Spice World | MovieBitches Retro Review Ep 55

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[Music] review episode 55 another special episode because thanks to oliver on patreon we are reviewing spice world spice the movie as opposed to when on when i was looking at the you know about to hit play it said spice world the movie as if like the band was called spice world or something you know like sex in the city the movie i don't know i found it to be confusing it's spice world yeah a pre uh already owned ipo oh no it's it's spice worth the movie just so you know well or the song spicy it might have been a tour right that's true great you nailed it thank you thank you for that and it wasn't just like oh we recorded the tour no that was different this is spice world the movie the movie you know what golf club golf club but first things first yes shout out to our wine sponsor wink go to triwink.com movie [ __ ] you get 22 dollars off oh i shouldn't do that in england again but it's fine we got over it uh off your first month of wine oh now that was okay so fun little thing found a drinking game from film drunkies love that and one of them was drink every time they do a peace sign was there was there a lot of peace sign i guess yeah there was there was turns out yes there was quite a hint when you're when you're looking for him i guess but you're like and a drink for every girl power um what if it's on their shirt because that was quite a few well i think it's when they say on their clothing and such blah blah blah girl power feminism you know blah blah blah girl power feminism do you know what i mean second thing second shout out to our patreon supporters five dollars a month gives you early access ten dollars gives you access to our viewing party sorry ten dollars gets you access to our viewing party we should just put up the nomi gif every time you say 10. yeah i love that that's that's yes you're welcome world you're welcome can we make i mean yes i think i could but maybe it's not worth it but i was going to say like having a gif of her without the background so it's just like nomi's body i bet that's on instagram perhaps you know they have those gifts where they do like those little gifts yeah but then how do you download that yeah that i don't know anyway yeah but a hundred dollars a month or more you get to pick a retro review like this one well actually so the request was scene double which we did a trailer reaction for because we can't find the movie and in this trailer reaction that you're about to see we found out that it is an abc family original movie yes and i think it might be lost to time i mean i think we could have bought the dvd but um you know we didn't have the the time to wait for snail mail for that situation we had to get on it plus i don't know if spending half of the patreon money on a dvd really you know we had to we had to just spice world because hello it's great yes that was our alternative because apparently they're very similar in tone and you know written by the same woman written by the same woman both produced by american idol i don't think so no no so here is our trailer reaction to seeing double the s club 7 movie s club it wasn't seven yet oh did they add more members and became seven i think they removed members and became from that trailer i think they were like wait that was the same one oh my god what's happening maybe it was always seven of them but they added the seven i don't know what numbers in the in the band name became more popular i feel like i need to get into the deep dive wikipedia of s club because i it's like it's a blank for me i know nothing i got nothing wow but anyway here's the trailer reaction arrest them you you can't arrest us i mean we're a famous band you're the s club is that how that works what is the fame club band you mean you haven't heard oh my god were they bigger than seven so this was before s club seven yes i believe so now they're coming to america in their very own movie john hannah joe tina to be honest they all have the same hair my favorites and bradley bradley so what did we say i missed the question except for him they're the worldwide sensation with chart-topping cds high-octane stage shows the blonde and now it's really gone dvd and video i can see it's on tv in there [Music] way cool s club music from the creators of american idol and as seen on the abc family channel the s club in [Music] so that's why we couldn't find it because it was an abc family channel original movie i guess that's true wow i i have no memory of any of that like oh not at all i i i don't know about that band i don't know you don't know about sf7 no other than that we were tasked with watching this and no idea ain't no party like an s club party s club um they have songs i got nothing were they like but it said from the producers of american idol were they like a band that was like formed by producers i'm assuming that makes sense available well i don't know what band like the spice girls weren't formed by producers no they were i'm just you know some fans were in high school together so never had a dream come true you knew that song that they played never had a dream come true till the day that i don't want you something like that um bring it all back i don't really remember don't stop moving no that's not good i i don't know [Music] no that's a no for me sorry what good is that how can you ever repay the 30 seconds you have stolen from my life well wasn't that fun yes i mean you know um seems similar tone vibes i get it yeah you know everyone's been trying to remake a hard day's night since a hard day's night so yes got that going you know i was thinking i haven't watched a beatles movie in a very long time oh yeah and i used to watch them quite frequently often yesterday so i feel like help i feel like help might have some oh no's oh absolutely i'm sure there's some things i want to say to a i want to say generically polynesian island or they're whisked away to a foreign island and there's like human sacrifice or some yes they're trying to kill ringo because it's ring and it's the magic and right it seems you know um again insensitive unsubtle in its portrayal of quote unquote foreigners ah so he who wears the ring but anyway i was obsessed with their apartment which was giving me real spice world vibes i mean this the sunken bedroom and help and like the organ that comes out of the wall i was ups i still am obsessed with that and they did that in spice world except on a bus on a bus i love this double triple wide bus that has you know fire like harry potter you know like magical bus that's like twice the size once you go inside obsessed yeah i was also like real incognito to be driving around a gigantic double-decker bus painted like the union jack that says spice bus i think on the it has a peace sign on the back somewhere yeah i was like no i feel like the fans are gonna be able to find you but yeah spike's bus signing right like if people freak out about [ __ ] food trucks in los angeles could you imagine oh my god that cozy truck is on a wheel shirt right it's like oh spice class is on [ __ ] westminster i don't know the tower bridge there you go it's it's just kind of just got a leap sounds expensive maybe it's expensive not necessarily spice world the 1997 cult classic at this point that is um mostly fantastic i would say the pacing is very bad um i just kind of put it out there the pacing is bad it starts and it's like you know what's a great way to kick off a movie about spice girls a real slow jam real slow jam [Music] it it started and i wrote okay so here's the thing okay just to clarify too so i've seen spice girls maybe spice world maybe three or four times spicy spicy spice world the movie sorry spice world the movie i actually never got to see the spice girls which is really kind of depressing for me i didn't either i feel like i mean they must have come here but i just feel like oh yeah i don't remember that being an option somehow i don't know i mean obviously tucson arizona not a lot of people are coming there but i would think even i would have gone to feed i was obsessed with the spice girls oh yes fifth grade that was like my jam upset so i don't know why i wouldn't have gone somewhere to see them but i didn't i never got to see them in concert even when they came back and did their like reunion tour yeah didn't get to see them but the only time i saw them and this doesn't count is when they performed at the london olympics i mean i wasn't there but it was on television i was like what i wasn't there but yeah we got to see them perform like whoa sure but anyway no i've seen spice world the movie yes three or four times maybe and so it was never near and dear to my heart for whatever reason but in this last viewing i really did fall more in love with it i think by the end because 60 of the movie through you're like this is awful like not awful but like this is not good this is so scattered this is just 80d movie what's happening there's a million film references love that but what are we doing why are like who what huh and then by the end i was like oh they were all the different pitches of the writer it was like inception except at the end you went well that didn't you didn't figure that all out like at a certain point the internal logic of the movie just started to cave in on itself and i was like wait what now no oh you didn't set this up properly at all at all because i think the problem is i loved all the documentary stuff and thought it was so funny but there wasn't enough of it like to be we're making a mockumentary rockumentary about the spices right but it sort of just like shows up and i love alan coming so much that i'm just like uh-huh yes yes more please he's about to crack up at any moment the sense of tension of impending doom it's are you getting that sweat on his upper lip and so it's not really that then you've got the la film people pitching pitching their movie you've got this satire of paparazzi and the media and the press going on you've got their pregnant friend uh which is also a plot like like there was just too many uh it was trying to do too many things without clearly setting up oh this is mark mckinney's we're gonna pan about out and it's all inside the snow globe that's inside of mark mckinney's brain or something like it doesn't come together the girls play five sisters whose parents disappeared during the january harrod sale and were never seen again but right no not really no but enough for me that i was like wait a second maybe this does but i think no no it needed to start at the pitch meeting maybe or something we meet them so far in after we've met alan coming after we meet kevin maxford editor you know oh my god i those were my favorites those are my favorite scenes because they were the most wacky and meta that like went to a wet hot place where i'm so upset that it's raining inside me kevin macmaxford i put him up there i can bring him down guys who's gonna help me brad who is gonna help me take on girl power you know and oh what if they found a cure for deja vu what if they found a cure for deja vu you know i was like wait wait this is the movie that i love though like yes whatever is happening here very like airplane e yeah yeah breaking the fourth wall like just ridiculousness upon ridiculousness and then it's also a movie of scattered flashbacks flash forwards and also fantasy sequences and also i mean cameos up the wazoo yeah so you're just like what am i watching what's happening were all the cameos part of mark mckinney's grand plan i don't think so was all that wait a minute did he write in their pregnant friend and that's part of the lore that like is that baby not really real what's happening you know it breaks your brain a little bit yeah i will say the revelation of all of that obviously comes at the end of the movie but then also came at the end of the drinking game that we were playing so maybe that had part to do with me being like oh my god oh my god [Applause] we almost rewound it and rewound it you mean like i rewatched it like sixth sense style to be like pick out the pieces wait exactly exactly oh he never did touch him he was just standing next to him oh tony collette never said a word to him no but it but it didn't have enough of a through line it was just oh no scattered things are they gonna make it to the concert like that's the fight you know it's like whoa yeah well yeah it started and the the concert was very low production value low energy real like oh we picked the the b side slow jam to intro our movie not like oh here's the low point when they've forgotten their humanity and their friend who's pregnant they've they've forgotten who they are and let's sing this slow jib nope opening credits i was like okay interesting yeah why not start with yo i'll tell you what i want whatever like oh my god you'd be like yes this is the surprise world moving where they are i mean i think if they re-edited this whole movie it might be better i'll be honest the scene where they're like in that cafe they used to live in or whatever and they sing yeah that should have been the opening scene you know what i mean like and then you know five years later forward whatever it is and then we've established their friend their pregnant friend or trevor left me trevor's left me i guess i'm fine wow i'm nine months pregnant i'm very pregnant ugh i knew he was gonna leave oh he knew he was a flake geez um okay i just wish that like the concerts had been more fantastical perhaps you know maybe it was more magical realism of like oh now they're singing and we're gonna take or incorporate it into the not even the plot necessarily but like the have it connect in some way to what's happening or have some kind of point of view on what's going on exactly they have that flash forward fantasy of like oh what what it's going to be like when we are moms right right and they're all living in the same apartment well right i love that but then they sing a song and like you know i forget what it was like i'll always love you or whatever but it like it could have worked right as like uh we're singing a song while we all have a joint fantasy about what it would be like if we were all moms together an apartment yeah you could conflate it and um i did love jerry's like garden of eden plastic apron in that fantasy sequence oh i will say some of the fashion in this movie i was into it spot-on excellent i mean part of it was nostalgia and part of it was like hell yeah yes oh yeah mostly yes i mean i was like okay those pants are some evie oddly realness yes please you know you're gonna wear this full nasa snow suit i don't prepared for you know uh nuclear winter i was like what is she wearing and then i don't know it's so hot with this giant snow park on uh oh it's so much better with this just like uh leopard bikini top great i love it yeah i will say for me mel b and jerry had the best outfits yes i thought you were going to say were the best actors which was also true and we can all agree that victoria beckham was decidedly the worst if you just watch her in scenes where she doesn't say stuff she does not know what to do with the face it's like really funny just watch her the whole time it's great um at some point brian and i theorized that i think they maybe made like a 300 hour long movie and then the studio was like oh no no no no you have to make this 90 minutes and so then they were like but we want to keep everything all of the scenes so i think part of the problem too was the cameos right so right perfect example there's a whole long scene between richard e grant who i love and we will talk about and the man diana no the the manager lady yeah who's apparently a famous british woman from that movie in the end of credits that's what they're like oh right yeah you were in that [ __ ] she looked vaguely familiar but i did not know her but anyway there's a whole scene between her and richard grant in a bar and oh you know i'm sad because they i broke up the spice girls can oh we're probably going to get drunk and sleep together and like they kind of like just sort of convet to each other nothing comes of it they don't sleep together that we do but it's it's inconsequential like there isn't a and even if even if they did it doesn't matter like and that scene was boring except elvis costello served them their drinks so it's like well we can't cut the cameo with elvis costello you know the scene was unnecessary yes absolutely so there's stuff like that where i was like ooh they definitely had a conversation about like well we could cut this scene but elvis costello was it funny did he have a great line and he really jazzed up the seat no he just kind of feeds him their drinks and then is gone yeah cool but it was a testament too i was so i was reading the trivia and there was i i don't know like numerous numerous trivia facts that were like so and so wanted to be in this movie because their kids were huge fans of the spice girls so and so agreed to the movie because their kids were huge fans of the spice girls girls so i was like oh it's a testament to just how [ __ ] famous they were because they i mean it was they were a phenomenon yes and so it was you could feel that a bit in the movie of like yeah i'll be in the movie you know sure oh yeah she was like oh jennifer saunders yes yes jennifer saunders talking about manta ray shoes i'm into it i mean in the first five minutes it's like oh hi elton john right bye i mean it was fun to see him but sure why i think aside from kevin maxford me kevin mcmaxford my second favorite bit was the roger moore stuff oh my god well that was where it was getting more absurd and now he's petting a cat and this time he's petting a bunny and this time he's got a wee piglet you know and when it was like he was like feeding it and he's trying to keep his lines straight and all of his just utter nonsense gobbledygook when the speeding melon hits the wall there's christmas for the crows of course proverb gibberish that was speaking i was like yeah yes oh what did he say i don't know the drama who is without sticks has no backbeat absolutely what did he say i haven't a clue but i know that he's right apparently roger moore had no idea who the spice girls were when he agreed to do the movie i love it oh my god sure i love these girls and i'll do anything for them but i won't do that meatloaf you want you're gonna be a bus driver and you're just gonna say i'll do anything but i won't do that right just say that one line i mean it was a fun because we get meatloaf and richard o'brien so there's a fun rocky horror connection there oh you know what girls it made me realize i've been living a meaningless lie yeah that's right that was cool i thought richard o'brien was really funny just like showing up everywhere and here i am coming out of this coming out of that suit coming out of the toilet here i am the toilet was so stupid but richard e grant i feel oh my god to discuss richard grant his jazzy sideburns and goatee the um it was like raw silk custom suits in varying bright colors gem very gem uh matching ties waistcoats shirts long coats pants his socks probably matched too we didn't see them i'm into it yes there's one where he was like the [ __ ] wizard of oz the green one i was just like yeah it was very emerald city i was into it yes but also he also at some point i realized he reminded me of and i probably this probably i'm sure came out before uh but of the the villain from xenon girl of the 21st century the like sidekick villain loved it watch the feathers fly get some blood on them no sorry chief just an idea oh well and then speaking of alan [ __ ] and sort of this kind of movie this was really reminding me of josie and the pussycats except i would argue and no shade to this movie josie and the pussycats is like a very much more successful idea of this because it has a through line it knows what tone it's going for it's satirizing the music industry and and advertising and it does that throughout speaking of roger moore though i loved that it was just like this all-white apartment with just blank cds like glued to the wall not even like the front of them which would also make no sense but it was just the backs of yeah i'm assuming blank cds that were glued to a wall maybe they were like platinum records no they were like cd sized and they weren't in frames they were just like i don't know but i was obsessed with his clear phone oh obsessed with his cliff i'll be honest i miss landlines sure what can i say there's something just tangible and reliable and you always know where it is oh there it is that's where it is there it is it's right there oh it's the corner where i answer the landline hello love it i do also miss like playing with the long you know curly cord wrapping it around your finger or while you're talking to someone it's fun if only she could overcome her fear of heights and snow and if she could just get her hands on a pair of skis that's amazing well i mean we get mark mckinney who i love george wendt is his boss and them pitching all of these movie ideas it's like it's a series of little sketches you know it doesn't ever come together and you're sort of like oh i didn't care about this one oh that's a good one oh let's see if after weekend update if they get kind of weird or maybe that'll be oh god it's a good one you know that kind of thing yes well and then there's there are like fantasy sequences but they sort of don't i mean they're fun that random like poirot you know hugh laurie cameo sequence of like baby spice and it's like you could get away with anything and she's like has all of those oh right weapons and then i didn't do it you know it was it was them you know but you're like okay okay cool i mean i guess that sets up her character that then later when they need to convince the cop that she can play with anything she can get away with it but like sure do we really need that long i mean i don't know if we needed it but sure sometimes they're total fantasies out of nowhere sometimes they're related to what's going on you know i mean we get stephen fry as the judge uh we had to get jeeves and sister in there you know um and that one was sort of more related to the plot a bit it's scattered yes well then they're like the skit of the dance choreographer doesn't land oh i did laugh at what i don't want any of this julie andrews the hills are alive i'm your mother and not superior or something like that oh don't give me any of that julie andrews hey on a hilltop clap crap i'm your mother now and i don't mean superior i was like what's happening what why anything was happening or where we were or when or any i was constantly like okay and maybe that's what it feels like to be very famous you know and they captured it perfectly yeah and here now we're here and now here i don't know no sleep bus club another club another club another club plane next place no sleep another club another club another club another club another club another club i don't know well then like the aliens not a fantasy right but yes um yeah i forgot about the alien oh my god how do you forget about the aliens i don't know so weird it was weird that they were like will you kiss me and she was like yeah okay on the lips too not even like a you know like it was like a okay or like went for it yeah sure there was an a lot of girl power via don't touch my ass i'm gonna stand up to you which i wasn't mad at i just observed a lot of it like i was like oh and there and then again and then again these lecherous i can't only say men because there was also aliens but um there was a lot of that there was and i even noticed at the very beginning they're coming out and he's like i told you there won't be any fans and then there are or whatever and he stouts at one of them not up the skirt that's or something i was like what the [ __ ] you're like ooh yikes i did love when they're just like let's go do our own thing in the photo shoot and they're just like okay now we're gonna do a whole bunch of but i just love that idea of no let's go do our own thing i'm glad we all packed various costumes wigs and all of the above like i was like okay well i assume that that was like on the photo shoot set you know like oh we're in a photo they just have a sandy and danny outfit and a marilyn monroe outfit and charlie's angels outfit and just yeah wonder woman of course i love that her danny looked more to me like share doing her website story it was very shared during west side story i will be playing all the parts uh can we talk about the italian concert oh boy that was the beefy menses i kind of want to um do this chaps look that they ended up with as a halloween costume i mean yes i liked that they thought white booty shorts were tackier than even regardless of the asslessness of the outfits this shiny fake satiny pink and purple tuxedo less tacky um right okay i guess it was just less lewd i don't know sure i just love that they came out in their navy whites you know i love the one bouncing his tits all the time always the whole time and then she's like baby spice is like i've got this stuffed animal and that stuffed animal and this stuffed animal and that stuffed animal and the stuffed animal and that stuffed animal and this and i was like okay a [ __ ] let's move on and then she's like so there's no room for you in my bed i've got two teddys got a rabbit i've got two dollies one sushi she's got a bag then i've got a green giraffe which i want to favor the only one then there's buzz woody the alien and then i've got a fluffy pink hot water bottle so there's just not enough room it's like that bit went on too loud but i still like the outcome when i say girl we go when i say girl we go well she's from leeds i know i was living for the way that she pronounced pretty much everything at a certain point it was just me repeating after her when i say go you go yeah there was oh i laughed so hard when stephen fry was like just call hot tea and the bluefish oh my goodness and may god have mercy on your lip gloss call hottie and the blowfish oh wait can we talk about their rainbow pavilion because i was obsessed oh yes with the terry cloth matching robes and yeah we never have any time to relax except in our rainbow pavilion where we sit in terry cloth robes and do our nails love it i want it i did sort of laugh at the whole is the pope catholic and then it was like a scandal they're so upset of course the pope's a catholic otherwise he wouldn't have been invited to become pope woody i'd like to know what evidence the spice girls have to support these allegations well that archbishop guide that they interviewed looked so familiar and i like couldn't but it was like very much there and i looked it up he was part of the whole kenneth branagh shakespeare crew in the 90s and i was like oh that it was like loveslaver is lost much dubai nothing hamlet he was in mary shelley's frankenstein i was like it all makes sense i know that man from something i've watched ten thousand times i love it i also loved may god have mercy on your lip gloss so quick commercial break and we'll be back with what you want what you really really want a wanna i wanna i wanna i really really really wanted to do i mean i was enjoying the spice girls like moment you know there was an awful lot of gibberish in their songs and i appreciate it yeah because most time when i'm singing along to songs like how to make up gibberish if i don't know what it's happening i don't have to do that with the spice girls it's great [Music] watching this back i'm surprised there wasn't like an nsync or backstreet boys movie movie i wonder why too because like obviously justin timberlake is an actor um jesus christ [ __ ] hey baby what's life without an [ __ ] huh rude i remember when lance bass was on seventh heaven for like an episode oh and he was in on the l at an insane bad rom-com with lance bass and a woman oh a woman a woman a woman so yeah i don't know it just seems like um maybe they maybe they weren't as much of a global phenomenon as spice girls were spiced girls it's like before spice girls and after spice girls i'm not saying in sync and backstreet boys aren't uber famous but maybe they weren't as just like globally i don't know they definitely were they definitely were i don't know why they didn't make a movie maybe they were busy doing tours or they couldn't get the them all to agree or whatever the i have no idea but yeah that is interesting right like why didn't they try it if abc family can produce an s club movie where's you know where's the backstreet yo especially like was it in sync well justin was all all um disney yeah he was on the mickey mouse club and britney spears and she got her movie crosstalk she did it took me a minute i i was like glitter no that's wrong burlesque no that's wrong as well like i was like oh no that was something else justin to kelly no i was like what is it all right crosstalk oh but i did think one of the parodies that was great was spice force five that was hard oh my god yes that was a fun like where mark mckinney is narrating it explosives expert oh no we've got our bomb expert and are this expert and our master of disguise and then bob hoskins coming out of the all right [Music] yes i love it girl power equalization between the sexes well that was fun too but what happened to the bomb or no that was from the other thing nevermind that was that was from the speed parody there was there's a lot of what's famous right now let's do a parody of it or not even right now i mean it was like a lot of film references from speed was like i want to say 90. of course 97. oh seven but speed was also a global phenomenon of course yeah yeah yeah it was before speed and after speed there are movies like that where is like oh it shifted things and became a cultural just like reference point because it was so talked about that was speaking or like where they shift you know us into a bad timeline like avatar where it's just like oh before avatar after avatar oh what we didn't talk about when they're all down and out and what do we what are we doing with our lives i guess we don't want to do our worldwide televised concert that everyone's looking forward to because because it was too much work to because richard e grant was pestering us one too many times i was like okay guys i mean there's insurance involved in contracts and stuff so you should definitely but anyway they're down in the dumps what are we gonna do about this let's go get our very pregnant friend and take her to a club and stay out all night because that's what she wants to do let's take her to the limelight but that club though was everything all those accidents i was like yes yes yes yes but i was definitely like she does not want to be here and then you leave her alone on the balcony like you've done every other party to dance by yourselves while she sadly is up there pregnant and alone chew your own music there was a lot of listening to their own music and i was like i just don't think that's um it was just always on in the background yeah i was having like anxiety for alan coming even though he didn't seem to care about the sound issues that he would be having with his documentary because it was just i mean he was constantly yelling over the shot at the burn mic you know right get that shot get that shot or whatever and then also there was just always like a background track of spice girls yep just like this is gonna be a nightmare to edit nightmare expect your friends are really really jealous aren't they yeah i'm sure they are how's that sound good noise planes dogs traffic well we won't be using this but anyway don't worry about it why was his film so shitty the camera i mean i know they wanted it awful as much as i lo i actually loved that part of it and thought it was funny and like oh you said they were coming from over there and like he was doing a lot of stuff that i really liked you could have absolutely like taken that out of the movie and it wouldn't have really mattered no not really and so that's why i wish they'd either leaned into the documentary of it all make that the main sort of satire that you're doing or not because it just got muddied with like we're doing a mockumentary documentary also parroting films also parodying paparazzi and media and the music industry and it was just like oh my god that's a lot i don't think you could do it all i mean you can try but it's tough turns out you can't turns out you can't why those are the rules those are the rules those are the rules i'm so sick of the rules and then suddenly they're on top of the bus why the rules why are they on the roof all of a sudden those are the rules there's great stuff in this to be fair like i get why this became the classic or occult classic and it is enjoyable it's just it's like almost there so it's it's frustrating because you're like oh it's just a bit too muddied a bit too much is going on there isn't like a through line yeah i just want i want it to be so much better oh my god it really is so that is a gem that movie does attempt a lot of what this movie does you know like in terms of satire in terms of what but it is much more edited and selective in its approach and i think there's a clear goal from the onset of like this is the the story we're telling this is what it's going to do and so it flows and works so much better and parker um and parker posey i really really laughed so hard when richard grant is like giving that monologue about the spice girl still haven't shown up and he's like well this is the plan the band starts up the fans go wild the lights come on and i walk center stage and hang myself and hang myself it's just like so dark they show up oh we're here i love the spice girls i'm not gonna hate myself but alan cummings like so yeah i feel like this is a a flawed but very fun and entertaining and unique time capsule i mean it really was like 90s 90s 90s 90s 90s and i i quite enjoyed it i can't i can't deny absolutely also so smells good bees look at the end that's what i was going to say oh man i love also like this that concert for me so they make it to the end they get on stage and they perform and you're like living your life obviously yes but i also was only looking at mel b she had the charisma uniqueness nerve and talent oh yes ten times more than any i was just like i mean also she looks [ __ ] gorgeous that is her song like she's the lead in that song so that helps but yes i was like this stage performance yes if you like just look at posh trying to dance like in the flashback when they were in the diner or whatever and everyone's like we're young we're having fun and and victoria's like i moving my body like yes i have a groove it was like really bad it was cracking me up i also would love a drag performance or a halloween costume or something oh yeah mel b in this look well we haven't even mentioned the phrase sneaker platforms i mean we haven't mentioned it i'm ready for those to have a comeback no but yes no but yes the amount of dancing that was happening in enormous heels and platforms i was impressed by oh yeah absolutely well then so it ends and there's like then all of the the i like the breaking of the fourth wall so to speak of like now we're going to talk to all of the actors about you know richard grant being like well i don't want to ruin my career because all of the spice girl fans hate me you know they want me to play their road manager well i'm on a mobile phone getting angry all the time i don't want to end my career alan cummings complaining about the chest merkin that they're making him wear you know it was great this was also obviously like just in private yeah a little just yeah here's here's some key words this is what you're going to say kind of just go for it it'll be great yeah hi you're um mel b i know see we just called me sparty we haven't really talked about the spice girls as you know our who was our favorite how did they impact oh i see what you mean we didn't talk about the girls very much as much as i dragged victoria beckham for her oh my god echo facial awareness and dancing ginger jerry ginger was always my favorite but i don't think i feel like it was mel b yes like watching it now i mean i still loved uh ginger don't get me wrong but i feel like oh [ __ ] yes yeah yeah i don't know if i ever had a favorite maybe baby was my fear i don't think why i that's mean i don't know i just i do remember loving the spice girls i remember dancing with my two best girlfriends and living our best lives to the spice girls during our lunch breaks and it was great i remember just playing that cd out yeah and being obsessed that and aqua don't have any bobby started i might this is a controversial statement i might have listened to aqua more than spice girls i'm gonna be honest wow yeah i definitely played that cd out you know it was a lot like i honestly i'm i think i might know more aqua songs than spice girl songs why didn't aqua get a movie because also by the way it would have been [ __ ] great that would have been it would have been weird it would have been so weird yeah now that i regret that i truly wish had happened anyway yeah it was a pleasure to revisit this movie and the 90s and i had a great time and alan [ __ ] and richie grant and mark mckinney i mean it was like a cast sent for me honestly though it came up and i was like oh my god april's gonna be so excited one of the people that was like oh i wanted to be in the movie but scheduling didn't work but my kids i was gonna be in it because of my kids gary oldman that's who oh my god i couldn't think of it the entire [ __ ] movie he kind of is giving me what's his face vibes from fifth element and i was like oh richard he grant richie grant and i was like but no it was the raw silk uh capes that was really exactly right exactly yeah and the goatee you know yeah yeah yeah oh i mean i love richard graham but i wouldn't have i would have enjoyed to see what gary would have done with the part but of course always but richard green forget about it well cheers thanks oliver for bringing us down memory lane i'm sorry about seeing double but you know i don't think anyone can ever see double again it seems lost i guess there's a dvd cheers girl power [Music] something under my face i i think they're smiling you
Channel: MovieBitches
Views: 14,861
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Keywords: moviebitches, movie review, movies, spice world, spiceworld, spice girls, crossroads, s club, s club 7, seeing double, geri, geri halliwell, posh spice, ginger spice, victoria beckham, mel b, mel c, scary spice, baby spice, emma bunten, sporty spice, alan cumming, club cumming, richard e grant, josie and the pussycats
Id: Cg4M5qRxhc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 31sec (2791 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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