A History Teacher Reacts | "What if Germany Won WWI? (Part 1)" [Revisited] by Alt Hist Hub

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hey youtube welcome back to another history teacher axe video mr. Teri's the continuing research for historical knowledge found here on YouTube alright today's video is an alternate history question and that is what if Germany had one World War one all right here we're going with alternate history hubs video popular alt History Channel here on YouTube that I've seen a couple episodes out if you're into this kind of thing look through my playlists and probably find some stuff there and anyways this is I think an interesting question because of the domino effect the world war one was four major events of the 20th century World War one leading into World War two and cold war and all those different things and you better believe that you know if the war had gone differently in a way that there'd be huge ramifications especially from this perspective really if Germany had been on the winning side of World War one because that means there are no World War two is there no way there's no way Dolf Hitler and that changes the course events for a lot of things so much good to see what they have here and I've liked this channels ideas and stuff because they seem to came things within the realm of real possibility and maybe they're minor things I might but I don't know if they would work that way but for the most part I find out that I think everything's fairly plausible so far that I've seen and I've only seen a couple of theirs but I'm excited to go ahead and jump into this so if you like this video it's important that you go down to the description and there'll be a link to the original video that we're using here and give them a like a view subscription this channels grace but again especially if you're into the halter alternate history stuff this type of topic also is great for conversations so feel free down below in the comments section to offer your thoughts on what they were saying or better yet come over to our discord server there's a link down below too and get involved in the conversation that way and if you haven't slept in my channel love to have you around there too alright well we're starting with the war so let's prepare for war let's do it [Music] [Music] [Music] our one victory of the Kaiser Kaiser Wilhelm's the name of a recall the the king of World War one was called the war to end all wars Europe was now at a new weight a crisis where tradition and the modern day were increasingly at odds industrialization progressed faster than the mentality did the old noble ways of gentlemen work clench heard the brutal reality of the trenches and because of this millions died World War one will be there to end them all the whole you know idea that you know it would be the war to end all wars it kind of makes sense when they said that before or it's kind of at the end of the war cuz they're like hey this is so devastating this is gonna you know and what people think of warfare of course that wasn't the case but World War one was definitely the war to change wars you know they were talking about just here like the gentlemanly stuff and war had so MIT had such a long history because so much of war hadn't changed much and there was so many like unwritten rules and things like that that World War one changed all that war will no longer be seen as these glorious measure and glorious measures and stuff like that and a lot of that came back from the stories of those who survived the war which was hey war is nothing like what we were taught and what you're being taught there's no glory and sitting in a trench for months waiting to die which is basically what they were thinking there and what they were experiencing with the devastation and just a sitting that happened so much in world or him at the trench warfare so not the war to end all wars but the war to change all wars us for sure especially how things are fought as well this time the old European ideals would fight the last time monarchies would reign for who won and look me see there look German Empire the result of this Marathi I have M the the idea of empire also starts to die with world one not fully but I mean into the German Empire European I do end of Austrian Empire chaos Hungarian Empire into the Russian Empire time mon or the Ottoman Empire the death of empire now of course there's Imperial things going on with Britain or France or something like that but you're seeing the beginning of the end of that would reign for who won and lost new ideas replaced them for this industrial world like fascism and communism simply put it set the stage for the next because I think I think a big question when you see is to will those things exist afterwards because they were very much in response to the what had happened to the war is there gonna be fascism is there gonna be communism right Germany in Nord timeline but just ad before that I'm a lot of that like like the communism is more is more of a response to the Industrial Revolution than anything else with fascism very much being a lot of it responds to to the war but and then communism to an extent specific in the Russian situation but more a response to what was happening as result of industrialization right inequality of wealth and corruption that way plane it brought Russia in the Civil War caused immunity in France and almost broke the Allies in 1917 before you know America it was just by bad decisions that we saw a 20th century of American ascendance when it easily could have become the German century only question is what would this look like what if in now one thing to say though would even Germany wins this war would it still economically set them back so much right they would not assume that yea merica kind of assumes an economic position a lot by default because of how Germany France Britain had been hit so hard in the in World War one that America kinda most by defaults where you had these European powers in America was right with them for sure by the turn of the century but then with the the European powers lose are even on the winning side coming down America even just by staying where they are is gonna assume a new economic leadership position of course that gets amplified after World War two when that brings them down even further those in an alternate timeline Germany and the Central Powers won world war 1 let's go back to 1914 with the assassination of Austrian royalty Franz Ferdinand Ferdinand was dead by the hands of a servant who free lost in the dump of Rila Princip Serbian nationalist amazing how one one you know assassination attempt could get the ball moving to the calamity that is the 20th century most devastating century in existence and those began to fall into place Treaty certainly forced a lot of countries to declare war for their allies there is one military decision that Germany made and almost certainly lost them the entire war oh yeah invading Belgium ok ok ok so you see this I'm sure they're gonna get into it but invading neutral Belgium was kind of the first big big kind of invasion here that that happens and then why Germany also got a lot of the blame for the war even though that's a different discussion of what comes out of the Treaty of Versailles but seeing that so that decision so if we're gonna go back to does Germany if Germany does not invade Belgium that's interesting because the next question would be then is they just don't invade at all are you saying World War 1 never had I mean they're gonna say world that war happened but more of an invasion across just German and French borders and then of course into into Russia that way because the invasion of Belgium brings Britain and to it as Britain and and Belgium were allies but would they have you know would but it happened so quickly I mean right when Germany invades Belgium the the British get involved but a question would be is would Britain get involved if Germany had not invaded Belgium and just invaded France I mean I think that's still very possible but I'm getting ahead of myself France had build up their military border anticipation for a German attack Germany hell yeah lot of people know that Germany and France were actually very close to fighting fighting a war with each other like two times over the last five years before 1914 they were they were already the tensions were already super-high and the state of warfare was already still very high however had a plan the Schlieffen Plan bypassed the French defenses on the border by invading through Belgium which was undefended by going around this meat right now I need to well the Germans would have easy access to Paris well that's not so bad okay let's expand on the Schlieffen Plan so that's the military plan that happened there now the Schlieffen Plan is contingent on a couple things it's it's assuming that Germany will have to fight have a two-front war ok specifically with with France out here in the West right France out here in the west and Russia out in the east and a two-front war obviously is very difficult to do so the idea is to eliminate one of the sides as quickly as possible right and hopefully before one of the other sides can mobilize so you can put most of your focus on one front and then hopefully end that front quickly and then be able to fight on the other front with most of what you would have available to you so the decision became who is gonna take longer to mobilize France or Russia okay and I guess who would take longer to defeat and decision around that was Russia Russia has a large army they'd six million army the largest army actually in Europe at this time but of course could take a long time to to to be able to mobilize also the fact that Russia is further away from Germany from the heart of Germany and you have to get to places like Moscow which is hundreds of miles from the German French border or German Russian border so the idea was take France out as quickly as possible so to do that then yeah answer another question how do you take France out as quickly as possible well a key location of course is to get to Paris I mean if you get Paris France is going to basically fall and Paris is up here in the north but up here in the northern northern French region so it's how do you take that as quickly as possible now like they were just saying the German French border is heavily fortified because these two states have been in a preparation for war for four years now an issue is Belgium and here's the issue Belgium is a neutral nation at this point but it also would prove beneficial for Germany to go through Belgium because it's not gonna be as defended it's easier to potentially get through geographical you can get through quicker than the thick forested fortified part of the French a German border and then you could kind of swing around here just like they were showing and get to northern France because this is only a few dozen miles and uh yeah dozens of miles here instead of going all the way around and flipping around which could be a lot longer and again more fortified if you go there but there's risk involved because it would make Germany look really bad if you go into Belgium innate a nation that had no part of this conflict leading up in these weeks and also potentially could bring in the British because the British have a tight kind of alliance and kind of relationship with the Belgians and that could risk that as well so the idea was you go through Belgium here take out Paris and then thus France quick enough that Russia would not be fully ready and then you could do an about-face turn east and then head towards Russia that way that's the plan on paper okay fences on the border by invading through Belgium which was undefended by going around this meat grinder the Germans would have easy access to Paris well that's not so bad Belgium's tiny they can't defend themselves but Germany ignored that Belgium had one key friend the British and the British had one single condition that it's stressed shouldn't be violated don't violate Belgian neutrality Germany and oppression fashion believed more military action than diplomatic consequences emerged anyway it was this single they also feel and I tell my students about this you got to look at the store T especially strategically from the perspective of the Germans where if they feel this is the only way that could win a war then it makes sense of what they are doing there and they understand the I mean they understand the threat that that's there of how it could make them look but then you see why why do they need to do this it makes sense from a strategic standpoint as long as you're willing to take the criticism that of course is you come at they and the threats I mean they know that the Germans know that that there that the British and Belgians are allies that they're friends but do they trust that alliance enough that if they got invaded Belgium got evaded that the British would actually show up you never know those sort of things I mean alliances only mean something if they come to fish a piece of paper with an agreement doesn't always say much and there's plenty of times in history or alliances don't work out but so it makes sense from the German perspective but again it's a high-risk high-reward no doubt that brought on the wrath of the British Empire redefining the absolute scale this war would be fought on the British would block German ports and cut the transatlantic cable between the United States and Germany in this alternate timeline for Germany to not lose the war one major step is it simply doesn't invade Belgium by doing this Germany avoids a media conflict with Britain now this doesn't guarantee the Brits would stay out of it keep in mind the central power victory would submit German dominance in Europe and we can't have that but without a provocation though this would buy Germany enough time to gain a major advantage over France even if those a year before Britain entered it was four years of trench warfare between the British and French combined against Germany alone from yeah well look okay so it's a stalemate even going through Belgium right it's a stalemate virtually I mean stalemate in fact I but yeah they pushed into France so you can see what the front here but if they had gone just through the the French border just across the French border that line would have been way further back right I mean that's that's what logic would state right that that would happen but that's also still assuming though that the British would have joined sort of would have just been a Germany French conflict just on that border I don't know maybe maybe the advantage of even though they're alone French are alone but being able to be on a more fortified border would make up for that that's a different conversation I guess but maybe the one they'll talk about there's a trench warfare between the British in French combined against Germany alone France alone wouldn't even have the population to sustain a German offensive so in this alternate timeline Germany's military keeps France at bay through a small border they share it also slow rain while the majority of their forces fully mobilize against Russia aiding their Austrian allies so doing whether or not okay so they're saying they do the other side which is just okay keep keep France at bay now Germany declared war on France though I mean are the ones that did it they they're the they're the ones that did it France pledged I mean the Germans declared war on France because French pledged help to Russia that's how this whole thing this whole thing was there so what France had invaded Germany I mean I don't know about that I mean maybe time would tell on that but so they're saying yeah it's kind of like opposite of the even plan going the opposite way which was deal with Russia first which could make sense too especially because Russia I mean it is vast it's it's very hard to invade look at all of history no one know invades that except the Mongols right successfully so go into there but that's another question could they have just gone over and defeated the Russians yeah I guess so but just because they basically defeated him while fighting a two-front war anyways which led to Russia pulling out of the war and providing conditions for the revolution alternate strategy would work who knows but it does solve the whole keep Britain out of the war thing no matter what German military strategy is resentment is still insured against the Czar revolution sure I mean yeah the the hatred towards the Tsar of Russia predated this war this is just like the final straw there have been so many years of what people saw was oppression from the Romanov family and and the seeds of revolution there but what what would it have been a communist revolution right necessarily although I mean we're generalizing here because there was two revolutions in 1917 one of them is the one that takes out the the Tsar right and the royal family then the other one later that year is what installed the the communist government but those conditions were there and what the war did was was accelerated that I guess undermined the Russian war effort like in our timeline and force the Russians to negotiate I'll focus on this aspect in a bit the German forces on the Eastern Front now come to the west millions of troops fighting in a small area until one side finally breaks and without Britain that side is most likely France Germany okay so we are assuming the British because they were assuming that the German or the the British don't get involved because Germany just attacked France I'm not positive on the line with that I'd have to look more into what the relationship was I don't mean don't know enough to see how strong that would have been that they would have come through regardless so oh no thoughts there if anyone has any extra information on that that'd be great - it's in our timeline Germany almost destroyed the French defense in 1917 before the Americans arrived so it wouldn't be long before the French simply can't defend themselves and are pushed back soon Paris Falls the war and the West and the East is officially over both sides tried to fight Germany and lost would Britain just sit back and allow Germany to beat two nations that's more time achieving complete dominance over mainland Europe probably not they declare war it's unlikely however I kind of lean towards that side anyways but I don't know maybe not maybe not that they'd win as the British were the masters of the sea the Germans were the dominant military of the land sure doubtful Britain alone could put a dent in the German occupation America would simply stay out of the war and probably probably with how late America did that and with America being so tight to the British if the British hadn't been involved in the war less likely than less likely than the Americans would join up because the Americans are far more tied to the British than they are the the French so I definitely would probably I would agree with that if England doesn't get evolved America probably doesn't get involved in exchange for a ceasefire an agreement is made very similar to the Treaty of brest-litovsk in just one signing of a document Germany and austria-hungary see is Poland the Baltic States Belarus and all of the Ukraine and Crimea by 1918 most of Europe is now either a Germanic puppet or in the Empire they do this Germany feared Russian dominance Russia for centuries was this backwater European wanna be ad size and manpower but was woefully poor and far behind technologically Russia was very behind with the economic growth that had happened in the 1800's Russia didn't benefit nearly as much of some of the resources and things that Western and Western Europe had with industrialization you need coal and iron and a lot of the the popular Russian Aries didn't have that as much and plus I mean there's a lot of things that come into Destro's ation there's a there's there's there's a lot of things that come with that part of it is resources part of it as a government supportive of such things and that wasn't necessarily what's happening I mean Russia was can it was starting to in disguise and starting to grow but was very very much behind as evidenced by like their loss to the Japanese in the russo-japanese war that happened less than 20 years before World War one had taken place and about 15 years before that and word that was a big eye-opener the Russians that they were they were behind when it came to the global development happening there so in the last few decades something changed it began industrializing rapidly and if Russia fully industrialized there was no defeating them by seizing their valuable lands diplomatically by military agreement Germany legally can neuter the Russian state quarter of their population now German most of their coal now German but this is just the beginning if there's one thing Slavs don't like it's being invaded and occupied so the 2 million German troops in the east now face a guerrilla war against the surgeons yeah this I agree with this this this what happened beside these people would take this they don't like it they don't like being run by the Russians let alone the Germans including ones funded by the Soviets France is blamed for putting the worst of the reparations on Germany but it's not like Germany would be so kind if they were in the same position in this why would the Germans wouldn't blame the French for the war necessarily I don't think right I mean maybe to an extent but I mean because that was the thing that came out of treaty Versailles I like the French and English was they pinned the war on Germany for these early aggressive actions which is another story because there's a lot of things going on that explains German reaction its reacting to something else too but I can't imagine a world where the the the punishment that comes out of the treaty would be as harsh on like the French as it was on the Germans in reality time line Germany keeps alsace-lorraine they impose massive amounts of war reparations and the French people have to deal with a brief German occupation imagine France at this time they had lost two wars now to the new German Empire basically powerless to stop a state that was practically brand new it's not hard to imagine how many was Bernie s journey had just been unified in the last few decades before I wasn't even to Germany before that diet e would be resentful against the Germans does this mean we'll have an alternate French Hitler probably not even a friendship he did have a French Hitler they just don't have the population to win a war World War one was defining for one reason it set the stage for who the winners and losers would be in the 20th century trenches in terms of borders but ideology old European aristocratic ways died with the Kaiser in the Austrian Emperor don't think Germany and Austria expand monarchies to France sort of make the King the new power in Britain but they do send a message that old European aristocracy and nobility is still relevant makes sense because there was yeah there's definitely an ideology illogical thing happening here from West Central Europe with this yeah this is a good situation so I guess one of the things if Germany had won World War one you get a continuation of that okay you get a continuation that because of if democracy was going to prevail it would in these regions it would have happened by now right as a lot of these things were promoted as a result of like the French Revolution even and so yeah we get more more monarchy for sure and more direct monarchies not talking about the constitutional monarchies or like those powerless but like a powerless virtually powerless monarchy like one in England but one one that was much more strong although you're seeing the Russian Empire would have ended anyways probably less I miss that do they say the Russian maybe I missed that did they say the the Russian Empire so exists our Nicholas and stuff is in power can't imagine that it's very possible that the 20th century could have become the German century the Germans won into an economic union that United all people of Europe around Germany without the rise of the Nazis intellection including people like Albert Einstein continue their scientific endeavors inside Germany however we're just getting started the Central Powers have established themselves as victors in this work what matters is how they use this victory this however is one scenario this is Kody of alternate history of okay okay all right so media thoughts I mean that the the how Germany would win I don't I don't think I mean that's kind of part of the point of video is how would they have won this cuz I don't I still don't think that would have want it doing what necessarily they said it's just like just keeping the French back over there and and and I mean I guess not invading France I mean you'd think if Germany had invaded Russia Russia I mean the French had pledged their support to the Russians so I mean they would have probably I guess in would have invaded the Germans there one question be would Belgians and and the French unified in a way that the French would have gone through Germany right which may have upset the Belgians or something like that but there's also relationship between France and Belgium too and they've done like the opposite which is like a sleepin plan but for that for the for the French where they go around through Belgium and maybe that makes French look like a bat the bad guys or something but no depend on the relationship between the French and the Belgians there but I think in any case the the Germans still would have Russia snowed have been defeated because they defeated the Russians even with having to fight a two-front war an actual push which was resulted in a lot more loss of lives and they were able to defeat them anyway so that that seems like that would have happened and every idea that Russia can't get resupplied that's that's the problem with in a way the Alliance system of how its geographically structures Russia can't get help from the French they can't get help from the British I mean you saw World War one they I do that with the invasion of Gallipoli by the British where they were hoping to open up an access point where they could connect to Russia through the Mediterranean Black Sea and that was course was a massive failure and they talk really anything in here about the Ottoman support which would have been part of this as well but I guess maybe that's not as big of a factor so I know if I necessarily say that they like Germany would have won the war if they had not gone through Belgium I don't know that's necessarily the case but they would have yeah probably yeah so they invade Russia and probably take the Russians defeat them just like it happened before but France probably would have pushed in and you would have had a two-front war probably anyways right with that because could the Germans have held off a French invasion yeah I mean yeah I probably right so I'm just putting my thoughts together here with with that happening but I do think the British still probably come in because I do think this is largely probably mostly contingent upon if the British actually join right if they join cuz if they join then it's good and number two if the British join maybe America joins anyways although that took more of direct action of Germany against the Americans with things like sinking Lusitania and the Zimmermann note and stuff like that that's the again that's a story for another time so I don't exactly agree with the with how they said it would be a German victory but I am more interested going forward and here is what they say from that point on is what what would it be like if Germany had won and that's the I mean and that is the title the video mates what if Germany would not how could Germany have won World War one right so I'm not as interested in that question for a lot of what they said here but I I thought that was important to talk about is I don't necessarily know if this timeline works that way but it could have it could have absolutely I mean yeah it's very possible that maybe the British don't come in or the Germans and the French just kind of hold their on they're in Alsace Lorraine over there in the West and I just they just hold it there and that doesn't budge much but you wouldn't have had I don't know if you would have had a full like successful German invasion of France I don't think that happened because if I don't know I don't think so and they weren't even necessarily saying that so like France doesn't necessarily I don't think could become some puppet state of the Germans or something like that with what they're going but I am I'm interested to see them what's next what happens now now you get the existed continued existence of the monarchies okay the monarchy of Austria and Germany I mean definitely that would continue there and then you would get pretty much guerilla warfare like I say like I totally agree from the Slavic peoples of what was the kind of a Western Russian Empire you would definitely get that I mean you saw in those the peoples that were already having conflict with austria-hungary right where you get like Bosnian Serbs that hated being a part of Austria and Garon hungry you'd still see those insurrections going on which would have weakened Germany as well so interesting - you'd also possibly see I mean depending on the results may be a larger overseas empire by Germany if they were able to actually take over France that means maybe they could have enforce like they did in the Treaty of the actual Treaty of Versailles which is a stripping of overseas colonies of Germany but do that for like the French for example and take over those colonies which could bolster the empire of the Germans overseas that way so a lot of what-ifs but I'm excited to are interested to kind of see what they say is next for what would happen with this kind of Germany has won now what and that really was the main point there but thought I put my thoughts out there from what we just saw about especially how Germany might have won but anyway all right what do you guys think though go down below if you kind of agree or do you see other scenarios of that I mean if you want to answer the question what would Germany have needed what how could Germany have won World War one what did they need wouldn't need it to do differently definitely that get that going and definitely join our discord server down below you can direct or contact people a little more directly and get some good feedback from other people there so awesome all right well I like this go down below and click the link to the original video give them a lag view subscription that kind of thing if you haven't subbed to me love to have you around I'm enable notifications so you can come join us in live and live premieres which I do a lot of and be a little more part of our community thank you to our patron pledgers who were also behind this video to of kind of a scenario of Germany behind world war 1 thank you for that if you'd like to join that link down below too though okay but thanks for just being here for being a part of our history community here on YouTube and I think that's most important thing that you're here and taking an interest and being a part of this all right we'll see you guys next time bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mr. Terry History
Views: 66,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, history, World War 1, WW1, Germany
Id: q3oHSmVwYuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 33sec (1893 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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