A Gypsy Bride's Spectacular Wedding Dress! | My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding FULL EPISODE | OMG Weddings

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[Music] The Traveler look has become synonymous with fairy tale extravagance and sequin splendor but the ever more outlandish designs are driven by a delicate game of oneup mhip every single one of them makes an efface you know from the oldest woman there to the youngest kid makes an efface and it's all about how nice your outfit is they want to just go that step further I mean they've got a lot of competition because everybody does the same thing so they've got to be a little bit more outrageous than the next one to make them stand out for a traveler girl the pressure to look good starts young 24 hours from her First Holy Communion 9-year-old Irish traveler Nan girl is preparing to receive the Lord into her life for the first time at her Salon of choice lady Goa how important is it that you look good very very cuz it's going to be loads of people have to do and it's important for me to look good cuz I don't want to be like oh my God look at there he's so ugly what would make you look ugly ugly dress ugly shoes ugly hair ugly makeup ugly spray tone our patches all over here like it's PN to look good when you make youron it's the PN to look good for God God wants to see you looking good Nan girl will take her First Holy Communion alongside three cousins the competition to look the best will be intense who do you think is going to look best [Music] [Applause] [Music] me the first cousin to celebrate Holy Communion alongside Nang girl is 9-year-old Margaret so why is the first communion so important to traveler girls oh it's really really really big day cuz it's a really big day really really exciting big day it's really important to us it's really important to us Jesus Christ receiving Jesus Christ and so why is it so important for Catholic cuz we're a Catholic and that's what we that's what we have to do so what's going to be your favorite bit of your communion on Sunday and my dressing Jesus Christ I'm receiving Jesus Christ 1 2 [Music] 3 Margaret has decided to contrast her brilliant white dress with a subtle shade of [Music] brown you think you're going to look the best on your commun I'm going to be the best like a princess they're going to be like Bly sisters that's not very nice thing to say these ones of course so Margaret is it expensive to get your nails done no not really not off her anyway so your mom wants you to it the best yeah that's what she said to the Dr maker as well she said make sure you will yeah so how are traveler girls different customers to your other customers they seem from a very young age they like to look nice they like to have nails they like to have a tan they like the hair doing they just really look after the themselves really look after the themselves and it's not just like adults it's like young girls it's bizarre really what are you looking at Nan girl and Margaret would share their communion day with their Elder cousin Bridget with the ceremony just 10 days away she is trying on her bespoke dress for the first time oo I think everyone tell is you yeah that lovely you like it B yeah really like us really really really nice yeah ooh shiny it's quite a short skirt would you be like to wear that in ch on that one I always wear shorts on eat um skirts like this shorts on these do you yeah so you'd never wear a skirt this short without a pair of shorts underneath no why is that um because we have respect for ourselves she is 12y old yeah but she got to understand us Travelers can wear short skirts I mean but as long as we have respect for our we very very high standards High morals you know what I mean shorts on she always wor shorts like on LIF there I mean you only show on leg it's all she showing in shirts I mean it's not it's not like it's not like half nakers I mean it's only short skirt like short the front long at the back so you don't see it as provocative what do you see it as see it nice that's nice does that thought that thought doesn't even enter your mind doesn't enter my mind no really really really [Music] don't although the majority of gypsies and travelers have now settled in permanent homes many still spend their lives on the road traveling throughout [Applause] Europe but whether at home or abroad the need to look good is still [Music] [Applause] [Music] Paramount ride to be Dolores quilligan is a 21-year-old Irish traveler who takes the Gypsy look to new levels of luxury we've been in every country in the world we're driving down along Sunny Span in the beach and at the moment in England AR and it's rain and it's snow Yeah so walk wouldn't like to live our life Dolores and her family have been traveling through Spain for the past 6 months following her father's business dealings but she's about to return home to Rath Keel in Ireland for the wedding season hoping hers will be the most extravagant the town has ever seen in rail everyone goes away and it's the only time of the year that everybody be in rail like we're in Spain there's some people in Italy they're all over the place so it's the only time they meet back in M when was the last time you saw your fiance about a month ago he's in a Switz what's he doing in Switzerland he's a Sal a Salesman door knocking really up to 10 weddings a week can take place in Rath Keel to ensure that it is her dress that creates the biggest impression Dolores has been exploring some unusual creative Avenues I wanted something different I didn't want something anyone already had like flowers or stars or tulips I didn't want anything to do with a flower cuz everybody and rail have flowers so it's a cat the top of the dress will be a whole cat coming around the Tails coming around your neck and coming down here the crown will be the same and on the back of the veil is the same two cats and the dressed in is all cotch with all the same cats have a cat them yeah a cat the fairy tale celebrations will begin the night before the nuptuals a further opportunity to push the boundaries of fashion she said to me what about a palm tree and a pineapple palm tree starting from here and coming the hallway up and it's coming out in my shoulder all the the leaves of the Palm Tre is coming out in my shoulder my dress is going to be pop mle of a pineapple like the Spanish pineapples and all that kind of like Spanish the Tua is going to be like Spanish and there be a big mass of pineapple and then the dress will be all coming down all cinita like Spanish cinita and pineapple and I'm going to have a big pineapple thing for my hair like match in cinita and that's what it like and that's [Music] rest Dolores has charged gypsy dress maker of choice Thelma medine with turning her Creative Vision into a reality although she's made dresses for gypsies from far and wide it's the Irish travelers like Delores who bring her the most colorful ideas Irish travelers a lot more flamboyant than the English Travelers it's all to do with pride and it's it looks it's it's like that thing of look at all we're all we're doing well you know my husband does well he looks after me and this is what he can do he can dress us like this cuz you know the outfits aren't cheap and if there's ever an unusual request it's where you sort of sit back and go oh right it's okay and then you do it that's usually off an Irish traveler who wants to to have something what nobody else has ever [Music] had for centuries Beauty was the exclusive Preserve of gypsy women but the modern traveler man also feels the pressure to look good gussi is a 13-year-old Irish traveler who takes great pride in his [Music] appearance describe your style to me handsome good looking cute which is the most girl says pretty much everything what do you think I've gone for ages but just can't be [Music] ass are you quite successful with the ladies I am yeah I have too many already how many have you got i' about I about 100 and something I love this and something last I really last count can't really [Music] remember that's 25 thank you brilliant oh sh on the morning of their First Holy Communion Nan girl and her cousins are sacrificing themselves at the altar of beauty n girl's dress did not arrive until 2:30 in the morning putting the beautification process seriously behind schedule so you stayed on to help us last night yeah it wasn't for us add more diamond for them or repair their dress they need to be ready for today half an hour before the ceremony is due to begin there is still much work to be done 25 minutes what time is it 25 minutes to go your eyes still for me no I can't do it mommy mommy I don't want to Mommy I'm begging of you beautiful darling beauty is pain meant to be at the church at 12:00 and me Aunt roll me she's all stressed out and then n girl is crying her here and making her even more stressed out I'm not going I'm not going having spent thousands of pounds on dresses and over 24 hours in preparation the girls are still not ready and the service begins without them may all of us sh the body and blood of Christ you just leave Qui B new Jesus and B Mees thank you to stand your pleas and [Music] serve come on in quicking going VI there's two shoes keep [Music] going the Holy Spirit he became Virgin Mary for our s though significantly late the girls are in time to receive Jesus into their life just the body of Christ the body of Christ Christ the body of Christ May almighty God bless you the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit our mass is ended so let us go in [Music] peace we've never had so much glamber in the place up girls hey yeah the PRI me Body of Christ I got Jesus in me mouth have a lovely day girls God bless you you look wonderful what do you think about with the dresses they choose to take their communion that's them uh and we accept that uh you know they they they they love to express themselves in this way what they're attempting to do as I see it is trying to bring out that specialness you know so that people look at that and said hey you know that's that's special like it or not it's special [Music] all right and this to all the girls out there if you're ever in comry don't feel shy to ask me chat chat of me or rting and if you want to ask me out or rting feel free I'm a s all right that be it thank you you took over me took over the competition to look the most beautiful is as Fierce as predicted are you happy I'm very happy I feel like that I'm the prettiest because people want to go oh I don't take your picture you're so nice I take your picture and I feel like and I feel like CER me way blocking me Spotlight hey I'm not doing get me and a two don't get one all right guys you look beautiful but who the best me actually me no actually me me me me look at you look at you look at you look you the debate like there and then go like that like that there and it's like and then it's like that and then then it's like no it's like then it's [Applause] [Music] like [Music] a traveler girl's life is mapped out from an early age how often do you clean your doll's house b um I clean my doll house sometimes come on but Boo's father is planning to cash in on Gypsy girl's other preoccupation fashion M it's empty now in 1 month's time 34-year-old English traveler Ronnie is going to Stage a beauty contest for travelers the competitions for the girls to come a modeling competition all they have to do is walk around in a circle you know we'll have some judges there some proper judges and everything for them to see they can judge them it's not up to me to do it and I mean the winner obviously will go on and and hopefully be a star you know [Music] today he's looking at a potential [Music] venue but mindful of prejudice Ronnie has opted to be completely honest about the nature of his event this is to find the next Gypsy Superstar right okay right um what we're looking to do is find a gypsy traveling person yeah who's who who who we're going to try and make into a star yeah Okie do no CLS about that have you no not really as long as everyone behaves right well it's not for nothing else it's not for a bare knuckle fight it is actually for this purpose right do you have um a camera room yeah right cuz I'll I'll have to sit in there cuz if then then if there's any sort of like if the if I think there's someone I don't want to be in here then I I will tell them know you know from the camera room you know what I me all right um the only thing um it's part of our license we've got to give notification to the police about any events yeah right yeah there's an advance I want to run it by them first do you want me to leave your deposit now uh no it's all right I'll I'll come back to you there there's no point until it's all 100% confirmed right okay [Music] then one person planning to enter the beauty contest is Irish traveler Sammy Joe a just 16 her looks are already a closely guarded family treasure boys are strictly off limits phone no no I can't have him CU mom and dad would be afraid of us talking to boys on the phone so she's L fo but I'm not she's the L one but they're just a bit strict with me because she's the oldest she had a phone pH she was talking to on it no it's just me dad my dad's a bit he doesn't want want me to go yet and he doesn't want me to talk to boys and it's just me brother he's more strict than me Dad and he just doesn't want me even though for now she's being kept reluctantly Under Wraps planning what she might wear at the next wedding is a constant preoccupation it's a bit ring socks what we look f it yeah so you're not allowed a phone no your brother let you wear a no wait he has seen this sh is keeping up appearances quite important yeah so if I seen a traveler girl I haven't seen NES yeah and she's like a sure like not dressed nice and not fixed like hair is all up and and she's not dressed fixed like I say oh she's the very bad case and say had a girl is going around she's a holy SH now look how how bad she is that's how a lot of people talk about you so you have to get fixed proper when you're going off know what I mean you can't go like yeah like when travel girls are clean up even when they clean up even to have Jammers on they try and put up in a belltop and try and fix herself while they're cleaning up CU seeing Travelers although the traveler look is one that exudes self-confidence underneath the Glamorous outfits not all gypsy girls are so assured she's older than me like she'd wear shorts really short shorts but I wouldn't wear that I'd ra rather cover myself up in tracksuits things like that and I can't show The Top hair cuz I di the ch people would be looking at me but she would like she can talk to B I can't it's too shameful I probably shiver and Shake everything on her way home from Spain Irish traveler Dolores is stopping off in Liverpool to see her dresses for the first time [Music] what looks best palm tree or pineapple I don't want pineapple to look better than palm tree do you she's the bride I think that one looks best do you definitely I think you need some more diamonds on [Music] it you like it everything is unreal is it what you thoughts it be it's more yeah it's really nice isn't it it's really really lovely then there I was so worried about this wooden dress what do you think you'll say when you see that one then it's going to be all to Beast isn't it I hope so is amazing it's lovely isn't it everything oh thanks for that [Music] love is it how you pictured it more have you ever seen a wearing dress like this no it say took a long time to do did it yeah days it's hard to not get it to look like a cast you nearly had a [Laughter] dog you just pull that down then though yeah oh she looks lovely doesn't she sparkling diamond is a girl best friend it's fabulous it really [Music] is dolores's extravagant Cat theme doesn't end with her dress Jill Broadfoot has been charged with making sure the cake hits the same lavish [Music] Heights the look we're going for is blingy and over the top and in your face and it looks really nice actually it all look better than what you think it will you think don't know about that when we first talking about like cat on a cake it's not going to look good is it but I think it will work well the cat cake will eventually rise 10 tiers into the air and will be flanked by 14 smaller versions it's one of the most expensive cakes Jill has ever made but with such Grand designs appearances can be deceptive this cake is actually [Music] poyene so there you go that's one of our secrets out the big ones are all poyan they're all fake CU all the girls want big cakes they want bigger better whatever you know they're more outrage is the better um as and the way to do it is poyene I mean the things they go for the things that they come up with sometimes they they wouldn't work in cake so you have to have poisy involved in it you'll see people walking out as a do with a cake which they think's real but it's not it's poyene so that's quite funny [Music] Irish traveler Samy Joe will soon be competing in a traveler only beauty contest I like that one today she's come to purchase a new dress at Affleck Palace in Manchester one of the select few places that cater to the Gypsy look that's nice like only so do you want to be a bit blingy yeah a bit showy yeah a bit out there a Flash there you go oh mommy's is it nice you would you say I think that's gorgeous I think it looks lovely doesn't it you still show it it still shows your figure off to a tea without showing your flesh if you want more decoration and I don't I I did one similar she had not the she had like mirror mirror mirrors on one side but not 3D flow flat flow but was turquoise nasty pink and that was stunning stunning yeah you can have that see-through panels as well if you wanted to if you want to show a bit more yeah yeah could would you be able to do that for me yeah yeah it's nice to have somebody that comes in that does get dled up nowadays I mean really dled up I mean you get down the ice tree and you know a lot a lot of people go in PR jeans and a t-shirt now I mean they do they really get So Glamorous Sun Tans the hair done the nails done they spend a fortune on the outfits and for one night you know it's that's what it's about really is it so someone like me I think they come with all these ideas I mean I buzz off them because they give me ideas as well I think it's fantastic love it love it how's that one love let's have a look that one I likes the first one I know that's nice as well but lik the first one with that one you could really D your s huh got really dark with yeah what do you think yeah it's nicer something can for [Applause] lovely your eyes is coming although naturally more reserved than her sister anaise will also be entering the fashion [Music] show is that color a bit grown up for you babe I got different color black and man I think it's too old looking for her know it's no your mother are killing me no it's too yeah she needs something a bit more pule pule pinks be lovely fuchia pinks Yeah a different color you can't breathe she the faint on me turn around despite its popularity the Glamorous traveler style is a relatively modern development and not all gypsies are so enamored with the new look Samy Joe's grandmother included they show too much of their body I don't like it at all what can you do this the Young Generation isn't it the thing you can do about it years ago if you got out danc like that and now with them cloth and you you'd be booed to [Music] death why do you think they dress like that get their s noticed but what can you do it's their fashion is their world isn't it not ours what did you wear when you were their age maybe a school frock I wore a lot of a jamers wrath Keel in county limmerick is one of the richest towns in Ireland with Travelers making up around half the population during the wedding season up to 10 ceremonies will take place here every every week each accompanied by a no expense Spar night before [Music] party to ensure she stands out Dolores quilligan has commissioned a Spanish themed [Music] dress is it comfortable yeah very comfortable I didn't think it would be a pce of how it [Music] yeah has anyone in Rath Hill had a pineapple and a palm tree dress no we the forest so we want be the last at to have a pineapple and a palm tree how big a deal is the night before the wedding it's like a big deal it's like the last night you're single really it's nearly as big as deal as to day a wed you have to look nearly as nice but it's not in white not on my face cuz going my eyes on here top of me see are you sad about tomorrow she getting married yeah like I'm s because I mean like I'm the only one left so like when you used to having a Sister around it's hard kind of to see her gun do you know what I mean like when you have a sister and she's gone in she's married like your left on your own but no one really she get married she' have her own husband and her own Caravan like and everything despite their extravagant cost the pineapple and the palm tree are not conducive to free movement but fortunately the girls have ordered a luxury limousine to transport them to the venue how am I going to get in mama how am I going to get into the limousine what your elction T it's diving outside open the door to that [Music] quick I can't get in you can't get in I can't get in there how mean what how the get [Music] in just twist your budy my won't push P your body go the other side you're not going to this at a nearby Hotel the outfit's Creator Thelma medine has arrived with a wedding dress ready for tomorrow's ceremony that's it that's it well done I've got to admit when they said a palm tree and a pineapple it was a bit now you're going too far but when you see it looks quite nice different really different but nice yeah it sounds ridiculous but it is lovely it really is [Music] lovely has everyone seen what Dolores is wearing today and what do you think of it it's cuz our philosophy whatever they want we give them when she asked for that I just thought you just say going a bit far now she wants to something that no one else has had it's not always a good thing that no one else has had a palm tree and a pineapple have you ever seen anything like it before what's she [Laughter] wearing we never seen there we'll do anything that's right but I'd say up to now this is probably the most outrageous request we've ever had [Music] really there you go all your okay thank you all right having invested in a new outfit Sammy Joe is almost ready for the beauty contest but one last crucial stage [Music] remains when it comes to achieving The Traveler look being Brown is just as important as bling obviously all travel girls get somewh to look dark makes them look nicer you know what I mean so it's just important all travel girls have to get them you you get everybody said she that young was like girl she needs to go and get a some bed you know so some girl take them every day but I don't get that many get to week is there any kind of negative side effect to it which you mean like in cancer yeah yeah like some people say you get cancer after some beds but I haven't met one travel girl that got cancer only country people say that they say go girl gets canceled how many times you get on them L they don't honestly I've never probably some girls might have did because they get one every day you know what I mean obviously you want to get it end up getting it but I don't know if you did know somebody got it would it stop you going to some beds if I know someone that got it I'll get like two a week I'll cut it down a bit more maybe one a week I knew that someone got I wouldn't get as much but at the end of the day if I get cancer I get cancer and that's it this I might not get cancer right but at least I still look good you know what I [Music] mean fre in Liverpool Sammy Joe and her sister are arriving at the traveler only beauty contest how you feeling nervous I'm a bit excited now a bit nervous but a bit excited help help after a series of setbacks Ronnie finally found a venue to accommodate his Venture chandeliers red carpet you name it we've got it roughly we're going to have somewhere in the region of about 50 girls um it was going to be on you know but uh weather we'll be able to get through them all and and from all to join in the competition I really don't know whether we're going to have the time despite Ronnie's extensive preparations the competition is less substantial than expected only four contestants have [Music] entered you know there's been there's been girls come go where are you there's been um people come go and then like we've got down to people who really want to be be that type of thing now at the end you knowa please Grand please please don't make me fall upside down please than you in spite of the poor attendance nerves are running high no I really don't want to do it for gypsian traveler girls new experiences are rare the challenge of Performing unprecedented very scared I feel like I'm going to fall upside on when I get like this feet start shaking I'm going to collapse you're SE AR you yeah three two one hands [Music] down Ronnie has engaged four judges his wife Maria a modeling agent and two local hairdressers someone go up someone going to get sick someone go up I'm not going [Music] up while the girls attempt to impress the judges downstairs Ronnie has opted not to watch his vision unfold it's just out of respect to the girls to be honest with you I love this say on her I'm a married person um I've got a wife I've got two kids my wife's up there she's organizing all that type of thing although I want to make somebody into something it's against my beliefs to sit up there and watch you [Music] know the girls have overcome their nerves but it will be up to the judges to select a [Music] winner just pull it like that just pull the top one at the home of the Bride to be Thelma is helping Dolores into her lavishly created Cat themed dress you look [Music] gorgeous we got here too late to go to your you know the night before office what did everyone say when we seen you everyone was in with them with they yeah you couldn't believe how nice they were was no one shocked the whole Hall was shocked because they were saying oh this is your night before this I don't want to see your wi yeah they won't know what to expect will they now you no you've kept it as a secret have you nobody knows no one nobody where's your one [Music] I [Music] Mama one minute I'm going to follow over to K [Music] kings I can't because the K is coling n having negotiated the door the bride boards one of the largest and most expensive carriages RF Keel has ever [Music] seen [Music] while the dresses creators battle the elements going to lose the wagon delore is transported to the church in full Gypsy [Music] Splendor in Liverpool while the girls wait nervously in the wings the judges are attempting to decide the winner of The Traveler only beauty contest I'm going to be I'm going to go number number two number two yeah Sami J see Sami J also had some as well but I think with number one she she she she basically had it it depends what you're looking for I think number one's quite classically beautiful yeah but number two EMB body is everything that traveler girls are you know I mean she's very kind of glamorous she's got all the bling and after much deliberation the recipient of the coveted Crown can finally be revealed despite scoring points for her Gypsy look Sammy Joe has missed out there we go the Crown goes to Romany Gypsy Montana she does look lovely this girl yeah but she just come plain and simple her dress was just all squashy diamonds all her she only had a bit of studs in ears a bit of makeup then she just a bit of foundation that's that's all she had but we all knew she was going to win that's why cuz she really is lovely and she deserves it she really do deserve it it's been a long day a it long day it's been a long day for all of us hasn't it but let's just something comes out of it for for some of the girls you know I will come back here next year like go on a diet and fix myself up better but I won't do it as a job cuz my brother will kill me break me legs one more lovely 3 2 [Music] 1 at the reception venue in Wrath ke the dis layers of wealth continue we the proper Travelers We Are The raill Travelers we're living to the best driving porches Ferraris ra Hills like BB Hills I'm telling you this your best car my first car right to letter [Music] yeah but it's not only in the car park that big Impressions can be made [Music] you want spin [Music] there the guests have attended a host of weddings during the week with a new outfit for every occasion toes to your balls it has to be sparkling it has to be diamonds diamonds everywhere Diamonds Are a girls best [Music] friend I want to thank my w so nice I want to thank the lady and w we think of Travelers as being like unconventional unpredictable and uncontrollable [Music] probably usually people have restrictions on what they want or what they can wear or what they want to do not them what she's wore today it won't be forgotten you know everyone will remember that you know she's known as cat girl now that's it he the police is here I think the police hit us next time Gypsies and travelers come up against the law what do you think of the place crap don't worry about the place just St them I'm the daddy but despite the authorities still find a way to celebrate my I tell the truth a coup of all and I want a good [Music] fight [Music] a
Channel: OMG Weddings
Views: 61,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gypsy weddings, big fat gypsy weddings, gypsy wife, big fat gypsy wedding full episode, big fat gypsy wedding uk, big fat gypsy wedding episode, big fat gypsy wedding tlc, bigger fatter gypsy wedding, gypsy wedding, gypsy life, my big fat gypsy, my big fat gypsy wedding dresses, my big fat gypsy wedding full episode, my big fat gypsy wedding uk, my big fat gypsy wedding, my big fat gypsy wedding tlc, my big fat gypsy wedding best moments, my big fat gypsy wedding america
Id: 6hJuuHR6tBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 14sec (2654 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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