MAFIA ( Gangster ) : Michael jai White Powerfull Action Movie || Latest English Action Movie HD

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it's ours ETA 20 seconds I've got it sir it's approximately 225 km from base 6 moving at approximately 210 kmph good Target is in your range Bas six in 10 seconds 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 fire fire cor hit [Music] we not [Music] immediately we're inside NLF territory listen very carefully you must send up a flare take this you know how to use this go please hurry we don't have much time get him [Music] [Music] [Music] water [Music] Dr it please this United Nations Charter we're flying emergency relief supplies to the D these are your people for God's sakes I am the people [Music] there are no weapons sir only food and Medicine destroy what we can take but sir it's not an armed shipment what are you saying to we are making too many mistakes you were the [Music] mistake bury him take some of those bits J you got it celor you don't need enough of that crap you might just turn into a prisoner she probably like that huh to take a nap broy yeah them wet back [ __ ] F to plan something man it's like this if they throw down they got to know they going to get paid that's what I'm talking about coun toer please come to the front office that's right take your sorry ass to the warden's office your [ __ ] ass in trouble [Applause] [Music] I'm about all right [Music] man maer wow you're out of uniform General how I'd like you to meet Jameson Prescott CEO and owner of Prescott International founder of the biotech Industries look toer let me cut to the chase for the past 2 years my daughter's been doing relief work for the United Nations how nice for her what's that got to do with me yesterday plan she was on went down just shy of the Border in Vietnam Military Intelligence is located the plane and the rest of the bodies except for Gabrielle's plane was shot down by National Liberation Front Guerilla group Leader's name is um V marck right I read the papers so what do you want from me I want my daughter back to Oliver and I'm prepared to pay whatever it takes to get her back that is if you think you can do it no I don't think I can [Music] [ __ ] look what you did to my [ __ ] car first you steal from then you going to crash my [ __ ] F at me this [ __ ] got to go [Music] this is for raw [ __ ] look at me [ __ ] I did this to you I do my fighting here now seen more kids killed in the streets than I saw in Vietnam gangs drugs riots we just call out the National Guard and forget about it you took one of the r took one of yours now you can join this pina going die now some of Rich girl's in trouble and look who's here five star general and her billionaire [Applause] father [ __ ] get the wall the wall de [ __ ] yeah is that what you want that's what you got you Beach my we'll see who the dead man I'll kill you you weet back mother you're dead Pina you're dead hey you all right I'll find your [ __ ] just get me out of the [ __ ] hole but your badass ain't going nowhere shut up I ain't got nothing to lose but 50 years off a life sentence do me a favor send me to Vietnam Vietnam what are you talking about but y'all don't know it's a girl captured in n look man I'll find your [ __ ] that [ __ ] ain't nothing compared to what I go through out here yeah I could be into that beats the hell out of this pit sh don't you think you done enough maybe you're the one who hasn't done enough sir say that again what the brother's trying to say is you just riding the system recycling us until we end up dead so what's up [Applause] let's go let's go if I do this I want to take some of the kids with me oh wait a minute toer I I don't know about putting kids in danger you want your daughter back yeah I want my daughter back okay I want a full unconditional presidential pardon for anyone who survives the mission we'll think of something one more thing and it's not negotiable so don't even try non it I want a $10 million donation to California Youth Services scholarships libraries gyms you name it okay smile Prescott it's tax deductible Mr broy two counts of first deegree Murder One Korean one Cho what no black broy I'm working on it it's not a very Christian attitude screw them too what's so damn funny you guard what that's it am I going with you am I going with you Mr [Music] Lopez you wouldn't have didn't know anything about Jenkins being brutally murdered this morning now would you yeah I know something about that don't nothing happened down here that I don't know about but I didn't come down here to talk about no goddamn Jenkins you look at me when I'm talking to you I do what I got to do to protect what's mine essay I don't have much in this world but the one thing I do have ain't no man ever going to take from me oh yeah what's that Pride try respect that I'd Die For yeah that I'd kill for it's like this if you got a problem I'll help you solve it I don't want [ __ ] and I ain't asking for [ __ ] you think you're such hot [ __ ] don't you boy selling drugs gang banging let me tell you something you're nothing but a disgrace a parasite so don't tell me what you're going to do for me cuz all you know how to do is take what else is there huh what else do I got to give what else do I got to give except my life whatever I take is what I guess you understand what's your problem you don't think I'm as tough as those Bas just trying me we're talking about a combat situation yeah well I'm not a [ __ ] HS both my parents were killed dead when I was five and since then I just got handed around from pervert to perver till one day I decided I wasn't going to take it no more the next one who touched me I took an axe and I just started swinging and when I finished there wasn't much left of him [Music] Michael Greer AKA monster says here you killed two men with your bare hands raped and killed a girl all before you turned 15 sounds like I to do the world of favor and just kill you myself why should I give you a second chance [Music] a from your old lady Mr charer hey Mr charer Sir hey get back to work wait I just got to talk to him you're not going anywhere get back there all right Oliver the want let me talk to you man let him go I said let him go good job where'd you learn how to fight like that lamb um Red Dragons is that a gang uh no it's a Chinese restaurant at work yeah one of the um old Cooks taught me don't let the Boy Scout act fool you sir seems mommy and daddy weren't giving this jerk enough allowance so we killed them and their sleep that is lives slipped their throats yo that's [ __ ] all I want is en chance man get this guy to Soldier come hold it have his released papers ready with the rest of them don't screw up hey thanks man Mr toer I'm not going to let you down man I'm not going to let you down what [Music] watch are you pushing this you better watch you talking to their tiny all right listen [Music] up from now on my name is Major Howard tuliver now before we go I want to make one thing perfectly clear there's every possibility that some of you will not return from this Mission if any of you have any doubts about participating in this operation you can back out right now and return to prison no questions asked all right gentlemen lady move out Let's Get It On [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] hey I just want you to know this [ __ ] ain't over between us just because we here are you threatening me May no [ __ ] it's a promise come believe I'm putting my ass on the line with you boys in the hood [ __ ] I'm hoping the [ __ ] and the wet backs just kill each other best damn thing that could happen you guys are all a bunch of losers you ask me [ __ ] did nobody ask you [ __ ] [Music] bring it to the camp Oh man Vietnam just like in the movies yeah where's 60s music dude hey Holmes when are you taking these damn chains off I say baby why don't you do me a favor while you down there hey why don't you wait until I get my knife and do the world a favor all right buy head to the Huey let's move it Chopper didn't nobody tell no damn [Music] [Music] Chopper take a number okay you have exactly one minute hand this you don't need move let's go beet here in 3 days o hours not here not coming back good luck ISO atude always right no's always I can't you expect me [Music] I think I need to make something clear I me world you want to fight that's a fact you start by kicking my ass keep on moving you better not look back we got it in each grab your everybody's brother major why can't it be a little give and take how come I got a rub each other face oh no I can't [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right listen up this is our destination plane went down near the Red River Vin Mock's Camp is up in these Hills just over the border now as you can see we got a lot of jungled across to get to Vin Mock and we'll be hiking it inch by inch foot by foot who we ain't got a tank no we ain't got a tank then I still one how do we even know the [ __ ] is there she ain't a [ __ ] [ __ ] she got a [ __ ] don't she that makes her a [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you settle down the both of you in answer to your question vinmar controls this whole region she's alive he's got her so we go in get the girl and get the hell out no problem right no problem except we'll be outnumbered 101 by people fighting for their lives what do you think we've been doing start training tomorrow at 0500 hours training Mr lamb sir if you intend to kill us in our sleep now's your chance you got first watch the rest of you sleep well I can tell you right now I'm not getting no sleep tonight training [Music] good news Gabrielle yes we know who you are and who your father is thanks to satellite news that an American woman was on the the United Nations Charter shot down last Thursday in Northern Vietnam un spokespeople have confirmed today that that woman was Gabrielle Prescott daughter of billionaire Biotech magnet Jameson Prescott she is believed to have been captured by the Guerilla forces of the National Liberation Front a revolutionary movement committed to destroying political and trade agreements between the United States and its old enemy North Vietnam in 3 months with you as my hostage a forces will become 10 times [Music] stronger strong enough to defeat anoya do you think my father's just going to sit around while I rot in your pit well with Americans you never know but in your case percentages are good in fact I'm counting on it I can't eat this for 3 Days man this is left over from now I know it why don't you ask toer to airlift you a cheeseburger or something won't you airlift your ass out of my business guess they forgot the chitlins in the watermelon huh won you just shut your dumb redneck ass up hey man you better chill out to's coming screw that morning ladies on your feet now get an attention ice front hand to your sides ice front short stuff shoulders back buts how was your breakfast terrible from now on if you're directing a question or coming to me the first thing and the last thing out of your mouth better be served can understood I don't think you heard me son I said if you're addressing me the first word and the last word out of you stinking hole better be sir now is that clear sir my boss hurt sir now let me ask you again how are those delicious K rashes Mr butts sir they suck my big black vage dick sir we get used to it from this point on you will eat left piss and breathe as soldiers you were on a mission to save someone else's ass for a change not just your own I work better with a [ __ ] oozi what the [ __ ] you know about work I know work your homeboy in the alley [Music] monster basket ain't exactly what I had in mind for her sir that monster sure is a ugly [Music] [ __ ] come on come on [Music] K got you baby this [ __ ] hold up hold up I want you [ __ ] get that ass off me [ __ ] can fight [Music] [Music] bastard round this a't a wild west show [Music] y broy man you had point you didn't see this goddamn hole you dumbass I didn't have Point Taco head had point I had flank man shut up how we going to get out of here next time you won't have to worry about getting out cuz there be too many bamboo spikes in your backs I suggest you gentlemen get your act together and figure out who's doing what and why buts get them out of there sure um grab hold of my dick Shut up and get us out of here we move out tomorrow at dawn from this point on you got to keep your [ __ ] wired tired at all times our first stop is Mack Bay what we need is some m big [ __ ] get some sleep you're going to need it tomorrow Brophy tell Sapphire me your toer sir just wanted to say thank you for you know choosing me sir I hate to burst your bubble Lopez but I didn't choose you cuz you were a good guy yeah I know but you give me a second chance now sir you got First Watch [Music] [Music] who the hell is there where do you think you're going taking a [ __ ] you got a problem with that [Music] Bry you got some water man yeah I got water let me get some please eat me come on man I'm out all right we got to stick together you said remember so give me some goddamn water man touch my water and I'll cut your damn throat got that [Applause] [Music] no stay down St out where's he coming from I can't see him get [Music] down they still out there yeah yeah get some home e just a few Bandits grab your gear and let's get the hell out of here lamb take point [Music] there's got to be a 7-Eleven around here somewhere oh my God you got to be kidding me I can tell you right now this [ __ ] was on no damn map all right listen up I'm going to check it out lamb you come with me the rest of you cover us you hear that butt sir you're the boss sir when we get to the other side and secure the area you'll get a signal from me would he make some move till then you got it got you let's go [Music] [Music] he's fine screw this [ __ ] I'm going man what's wrong with you huh you going to get out there and fallowing your face yeah you'd like that wouldn't you see another Whitey go down what's the matter with you huh what's broy doing [Music] [ __ ] holy [ __ ] [Music] hold on broy [Applause] [Music] hang upy we're coming to get you why we're [Music] coming coming [Music] help hold on man keep ring I'm trying we got you [ __ ] gos man I'm going to kill them all hey man they CAU toer and the others we got to go after him forget that sick of this I'm out of here no way jiver brought us this far we're going to do something like what what we going to do huh they dead they dead he's right they're dead and we're next I'm out of here here hey hey s Loco I knew you were trying to escape last night and I let it go but if you try to go now I swear the God will blow your ass away you can trust me on that are you with us or against us Som come on broy free your mind and your ass will follow come on man let's go any of you super Comics even got a plan [Music] [Music] I'm not dying like that I'm not dying like that man that's what they want I'm going to kill him every last one of them going to kill him listen to me both of you you got to stay tough you panic we can't think we can't think we're dead [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah left man left you're dead you hear me your boy laugh you're dead you hear me you're dead godamn you're first you some of me not him alone Dam it monster monster [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] n it's okay it's okay [Music] what's for dessert [Music] [ __ ] pass man don't here [Music] [Music] off [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] down oh no no no get I hey man that [ __ ] scared of puss I ain't scared of nothing [Music] man no [ __ ] you scared too no no you don't understand see I have somebody [ __ ] this your [ __ ] she ain't a [ __ ] her name got [ __ ] she fun that's all I know [ __ ] she want with your ugly ass F how long you'all been together four years damn [ __ ] four years I would have got bored in four days get married man when I get back driv a kid do have kids man oh [ __ ] no man I'm too young for that [ __ ] that's a [ __ ] ain't it used to be I didn't give a [ __ ] about dying being in the jungle people trying to kill me all I can think about is staying alive [Applause] is it co to us buts is that play over with come on man I don't want to talk about that [ __ ] right now n man is it look man that was there we here it's not personal it's about survival why I need to know is it over man it's over when it's over that's how you want it homes hey hey your day D you my who oh the no no I was just horsing around I came I talk to you yeah about what hey man cut that [ __ ] out hey [ __ ] some [ __ ] out St what's up thanks douchebag damn [ __ ] I was just no I don't want to hear that [ __ ] man you're just trash dude I was just informing you that some hoes upstairs maor T yeah Soldier um I wanted you to know I did not kill my parents sir and the police were just wrong you got to believe me sir that's that's the God's Hest truth doesn't matter if I do or don't L all I know is you're a damn good soldier Okay yeah okay okay [Music] L I believe you thanks please get back on the damn bed I'm this get away from her you bastard what the hell hey come on let him go what do y'all care about a deep [ __ ] anyway put it down Vasquez you're a goddamn animal put it down get her out of here sir I don't know what happened that [ __ ] is crazy get dressed V Mark man I think he's waking up grab your gear stay away from these windows where the hell is broken [Music] [Music] where are the Americans we know you are here why should they die for you [Music] where Americans [Music] now they're going to find us let's just kill [Music] them Americans come a long way to die we have women dying for you we have seen no one please leave it alone you bastard d That's broy man Americans come out or he dies we got to do something sir screw that [ __ ] man that benle did it to himself you son of a [ __ ] no he's right there's nothing we can do let's move out sir they're the goddamn enemy the more we take out now the less we have to deal with later look if we go out there now we're out manned out gun we can jeopardize our entire mission that Dimension getting killed who's willing to risk that right here man me too I'm down monster I'm always ready to kick some he dies in 15 seconds buts Vasquez covers from the upstairs Windows the rest of you come with me now let's move now I don't even know what I'm doing I don't even like this skin head [ __ ] 5 4 3 2 1 Jesus you want war I'll give you [Music] War sorry man he has save it buddy [Music] [ __ ] [Music] [Music] reload reload [Applause] [Music] fin [Music] excuse me can I have a [Music] cheeseburger [ __ ] Lopez [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] I'll be right what yeah man is it over between us but I BL over with it's over man shit's [Music] over do me a favor man I I give her this you give it to her man you're going to be all right you going to be all right Lopez wake up man LZ [Music] [Music] all right we got to go let's move it got to go bu let's go [Music] basus sh [Music] [Music] moner Bast moner come on come on you can make it come on [Music] sir [ __ ] sh [Music] Vasquez all of you let's get the hell out of here before we're all dead move it [ __ ] must [Music] [Music] get up [ __ ] we're screwed man this is your fo get in this for Lopez and monster go ahead cut my [ __ ] Dr I don't [ __ ] feel sorry for you do it do it you should let them kill me I didn't ask you to [ __ ] save me why'd you let them do it this is your fault why didn't you just [ __ ] leave me was supposed to be a team Brothers don't you get it I'm not your [ __ ] bro I don't give a [ __ ] about saving some [ __ ] girl I don't give a [ __ ] about any of you just me this is who I [ __ ] am this is what my father wanted this is what he made me kill all the damn blacks and the specks and the jills [ __ ] gos [ __ ] them all kill Monster look a little bit I'm sorry all right time for payback get down get cover down down sir looks like we got our right up the river [Music] [Music] go [Music] Miss Prescott it's very simple if you want to live you will read it I've told you I won't help you get weapons to kill more people you are my weapon you're killing them one by one no stop all right I'll read your damn message okay [Music] Prescott I was sent here by the United States as a spy General mock has agreed to preserve my life and return for a $10 million arms shipment don't do it dad just let me go don't let him kill any more people enough your pleas were all we needed that should be enough for your father you'll have this tape to Remember You by mm's Camp is just over this Ridge I should be there before for dark guess I won't be needing this heavy bag no more don't move Jesus Christ buds what the hell do you have in there it's just some dirty draws L I know it's going to explode don't [Music] move don't move means don't move [Music] moving your shits in the Wind get back what are we going to do they're going to see them they're sitting ducks out there we got to do something there's nothing you can do but get him killed [Music] [Applause] [Applause] where's broy where's broy [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Laughter] Ry man he not to do that [ __ ] you don't know man maybe he did let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] so this is where the ship bag hangs out at huh looks like it look pretty tight must be 10 maybe 12 at the post towers are pretty heavily armed two 60 caliber machine guns one gl7 sounds like some serious [ __ ] can you see where they're holding Gabrielle no probably have her tucked away in the guard somewhere she's still alive sir how are we going to get past those Towers right now our main concern is locating Gabrielle we might be putting our lives on the line for nothing all I know she been to be alive I didn't come all the way out here for vmar ass that's for damn sure so tight huh when I get back I'm going down for closer look man that [ __ ] crazy I think he was dropped as a child [Music] [Music] spee [Music] [Music] they [Music] have a man [Music] all [Music] [Music] [Music] get [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hold on we'll be back for you [Music] she's alive listen enough the entire Camp is surrounded by incendiary charges Gabrielle's in a pit in the center of the camp but first we have to take out those Towers sir how we going to take them out the these wir are ready [ __ ] hey buts you take the tower on the East stand sir where that at Basque as you take the one over there what about the Jeep in the chers don't worry about that that's for later lamb take the tower in the North after the Dynamite's set nobody makes a move till you get a signal from me you got that sir what about Gabriel sir once those charges go all hell is going to break loose just take out as many of those [ __ ] as you can I'll worry about her how's that arm I'm all right I'm going to make it sir okay it's what we came for team let's get it done I yeah [Music] gete spee [Music] [Music] [Music] spee [Music] [Music] bring the girl no [Music] [Music] you okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] go [Music] run don't stop move get [Music] out they're trying to take out toer give me the dead lator hurry up [Music] holy [Music] [ __ ] [Music] great come on [ __ ] [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] you ready let's do it [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll take care to choer [Music] [Applause] [Music] mer I've been waiting for you [Music] [Music] [Music] what we going to do [ __ ] we've got to get out of here how there's too many buts do you get the sea started I'll give him a shot I got it boom get in the Box get in the Box oh [ __ ] [Music] got come on [Music] [Music] got [Music] look out [Music] [Music] sh [ __ ] him out man [ __ ] but man what the hell are you doing [Music] I thought I save all your asses good job Soldier now let's get the hell out of here let's move it man let's go [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Telly Soap
Views: 710,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MAFIA ( Gangster ) : Michael jai White Powerfull Action Movie, Latest English Action Movie HD, MAFIA ( Gangster ) : Michael jai White Powerfull Action Movie || Latest English Action Movie HD, Michael jai White Powerfull Action Movie, English Action Movie HD, Latest English Action Movie, English Action Movie, Action Movie, Michael jai White movies, Michael jai White new movies, Michael jai White gangster movies
Id: FjapUMwYT7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 21sec (5061 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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