Let The Funky Begin! - Wood Turning

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good morning good afternoon good evening or as we like to say here at shady acres wood shop howdy today we have a piece of white oak this comes to us from my buddy dennis in california the piece measure is about six inches in diameter about five and a half inches tall i have a an idea in mind for this i'm not sure that it's tall enough for what i want to do but i'm going to try it anyway it'll turn into something if it doesn't turn into what i want to be what i'm going to do because this will be an end grain turning and i'm not always happy to trust the woodworm screw on an end grain turning i'm going to attach this face plate ring right here in the center with four screws and i'm sure that'll hold it just fine and then this fits under my chuck and the chuck jaws open up into that groove that groove is a dovetail so it won't come won't come off the chuck very secure fitting i'll show you here in just a minute how all that works my heater is running because it's winter time so i've mounted that faceplate ring up in the center of this and i just put it on here and then open the jaws up into that recess and it will hold it securely boy you know you just shouldn't say stuff like that this will be the one time on it then i'll bring up my tail stock and apply some pressure here i like to spin the piece up just a little bit and then bring up the live center and that way i know it's finding the exact center spot that it likes just like that i'm going to lock it down bring up the tool vest we're going to work on the side here first i'm going to grab a 5 8 inch bowl gouge get my mask and face shield on and let's see what speed we're going to be turning at for now about 650 i'm also going to wear a glove because i think this might hurt a bit [Music] can you guess i'm still a fun guy [Applause] i think i've probably picked the speed up quite a bit now and there's a little over 900 [Music] okay we're getting there now the hard part i'm going to switch to a half inch swept back bowl gouge because i want to get up in here i want to undercut this lid so i need something a little narrower now we're getting there but i'm i'm scared of losing that bark and that'll just ruin the piece if we don't have the bark but there's really there's really not much wood under that bark [Music] i really like this bark area right here uh so i want to make it look as good as i can and this is kind of kind of flaky in here so i'm gonna add some ca and then i'm going to rub in some dust from this turning try and fill that up a little bit make a little more stable and then i'll return that a little bit just to clean it up you know that helped quite a bit so i'll finish that up and i'll be back in a minute well i went ahead and cleaned that up it looks good i also put ca all the way around this bark because it was the same kind of shredded softness in this inner bark around here so i put ca all the way around it i cleaned it up i've had a chance to study this a little bit while i was waiting for the ca to set up and i think i've gone up far enough what i was gonna do is make a bowl in the top of this i was just gonna make a bowl and not hollow it out and i still might do that or i might hollow it out i'm trying to decide what good it would be if it was hollowed out you know what what what would you put in there i i thought just a ball on the top and then looking as this does okay it's a mushroom i can't help it i'm on a mushroom kick so i'm afraid if i go up in here too high my bowl won't be able to be very deep and it's high enough to to look like a mushroom so i'm good with that so i'm going to mark out for a tenon and we'll put a tenon on here and then we'll be done and it'll be time to work on the top side and for the tenon i'll use a half inch bowl gouge [Applause] well i guess i'll use a 3 8 i can't get up in there far enough yeah that's good now i'm going to use this diamond point tool to square up the sides of the tenon [Applause] and that's good time for sanding i'm going to start with my sandal flex at 180 grit i'm going to sand this bark edge up here and i'll sand the inclusions right here that's probably about it and 180 grit is as fine as i go on the bark then i'll change to my two inch sanding disc starting at 80 grit and working up through 400 grit and i'll show you how that's gonna work as soon as i get my mask on and i'll do more of that but that's just to show you what it looks like and i'll come at it from the other direction as well and this way come at it from all directions so that i'm sure i get inside of everything i can and that just serves to clean it up very well and smooth it out so that it feels good when you touch it and then with the lathe spinning in reverse at about 300 rpm when i'm finished with the power drill and i'll peel the disc off and i'll spin the legs forward because it's easier and i'll just hold it in my fingers and get up under here like that and then i'll do the same thing over here [Music] and like i said i'll do that up through 400 grit and i'll bring you back well it's time to put some finish on here see in a bit well that was just about positive that i was going to put shellac on this but now that it's sanded and it's so nicely rounded and so smooth and natural looking i think it just calls for uh the howard feeding wax so that's what i'm using it always makes the piece feel so silky smooth and that's this stuff if you're not familiar with it and they are not a sponsor i don't get anything for telling you that i'm just telling you what i use that's all i don't have any sponsors and that's probably a good thing isn't it i also don't have any advertisements you might have noticed that no advertisements on my videos this is from me to you well this is just so so beautiful to me this is i just love this shape i'm not sure how i came up with it but i love it and then i'll use a brush to put it on the bark i'm just gonna squeeze it onto this brush here and then the way i get it out of here once it sets up about a half an hour from now i will spin the piece slowly and blow compressed air on it and blow it out of all the bark recesses and then i'll take a clean toothbrush and buff it out of here much like i'm doing right here oh yeah so nice i was just watching gourd rock's latest video today gourd rock he's a terrific woodturner canadian nice guy funny guy and he puts out just the best videos so so professionally edited anyway he just really he just really got me laughing he has a little alter ego and when i say little i mean he's a miniature a miniature gourd a mini mead gourd rock give him a look if you haven't he's uh he's very good at what he does okay so i'm going to let that set up for about a half an hour i'll come out here i'll spin it up and hold the rag against it just to buff it off and then like i said i'll use a toothbrush on the bark and clean that all up and then it'll be time to start working on the inside and that's what i'll bring you back see in a bit i've turned the piece around and have the tenon mounted up in the chuck you know i'm just really torn i'm just really torn i intended to make a bowl and i want to make a bowl and i'm probably gonna make a bowl but it's but it's all this wasted space inside there if i don't hollow it out but i want the finished look of a ball if it's hollowed out then it i just don't think it'll it'll look good i don't know you might disagree with me and you're certainly welcome to express that disagreement i will listen but by then it'll be too late i suppose the only plus to hollowing it out is then it might make a nice little vase but it would only look good if it had flowers in it when it didn't have flowers in it it wouldn't look so good i i just think a finished bowl is gonna look best for this we're gonna be turning at 900 rpm 5 8 inch bowl gouge mask and face shield on i'm just checking the the thickness right here where it comes up underneath i got lots of room [Music] [Music] oh boy about 3 16 is all i've got here which is enough but uh just barely i think we're done well i hope this is okay with you it is pretty much exactly what i had in mind i'm just wasting all that space in the in the stem of the mushroom but you know it's a mushroom bowl it's not a mushroom something else i've got about as clean a cut as i can get i don't see any ridges or valleys in there i don't think my scraper will do any better but i'll try [Applause] [Music] well it is a little a little bit better isn't any worse that's for sure so we're done time for sanding well that's going to be about the easiest sanding job i ever did i'm starting at 80 grit working up through 400 i'll bring you back here in a minute we'll put some finish on it okay we'll get this finished up i hope i'm not making a mistake with not uh hollowing it out it would have made a good vase i understand that that's just not what i had in mind for it and again i think it would only look good as a vase when it had something in it i also thought long and hard about putting a lid on here but you know it's a mushroom and i want it to look like a mushroom and i don't know what kind of lid i'd put on here and still be able to maintain the the natural look of this particular piece of wood with the bark and all and then any kind of lid would have to have a handle or a finial or something and that would really spoil it in my opinion but i'm just the woodturner guy i'm not i'm not an artist type person i don't know what looks good always okay i'll let that set up for 20 minutes buff it up and i'll be right back we'll take that tenon off i've mounted a block of wood up in my chuck it has a non-slip surface on it i'm going to place the bowl over that and bring up my tail stock i still have the center hole there for reference so i'll just drive my live center into that wiggle the piece around a little bit make sure it feels like it's centered and it does i'll bring up my tool rest spin the piece up hold my thumbnail against the edge of the tenon see if it's running true and it's right on the money apply a little pressure i'm going to use a 3 8 inch standard grind bowl gouge and commence to removing that tenon [Music] [Laughter] [Music] now that's pretty small i want to adjust my tool rest a little bit closer and a little bit higher because the worst thing you can do is get under that little bit left there now i'm going to switch to a 3 8 inch sweat back ball gouge and i'm going to turn the speed down to about 400 rpm [Applause] now again this is end grain and it tends to break away when you least expect it now i'm going to turn the speed down to 200 rpm i'm going to apply the bevel of the gouge against the bottom of the bowl right hand on the gouge left hand on the switch pressure towards the headstock and when that little nub stops turning we'll know we're through kind of like that [Music] then i'll just take this over here to the workbench sand it up sign it get it finished and i'll be right back well there we have it one white oak mushroom bowl in the books what do you think did i make a mistake not hollowing it out it's a bowl it's not a vase maybe it should have been a vase you let me know what you think i love the bark on here and i love that grain and i love my shape that i came up with kind of whimsical and totally usable i don't know what for but it's a bowl works for me hope you like it thank you dennis for bringing this up for all to enjoy if you like this video thumbs up please i'd sure appreciate it if you're a subscriber thank you very kindly i truly appreciate that if you're not a subscriber you might consider becoming one i put out regular videos about one a week and i'd like to keep in touch an easy way to subscribe is just click my picture you see there near the end of the video your comments are always welcome and i read all of them so for now this is phil shady acres woodshop signing off you
Channel: Phil Anderson - Shady Acres Woodshop
Views: 34,677
Rating: 4.9509535 out of 5
Id: 7FPin76tJtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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