A large collection for children about the adventures of Nastya and dad

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[Music] like master [Music] Stacy will you marry me I will [Applause] what happened sweetie Dad I'm getting married getting married give me a dress give me a dress give me a dress give me a drug give me a dress oh are you really getting married okay give me a dress give me a bunch of flowers right away [Music] take your dress [Music] do you like well don't cry take your bouquet good hmm [Music] seven sound hurry up it's my wedding Stay With Me [Music] huh will you please reconsider no I want to get married [Music] fantastic [Applause] [Music] [Music] Dad please come on do you think Stacy as you would yes I do daisy do you agree yes I do Dad okay I won't cry I won't cry I Now pronounce you husband and wife let's throw a bridal bouquet [Music] and now it's time to Honeymoon fine live long and prosper [Music] one year later [Music] oh how tired I am [Applause] I wanna get back to my dad bring me my food I'm tired yeah this is not tasty all right I can that's it what what what happened am I got married no sweetie school first then University then comes marriage everything's okay next video [Music] good morning today I wanna be the princess oh she woke up in a bad mood again gave me a dress my pleasure your majesty go [Music] [Applause] wow this one [Music] maybe this one maybe this one how about this one no how about this one uh-uh I want this one wow look oh it's for you it's your dress and it's your shoes and Crown bye baby oh my dear but how do you know your family got mother in training is waiting boys wow wow [Applause] oh wow you look amazing here's your crown [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nice [Music] [Music] um oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's a beauty [Music] it's really hot and the crown isn't comfortable and these shoes seed uncomfortable you're the one who wanted to be a princess I don't want to be the princess anymore [Music] take this hold on take this [Music] take this yes I won [Music] mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine now I will I'm getting up get ready [Music] ah [Music] [Music] I can't I'm tired of this Dad yes sweetie what happened look oh I have an idea wow [Music] I'll go now uh-huh okay thank you oh it's empty [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's empty [Music] daughter what happened again I have makeup we gotta go to the store let's go let's go [Music] I want this one whoa yeah yeah and this one [Music] and this one wow I want this one and this one and buy me this and this one and lipstick of course maybe that's enough and this one is exactly what I really need yes we had a lot of fun yes [Music] wow thank you let's start [Music] Daddy come on wow hello is so do you like I think you're a bit too young to wear makeup I know what can help you here's Stacy practice on this thank you Dad [Music] and have some candy [Music] mmm tasty girls do you do makeup write down in the comments we are the best friends [Music] hello pretty girls [Music] oh yes yes I'll be the prettier than my friend I will get this one hmm [Music] OS and beautiful [Music] done let's go [Music] she has the same dress oh [Music] no [Music] [Laughter] I want video ah no I certainly will be the prettier [Music] yes we will fall in love with me go [Music] what's going on oh no hmm what's going on that's enough [Music] oh I have an idea it's my favorite dress done [Music] go [Music] [Music] what should I do let's see what she puts on it's really beautiful dress ah a wow it's my favorite dress I'm going to you my friends [Music] I really like these between us yes we are the best friends [Applause] bye bye bye bye bye next video hello I'm such a beautiful girl I'm going to be down oh no [Music] oh what a dirty car hey hey car wash car wash yes it's so dirty wash it as quick as you can get me a drink okay okay right away here you go [Music] it's ready hey how much longer yes yes it's ready [Music] by what what about the money I have no money I'm the princess so you will work for it no way I'm the princess [Music] okay I'll rest you go work [Music] laughs [Music] hello why is my car windows please okay [Music] wow [Music] do you want ice cream choose one give me this one bye bye goodbye [Music] I think she's earned some money give me the money it's over I'm calling the police no no please be good this is your last chance [Music] [Laughter] oh wow hi will you wash my car do it but be careful hey how much longer will it take wait get a drink what is this [Music] oh it's tasty [Music] wow so clean take your money thank you here you are welcome come again I'm in one [Music] made money I will never be rude I'll be a good girl yes good job and you guys should always behave well video Stacy help me wash the dishes [Music] [Applause] help me put the toys away no I don't want [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh wow [Music] it must be magical they're fairy tales read read once upon a time there was a girl who never washed her hands she was very dirty there was always bacteria on her hands oh and worms and insects began invading the house wait a minute yes [Music] [Applause] the next Story the next fairy tale is about a girl who never wanted to eat dinner please have at least one spoon Stacy please eat just a little bit I don't want no no no no [Music] I don't want to eat I'm never going to eat [Music] oh oh it's terrible a dead wait a minute one is for Jack and one is for me I need to wash it [Music] take thank you go on all right listen to this one all right my dear let's brush our teeth [Music] no I I know [Music] oh dad take it wait a minute foreign go on read okay Stacy what two plus one hmm I don't wanna learn two kings plus four cakes I Don't Wanna Do It um give me some money please thank you I told you you should have studied I had to learn as dad used to say [Music] these girls are naughty but I'm not let me help you with the dishes and the toys [Music] package [Music] oh wow cool [Music] [Music] daddy what's going on I want a new car too ah [Music] we've already picked up [Music] thank you Stacy well okay Dad [Music] look at the car I bought ah so so oh nothing's good enough for you Stacy [Music] oh [Music] Superman daddy will like it Daddy come on yes [Applause] [Music] how do we get inside uh-oh Superman I can't open this door either let's go through the trunk [Music] but wait I can't see anything we need to peel everything off now the joke's on you oh no oh no [Music] okay okay [Music] instead of the stickers I'm giving you a throne for a princess wow [Music] Cinderella [Music] hooray next Daddy help me come on come on foreign [Music] well there's no sharks around let's go [Music] [Music] where is my house I don't know darling probably underwater let's buy a new one [Music] we don't have any money [Music] don't worry let's earn it [Applause] look at all the things we can sell wow maybe we could sell this no no oh it's my favorite one [Music] how about this one or this one well it's okay but this is mine how about this you don't even like this no no let's sell this or this okay no let's sell this let's sell it no yes no yes no whatever [Music] fill you and you don't worry [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] wow awesome customers wow happy [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] hello I would like to renew my means of transportation choose one oh this one that's not for sale too bad food it's my friend my favorite one okay [Music] is this one for sales yeah yeah I'll take it [Applause] Dad Dad get out is he gone yes look how much money I make oh awesome let's go buy a new house yes do you like this one yes [Music] I like this house ding dong hello there no it's too small I won't fit [Music] easy Tower in your house uh-huh [Music] wow here's your new room oh what's it [Music] where is the bed where is the furniture hmm give me one second well I'm waiting come on come on bring It I've got it I've got it [Applause] come on come on come on [Music] oh help me yeah my job here is done up what and what about furniture and wardrobe oh give me a sec give me a sec uh-huh where to [Music] why are you sleeping bags why do you sleep bring the furniture oh okay okay I got it I got it and here it is like this no no no wait [Applause] [Music] and there is a place where place for toys where should I put the Wardrobe where should I put the mirror yeah wow [Music] my treasure [Music] foreign [Music] you shouldn't be here hello come out here oh it was you I should have known [Music] so first okay now we're done I'm leaving he's gone what's wrong my dear why dwell has no butter how about some princesses [Music] fantastic hey close your eyes [Music] open eyes [Music] yeah foreign [Music] I see [Music] how about this crib yes so do you like everything oh okay okay be silent next video [Music] [Music] let's go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm now where was it [Music] okay it's ready [Music] yes thank you I'm out of here [Music] hey what's wrong [Music] get up why aren't you jumping on the trampoline [Music] oh wow all right let's order a different one this one's too weird no no oh look at this one yes [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good job [Music] thank you [Music] oh it's all hot here Daddy water [Music] L Daddy water it's hot help me I'm thirsty give me some water [Laughter] foreign [Music] [Music] with water that's it [Music] nice [Music] hey [Music] excellent [Music] wow something is missing we need water daddy bring some water I'll bring it right away [Music] come on [Music] dad [Applause] [Music] slide down [Applause] let's go [Music] again [Music] what thank you you're welcome you're welcome well let's keep playing yes [Applause] faster [Music] who is faster I'm Gonna Get You next video I have to buy something Old MacDonald [Music] oh I must buy a cow [Music] yes for sale [Music] let's go wow [Music] [Music] fine you can buy it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] good [Music] who wants me who wants me [Music] I have to buy something else [Music] what else do you have come on I will show you [Music] you can buy the Sheep [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] cheers somebody here I want cheese and milk here you go [Music] oh [Music] hey hey hey [Music] oh hello hello well you can buy the pig [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] sausages sausages who wants sausages [Music] give me sausages [Music] quickly to the shop chicken or dog chicken a dog what to choose me me boy me I buy a dog okay take it [Music] it has nothing to give where is the milk or cheese I am just for fun I spent a spend money [Music] [Music] [Music] very little money I need dad's help [Music] Daddy Daddy I need money give me some money let's go [Music] first you clean here that mess after birthday party and you will get money I don't want to clean job job who needs a job job job an easy job what work um hello I'll be a god it's easy here's your uniform thanks [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] step two [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh go get it I don't want quicker [Music] want to be a god it's too difficult I want to be a nurse take your uniform foreign let's go get in [Music] hungry here here [Music] take it take it [Music] I know I should scare you [Laughter] [Music] let me go [Music] I don't want to be a nurse choose I want to be a postman letters guys that's great job [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] clean up clean up everybody let's clean up clean up clean up put your things away good job you earned it children we need to put our toys on their places and clean up [Music] hello do you deliver pizza yes one pizza very quickly fine [Music] I see [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's ready [Music] oh [Music] Pizza Pizza yeah hi oh Pizza what is this I will not pay for this take it back [Music] I want a salad please [Music] [Music] thank you what is this it's a lie I want to eat [Music] oh yummy [Music] oh I overeat [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] car what now [Music] I can cook in it it has a kitchen it's perfect I'm a fridge want can I have this good choice [Music] 250 so [Music] it's ready thank you [Music] take your breakfast thank you very much [Music] take your lunch [Music] stay in there thank you [Music] idea [Music] bye bye [Music] foreign [Music] let's go I will show you something else let's go let's go quickly get in what is this it's a photo studio [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you can start your work [Music] hello come in and sit down [Music] smile [Music] it's ready [Music] oh my God what is this this is very bad very bad I will never come back again [Music] hello I want to make a photo for my passport yes come in okay [Music] oh [Music] are you ready [Music] is it ready [Music] [Laughter] let's do it again [Music] down here so is it ready now foreign make me a normal photo finally so what is this what is this take your photo back why you didn't like [Music] daddy what's up sweetheart what happened sweetheart I don't want an artist an artist okay fine [Applause] take the colors and good luck for you [Music] hello can you draw a poetry hello of course we can [Music] [Applause] it's ready [Music] you like it what is this this is your portrait take your portray back I don't want it [Music] what happened again sweetheart I don't want to be an artist I want to be a ballerina okay [Music] ballerina [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh Daddy it's painful my leg in pain [Music] daughter what happened I don't to the ballerina maybe you become a blogger take it hello guys this is like Stacy Channel subscribe to my channel [Music] wow baby doll who's there nobody here who is it who is joking with me I don't like such silly jokes nobody here is that you well okay [Music] joki here it's you joking here [Music] who's who's there [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's this what's this [Music] who did it foreign [Music] [Music] I don't want a gift I want my house to be unbroken [Applause] thank you oh wow one more baby doll s [Music]
Channel: Like Nastya Collections
Views: 3,317,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nastya, Like Nastya, Like Nastya Collections, nastya and dad, kids video, for kids, nastya and friends, kids videos, videos for kids, stories for kids, Collection for children, collection for kids, collection of videos for children, Kids pretend to play
Id: 29-XfknzWTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 52sec (3652 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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