埼玉)ラーメン一杯500円。78歳大将と孫娘の深夜屋台に密着丨Japanese Street Food

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Hello there! Thank you as always! A 78-year-old shop owner runs a light truck ramen stall in Saitama It's like a nostalgic taste I just have to eat it The ramen here is the best for finishing a night of drinking I came last week and I'm back again. Here you go! Thank you for the meal! Thanks again! A stall with warm hospitality and superb ramen attracts many fans Everyone comes to chat, you know. They do come to eat ramen, but they also want to have a talk while they're at it. 500 yen for a bowl of happiness A Close Look at a Beloved Long-Standing Street Ramen Stall Saitama, Japan One minute walk from Higashiomiya Station East Exit Setting up the stall in the parking space in front of the pharmacy 19:50 Already six customers waiting Staff) What will you have today? Soy sauce ramen without green onions, with a boiled egg Usually, we come after judo practice because he has judo practice Today the shop owner's granddaughter is here to help I'm the shop owner's granddaughter Staff) How long have you been helping out? Recently Seems the stall has been getting busier The stall truck arrives Shop owner of Yatai Ramen Kitaguni Inside the truck are all the stall's supplies Setting up the dining space next to the truck Business Hours Thursday & Friday from 20:00, Saturday from 18:00 Staff) Your granddaughter was with you today Yes! Today and tomorrow, together with my granddaughter Setting up the tank of barley tea Customers keep arriving Thank you for waiting! Opening at 20:00 Soy Sauce Ramen - 500 yen Miso Ramen - 500 yen Salt Ramen - 500 yen Extra-large portion - additional 100 yen Tempura - 50 yen Raw garlic - 50 yen Boiled egg - 50 yen On the table: Tissues, pepper, disposable chopsticks, soup spoon, toothpicks Salt, chili oil, ground red chili pepper, seven-flavor chili pepper Barley tea Sorry for the wait. I'm making seven orders first, please wait a moment. Taking out the ramen bowls The granddaughter handles the customers' orders and manages the payments by hand It's bustling in front of the stall What will you have? Miso, please! Alright! Extra green onions, please. Understood! Adding sesame oil to Sendai miso A rich soup made from pork bones, chicken bones, kelp, and vegetables Pouring the soup into the bowl Mixing the soup with seasonings Adding umami seasoning Pouring homemade sauce into the soy sauce base Boss, I brought rice crackers for you Thanks! There's already a line of customers forming behind It'll boil soon, please wait a moment Pouring soup into the soy sauce bowl Preparation of the noodle boiling pot is ready Putting thin curly noodles into boiling water Pouring soup into the bowl for salt ramen The noodles are boiled perfectly Draining the noodles with a flat strainer Plating the noodles into the bowls The shop owner knows all about the noodle's boiling time and quantity Adding menma (bamboo shoots) Adding naruto (fish cake) Adding chashu (pork slices) Adding wakame (seaweed) Adding green onions Placing tempura as a topping Adding raw garlic as a topping The ramen is ready! Soy sauce ramen with raw garlic and boiled egg toppings Customer ordering salt ramen Toppings are raw garlic and tempura I asked the boss, "If you want to enjoy the taste of the soup, salt is the best choice," he said. Since then, salt has been my go-to, occasionally cheating with something else. This is the raw garlic Here you go! Salt Ramen (with raw garlic & tempura) - 600 yen Generously sprinkling pepper Such a masterpiece for only 600 yen! Unbelievably affordable The thin curly noodles intertwine with the rich soup Homemade tempura with a moist texture Exceptionally satisfying chashu Slurping the delicious noodles of the salt ramen Next, savoring the richly flavored soup This bowl encapsulates the charm of the stall Thank you for the meal! Staff) What did you order today? A large miso ramen. Next to the stall, customers are enjoying their ramen deliciously. The number of customers waiting for ramen keeps increasing. The shop owner continues to prepare the next orders. The granddaughter helps with tidying up the dishes Staff) Have you been a customer here for a long time? Yes, quite long. Almost 20 years, isn't it? There were even people coming from abroad, right? Yes, that's right. Even from overseas. One person works in Dubai. When he returns to Japan, although he's from Osaka, he always stop here before going back to Osaka. Someone from Hakata came three times, even last Saturday. I think everyone comes just for the stall's ramen. The prices have remained the same since the beginning. Since a long time ago. Staff) How old are you now? I'm 78 years old. This November 2023 will be the 54th year. I've always been working at the food stall. I only had a shop for about 10 years. I closed it because a person who worked with me fell ill and passed away. So I closed the shop. Thank you very much! Staff) Is this your first time here? Yes. I live nearby and it always smells so good. Today I had some time, so I chose the soy sauce ramen. I chose the soy sauce ramen too. Both of us, soy sauce ramen. Receiving the soy sauce ramen First, a sip of the rich soup Then slurping the traditional curly noodles And biting into the chashu (pork slices) Savoring the soup that spreads umami in the mouth... Vigorously slurping the noodles Each bite overflowing with happiness A superb bowl indeed It was incredibly delicious! Thank you very much! I just came from drinking, and the ramen here is the best for finishing a night of drinking Here you go! Thank you for waiting. Sorry, thank you! Hmm? Are you the one who ordered the large and regular size? Yes, that's right. Thank you for waiting! Is this spot okay? This is for the person who ordered the large size. It's hot, okay? Thank you so much. Sorry. Can you reach it? Maybe my arms are a bit short? Are you okay? Thank you. Can I have a boiled egg? Yes, please go ahead! Thank you as always. I came last week and I'm back again. Really, thank you. Peeling the boiled egg and topping it on the ramen First, slurping the noodles vigorously Biting into a large piece of chashu Then taking a bite of the boiled egg topping Dipping the egg in the soup to enjoy with the salty umami The shop owner continuously makes his signature soup to ensure it doesn't get diluted during business hours Adding kelp Started the stall at the end of my 24th year I was doing a different job before It was profitable, but I was careless and ruined that job Then I had to work day and night So I worked during the day And went to the stall at night I was taken care of there for about three years As I did it, I found the stall more interesting Since then, I have been continuously running the food stall And that's how it's been until now. Thank you! Really, thank you! Thank you always! Staff) How many years have you been coming here? It's the 48th year. Since 1976. It's like a nostalgic taste... I just can't help but eat it. I've always been dedicated to the salt flavor. So the boss automatically serves me salt ramen without saying anything. Salt Ramen With raw garlic and tempura toppings Savoring the soup he has been enjoying for 48 years Then slurping the noodles Taking a bite of the soft textured tempura Biting into the chashu and enjoying the deeper flavors of the ramen Savoring the soup to his heart's content Drinking every last drop and finishing the meal! I really appreciate it, thank you always! Transferring menma (bamboo shoots) into containers I have to catch a bus, so I couldn't eat here until now. I thought, "Alright! Next time for sure." Today, if the stall was here, I decided I would definitely come. I was aiming for it. Staff) Which long-awaited ramen did you choose? Miso. It's really delicious! We are on our way back from club activities. We've been here many times. It's my first time. Staff) Is it your first time? Yes. One salt and one miso, Can I get a large serving of miso ramen? Yes, you can! Then two large miso ramens, please. Alright! What kind of ramen would you like today? A large serving of miso. Thank you for the meal! Thank you! Thank you as always! Here you go! Thank you for waiting! It's hot, okay? Let's just sprinkle pepper on everything for now Here you go! This is a large serving! This one is also a large serving of miso. Here, thank you. Could you lift that up a bit? Don't want to dirty the bottom. Oh, that's very kind of you. I like thin noodles. It's delicious. It's always consistently good. Thank you for the meal! Thank you very much! Really, thank you! It's been a while for me. I've been here about three or four times in the past few months. It's my first time, and I'm really looking forward to it. Oh! It's your first time? This is the salt ramen. Here you go! It's really delicious! It's the best! Take care on your way home! The stall is constantly bustling with many customers. Preparing additional green onions as they start running low. Cutting naruto (fish cake). During the day, I get reservation calls from various places. Families asking how many they should reserve. Groups from companies asking how many. People from places like Setagaya's Kyodo, and Nishi-Arai. Such people also come with their families. Is the order still out? There are four people in line. Customers keep coming, right? And most of them are people I already know. On top of that, there are some who are visiting for the first time. Everyone comes to talk, not just for the ramen, but also to have a chat. That's common among our customers. Today, I didn’t even have time to put up the lanterns, but normally people see the lanterns and think, "Today I’m full and can't eat ramen, but seeing the lanterns makes me feel like I've come home." There are quite a few people who feel that way, just by seeing the lanterns. They say it doesn’t feel like they’re home without seeing these lanterns. It’s really something to be thankful for. Here you go! It’s hot. Boiled egg topping Peeling the boiled egg... Dropping it into the ramen Soy sauce ramen (with boiled egg) - 550 yen Rich soy sauce ramen Looks even more delicious under the stall's lights Traditional thin curly noodles Perfectly complementing the soy sauce soup Marinated chashu (pork slices) Eating the boiled egg put in the ramen Just one bite brings a feeling of happiness Each slurp of ramen Spreads the unique taste of the stall Thank you for the meal! Do you have tempura? Yes, there’s tempura! Can you eat two pieces? It's on the house. Thank you! Sorry, but we've run out of noodles. I'm really sorry about that. Really, I am sorry. Are you closing up, uncle? Sold out for today. I apologize! I’ll come back again! Sorry! Even though you came all this way. Customers regretfully accepting the sellout. The shop owner and his granddaughter proceed with the cleanup. The shop owner takes a break watching his granddaughter. Then, he takes out a ramen bowl. Salt or soy sauce, which do you prefer? Salt! Salt, okay? Yes! Yay! I thought there were none left. The shop owner prepares salt ramen for his granddaughter who helped. How about tempura? Please, thank you! Alright! Here you go! Where will you eat? There? Yes! Alright! I'll get the chopsticks now. Let’s eat! Here you go. We didn’t have a break from customers at all. Thank you, it was delicious. Really, thank you! The granddaughter, enjoying the ramen at her grandfather's stall. He's a kind grandfather who is loved by many. The ramen is, of course, my favorite when it's made by my grandfather. Did you get full? I had set aside one just for you. A ramen stall full of charm, with a personable owner and delicious ramen that makes you want to come back!
Channel: うどんそば 関東 Udonsoba
Views: 2,284,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: そば, 蕎麦, ソバ, soba, うどん, 饂飩, ウドン, udon, ざるそば, 天ぷらそば, もりそば, 東京ソバ, 東京そば, 東京蕎麦, 東京グルメ, 東京, TOKYO, 天ぷら, 天ざるそば, 鴨そば, 蕎麦湯, 蕎麥麵, 烏龍麵, 소바, 우동, noodles, Japanese, Japanese noodles, レストラン, 料理, 味覚, Food, Japanese Food, 職人技, 立ち食い, streetfood, yt:cc=on, 屋台, 屋台ラーメン, ラーメン屋台, 屋台ラーメン北国, 北国, ラーメン, ramen, stall, 埼玉, さいたま, 東大宮, 大宮, 関東
Id: y0Pvpdu0dr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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