A Historical Get Ready With Me - 1808 Regency Edition

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I LOVED HER! She's so fun and sweet, and the look, the editing, everything about this video is sooo wonderful!

To be honest, I hate the excessive lighting in beauty videos anyway, I usually prefer glossier GRWM videos or artists like Janna Tew anyway, so this is golden for me! Thanks!

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/madspepper 📅︎︎ Jan 31 2018 🗫︎ replies

I just stumbled over this, and I'm sure some of you would appreciate this as well. The video is 23:32 long, and Karolina talks about her experiences. I think this is really different and I'm intrigued by the historical aspect of this. This is of course a GRWM for someone who would be rich. However, I don’t know enough about makeup in this time period so I hope the makeup portrayal is correct.

I also like that this is kinda messy and the video isn't 100% perfect.

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/clownsaremynightmare 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2018 🗫︎ replies

That is such a cool idea!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/jackiedhm 📅︎︎ Jan 31 2018 🗫︎ replies

Imagine how long it took to get the curls in 1808 when there were no electric irons!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/olive117488 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

This is such a good idea. I definitely wouldn't mind a series of historical GRWMs.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/chidori_yoshino 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2018 🗫︎ replies
hi you're me mum is back you may be wondering why I am dressed in such unusual clothes the reason is simple I'm unemployed and I have a way too much time on my hands and I'm spending that time showing you how to get ready in eighteen eight now to be honest though I attended every Genesee themed ball on Saturday and it was fun and I was like I'm gonna film I get ready with me video and then like I started getting ready and I was like we're gonna be late so that didn't happen but I thought I would just do it again I would just get ready just as if I was going out again on a Regency glass historical ball what am I wearing right now this is a turban this is a really lame turban I'm a DOS scarf funnily enough it apparently also works for vintage styles but like whenever I do it I'm like Carol and Bingley so I'm not really doing that but with just like a simple scarf you can Google like Regency turban tutorials and it will show up for mornings like this they would probably wear caps that looks absolutely ridiculous but since I don't really have an ice cap I'm just wearing a turban instead so what I'm wearing right now is kind of like a mourning dress it's like a sort of a dress that they would wear when they went a little bad they didn't really have time to get dressed yet because I see war about to witness it takes a long time and they would just answer letters and eat breakfast and read books and basically not do much so this is what I'm wearing it's really super comfy I wish I could just worried every day but since we received a lot of packages so I'm gonna start with getting rid of my glasses good so they're not there Regency appropriate if I may say so that's the only thing about being blind and doing historical stuff is that you can't see much if you don't worry your glasses and if you wear your contact lenses that it's kind of historically inappropriate and the period the glasses let me just tell you were bloody awful and looks really bad like up until 1950s they were bloody awful if you have a look like Victorian glasses they're kind of like this default ugly girl type of glasses and Regency glasses were kind of to say no wonder Mary Bennett and all of the adaptations so far almost all of them were reduced glasses so because I don't want to be Mary Bennett because I'm Mary Bennett in real life and when I'm dressing up I want to be mr. Collins okay I got rid of that so I'm moving on to my Regency kind of makeup routine - it's funny because when you offend a lot of like historical events and stuff you actually do have makeup routine for that they serve do have a set of things you do to achieve the historical look because obviously if you went for like full makeup that would look kind of lame and not historical so basically in my case a lot of Rouge is involved or like blush or whatever you call it I'm not telling you what makeup products I'm using cuz I have no idea I don't know what the brand name is I went to the shop recently trying to get this thing and the lady asked me what I'm looking for and I was like a foundation like I only remembered the packaging and not the brand no this is something I'm doing for like my everyday makeup but I'm also doing it for historical makeup I'm never applying foundation around my eyes like the syrup I would ever you cuz it looks more natural that way and also because it if I do it makes and my ice appears super small sorry I was just checking this is a recording moving wrong here comes my shitty concealer that doesn't actually cover anything moving on to the blush thingy so as you may know I'm not allowed to use a brush for Regency era you don't want to apply to blush this way shoo rather end up on your cheek sort of like a dull style they love the blush cuz that was pretty much the only thing they were allowed to use and it kind of would go unnoticed sometimes it would not cuz you have a lot of like characters and novels that are kind of described as wearing too much Rouge I'm usually kind of like middle-aged ladies that are still trying to look good so dauber do it cuz he might end up in an oval so what I'm doing is I'm not only applying Rouge to my cheeks but I'm also applying it to my eyes I'm gonna apply to this sort of side of my eyelid and also the corner of my eye because I've noticed they do it a lot in period dramas firstly and also because I've seen paintings like this one where they do it and it's kind of super obvious that they've done it don't overdo it though cuz if you do you might end up with sort of like crying eyes look okay so what I've also noticed people are doing a logic journalist is they draw a line along the eyelashes which kind of is supposed to look like eyelashes but you can tell it's not best to use like the eyelash color for this is like super close to the actual eyelashes I don't think you can see anything should i zoom in more or is this okay how do I get this thing out ah one eye turned up perfect and the other one suck so what I do is I also apply some where are you so I'm also usually applying like dark brown eye shadow to kind of blurred oh my god it's broken oh I have it on my dress now okay so so I'm kind of trying to blur the line a little bit and I also usually put it underneath my lower eyelashes like a tiny bit so it actually doesn't look like I should have it it looks like I probably can't see anything it's too dark anyway oh I forgot my eyebrows I assumed I know my eyebrows are usually done in about 10 seconds and I recently acquired this lip stick which makes me look dead and I'm not sure it's a good thing I have this really good lipstick from Primark it is a premium cosmetics brand in case you didn't know I really like it and I love using it and and I just can't get a new one because I can't find it anywhere the colors name is hustle if you ever find a hassle lip crayon or whatever it's called at Primark hit me up because I really need it and instead I bought this thing which is way darker and it makes me look like I I drowned they tried to dark forage in CERs so what I do is I just get rid of like half of it and just leave Dilla leftovers so that's my Regency makeup you probably couldn't see anything sorry about that my room is extremely dark and so is my heart I'm gonna move on to my hair so I'm gonna plug in this thing it's super thin it's like 13 millimeters and I bought it especially for like historical stuff it's not perfect it's still a bit too thick surprisingly I should probably wear my course at first otherwise I'm not gonna be able to put it on I don't know if I'm the only one but I feel like with my hair being kind of parted in the middle I look like Jacob from Twilight okay let me just fetch my corset you know usually my maid would do it but for some reason she's not here today is my corset it's been through a lot let me just tell you that it's not good it's not good should probably wash it from time to time for some reason people who Regency era were like we don't want the groups to join we don't want the boosts to touch each other so throw the Centuri the boobs were kind of like pushed up and stuff sort of like what we want them to look nowadays agency you're out they were like hell no we're just gonna separate them with a piece of wood overall though they're super comfortable because they don't have any boning they only have like cording and they're stiffened with cords and decoration but they don't have boning which is kind of something new because throughout 18th century they would use whale whale was what's it called there would always be something to stiffen the corset in Regent's Aguirre they are kind of like we don't need the corsets to make us curvy anyway because all of the curves disappear under the dresses so we only need our boobs to be up so that's what they did and that's what this course is gonna do what I also did is I put my shoes on first oh by the way I'm wearing tight I'm not wearing stockings I should be wearing stockings but stockings are a pain in the ass cuz they go lose and you find them at your ankles and your ankles instead oh I'm shooting a bit but it's more comfortable so I put my shoes on first as you can see these oh I mean I never thought I would be showing you my feet these shoes I just don't feel like taking them off you know it's not that uncomfortable actually you might recognize them they're kind of like a popular type of shoes and the thing isn't you look a lot like what they wore in Regency arrest so like I remember us so nothing became fashionable all of my my costuming friends they were kind of like have you seen those because they actually look a lot like what they wore and you can see them on the paintings and in sources from the Iran oh and the reason I put them on before putting on my corset is because I don't remember if I told you that but there's like a piece of wood that kind of prevents me from ending so and the these types of courses did not open in front so usually when you were like a later course that they have front opening these things were not opening in front so you had to untie them all the way at the back so you can actually fit that's the thing about regency corsets is that you have the cups here and somehow your boobs are here to make it work you either have to basically just pop them and pull them up or you have to put them with your head down kind of leaning over I'm just gonna grab them I'm not gonna do it on the camera though okay so now that my boobs are sort of in the right position I'm gonna tie the corset it doesn't have to be super tight but you don't want it to be loose because otherwise these are gonna be too loose and you're gonna drop back to their natural positions I'm kind of keeping the top tight and then the waist it's just just to keep it in place really now that that is done and I have the corset out of the way I am going to do my hair so what I'm going to do is I need two sections of hair that I'm going to curl and pin up so they look like little Regency curls are you ever like admiring people whose hair smells good cuz mine is always kind of like it smells like a dog okay so I'm using your hair tonight to sort of keep the back of my hair in place but I'm not really going to use it okay what I'm doing that what the curl is I'm just going to pin it in place it is a bit annoying on the line but also there is a don't touch the curling iron Larry crazy you're gonna get your whiskers burnt and it's not the first time so what what was the thing oh so they're a couple of types of like Regency curls and I'm still looking for perfect curls for me I'm obviously going to release it locks after a while a lot of people think that it's kind of finished so they look at me like oh well that looks nice and I'm like no you know it's just like it's nobody asked you just say that you're fine you're not really fun it's taking forever this video is gonna be so low no one's gonna watch it anyway okay one side done now the other is gonna be tricky because as you may have noticed I've been making the curls this way and because I want them to be symmetrical I need to use my right hand to do them this way why do I feel like this site is longer than the other yeah oh my god it's stuck it's stuck oh my god oh my god I'm gonna burn my hair it's touched oh my god oh my god I'm gonna get it out oh my god it's actually stuck oh my god I'm actually going to burn oh wow I was about to become a viral video I was stressful that was stressful you know what maybe I'm just gonna stick to my left hand and said Regency curls are not worth it sucks either away actually you know what I'm using my left hand its back which I usually treat as if no one would ever see it what I'm gonna do first is I'm just going to tie it in a ponytail sort of a high one it should be right here hopefully well that looks disgusting so I have the ponytail and what usually happens is I don't feel like curling debauch cuz that will kill me so instead I just take quite my fingers pin them in place and pretend it's like a huge curly kaffir so I'm not sure if you're going to see anything I can't see anything myself so what I'm doing is taking a pen taking I see how you were you say that you're fine you're not really so I'm sort of doing it around the hair tie and then I'm putting some curls on top of it so it doesn't look like a huge Donuts but rather lots of small curls actually I'm going to put veil on top of it and you won't be able to see the back of my head anyway so so basically the topic topic for the ball was a teen in Spain so I found a fashion plate from 88 that I liked I didn't feel like making a whole new address especially for that occasion so instead I used my old dress and I did like head over dress on top of it which is kind of like short so I I did a black over dress and I also did a black veil and that look nice it looked really Greek which was not necessarily the point we're about to take care of the front now okay so here's what we got obviously the curls are the wrong men what I do is I take the ends I kind of twist them underneath and I'm trying to work something out from there okay now the great is not bad I'm kind of bored with doing my hair so I'm just gonna move on to dressing up all righty then I just zoomed out so can probably notice that my shift is a bit too short because it shouldn't be that short okay let's move on to the petticoat and other was one of one of the first things I have ever done it's not the best blowing apart me never enough time to make a new one because why would I need a new one if I still have this so the petticoat is there mainly because you need to protect the dress guest dresses were usually made from really expensive fabrics stuff that you really didn't want to dirty up or destroy in any way so you would wear this and also the hem of the skirt didn't get that much dirty if you had a petticoat underneath because it was cleaning the path next thing is the dress the dress that I did not iron but I guess that's strictly accurate isn't it it looks funny because this is the back and the front is right here and what happens is you put the back on first and then you pin the front on this is called big front okay big front is named but we can see anything see this is why you need amazed this is what the front looks like have literally the wrong this should actually be made with buttons to be completely honest I don't like how buttons look I just need to tie it it's good to have a friend to do that for you it might seem complicated but you know it's not impossible one of my friends have sewn herself into the dress because she didn't have time to make you know closings and stuff and that was the back of her body's this is a whole dress sorry if it's really weird but my room is too small for me to stand up so I need to assemble those odd positions so that you can fully admire my dress am i doing this and next up is the over dress it looks like that it's see-through as you can see black and it's made oh a fabric that didn't really exist back then this is what the over dress looks like it's longer at the back chars are at the front just like in the fashion plate I decorated it with um gold tape don't do that very bad idea very bad results okay let's move on to my favorite part which is decorating and bling and jewelry and everything that's shiny and cold I'm gonna start off with the thing that's not actually shiny which is my veil so I'm just pinning it on top of my fake bun or anything with bobby pins that I've lost they use different kinds of veils from what I've seen some of them are really thin and small like they're literally just pieces of fabric hanging from your hair some of them are basically they look like line kits like the size of the really depends what you're looking for and what you're going for I am I'm basing this look on like Spanish fashion plates so it's big so this thing is done I really wish you could see the whole thing so what I'm putting on top of it is Tom my dad helps me so it's not really my job he caught like a piece of metal and he glued it to like a plastic comb and then I glued the rest so like you know I would do a tutorial if it wasn't that lame um it looks better from you know distance so the way I'm putting it on is is I'm gonna put it right here where the failed sort of starts and then I'm also I mean I bought a little a shitload of the red beads and I still have a shitload of them left if anyone wants to buy some so I also made a necklace and earrings okay so the jewelry is here what's left is loves if you didn't wear gloves to dance party like this you were considered gross everyone is sweaty everyone is wearing gloves so if you don't wear gloves your sweat is going to be left on everybody else's gloves mine are vintage I guess I bought them on eBay do you have any tips on how to clean gloves like this because these are made of leather but they're not shiny or anything that you're just more like sweet now essential so what do you need to have with you when you enter the ballroom obviously you need a fan because if you don't have a fan you're gonna end up looking like a sweaty old man I cannot begin to stress how many times fans have saved my life either my friends or my friends fans and I just realized how you can take what I just said out of context sounds like on this celebrity I cannot begin to tread how many Chinese fans have saved my life so what you're also available is a dance cards this one is actually printed out especially for the ball I just attended as you can see it is empty that's because we didn't use them though it really is and it's usually like a list of dances and places where you can write down names of your partner's because you don't always dance with your own partner it's actually really bad if you do especially in the Regency era it can even be called improper this is my back where I can fit both of those my cellphone and I made it especially for an occasion because I was tired of crappy reticles because that's what it's called it's basically like a bag and then the last thing is a shawl which is the longest roll I could find and it's still way too short because Regency shawls are usually around 3-4 meters long so like officially the show was supposed to keep you warm actually it was more of a show-off because they were so expensive because they remind of Kashmir and stuff and let me tell you when you're on a in a ballroom it is very unlikely that you get cold yeah I don't think that was their purpose I think it was just like I can afford their cushy your show so deal with that so here's the whole thing so we have the Train dress the over tricep gloves show availed the tiara regular width and the jewelry stance [Music] trying to be pretty here okay so this is the whole look so no I'm about to meet mr. Darcy I am going to show him my grace and beauty [Music] [Music]
Channel: Karolina Żebrowska
Views: 641,584
Rating: 4.9611115 out of 5
Keywords: fashion history, 1800, 1808, regency era, regency, jane austen, history
Id: EkHFoJ1Zjic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2018
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