A Happy Accident! - Wood Turning

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good morning good afternoon good evening or as we like to say here at shady acres wood shop howdy today we have olive this comes to us from our friend dan in las vegas the piece is about seven inches by seven inches depending on where you measure it it's an odd shaped piece it's going to be a bowl this will be the top this will be the bottom but what i'm going to do is take it over and set it on the bandsaw and i'm going to run this part the front bottom edge here against my fence on the bandsaw and cut off a flat spot parallel with the front so that i have a place to start for the bottom and we're going to make a bowl so i'll take you over here to the bandsaw and we'll cut off that one section in the back or the bottom i brought you over to the drill press i'm going to drill a flat bottom hole here with my two and a half inch forstner bit i have my column clamp on the drill press i have the cut off from this piece of wood uh used as a shim so i can clamp it down tight then i've got a secondary clamp out here so i'm just going to drill a shallow hole so i have a nice firm mounting spot for my chuck jaws [Music] so now i'm just going to screw it on the front here on the woodworm screw okay there we go now i like to spin the piece up and let the live center find its own hole which is right there piece is out of balance of course i doubt if we can get much faster than that let's see yeah about 520 rpm i'll be using a 5 8 inch bowl gouge mask and face shield on before we get started i wanted to show you something i open my mail and inside was this nice velvet sleeve and inside of that was this beautiful pen made appropriately out of olive wood and not something it's just it's just gorgeous and one of the things i love about it has this magnetic closure that cool and it writes so beautifully and this comes to us from viewer jason and jason wrote a little note he says your videos have helped me learn how to turn and find the confidence to try despite knowing nothing about it or having any woodworking experience pens are a simple and great way to dip your toes into turning wood well how nice is that i mean that that is just wonderful thank you jason and jason i think has an online presence where you can see more of his work if you like and i'll put that down in the video description well this this was sharp two minutes ago and now it's not this wood is uh very hard very dry at four percent moisture content so it's gonna it's gonna take some time getting around i'm gonna go sharpen up i just want to see what this is looking like and where we're touching and where we're not touching it does look like it's going to be some pretty beautiful grain huh so here's where we're deciding what kind of shape we want to have and you can see we haven't even touched this part at all and in order for me to to make a round bowl meaning convex round bowl like like this is like this is i'd have to whittle it down to practically nothing to get this round so i'm probably going to make a concave bowl where it'll come come in narrow at the bottom and widen out at the top that's kind of the way it's looking right at this moment it might change got a big flat spot over here but that's that's what i'm thinking at the moment and of course i'm always paying attention to this top edge and how far i want to take that as far as rounding it up or leaving it squarish rectangular-ish or whatever well we'll just keep working at it boy i feel like i'm cutting with a piece of mud uh sharpening again i'm not going to trouble you with how often i sharpen this just to rest assured it's going to be every couple of minutes do i guess when i work on the bottom i can go up a little higher and get more of a flat spot maybe i'll do that so that that'll help me with my design maybe i can pick the speed up somehow i'm about 650 [Music] so i might as well mark out for a tenon and probably make the tenon i was going to come over here to the side but i'll make the tenon and make the base and then we'll know what we can do with the side profile from there and i'll do that with a 3 8 inch bowl gouge [Music] so i've got to get the tail stock out of the way so that i can raise my tool rest enough here to use this diamond point tool to square up the sides of the tenon whoa careful though we got a crack here and it starts right there and goes all the way up here so that's not so good maybe i should put some ca in there huh okay that's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna stop a minute and put some ca in this crack right along here it comes up here to this big inclusion and that's uh a little bit scary so i'm gonna fill that i'll be back in a minute okay back to the profile i kind of think we're done i'm going to grab my uh negative rake scraper see if i can't get a smoother cut on here i could hear something hollow there's a corner that's loose so i'm going to put some ca in there and clamp it up for a bit there's another crack here but i doesn't seem like it's going anywhere so i'm going to take care of this and i'll be back well i fixed the crack it went a little further than i thought it did actually it came clear over here all of this but it seems solid now and i did take my uh negative rake scraper just to scrape the glue away i've got a pretty decent finish on here and i'm done shaping so time for sanding finally i've spent a couple of hours gluing down some loose bark along the top edge up here uh actually almost all the way around it wherever there's bark it was loose i had to clamp it and wait and you know it just it's taken a while but i have it pretty secure along this edge now i'm going to start the sanding with my sandal flex i'm going to sand all of that bark that i can reach some of it'll have to be gotten from the top side and then with the lathe spinning in reverse at about 350 i will start with 80 grit on my two inch disk and i'll work up through 400 grit and i'll show you how that's gonna look as soon as i get my mask on [Music] well i actually cannot get very much of it i wanted to be sure to get this inclusion so i'll be doing more of that but looks like most of it's going to be done from the top side and that's 180 grit on the sandal flex and that's surprisingly easy so i'll do that up through 400 grit and i'll bring it back when it's time to put some sanding sealer on here see in a bit oh yeah that's what we're looking for huh that beautiful olive grain that makes it worth all the effort look at that oh my gosh this is shellac based sanding sealer i'm applying it's called zinzer sealcoat i get asked all the time so i like to mention what i use i don't sell it i don't get paid to tell you i'm just letting you know what i use now there's some parts to this i need to brush that i can't get with the rag like right here and i'm not going to go up too far with this most of the bark and the nature of this is on top most of it so i'll put on at least two coats of this probably two coats i don't think it'll take more than that and i'll probably save the shellac for uh when i do the inside i'll probably do that at the same time now i need to follow behind that brush quickly before it dries with some more sanding sealer on the rag to wipe up any brush strokes or runs or whatever might have occurred so i'll bring you back here in a bit uh after i get two coats of this on and we will start working on the inside see in a bit i have the piece turned around with the tenon mounted up in the chuck we're going to be turning at 580 rpm 5 8 inch bowl gouge mask and face shield on you're getting pretty close to this edge right here very close so i'll stick with that for a while before i go out any further but i have to go down deeper to see how it's affecting the rest of this [Music] there is a lot of cracks in this piece and i'm somewhat worried about them i filled a lot of them with ca but i didn't fill all of them and i just don't know i just don't know we'll find out together [Music] well look at that crack that's a doozy i'm looking on the outside it does come clear to here on this chainsaw and flat spot but it doesn't go very much beyond that and over here it stops as well so i'm just taking light cuts there's a lot of bouncing around of course but i'm taking light cuts to try and minimize the impact on the piece sure hope it doesn't come apart i like it quite a bit [Music] well i'm getting the impression we should come out here further meaning we will get into this nicely finished flat spot out here but uh it's a long ways to go to this one and this one and this one so i'm gonna i'm gonna go ahead and come out further and just let the side of the bowl drop down here it'll still be enclosed it's really not much i can do about this crack i could put ca in it and i could put wood chips in there but uh it's so big i don't really think it would help any okay i'm coming out farther [Music] beating me to death it's not spreading on the outside here it's still there but it's not spreading yet i'm gonna go sharpen it i see there our crack is about gone isn't it it's there but not like it was that's a good thing i've been doing this a while and it just never ceases to amaze me how i've got a bump right here but it's not over here not there it's just in this one one wing over here something's moving out of my way when i want to stay in place i'm going to mark it so okay that's uh it's not perfect but it's way better okay back to the bottom i don't think i'm too terribly close here but let's check huh about 5 8 of an inch now i did notice i don't know if you noticed but i fixed the crack in the bottom and it's probably that crack and it goes through the tenon i did seal it up with ca but i can get my fingernail in that crack right there so i don't want to go i don't want to get too thin on that bottom i'll probably go maybe another quarter inch or so i'm gonna do a little try and do a little shear screw here yeah that's probably good yep we can live with that not quite a half an inch why tempt fate huh okay i'll get my negative rake scraper sharpened up and we'll scrape a little [Music] oh phil is warm out time for sanding i'm going to start with my sandal flex i'm going to sand all of this bark down into this bark inclusion here this one i got pretty well from the bottom side but i can probably do a little better and that's 180 grit on the sandal flex and that's as fine as i will go then i'll switch to my two inch disc sander starting at 80 grit and working up through 400 and before i spin the piece i've got a groove right here just a little one i know you can't see it i'm not sure that you can see it over here it's just right here i'm gonna spot sand that i'm just gonna sand it like this without without spinning the piece and then i'll spin the rest of it and get it good because the rest of it's quite nice it's just that one spot but that'll come right out and i'll show you that since i get my mask on and it occurs to me standing here looking at this i have an accidental three-point bowl three-corner bowl i've done a three-corner bowl then i did a casual three-corner bowl where i knew it was going to turn out to be three corners this one is an accident we got one two three corners and i like it i mean that's pretty dang cool had no idea where we're gonna end up with that so so that's what that looks like i'll do more of it and then where'd that bad spot go all right here and just like that it's just about gone i'll do more of that and then with the piece spinning forward i haven't tried this yet might be a little bit of a problem about 350. that's okay it takes a real light touch out here so it'll probably take me a little while but i will get it done and i'll bring you back and it's time to put some sanding sealer on there see in a bit i'm so glad the piece stuck together because i really like it we're just dressing this piece up ready for the prom this is how it might have looked on its best day huh that's how i like to think of it so i will do to this what i did to the outside i'll put on two coats of sanding sealer and then two coats of shellac i'll see you back here in a little bit we'll take that tenon off if you like anything i like you're gonna like this piece a lot i've mounted a block of wood up in my chuck it has a non-slip surface on it but the edges are are exposed somewhat and i don't want them to mar the inside of the bowl so i'm going to place a second cloth over that and bring up the bowl and bring up my tail stock and i still have the center hole there for reference bring up my tool rest we'll spin the piece up see if it's running true i like to hold my thumbnail against the edge of the tenon make sure it's hitting equally all the way around and it sure is return the speed up to about 550 i'm going to use a 3 8 inch bowl gouge and commence to removing that tenon [Music] i just want to check for clearance and we have clearance i like to leave this raised area in the middle if i can just kind of adds a little bit of visual interest to the piece now i talked about a crack that goes through the tenon and you can see it there so that does present a bit of a problem as far as removing this in its entirety but i'll give it my best shot [Music] hmm i'm going to turn the speed down to about 400 rpm and i'm going to use a 3 8 inch swept back bowl gouge so that i can get in there closer and tighter now i'm going to turn the speed down to about 200 rpm and i'm going to apply the bevel of the gouge against the bottom of the bowl pressure towards the headstock now even if that breaks away the pressure [Music] should keep it intact like that see it came completely loose but because of the pressure from the gouge holding it against the block of wood there was no issue so now i'll just take this over here to the workbench sand it up sign it get it finished and i'll be right back be sure you stick around to the end of the video so you can see the before and after shots of this piece this piece to me is perfect it's it's just it's just perfect and it isn't that i made it perfect it was already perfect i just uh revealed some of that perfection and what i did and what i did was difficult i'll take credit for that and i stuck with it it was it was a tough turn but my gosh look at that it's just it's perfect the bark all shined up like how it might have looked on its best day the grain of this piece of wood oh my golly the accidental three points that we came up with one two three and and and look at that it's just beautiful i just feel honored to be able to work with a piece of wood like this there's the bottom all finished up it's just it's just a wonderful wonderful piece i hope you feel the same way thank you dan in las vegas for sending us along for all to enjoy if you like this video thumbs up please i'd sure appreciate it if you'd share it around that would be terrific if you're a subscriber thank you very kindly i truly appreciate that if you're not a subscriber you might consider becoming one i put out regular videos about one a week and i'd like to keep in touch an easy way to subscribe is just click my picture you see there near the end of the video your comments are always welcome and i read all of them so for now this is phil shady acres woodshop signing off you
Channel: Phil Anderson - Shady Acres Woodshop
Views: 38,121
Rating: 4.9488583 out of 5
Id: wjRvfXJd3bI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 58sec (1738 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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