entire like roof i mean the ceiling down and like i'm sitting here and there's lights coming in and like i just felt like jesus just said this is what i've been trying to do is to let more light in to your heart and 2020 became this renovation internally and i became so fascinated with spiritual formation because at the end of my life here on this planet my hope is that i've helped people get closer to the way of jesus i've hoped that people would be able to go man i want the word of god i want to live by faith i want to live as christ live i want to be like christ but so often so often there are these moments where i just feel like we just drift we drift and covid was this moment where i feel like so many of us just drifted we ran into something else than god's best and so here today is like my best i don't know what's happening all right can we give it up for taylor right now is this the legends they'll help me oh there's a mic right there uh-oh check check online thanks for hanging in now um here's the thing that i want you to see is what i'm going to do is i'm going to walk you through this whole concept of formation because deep down i hope that we would become the kind of people that are shaped and formed more into the likeness of christ and there was this one passage from hebrews chapter 6 verse 19 that says this we have this hope a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul and i started to think about this because an anchor is incredible when you have an anchor you have this ability to literally just like kind of place something down in the ground and if you've ever been around lake michigan you've seen these massive boats that are being able to just stay put and not drift because of an anchor and yet when i found myself watching so many sincere christ followers in the midst of covid it was almost as if they were just walking from their anchor they might be able to sing about the anchor they might actually be someone who's like man i just love jesus but when like push came to shove when temptation was at the front door it was literally like they had forgotten the sure and steadfast anchor for the soul and i realized something i realized for each and every one of us if we're going to be people who literally meet the demands of reality we gotta have an anchor that can hold in any and every situation and i truly believe that christ that jesus is the best way for that to happen it's amazing is in the book of john there was two visions that came and one of those visions we see in john 10 10 says the thief comes to steal and kill and destroy jesus says but i have calm that they may have life and have it to the full so two visions in one verse the first vision is this enemy and the enemy is really really clear about what he wants to do i want to steal i want to steal the goodness that you have i want to steal the innocence that you have i want to steal the dreams that you have but i don't just want to steal it they literally build i want to kill it i want to kill the hope that you have i want to kill the desires that are good that you have but i just want to steal and kill i literally want to destroy in the original language it literally meant like so that there would be no legacy no legacy nothing to hand down and jesus is saying the enemy's got a vision for your life and when you do not have an anchor this enemy begins to say i just wanna try and steal i just wanna i just wanna just try and steal and little by little you just start to drift towards something other than christ but jesus jesus so beautifully says i got a vision too that i've come that they may have life and have it to the full i love this as jesus is offering up saying hey you have a choice you can actually enter into this drifting away where someone's trying to steal kill and destroy or jesus is saying i have come that you would have life and life to the full life overflowing life filled with abundance and jesus isn't speaking this from like a place of like breakdown or emotionally tired or drained he's speaking it from a place of overflow and he's inviting every single one of us into this but the question is how this is the question i've wrestled with how do we be the kind of people when literally we're having to deal with so much struggle in our world how do we be the kind of people who live with this steadfast hope this anchor for our soul some people who don't drift over here or have the goodness stolen how do we be people who are true disciples that are overflowing how how and this is what 2020 taught me and so what i want to do is i just want to share this with you and i want to teach you what dallas willard who is this amazing teacher he passed a number of years ago and he was someone i just thought the world of had a few times the the chance to to get to know him and learn from him but he had something called the vim and vim was this diagram vim was this kind of formation process and then literally these three words vision intention and means i'm going to come back to this vision intention and means and vision's really really important and vision really is one god inspired way to be more like jesus let's just think about this right now in our world right now do you think we could all grow a little bit more in the fruit of the spirit easy yes easy yes i mean just go on facebook and just literally as you type just as i type on facebook often i'm just literally praying i wish there was more of the holy spirit and the fruit of the spirit on facebook i used to dream that i had the superpower to read people's minds and then i got facebook and i don't want that anymore so much anger right but if we're actually going to be people who have this this anchor a sure and steadfast hope in christ that doesn't drift that we don't allow the goodness and the innocence the beauty and the fruit of the spirit to be stolen and killed and destroyed how do we do it we got to have a vision we got to have a vision and it's literally like you've got to write this out it's got to become so practical for you and so in 2020 i was talking to a buddy of mine and his name's tj addington we were talking about this man i just want to grow i want to be shaped and formed more like jesus and we started writing and we came up with this phrase that a life anchored in jesus you have nothing to prove nothing to lose and nothing to hide and if you know me i am competitive i want to achieve i want to prove that i actually deserve to be on the court and literally as god was at work in me saying if you want to be more like my son then you got to live a life that's anchored in jesus and then life anchored in jesus is one that has nothing to prove nothing to lose and nothing to hide and i'm telling you what friends if you can hear what i'm trying to say i'm going to try and make this as practical as possible because i hope that this week you're literally writing your own vim your own vision for like how you can grow in one of the fruit of the spirit and if you're like i don't i don't i don't want one steal this one but literally you've got to have a vision that you're going to say this is actually going to help me live more in line with the way of jesus especially when a world is trying to steal kill and destroy my faith so how what i came to realize though is what's so amazing is that often underneath vision is this idea of intention and intention really is kind of this this sense of every day we are kind of thrown with different choices i mean you have choices you're in a conversation and someone's saying something to you and in your mind all of these cynical responses are coming to mind that you can say or these judgmental things are coming to mind that you can say and sometimes we allow just what dallas would call the impulsive will and the impulsive will is just where you do what you want to do you do what you want to do and so you literally let go of the anchor this sure and steadfast anchor the hope of your soul jesus in that moment because you know what i just want to say what i want to say and i don't care who it hurts or i want to be right in this moment so i'm going to type whatever i want to type or i'm going to put that person on blast because they deserve to be put on blast or i'm going to attack this person or i'm going to actually stop talking to this person why because all of a sudden this impulsive will begins to come up and you just do what you want to do i don't know about you have you ever had one of those moments where you were like what was i thinking why did i do that why didn't i say that it's literally like in that moment i chose to let go of the anchor and i just said i'm going to say what i want to say i'm going to do what i want to do i'm going to escape how i want to escape i'm going to numb out how i want to numb out and the enemy's going yes gotcha gotcha but dallas griller would say there's another kind of will that he calls the reflective will and the reflective will is where you reflect and ponder on what will truly help me live in christ so in this moment you recognize in the marketplace or when you're on zoom and you're talking to your boss and there's something that you want to say but you go is this actually going to help me stay anchored to christ or is this about me and you begin to reflect and you ponder is this literally going to help me live out my vision a vision for me a life anchored in jesus is one that has nothing to prove nothing to lose and nothing to hide and if that's the case then if i say this then i'm literally choosing to let go of the anchor or by reflecting and pondering i'm like it's not worth me saying that because i'm living a life anchored in christ and literally by beginning to slow it all down think it all through something is beginning to happen within me and it's possible for you the thing i've realized is nobody just drifts towards holiness nobody just drifts to faithfulness nobody just drifts to one day going the craziest thing happened i woke up and i'm billy graham it doesn't happen it takes work it takes effort it takes you having to actually say i'm gonna go against the impulsive will or the flesh and i'm not to give that power in my life and i'm going to reflect how my choices are in alignment or out of alignment with the way of christ and then i'm going to choose but dallas takes it even farther and he says what's crazy is underneath the impulsive will and the reflective will is what he calls the embodied will and the embodied will is the muscle memory that builds up over time due to your actions so for instance some of you grew up in a home where your dad came home and he came home and he parked in the garage and maybe there was only one car garage at this time and the garage door opened straight down to the basement and he went right down to the basement and there was the washing machine and there was a shower and he showered and then he like would come back up and before he sat down at the table he would open the refrigerator and he'd grab a beer and he would drink that as he read the paper and then he'd go back to the refrigerator grab another beer he drink that he drink another one he's three beers down before you actually have dinner and then the next day did the same thing the next day he did the same thing and the next day he did the same thing and what dallas is saying is this is like the embodied will this is like the muscle memory we all have it some of us we wake up in the morning the first thing we do is we grab our phone we go to instagram we go to twitter we have this embodied will we have this muscle memory and what dallas says is you can do this with impulsive will that can literally lead you farther and farther from the way of christ but the embodied will can also help you live deeply with jesus so when you choose to be patient when you choose to be gentle when you choose to live with faithfulness when you choose to actually have self-control over time you actually begin to become that kind of person but it takes intentionality and in this past year i've been seeing that up close i've been seeing how man if i'm going to live my life that has nothing to prove and nothing to lose and nothing to hide then i got to make decisions that are actually going to help me live out that vision and every day i have a choice i have a choice in a conversation man just prove yourself just prove yourself hey man hold on get scarcity you don't you don't want to lose everything i mean overnight in march so many conferences and speaking engagements and all of a sudden i could feel the fear but if i'm living with fear i feel like i have something to lose but in the kingdom of god if you don't have you have nothing to lose because you got jesus and all of a sudden i began to realize man there's something so powerful when you have a clear vision and you're actually choosing to live with intentionality towards that vision if you don't have that vision you're like a boat out in lake michigan just drifting you might know some facts about jesus but when push comes to shove that anchor will it hold and dallas talks about vision he talks about intention and then underneath it he talks about this idea literally of intention is our personal decision to overcome and become this is you choosing this but underneath that is what he calls means and means are so beautiful because it's a specific method and practice to shape form and help you live out your vision because it's one thing just to say it i want to live a life with nothing to prove nothing to lose nothing to hide i want to live this life so anchored in jesus i want to live a life with intention where i'm building this muscle memory this embodied will because of the reflective choices i'm making but it doesn't just happen i need to practice it i literally need to create practices in my life that are literally going to help me actually not try to prove because i have some 40 some years trying to prove or i've got 40 years of learning how to hide and manage i actually need some practices that are going to help me step into the light does this make sense and really what i want you to see is these practices began to change me i was with a mentor he was wrapping up his run in ministry about 30 of us decided to go out and throw him a party we wanted to honor him for who he was what he meant to us and super late at night it's during the whole coveted season we're in a park and we're spread out the lights go out the sprinklers go on it was not very well planned and i was the one planning it so it was not great but i had asked people to share a story so a couple of people who came i didn't know who they were and one guy one guy said hey this guy is my best friend he pointed at this mentor of mine he said you know eight years ago he called me and he said hey i want to call you every morning at 6 00 a.m and i want to confess to you and this guy was like wait what you want to call me at 6am nobody calls me at 6am he goes yeah but but what if every monday through friday we called each other and we literally confessed our sin to one another and i was like what i've never heard of that i was like flabbergasted that people would actually get up at 6am and pick up the phone and call somebody and then the guy said for the last seven years ever since i finally said yes that we've been doing this i've only missed a handful of days but that simple practice and hearing you say to me that i'm forgiven for my sins and me being able to say that to you has made me become more like jesus and these guys are in their 60s and i'm walking away going these guys in their 60s want more of jesus than i do and i just turned it into a competition which i always do but i had this moment as i was walking back and i was like that's incredible and so i started calling my friend who was with me and i said hey isn't that wild that those two six a.m like what if what if we tried that and so we tried for the month of september we woke up woke each other up i miss three of the calls because i overslept but we started to confess why because if i want to live a life anchored in jesus a life that has nothing to prove nothing to lose and nothing to hide then i actually can't just say it i literally gotta create a practice where i'm literally confessing so i'm not hiding we don't drift towards patience we don't drift towards faithfulness we don't drift towards loving our neighbor we have to be the kind of people who put it in practice and so what i really want to do is i just want to spend a few moments and i just want to walk you through why i think nothing to prove nothing to lose and nothing to hide was so moving to me and so biblical and then as i'm doing this i want you to be thinking about your vision about maybe you actually choosing to live with intention and intentionality to live out your vision and i want you to think about some means and methods and practices that can help you become more like jesus so nothing to prove and when i think about nothing to prove it takes me right to the scriptures and takes me to the corinthians and in corinthians you see second corinthians 12 9 it says each time he said my grace is all you need let's just real quick sometimes i have to like read a passage multiple times my grace is all you need but if i'm really honest sometimes i just need that person's affirmation my grace is all you need but sometimes sometimes sometimes i just need that person's validation my grace is all you need but sometimes sometimes sometimes i just need that person to see me in a certain light my grace is all you need this is the power of scripture because when you sit with it you don't just ask questions of it you allow it to ask questions of you and i love what paul's writing he says my power when he's quoting jesus my power works best in weakness i sat with a guy today and he was so honest and human and tender and real and he shared with me his weakness and i just saw christ at work i've been around guys who are trying to prove because i've been around myself and i've been around guys who are trying to act like they have it all together because i've been around myself but when i get around people who understand that christ's power is at work in weakness and that grace is all you need it's like that's what i want to be about continues on so now i am glad to boast about my weaknesses so that the power of christ can work through me can you imagine if we north of you we're a church that says we're going to boast but we're going to boast about our weakness like i'm going to boast that literally in 2020 it should be 20 20 20 because i gained 20 more pounds let's just boast about it right let's just boast about the parts of us that aren't great let's just boast about the parts of us and i'm not talking about shame no the gospel's not about shame but i'm talking about the places where we need grace we need god's power we need christ's work and literally when we try to power up what we're saying is i don't need you jesus it's just pride and it pushes people away i know i get online and i see people and it's like they've curated this messiness it's like this faux vulnerability that they're trying to put out and i'm like guys just be you be honest be human be real but be honest about your need for jesus you have nothing to prove in the kingdom of god it's grace that's all you need the truth is grace will find you but secondly grace will always find you out because god's relentless for all of you nothing to prove second nothing to lose this has been really important for me because sometimes i'm holding on i'm clinch fists man some of you might try and take this from me i'm living with scarcity this theory of limited good like there's no like free refills like i i'm just holding on for dear life and then you read the gospels you get into the book of matthew you start reading jesus's words and you see this whoever finds their life will lose it and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it when you read this and you're like wait wait what we've seen people who've just tried to find their identity in something else and it's like they co-op this thing to tell them that they're okay and they end up losing themselves and jesus so beautifully saying is like whoever loses their life for my sake is gonna find me and when you find me i'm gonna give you this overflowing abundant full filled to the brim life a life that can allow you just to exhale friends i i don't want us to know jesus i want us to live jesus i want us to walk through this life with jesus he's our only hope nothing to prove nothing to lose and lastly nothing to hide nothing to hide i love this verse and this is just something that i think again go to the gospels jesus just says for all that is secret will eventually be brought into the open and everything that is concealed will be brought to light and made known to all this is what we call twitter it's crazy i mean i i can't i can't even believe it but everything right now is just being brought into the light people who are passing in their former sins after their death are being brought into the light and and i think it's actually important that some of these abuses are being brought into the light but i'm just here to say man it wouldn't be more amazing if we had such a healthy understanding of grace that we could say i'm struggling if we could be really really honest to say i actually have an addiction problem i could be really really honest and say you know what during covid i probably drank too much during covet i escaped here too much can you imagine if we as a church can say hey we don't have a lot of things right but we have this unbelievable view of jesus this unbelievable view of grace this unbelievable view that like we're literally none of us in this room have arrived none of us are perfect the only one is perfect with someone who hung on a cross when you get that close to jesus and you really begin to look at jesus and you look at your life and you look at his perfection and you look at your imperfection you see him and he look at you and all of a sudden he's like still i want a relationship with you it doesn't make sense and what's so confounding to me is in the church the way to say yes to jesus is to admit i was wrong but somehow after we say yes to jesus we struggle with ever admitting that we're wrong and it's hard for the spirit of god to do his best work if we're boxing him out bringing drop down ceilings over our heart putting bluish green carpet over our heart and jesus you're simply saying hey can i let the light in but when you've got a vision and you've got an intention and you've got means every choice you can run it through this grid is this choice gonna help me live out this vision are these practices literally gonna help me live out this vision so for like nothing to prove my buddy mike and i we did one month of confession and then we did one month of solitude and it wasn't like we spent a month by ourselves and that's that's not it but we spent an hour each day just in silence and solitude and we just started walking and praying and i was like one hour of my day i just want to not actually try and create something i wanted god to create something new in me the next month nothing to lose we spent a month trying to figure out fasting i don't fast obviously i'm like literally just began to say i gotta go without and we're in this lenten season and lenten season is like a time where you tell yourself no and you literally are like i'm gonna decrease so that christ can increase more in me and there's something powerful when you know yourself so well where you're like you know what i i can't just have one drink and so what i'm going to do is tell myself no because why i don't ever want to let go of this anchor and when you begin to live like that what you're saying is the vision that i have to be more christ-like is the most important thing and what i think we found out in 2020 across the u.s is that that jesus was one of the most important things and that's what we got to actually be honest about i'm excited about this next series the great awakening because literally i think for many of us we're like hungry going i need more of jesus i need that grace i need that story but i want you to think right now of the fruit of the spirit and i want you to think and i love northview because no matter what campus you're a part of it matter if you're watching online but like you're literally challenge addicts nobody just comes up and just says hey be like jesus and you clap and you walk away like you're like teach me challenge me i want to be more like jesus so i'm going to name the nine fruit of the spirit love joy peace patience kindness gentleness goodness faithfulness and self-control i got so nervous i was going to forget one thank you thank you thank you kokomo um here's what i want you to do one of those words i want you just to grab hold of one of those words if you really did like literally think about your life going man i'm really struggling with patience i'm really struggling with self-control i'm really struggling with faithfulness i'm really struggling with goodness i'm really struggling in this season right now with actually peace and if you're one of those words resonate with you what i'm going to do is i'm going to say the word i want you to raise your hand because i want every one of us and if you're online i want you to type it in the chat room i want you to name which word that you go i need this word more in my life how many of you say i need more love in my life nine of you well done all right how many would say joy how many more joy in my life yeah i see that hand yeah how many of you would say peace a lot of peace yeah love joy peace patience yes you didn't even wait you're like yeah patience i beat you and you know what i mean love joy peace patience kindness yeah gentleness you're a parent goodness faithfulness yeah self-control someone's like yeah that's me here's what i want you to do i want you if you chose that word i want you to go home tonight and i want you to actually think about that word and i want you to come up with a statement almost like a life anchored in jesus and it could be as simple as a life anchored in jesus is one that has peace in every situation a life anchored in jesus has patience even with the most difficult people a life anchored in jesus showcases gentleness to all a life anchored in jesus and all of a sudden i want you to write that down and i want you to share it with your spouse or some close friend of yours and i want you to see this month this is what i'm gonna try and do and what's yours they're like i didn't go to church well you need to listen to this message but then then i want you to talk about it and then i want you to get really really curious every day when all of a sudden you have a choice to be impatient or to reflect on the vision that god has given to you about patience or peace or faithfulness or gentleness and when you start to see it you're going to feel the enemy going no no come over here come over here drop your anchor come over here drift drift drift and you're going to be like no i'm not drifting and you might have to step away from facebook but this is the most important thing jesus it's the most important thing for people to see in you is jesus the most important thing for people to see and experience in you is jesus the most important thing that for your spouse to be seen in you is jesus your kids jesus jesus jesus jesus is the most important but we don't just drift towards jesus we gotta show intentionality and if you're actually going to choose patience or peace think about some practice that will help you do it for instance patience try your best to not have the last word that's really hard especially when you're right and the other person's wrong and you just have to bite your lip and you're like and then you walk away and you get in your toyota corolla and you go they were wrong and jesus is like i know that's my whole life right and then you're like yeah and you're like jesus teach me how did you do this how did you show patience to me how did you show patience to her and he's like this is how we do it i wonder why little these practices by your intentionality by that vision and you sharing it honestly with a friend and person in this church friends i'll tell you what fast forward three months four months there's gonna be a fruit of patience because of the embodied will because of your choices that jesus would have renovated your heart and the light had come in and people are gonna see you in a much more different and profound and discipleship-oriented way and people will leave your presence and they're like that's more like christ northview that's my dream for you i don't want us to be people who talk about jesus i want us to have an anchor that we put down that no matter what comes at us we know that it can hold in any storm any pandemic anything that the enemy will throw at us because he's not stealing killing and destroying this heart because this heart has been renovated for god's goodness amen amen i want to pray for you and then our campus pastor is going to come up and lead us in our next time of this service god thank you i know for many people in this this room right now there's a longing to make a difference and there's a longing to be more like christ but i think every one of us has gone through a season where we're like how do i do it how do i do it and i'm praying that we wouldn't be the kind of people who just get in our cars and go get food but we be the kind of people who dive into your word who grab one of those fruit of the spirit and we say god help me become this help me become more like your son and give us awareness to where the enemy is trying his best to not let us become shaped and formed like your son god where the spirit of the lord is there's freedom and i'm praying that people would experience freedom and breakthrough in their lives because of their depth with you none of us are going to be perfect so let us be kind to ourselves and remember grace grace grace is all we need teach us lord we love you you love this church you believe in this church you believe in the people of this church and i pray that your son would just radiate through this church we love you and all god's people said amen thank you
Channel: Northview Church
Views: 1,828
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Northview Church, Northview, Steve Poe, Carmel, Fishers, Westfield, Lafayette, Indy North, Indianapolis
Id: 7So2Qp5njR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 32sec (2732 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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