A Frosty Affair | Full Movie | Romantic Comedy | Jewel Staite

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[Music] you have girls around you in a sea so do you fight alone [Music] storm [Music] but you never breaks I've never seen yeah [Music] [Applause] high-five I'll miss you too bye that's the last of them you know what time it is now it's party time it's hard to tell I mean the teachers around I really miss you me too I'm really glad you had time to talk I just wish you could have come out here you know it's so beautiful I wish I could have made it work with my schedule it's indirect going-away party being thrown in your honor yeah I mean I could go to the party or I could stay here with you okay anybody could walk in no you know we could are you okay that's they always keep an emergency water Haiti I love you one week from now this is chalo ski hmm I love you to current and forever mr. Chile's key okay I'll see you soon honey we were dancing okay I guess this is your last weekend of freedom well I always want to think of myself as free whether I'm married or not mr. Shay you know it's it's a party you're leaving tomorrow I'm not your assistant principal anymore you know I want you to think of me as Joe okay and I know you have an interest in literature you know and back at mine I have some first editions that I would love to show you while I'm I'm sure your first editions are impressive you know I have my own waiting for me back home Oh Joe you Sly Fox oh you hit down with Katie again yes yes I was but I had a better line this time I've been working on it and OH being dragged away now yeah okay thank you I have no idea how explain what that was it's okay I'm used to it by now and to be fair you did put a little bit more effort into it this time it wasn't all just smiling and you know bumping against me yes he is getting better yeah as we all are thanks to you Oh oh excuse me everyone as we all know tonight is our last night with Kate she's leaving us tomorrow morning back to civilization and to her family and to get married we want to thank you for coming all the way up to our little community and giving of yourself it takes a special person to come up here and live and work with us out of the goodness of their heart because we know it's not for the money it's not for everyone but you fit right in and we really wish we could talk him into coming back to us me too Kate although it's only been a short time we will miss you we love you and you will always be a part of our family [Music] all right enough of this let's dance [Music] Wow now that was some storm last night huh you're waking up to a record snowfall sorenson Lake be prepared folks our little town is buried it's gonna be days before we get everything up and running again on the bright side though if you're already you know toasty warm at home maybe still in bed stay there no one's gonna be working today stay tuned for more updates coming up next [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I excuse me are you the pilot when do we leave do I look like a pilot okay uh so where are the pilots then do you see a runway out there um nope because it's under three feet of snow you can't land a plane or take off without a runway and no pilots okay but I I have a ticket for a flight that leaves today to snowy pines yeah so do I I I'm getting married in a couple of days in snowy Pines good luck hey where are you going we're just sorry sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry you were just gonna leave me here you can't just leave me here who throws a candle I just really need to get to snowy pine lady I mind my own business okay well so the why but sometimes I like to help people lady okay when do you think the runways are gonna be open a week a week what about the roads 72 hours 72 hours I don't know how I don't have 72 hours and so what am I supposed to do here are you are you are you going on this thing will you take me with you why don't I just go with you I will pay you I'm sorry no I don't need the extra baggage [Music] oh I'm Kate Carter I'm a teacher I come at Mack Preston - I hey you wouldn't happen to have this snowmobile for sale would ya so after you've discussed were thinking that maybe we could start here and then go back out through the other side Cindy Cindy what are you doing I told you that the sign it hangs in the center above to cover them excuse me Cindy your sister's wedding hello pastor dude told me I can't stick anything on that holy guy I don't know what to do with all this stuff Diane why is he not cooperating with us this was supposed to be a done deal when his take to the beat here Brad went to pick her up at the airport well I should hope so because I am tired of all of this falling onto me you know because I don't need this I'm married already am I not married already are you giving me a choice - that is not funny do not say that none of you are funny nobody listens to me you're all against me and I don't know what Brad Brad where's Kate um everything's fine she's just gonna be a little bit late late how late well [Music] Hey so some bad news got a pretty bad storm up here so no planes in or out probably no graders on the road for 72 hours so I'm gonna jump on my sled it's about a 3 day trek I won't have any cell phone reception so I'll call you when I can but I'll be there I'm not asking for any favors you're not even gonna know I'm there I'm just gonna follow ya no well you can't stop me what are you gonna do with that huh are you gonna shoot me this is mr. big man here gonna shoot me is that what you're trying to say cuz I don't scare that easily mr. big man [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] go back jerk [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's that all about I saved your life is that what that was well you're alive aren't you this is your fault lady I told you to go home [Music] what is wrong with you lady this place is known as deep valley the locals on the way you can leave your bags here and hire someone can come get oh why don't you just let me ride on the back of that thing and then as soon as we get to snowy Pines I will I will hop off I will pay you some money no I don't want your money okay look I I'm sorry I should not have tried to follow you but you can't blame a girl for wanting to get to her wedding on time and and and now we're both here and we both need to get to snowy Pines so you know I have an idea why don't you just push your wedding you can't you can't push away you can't push a wedding there there are there are guests coming in there's flowers just arrived today the venue's the book for like a year where are you going come on please please please will you please just take me under your snow thingy yeah come on you can't just come on really one bank one bag no more hitting no hitting and do us both a favor no more talking okay I am mute you're the one who insisted at considerable expense I might add that the muffs be real fur yes well in your vast experience in dealing with mob steer don't you think it's best to stick to the real thing okay so here's the latest she's on her way here now and she's still riding a snowmobile with a guy but bet they'll be here in three days and she says not to cancel anything dear Lord do have an idea how this affects me yeah it's all about you what else just that she's sorry she's not here yet and she knows it's a major inconvenience for you especially just don't cancel anything she'll deal with whatever's left when she gets back okay um I'll deal with the planner Bret why don't you go to your future mother-in-law and comfort her Cindy [Music] so don't don't whose place is this no idea but it's shelter I think you managed to start a fire huh yeah Kim Ling's there I'll go and get some more firewood Hey [Music] [Music] [Music] drank [Music] [Music] still nothing three things to make a fire fuel spark oxygen preface I guess I'll sleep on the floor that's okay I cannot I'll go get my sleeping bag you just take that [Music] [Music] [Music] damn light you know what let me do it okay how do I remove one of the necessary elements and there you go congratulations Radford what thank you know night Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in a real cowboy you let the cold in looks like we got ourselves a menage a traveler here this one here's yours last booth what do you think this belts worth not in the fur business hello take a guess I don't speculate my cabin my rules cowboy what do you think this peddled quiver in the corners worth in the open market I guess I'm not much I'm guessing you're right you can go Missy maybe I I can just go yeah go get out of here get on that machine of yours and get the hell out of here and off my trapline come on let's go ah not you cowboy you stay put oh you've gotta be kidding me do I look like I'm kidding okay oh I need the keys I had a good day today really I did but I didn't think of what's gonna turn out this good this is you me fairly cold outside but far far away from everything god dammit lady we had a deal Oh [Music] super to you oh not much we upset about your Heidi was interested in oh boy I got dude is it boy I'm so lonely I can't believe that your heap of a fire is still burning well I can't believe you left my bags back there and one thing we've learned is to not leave me in charge of building fires yeah that looks good on you they're on you and me what a night I'm starting some beef jerky in that bag so what's your story what what story well I mean you live out in the middle of nowhere because because it suits me okay what do you do about what for a living I don't ask pointless questions ha ha ha okay well in my experience guys like you live out them nowhere for two reasons one is money and the other is to be alone so I'm guessing a bit of both of you are you a oil repair miner construction worker mechanic no and why don't you just stop talking so we can take public relations off the list and what about you about me what's a rich city girl doing living out and sourcing like what well I mean you got what $10,000 ring on well I didn't buy it okay so he's the rich one yeah I teach out here because I want to make the community better helping people is is what matters to me that's 15 by the way 15 one ring you were impressively close though they've gone up in price oh well there's a little crack in the armor stoic Redford about a diamond but I'm guessing not for the girl you're about to go see what's your name Jody Jody hmm does she spelled with an i or a y with an i does she dot her eye with a little heart she worked at Hooters I'm sorry I'm not being nice that's fine it's nice won't get you across the river and being a jerk well I guess we'll see won't we [Music] you go make yourself okay I'll do all the hard work that's fine [Music] what no we got grounded covered no no before dark if we don't make it okay it's your jumpsuit let's keep going then I'll be five minutes less means if we're stuck okay there he's think you can handle it from here yeah [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well there are some beans and fruit than us right I don't think it would have been much of a question on which one of us it works I guess now we're on foot come on okay [Music] [Music] we lost [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we'll have to cross him we go around it'll add an extra day and we don't have the food we'll probably freeze - I also have to be at the church in two days so yeah let's go I gotta turn back what hey white I've seen cars go across Lakes before one guy even had a Motorhome it's gotta be like two feet of ice under us yeah but somewhere between here in that Shore is two feet of ice is gonna go down to a quarter of an inch I say we cross it yeah well I didn't ask you well I don't wait to be asked sometimes listen lady my height is mine to lose your save yours see this is exactly why I mind my own business now you're my responsibility I'm not your responsibility okay I'm big girl I decided to come on this trip all I'm saying is if you're willing to try then I'm willing to try you realize if we go through there's no going back yes I realize that okay okay they'll be fine come on so pessimistic Hey hi every I know Brad that you sit was worried I know exactly how you feel I don't know what to do I was thinking maybe we should send out a search party or something we've been through a lot you and me I think it's time I show you a special little something I learned this along the way go ahead take your socks off come on now you see some men prefer scotch other men prefer golf and even others prefer the on the company of prostitutes I'm gonna show you my little secret that I use every time I just can't take it anymore and I'll put your feet flat on this carpet and now take a breath and try to pick it up with your toes as you exhale you see dye things I made this up but I actually saw it in a movie haha this is really good [Music] you need to stay at least for feedback all right okay mr. knodel so let me guess are you a nature guide handyman janitor garbage collector we have a low opinion on me don't you live skate sharpener professional snowshoe or a birthday clown if I tell you will you please shut up yes fine I spend my time in the woods quietly avoiding women like you Redford Redford [Music] yeah Oh [Music] [Music] okay is it good hi this is insane I don't know where she is when she's gonna be back if she's gonna be back hurry even if she's still alive you know sometimes I think she does these things to me on purpose I mean how am I suppose oh god that's good relax yeah yeah you're right I just did I just need to relax okay maybe not that relaxed Brad you're almost family what could be more right than comforting each other in our hour of need I got ya I don't think Kate would go for this are you saying that my sister is selfish enough to deprive her husband-to-be of solace when she herself has gone missing okay you make a good point no this isn't right besides what Kate do this oh my god don't do that Oh God oh I'm so sorry let me just I think it might be broken [Music] sorry my dad up there good you can just spin around me were you oh we leave the fire in damp clothes the fries in a matter of hours don't worry you'll be next yeah you wish you got enough that I haven't seen before how do you know what I have in having got basic anatomy you should probably allow an inch or so for shrinkage probably - Oh what is it with men I'm just always obsessed with measuring your beans oh right new women aren't worried about your cup sizes huh earlier I had you pegged for an ample B but now I'm thinking maybe a small pea uh excuse me I am a full B thank you very much believe that when I see it dream on [Music] [Music] don't turn around so I should probably say that you were right I was wrong and I'm sorry don't be sorry I would have done it whether or not you were with me so I'm sorry well this is awkward yes yes it is it's Katie your pants are ringing okay hi Katie its dad of course I'd be interested in a free trip to the Bahamas I can't see now I'm going in any excuse to get naked okay can you just leave your underwear on please I I don't want to see any dangly bits if you need rescuing yeah you sure no we both wait wait wait wait what what come on lady it's freezing out here okay can you stop it with the lady thing I know you're trying to be a big man and everything but it's it's a little demeaning just come back okay yeah well if I don't get food or more clothes I might as well not come back so okay well give her yeah thanks would you like a piece of my dehydrated banana what do you think Jodi would say about that she shouldn't say better you than me well she sounds like a special lady and that she is well we have some clothes we have some and is not for you Redford I didn't know you knew how to read and Emerson know this huh huh yeah there's a lot of things that I know how to do that you don't know about you know you'll get yourself into trouble someday if you keep thinking you know more than you do to be great is to be misunderstood is that it none of us will ever accomplished anything excellent or commanding except he listens to the whisper which is heard by him alone hmm that's nice never heard that one before I'm not impressed hmm and what were you expecting oh I don't know maybe a little Louis L'Amour I like glue a little more you know surprise surprise I mean I suppose you're all Margaret Atwood E huh oh woman is whoa you know Margaret Atwood is an old man I'm sure when no one's looking you're watching Sex in the City reruns you know I I have to say I'm a little surprised that you know who Margaret out what even is yeah what's really gonna break you off when I tell you that I prefer Margaret Laurence break you off thank you you can't talk about female authors all intelligently and then say something like break you off lose all ground that way I was I was making grounds no oh I think it was well you weren't how long do you think we could survive out here I don't know but I don't get the feeling that I'm about to die I think if if we stick together we stand a pretty good shot [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning good morning whoa oh yeah are you doing you gotta try this yeah no I don't oh come on live in the sunshine swim the sea drink the wild air nothing you don't wash your face in the morning I washed my face with glycolic acid cleanser sensitive skin and warm shower water oh no no no no no no no why no cold showers the only way to go man but you need a lot of cold showers your fiance does he enjoy glycolic sensitive skin oh my god ah that'll week yep all right okay showers are over so what's for breakfast big man well it definitely won't be eggs and toast okay cuz I don't like eggs because well good cuz there is no food you mean there's there's nothing No that's not good especially more planning on crossing the snowy Pines plane on foot it sounds to me like you didn't plan that one out very well in there Nature Boy what [Laughter] [Music] there's a longswords for the souls I've met had any but I don't see what they all see good girl with the slightest occur lose pounds for the three [Music] so empty a home with no home city feel she made souvenirs no fats and tears right English man was telling me [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on kid I don't know Stewart I don't think I can take another step just a few more steps come on [Music] sundae's rise of the silver for a sin would you know how soft stolen hell and she needs a good [Music] [Music] watch your dreams [Music] okay it looks like grid watch it's probably only one can't pretend it left behind I'll uh I'll go steal us some wheels you steal a safari okay no I'm not stealing anything let's just go in there and ask them for a ride don't you have someplace you need to be tomorrow cuz I know I do all right they're gonna they're gonna shut down at the cost of tens of thousands of dollars just so they can give us a ride back into town we'd probably have to wait a few days for the next guy to show up and then go into town with him okay well I'm not doing that that's ridiculous just leave it up to me I will get us home Yeah right gonna grab some stuff how's it going [Music] [Music] [ __ ] oh you should have seen the look on your face oh I'll take care of this yeah okay I had everything under control oh yeah clearly clear how we do you think we are well you know I mean we're making good time it can't be more than a few hours what was good strong where is it well we're almost had a fuel are you kidding me well it's not like I really had time to fuel a lot but you're being chased you were running you were screaming there was that underwear guy I got nothing [Music] well how do your walk yeah town up ahead it's about an hour's walk excuse me needed uh two rooms only got one room left but very special very nice you two crazy kids look like you're up for an adventure Oh to be young again [Music] [Music] so are you gonna go first hmm shower warmup Oh yeah first [Music] [Music] I'm lighter okay hey sis hey Cindy is mom around where are you sorry I don't we were in a motel and I'll be home in the morning I see what's going on one last fling before the rain that is not what's going on why didn't know I mean he's he's he's handsome but I thought that that can you just put mom on the phone he is totally hot you're being ridiculous just tell mom that I am I am very tired and I need someone to come and pick me up from this motel in the morning and take me home okay yeah thanks and tell Brad that um I won't see him tomorrow [Music] [Music] [Music] worlds of conformity the hardest goal is to yourself [Music] what you doing okay let's go on what is wrong with you lady yeah I'm sorry I got so caught up in this I know better I was this close to throwing my life away and yours you went through my stuff you are unbelievable you're all the same aren't you why can't you just mind your own business now I know why you live out in the middle of nowhere and if you ask me that's exactly where you belong I live in the middle of nowhere to avoid women like you this is why Brad is perfect [Applause] just go sometimes all you get is the honeymoon happened to me believe it or not morning hi welcome home thank you tired and beautiful I missed you I missed you too it was too long no more okay okay promise I promise you've had quite an adventure over the last few days what the hell happened God oh well let's see I was chased by a disturbingly lonely fur trapper a naked rig worker and a giant bear a bear yeah a bear chased you uh-huh um I also may have stolen a ham and a snowcat we crashed into this this frozen lake and I almost froze to death and I almost blew myself up like weird thing I can't believe all that happened to you in the last few days yeah yeah I guess it was kind of crazy when you think about it but um I it was it was actually kind of fun and and exciting in the moment I mean I wasn't even really thinking you know we were just doing what needed to be done I'm just glad you're home and safe I don't know what I'd do without you nothing will ever happen to you again you seem to be getting along a little too well yeah they are it's almost disturbing so what happened to Cindy's face uh-huh I don't know but as usual her timings impeccable did you get enough sleep hmm liar I know I said only about you but this time I must say I'm glad you're here you are here aren't you of course does this have anything to do with the adventurer who led you out of the key chapter Canaan or where it is that you are no maybe in less than six hours you're gonna make a promise to love honor and obey Brad as long as you both shall live after having been through the adventures that you've been through over the past few days I I can understand it may not be something one wants to jump right into if you want to postpone this afternoon and just leave it for another day I would find it quite a reasonable thing to do I'm afraid I don't have a very good grip unreasonable right now well that's why you have me thanks mom did you have any second thoughts about marrying dad Oh course I did he's insane but he's what I really wanted make sure that Brad's what you really want I think he is does this adventurer have a name Bradford McMillan Redford McMillan like the author what author well he's not like he's on the best-selling list or anything but I really like his work as in all things the blessings of nature abound No [Music] lucky girl to say you know there's macmillan residence across the street from my office so sorry to disturb you straight to the church then yes thank you [Music] actually can we make a quick detour first [Music] hi hello I'm looking for Redford red fruits my son I'm Jody big day huh oh yeah today's the big day is is Redford he's just stepped out okay you're Kate right yeah it's me that was quite the adventure you had getting down here Redford told me all about it so he came to see you he's never missed my birthday that's sweet Redford should be back soon I'm I'm not sure where he is he likes to mind his own business yes he does um I really have to get going but you should know that your son saved my life like 20 times he's a really good man he is most of the time most of the time you're right can I ask you who's the little girl oh that's that's a complicated story that's really good Alan's such a good color and you're getting to be so big thanks Alice why don't you go play on the slide in the playroom mommy and mr. McMillan have some things they need to talk about in private mr. McMillan really it's a bit cold even for you I don't know what to call you you're not her father I was her father for three years she seems to be doing well how are you good we're really good I'm happy for you I was surprised shocked actually to hear from you I thought maybe it was time yeah I guess I at least owe you that much you know I'm really sorry for the way everything turned out it was never about you a Redford I never thought he was coming back I know I know I'm sorry the way I handled things I truly am how are you yeah you know I'm I'm fine what's her name his name is she's with someone and it's none of my business you made me your business when I wasn't we're not all the same [Music] I'll take that see in there [Music] I need to talk to Brad well he's just a few steps away and you can talk to him as much as you want [Music] [Music] think back to the stories of [Music] Hey [Music] please be seated dearly beloved we are gathered here in the presence of God and these witnesses to sanctify the joining these lads and Kate holy matrimony marriage is commendable in the eyes of God just eight practice as you move forward may you look forward to each new season much as the world looks forward to the new seasons of the year for each season brings worth of new moments memories the key to a good marriage is to have a strong bond friendship and trust it's an adventure one that only the two shall share an adventure I can't I'm so sorry Brad I can't do this I think I think you are an amazing man but Kate I thought we had a plan we did we did have a plan that's part of the pain we were always just following the plan I know I went up north but never once came to see me I just wanted you to have what you wanted I know but I think that's what you need I I thought I wanted that but I I don't I'm so sorry Brad I can't do this Katie Judy she's doing the right thing [Music] poor baby [Music] what happened of minding your own business what do you think I'm doing me you want my business Oh what the hell you ruined my wedding I I guess it's not a bad thing let's get out of here yeah well you didn't think this through what I'm wearing always got your back [Music] I'm dragging yours [Music] [Music] I don't wanna write you a love song I don't wanna say how I feel [Music] as I can [Music] I don't wanna sing you love story of burning two people taken in a sunset [Music] [Music] first I'm afraid that it's too [Music] I don't wanna write you a love song I don't wanna stay healthy ain't gonna tell you what I'm thinking [ __ ] admit that it's [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 2,310,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ever, Classic Movies Channel, worst, free, funny, TCM, latest, hollywood, films, full, 80s, online, 60s, Movies, Free movies on Youtube, b-grade, drama, bigtime, comedy, goldmines, retro, Shawn Roberts, watch, free full movies, movie, Chris Craddock, sci-fi, Classic, download, CMC YouTube, youtube, popcornflix, Jewel Staite, horror, CMC, movies, 70s, classic, Turner, Shaun Johnston, Hollywood movies, A Frosty Affair
Id: YRFpf-_m6xw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 10sec (5770 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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