Demon Zones and How to defeat them in Jesus Name - Bryan Melvin

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welcome to the end time sweetie are you ready to endure till the end calling all the name Jesus Christ Lord it's time to man up and report to the battle lines grab your coffee and sword and strap on you're a fusion six armor because the show is about to begin from the frontlines of America Babylon and transmitting worldwide on the internet and satellite who are listening to Omega man radio with Shannon Davis [Music] everybody welcome to the broadcast tonight today is Saturday April 15 2017 and I hope you are doing great tonight wherever you're tuning in from tonight welcome and we're excited to have back with us Minister Brian Melvin he's the author of a book detailing his experience when he died and he saw hell he also saw heaven and I'm actually excited also to say that I just got your book my brother I had ordered off Amazon and I said man this thing is a long time in coming I hope someone hasn't intercepted it but it arrived the other day and I'm excited to actually hold a copy of it in my hand to get even more detail in your testimony so we'll tell you about that later and brother Brian would you like to open up your show in prayer tonight sure Heavenly Father we just come before you right now Lord we just ask that you just be exalted and honored that your name is hallowed over here that you are the lord of the Sabbath that gives people rest from their afflictions and that people can find that rest from what is afflicting them tonight as well as have answers on how to pray and how to pray effectively in Jesus name Amen I say man to that again the book is called a land unknown hell's Dominion by Brian Melvin and with that Brian works on have you back on the microphone is yours what's the Lord put on your heart tonight the teacher button okay I know I caught on heaven in hell but there are some things that you learn through the experiences and plus the experiences that God puts on your heart and mind especially about intercessory prayer because a lot of people do not know that there is a spiritual war a lot of Christians don't understand the concepts of what spiritual warfare is or even how to fight are some of the tidbits of information how to overcome some of the things I learned from my experiences about my book writes about about seeing Hell as well as my other testimony about seeing heaven you can add some insights on how to wage an effective spiritual fair and that's what I'd like to discuss tonight oh that's gonna be awesome the mic is yours if you need to break it anytime just let me know and you got as much time as you want okay so you know everybody the apple doesn't fall very far from the tree that's what the old saying goes you ever notice repeating patterns in your life are repeating patterns over cities communities or even countries things that seem to afflict you that just constantly repeat each other over and over again you ever noticed things like suicide rates are higher in one area than another meth use or drug use is higher than another some types of religions are prevailed predominantly in one area over another there's more pornography or where it's made is more pronounced over a geographic location you see things high rates of abuse sex crime school shootings in some areas and other areas that are non-existent that's what's uh that's what I'm going to share tonight is how to defeat things identify these and what these things are that you see how do you defeat these patterns over your cities how about your families like something seems to follow a family like patterns and behaviors repeat one generation after another alcohol or drug use or Navy do a high divorce rates all kinds of things have you ever noticed this well Ephesians chapter six 12 is very familiar to most Christians and if you are not a Christian I gotta warn ya this won't work for you you have to become a blood-bought Christian and understand what what Jesus came to do here is set you free so we'll deal with that a little bit later but in Ephesians chapter 6 verse 12 says 404 we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of darkness of this age against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places what Paul is describing is what exactly what Daniel encountered too when he asked to have a prayer answered and the angel came to answer his prayer but the Principality of Persia the Prince of Persia withheld the answer for a little bit these principalities and powers i nicknamed them as demon zones that's right you heard me right in demon zones demon zones in the apple doesn't fall very far from the tree because the demon zones will get you to and people and families and cities and communities to keep producing repeating patterns of behavior it's like caught in a trap you can't escape it just keeps repeating but I got good news through the blood of Jesus Christ you can be free and these demons owns can be broken in infants chapter 6 verse 18 I mentioned something very important about breaking demon zones it's called praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints this is an attribute of prayer intercessory prayer can break these things because folks we are in a war and the prayers of intercessions our petitions are praying in the Holy Spirit with all perseverance will break these demons owns so why do we have to persevere wouldn't be nice if everything was just easy street after you get saved I'm sorry but they're still repeating patterns of behavior that you better need to be dealt with they're repeating things that are afflicting your family one thing after another high suicide rates abuse rate sex crimes all these things that affect communities and families and individuals why do we need to persevere because we are in a war we are in a real spiritual war hiding does no good pretending that the devil doesn't exist it does no good thinking that you'll leave the devil alone and he'll leave you alone is no good if you think hiding under a barstool or in front of your computer screen look pornography is a way to hide it to escape it's no good the stuffs going to destroy your life if you think that you want to play these video games and encounter this dark man character that comes on on you and you see this dark shadow and all the depression and and stuff comes attacking you stop playing it it is no good we are in a spiritual warfare like it or not I've worked 20-some years involved in Community Corrections work I talked to law enforcement officer psychiatrist I was a case manager I worked with sex offenders and I even had some of the highest people ranking people wishing that they could get the local governments to do exorcisms of some of these people because police officers and stuff encounter some of the most wildest and violent stuff you've ever seen I tell you we live in a spiritual war we do not fight against flesh and blood but against the principalities and powers that create demon zones of occupations and person's life are their family's life our community's life a city a town a municipality whatever your location where you live at and think just think you see the devil wants us all and his jello mold think about a jello mold you you stir something up put the right chemical ingredients in there it looks good he heats up the water put in there stirs it up puts it puts you in a moles puts you in a dark cold refrigerator keeps you dark and cold then to make you feel good you let you out a little bit and Jill's you around in the jell-o mold put you right back in and you're trapped you can't escape from the repeating patterns that you're you see your community falling apart you see these principalities and powers that are governing your area these things govern like the Bible says principalities empowered govern over geographic locations or even families and they govern to put people in this mold we do not fight again flesh and blood but against the hosts of darkness who create these demons owns of occupation so the next question comes is how do we fight this spiritual warfare how do we conquer this demon zones I need to tell you something we were not originally designed to live in these demons owns of occupation not at all so how do we fight the spiritual warfare and defeat the demon zones and KITT and stop these repeating patterns we reduce the suicide rates how do we actually have some results instead of just all some minister flapping his gums and it's all talk I'm going to share with you something tonight that's not all talk it works there's let me tell you there's a lot of great books on and sermons concerning the subject of spiritual warfare and Ephesians chapter 16 I heard these sermon titles I wrote something down know who you are in Christ Noah's grace know your authority that Jesus gives you put on your spiritual armor I mean many of you have heard sermons on spiritual warfare and they're all good I want to take it up a notch and give you something a little different but that's okay I want to impart to you how to defeat a demon zones in your life and over family's life but let me say it is a battle the Bible says we wrestle not against flesh and blood this is a wrestling match against principalities and powers and it can get very involved and it can be rough at times I'm not pulling any punches but with Jesus Christ you have the victory and when you start to pray and supplication and intercession for all manner of people your communities your town your country you will start breaking the demon zones they'll lose their power and I want to share briefly on how to do that so but did you know this Jesus came he saw and he overcame by the cross of Jesus Christ the devil's power was broken Jesus Christ came he saw he overcame by the cross he grants us authority over darkness over the demon zones it's a war like I say and it's a fight it's a battle that's Ephesians chapter 6 verse 10 through 18 there tells us we are called into a spiritual battle to hold a counter-revolution against the darkness I want you to get a hold of that the Christian walk is holding a counter-revolution against the darkness of this present age over your community over the demon zones of occupation would you like a little victory or should I just be quiet and go home and and and and and do nothing or do you really want to be free are you really tired of struggling do you want to be free do you want to fight the battle do you want to let go with all perseverance and prevail instead of cave in that you let me share some insights on how to defeat the demon zones so the first thing you need to do if you're if you have a prayer intercessors group or if you're by yourself get with the Lord and pray over your place this community family asked the Lord to reveal things to you look on earth your newspaper if you say your community is playing with suicides or something and look at it and see what the prevailing thing is that's happening maybe your area is perplexed with overabundance of car wrecks or break-ins or something or different types of crimes those help identify ruling principalities and powers you can do so over when your family are over yourself what are the repeating pack factors just write some things down I'll give you an example I was over and just recently teaching on this and we found several things with an intercessors group that was over a little community up way up in the Northland I'll just say in the Northlands oh and it was in general and there are four things for controlling things one was a word malaise control escapism and high-mindedness arose a malaise that was over the general it was a general feeling of discomfort or illness or an easiness that nobody could really identify it was a vague sense of something's just not quite right things are only going to get worse since this moved out of our town the cut the town's gonna close up and die there's just something not right and its effect was affecting the whole community I live a certain way also contributing to suicide rate as well next is control what do you see in this word that fits the area that I was in was simply this there was religious control and dick dictatorships all over the place there are people on power trips to some very bad power trips causing all kinds of strife in the community we had incidences of people stepping on other people's toes in a very bad way in this community next it was xscape ISM there were a lot of drugs alcohol and pornography what things could you add to the list is there an escapism in your life that you have to deal with what do you want to add to the list too much TV too much pornography too much daydreaming add to the list what's what's controlling you the next thing now that this particular community had was high mindedness and was simply many people in the community thought well they don't need God he's not here to help us I can do bad all by myself I don't need anybody's help thank you very much that was a prevailing attitude over this place Here I am in a very powerful dynamic Christian Church on the move and the intercessors had to be gathered together we got together identified these principalities and began what I'm going to be sharing with you how to break this through persevering prayer so how do we fight by means of prints intercessory prayer the demon zones of occupation answer simple by persevering in a living testimony that we testify about now what do I mean by that well when yeah if you can if you have a Bible you can turn to Malachi chapter 111 or you can just simply let me read it to you it says our first clue from the rising of the Sun to its setting my name says the Lord my name will be great among the nations and in every place incense our prayers will be offered to my name and a grain offering that is pure for for my name will be great among the nation says the Lord of Hosts all throughout the Bible the Bible tells us to praise the name of the Lord and to declare his name so this name will be great in all the nations you have that and then you have in the ten commandments thou shall not take the name of the Lord in vain and that creates this confusion what is the Lord's name okay what does that mean well let me tell you what a name means in Bible times and also in the Greek in the Hebrew with the new and Old Testaments were written a name to simply Express the characteristics of a person it was their character traits God wants his name his character traits to be made known to praise his name as to prayed his character traits to declare them forth we prevail we overcome we prevail by declaring his name his character traits his deeds and reminding people just whose blood has been shed who sets us free you have to declare these things for that's what the Lord wants us he says it once for my name will be great among the nations for too long people have not been talking about the character traits of God very much when they pray nor have they really understood how to do this so look at this tonight a little bit as we can go when i turn to psalms 113 verses one through nine it says this it says praise His name is praises character traits I read Psalms 145 verses 4 through 9 for example one generation will praise your works to another and shall declare your mighty acts all on the glorious splendor of your majesty and on your wonderful works I'll meditate men's just speaka the power of your awesome acts and I will tell them your greatness they shall eat ly utter the memory of your abundant goodness and we'll shout joyful joyfully of your righteousness the Lord is gracious and merciful slow to anger and great and loving-kindness the Lord is good to all and His mercies are over all his works one generation will praise your works to another and declare your mighty acts were to declare the mighty acts of the Lord and to declare his name and in verses 1 psalms 145 verses 8 9 it says the Lord is gracious and merciful slow to anger great and loving-kindness the Lord is good to all oh and His mercies over all the earth those are character traits of God to know the character traits of a Libya homework you're going to have to meditate on the Word of God like it says in verse 5 oh the glorious splendor of your Majesty Lord in US and all of your wonderful works I will meditate I want you to meditate on what God's done go in the Bible and study and meditate on who God is and look for where he describes who he is like he is slow to anger slow and goodness he's merciful and all these things write those things down as her character and traits see what he does get them down meditate ponder them next and Psalms 1 49 verses 1 through 9 I'll read this just listen to what the Spirit of God teaches you praise the Lord sing to the Lord a new song and his praise in the Assembly the Saints brothers and sisters when we praise his name in a church congregation we are calling we're talking about exalting his character traits you're breaking the demon zones when you do that that's why you want you to shout and sing let Israel be rejoicing their maker let the children of Zion be joyful in their king let them praise His name with the dance let them sing praises to him with the timbrel and harp when the Lord takes pleasure in his people he will beautify the humble with salvation that all the Saints be joyful and glory let him sing aloud on their beds the Lord wants you to sing and declare his name and his character traits into the demon's own look at verse 6 through 9 if you don't think that's true let the high praises of God be in their mouth and a two-edged sword in their hand to execute vengeance on the nation's on a paraphrase here for it for you because we don't wrestle against flesh and blood so I want to put insert some of Asians chapter 6 verse 12 in here to execute vengeance on the principalities of darkness and punishment on the rulers of wickedness in high places - buying their rulers with change and their noble with fetters of iron to execute on them the written judgment this honor have all his Saints this honor have all his Saints again this honor have all his Saints you have a responsibility as a born-again blood-bought Christian to hold a counter-revolution against the forces of darkness begin to execute vengeance upon the principalities of darkness over your community your city your talent to execute punishment upon the rulers of wickedness send them right back where they desert them to go - buying their kings with and they're noble Lord says whatever you bind on earth will be bound or be loosed will be loosed to execute on them the written judgment this honor have all the Saints praise the Lord this is our heritage our honor that all the saints of God so are you a saint are you born again Christian so to do battle and it is a battle they won't or you keep at these things until it breaks it's a war I'm telling you it is you declaring God's character traits over demon zones and remind the enemy of just who God is how many have you ever heard actually anyone ever say that to you have intercessory prayer this sounds a little bold it's an honor God has given to all the saints to do you don't need to argue with me argue with God if you don't believe me so your to declare over the demon zones of your towns community and get together with some intercessors some other people who pray and get together the three or four people or even 20 or 30 and begin doing this over your area it's a battle it's a war and God will get directing your path and showing you where to pray and what to target in a group or if you have a problem you need to pray this for yourself hiring someone else to help you pray it is a struggle it is a battle because the enemy doesn't want to give up he doesn't want to let you out of it out of your jello mold he doesn't want the Lord to dissolve you and reshape you into what he actually designed you to be the devil wants me to be jello weak easily pushed around living in a cold dark spot well what is God's name and what are God's character traits well they're found in the Bible such as an exodus chapter 34 verses 5 & 8 where God Himself declares his own character traits as merciful and gracious long-suffering abounding in goodness and truth forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin but by no means clearing the guilty Deuteronomy 32 verses 3 and 4 says that he is the rock his work is perfect for all his ways are justice he's a God of truth without injustice righteous and upright is he those are character traits of the Lord where we are to that's his name we're to call upon his name we will we will be saved call upon his character traits he is holy he's just he's right God does not lie he's one who teaches us he guides us instructs us he directs our pass he's all-powerful he's healer he's deliverer he's salvation he is our strong tower we can run to in time of need he is our banner he is our daily bread he is our living water he is the restorer of the breech he is almighty he is a lord of the Sabbath who gives rest to the afflicted the religious leaders got so mad at Jesus for healing on the Sabbath day think about this the Sabbath was a day of rest so these people been afflicted in their sickness and their illness and their possessions and their all demonic impressions year after year then Jesus comes and touch them free on the Sabbath and the religious leaders have a hissy fit he's a lord of the Sabbath and he wants you free he was sing he give you rest he wants to give that team because he is a lord of the Sabbath that's his character tricks keep following minute now it's going to get deep these are his characteristics his traits his name we are to praise his name declare his name call upon his name declare his name then who into evening stones we in country cities towns families and communities jesus said this in John chapter 14 I gotta turn to it real quick brother Brian while you're turning to that I want to make one change I want to switch my internet connection to get a little bit better reception I'm fragment just a little bit stand by and we'll call you back in about 60 seconds okay okay hold that point right there be right back folks hold on a second let me jump over to the other action we all know where the problem is it could be a Mayan brother Brian could be on Wi-Fi we're gonna fix it though let's try this hold on okay blue got that brother Brian welcome back let's do a sound check how's the audio okay sounds pretty good at Mayan I didn't know what's cracking up no no it wasn't it wasn't your problem I'm on a Wi-Fi sitting out on an island in the Indian Ocean so sometimes I could be like the third world over here it's all good you're sounding great folks if you're just joining us we're live with Minister Brian Melvin he's talking about tonight demon zones and how to defeat them and brother I believe that this is the basis of your next book I think you need to pray about that doing another book teaching people help us in your own words holding a counter-revolution against the forces of darkness brother that would make a great book title right there I'm enjoying this tonight but folks we just get into it Brian pick up where you left off continue on you got old time you want okay well you need to declare the characteristics God's characteristics his name his name means his character we're gonna praises praise His name declare his name call on his name we are declaring his name into demon zones we encounter in our country cities towns families communities and over ourselves I want you to listen to this John said this and in John chapter 14 verse 12 most assuredly truly I'm telling you he who believes in me the works that I do he will do also and greater works than these he will do because I go to my father and whatever you ask in my name that I will do that the father may be glorified in the son if you ask anything in my name I'll do it if you love me keep my Commandments you hear what he says ask anything in his name you ask because he's I'm group we're gonna get real deep here when you ask in his name and his character traits he will do it he's a lord of the he's a lord who heals he's the asking his name you know as character traits that the father may be glorified if you love the Lord keep his commandments now I gotta give you this little admonition real quick here it's this asking in the Lord's name is balanced by love for God that will not attempt to use his name as old Janis Joplin with songs she sang many many years ago she said Oh Lord won't you buy me Emerson's my friends are all Drive Porsches I must make amends Oh Lord will you buy I mean can you be that's asking in vain that's taking the name of the Lord in vain using his name in vain for vain things God is not a Santa Claus his character traits are not something to be manipulated to get chewed up or new Mercedes Benz because God is Jehovah Jireh the one who provides that's taking advantage of his name taking taking the Lord's Lord's name in vain is taking advantage of God's name and pain and and the Lord loves us so much if that happens he's gonna chasing you big time this is not blabbing and grabbing this is something entirely different this is setting town cities communities people and even their something free because we are declaring who he is and we're honoring him because we love him and we are obeying it because he wants us to praise the Lord with the with our mouths with the two hundred sword in our mouth he wants us to praise Him and declare his name and make his name known amongst the nations so in order to get an idea so you understand a little little bit better what I'm talking about about declaring the Lord's name and character traits and how to do this let me give you the best example that I know of in Matthew chapter 6 here everybody knows it's Matthew chapter 6 verse 9 through 13 it's called the Lord's Prayer you all know it father and our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done give us this day our daily bread you know that let me use this as a template a prayer an intercessory prayer so you understand and begin to see what Jesus is conveying here Matthew 6 verse 11 our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name hallowed be thy characteristics how loud be his name over this demons own I'm over this city over this town over this country hallowed be thy name your characteristics over this earth hallowed be thy name over the demons only because the earth is the Lord and all that's in it Lord we call on your name of deliverer of a restorer of the breach here in this city over this family for the enemy does not hallow your name but mocks you and discourage people hallo be thy name here in this place where you are holy we ask for thy holy presence to be felt in the streets here instead of belays control escapism and high-mindedness and every other foul thing that walks here we declare decree your name your character your gracious your loving your kind we need that here we need you to draw your the Lord who draws people unto himself begin to draw them that is your name we ask according to your name according to what you want done because your name and your character defines how to ask for your kingdom come for you will be done on earth as it is in heaven Lord your character traits rule here on this speck of Earth where I'm at your will be done as your name to find your will you are the one who forgives shows mercy the folks here need mercy bad they need forgiveness they need to be a woken to the forgiveness that Christ Jesus has you need awake then we ask that Lord you're the one that wakes us up the danger who sounds the alarm so Lord wake them up to danger and draw them to yourself save their soul so your kingdom comes your name may known and this darkness silenced folks that's an example of declaring and decree in the Lord's name and in character traits and take the attributes of his character of traits and attack the demon zones directly is best to do this with a group of people but if you're by yourself and can be very effective and expect that the enemy doesn't like it and he'll has a tendency to punch back but keep pressing in that's persevering prayer because this is intercession and all supplication and perseverance with all the saints you will prevail because God's name will prevail it's the reason for this I'll get that involved in the next message segment part 2 of this message but for now let me continue next notice in verse 11 through 13 it deals with personal needs give us this day our daily bread forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and do not lead us into temptation but deliver us from the evil one for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever almond an intercession when God wants us to pick demon zones God's will and hollowing his name over a demon zone and declared by you hallow was named by declaring it over your principalities and powers that are over cities families and stuff you declare it you do that first a lot of intercessory prayer groups they come and get together it's all about aunt Suzie toothache and Uncle Joe's hangnail that needs healing or this or that personal request this really starts to bog down intercessory prayer groups and prayer and no warfare is done at all in verses eleven twelve the battle is the Lord's first take care of the demons own before the personal needs Jesus laid out this principle right here in the Lord's Prayer God's name hallowed his kingdom come first now let's pray for your needs our Aunt Susan EADS and Uncle Joe's toenail that need to be trimmed of whatever then you pray for the needs take care of business first because there may be principalities and powers that are keeping person from receiving their daily bread there may be a principality that's causing somebody not to be able to forgive there may be a principality involved that keeps leading you into temptation but by declaring and decree ting the Lord's name I used to look over over this he will deliver you from the evil one for his is the kingdom for he for yours is the kingdom power and the glory forever amen are you getting the picture it's the beginning that makes sense are the wheels turning in your head are you made meditating on these things now the last part returns to declaring his name for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever his name is character for that's all his Jesus said in Matthew there that the father anything you ask him my name I'll do it that the father may be glorified then this son it all goes back up to him there's a reason for this in part two of the segment we'll get into that so you show respect and honor to the Lord by declaring his name hollowing his name over demon zones and by declaring his works as deeds and reminding who owns the land who owns all the heavens in earth all the whole heavens and earth belongs to the Lord and doesn't belong to the infamy that's warfare folks listen up let the high praises of God be in their mouth and a two-edged sword in their hand is the Psalms 149 verse 6 through 9 let the high praises of God be in our mouths and a two hundred sword in our to execute vengeance on the principalities of darkness and punishment upon the rulers of wickedness to bind their Kings with chains and their nobles with fetters of iron to execute on them written judgment this honor have all the saints praise the Lord praise Yahweh the Lord Jesus came to you and I authority over darkness those demons owns it's a struggle it's a war gasps he wins I'm telling me I'm seeing this work in different places and it's not without a fight but there's God wins so I want to get into part two of this intercessory prayer and look at some of these things I just said so I'm doing like two messages combined this is the rings part two before we started let me insert that if you're just joining us we're live with Minister Brian Melvin and we're excited to have Brian here to teach he has much to teach folks and he is author of a book detailing his experiences when he died he went to hell he saw it lived to tell about it he saw heaven too and he saw the inner workings of how the hosts of Hell operate and you know much of the teaching you're doing in this first part I'll tell you is some folks not being taught hardly anywhere it's talking about how to take back the land okay how to prayer walk how to wage war on the hosts of Hell in the heaven of this I like the verse that you mentioned about you know I think it was psalms 149 - about psalms 149 binding their christenings through long nobleman's with chains and fetters folks executing upon them the judge them the Lord written that on or have all the saints the church needs to grasp this Brian because we've been called against it against the hosts of hell that's why we're suffering casualties of war out there folks because we're more and people don't realize it and they don't realize the weapons that we have they're mighty to the pulling down of strongholds and it's not just a verse that were to read and then okay we cover that let's move on to some other subject no folks we got to put it into action faithful that works is dead and Jesus told us to do it he didn't say he was gonna cast out our demons he said in my name you shall cast out Devils he said I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions he gave us this honor to execute the judgment the Lord that has been written on these demons and their handlers out there so we're talking tonight about a right now word demon zones how to defeat them and he's going to detail actually how to take these steps tonight and we're encouraging you to get in this war begin to bind and loose in Jesus name begin to pray now we're two or three Jesus's in the midst it's good where you can to get someone to come in agreement with you you've got a force multiplier that goes into play there one puts a thousand to flight to 10,000 but there's some times where you may be alone and it's still going to be effective you know I don't always have someone to join me brother Brian in prayer but when I can I get my wife and I together and we we come an agreement and take these things up to the throne room begin to wage war here in Bali sometimes I do it in the shower sometimes before I go to bed but whether you're by yourself or with someone else believe me these prayers works work binding and loosing works folks in the name of Jesus it's all powered by the Son of God because the part of Jesus we can't do anything but he's given us awesome power and authority to tread on these serpents and scorpions over all the power of the enemy and he placed this highest in the heavenlies high and the third heaven seated with him seated with Christ Jesus that puts us above all these principalities and powers of the air and you know there's some out there that are teaching Brian that we don't have that authority well folks they don't understand our position in Christ and for those that want to attack deliverance minister that tells me they're not doing any deliverance at all that's the bottom line they talk about something that they don't do and so we have seen this put in action and bring results powerful results so much that I don't know if you were familiar with him but there was a minister Brian named Wynn Worley and many called him the general when Worley was a Baptist minister raised in the church and God showed him that deliverance is the children's breath he also showed him that the the Holy Spirit is for today so he got baptized and the Holy Ghost and he received massive deliverance and he said well wait a minute what's going on the church didn't teach any of this I haven't been teaching it and God took him down a road to begin to learn about spiritual warfare and deliverance and casting out demons in Jesus name and he wrote a book called battling the hosts of Hell Diary of an exorcist back in 1976 he would go on to write about 12 books and these are some of the most hated books that have ever been written on the subject of deliverance because folks they did it and they began to teach others how to do it and there were demons that were interrogated and deliverance sessions as a demon screened out and said hey you've got to stop binding and loosing gotta stop this you pushed our plans back of the Illuminati by ten years they had everybody binding and loosing they had the little Mamas holding their babies nurse feeding binding and loosing they had people washing the dishes binding and loose and they had people in the car people in the on the bus people during the lunch break people in the morning people at night people are binding and loosing from east to west coast and the demons were getting assaulted every day in the mighty name of Jesus and when you bind you're arresting folks that's what we're doing we've got arrest powers God has called us to be sheriffs to go out there and slap the cuffs on these demons and then hunt down their mafia demon packs like Derek Prince said they run in packs I don't care if it's a demon or a principality and their folks you can bind and loose in Jesus name and you can wage war and be effective Brian has seen it he's seen what the demons do to people and he's got a powerful testimony but with that I'm gonna stop there because I didn't come to preach tonight I came to hear Brian teach but I just wanted to back you up and say brother this is a right now word and if we can get more people involved in this battle folks we can begin to take back areas that have been dominated in literally hundreds of years by the enemy no one to resist them what do you think happens when no one to resist a dictator he stays in power and continues to torture and oppress people we've got these demons ohms were they we've had these hosts of hell in operation with very little opposition and they're taking people out every single day in body bags well you and I go and fight for the Lord that's the question tonight will you do it I want to do it you know folks one man one woman binding and loosing can make a difference in Jesus name with that let's go to part two we're excited to bring back Brian Melvin we're gonna do many more shows with Brian the Lord willing because Brian you got a lot to share and you know this was not accident that I found you I was God was directing me to do some research on Hell and I got on YouTube and I found a man that I never heard his testimony and brother God is connecting us and with the people around the world for this endtime battle because war on the Saints is coming folks and there's many out there that have much to teach Brian as one of them and so we're excited to have him here tonight God brought him back for a reason so he could do this program tonight and other shows like it and do the ministry that he's been doing faithfully since he returned to the land of the living from a land best forgotten called he'll God brought him back because he knew that Brian would keep his word and get out there and warn people and begin to teach what he's learned so others can survive and be overcomers would then long introduction Brian the mic is yours take it away okay there is a story went like this there's a minister once told another minister you know Sam most folks have more faith in their doubt than they do in God the other minister had said you know that you know a Rick that's right that's a sad result of how things are and the state of much of the church thankfully in small segments and there is a remnant God's raising up folks that are taking authority in a pack and and understanding who they are in Christ and doing battle but the church needs to awaken arise and stand to her feet because just like like that old minister said folks have more faith than their doubts than they do God the results are staggering they the results in people saying I cannot do this task this is not for me this is for spiritual folks like brother so-and-so to do or Shannon they do or Brian to do this is really too weird no need to do this warfare it's a waste of time Jesus defeated the devil so I can just live my life and get on by till the end I live by greasy grace until the end you ever heard that one before you know when the results are staggering people are up one minute riding high from Jesus Christ the next minute they come crashing down on the roller-coaster ride and what it really happens is when people have more faith in their doubts as this demon zones will occupy all your time all your life all everything you do will occupy you land you live in occupy people to have more faith and doubts than in Christ's name and who Jesus is his character traits and what he has done for us as his people are called by his name can do this keeps us occupied and put down in that little jell-o mold I talked about in part one where the devil conforms you into a gentle jell-o mold so long as you're in that mold everything's all right you know you're really suicide rates are skyrocketing crime rates are sex crimes are rocketing child abuse is runs rampant marriage is breaking up all these weird and deviant behaviors becoming commonplace or destroying people's lives and you're saying that it's okay that's a demon zone Jesus Christ came here to break the zones and Heaney and he gave us the authority to do that we start to pray and out starts to come in and we say well prayer doesn't work it's taking too long I can I am I can't pray this way I can't do the spiritual warfare stuff because I have too many issues have too much sin in my life well folks you're the person God called to spiritual warfare if you have a lot of sin in your life because you need to delivered and you need to be set free brothers and sisters what did Jesus Christ do mostly it's recorded in the Bible to cast out devils and demons out of people and he set the oppressed free just read it he's the same yesterday today and forever all his gifts and callings are irrevocable Lord does not lie demons owns a occupier and time don't they with doubts or something will pop up and consume all our time we're living in a demon zones all around us folks yes we will always be told that we're not good enough we're not up to snuff we don't need to keep living that way people will tell us demon zones they'll try to force us into that mold we're not good enough we're not up to snuff we don't have enough Bible learning we're not a PhD in theology some of the greatest men of God hardly knew how to read they got a hold of a Bible learn how to read and they never went to a Bible College set the entire world on fire some of them there were what 11 of them and then finally the educated one Paul the Apostle Paul came on the scene come on folks the Bible does say that the 11 uneducated turned the world upside down for Jesus Christ they weren't there theologically educated in that degree they distrusted Jesus well the devil pushes conformity that jello mold on us creating doubt in us toward God and who we are in class in Christ Jesus and blind to God's original plan that he had for human beings and that's what I want to talk to about tonight the devil wants you to have more faith in your doubts than in God who empowers you to break up darkness to hold that counter-revolution against darkness do you want to be somebody who who actually does something for Jesus how to break this stuff in people's lives and learn how to call upon the name of the Lord and you will be saved over our nation people your family let God begin to untie things the devil tries to keep you into a gentle jello mold by trying to steal from you by causing you to doubt whatever Jesus says in the Bible things like this jet dude that Jesus Christ gives his people his disciples Authority Luke chapter 10 verse 18 jesus said to his disciples I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven behold I gave you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing will will by any means hurt you nevertheless do not rejoice in this that the spirits are subject to you but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven your character traits are written in heaven you no longer going to be a doubter you're going to come out of that doubt in Jesus name because he's the one that delivers you and set you free and puts a fire in your belly to hold a counter-revolution in darkness because your names are written in heaven Romans chapter 16 verse 20 is one of my favorite verses to declare and may the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all amen in that something I love that verse well the devil likes despite you quoting these things he likes to push conformity that jello mold on the world and inside the church too just to conform that Satan was gonna crush you you're not you just give up it will never change it won't work how by defining to us how we are to interpret and exorcise a Thor party it all goes back to authority yeah I can read this that the Lord gave us authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and another thing the devil does is the twist that word of authority and redefine it in to mean something different than what Jesus meant and that's what I want to talk about because this is the secret one of the secrets of spiritual warfare is this we need to know what the authority that Jesus gave us what does that mean you see God's had a plan in the beginning his original plan is this that is gifts and callings and promises to humanity are exactly what he says they are they're irrevocable it says in Romans chapter 9 somewhere I can't remember a verse according by memory but the gifts and callings and promises of God are yeah in a yea and amen in him the gifts and callings of God are irrevocable he gave precious and valuable promises with that I want to read to you a promise that God gave man it's found in Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 now you're ready to get heavy you ready to get deep because this won't teach you how to exercise on what type of authority Jesus is giving us here and God said let us make man in our image according to our likeness let them have dominion authority over the fish of the sea over the birds of the air over the cattle over the all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth and so God created man in his own image and an image of God he created them male and female he created them I'm getting Holy Ghost is coming with me now hallelujah then God blessed them and said to them be fruitful and multiply fill the earth subdue it have dominion have authority over the fish of the Seas and the birds of the air and over creeping things that creeps chapter 2 verse 15 says this and the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden two pinned and to keep it Wow amazing gave us authority dependin can keep and protect from what the devices of the enemy that come in to break faith the devil captain in Genesis chapter 3 and broke faith with God think about it so that we now conform to the devil's definition of what authority means what Dominion means and the world is a mess and then demons owns control that over people to the exercise Dominion is there away and not God's Way so what is what am I trying to say in Genesis chapter 1 there verse 26 get this now chapter 1 verse 26 turning to it again God said make us let us make man in our image according to our likeness let them have dominion over the image and likeness of God those are the character character God's character traits folks I got the anointing of God all over me and muley knew that's hard for me to sit right here on my chair think about it and God created man in his own image in the image of God he created him male and male and female he created them what the character exhibit and govern this world by exercising the Dominion according to his character traits let that just sink in let's let that sink in for a minute the character traits however let me just go step back here humanity's first parents fell in partook of the tree of knowledge of good and evil in Genesis chapter 3 that's the knowledge of exercise our idea about what makes good Dominion and authority or has the devil defines it to be you see the switch when the devil came in and Tim tempted humanity and we fell the Bible says he's the the god of this age the age of rebellion are the god of this world world is age meaning he's the ruler of all the sons of pride so the world is under the sway of the evil one people are seeking dominance or to be dominated in some way is that a true statement or not people are out go out to to seek Dominion and dominance aren't and some people want to be dominated think about it Dominion so people exercise their own ideas about what good dominance is and what evil dominance is what makes what can rephrase it what is good Authority and what is bad authority and in good authority is whatever I define it to be to get my own needs met and stopped on people and get what I need and bad authorities when anybody comes against me and I'll just dominance in business that's a big big thing in business man you want to smother the competition and crush the competition and destroy the competition dominance marriages inductor one party wants to dominate the other dominance Authority it's my way or the highway the devil is still called the ruler of rebellion the whole world is under the sway of the evil one the Bible tells us people seeking dominance or how to dominate how to be dominated think about it why do a lot of people find themselves in abusive relationships and they can't seem to get out of it why is that follow we families after generation after generation I know a family where women just get into one bad relationship afternoons mothers daughters on down the line think about it who's mind the god of this age is blinded who do not believe other words do not have faith or trust in God least the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ who is the image of God who is the image of God should shine on them Romans chapter 8 verse 29 says he God predestined us to be conformed into the image of his son the character traits were to shine were to govern the earth according to the character traits of the Lord the devil wants us to have more faith in doubt than in God who empowers us to break the darkness how by exercising who we were meant to be and who we were meant to shine and be a reflection of and govern this earth by because what Jesus did upon the cross restores our true authority that we'd lost and sold out to the double for we have in Christ Jesus what he restored what he went through on that cross restores our authority to return and be reconciled back to God into to reflect the image in character traits of God do you think the Bible is just a book of nonsense when it says to live godly in this present age what that means to live godly is the shine forth God's character we you and I man or woman it don't matter you were designed to reflect their character traits of God in your family's life in your society's life and this means a limit walk it breathe it pray it to create declare it the cure for our doubts is what Jesus brought upon that cross Jesus gave us something he promised us that was stolen from us our authority and Dominion given to us by God whose image are we created in which begs the question how does God govern the universe well certainly not as the world defines it it's not as how the devil defines authority or how we even define Authority be thority because we have this fallen nature that we have to kind of repent from um and get away from a little bit so you everyone needs to know their their authority is a blood-bought Christian authority came by what to person or John run first John 3:8 for the purpose of the Son of God was manifest that he mightily destroys the works of the devil then we're destroying is the same word used when Jesus says whatever you bind on earth whatever we loose on earth will be loosed the word destroy is the same word loosed in the transplantation it literally means to untie or unravel the purpose of the Son of God was manifest that he mightily unravels and then binds and untie as the works of the devil well we aren't that's a character trait of Jesus that's an entire bond and unravel forces the darkness and con felling direct confrontation with some of these new principalities and powers over the land at the cross the ruler of the world system is cast out John 12:31 this is Joseph's world the ruler of this world will now be cast out and again Luke 10:18 I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven behold I give you authority to trample under serpents and scorpions over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you nevertheless do not rejoice in this that's a spirits of subject to you but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven folks we are created in the image of likeness of God he came back to restore our authority to break the devil's conformity and the demon zones over our lives to prank the jell-o mold and yeah enemy the devil is gonna fight back and push his jell-o mold on people he's gonna push it in to the world he's gonna push it in to the church he does he wants us to interpret and to exercise god-given Authority like he does which is wrong that's not I'm gonna explain it she the devil it is hierarchy okay I'm thinking military and it's very authoritarian it's bright like the devil it's the devil wants to the Christians in the Christian Church to be authoritarians telling herself to be some bigshot authoritarian in the regard also to sell yourself at to sell yourself out to be a doormat where everybody wipes their feet on you that you you that you weren't made to be dominated it you're to be a failure nobody likes you well I'm our authoritarian in this sense I'm the most favored all must listen to me I'm the boss around here I'm my own little guy authority that Christ gives us folks Jesus gave us a promise back act his authority and Dominion given to a spot like God so what his thought gives us it's definitely not a thought aryan the bible tells us to love one another not dominating and controlling brother boy lying scheming be bit hold that thought right there we're breaking up or as a connection I need to run said it can you still hear me hold on a second brother Brian are you on a Wi-Fi or are you connecting to direct with an Ethernet cable I got an Ethernet cable okay clear ah that's the way along that's the way it should be okay so there's no problem there let me reset mine and see if I can get us a bed signal hold on a second I'll call you right back okay folks I think my connection has went to the limit I'm gonna have to get some new cards today let's try this again hold on brother Brian welcome back okay how's this sound now is that working you know what it is I think my car didn't hear me I can hear you but I think I'm having an issue with my card hold on a second let me see if I have another option okay what I'm do I'm gonna jump back to my purple connection I've got another internet connection here hold on a second I'll call you right back standby let's try this other one here I think both of them are shot let's try this one standby all right brother Brian welcome back to the show all right has that much better now you know what we'll roll with what we get I think my internet cards are are dying but we'll have enough I think to finish the show folks I apologize we'll get a little bit of fragmentation I think my internet providers giving me some trouble tonight but the message is coming through and this is a good message and we just bind every devil that would come against this message tonight in Jesus name and we loose the judgments of God on every demon that would try to stop this program tonight in Jesus Christ name we lose warrior angels to go out to begin to attack every wicked spirit has been put on assignment tonight to stop this message angels got attacked Oh spirits in the mighty name of Jesus Christ we pray amen Brian I'm sorry for the interruption pick back up continue on you got plenty of time yeah when I go back on my notes a little bit here you see the sea devil wants us to have more faith in doubt than in God who empowers us to break the forces of darkness that are binding our families there and our homes and our countries and our towns and stuff Jesus what he did on that cross restores our true authority that we have Jesus Christ for the purpose of the Sun and God was manifest that he mildly destroys our unties and binds all the works of the devil we're part of the hands and feet in the body of Christ help we actually do the unbinding because we live in a real world that's controlled by the spiritual so to speak to principalities and powers in the air now they're interlopers God has given us our authority back but the authority the devil confuses the world and us and Christians and churches was what Authority is the authority is not this authoritarian dictatorship that we call all the shots and we dominate everybody or we are we seek to be dominated by somebody in authority you know that's not the that's the devil's definition of Authority that's what a lot of people think of authority is to just be authoritarian that's how the devil is a devil is authoritarian he tells people to sell out to be doormats and to be controlled and dominated or he tells people that they got to be the most favored person they got to be the Big Shot they got to be the boss well that's not the type of authority Jesus is talking about this is a different type of authority it's an authority to live by and shine forth and literally be and shine forth the characteristics of God to live godly in this present age what do you think that means to live godly in this present age yes we have problems and we stumble and fall but he's faithful but the Lord is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us of our sins where's that we still need to live godly in this present age shining forth the image and likeness of God's characteristics is how we govern by we are created in whose image and likeness that means we are created in the image and likeness of God's character traits that are discovered in the Bible just what I shared in part one Gaza got a grace of mercy truth he's very just he's kind there's no one just to see good to all he's no respecter of person he chastens he rebukes here approves whom he loves by his loving nature he calls out to the Lawson rebellious folks their need to return to him and find help in time of their need he implements justice to defend the powerless to do battle against the authoritarian devil to declare and decree to declare and decree who he is over families city stood declare his power let his name known God is well balanced he's sober minded he has he's very level-headed and he's guided by truth he's he's the exposure of evil and how it kills Rob's and destroys he is holy just right does not lie he guides teaches instructs directs he's all-powerful he's the healer he needs to deliver he's salvation he's our strong tower he's our banner he's our daily bread he does our living water he is the restorer of the breach he is almighty he's the lord of the Sabbath and gives the rest to the afflicted in a nutshell a Christian who was filled with the Holy Spirit's exercises Authority in the same way by governing where you are and governing by being well balanced sober-minded by being walking in truth by being kind knowing justice who being good to all being no respecter of persons defending keeping tending being well balanced all those things are character rates are the character traits of God that's how we are to govern our lives by I'm talking about old-fashioned repentance turning back to the ways of God and some people don't like me teaching on repentance because they just get rid of I hadn't talked to a minister a while back that he got really up any about this repentance thing that just works no this is God becoming who you are in Jesus Christ turning away from the ways of the world become who you are an exercise authority overcome by kindness overcome when you have to take the sword and actually defend and go to war maybe a physical war and fight in a foreign land you're defending the homeland I mean this is real stuff folks in a nutshell a Christian filled with the holy spirit exercises authority dominion listen to by bringing forth God's idea of justice and let me share what God's idea of justice is remember we have the Bible we have hindsight he gave the Holy Spirit to us to indwell within us into him and as well as empower us and it says in Isaiah 61 verses 1 through 4 the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor and sent me to heal the brokenhearted to proclaim Liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to those were bound to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and to proclaim a day of vengeance of our God and to comfort all who mourn to consider those who mourn in Zion to give them beauty for Ashes the oil of joy for mourning the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness that they make that they may be called the trees of righteousness the plantings of the Lord that he may be glorified and they will rebuild the old ruins they'll raise up the former desolations and they will repair the ruined cities the desolations that many generations have brought we exercise authority because he's anointed us to give good tidings to those who are crushed in spirit and broken we have authority to as them to declare the lord of the sabbath his name so they give the poor and spirit rest he has sent us to heal the brokenhearted to exercise authority and healing the wounds of the heart has your heart been wounded maybe there's a root in there that needs to be dug out a splinter this low reminds me of us what happened to me when I was a little kid got a splinter in my finger and my dad takes his pocketknife out so it's come here let me get that out ah freaking out because there's a big pocketknife and you know and gently turns it over and where it's not a sharp part of the blade and applies the pressure no Splinter pops out and get a pair of tweezers pull it out and then drain all that they keep us out and put some stuff on it got better that's what the healing the broken heart is sometimes we just need this splinter out of her heart and the pus drained called deliverance to proclaim Liberty to the captives and opening the prison's of doors of those who are bound that's your authority you're the government are and exercise the authority there it is to exhibit God's character traits calling upon his name to set the captives free the Senate those who are bound to give good news to teach people how to turn away from their mourning and find joy would you like to some of that how to be acceptable to the Lord he's calling you back to return to Him and it also got walks in truth he's gonna tell you there's a day of vengeance that's gonna come upon the sons of disobedience who want to be dictators the Bible says us to submit to God and the devil will flee us for a reason and purpose and teaches us that we know that we will rebuild the old ruins and restructure the societies and restructure things that many generations have brought to ruin all these great revivals like the Welsh revival bars of stuff shut down all that junk that was going on all the demon zones were shutting down in a physical manifestation would you like to see that these are the things that God reflect God's character traits okay I said let us make man in our image according to our likeness let them have dominion over we are we are to live as his living reflections of His image and likeness of his character traits summed up by how he defines his love I'll put it down our way God's love in the Bible both the Old Testament and New Testament can be summed up and combined to mean to cherish them build up to defend to protect chase him separate from the bad from the good trained equipped protect set free heal all the God's character traits are summed up and help to give definition to his love I bet you haven't heard that one before and we were called to be in His image and likeness not the devil's jell-o mold and the Lord took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden attending to keep it where did he place you what is he placed you'd attend and to keep to cultivate it to tend it to cultivate it and to protect it to keep the demon zones out this is a heritage this is an honor has all the servants of the Lord all the saints have this honor to do this folks the Bible teaches that do you hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to you in these verses and he said to them I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven it's in to what the Holy Spirit's saying to you behold I give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the powers of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you nevertheless do not rejoice in this but the spirits are subject to you but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven you can do it you can push back the tides and darkness was in gaming the authority to go to war against the principalities and powers and that's where you become authoritarian not against we don't wrestle against flesh and blood we wrestle against what the principalities and powers that are controlling the people we take that type of authority over him because God does exercise authority Jesus spoke with great authority because it was setting people free it was implementing his love it was protecting it was cultivating was edifying and building up his beloved it was also separating the sheep from the goats God's love will separate the sheep from the goats God's love will separate the wheat from the tares has to he has to protect the wheat he has to protect the sheep we're not to become godlike authoritarians against people but we can have that authoritarian thing over the spirits but we are not to become godlike authoritarian demanding our ways and our personal ways in some hierarchy top-down Authority model over each other the Bible says for us to walk and love do your children by this you know that you're walking love dear children by this they know that you are my disciples and if I build each other up you know Jesus washed the disciples feet jesus said this in Luke chapter 22 I think it is verse 25 he said the kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them and those who exercised authority over them are called benefactors but not so among you on the contrary he who is greatest among you let him be the younger servant and he'll governs as he who serves let him who governs and it's he who serves do you know that God's image and likeness and he governs the earth and he tends it he takes care of it he respects people's decisions but anything messes with that he will fight he will divide the Red Sea for us to get through he he will rebuke the Devourer for our sakes and all these things all these scriptures are coming to my mind coming too fast but I'm just saying to you folks that when you exercise Dominion and authority God's Way by loving each other by having compassion look how at the building each other it up stop tearing each other down to watch live it most people in churches that I hear and people who left churches they got burned by the church should be honest with you my authoritarian churches who are dominating control putting you down seeing God doesn't want us to put each other down well he gives us authority to put the devil down the spiritual aspect we wrestle against not flesh and blood but against the spiritual aspect that are controlling the people sometimes I think in our interpretation of authority we get it backwards that's a real authority it is here to serve and provide the cherishing the nurture and the edification the building up and the chastening and everything that's involved in that that's how we are to govern that's how Adam and Eve were to govern their families in the earth and the animals and all that stuff it carries over to the authority of a believer now since the Lord has the authority we reflect that authority when we deal with the realm of the demonic and spiritual warfare over the demon zones you see the distinction one is it yeah.but god-given right to be an authoritarian against the principalities and powers but not to be an authoritarian against your brothers and sisters in Christ I'm a servant of the Most High God I'm here to serve you teach you what the Lord wants you to be taught so you can go out and conquer the demon zones and learn to build together a rapport with each other the intercessors group learn how to fight the phone how to become a better reflection of God's character traits in your family let me tell you we all stumble and fall and I'm thankful that God's grace is there and get us back on track always live a repentant life I like what Jesus said to in John chapter 49 have I been with you so long having happy not known me Philip you has seen me has seen the father how can you say show us the father no the part of Scripture if Jesus went about doing good healing all manner of he didn't rebuke the religious hypocrites he did rebuke the Devils he did take authority over those things but he also hear me now there are times when he had to take the insults upon that cross and expose what sin is and sometimes that we do - we do suffer persecution but but first John first John chapter 2 verse 5 says whoever keeps his word truly the love of God is perfected in him by this we know that we are in him he who says he abides in in him ought also to walk as he walked yeah there are times when we confront people when they need to be confronted and Jesus wasn't a dictator to the 12 disciples he let them make their own decisions and make their own mistakes and he helped him learn from their mistakes he even let him there was even one who betrayed him and when he was betrayed Satan entering that one that was betrayed the devil was exposed the world's ideas were exposed how they robbed betray put labels and people and destroy your lives it's all expose how the world has been taught to use the authority to abandon how to teach use authority to reject how to use Authority to produce and neglect how to put people in trial and you're in mind how to put burdens like Jesus was made to carry a heavy cross and die on how do we put burdens that people on people they can't bear how do we abandon neglect abuse mystery mock scoff divide garments folks on that cross the devil's Authority was broken because it was exposed now the Lord once through the new birth of Jesus Christ restore that authority back into you that you've lost in the garden even speak the image and likeness of God who shines forth his character traits of love mercy goodness kindness grace justice righteousness holiness just imagine if everyone lived wholly separated from the world oh and could you imagine we get rid of the demon zones in some places you don't have to lock your doors at night anymore keep listening to me now I'm talking something pretty radical because Jesus said it in John chapter 14 I'm telling you the absolute proof says Jesus he who believes in me the works that I do he will do also and greater works than these he will do because I go to my father whatever you asking my name that I would do that the father may be glorified in the son if you ask anything in my name I will do it if you love me keep my Commandments and I will pray the father and he'll give you another helper and he will abide with you forever the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees them or knows him but you know him for he would well with you and will be in you the Lord Himself takes up residence inside of you he was in you as greater than he was in the world and by living according to the character traits of the Lord is also how you break the demon zones yeah we can go to spiritual warfare and pray that the Lord's deliverance he's the deliverer he's going to break the power of the enemy over this area we know that hallowed be thy name I declare his hallowed name over an area but he caused us to walk with Him in his house to reflect his character because when the people get saved get set free and delivered they need a home brothers and sisters in Christ who are not going to beat them up put them down and crush them with burdens they can't Bearer help them cherish them and nurture them but the rest of the world and the principalities and powers and the ways of the world we have authority we fight tooth and nail against but our brothers and sisters we've got to stop fighting each other well I can love dear children the Lord is the lord of the Sabbath who gives rest to the afflicted that's what the Bible teaches us folks because the world just wants us to wear these labels give us heart rules broken dreams and stabs us in the back that's the authority the devil has we can't bear it we can't keep that in the church we got to get rid of it we have to fight the forces of darkness using the authority of God's name hollowing is name / places / geographical locations I recommend if you're going against the territorial spirit by any means and you're in a group of intercessors a couple things to do I know Shannon has a lot more to say on this than I can at the moment but how low is name on the area with a group of people asked that the land be forgiving because every drop of land in this earth has shed blood somehow there's a reason for that you're the hands and feet in the body of Jesus Christ to bring the kingdom of God on earth you're to hold a counter-revolution against the forces of darkness you have the authority from on hide and do that and also the authority to live right before God honoring and respecting your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ well that's the message I don't know if he you got all that I was trying to cram in about two hours here on a spotty connection but power miss not against us brothers you there Shannon oh yes this is a great message tonight everybody know it got through tonight the enemy tried to slow us down but he failed in his mission and Brian got the word cross tonight my brother I'm excited to to be able to come make contact with you and get you on these programs I'm really blessed by your testimony and the teachings that are coming forth Brian I want you to tell people who may be hearing you for the first time a little bit also about what God is having you do with the First Nations people he's linked you up with some of the tribes and he wants to bring deliverance to the First Nations people as well doesn't he that's right he wants to bring healing to the First Nations people and in fact all people really because we all have sharing a blood on each other's hands yes well yeah so my name is Brian W Melvin I wrote a book called land unknown hell's Dominion is about my after death experience when I was a militant atheist I died I drank some bad water and the Lord by His grace alone brought me back I wrestle with that and I traveled the country telling my testimony but also teach on spiritual warfare and help people raised up into their ministry dreams and give them insights and and train them up as best I can so currently I'm working with the First Nations people I started down in the southwestern tribes in Navajo and Apache and Mescalero Apache and I came to the northern tribes in Cheyenne River Reservation and as well as Standing Rock where I met some phenomenal people brothers and sisters in Christ were fighting a terrible spiritual battle and some of them are getting ready to go to battle against the principalities and the territorial spirits that are killing their own people with suicide they got a definite a strongman over there thing and through this message that I given here as well as what I've shared with them before I know that they will prevail because Jesus doesn't want people to be committing suicide and doing all these things he wants the down that they'll don't they know how to do it there they're learning so we don't have brothers you're all up there on the reservation as well as Donna Archambault and a few others overlock Paulo and we have other ministers in various area and faith South Dakota in different places you're all getting together and there are moving the way the direction that God wants them to go to start setting people free and it's phenomenal to see now I like to say a house is very easy but these people they know it's a battle and it's a struggle brother Jerome is up there trying to raise money for the purchase a church building right now and I can get the information to Shannon he can maybe post it he wants to on a website maybe people can donate because he has a little Facebook thing I think a way to donate money and people are interested he's trying to buy a church to ground the ministry in there because we yeah with the other people I worked with we got people ordained and they're up there doing the work so we're here for we train equip we kind of back off let them do the work because who else the best to reach the First Nations people than the First Nations people themselves that's right and you got in these people no no spiritual warfare because they live in it and they've seen it you know they're not a bunch of Western people who don't believe that there's demons they see the results and a lot of people may in my town in Colorado you know they might shine away from this stuff because yet the law enforcement people and other people involved in this type of criminal in the criminal justice system see evil they see the demonic and they have to arrest some of these people you know so it's everywhere we can hide our head in the sand but you know we got to get back to know who we are in Jesus so one of my main goal teaching people how to find themselves and their authority in Jesus Christ how to walk in the love of God how to live a repentant life basically the basic doctrines of Jesus Christ it's what I teach again my book is a land unknown hell's Dominion if you're interested just look that up on our Barnes & Noble or any of the booksellers and trying to just ask for ask ask for it by name and land unknown hell's Dominion by BW Melbourne that she and I'll turn it over to you praise God now Brian if someone would like to make contact with you do you have an email address or website you'd like to give up yes the website is well it's um after-hours ministries it's plural at now I forgot it so tip of my tongue we got it hold on let me get that back take time pull it I gotta pull that up here I want to encourage y'all to pick up a copy of this book if you have not read it you want to get it he's also got some testimonies out there in YouTube and that's how I found Brian and he's very much alive and working for the Lord Jesus Christ I'd say I enjoyed tonight's teaching this was powerful this is right now word well I'm so excited we did this show tonight and if you're coming in late we're gonna have it up in the archive later but uh Brian before I forget go ahead and give you my husband dress when you're ready here yeah I got it finally go ahead give it up okay it's after hours ministries all one oh that's easy well hey that's a great name after hours minister after hours ministries yeah you'll see me on there and there is a little video of me there's a lot of different ministries call it after-hours ministry or minister what you'll see a website of my book Atlanta no me and that videotape and you know you got the the right website nearest little things it's under construction I'm still working on it trying to get the kinks out there's a contact ministry page there and if you like to make a donation there is a place as well there if you like it's up to you I don't force anybody or say anything about that but it's there for you if it Lord puts it on your heart great that's a very my website my email address is uh - you can contact me by email as well my email address is on the website that's nice way to look for W Melbourne at CenturyLink done net after men after-hours I'm looking at it right now that's a great name excellent Brian when you get time would you talk to Jerome and also Donna and bang see if we can get both of them to join you and let's do a broadcast together okay I'll do that I will get that drone and Donna on there that'd be awesome I'll let them know I'll do that and see what they say okay see we all do we'll try to do a two-hour show cuz I'm gonna tell you it's gonna go fast when we get all three of you on there it's gonna be good have you I we also introduced you yet to Curtis and Haley horse of Pine Ridge warriors yeah they're there I have contact with them exelon alright I probably shouldn't get their email address I don't think I have their email address let's say I go to the website I have to look okay because I want to see what we get you on their show as well they're going back to Pine Ridge he's on Lakota Sioux Indian and involved in in the ministry good friend of mine and I believe this is a divine appointment to have met you and then through you you've introduced us to Jerome and Curtis action Oh strong and then bald and they do some things together but folks were on the same team here all of us in the endtime ministry it's a good time to be alive and working for Jesus my brother thank you for coming on the night I'm gonna have this up in the archive here inside the hour and I'll have it up online I want to encourage you everybody pick up a copy and get the book my brother are you do you have any plans to release your book as a Kindle in the future I'm in the process of that right now I got the got a PDF from the publisher and I have two excellent figure I want I want a sentence PDF I why I want the one where I can edit I don't want the war document so yeah trying to get that from them to our having it find my old one but it's not format it right I have to get the one they format it you know that's so they sent me the wrong they sent me the wrong thing that's still okay because you're making hate headway with it okay keep working on that because I know it's gonna be good and I love to see that thing come out on Kindle then people around the world can download it I need to get that out there I'm probably you know put it on the company you mentioned - oh yeah create space comm they're great okay if you need any technical expertise I may know a couple people I could patch you up with so just let me know okay would you like to close it in prayer today no I'll let you go ahead and my voice is getting a little rasp let's do it father God and the mighty name of Jesus Christ I thank you for brother Brian I thank you Lord that you've given him inside and how to attack the host of Hell and how we can have victories in Jesus name we thank you Lord God for this teaching that went out tonight very powerful we ask father God that you would stir off the hearts of people tuning in that we will report for duty and begin to push back the forces of darkness set the captives free and preach the gospel we thank you Lord Jesus for tonight blessed brother Brian expand his ministry in territories in the name of Jesus and also bringing every resource he needs helping with his book and help him with more books that are coming forth we ask that you give us favor for more divine connections and with the first stations people we ask you bless everyone tonight that took time to listen in Jesus Christ's name Amen my friend amen get ready for your next program I'm looking forward to having you back on oh I'm making up a schedule right now for me so let me know what you want okay let me give them a call and let them know and see what they Donna wanted your number your new number and I gave it to her so hopefully she'll call you or you can call her she want you to contact so you know what I'll do I think I have her put back in my phone my phone drowned and I lost all my contacts but I'm rebuilding it so I still have her I'll double-check it if nothing I'll be back in touch with you but we'll talk soon thank you for coming on tonight we'll talk soon god bless you brother all right god bless you all bye-bye that was Bryan Millman he saw Hill folks he did I saw heaven too and God brought him back and he wrote extensively about that in his book you can listen to his full testimony or a good portion of right now on YouTube he's done a number of meetings and he loves you that's why I came on tonight to help us with some of the information God gave him on how to fight back we're gonna call tonight's program demon zones and how to defeat them that's a great title right there I borrowed that from brother Bryan he came up with the term demon zones I like that how to defeat them Oh mega man radio has been commissioned to invade deep into enemy territory drive out the hosts of hell and take back the land our mission is to preach Jesus Christ the Son of God who is the only name written under heaven by which men might be saved cast out demons and pray for the sick that they may be healed in Jesus name if this program is a blessing to you and you would like to take part in this harvest of souls join with us and attack the hosts of Hell by donating any amount online at
Channel: omegaman
Views: 6,718
Rating: 4.8709679 out of 5
Keywords: faith, love, holy, spirit, facebook, truth, jesus, christ, hope, bible, study, salvation, ministry, power, demons, deliverance, exorcism, healing, prophecy, watchmen, omegamanradio
Id: a_sXWA6vtTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 35sec (6215 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2017
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