My Testimony going to HELL, (FULL VERSION) My journey to a that place.

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hi my name is Christopher Dodd and this is my test I've been putting this off for a long time because my testimony is quite long and I have shared my testimony to a few people and I always felt like I was casting my pearls you know to not write people and you may ask it's your testimony it should bring people to Christ you're right but I'm nobody special I'm nobody special but my testimony it's hard for people to hear sometimes and I've been putting this off for quite some time because I didn't know if I should share my testimony but I do believe it's time to share my testimony so father Holy Spirit I assure you give me the words to speak Jesus name tell me to bring everything you want me to D to speak Jesus name let me begin when I was a child I never when I was a kid I never really understand the spiritual aspect I didn't I remember going to Sunday school but I just it was just a place to go to Sunday School in color and learn songs of Jesus but I didn't so my journey because my journey is my testimony I want to say I started in Houston on 59 there is a Fiesta on Northside and my house used to be across the street of that fiesta and my first encounter of the spiritual room I it was a young kid maybe about four or five years old and I went to use the restroom and there was this particular room in this house that I was afraid of but that that was the only room that had the bathroom besides my parents bathroom so this is the only restroom that me and my brother could use so I went onto the potty the toilet and I was using a restroom and the door slam just slammed and it scared me I jumped up I opened the door and there was no one in the room I pull my pants up ran towards my mother because my dad wasn't at home at the time and I rent for my mother and she was outside and that the slamming doors was a common thing then one day my my parents started going to church and I guess they came home from church we came home from church one day and all I remember is my dad had records of you know Pink Floyd and and different artists of rock and roll and stuff and I remember hear my dad say that we're Christian now we need to get rid of these things or something that he had to get rid of them and in the mix of him getting rid of these records he decides to play one and that's when he started speaking in a deeper he spoke into a different tongue and a different voice that I've it wasn't my dad and it scared me tremendously scared my mom scared my brother it was something we didn't know what this was I remember my mom saying she's calling the pastor to come and pray and on the phone with my my mom's on the phone with the pastor and a pastors telling her the things to say and I remember my dad fighting against the words that my mom was speaking and me my brother was scared we were huddled up in the living room floor and we wanted to be by our parents because we didn't feel safe in the house and I remember looking on the ground and it was the strangest things I saw rows of ants just like rows of ants one line of ants heading towards my dad and another line of ants heading towards my dad and another line I had to say like leave six seven lines of ants diagonally in a row not swerving or anything just straight line to my dad and I remember the pastor came inside and the pastor's wife or somebody said take the kids outside and I remember me my brother was being escorted outside and I went to go look back and if I remember correctly it was like a force or something that pushed him up against the wall not by a pastor not by my mom but a force that could not see his first time I've seen anything spiritually in the spiritual realm which I was a young kid I don't know what that was so maybe a few months after that my parents decided to move out of the house and we left that place and I was around five or six and I remember we had stayed at an apartment complex we moved from the house to apartment company I don't know I don't know how long we stayed there but I do remember we stayed at apartment complex and I used to go and play with the kids and the apartment complex and I played hide-and-go-seek and annexed to this apartment complex was this field and it was it was it was huge field and I decided that I wanted to I remember I wanted to be like the 18 I wanted to be like like army I wanted to hide in the grass well I run into the field and in the mix of this field was maybe two and a half feet tall brick round wall that was round and a couple pieces of plywood on top of it and I thought perfect place to hide that's it that's the thought that enter my mind instantaneously so I move a piece of card will that the nut the cardboard the the piece of plywood I moved it out of the way and it was a giant hole a well of some sort it was a giant hole and I want to say it was just enough wide it was like two and a half feet wide and it I couldn't see the bottom and I remember going up to the edge and looking down and a thought came in my mind to jump in and I'll never forget it to this day when I was just about to consider of jumping in and I barely move it was like I was ready to do it and right there right above me right here above the well was an angel and and I I don't know I I tried to search in scriptures I I don't I I I know the Bible says there's no male or female and and in heaven you know but this angel was a female there's no doubt about it this was a female angel I can't explain it I searched in scriptures there's people say that you know there is female names of angels in the Bible but I haven't found any but I know what I saw and I know what I experienced so I'm seeing this angel and it was white bright white and the edges was kind of see-through and especially the bottom cuz I didn't see no legs or feet but it was a silhouette and it just faded and the most overwhelming piece that I've ever had I could still feel it to this day but the angel told me sir Chris go home to your mother right now and I did exactly that I turn around and right I told my mom and I told my dad but I don't I don't I don't think they believe me I think they brushed it to the side but I never forget it it is the only time I've ever seen a heavenly angel so those are my earliest experience with the spiritual realm the good and the bad so you may be asking why am I telling you these stories of my life because this is part of my testimony this is this is leading up to Who I am today so I was I was wasn't bad kid I listened to my parents I did we bail you know like all kids do they rebel my parents started going into ministry sorry I had to my recorder only records every 30 minutes so my parents started going into ministry and started getting in into God and it just seemed like every where my parents took me I was always prophesied Adhan of great things and not just one minister from countless of different ministers so been raised of listening to prophets and prophecies prophet prophetess and and and multiple different pastors and preachers from every ethnic every denomination you can think of this is what I've been told than these people so I was about 12 13 years well I was 12 almost 13 years old and I lost my virginity to the girl across the street I didn't know what I was doing at the time we were playing house and she wanted me she wanted to show me what her parent what she saw her parents do the previous night and she wanted to try that that is when I lost my virginity and that's when the thorn in my flesh started happening yeah boy the enemy really likes to make you feel guilty I felt guilty too almost 14 years old because of that in it and it wasn't forced or anything it's just me knowing that I lost my virginity and I was always told that I needed to save it for marriage but how could I when I lost my virginity so the enemy always really beat me up about that so we had moved to another place and my parents started going to this church now this church was literally right next door to a satanic Church a real satanic Church and believe it or not you know there were there they were real satanic churches in Houston and it was open up front you know people knew about it but they stayed away but the church that we were attending was literally right next door and the only thing that separated these two buildings was a field so the Satanic church which they not only worship satanic but they worship Wicca and they worship white witch stuff or whatever whatever all that stuff is so that place was just on maybe an acre and the church that we were aligned was like 20 acres as a field that surrounded the church well we attended to this church and I want to say it wasn't too long after we started going there maybe about six months we started going this church and all of a sudden the church divided over if I recall something the most stupidest thing ever the church literally split and people stopped going to church both sides they stopped going to figure out what was the next step for that church so at this point people were not even the Tynan Church to church was destroyed over one Sunday and it was completely destroyed of a congregation and then my mom had said that the Lord told me to go and pray over that church and walk around walk around the church seven times and I was like yeah okay I'll go I want to go so I went with my mom my my brother and my dad stayed at home they didn't they didn't didn't want to go so we get to the church it was like 10 o'clock 11 o'clock at night and my mom had anointing oil and I had a lantern I was maybe about 10 11 no no about 13 years old 13th you know about yeah I was thirty thirteen years old when I was 32 1314 years old so get out of the car and my mom says that the Lord told her to walk around the facility seven times and pray of the not the church but the actual property twenty acres of it and then on the seventh time to anoint the church and sprinkle anointing oil on top of the church so I'm holding the lantern it's in the middle of nowhere no lights the only life they were from our car at the beginning of the property and a lantern that I had in my hand and my mom says stay behind me I'm gonna walk ahead hold the lantern and and I will pray and and and you know so we began we began on this property and I want to say about the third time the third time around things felt really dark it almost seemed like the stars weren't you couldn't see the stars no more and it seemed like my lantern light wasn't bright s bright but we still kept pressing on about the fourth time I started seeing shadows between me and my mother like that and I was flipping out and my mom says keep your eyes keep your thoughts on Jesus keep your thoughts on Jesus so I'm praying Jesus protect us you know Jesus help us Jesus protect us send your angels to protect us and my mom kept saying just just say Jesus just say Jesus if - all you gotta say is Jesus so the shadows was just constant it was I mean it couldn't have been no animal it couldn't have been because they that the grass didn't move because it was it was a little tall grass cuz the field they didn't cut all the field so the grass didn't move but shadows was definitely all around us so we get to the end of the sixth turn and my mom starts heading towards the church and I told my mom I said what are you doing we got we have to do it seven times and she goes we did I said no we didn't that was six we need to do seven and she thought she goes you know what you're right well we get back onto the path and let me tell you that let oh thank you Jesus that last time that we went around that feel the evilness of such thickness was present so much I never forget and let me tell you I that last seventh walk around that field was the longest the longest walk around that field it I can't explain it I can't explain it it was longer than all the rest of the walks and we were walking the same paced I can't explain it but it was the longest so we finally finished it the seventh and we go to the church and my mother's speaking in tongues and praising the Lord and and and just doing whatever the Lord was telling her and spraying anointing oil on top of the roof of this church and I seen this huge giant black figure demonic force coming out of the roof of that church in a wool and my mom was like wool you see that it was the freakiest tallest thing I've ever seen and it screamed and then it just seemed like right after that it just seemed like everything was bright again you could see the Stars my lantern was bright again I noticed for some reason I during the walks I really didn't notice the beam how bright the beams of the car was until now and it was like peace and we get into the car and my mom is talking to me and explaining to me a little bit more about the demonic forces and demons and angels and things like that I know a little bit about it but I didn't know never know you know from when I was younger when I did see it to now because I'm older and started learning more it's a different perspective you see I'm Sam so that was a pretty intense experience of in my youth so fast for in it I've had and I started growing a beard in high school and you know friends would give me pornography and I got really addicted to pornography I could go to a convenience store and buy a pornography magazine and I would be only 16 years old they would never cart me this isn't Easton old-time I encountered a lot of lust in my life especially my youth and young adult and adult it has been truly a thorn in my flesh so I lived in Houston pretty much my whole life and my my my mom decided that God told her to sell the house and move outside of Houston more towards the country so my mom put it on the market and it sold within a few days and my mom didn't know where we were gonna get a house at the Lord told her to get in the car and just drive guide her to this piece of land and didn't have a for sale sign I was posted up and the Lord said this is it she looked down and the sign for the for sale sign was in the ditch covered with grass so no one could really see it just on the corners of it she called the number the guy says yeah I just want to get rid of it there's you know taking take half of it I mean I think it was like five acres for $10,000 it was super super cheap so we moved to this place and my parents started getting heavily more into ministry now in this time my life I attend church the group of kids that I grew up in high school with we started the Christian organization in the morning where we read our Bible or talk about something about Christ or church so we started that movement in school reading in the cafeteria things like that going around the halls to start witness to people but yeah that you know that that's always we've did that but we now we moved when we go to outside of Houston in my senior year in high school and it was quite different so I come from the city life where it was mostly blacks and Mexicans and it was maybe 5% white you know and I grew up very urban I grew up you know please shooting every day amulets I mean you click on the news in the morning times and and we were expecting a car chase to watch before we go to school that was just everything to see drive-by shootings I mean that was just everyday thing so we moved to the to the outsides of Houston and is more of a farm community it's more of a country style I did not like it oh I didn't I liked the bugs I did not like it was super quiet it was just completely different I mean it was I was like man there's so born there's no place to go what the heck you know this is what is this place you know um but you know I I started a new senior year I'm in high school and I just tried to start things brand new again I mean I had all my friends in Houston everybody that I knew was in Houston and I have to start all over especially in my senior year so I asked around if there was a Christian organization in the morning times there wasn't I decided to go ahead start that so I can at least have that morning times just tried to meet new friends that were Christians and that started started going and like said my mom my parents started getting into ministry and they started going around to these different churches in different places that was set up by some guy that was there he his main job was to get new ministers and and have them preach at different churches to to get them started and there is this one church I am pretty sure it was a Baptist Church a white Baptist Church in the middle of nowhere nowhere in the backwoods and it was like a white church the paint was you know it was like one of those things you seen a movie was is unlike Houston cuz usin there's different varieties of churches and means to picture but this was like a country church country country church so my mom was preaching and I went with her for a few services and this church they didn't believe in speaking in tongues they didn't believe in standing up raising their hands they didn't believe me anything it was just a dead church needed a revival that's exactly what was happening and needed a revival and a revival came so the Lord spoke to me and he says I want you to sit in the front row and every time there's a song or anything being praised to me you stand up and raise your hand no matter if anybody else does or not nemanja I've got all these people behind behind this side of the church behind a man that's had a church and it's about 60 70 people there and you know soon as old churches has that smell and it has that that musty wooden old smell and those those those red cushions that you sit on that you know if you slide the whole thing comes off the the whole entire bench yeah but it was an old church I can still smell that musty smell a lot of churches had this I don't know why all some of these churches have that musty smell but anyway it's a size appointee so somebody started singing and in there was old school Humes you know which there's nothing wrong with old old school hymns you know but you know there's power power wonder-working power in the blood that kind of means you know you know just monotone everybody's saying the same thing and it's just no life so I get up okay Lord I get up and I start praising God thank you lord power power wonder-working and I'm getting into it and I'm thinking don't look over because I know all of these people have their eyes on back of my head but I got to do this because this is what God told me to do so I'm doing this I'm doing this and it's going great first couple of services boom boom boom was great people were getting saved people were getting healed it was amazing God was moving God was moving and towards the end I want to say because it was a week-long event towards the end Friday I did look and I started seeing people getting up doing a service thank God I wasn't the only one standing up but but things were starting to revive itself you don't have saying people were actually getting gauge it's Friday night guy stands up and has a heart attack I am and I I looked I was concerned the whole congregation is concerned oh my gosh this guy's having a heart attack and I look at my mom she's preaching and I look at my mom's like and my mom goes nope God told me keep preaching it's a it is a distraction from the enemy so she kept preaching she didn't stop so analysts came got the guy he ended up being fine but but that night that night this woman came up for prayer she says she goes up to my mom she goes my daughter needs prayer my daughter needs prayer she has demons in her she has demons in her my mom goes okay bring it so this young girl comes and she know she has a black eyeliner and a black lipstick and the black caller and the black clothes and you know the whole nine yards but you can't always judge a person by what they wear okay look at her look at my daughter she has demons in her you need to cast them out cast these Dina's out of my daughter so my mom goes come here so my mom start praying for her and my my mom was praying for it and of course I'm there I'm supporting I'm praying and my mom starts praying and she stops and she goes ma'am there is no demons in this girl not at all she's not possessed she may be influenced by things but she's not possessed but the Lord keeps telling me is Munir house any house things be cleansed no you're wrong you're wrong my daughter look at my God look what she is wearing she's got demons gasps these demons out so my moms like started praying for she just know God told me that she is fine she may be a little confused in life but she is funny God is telling me there's something in your house that is heavenly strong that needs to be cleansed so the woman's like okay so the whole church the whole church we dismiss right then and there me my mom pastor pastor wife this lady and her daughter we get in our cars and we follow this lady to her house and I'm talking about backwoods a country by punch five somewhere in Texas I mean in the middle of nowhere I'm talking about the streets weren't paved it was dirt anyway we get to this house and it's a shotgun house I don't know if you know what a shotgun house is but in the South a shotgun house is where you open the front door then you could shoot pass through the back door I mean it's it's just a long narrow house front back that's it so it's a shotgun house in the middle of nowhere so we get out of the car well on the way there I start praying to God and start reading them Ephesians six the armour of God and the protection and you know getting us ready getting us getting that mindset of cleaning in a house and I've been on a lot of going to people's houses and cleaning and anything now mind you I'm 17 years old okay I've been to maybe a dozen house cleanses and then like this one so I'm doing the thing I'm reading Ephesians six getting my mind oh god keeping my mind on Christ you know just reading a God's Word asking the Holy Spirit to guide us and all this stuff so we get to this place we get out I come around and start heading towards the front of the house and then the Lord spoke to me right then and there he said do not do not go in a hallway or the bedrooms thus saith the LORD thy God I was like I mean it's not like it's hard to explain when you actually hear God's voice you you you know you know I mean you know that you know that you know that you know okay so I said I told my mom I said I'll be praying but the Lord told me not to go on the bedrooms or the hallway okay so we get in there and actually there is the living room kitchen back door and then off the side is a little hallway with two rooms so it's still shotgun house it's just the rooms are off on suicide so it's okay well there's a hallway and there's the rooms I'm not supposed to go back there so this Baptist preacher he's not he he doesn't really believe in speaking tongues or anything like this nature but he's curious because he's he's actually seeing miracles he's actually seeing people get saved and it's it's it's sparking a fire within him you know what I'm saying so he comes to observe what this is all about you know I'm saying it's not like it just seemed like he hadn't the stuff in the Bible and if this stuff is in the Bible that was just for old times and it never happens in a new time so this is new for him but so he was kind of you know kicking state you know just chilling back praying to himself and I'm in the living room and I promise you all right that so the ladies she's the first one obviously it's her house she warns her husband that were coming in yeah okay that's fine the daughter comes and they automatically all three sit on the couch right there in aluminum so my mom comes in and she goes straight to the back bedroom just straight to the back bedroom didn't say hi didn't say not just she just goes straight to the back bedroom and you can hear her from back there that she is praying strongly so okay so I'm praying ami-nee we are anointing ourselves we pray for over our selves for protection and the blood of Christ and I'm sitting there in the living room and I'm seeing a pastor he's just kind of going back and forth you know talking a little bit about to the family and going back for to my mom and just kind of walking around just to serving what's going on so I'm going to live in life start praying and I'm just praying father just cleanse this house in her name of Jesus father cleanses Jesus father cleanse his house in the name of Jesus and I promise you when I open my eyes and I looked now in a minute the kitchen there is this bar or an island and this particular kitchen had the stove on island and I saw this old wrinkly white white lady evil evil evil evil evil looking string Li greyish white his hair I mean it wasn't full it was just strands just little strands long hair and she had a pot a pot maybe two-foot pot I mean it was a pot a big pot and it was on the stove and she now on the other side of pot couldn't see what she was doing and she chopped something and she picked it up and and of course the pots here and I can't see it until she lifted it up past it so I could see what it was and it was a infant baby and she dropped it in the pot to boil it and then she looked right at me and it was like I was froze froze every fiber in me my hair just went and goose baa and I saw right in her eyes and they were deep deep dark can't explain it and I said oh Jesus and I just started praying Lord Jesus Lord Jesus Lord Jesus and I just started rebuking rebuking the demonic force in us and I it was just all a sudden this boldness with inside me just started just rebuking the demonic force ahead hold on this house and just started puking puking with buchen pastors a little freaked out that I always said that I just started but he started coming back into the prayer thing again and I'm praying I pray in a pram and when the Lord tells you instructions not to do something you better do it my dumb butt walks in the hallway now I don't go to the room I don't go to the room my mom's aunt she's praying I don't go in that room but I go to the first room you know when the Lord tells you to do something that's for your gut because he loves you I opened that door to that bedroom and I literally saw hooks on that ceiling with infants bodies hanging from them with no blood it was like it was drained out of them and it was at least 40 or 50 of them and it's scare it it didn't scare me it sickening grossing me and terrif yeah terrifying me shocking me all at once and it was a traumatic hit unto just the energy just sucked out of me I oh Jesus instantaneously I knew I was wrong because when I was doing at it realize oh the Lord told me not to do this you know I'm gonna do it anyway it wasn't like that it was it was just something I forgot that the Lord because I was so in tune of of rebuking the enemy and the demonic forces of the stronghold in this house that I just forgot what the Lord told me so I wandered off and in and as soon as I saw that I instantly in my mind was reminded of what God told me and and knowing that I was in the wrong and I was being taken back of what I seen and between the two bedrooms was a bathroom and when I was taken back I looked into the bathroom and there was a woman that was given birth out of the the a bathtub and and she was given she was given birth with of the baby in the bathtub and giving it for a sacrifice flip me out oh my gosh I I went back into the living room I called my mom and said mom you need to pray for me right now I'm just blown away by the things I've seen and she goes hang on move this bed right now Chris you need to stay in the living room so she's calling a pastor she's calling the the people that own the house or renting it or whatever whatever the case may be got so they run to the bedroom she said gotta move this bed out of the way move it move it move the bed and she's not she's not my mom she didn't care about you know these peoples furniture or not she was on a mission know this bed move it such they move this bed move the rug from underneath it and it was a huge giant pentagram in the middle of underneath this bed huge oh my gosh a live person could could lay in it and it's they couldn't cover it it was huge it was huge and it was underneath this rug or what a big giant rug or whatever it was so they pulled it up men ate this Baptist pastors start praying hard he's praying holler my mom's praying hard the the the parents was praying hard and everything and I was just I was I was drained I was a restraint I yes I I was trained I knew I shouldn't went in that room and and saw what I saw but it drained me so set down on the couch with the young lady and you know I was talking to her a little bit and then I want to say about an hour of them praying they came out and then felt such a peace in a house after that and then we once we felt a peace in a house we gave our blessings and we educated them a little bit more about not allowing things in their house that would bring demonic forces and things like that and and to constantly cleanse your house and keep your house cleanse and holy and stuff so we left and I want to say the the revival was over I want to say the following weekend and we we became like this lady called my mom every day asking questions and stuff so I want to say the weekend after that the parents of the house or the people that lived in the house called my mom and says oh my gosh a lady that your son described exactly to the T drove up in our driveway got out of the car and started cussing us out and started saying weird things to us and she was pissed off about something got in her car and drove off and we rely whoo she's still alive that's what I was that was the first thought I was in my mind but apparently what I gathered over time was that that house had opened a portal to Hell or something it was a I don't know all the satanic rituals that they do and stuff but I know they do sacrifice babies I know that for sure then people get pregnant just specifically for a sacrifice they don't even they don't even have kids just to raise them they have them just specifically for sacrifice I know but apparently this place that we cleansed was one of those places that had a portal opened or some kind of connection to the dark side and obviously by the power of Christ the power of God blocked that access and it's no longer there so and I guess that's the reason why the lady got really mad so all right so that was my senior year and high school the first part the first semester so as I was doing good I was getting really heavy in gosh I read my Bible every day learning learning his word I got a my uncle he gave me one of those big strong blue strong concordance and looking at what words mean and in Greek and Hebrew and and I was really studying the Bible and I mean I've been studying the Bible my whole life but I was at this time in my stage I was really focusing and then um I ran into this girl I don't know her last name but I want to say her name is Megan but I don't forgot her last name but I was instantly attracted to her instantly now mining I'm trying to focus on God and then all of a sudden just I was focusing on her this girl I fell into the trap I know mine you I haven't lost I lost my virginity at 12 but I hadn't had sex all the way up until this point when I met this chick senior year in high school and she got me all into that super quick and she was open and was no restrictions so my mind was blown just I stopped reading the Bible I stopped going to the Christian things in the morning I just stopped completely talking like I was a Christian and I was completely devoted to this girl so stupid so stupid so this this girl I mean I it was like I was under a spell or something it was it was strong it got to a point and I don't know how this was but after lunch I still had four periods left until school was over and every single one of these teachers knew exactly what me and this girl would go and do we would go into woods and have sex and each of one of these teachers knew exactly what we were doing but they all said okay go ahead do it and not on top of that not only they knew what we were going to do and not only that they gave okay go do what you kids do but they did her work for us in those great May days in those grades I've never done none of the work how is that possible I still just AM like you know I can get in trouble for that you know how how could that be seriously but it happened it happened not only for me but for her too as well so this went on strong and I remember the condom broke and she changed like her her whole sweetness and our whole agenda of being all into me changed and she ran from me and she went past the woods and she jumped over her fence into the neighbourhood of the hotel there was a there was Hotel because the school's summer in a little residential a little there was a there was a hotel or motel but there was a swimming pool she jumped over the fence and jumped in a swimming pool to get it all all of it out and I thought that was like extremely strange and she got out and she took a towel and I would dump me I thought I was in love but it wasn't love I was like uh-uh I'll raise the kid you don't gonna worry about she doesn't know I'm not pregnant just like that I'm not pregnant and then the very next day I had a dream of something something horrible it was it was a terrifying dream it kind of scared me and so I I asked the Lord I said you know farther out you know I'm not doing right with you you know I'm doing all kinds of crazy things I'm sorry forgive me and stuff and she uh I I was like Lord you know I'm gonna stop I'm gonna break up with her you know because this is I know I went way off you know and when I went to go confront her and tell her that I was gonna break up with her um she goes oh I heard but before I even said anything before I said anything she goes hey doesn't that church that your mom goes to Dante have a youth group I said yeah a matter of fact they have a thing tonight she goes let's go to it okaywe my mind it's like maybe God changed your mind you know maybe maybe God changed your heart and I'm like oh yeah all right cool all right so we get to this you thing at home mom's Church and a youth pastor saying this is a what do you call it a sleepover it's it's a sleepover thing for the youth that are at the church and and we're going to games you're gonna have video games we're gonna talk about God we're gonna do all kinds of things right well so happened to be there was a tent like a like a two-person tent at this church one just one and she convinced the youth pastor that for us to she didn't she didn't feel comfortable of staying inside the church she didn't feel comfortable but she wanted to stay inside the tent outside and and then you know somehow or another we didn't sleep inside the church we slept in the tent outside only one and it's just me and her on church grounds now how is this possible I don't I don't know I but let me tell you after that night oh my gosh knowing that I had sex on church grounds and not not only not only that we did on church grounds but the next morning while everybody was getting loaded up and fixed leave she had sex with me inside the church do you know how long the enemy has held that over my head I thought I was bound to go to hell like like like crazy I was such an guilt such in torment of that ordeal it just fear fear I was constantly in fear to the point where I broke it off with her I couldn't I couldn't take it no more and come to find out like the day the day after the day after I broke up with her she called me up and she said I'm sorry I still want to be with you I burned all my tarot cards I burn all my witch books I burned all these su sane books and all this stuff I want to serve God and I want to be with you do what did what what Sidda kid she is yes I didn't change I ain't changing change I'm sorry I can't I can't be with you III I only seen her one time after that and it was about four months after I seen her one time at school and then she moved her whole family moved it is the only time I ever been her I mean that's the last time I seen her and I was here now way down here and I feel like I definitely lost I lost my pet I got off the path to Christ big-time I was battling just just battling I the guilt of me actually having sex inside of a church and on church grounds was so strong it was really it constantly every day just constantly guilt constantly fear constantly constant Cosmo and then that's when it happened now everything I said to this point is a hundred percent true 100 percent accurate you know I don't care if you believe me or not I know my life and what I've been through and I don't mind doing the testimony of what I just said but what I'm about to tell you I've told people I've told certain people in my life but I don't tell everybody until God releases me to tell people and so it is time for me to do my testimony so at this time in my life I was wondering if I blast me and the Holy Spirit did I did I you know I'm gonna be you know I'm gonna be condemned I'm all this all that guilt fear constant constant constant constant every single day now went to my bedroom and I got on my knees now I have to say this be careful for what you speak out of your mouth before you speak life or death blessings or cursings there is power in your tongue so go in my room kneel down at my bed and I go father father do whatever it takes to get me right with you I got up got in my bed would you sleep I woke up but I wasn't at home 30 by 30 room that I was in there was a light dust on the ground and it went from like like us it was it was like a type of metal Mellish structure or iron of some type but it wasn't crafted by man it was like a solid piece or something but it was it was it was it was a room 30 by 30 and it faded into blackness in the middle of this room was a cylinder same material and it went up from the floor to the blackness now the cylinder is kind of sort of behind me in the middle of the room and from the cylinder to the wall was like a pipe of some sort and I'm standing there and I have no clothes on it wasn't concerned about my clothes or anything like that right then in there I thought where was I and it said I was in hell just I instantly knew where it was and the the overwhelming feeling of the distance between me and God was so strong like there's no way there's no way that I would ever get a chance to make it right with God like there is no chance for me to escape this place it's over it's done it is a done deal I can't get out of this place to record straight then it is written there's no way I cried out to God God what am i doing I'm sorry please get me and I was repenting and repenting and repenting and there was nothing that I could do or say or anything to change it it was just an overwhelming the distance the absence of God was so strong it was unbearable so along this wall that's in front of me down by the other side of this wall towards the end on the other side of the room is like a doorway that went to a arch no handles only two little slits and like like when the Sun reflects through blinds it has those particles it's kind of how it was red red light coming from behind the door with particles and what I was there begging God forgive me get me out of here or I am sorry and then knowing that my family I would never see my family again I mean it was the horrifying feeling that I would never be loved by God I never had the opportunity to change and I and the door opened the door at the end of the room open and this this beast came in and granite you know Apes walk right on these things no he walked on the flat part of the hand like it was weird like that and he had a chest like a in a gorilla where it was kind of rubbery and the rest was like a brown blackish long-hair werewolf kind of thing now you know how things come from like like a saber-toothed tiger comes down like that no this these came up like this and he had real pointy 20 years and I remember singing his fingernails were like claws like really long sharp claws well as soon as he came in the room he started chasing me just full force and I ran and I turned around and that pipe that was behind me I ducked underneath it and I'm running around the cylinder in this room and I when I went to twice the towards the door but the door was already shutting there was no handle so I kept running and if things constantly slashing me in the back trying to catch me just slashing me but couldn't quite catch me I was running fast and I kept going underneath the pot constantly going around this thing and he would he would he would slash my back and try to get me but I and I could feel like razor blades slashing in my back like just tearing the skin and the muscles and Attendance off my back and and and why he was doing it I can feel his his nails going against my spine as he's ripping the rest of my flesh off it was it was horrifying knowing that I'm running and my back's getting slaughtered but he wasn't catch I was running with pure fear and terrified running away from this beast and then when I came back around another one exactly they look identical came from the blackness right in front of me and I blacked out just blacked out I I don't know what happened after that then I woke up or I open my eyes I woke up in this vast it didn't seem like there's no walls anywhere around I could tell what was lit I was on like a brick kind of floor but I didn't see no walls or no cylinder but I did see the floor a little bit and then it faded into the black and I look up right above me it was right there in front of me because I'm looking at an all sentence right up right in front of me is the biggest and I knew it was heavy the biggest and the heaviest plak plak i have ever seen ever ever and it was round it was a brown thick heavy plaque and it kind of reminded me of the aztec calendar around thing but different it's the only thing I can kind of compare it to but it's it's own thing but there was writings all on the edges they're just different writings of different symbols and stuff which I don't I don't know but in a plaque there was three heads there was a there was a demonic head here which it it was like a man but kind of like I don't want to say alien but it was smoother it was a distorted human hey let's just say that and then there was another demonic head this one was more like I can't really tyrant Connor looks like some other things from Star Wars a little bit but I'm not sure it's different and then there's another demonic it so you have three demonic heads in the middle of this plaque and between them is a triangle so you got the head and you got a line and you get the and get a line and you get the heading at the line which makes a pyramid in each corner of this pyramid was the demonic heads and each inside of these lines were also writings and different symbols and and I I did not see what was the center of the plaque that wasn't revealed to me but I looked at this grand huge plaque and the head looked right at me and he says we come here what do you say we come here to steal and it looked right at me and he's like we come here to steal look right at me and he just echoed those words we come here to steal and then right after that the heads shift you know this one was over here now and the the the the second demonic head looked at me and we come here to kill right at me he said we'd come here to kill and then that shift to the third head and it looked at me and since we come here to destroy and then I blacked out once again I don't know I don't know where I just blacked out right after that then I was woken up by extreme fire extreme fire and I open my eyes and I look down and there's little Amber's of fire on my feet but the senses that I have down there was intensified a hundred percent it's like what we experience here on earth is own like 10% of what we actually feel down there or what I it was it was it was times by a hundred you know I've been burned before this times a hundred by that it just by a little amber of fire at my feet started melting the flesh and the muscles and the veins that were in my arm and hand started bursting and popping because it is so hot and I can literally feel the flesh melting off my bones and it was extremely painful it I can't and watching it happening it was feeling everything and you're not even passing out because the pain is so tense fide but you can't pass out you're you're filling every every moment of this melting on your physical body and you're just in trying to adorn it but you really can't endure your you're just it's a horrifying terrific extremely high tense pain and I was watching this happen onto my hands and it going down and then I was back at home in my bed just like that let me tell you what I jumped out of my bed ran into my parents room turn that light off and my mom was like and my dad was like oh my gosh what happened to you your lips are extremely blue your skin it looked like you've seen a ghost or you died and I said I am petrified I am scared to the bones and it took me awhile to to tell him what happened because it was so traumatic that was it was traumatic I it was years years and years for me to not go to sleep with having a light on you know so I mean I'm I'm you know of course is still sometimes sometimes I still have the light on you know I can't I can't sleep in pitch-black but yeah it's it's uh though that was my experience of hell and God always brings him back to that because you know people here's here's the thing when I experienced hell you know of course that that's when I was in high school obviously I'm a lot older now and you know I made mistakes or I'd do something that I'm not supposed to and you know people say well you went to hell you know why you know it's a real place why you do the things you do and I'm like you know I you know sometimes I'm human I forgot to keep hell on my mind the whole entire time but it is on the back of my mind all the time because I know that place is real but you know but that is something that I hold to myself to remind myself that that place is real because I've been there and thank you Jesus that I am not there no more and I am NOT going back to that place not I'm gonna do whatever I have to take Tim to to make it cool with me and God because I don't want to go that place yeah I mess up I make mistakes but I got to repent and I got to move on I got I got I can't I I I'm not going back to that place it was horrifying but um you know I have I've got other stories too but from that moment on was a really turning point in my life to really seek my father seek Jesus and the Holy Spirit I have many stories of you know demonic forces and and demons and and succubus and and all these other things you know I don't want to bring glory to the demonic force or anything like that but yeah that was my turning point of actually I know God's real they no doubt ain't no doubt because I used to question there was a point in my life I used to question it if there was a God and show yourself and I even cut got out which you know sometimes I know I'm forgiven he hate told me he forgives me but you know it's still it's it's still the fact that I did that but but yeah that was a turning point in my life so this is my testimony of the major turning point in my life to seek God and never stop I said this is my journey this is my testimony and I hope it blesses people and show that this place is real and the spiritual room is real and if you do not have Christ in your heart my advice to you is to seek God and accept him because you're definitely not promised tomorrow in fact you're not even prep promised the next five minutes so I encourage you if you do not know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior I ask you to with all your heart all your mind and all your soul to cry out to him and he'll be there promise you just give your life that's it it's not no formal sentence tongue prayer you gotta say that and when you say but let me say it's not that at all that is a false thing that's been passed down from generation generations because so many people say that and they're not even saved because they don't do it out of the heart I love you be blessed I have a blessed day and just God is real he loves you he does not want anything that happened to you he's seeking after you he doesn't want anything bad happen to you so maybe it is time for me to share my testimony because maybe someone's heading to a path this leads down to a place that I did go and maybe they don't have a chance to come back so I love you
Channel: A Christian point of View
Views: 72,262
Rating: 4.7346277 out of 5
Keywords: going to Hell, My Testimony, My Testimony going to Hell, my testimony going to hell, died and gone to HELL, the after life, HELL, hell is real, demons are real, angles are real, ture story, demons, Giant plaque in HEll, Torment in hell, house cleaning, he'll is real, revelation of Hell, hell of a night travis scott, hell of a life, hell and back, testimony of hell fire, near death, near death experience, lake of fire, out of body, out of body experience, jesus christ
Id: lKJyRprWDSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 46sec (5926 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 26 2018
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