Chateau collapse during a tornado!

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[Music] foreign [Music] ly heading back to this Chateau it's been a couple of weeks since it was last there mainly to check if it's Still Standing because there was a tornado here like last week right by here hopefully it's all where I left it [Music] so as expected there's been some stuff falling ah thank you a little bit of debris pull them from the top luckily doesn't seem a really a damage the tiles there's one cracked too yeah I know that was like quite an unusual storm that we had but I think it's pretty important either I take these tiles up ASAP or I get them covered with some planks or something just to stop them getting damaged further anyway chateau's Still Standing it could have been worse finally a sunny day it's it's on the cusp of bringing the Ray-Bans back that's how good it is so I think the most important thing I can do today is just have a clear up from when we're last here keep the site clean and safe yeah it's a bit of a clear up foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] I don't think I've ever worked in a more peaceful setting a great view or can contemplate the years of work and abuse my body is about to take and you know what here it's like a sunny day but it's just deadly silent I mean there's not the faintest hum of like a car a tractor anything it's just I can hear a bird tweeting in the distance and that's it so nice here foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] so I'm trying to keep the sight and myself relatively like organized so it don't get too much getting stuff in piles iron wood stone bricks and uh no that may not seem very organized to you but to me this is like a whole new Leaf sort of jobby [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so I did have a suspicion that there may have been tiles on these Terraces but it's actually again stamped concrete the whole thing which is similar to if you remember when I started digging out the basement floor that was stamped concrete as well I'm sure one of you lot in the comments can tell me if this was like a new thing around the 1910 sort of Mark or it was like the fashion or they just liked it but yeah it seems a weird thing to have [Music] well do you know what today I'm gonna edit the Vlog here just because just enjoying being here so much it's a nice little nice little setting set on this bench so I've at least managed to get like a bit of clearing up done ready for next work we're not having to step over all debris and stuff like that yeah there's a really exciting things to come actually in a few weeks we're getting power here now I can't talk too much about it you'll see in a couple of weeks but that is a real pivotal point for this place it's going to make some big changes so I'll see ya tomorrow [Music]
Channel: Escape to rural France
Views: 225,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AAbM6yJW5pY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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