Nastya and dad staged a dance competition

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[Music] like master let's ride [Music] we couldn't go for a walk we couldn't play it's raining hey Jungle Beat announces a dance competition [Music] participate hooray [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] laughs [Music] wow quick the competition has started [Music] [Laughter] [Music] no [Music] thank you no hello [Music] hmm okay good luck let's go let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] hooray [Music] take it right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I wanna participate too okay [Music] did you understand yes understood uh-huh hello [Music] wow [Music] what happened I lost [Music] the Rain song Let's Play Let's Go [Music] I won [Music] hooray [Applause] [Music] I lost again I won I won everybody can win [Music] next video huh let's play please [Music] what for huh [Music] okay that's enough now let's go play my game okay okay let's go let's go [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so did you like it Nastia no no no but let's ride first [Music] now we'll eat kids okay and now go to sleep oh no [Music] that's it I don't want to play this game anymore it's my turn all right oh where's the ball again so how about now [Music] one more time how about now [Music] let's play one two three foreign just you wait I'll definitely win this time one two three [Music] [Laughter] here we go one two three one two three hmm [Music] you'll definitely lose this time [Music] one two three whatever [Music] next video Let's go [Music] stop girls it's cleaning day today [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you well [Music] hey hey hey what have you done [Music] wow foreign [Music] [Music] hey what is this huh today is not a play date today is a day for cleaning [Music] please [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] what again what's going on here huh what is this [Music] [Music] [Music] wow they're cleaning [Music] well done girls you can play now go ahead fantastic [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you Nastia it's time for lunch [Music] okay [Music] um oh I feel so bad what's wrong what's wrong [Music] no no don't panic phew okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm not sick anymore hooray [Music] I think I'm sick [Music] [Music] doctor now next video [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I got you stop [Applause] I'm a virus are we sick [Music] now we are healthy [Music] [Laughter] and now you no no no no no no no no no no oh hello it's itching [Music] good morning oh no I'm so scared and now it's time for the scariest thing can I have some I'm thirsty too [Music] you're mine now [Music] I know means sanitizer [Music] and a mask we're not scared anymore [Music] hello stop [Music] [Applause] stop give me your hands [Music] next video [Music] oh no oops you gross you you [Music] get out of the house it's cleaning time [Music] you [Music] oh spiders [Music] oh no [Music] oh no no no no no no no he's gone too far cleaning time [Music] um yummy hello [Music] it's time to clean [Music] [Applause] [Music] what are these oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] what it's time to clean hey [Music] cool [Music] lift it up wow and what's this whoops [Music] next video [Music] I'm sorry [Music] [Music] Stacy [Music] ouch just a moment [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's going on [Music] just a moment [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] oh yeah [Music] here try it on your arm [Music] s [Music] I'll be right back [Music] here's a lion ice pack and a smile bandage thank you yes yes yes yes yes and me too [Music] no no no Stacy [Music] ouch oh no I'm so sorry what a weird day [Music] laughs [Applause] nice [Music] [Applause] Shanti no no no Shanti are you hurt my poor cat s oh [Music] what a day today [Music] huh you better read a book [Applause] [Music] ouch what I'm tired of all this I'm leaving this house uh-huh okay okay go on go on okay bye [Music] hmm [Music] I'm finding a new house [Music] can I live with you [Applause] [Music] I'm hungry [Applause] [Music] um oh I'm sleepy where is that [Music] what [Music] [Music] that's enough [Music] hello beautiful can I with you [Applause] [Music] yummy yummy this is for you at last [Music] you clean oh no [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hahaha oh my God my nose [Music] I want to go home [Music] oh hello sweetie forgive me dead of course I forgive you Stacy of course [Music] it was me did you guess
Channel: Like Nastya Collections
Views: 88,435,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nastya, Like Nastya, Like Nastya Collections, nastya and dad, kids video, for kids, nastya and friends, kids videos, videos for kids, stories for kids, Collection for children, collection for kids, Nastya and dad learn to dance, dance competition for kids
Id: yWUkN4wyB0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 18sec (1818 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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