A Land Unknown: Hell's Dominion A true Near Death Experience FULL LENGHT

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for I'll be reading on New King James it says verse 5 for a man goes to his eternal home and the mourners go about the streets remember your Creator before the silver cord is loosed are the Golden Bowl is broken or the pitcher shattered at the fountain on the wheel broken out the well then the dust return to the earth as it was and the spirit who will return to God who gave it when I think of it I shouldn't be here today I really shouldn't be here today because 28 years ago I died and I mean I really died it was a very profound experience because I saw a place that I don't want anybody to go to I saw Hill it was a most terrifying place I've ever seen and ever experienced in my life I've been through some rough places in my time but this was the roughest and when I finished tonight you'll be wanting to dance understand why you'll be dancing and in heaven amen back then I wasn't saved I was a militant atheist I didn't believe in God I picked on Christians I used to have Christians come up to us when I walked on the streets I lived not too far from here I grew up I grew up in Falls Church area you know where Loehmann's Plaza is that was where I hung out we had Christians would come up to the to the Plaza a witness to us and I'd argue with them tell them you know that you know nothing about you know you don't know anything about God God doesn't exist I just a militant atheist and then I moved to Tucson Arizona and that's where everything happened what I did was I drank some bad water contracted nice waterborne disease had all the symptoms of cholera he ever had that disease you know you lose your body fluids right quick about four or five days later this happened I my body wanted a shock and I died his only by God's grace and mercy that I'm standing here before you today I'm nobody perfect just like everybody else I'm just an old sinner saved by grace I'm nobody special nobody even has pretty much her to me except in Colorado a few places so the Lord just chose me for some reason to bring me back and so a lot of times when I stand and speak in front of groups of people or give my testimony most often question I get is what happens after you die because so many people are afraid you don't know what it's like to die so those of us who have might be able to give you a little insight if you have if you are a Christian you have nothing to worry about anymore but if you're not a Christian you got all meanings and all purposes to be scared I remember what it was like to die let me tell you what it's like to die when you die you become a lie I have no idea how to explain that I was lying on my sick sick bed shaking with fever and all of a sudden the fever subsided I took my last breath and I was the most unique feeling is to be alive and not breathe I turned my head a little bit and looked around and I noticed that my chin was still pointing up I could move and then you got to understand that this happened in 1980 there was no writings like they are today about near-death experiences and I was an atheist I had no idea what it was like I mean I had no note never heard of a near-death experience never heard of a near-death encounter never heard of it I was a militant atheist but you know I grew up in a Christian home but I fell away I didn't know her too much about the Bible I knew enough to argue with Christians but but didn't really know the Bible so here I died and I started floating up above my body just like a lot of near-death experiences say and I wear glasses and I noticed I wasn't wearing my glasses but I could see across I could hear everything I could hear outside people talking I could hear everything is so pristine clear no more fever no more pain I was in a really good piece looking around the room and it was chilling out there thinking this was great and all of a sudden I looked up at the ceiling boom I went right through the ceiling didn't I win it when I entered through that ceiling I entered this dark void it was pitch black darker than a midnight inside of a cave and then all of a sudden there was this light off in the distance I was just sparkling and I was going at it very very fast and yet it seemed like I was going very very slow then I began to hear a heavenly choir singing and music does beautiful music and the singing this heavenly choir singing and I could hear this heavenly language and I could understand what it was what was being said to me in English and yet was a different language then off at that light sparkling in the distance I could hear still quiet voice speaking to me just speaking to me telling me things these were teaching me and explaining many profound mysteries and deep truths about God and his an eternity there explaining and answering a lot of the West's questions why we have in life so after you die you might go through this experience where God starts answering the whys over your life why did this happen to you why is there evil in the world on these great mysteries that boggle people's minds are being answered as you're going through this a lot of people only have these experiences they come back and say I don't remember I know I know that God spoke a lot of great profound things a lot of those things revolve around who he is and eternity because he because God is explaining and the voice and the choir up there is explaining to you the mysteries of who God is and explain things to you amazing everything they proclaimed I found out later in the Bible so I'm going to talk about this a little bit more while I was floating through that darkness I heard that through the music in the singing that we were fashioned as eternal beings because God placed eternity in our hearts Ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 14 says whatever God does it shall be forever nothing can be added to it nor anything taken from it and God doesn't mention fear before him this qualifies chapter 3 verse 11 God has put eternity in the man's heart and it was also expressed to me that because of God is a living God we also live Acts chapter 17 verse 28 and him we live and move and have our being like I said I really didn't know the Bible at that time so every time I start reading the Bible I keeps finding these nuggets of truth in there even after 28 years I keep finding them marca jesus said in mark chapter 12 verse 27 God is not the god of the dead but the god of the living do you know what that means as God lives so do we he's a God of the living see when I would died I was this militant atheist I thought I was going to drop off into a state of non-being just non-existence now you know the old a theist saying when you die you're dead hunka me that's what I thought here I was alive and here I was having this music and this voice and the still quiet voice explaining to me that we were fashioned as eternal beings you're not going to soul sleep you're not going to cease to exist you're going to continue on because after you die you really become alive I learned also through the singing and through the music that was being the praises that were singing they were actually teaching you things about God they were teaching that God's gifts are irrevocable Romans chapter 11 says that for the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable it was explained that God will always keep his word and accomplish everything he says Isaiah 55 verse 11 says so shall my word that goes from my mouth says the Lord it shall not return to me empty but it will accomplish that which I have purpose and it will succeed in the thing which for which I said God will never go back on his word that's what it was telling me God's never going to go back on his word he honors his gift of like he gave you you know that gave you a gift of life he breathed into Adam in Genesis chapter 2 verse 7 the breath of life that continues on you got a great gift he's not going to take that away from you no matter how bad you are you're not that not going to be taken away from you he is that just even to the unjust to still keep you alive because that's an act of love and mercy to keep you alive that might sound stream I think well I know hell is a pretty bad place I think it would be best if God would just zap us and destroy us make us not exist so we don't have to go through all this wait till you hear what I'm going to say before you say that a lot of things about Hell that's not have not been proclaimed yet but the God made it very plain to me that he's not going to take back that gift of life he's that just he's that fair it was proven to me during that time that God's in integrity who God is his integrity is this is the supreme order of all things as they are currently are his integrity is explained in the Bible in Deuteronomy chapter 32 verse 4 for 3 and 4 God the rock his work is perfect for all his ways are justice a God of faithfulness and without iniquity just an upright as in he job 34 verses 12 10 through 12 elihue speaking here he says therefore hear me you men of understanding far be it from God that he should do wickedness far be it from the Almighty that he should do wrong for according to the work of man he's going to repay him and according to his ways he'll make it befall him of a truth God will not do wickedly and the almighty will not pervert justice and the old mighty will not reverse we have this amazing thing sense of justice here justice you know you'll before it for a judge and you get sentenced and you think a lot of people think that's justice but justice of God goes beyond that he's just and right toward all things he honors the gift of life he's given to each one of us he will not take back his gifts he's that just God will never violate his own integrity so basically what I was learning was God is faithful without an equal team he was upright fair God will never do wickedly and he will never pervert justice that he's good to all just like it says in the Book of Psalms he keeps his word he honors his gifts and calling he is righteous he's going to honor everything about him that's his integrity God will never violate his own integrity it says that in 2nd Timothy 2:13 God will not deny himself not deny who you are so as you're floating through this void you're learning the who God is you're understanding something that when I stand I'm going to a place I'm going to be judged here and I'm going to be judged by somebody who's perfect who's right his everything is right about it and they're all my excuses go by the wayside I remember floating in this darkness and the light growing bigger and the closer I came to that light I begin to understand that I was going to be judged all of a sudden the peaceful calm that I was feeling in this nice void no more pain no more pain in my stomach no more the vomiting no more the symptoms that I had and here I was starting to get a little nervous because I knew that when I get to that light I'm gonna be judged I'm gonna be judged for abusing God's gift of life for taking advantage of God's own integrity I'm gonna be judged for taking advantage of God's goodness God's good to you he's good to all I makes the rain fall on the just and the unjust how many of us have taken advantage of that take an advantage of God's goodness what do we do with it go slam down some liquor at the local bar go beat our wife our beat your husband up badmouth your kids what you're gonna do with God's goodness he slow to anger he's very slow to anger he's watching you you're abusing his integrity your mate you're misusing his integrity you're misusing the gift of life that he gave you like the prodigal son we spend our lives eating pig slop missing out what God had for us we just walked away from him maybe the Holy Spirit can blow in her mind somehow and wake us up to realize we need to come back to the Father even you miss using God's integrity that gift of life when you stand before the Lord to be judged for misusing his goodness his integrity and most terribly misuses love and His mercy where you going to stand where are we going to stand the light begin getting bigger and bigger than I noticed it as I was going in there and I seen that light off in the distance and also I was coming real close to it I noticed that it was a big huge giant rock out in his black void and yet every it wasn't it was like a shroud coming I knew there are things around it but I wasn't allowed to see what was there all I could see this huge rock and I need it and I saw that there was a person standing on this rock that was that the light was coming out of and as I was crouching that rock I kept hearing the music say something like this this is a close close as I can get to remember what it says but it's not the exact words but music was singing something like this God the rock his work is perfect God the rock his work is perfect God the rock will do no wrong he will do no wrong the almighty will never pervert justice and while mighty will never pervert justice these are scriptures it was seeing in scriptures and then on that rock there was that I saw the person the light was coming out of him and I was just awestruck I was coming also very very fast toward him and I noticed that if you revealed his hands out of his out of his robe he had a hood on I'll explain that in a minute he took out his hands like this like I'm doing right now put you by your side rays of light beams of light beautiful white colors you've never ever seen just emanate it from his hands just like a back except a cat chapter three verse four says beams of light come from the Lord's hands it was just awesome I found this scripture to be very interesting Jesus said that he's the light of the world amen that's John 8 verse 12 I notice that this face was veiled by a hood it was the hood of judgment is the reason why his face was covered so I couldn't look upon him I knew it was Jesus because I landed Alaine it free first the front of him just probably about right where that speaker is and I'll and it I looked up and he saw right through me saw everything I ever did I right there I was guilty guilty for abusing God's love wasting his love on things of no value money cars wine women song whatever I was just wasting every wasting my life misusing God's love slandering his love Oh God will never punish me he'll just I'll just be a dead hunk of meat or you know how what could you say you can't say anything and instantly I fell flat feet I just fell face-first right on the ground I can't explain it was just a spoon just knocked down couldn't stand in his presence and then all of a sudden his hand somebody touched me on the back and like had Krazy Glue on I didn't feel a grip just like 60 pick me back up I didn't want to stand up I want to crawl in the dirt as far as I could go and he stood up I noticed that I was wearing this little like judo suit I can't else house to explain it little short baggy pants and it was filthy dirty it was blocking was yellowish with these just filthy dirty just just disgusting clothes the Bible says in Isaiah 64 verse 6 our own righteousness are but filthy rags so now I understand what I was wearing and you're not going to be justified in God's sight by making trying to make excuses before how right you are I stood before Jesus Christ veiled in a hood of judgment and there was Jesus standing there and there was a cloud of glory that seeing it was coming out of him it was part of him it was around him all about him it was just just the spirit was a cloud and then I noticed that there was something unique because behind Jesus behind the veil the cloud that was a part of him was somebody else standing behind him also a part of him also one with him and then it dawned on me I had a revelation of the Trinity I can't explain it but there it was our standing before the for the Trinity I couldn't see the father Jesus standing in front of me the Holy Spirit is Jesus were there like getting ready to judge me and ask them father what are we going to do with this guy being an atheist back then I was instantly remembered how I spoke against the Trinity how I'm a an excuse on East argue Christians about that I always could do a good game and get Christian's stumbled on the doctrine of the Trinity but here I was standing before the realization and something I found later is what what happened what was revealed to me was this much later after I came back I was being confronted with something in the Bible that the Bible tells about a three-fold witness Deuteronomy chapter 17 verse 6 in Deuteronomy 19 verse 15 I'm gonna read chapter 17 verse 6 on the evidence of two witnesses or three witnesses the one who is to die will be put to death a person shall not be put to death on the evidence of one witness Rowlands chapter 5 verse 12 declares death spread to all men because all sinned because when you stand before the Lord you see how you sin how you made like ugly how you abused God's integrity the Bible points out that one witness cannot convict a person and all that's legally needed as two witnesses to establish a matter however a 3-fold witness is the stronger than the two and it's sought to familiarize the matter perfectly perfectly to other words to finalize it submit the judgment I was standing in front of a three-fold judgment ready to judge me if Jesus would have taken off his hood I wouldn't be here I had that freefall witness looking at me I wouldn't be here so I want you to think of something how could God be perfect in all those ways ever pervert justice true to his word enabled us in it sentence justly unless one god be the father be the son and be the Holy Spirit and you stand before that power you no wonder you fall on your feet when you fall on the face I want to ask people I ask this question do you want the threefold witness against you it's that is more terrifying than even my experience in Hell to know I came that close to have my silver cord snapped and enter into judgment because arrogance all the realization of everything you were learning in the dark void comes to you at that moment because God honors this gift of life who does no wrong that is jaw that just to you that he's not going to take away his word his integrity okay how many of you our intercessory prayer warriors okay I always like to talk to intercessors they're my favorite people you know what the devil's game is he's trying to stain the integrity of God ask for a revelation of that I if I was at the spiritual warfare accounts conference I could go off on that and you're just realize that all of a sudden here's a God that does no wrong doesn't violate his own word gave you a gift of life he's not gonna take it away you're not gonna go in a non-existence you're not gonna go to soul sleep he's that just you realized that you're not off the hook because you're human now I'm human God must understand he's all loving yeah he's all loving but how many of us are abusing his love by being all human he wants you to be transformed into the image of his son not to be remain in the dirt and the mire of life it's made plain to you that you abused the integrity of his love the integrity of his mercy the integrity of his grace the integrity of his goodness all proved by how you lived in mortal life parts of my life is flashing by in front of me at this time how many times oh when my life was flashing before my eyes so to speak the Lord spoke to me and showed me all the ways I ignored the Lord how he spoke to me so many times to rest my attention like driving down the road and missing the car I was head-on because I was drunk stoned out of my mind though all my buddies in the car not paying attention to what I'm doing going over a hill that I don't eighty miles an hour trying to do a jump Dukes of Hazzard type thing you know really dumb as in the wrong lane and the Lord something's made me move this car wheel just over I just missed hitting a car head-on he showed me all these times how many times if the lord gotten you out of jam and yet you don't realize it those things the Lord are showing you you realize that you exchanged the truth of God and blew it and blew your chance you exchanged the truth of God who he is for a lie just like it says in Romans chapter 1 and guess what he shows you that he will lovingly oblige giving you what you desire standing before the Lord that day that hour as an unsaved person that I was lost it was made plain to me at that moment I was like a beast Clichy a snooze chapter 3 verse 18 says with regard to the children of man God is testing them that they may see that they themselves are but beasts so in this life we are tested to see if we will return to Him and be changed our to become a beast or remain a beast standing before the Lord I was realized that I was a beast Wow and if I was allowed into heaven in my fallen beastly state I would corrupt it how by manipulating God's own integrity of goodness and love in heaven for my own selfish gain you see when you die acts eternity seals you you don't have a second chance what you did in this life if God looks at you says your Beast you would be used his integrity his love his mercy and he's not going to let that happen again that's why the Book of Revelations in the last two chapters tells you he's going to create a new heaven on earth where none of this is going to exist you want to be a part of it or not that's what the Lord showing our Lord showing me that was a beast if I was allowed into heaven I would corrupt it because I would have learned in this light how to skirt the law how to get around things how to manipulate and can I even get my own way could you imagine a bunch of sinners in heaven who are not been cleaned up no putting straightener chunks of gold in their pocket oh look at these diamonds man look God's not gonna miss these Wow look at my shoes that's why God's not gonna let you in there cuz you're gonna manipulate God's goodness and love Oh God's not gonna punish me she's not gonna hold me to account I can take the streets of gold I can take the diamonds in the rubies I can still slander my brother my sister that's why you're not gonna get in there how will you stand before the Lord do you think our DS yeah dude do you think that we can live like hell on earth and afterwards expect God to let us all into heaven because he should be all living to our all loving because of our terms do you think we can live like hell on earth afterwards and expect God to let us into heaven because he should be all loving because we think he should be you should just allow us in I'm gonna ask you a question somebody knocked on your door you don't know yet you saw him on the newspaper as the world's worst criminal he's banging on your door he open up and you didn't know who it was and he says Heidi ma'am how do you sir I know you're a Christian you're supposed to love me of course give the shirt off your back so let me come in your house I'm gonna live with you prove your love you mr. Christian you're supposed to love them would you let him in your house no you slam the door bar it call the police police would come haul that guy away banished from you away forever in a prison that's how a lot of people want to expect they're going to get into heaven gonna come up and waltz up there living like hell on earth say hey you gonna let me in God because your God of love man let me doesn't matter how in my life you gonna let me go let me in what's God going to do depart from me I never knew you the threefold witness is going to say you're a beast get out of my sight and you understand at that moment how corrupt you are God if God lets someone into who is not his child into heaven they would corrupt heaven this is made plain to you after you die and it should be taught in this life right now so many places this is not being taught the Bible teaches this as Isaiah chapter 26 verse 10 if favor shown to the wicked he does not learn righteousness in the land of uprightness that's heaven because there's only one land of uprightness that's heaven he will deal corruptly because he does not see the majesty of the Lord when it says majesty is talking about the majesty the integrity of God doesn't see it if favor shown to the wicked he will not learn righteousness in heaven Nahum chapter 1 verse 3 the Lord is slow to anger and great in power and he will not at all acquit the guilty isaiah 40:8 22 there's no rest peace says the Lord for the wicked will you stand before God as a stranger bent on taking advantage of God's integrity of goodness and love for your own gain as his child transformed and redeemed well I was standing before the Lord you understand that God is not going to provoke judgment it's not going to provoke this justice and he shows you his love that love grants you what you desire love God so loving he will give you your desire psalms 145 says Lord you open your hand you satisfy the desire of every living thing that's qualified in verse 20 the Lord preserves all who love him but the wicked will be destroyed are brought into eternal ruin why because Ecclesiastes 3 for chapter 3 verse 14 says whatever God does it will be forever nothing can be added to it nor anything taken from it so God gives you what you desire if you don't want him out of his love it was mercy in this grace sounds kind of strange but he's going to give you what your desire he's gonna give you hell it'll be banished you'll be banished why is he gonna let some stranger banging on his door demanding that I let me in I live my life a dirty rotten sinner I don't want nothing with God in my life I prove that how I lived and you gotta laugh let me in because your god alloh know he loves you so much I'm gonna give you what your desire you gonna he's gonna blind you to go to hell standing in eternity before the Lord you began to speak to me he still had his hood on I was terrified and he told me to bear witness what will soon to come and he spoke in these rhymes he said you'll see a land unknown that's best forgotten but not left unseen I always remember that he just can't forget it because it's so unique because it is in the Bible doesn't search around in Revelations there and you'll the last four chapters you'll find out what I'm talking about when you arrive at this where I'm sending you you'll say my name and my title so so that your silver cord will not be snapped I'm going to have to say my name in my title and even his name is Jesus Christ you told me to say it and then said to me you're going to return to God for God's glory not yours when you return you're going to bear witness to this so 28 years have gone by and often when I had a chance I ran a prison ministry for ten years spring spa spoke to a lot of prisoners seeing a lot of people get saved during during the time of that we're doing our low jail ministry the repeat rate for criminal offences dropped verifiable and Lehrman calendar yeah heat also told me that he can raise the dead she wants to so we can raise the dead a lot of people say oh when you die you come into judgment yeah it's true you died just once and he come into judgment but God has yeah has there he can he can make you raise from the dead who made children raised he raised Lazarus he still raises people today he said this because when you're a child you yearn for me yeah when I was a little little teeny kid I had a yearning for Christ but I fell away to atheism then I was lifted up by a compelling force and caring through a gate whose door opened like a scroll just now his feet first and I could see my body it was a different hue color it was incredible and the next thing I knew I was placed in a tunnel a spinning vortex heading down to this land unknown his horrible spinning green vortex like a tornado - spinning around spinning around spinning around and I could that blast of heat hitting me like a furnace I could hear shrieks and cries on people screaming I could hear slurping noises I heard all kinds of gross and I could smell the lost horrible smell compellingly I was traveling down this tunnel how many near-death experiences talk about a tunnel I'm talking about you'll find out what I'm talking about in a minute I was spinning through this woloson I was coming to I wasn't coming to a light actually I was coming to an exit a light at the end of the tunnel that's how you explained it next thing he knew I was falling out of the sky when I hit that light was yellow I went right through and I hit the ground in a battle several times and I looked around and I go if I'm in Hell where the devil is with the pitchforks because I had this mind when Devils with pitchforks and as a where am I am I in heaven am I in Hell I look down and I saw myself I'll use the stage as example a sloping hill then off in the distance there was a house on the hill and I was sitting there looking at it I stood up and I also oh all of a sudden I saw all these people coming up coming out of the house running toward me they came down the valley they came up to me look like people that I've known people who have died some didn't appear you know you could get my book there's more detail in there than I could go through right now but all these people we're coming out and slapping you on the back and say Brian welcome we love you you were just man you welcome to paradise put your arms around me welcomed me and making me think that man this must be you know where am i it's paradise what is this how many near-death experiences have you heard these positive ones where they can see all their dead relatives or see somebody walking into this dice land all loving and caring and stuff if I was allowed to return I'd probably be just like them know the Lord let me go a little bit further and then this one creature this one person started with morphing into a demonic creature just and all the all of them started turning into what they really were they're demonic creatures hideous looking things at different shapes and sizes some of this one that was in front of me was about yay tall about 4 8 um looked like a big I don't half human half lizard type thing it was hissing and spitting at me and they all trying to rush me yet wants to grab me and I said Jesus Christ I remember I got to say this name the title here when I said that name they all pull back they couldn't grab hold and latch holding me oh they could polish clothes they could touch my body which was horrible enough but they couldn't grab hold every time I said Jesus Christ Jesus cried I said Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Jesus Christ faster than that I did not stop saying Jesus Christ until I left that place that's all I said there's power in the name intercessors no there's power in the name all the intercessors just know that there's no what's boom then the creature said to me something you start hissing and spitting and he motioned me to come along there's more detail in my book but basically I throughout this experience I was understanding what to speak this creature was saying I could hear in English and so as of a speaking one's own hellish language and instead follow him you're going to take me on a tour and he walked up just walked a couple of feet away from me came up and he stuck his hand into the horizon I thought it was weird there's a horizon I can't go any farther he's stuck in it ripped it open and all his blasts of air remember that glass of air coming in and the smell hit me and I saw why dusty road I stepped out of it it's a wide broad road and often a little was this like shaft of empty space I stepped out of it jesus said something very interesting it says he writes jesus speaks of a broad way as a way of destruction every time I read that I just think of that place because that's what it was like a waterless place dry hot dusty some of the rocks out there that I saw in the place were like hot like on fire was hot the heat was so hot it feels like your eye sockets are going to melt on it out of it your head but and you're so thirsty you don't believe how incredible thirsty you get there's no water like this I wish I could take a water and take a drink you couldn't Bible talks about that in else elsewhere it was so hot so dry and I looked around and I turned around I looked back I saw I came out of a cube a big square cell a cube I call it a cube and it's so hot everything's kind of distorted so in my book I write that it was 10 by 10 but actually I really wasn't sure how the dimensions of it bill we sinned his book 23 so he'll describe the same cubes tight cubes I saw as being 14 by 14 so that they could have been that size Ida said 10 by 10 but it was I stepped out of this cube I thought well it's interesting because inside it was it seemed like as big as the all outdoors yeah it was only 10 by 10 to her 14 by 14 it was it was small inside but inside was a lelouch n' of space and time it's like what's inside your mind was being portrayed in there and I looked up and I saw that the cubes were stacked on top of each other six high to the top of the road there are six cubes on top of each other and they're set back a little bit so there's ledges on these ledges ran all these demonic creatures immediately when they saw me they were Latner and they're they're really angry because who let this who let this guy out and and why they didn't they didn't like me at all and they don't like you either anyway they come up and they're all around and so this creature spacey stuff is going to take me a tour of this place because they've been granted of me but this thing hated my guts and I looked over and then we saw that why we could start walking across the wide dusty road it was a long way we got to these big shaft elevator shaft I looked around I could see the cubes it looked like a what looks like is a pit a spiral staircase if you will the wall is where the cubes are you step out to the where the railing is that's where the void is you look up and down it's a bount it's a bottomless pit now I'm going to share with you is only a small part of hell because hell is a very big place some of our guest speakers have seen other parts of Hell that I didn't see I can verify kind of what they saw because I was able to look down some corridors and see some similar things but I saw just one small place called the pick and these spiral road was like that with these cells in the back wall years later I discovered that in the Bible that the Bible declares that in hell our chambers says in Proverbs 727 Follies house is the way to hell going down to the chambers of death hell is described as a prison or a dungeon prison listen to this Isaiah 24 verse 22 that's Isaiah 24 22 they'll be gathered together as prisoners in a pit they'll be shown up in prison and after many days they will be punished wow that correlates with what's happening in revelations chapter 20 death and he'll were thrown into the lake of fire after many days the prisoners are gathered together in a pit Wow Ezekiel chapter 31 verse 16 and 18 in Ezekiel chapter 32 21 through 32 describes a pit of hell like this the pit a circular verse 22 with their vaults or graves Hebrew word that's used to translate grave wounds a cell of all a chamber a suppl occur a tomb interesting and it talks about this place being around roundabout is equal describes that people are placed individually in chambers which are set in the walls parts of the pit facing their leader who is located in the open central tomb area where you hoist the body down the shaft that's when I notice all these tornado vortex is dropping people off and all these cubes that was weird I could see the tornadoes and people are going being dropped off in these cube drill thousand millions of them Ezekiel describes people there as being cognate wake feeling hearing speaking and they're not definitely not asleep verse 21 says the mighty chief shall speak of them with their helpers out of the midst of hell verse 24 states that people replaced them in other parts of the earth the pit where they will bear their shame with all the others who have gone down into the pit on different levels the when I saw the levels we were looking at I looked up I looked down and dawned on me that the people above were receiving less recompense or torment than I was and people below or getting more torment and the funny thing about all the cubes no matter how what level of your way up there that all the cubes slowly moved down to lower lower levels so the increasing recompense kept coming more and more now look we walk back over to the cubes and all the people in sight I could see inside them and inside everybody was seeing as illusion time of space it was like if someone died in the 1700s they saw the 1700s as they died in the sixteen or eleven hundred that's what they saw that was their world they died in the 20th century that was their world they could that's what was in their cube was like well how were they lived in life as being they're reliving it from every person they lied against every person they stole from all the abuse we have all done to God's integrity being measured back to you and the thing was none of these people were asleep inside these pits mmm were just balls of fire and flames others and just like places they all know and some people were stuck look like they thought they were in little teeny holes it was incredible place job chapter 26 verses five and six described what happens to the dead I don't have time to go through a big huge Hebrew study on this but if you guys do on your own is an incredible passage of Scripture especially on a Hebrew text it says job 26 verses five and six the dead tremble under the waters and their inhabitants hell is naked before God and Abaddon has no covering the dead tremble they taught that means a twist they world they dance they rye they fear they travailed or anguish they're pained under the waters describes the feeling of suffocation or drowning the pressure of being under a great deep death of the earth not under just water but pressure how many ever dive down into the water you know how the pressure feels it gets work harder and harder the deeper deeper you go imagine that and you can't breathe because that's what it's like you feel like you're being suffocated in there the waters can also mean molten fire just where lava is God says for my fires Kindle in my anger it burns to the depths of Hell devouring the earth and it's increase and sets on fire the foundations of the mountains so what was happening to those in hell was that the real them their sin nature was being uncovered as it is written shield the pit hell as naked before God Abingdon destruction and rule and has no covering this is the part of Hell that people don't understand sin is like a little yeast that leavens the whole lump what was happening to people in those cubes was the real them was being exposed you want to get drunk and stoned the real you being brought out going down the road you know so buddy you know you're coming to church you know you're all dressed in the finery praising God you know going down not paying much attention what you're doing praising God and somebody cuts you off and you're next minute give them the finger of fellowship or something as you drive by now the real you is going to be exposed in hell ain't no picnic I don't know what people understand the real you as being the real corrupt you is being uncovered just like it's written right in the Bible hell is naked before God and the place of destruction has no covering your being uncovered rich man and Lazarus in Luke chapter 16 Jesus was explaining that through the rich man he died his real nature was being uncovered if you really read that again the revelation knowledge that comes from there after you understand what's being uncovered you'll see his real sin nature is selfishness I want to drink I want I want the real use being uncovered in hell just recompense watch what a man shows that he will also reap all I could do is to say Jesus Christ Jesus Christ I went through one cube after another cube after another cube it didn't strange thing is he motioned and we went in between the cubes this is the part that I still have nightmares about went through the cube and they were pressed tightly together but you could walk through them and since they're all kind of squared and it's a circular sir circle some of the cubes you know broke open had little corridors and chambers we walked back to the farthest recesses of these of the pit where the wall back wall of Hell was and there's little doorways and entrances that go off to other parts on that area but you get back there and you walk back and through and down and around and all I could just remember there seeing all these people thousands of people in there this was awful and yet every one of theirs bit of their sin nature was being uncovered let me tell you a few things I saw inside the cube for more information you have to buy my book shameless plug amen he remember the sky he was a captain of a sailing ship and as his walking along you can have instant knowledge revelation knowledge of their life history why they were there whatever he lived in 1700 the captain of a British sailing ship he was very sadistic he punished his crew unmerciful he just loved to torture them to play mind games with them so he his hell was experience everything his crew members suffered his ship was sunk in a battle and he drowned there so he would experience the drowning over and over again his real sin is how evil that guy was was being made manifest no wonder you're going to be punished forever look how evil you are that's what it's like being like a voice kind of speaking there that's where I was showing people yourself how holy are look at you the real you how terrible you are this guy was sadistic as all get-out then I saw one lady who was a very nice lady everybody would think that she was really nice she died in a car rat 1980 and and I count she she went through the tornado vortex and dropped right at my feet there I was looking on the side the cube and I could see inside the cube like she saw while standing on the outside and I looked at her and she just she got up and the ice could see the demon in there but for her she saw it as a grandmother welcoming into paradise welcome my child I know this is this you love it here all these demons were knocking on the door entering this cube and as the inner she saw him as friends people that she wants to know there's grandpa there son there's Uncle Joe there's Uncle soon oh this is paradise and so they're all in this house and in haste this house and then they walked into the kitchen and the scenery would change as they walk was like the like a treadmill inside the floor would move would just be walking and then she let's go outside I'll show you outside she was giving this big tour of the outside and she's just going wow I know this is great you know this is wonderful I'm in paradise and then her grandfather which was a demon at that time it wasn't giving the illusion because these demons give illusions of people and she couldn't see it as a demon right then she didn't know where she was she thought she was in paradise and then she says oh honey I'm gonna go back to the house and bake these cookies like you always liked so why don't you go over there and rest under the shade of the trees where those trees weren't trees there were demons that look like trees cuz some of the demons there I got to tell you some of the demons look like I can't describe them but someone look like walking sticks they look like trees and gross tests like I even in my book I described that someone looked like rotting vegetables I've nowhere else to describe when they were dinosaur alike or serpents all kinds of ugly creatures and so these creatures she sat down to rock nurses this pool the stream there and so I remember her sticking her hand in the stream and pulling it up and how come my hands not wet and she was thinking that she looked up and she started getting these waves of depression hit her and she realized actin in there this wasn't paradise then I just remembered gives me chills because I was crazed those leaves this branch just engulfed her and she just started sobbing and crying let out a little shriek and she realized how ugly she was inside and what she gave up then we proceeded to another cube I saw another cube where there was a guy in there it was a teacher a professor at a university and he was writing on the board something over and over and over again like you do in school and he just was it was it was weird did I walk to another place and I could see another guy it looked like he was fishing and another lady were just walking along like the streets of Paris in the early 1900's just with a blank thousand-yard stare and yet it wasn't like oh poor me look at me I'm being planet it was like evil inside of her was being made manifest like I hate these people I hate these people are no the real her was coming out and then when that came out the demons would come smack-bang coming hordes and just slash and cut me and spit and grab you and bite you and the worst you got you didn't get better the worst she got in there that's something happening to these people and I saw so much and then all of a sudden we walked back out to the wide dusty road walked across it I saw all these demons thousand millions of them gathering about these wavy vaporous beams all sudden they looked like telephone poles or something that look like telephone poles to me these demons were climbing up then all of a sudden was granted to me just I could see through the walls of hell and these poles were extending out in the earth in certain places geographic locations and on top of these pole set these big demons because demons have rank the taller the ones have the most power and the little ones do their bidding and they're up there singing songs not heavenly music their songs are very melodic very monotone very dull and what they would do is entice people to hear this music and they dance to the tune someone being you know doing gloom type home you know I'm so miserable oh woe is me I feel so bad you know that's that that type of thing people start believing it living a lie that this thing was as soon as you believed that this thing would call down to these other demons they would escape out of there and they'd go go attack you and try to drag you down try to sting God's character using you in a battle to get God to go back on his word when I read years later Ephesians chapter 6 verse 13 it says speaks of powers and principalities in the heavenly places over the earth well I saw that that's not happening jesus said in Matthew chapter 12 verses 43 through 45 volt line I will have time to read the whole thing it says when an unclean spirit has gone out of a person it passes through the water Li waterless places or the Dry places seeking rest but finds known and that person gets better through whatever means and will get all of us in that demon up there will say hey you know this guy's getting better so he finds seven more worse and they climb back up that pole and they start attacking you I saw this when I read this I was astounded I go Lord I mean Who am I I mean you're showing me these things so what happened to me is in the scripture there I was seeing this stuff ah spiritual warfare concert on conference huh so much there so let me tell you and close I'm going to close with a reading from Psalms 41 I'm talking and you guys will turn there on I read Psalms 40 I'm close because when I was there the demon took me back into the cubes back to the furthest recesses of the pit back to where the wall meets the cubes and there was this cube that was open and all these demons inside of there and I was just saying Jesus Christ Jesus Christ I was petrified I was scared and I was like my feet were like and it stuck in my er I couldn't get out of this place I wanted to wake up it's your own worst nightmare you never can wake up that's what those people were experiencing and those cubes you can't wake up from these living nightmares and ice watching all these demons all these demons just probably from here to the end of that stage over there and there are just all shapes and sizes and hideous hideousness they want me to enter that cube because I knew if I entered that cube I would not come back I didn't want to go there I was brought to my wit's end there was no help I'm going to read Psalms 14 and I can never get through the song without crying because when I first read it it meant something to me very very very profound there's a very profound scripture because it means so much to so many people but it just meant something to me when I first read it because it was just it just blew me out of the water about a year later I went through the Bible reading chapter after chapter and came to this on my god it says I waited patiently for the Lord that word waited patiently does not mean I'm waiting at a bus stop for God to show up that means brought to a place where there is no help you are at the end of yourself and there's nowhere else to go God doesn't save you there's nothing else you can be done you're damaged or lost it's the end of the road buddy that's what that's what that phrase actually means I waited patiently for the Lord and he inclined to me while I was there saying Jesus Christ won't brought to the end of myself I could feel the presence of God inclining to me coming down I could feel him coming I could sense power and authority coming and then I thought somebody picked me up and he had scars in his hand poor remember I'm holding him and his wrist his bones were pulled apart because when he left his bones spread apart that hurt he inclined his ear to me and he heard my cry and he brought me up out of a horrible pit one of my replay in hell it feels like you're stuck you can't get out there's no way I can get out of here he heard me he held me in his arms and he carried me and he brought me up literally out of the pit he carried me out of there then as he were going back I went back to the same horrible tunnel and then we set my feet upon this big rock the same rock I entered on next verse and he set my feet upon a rock and he established my steps just put a new song in my mouth praise to our God and then you will see in fear will trust the Lord I don't know we all go through things where we feel like our wits end but nothing's more scarier than realizing that you're not going to get out of hell I don't know why God say she brought me up out of there but he did so when I came back the rest is history I became a Christian months after this experience I want to tell you some people say oh yeah you know you got saved in the afterlife no I didn't I had to get saved just like everybody else because an eternity you're sealed God gave me a second chance I didn't deserve the second chance because when you're in hell you know you deserve to be there it's not not poor pitiful me in hell it's I deserve to be there from the be there but he rescued me on that horrible pit and I had to come back to the Lord like everybody else had to raise my hand come to the altar in front of everybody and get saved just like everybody else so Isaiah 24 verse 21 through 22 I just want to read and close with this verse says on that day the Lord will punish the hosts of heaven in heaven and the kings of the earth on earth everybody reads this verse I argue with atheist and all kinds of people even to this day they always point oh that's kings of the earth that's that's a politician's that's not me right God gave you a gift in Genesis chapter 1 26 through 31 gave you a Dominion the rule were in your area and your little lordship your little kingdom how are you ruling meeting your spouse lying cheating and stealing how you ruling like a king this verse is for all of us and the kings of the earth only earth they will be gathered together as prisoners and a pit and they'll be shut up in prison and after many days they'll be punished hell as it exists now is described as as this holding area and I sense I worked in Community Corrections and ran a prison ministry I like to use this one little examples because it's just the revelation knowledge is incredible it's like hell as it exists now is like going to the county jail only worse everybody's gathered together your sentence is read and you wait your trial you hang out there until your trial after your trial you found guilty you don't go back to the county jail you go to prison that's what this verse is talking about that's the closest I can correlate it to so let me conclude I don't mind if anybody says that I had an open vision of hell and they can debate me if they like that if I died or not doesn't really not important to me I know that I died so at the conclusion I like to ask this one question to everybody does one little question are you certain of heaven without doubt are you certain of heaven without doubt how will you stand before the three witness the three witnesses of God threefold witness before your silver court is snapped and your spirit returns to God who gives it how will you stand before that when you stand forgiven changed into his child to be a reflection of Christ's likeness on earth being transformed into his righteousness being transformed into his love church why don't we love more we're being transformed children of God it's time to be transformed and we're in that process of being changed we want to be a child of God are going to be a child of the devil two types of children remember arguing with an atheist says we're all God's children I said no Jesus said their child their children of light and darkness just children of the devil and children of God I don't love I love my child much more differently than I love my neighbors when you become a child that God had opted into that you become his own child and against a change and transform you and to be what you did your to the glory of God you're going to put his love in your heart you're going to learn how to operate in that low it might be painful but he'll teach you and you'll never let you go or you want to stand before the Lord as a stranger knocking on the door let me in Lord no you're loving God it doesn't matter I live like hell on earth girl let me in anyway how you going to stand so I want to conclude here I like everybody to stand up stretch your legs if you're serious and you're really thinking are you certain of heaven without doubt and you have some doubts you don't have to do what other people have done Jesus said any man denies me before my father I will going to him before others this is what I had to do I had to get up out of my seat and come down to the front so everybody's just bow your heads and eyes closed up that's you just come on up front time for you to get right with God if anybody's here anybody at all don't be afraid if you're in the aisles and in the back similar just come up front just move yourself up I want to know the Lord I'm gonna give you some time you're too ashamed to come down that's okay because I'm going to ask you to tap somebody on the shoulder too afraid just can't come down tap somebody on the shoulder and say that's me maybe they can help you practice God understand some things but just know that he's gonna you need to make a public declaration sometime and you're like mines we'll do it now just want to become born-again come a Christian one off as you're coming up here so if you're serious in this matter I want you to pray a little prayer with me in fact I want everybody in the audience to cry so these everybody doesn't feel long because they're entering into the kingdom of God you're being adopted into you I just lived nearby who live in Falls Church I remember when I was little long then with a little I was a teenager walk out of my house and guy that I was with guys I drove by well I was ducks with a shotgun I stuck in my mouth or something but maybe something here or that environment it's time to get out of it so if you're serious in s'matter everybody pray this little prayer say dear God Lord Most High I know nothing I'm tired of living my life making things all ugly around I'm tired of living like this Here I am have mercy on me a sinner makes like ugly who abuses your love and their goodness I ask you to forgive me and make me whole clean me up on side inside me clean the other call my store teach me instruct me guide me never let me go Lord you know I stumbled a lot I fail a lot I have let you down a lot I do not always say or do the right things a lot forgive me make me new dear Lord Jesus Christ invade my life help me make my life new again I need your spirit of life blown inside me please do this for me make me born again blow your spirit on and inside me now so I can really change this time and not play stupid games I'm tired of stupid games Lord Jesus the nails tore at your wrists causing your bones to pull apart for me I do not understand why you did this but I trust you to teach me dear Lord Jesus Christ teach me the way I should go lead me to a real church it's this one of your people so I can grow make me born again from above by the breath of thy spirit all
Channel: Crown and Diadem
Views: 125,661
Rating: 4.7473683 out of 5
Keywords: Land, Unknown, Hell's, Dominion, demon, demons, Hell, heaven, Angels, Church, Jesus, God, Christ, deception, Satan, Lucifer, Serpant, 23, minutes, in, hell, Bible, teaching, end, time, last, days
Id: h2X5uAB692A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 10sec (4210 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2012
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