A first look at Microsoft’s new Bing, powered by upgraded ChatGPT AI

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write me a script for a video about Microsoft's new AI powered Bing interface welcome to this video where we will show you how Microsoft's new AI powered Bing interface can make your online search experience faster smarter and more personalized okay well I guess my work here is done I'll I'll let Bing take over from now [Music] I'll save you the time what you've just seen is Microsoft's new AI powered version of Bing that's here to take on Google search dominance Microsoft is now bringing a Next Generation GPT model to its beam search engine that is confident will transform search as we know it today so why is this different to chat GPT and what's new first up Microsoft is putting answers to queries side by side with the search results you're used to seeing today they're called chat answers and it's the type of response you'd find in chat GPT you'll get the usual links followed by more conversational response at the side that's neat and it will ease people gently into this new AI powered search but it's the chat interface that's really interesting chat GPT has wowed the web with its impressive ability to naturally respond to queries write poems organize people's lives and much more Bing's AI features are based on a more advanced version of what powers chat GPT that means it can do things like surface breaking news and relevant information as it's happening and it can also do stuff like organize a free day vacation to New York City for you and your family when it's warm the main chat interface is very similar to chat GPT but it searches news sources with surprising speed for events that are unfolding or that have just happened this is all super Speedy but much like chat GPT it's not always accurate earlier today I asked it about a bunch of queries and one of them was related to a breaking news incident and it gave me the date for tomorrow instead of today but it's not just music can cover and search queries Microsoft says it's AI powered Bing should be better at writing code than chat GPT I'm not a coder so I'll leave that up to the prompt engineering experts to really test Microsoft's promises there the big differences can be found in how Microsoft has integrated these chatbot Powers into its edge browser and I think this is where the future of Microsoft's open AI partnership gets really interesting Edge now has a sidebar which can scan entire web pages and allow you to pick out information or run chat queries against websites now imagine you're on Amazon and searching for a TV you could ask Bing to compare the best 4K TVs find the best price and then formulate this all into a neat table that you can email to your partner there's even a compose tab that makes all the work of typing in parameters a little bit easier offering a GUI for tone format and length you can ask Bing's AI model to write about anything here and it will neatly format it and get it ready for a blog post an email or just a simple list Microsoft didn't talk about this on stage today but you couldn't imagine a future where word or Outlook could just generate in documents or emails for you automatically you could technically do this right now just open up a web-based version of Word put it alongside this little sidebar and Edge and in this generating content for you on the Fly here's the resignation layer I just created for my boss to say I'm resigning because AIO is replacing my job foreign all of these new features look great and the possibilities are almost endless but there will be thousands of people out there looking to break this new Bing AI much in the same way as people jailbreak chat gbt and make it say bad things Microsoft says here has some additional safeguards in place to protect against this but we'll see how long it takes for the prompt Engineers to break past it will also be interesting to see how Publishers and content owners react to this the chat answers are more advanced than the simple query answers that we see in search engines today and it's clear that people will click on links less even if Bing is clearly sourcing information here Microsoft is going to open up a whole bunch of conversations around content regulatory risks legal issues and much more we've already seen Getty suing some image generation companies and we're just at the beginning of how this type of AI will reshape online content overshadowing all of this is Google and exactly how the search giant will respond Microsoft is clearly trying to take away search engine market share from Google and make being more relevant Neil I sat down with Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella for the decoder podcast we have the full interview up on the channel but here's what he had to say first of all I mean look I have the greatest of admirations uh for Google and what they've done and you know they're they're an unbelievable company with great talent and you know and I have a lot of respect for Sundar and his teams they have the 800 pound gorilla on this which is uh what they are and I hope that with our Innovation um they will definitely want to come out and show that they can dance and I want people to know that we made them dance and I think that'll be a great day and Google is going to be dancing real soon just a day before Microsoft Event Google announces chat GPT competitor Bard it's in limited testing right now and we haven't seen exactly how it handles queries or how Google attempt to integrate it into search but it's clear the AI search battle is on if you thought chat GPT was interesting things are about to shift up a gear like I said earlier the full satinadillo interviews up on the channel so go check that out but if we're going to end this the way that Bing wanted us to thanks for watching and happy searching
Channel: The Verge
Views: 321,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new bing, bing, microsoft, Microsoft bing, Chatgpt, artificial intelligence, ai, what is chatgpt, how to use chatgpt, chatgpt explained, open ai, google, google search, search engine, best search engine, satya nadella, microsoft ceo, search ai, chatgpt examples, tech, the verge
Id: G7dCPwSxjWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 26sec (326 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2023
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