A Fort William Adventure: Part Two - Mountain Gondola at Nevis Range.

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previously on steve marsh hi folks welcome to fort william we're going to try we walk today to the second highest waterfall in scotland and i can see the falls in front of me we'll be breaking out in the morning [Applause] right we're out and we're heading for the mountain gondola this has all got a bit james bond doesn't it are we dusting a frost overnight the gondola we're heading for today it lies about five miles outside fort william it's up the road towards spain bridge and it's part of the nevis range skiing area so there's a whole network of chairlifts and ski slopes up here just be aware though it costs 450 to park even if you're just planning on using the cafe [Applause] [Music] there we go there's the gondola behind us that we hope to be taking today it hasn't run all week because of the weather but it's very calm and still today so here's hoping now i wish i'd checked the stats on this before i did this bit to camera i think it goes up about 650 meters i might be wrong and it's the only gondola of its type in the uk i really should have checked that right 23.50 later and i've got my ticket but it is a day ticket so i can go up and down that gondola as much as i want today and i will be i'll be getting my money's worth [Applause] [Music] [Music] and we're off i don't know why i go up in these things i'm terrified of them but at least it doesn't go too high off the ground like some of the ones in europe it's it's no too bad now it cuts this path up through the trees it's quite beautiful to be honest but just don't be expecting too much of a view because these windows are terrible it'll be interesting to see what the weather's like up there i'm sure it will be a lot colder right i found this wee hack sticking the camera out the skylight here i'm not sure i'm meant to do that but i'll be very careful [Music] so [Music] i've been focusing so much on filming i hadn't even realized it's got very white up here and that means our 15-minute haul up the mountain is almost complete and we'll soon be arriving at the gondola station 650 metres above sea level [Music] [Music] i must admit i always feel a bit sad for the scottish ski industry it seems like they're constantly on a knife edge i've been able to open and operate fully sure it's a bit more white up here but not white enough i'd say [Music] well it's not too bad up here it is obviously a wee bit windy on a wee bit colder but it's absolutely beautiful but just as i got off the gondola i could see the view off in the distance then this blanket of white came in and took it away oh well i'm still going to head to the viewpoint just in case [Music] i'm such a big kid in the snow now i know to my european and north american viewers this is nothing up here but to us icy slopes that's what it's all about [Music] this is just a short walk and a stone's throw from the gondola station but still don't underestimate it in conditions like today it was icy windy and the weather was threatening to close in any second [Music] yes we made it and they've even put a bench out for me and trust me i was happy to find somewhere to relax without the risk of falling over [Music] what's nice is it is sitting here i'm getting back down to that gondola station there's a cafe and it was a good time to get moving again just as the view was wiped out once more by another band of freezing clouds the weather changes fast up here [Music] [Music] that we mound over there that was my everest today [Music] [Applause] oh i remember when i was learning to ski the button toe that was my nemesis the amount of times i've fallen off that i never did learn to ski very well [Applause] not oh that was good fun but the cafe is an even better site while that hot drink was a godsend i was also hoping for a snack even a wee plate of chips or something but food only seemed to be available at the cafe back down the mountain [Music] [Music] [Music] ambulance gondola [Music] right there we go off back down again [Music] [Music] that was a lot of fun but i'm not gonna lie i'm quite happy to be going back down below the snow line again who knows though after lunch maybe i'll come back up [Music] [Music] what a perfect day to be up in the mountains and with all this snow falling now i just had to head back up the mountain for another wee look but wasn't planning on staying too long just getting my money's worth you know [Music] overall i'll give this one an 8 out of 10. it's not a trip you can do anywhere else in the uk so its uniqueness alone gives it extra points it's not cheap either but as a one-off experience even for someone like me who's not using the mountain to its potential it was a fun wee adventure it's also a fast track into the heart of the nevis range if you're going for a hike or something maybe more of that in the summer all right that's enough adventures for this video folks thank you again so much for watching all i've got left now is a really long drive home i'll see you soon [Music] is there a place with sun all year round and pina coladas with pretty faces and sand on the ground [Music] i wanna stop this ongoing train before i lose my mind and go insane i don't wanna sleep every night i want a lot of spark in the dark i don't wanna say i'm okay living the same everyday come run beside me let's take off let's leave this place for another place maybe all we need at is speed to see anything just tell me what you need [Music]
Channel: SteveMarsh
Views: 50,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nevis Range, NevisRange, Nevis Range gondola, gondola, gondola Scotland, Scottish gondola, mountain gondola, gondola in Fort William, For William gondola, Gondola near Fort William, Fort William, what to do in Fort William, skiing in Scotland, Scottish ski resorts, Scottish Ski resort, Steve Marsh, Steve Marsh trip report, Steve Marsh travel review, SteveMarsh, Scotland adventures, Scottish mountains, Cairngorm gondola, Mountain walks in Scotland, Visit Scotland, VisitScotland
Id: T72f1hcDPPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 19 2022
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