A Hater Portfolio Review

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hey and welcome to another portfolio review this time it's gonna be good it's going to be a portfolio review of one of my haters yes check this out two days ago I got this email MF Ron Sega you live in my country and you work there I saw your work you like other Israeli talk more than you do here is my work with a link to a behind I work for biggest companies in the world and I am Arabic and Muslim you are not worth anything and we will get back to our land in a day and you will go to heal I guess it's hell your future hangman dude so I was not going to even reply to this but I've posted this email just because it was so bizarre on my Instagram and so many people have asked me to actually review his portfolio so I will I just want to say I'm not I'm not using this channel for politics I'm usually I mean there is a place for this but what interests me is more of professional discussion and I think that talking about things that we love we're passionate about design is a good way to over kind of overcome a lot of political discussions and issues that we have and just see other people for who they really are and so let me just check out his portfolio and try to see what kind of a person he is so let's go to the apps B Haynes portfolio first project is a branding project pioneer council project alright so alright hello it looks pretty good overall alright so start with the brief so this is a case study which I like they're explaining the process we need a little bit simplify original Falcon so we need to redraw it with minimal lines they're doing a historical research of the government crest studying the current logo this is really interesting I love when people actually show the process of how they worked what and rebranding of original crest is always interesting project so it's actually very nice to see the process how they're doing fundamental choices yeah I would say that this is actually a pretty good case study it's a bit shame that the text a little small to read but overall the project is pretty well design very nice see the next one black and white logo collections alright going over them really fast lovely looks actually pretty good very good icons good typography our big typography overall I mean that's just crazy yeah I'm pretty surprised but this portfolio is actually pretty good that's Arabic typeface ever ton win right well it's hard for me to judge our big font since I can't read them but I do I can't tell that they've designed this font to match the English font and that they do look good together so and it has wits and stuff so yeah it looks like pretty solid work what else do we have here a lot of advertising for Lipton tea all right so I'm not gonna read all the text here but it seems like this is an advertising campaign or a bottle redesign yeah I'm pretty impressed this kind of looks really good let me see one more work I can now walk branding all right this looks a bit Chinese but I guess it's probably an Arabic word oh they're explaining it again pretty hard to read for that age now a canal cuts through the typography with a white shadow and shape represent the geometric path of the canal the whole shop contains the world canal in Arabic through that's really good all right so on there is also entered illustrators here all right okay I've seen enough to understand this is a pretty good portfolio yeah you're probably a good designer which I'm happy for you I'm good for you I hope that one day you'll be able to kind of overcome your I don't know feelings about me as a person just because I live in Israel I just want to share like on a personal note that I am super engaged and really loved Arabic typography actually my final design project at when I was studying design I did kind of a t-shirt collection where half of the t-shirts were Arabic quotes quotes from the Arabic culture translated into Hebrew printed on shirts and then some of the Hebrew culture quotes printed on on t-shirts translated into Arabic so let me show you a few of them so those are song the t-shirts obviously I can't read but I've designed to type together with an Arabic friend who helped me to make sure that this is an Hebrew quote this is another Arabic quote to help me make sure that it's readable again I can't make sure that it's readable I can make sure this is Hebrew the Hebrew of course I can read yeah so I had about I think 12 t-shirts let me see what else do I have here [Music] yes those are all the shirts printed this how I presented them alright hope this portfolios weird portfolio review of a hater was somewhat beneficial I mean for you the app you probably know you're a good designer and your portfolio is pretty awesome but yeah have a peaceful day did you guys [Music]
Channel: Flux
Views: 28,323
Rating: 4.9484978 out of 5
Keywords: design, freelance, tel aviv, ran segall, ran segal, רן סגל, work, life, vlog, startups, portfolio review, hater, hate mail
Id: fU_ZnRdagmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Tue May 08 2018
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