A Full Vietnamese Inspired Dinner Start to Finish!

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hello friend welcome back to my kitchen today we are going to be making homemade chicken F traditional Vietnamese egg rolls and a side of pickled Dacon radish and carrots for dinner tonight we have a set of grandparents coming over tonight for dinner and this just sounded really good I've always wanted to make this homemade and so today is the day so the first thing in my big pot is we actually need to make the broth for the F and I just put a little bit of oil in the bottom of my pan and I'm going to let this heat up while this is heating up I'm going to prepare some of the vegetables we're going to need in the broth so the first thing I'm going to do here is prep just a couple onions these are the last of my onions that I harvested from last year's Garden so they're pretty teeny tiny so I have four of them here but if you just had one large onion you could do that I always thought that this seemed really intimidating to make this recipe and I've never attempted it before so all these recipes are brand new to me so we're going to see how it turns out but after watching quite a few videos on it and reading quite a few recipes I think we're going to be able to come up with a really delicious homemade fa broth cuz it's all about the broth and homemade traditional style egg rolls so now you can see just how tiny my little onions are but they taste good even though they're itty bitty so I'm just going to peel the paper off these are not going to be in our final soup this is just going to flavor the broth because I harvested these last year they're just starting to sprout which is no big deal I am though going to go ahead and just remove that little bit of a sprout so there's our onion and then I do have a pretty good siiz piece of Ginger I wash this really well because I'm not going to peel it I'm going to cut it in half and we're going to add that to our broth and then I'm just going to prepare the garlic now even though we're going to add this a little bit later I'm just going to cut the top and the bottom off and we'll end up throwing this whole thing into our broth in just a bit so now what we're going to do is actually Char our Ginger and our onion so I'm going to carefully lay these in Cuts side down oh it already smells really good so I've never done this before so it's only been about a minute I just wanted to check the bottom of the ginger to make sure it's not burning oh look at that the onions are about as charred as I want them to get I think so what I'm going to do is take these out the ginger is definitely taking quite a bit longer to get some color to it so I'm going to let the ginger continue to cook it smells incredible and we only have two ingredients heating up already I think I'm happy with this coloring so what I'm going to do now cuz this is going to continue to Brown just a little bit more is I'm going to go ahead and just toast my spices these are Starin and and I need five of these so while these are kind of blooming and toasting a little bit 2 four five our Ginger will Brown up just a little bit more and now I'm going to add one cinnamon stick and we're going to toast that too and just kind of let those waken up in the hot oil F has always been one of my favorite comfort foods and I've always been intimidated to make it after reading a few recipes I think we're going to be able to to do this you just need a couple key ingredients and a little bit of time and the goal is to have a very comforting delicious meal so here I have a whole chicken that was already in pieces I bought the whole chicken in pieces I want to make sure that when I'm cooking this broth that I have pieces with the skin on and bone on because that's going to increase the depth of flavor so that's one whole chicken and then I'm going to add just a couple chicken thighs to add a little bit more delicious flavor to this [Music] broth we want to just barely cover the chicken with the water because we're going to make a very intense flavor broth and so by not diluting it with a ton of water that's one way we're going to be able to do that in a relative ly quick amount of time about an hour and a half we're going to let this cook after we add just a couple more ingredients to our broth to intensify the flavor so the next thing I'm going to add is just a little bit of sugar traditionally you would use Rock Sugar I don't have that so I'm just using some white sugar next we're going to add one bunch of cilantro stems and all fennel seed salt fish sauce I'm going to go ahead and cover this I have it on high right now but from what I understand if you want a nice clear broth not a cloudy broth you do not want to have your broth boil at a hard boil you want it to gently simmer so once this just comes up to temperature I'm going to turn the heat down until it's just a soft simmer and that's how easy it is to make our chicken fa broth I don't know why it always felt incredibly intimidating to me to make this now we still need to make the noodles and we're going to now start on our filling for our Vietnamese egg rolls but so far this has been extremely easy I was going to start on the filling for the egg rolls next but the Pickled daon and carrot says that it does better if it sits for a little bit longer so I thought would be good to go ahead and get the brine for the pickled carrots and daon radish next so I just added water to my pot I'm turning this up and we're going to heat this up so we can dissolve our sugar and we can heat the brine up a little bit so it can just slightly soften our daon radish and our carrot so that is 1 and 1/2 cups of water 3/4 cup of rice wine vinegar and then we need I'm going to use a different measuring spoon I've got 34 cup of just organic cane sugar here we're going to cook this until this dissolves while this is coming to a boil and dissolving we can prep the vegetables and I do want to take a quick peek it's not quite boiling yet I love trying recipes and try new things because I have two vegetables here I have never cooked with before I've eaten them but I've never cooked with them this is a daon radish it's a very large radish this is actually the smallest one I could find at the store then we've got carrots which obviously most of us have cooked with carrots before and then this is called Yuka I might not be pronouncing that correctly but this is going to go in our egg rolls so I'm going to go wash all three of these vegetables which we are going to need for the next two recipes we are going to peel these vegetables before we actually cook with them but I can hear that my brine is now at a boil so I'm going to go ahead and turn this off because my sugar has dissolved at this point I'll just set the lid on there like that and I think this is now yes it is at a boil so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to take the lid off there for a minute I'm going to turn this way down so that it's at a very G gentle simmer and I want to skim off some of this white foam by doing this step it is supposed to give us a nice clear broth and I can tell that by doing this I'm skimming off most of my fennel seeds cuz my fennel seeds are floating so I might have to add a few more fennel seeds I have seen when I was researching recipes you can get almost like a spice tea bag that you can put in here that has all your spices in it for f so instead of putting individual spices you just put the entire bag into your broth and that would be nice cuz then you wouldn't have to try to skim around your spices in your pot and this feels like it's now at a nice gentle simmer this is going to make way more chicken than we actually need for our F and that's what most of the recipes said but because we want a nice chickeny concentrated broth we're cooking more chicken than we need and then we'll just consider that meal prep and we'll be able to use that chicken in other dishes later in the week you could even make your own spiced tea bag if you have a little bit of muslin or cheesecloth or something like that I just didn't really think about that until just now that's okay I've got extra fennel seeds I'll just throw a few extra fennel seeds in here cuz I'm definitely scooping out most of what I put in here or what you could do is put the fennel in after this step since we didn't toast the fennel like we did the cinnamon and the Starnes so that's looking a lot clearer already I'm just going to go ahead and replace the fennel that I fished out ear and I like this kind of gentle simmer it's just barely bubbling I have seen daon radish in my grocery store for many years and I have never bought one this is the first time I'm buying one but I've eaten it I love the Pickled daon radish and carrots that you get when you go to a Vietnamese restaurant and so it's going to be fun to see if we can create something that tastes just as good I think I'm going to cut the bottom end of this one off let's taste it cuz I've never tasted this before when it's been fresh I've only ever tasted it pickled fun thing about trying new recipes is sometimes you try new ingredients super crunchy it tastes like a radish but a very sweet radish it's super mild I don't know if it's the radish I happen to get but it's got that Crunch and radish flavor but without the spice that sometimes I associate like a little round radish with so that's delicious I think in even like a salad I would like this daon radish better than say a red radish this would be really good on tacos too so I'm going to set that aside I'm going to go ahead and peel my carrots when I say I associate f as comfort food it's not for when I'm sick because I've actually never eaten F when I'm sick because I've only only ever eaten it at restaurants I associate it with comfort food because when I was a dental hygienist I hardly ever went out for lunch but a few times a year I would go to lunch by myself cuz we had a local Vietnamese restaurant not too far from where I worked and I would go eat lunch by myself in the quiet and enjoy it I still to this day maybe two or three times a year when I'm out running errands by myself for a fun quiet self care thing I will go to get F by myself and just enjoy eating out by myself for lunch I know that some people don't don't enjoy eating out by themselves but f for lunch by myself feels like the most productive self-care I can have I just love it so now I'm cutting up the Yuka and this is very hard I was going to try to use the peeler and that did not work so I'm going to peel it using a knife I don't I I've probably eaten this before cuz I've had Vietnamese egg roll but I I've definitely never tasted it on its own before I think I only need half of it I also when I was at the store looked for the smallest one I could find so let's give this a try this is going to be grated in the egg rolls wow I'm going to taste it again I don't even know if you're supposed to eat this Raw but I am my first reaction is that it's very sweet it almost has the taste of an Asian pear and the crunch of an Asian pear if you've ever had an Asian pear before very sweet very crunchy same texture as an Asian pear almost but the aftertaste has like a vegetable aftertaste but not like a bitter vegetable aftertaste just like a really mild vegetable flavor that's really good now it can be hard to base a whole vegetable group on just tasting one but the one that I got I think tastes really delicious so that is kind of fun trying new vegetables for the first time so now what I'm going to do is finish prepping my vegetables for the pickled vegetables I'm going to line these up so that they're somewhat the same size I think you can cut the carrots and daon whatever size you want to do the quick pickle I'm just going to try to have them be as close to the same size as possible and I'm going to try to cut kind of like Little Match sticks this is where a sharp knife is going to be key and it's going to make this process a lot easier so these will soften up once we put them in the brine the carrots are now done now I have to figure out how to prep this one did I want to cut it I don't think so I'm think I'm going to have these be I should have cut this in/ thirds I think instead of in half this is a little bit easier to cut through than the carrot think I am going to cut them in half that'll be a little bit closer to the same size as the carrot I just tasted my pickling Brine and it was too sweet for me I like a very vinegary pickle so I just doubled the rice wine vinegar in this recipe because I want something with a little bit more of a zip to it but I will link I'll link all these recipes that I'm going to be making down in the description box if you want to try to make them yourself so I'm going to kind of layer between the daon radish and the carrots so that I get a good mix I'm not canning these I'm just using this canning jar to do the pickling in I may have prepped a few more vegetables than I'm going to be able to fit in this [Music] jar but that'll be okay I can grab another jar out if I need to [Music] okay so here are our pickled vegetables so I'm going to put a lid on these and then we'll pop these in the fridge I think I'm going to let them sit at room temp for a little bit so that they can stay a little bit warmer because that brine is still warm and help kind of the pickling process go I think a little bit quicker than if I was to pop these into the fridge right away so these I think are going to be delicious and it smells incredible in here that broth smells so good I cannot wait for dinner so now what we're going to do is get going on our filling for our egg rolls so let me read this recipe one more time oh we need to get the noodles soaking too so let me get some warm water on I'm going to get everything out and then we'll get going on the egg rolls there are two things we need to soak before we can make the filling we need to soak the mushrooms because they're dried and the noodles rereading this recipe I'm pretty sure this is called yeka I was not pronouncing the name of this correctly and I still could be pronouncing that incorrectly so I apologize if I am not saying the name of this root vegetable correctly I am cutting this egg roll recipe in half because there's going to be four adults here tonight and one child and so I think if I make the whole recipe that's going to be way more egg rolls than we need it does say you can freeze them before you fry them but I think just to start we're going to half this recipe so I have these noodles here that I got at my local Asian market I couldn't find these mushrooms these are dried black fungus but they have they're called wood ear mushrooms I may have been able to find them at a different Market but I just went ahead and ordered these on Amazon so what we need to do is actually hydrate these noodles and rehydrate these mushrooms and we need to wash these mushrooms cuz on the packaging it says that they are dried before they're washed so that was really good that they said that on the direction so that I know that I need to wash them so I've got a bowl here I'm going to put my noodles in and I've got hot water it's not boiling it's just really hot and I did not get enough so let me get a little bit more water so this is what the wood ear mushrooms look like and they're completely dry so we need to reconstitute them while those are soaking I'm going to get this grated [Music] I think I'm going to run my knife through this just a little bit because those are pretty long shavings of that I'm also while I'm waiting for these to hydrate you can see how much this is plumped up already I am going to also grate two sh palets W those are very strong shallots oo I need to take a break from them these noodles are done so I'm going to go strain these so I just put my noodles through some cold water I have it in a strainer and I'm going to put it in this bowl so so it can continue to drip and it's not sitting in water these are almost done I think and now I'm going to come back to these very potent shallots so we do need to chop these up a little bit this has been soaking now for the enough time so I'm going to go drain this and rinse this off really really well I've washed these mushrooms very very well and so now what we're going to do is chop them up you can buy pre- chopped wood ear mushrooms but I couldn't get them in time so I just went with the whole ones and I figured I could take the time to chop them up and you want them really really small before we finish making this egg roll mixture my chicken is fully cooked at this point and this is the chicken we're going to serve in the soup I don't want my chicken to get overcooked so what I'm going to do is actually fish out this chicken from this broth this has been simmering away for about an hour now and we can get the chicken out so I'm going to go ahead and fish out the chicken thighs I'm going to leave the wings in here cuz I'm not going to worry about pulling the meat off the chicken wings I'll just let that continue to simmer on the stove in the broth while this chicken cools down a little bit I need this chicken to cool down a little bit so we can actually pull the meat off the bones and I'll just let this broth continue to gently gently simmer with the chicken wings in the broth these are the chicken breasts o that's hot I'm going to go ahead and give this broth a taste test I'm really curious to see how much chicken flavor we have been able to get from just about an hour and if the sweetness is on point oh my goodness wow I am shocked the amount of flavor we've already EXT extracted from the herbs and the ginger and the Starnes that is going to be some pretty good stuff I'm going to wait I think it does need a little bit more salt but I'm going to wait once I strain all of this give it another taste test to see if it needs any more sugar or if it needs any more salt but for now we're just going to let this continue to simmer away on the stove while we get to move on to finishing our egg roll filling mixture since we have all of the components now prepped cuz there were quite a few components that actually needed to be prepped so in this bowl I have ground pork one lb I just put a bunch of fresh frozen garlic in there now I'm going to add our noodles our shallot the yika our wood ear mushrooms a little bit of sugar salt cesme oil fish sauce and two egg yolks we're going to keep the egg white so I'm going to put them in this bowl and we're going to need them a little bit later and now I'm going to get in there with my hands they're very very clean and I'm going to go ahead and mix up this mixture this is our filling now for our egg rolls I'm glad I cut the recipe in half because I still think that's more then is going to fit in my egg roll wrappers now I did watch a couple videos where you could use spring roll wrappers not spring roll yeah rice paper wrappers and fry them in that so we might try that if I run out of the egg roll wrappers that is an option so I'm going to cover that and Pop That Into the fridge and then the next thing we're going to do while we're still waiting for our chicken to cool so that we can pull it off the bones is I'm going to make up our sauce we're going to have a dipping sauce that's going to go with these egg rolls I realized I don't have the chili I need to make our 5 minute sauce so Josh is running to the store for me to grab that chili plus I needed bean sprouts for garnish and Tha basil and he is on the way to the store to get that for me so while I'm waiting for him I went ahead and I pulled the meat off the bones and I've got my white meat on one side of the bowl and my dark meat on the other side of the bowl and we will put this in our Bowl when we go to serve our F the broth here I went ahead and took the star KN out because I'm happy with the flavor of the star and I just added my bones and chicken skin back into the pot I also removed the cilantro from the pot and now this is basically just the broth that we made with all those beautiful aromatics and spices minus the spices and the cilantro so I'm putting the bones and skins back in so we can just continue to get that yummy chicken flavor out of the bones I'm just going to have this on a really light simmer oh perfect I hear Josh so he is here now with my red chili that's what I needed that I was missing so we can go ahead and make our 5 minute sauce and then I want to set the table it's kind of funny it's like a 72° day today the hottest day of the year so far and we're having F and we're going to eat it outside so I need to get the table set outside we started this dinner early in the day and so we're going to have lots of times just to relax between making this meal but now that I know Josh is here we're going to go ahead and get our 5 minute dipping sauce made I just was looking at the recipe so I just covered my chicken so I'm going to get my chicken and my pickled vegetables into the fridge so they'll be ready for us come dinner so Josh just got home with all of our goodies well the only thing he just brought was this and the to and the Thai Basil so I'm going to make the sauce and then we also need garnish for our F so I'm going to go ahead and get that sliced up and diced up too after we finish our sauce and that way that can just be prepped and ready to go so in this bowl I've got garlic that's fresh minced garlic now I'm going to take this red pepper and I am going to remove most of the seeds if a few seeds get in there that's okay and I'm going to mince this red chili pretty small I don't even think this sauce is going to take 5 minutes to come together because I already had that minced garlic in the freezer now I'm going to take the juice of one lime and get that into our Bowl now I'm going to add water granulated sugar chili garlic paste and fish sauce and we're going to let the sugar marinate and dissolve with all these goodies in the fridge until we're ready to fry up our egg rolls and serve this as a yummy dipping sauce for the egg rolls I'm not going to taste it in just the seasonings until after we let it sit for a while cuz we need that sugar to dissolve now what I'm going to do is make up our garnish plates so when you go to a Fa Restaurant they always give you this garnish plate with a bunch of different mix scenes so I just washed up bean sprouts Thai Basil cilantro and then we already had washed up the jalapeno and the lime so for the garnish plates I'm just going to make two and I'll put one for Josh and I and we can share and then one for the grandparents that are coming over and then they can share and I'm just going to get this ready now so that it's ready to go when dinner's ready and then I can just just pop this in the fridge until dinner time so now I'm just going to lay the Thai Basil here and kind of arrange it nicely that way people can make their their Fu kind of the way that they like it cilantro there and some cilantro here maybe I'll put the cut end down so that it looks pretty I think I want at least two lime wedges per person I just tasted our garlic chili sauce basically that's what it is and it has got a perfect amount of heat to it I think that it needed a little something so I went ahead and I added probably about 1/4 cup of rice wine vinegar because I thought the vinegar would help kind of balance the sweetness and the chili and the fish sauce I was worried that this was going to be a little too fish sauce forward cuz that's not Josh's favorite flavor profile but I think with the vinegar that really balances it out and I think that everyone is going to really enjoy this this is delicious now I'm going to cover these and pop these in the fridge and they will be ready for us when it comes to dinner time what inspired this whole cooking day were these bowls that I found I saw these bowls I knew that they would be the perfect F bowls and this was the inspiration so I'm going to set the table now but I am not going to set the table with the Bowls because we are going to actually dish up the soup in here and then bring it out because we need to assemble it with the noodles and everything we still have to cook the noodles and the broth I still need to strain so I got those bowls washed and I'm just going to set them there and now I'll head out and get the table set so I've got some place mats some napkins I need to grab Chopsticks I know Josh and I will use chopsticks I'm not sure if everyone wants to use them so I'm also going to grab forks spoons I got the these at the thrift store for I think 20 cents each I'm going to bring out the plum sauce that I picked up for this I can get that set on the table so it's pretty sunny out here right now but by the time it's dinner time this table should be all in the shade one thing I want to get made real quick is some lemonade this is some honey lemonade concentrate we made together oh gosh couple weeks ago I only made two of these this is the second one we're going through it because cuz it is so good so I think I'm going to need to make a big batch of this because I know all summer long we're going to want to have this honey lemonade concentrate available I'm going to fill this about halfway up with water and then right before the grandparents get here I'll fill the rest with ice and I think I'm ready to go ahead and strain that broth so that we can be completely done until we're ready to roll our egg rolls and the and fry them and then put the whole entire fut together cuz we still need to cook the noodles but it is only 3:30 right now I was talking and I filled it almost all the way up with water that's okay I'm going to pop that in the fridge after I get the lid on it but that way the grandparents aren't getting here till 6:30 so that means I'm going to have a few hours just to relax and not have to worry about dinner cuz it'll all be done so let me get the lid on that pop that in the outside fridge and then we're going to get that strained I have another strainer over top of my strainer on my bowl because I want to have a fine filter on this broth that is a beautiful color our broth right there I just rinsed my pot [Music] out I have a little bit more broth to go in there now I want to taste this this is what we've been working for this whole [Music] time oh my goodness that has fantastic chicken flavor I do think it needs a little bit more salt though and I think I'm going to add one more tablespoon of sugar because F does have a good amount of sweetness to it I'm going to stir that in let that dissolve and then I'm going to give it a taste test in just a minute oh that's all it needed that's some pretty G darn good F broth I know that this is my first time so I have room for improvement but the sweetness is balancing really well I can taste the steres but it's not overpowering I'm glad I pulled those out earlier and then let it cook with just the chicken and I took the cilantro out earlier and let that just sit and kind of get more chickeny flavor without infusing more of the cinnamon and more of the Starnes I think that has a good balance between the spices and the ginger the garlic the onions some really good broth so I'm letting the chicken here continue to drip broth but I'm going to put the lid on that and I'm going to finish just tidying up the kitchen I only need to wipe the counters down do a quick little sweep and then we will be back when we come back in about an hour and a half to start frying our egg rolls and then we're going to pull this whole dinner together so it is time to start making the egg rolls now I did go ahead I wasn't sure if I was going to do this but I did kind of take the first maybe like four cups well I could tell you right here see how good I am at estimating 2 and 1/2 cups of broth and I put it in my fat separator you can see that clear distinction of where that fat layer is I don't want all of that in my broth so I went ahead and I let that sit for I don't know about an hour or so and I'm just going to skim off the majority of the fat not all of it I don't want this to be perfect but I want to get some of that off because I don't want it to feel kind of greasy so that will just set aside and if you want to save that that is going to make some delicious fried potatoes this is off it's it's still really hot but I didn't want it to reduce anymore so I'm just going to put the lid on and we're going to turn actually I don't think I'm going to turn the oil onto fry until I have the egg rolls made up I think what I'm going to do is roll all of the egg rolls and then fry them all at one time so I'm not working back and forth I think that's what I'm going to do now I purchased this egg roll wrapper because this is what three of the blog breast recipes that I read recommended this brand specifically now they did say if you cannot get this brand you can use regular egg roll wrappers or I saw a couple videos where people used rice paper wrappers like if you were going to make salad rolls then you could use those as well and I do have those cuz I was thinking about making salad rolls but then I thought we only need one appetizer or side with this and so I went ahead and decided not to make the salad rolls today but I have what I need if I need to so this was in the freezer section of my local market and they're very stuck together there's no oh there are ingred directions on it okay I'm going to take this package back I did put this in my refrigerator this morning and it does say we need the egg white to roll this up so I'm just carefully pulling this one wrapper apart what are these made of they have a different texture than your regular egg roll wrapper it is a wheat wrap it just it has a different texture this is going to take me a while just to get through separating these now I'm going to follow these directions on how to roll it and the shape that I'm going for I just grabbed my egg white from earlier and I'm not sure where I'm supposed to put the egg white oh I'm supposed to add flour to that I'm going to add two tablespoons of flour cuz I have two egg whites I had to put this in a bigger bowl to whisk it really well it wasn't quite whisking enough in that little tiny Bowl so here I have one wrapper and what I'm going to do is just add a little bit of filling we don't want to add too much because we need to make sure that the filling Cooks all the way through in the time it takes to fry so I want to be conservative with the filling there we go there's one I think I'm going to put them sealed side down so that they stay sealed I think I'm going to go ahead and get going on frying these I've got my pot here and I need to pull out my thermometer but I think before I pull out my thermometer I want to get some oil here he up I'm going to do this in peanut oil and I need about 2 in of oil in the bottom of the pot which is going to be all the oil I have I don't even have 2 Ines I don't think I have about maybe an inch and a half so that'll have to work so while that's heating up I can keep rolling more of them but I do want to get a close eye on what's Happening here so I'm going to put my digital thermometer that's got a nice big reading pad I think I should be able to get this to fit on this shallower yes perfect I'm at 81° Fahrenheit the recipe that I found for this says that we need our oil at I'm trying to find it it's on the back side of this page 270° fah or 132° C and this says a 1in pan fry for 10 minutes or until golden brown on all sides and then the packaging says to fry them at 375° 2 minutes on each side or until the internal temperature reaches 170° F and then when I watched videos they all had different frying temperatures and frying times for the exact same thing so what I think I'll do is I will start at a lower temperature we'll start 270 just sounds too low to me or 132° C so I think I'm going to start at 300 because some of the recipes said 350 this one says 375 so we're going to start at 300 if it's not cooking them all the way through we'll do a couple test ones I'll crank the heat up to 375 out of that one recipe we were able to get this mini so or actually out of the half recipe so I'm glad I C the recipe in half and we are going to start frying these now I got a little distracted and we're at one uh 325° fah so I've turned the oil way down and I'm just going to go ahead and get these in the fryer so they are frying which is good I do want them to cook a little bit on the lower side because I do want to make sure that the pork gets fully cooked so I tried to make them skinny as I could I think I'm going to start with 2 4 six I don't want to overc out that oil too much I don't want the oil temperature to drop too much so it doesn't look like it dropped it all from adding them into the oil those are going to take a while to cook all those through so while those are cooking I'm going to get some water on to boil because we're going to need to cook our noodles I'm going to move this a little bit closer I'm going to turn this back burner on and we're going to get this going for our noodles and then this it's still pretty hot I think I'm going to go ahead and turn the stove on this again to get this hot again because as soon as these are done and the noodles are done we can assemble all of this dinner it is now 609 so it did take me a little bit of time to get all those made up mostly pulling those apart is what took the longest time this did drop in temperature so we're at 306 so I'm going to go ahead and turn the heat up just a little bit cuz I kind of like that 320 Mark for some reason I don't know why I like it but I do and I'm going to get some tongs so I think these are done so we're going to pull these off and give these a try we've been holding pretty steady at 320 I just have a plate here with a paper towel and I'm going to get some more on here these took a woo I don't want that to fall a good eight or so minutes so I'm going to get some more in here these are going to cool for just a minute and while these cool we're going to give these a taste test I'm a little paranoid about making sure they're cooked fully through the first time I ever tried making egg rolls I used I don't I must not have been following a recipe or something I don't know I was probably a freshman in college I think I was in college at that point and I made these big huge delicious looking egg rolls and I used raw meat and they were raw when we took them out of the fryer but they were probably four times the size of this so we still ate them we just put them in the oven and finished them off in the oven and they were delicious but I'm a little paranoid wanting to make sure that these have enough time to fully cook and I think I could add a few more to the oil I have 2 4 6 7 I think I'm going to try cooking eight at a time so while those cook let's cut into one of these and see if they're fully cooked bring this over here well that has a beautiful Crunch and that looks fully cooked all the way through this is scalding so we can't quite oh yeah that's fully cooked and extremely crunchy cut that into a few pieces so it cools a little faster the Cook gets the first bite I just dipped it into our 5 minute sauce I'm glad I added just that little bit of vinegar that is so good so I'm going to keep frying these I need to turn this up cuz we're going to be eating dinner here pretty soon the grandparents I can see I'm walking in so I'm going to go ahead and get some noodles cooking our water is boiling I'm going to turn the water off so I don't really need to boil these noodles I just need them to soak in boiling [Music] water I don't know how much to make we'll go with that much to start if I need to make more I can I turn the wrong stove off so I need to make sure I keep my frying oil on but I need to turn this one off this is when it always feels like it gets a little bit crazy whenever I make one of these meals where I have some people over but it's kind of what makes it fun as well cuz this is where you get to see the fruits of your labor come together and you get to see all of your work in one spot and I just really enjoy this park but it does sometimes feel a little bit hectic at this point of when we have friends over or family over for dinner so once I let these noodles soak in the hot water I strained them and then I ran them under some cold water to stop the cooking process and at this point I have turned the broth up to a rolling boiler I want this broth piping hot as hot as I can get it so that when I pour it over the noodles it will finish cooking the noodles it will heat the noodles through and also heat the chicken through so I just topped my bowls with my precooked chicken that we cooked earlier and then I am continuing to cook these egg rolls I did underestimate the time it would take me to cook these egg rolls because each batch took about 8 to 10 minutes to cook these fly and so it probably ended up taking me about 45 minutes to cook all the ones I did and roll them as well and so we didn't end up eating dinner till closer to 7:00 and I still didn't even end up cooking all of the egg rolls because I just knew it was going to be way more than we needed so I popped the ones that I didn't cook in the freezer I haven't cooked those from Frozen yet but the recipe said we could do that so that's what I went ahead and did and they cooked up up beautifully they were crunchy and savory and sweet and delicious so the grandparents have stepped in Josh has stepped in and they're all asking what can they do to help so they went ahead and got the waters on the table they took out the vegetables for me and put those on the table and I'm now scooping this piping hot broth over our bowls of noodles and chicken and once I have two of them filled Josh ends up taking those out to the table and continue to fill these up with broth and then we are able to sit down and enjoy a wonderful dinner I will say that this turned out better than I anticipated and it was definitely a big learning opportunity for me cuz there were a few things that I would do a little bit different and I'll share with you those in just a minute but here is what the table looks like and the meal looks like we get to garnish our bowls how we want and and we get to enjoy a very delicious and savory dinner on this beautiful evening friend that was a fantastic dinner I am so glad I did not make dessert I went back and forth in my head if I was going to make dessert or not but we are all so full it was incredible I only ended up cooking about half the egg rolls and the other half I'm going to throw in the freezer I was reading the directions and it says you can freeze them before you cook them so that's what I'm going to do because we don't need egg roll leftovers I do have have a little bit of broth now the flavor on point the one thing is I think I overcooked the noodles because they kind of broke up in the bowl a little bit and so I need to work on my timing when it comes to this on having the broth hot the noodles hot and the chicken all hot and not to overcook the noodles but the flavor was great so I'm going to make this again and I'm going to practice on my timing if you want any of these recipes I will link them down below the carrot pickle was a huge hit everything was a hit everyone loved the dipping sauce and I I'm just super happy with how this turned out it definitely feels good to finally have a really good F broth under my belt so that I can move forward and continue to work on timing I do have a mountain of dishes because my dishwasher is clean and Josh is going to do the dishes for me tonight so I don't need to worry about doing the dishes and if you enjoyed this thank you for being here I can pop a video right here where I make an entire like Mediterranean style dinner from scratch and down here I'll just pop another video if you want to watch a video between now and my next upload thank you for being here thank you for being you and I can't wait to see you next time bye friend
Channel: Acre Homestead
Views: 179,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 46sec (3586 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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