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good morning guys welcome to the vlog I hope you guys are having a wonderful day so I woke up this morning and one thing that's pretty crazy coming up is unspeakable plays is about to hit 1 million subscribers I just think that's crazy because like we're gonna get another one of these for unspeakable plays like that is crazy we haven't even got the 100k plaque yet for its people plays but that's coming as well but like still like I just thank you guys so much if you guys do watch the in speakable plays channel then thank you guys so much that channel is doing incredible it's only been up for eight months and it's about to hit a million subscribers in about 20 days I think it's absolutely crazy then we're gonna have to 1 million subscriber plaques now next is to get this channel the vlog channel to a million subs so that's what I'm working on now I also think it'd be really funny because this subscriber count' right here that's for my main channel what if I got like four flappy counters and just like stack them up on top of each other we have this flappy counter from a jail this flap at counter for instakill place and another clappa counter for the vlog channel I honestly think that really cool and like what if I also mounted them on a wall like I mounted them right here and like you just had one two three and then we could kind of put like a piece of paper between them and we can write like unspeakable gaming that's people play it's unspeakable so it's kind of like you can see which one is which I think they'll be really cool let me know guys they're they're they're pretty expensive I don't know if I want to buy two more that's what are we doing well you answer that question I really don't know we're doing - I dunno the Kayla's coming over to the office right now we're also gonna go we're gonna do some pretty cool things in this vlog though I have some pretty good ideas planned it's crazy how much the echo changes when you go from in there to in here like it's just like no echo all the soundproofing you know on the walls and everything is just like there's no echo or anything and then you walk into there and it's like and then you walk into here and it's like boy where do you go go I'm going to get sauna doing the good old dry all right so you're here and we're both entertaining together problem is we don't have anything to do so I need you to think of something entertaining that we can do so we can entertain these people I thought logging would be easy thought it would just be you know pick up the camera block a day but you gotta think of things that do and you got to be interesting that's not very fun we could go get fan mail and open it at the PU box I don't know let's go do you want to go do you want to get a few money because nothing else better to do let's be honest Wow yeah I did roast you I also roast myself because I don't have anything better to be there I want to see what these people have been showing us you know I thought that was kind of mandatory but okay where are my keys no I want to take Mike your car has a pink fluff ball [Applause] what are you doing so personally I think this vlog camera is too small you know this was like a really portable and it's been small it's like anything like this big but I think we're gonna go out that's pretty good oh wait wait come back look like whenever you I'm like filming you filming while you're filming oh yes ladies first we just picked up all your guys smell and this is how much mail we got from you guys like my gosh it's only been like a week since I gave you guys the address of where to ship me mail and that's how much we got I'm obviously really excited because like I know all the letters are like a bunch of letters from you guys and like you know notes and stuff but I'm really curious what you guys would send in these boxes like I don't even know if this one's huge leave this one it's from Walmart too who can who bought me something from Walmart I don't know all is it a Minecraft sword you think it's minecraft sword so we have made a rash decision decision that may impact our lives for the rest of the day oh my gosh we're not gonna Starbucks so much mail that his key got stuck and he couldn't even open the box you had to get the lady to go back behind the mailbox and get it for him thanks guys so much I appreciate it I love it would like my mailbox key just get stuck there's so much if you guys want to send me an email and you want me to open it be sure to send it to the address in the description that was so ridiculous how ridiculous was how ridiculous was it on a scale of what it almost hit that car on a scale of one to ten how ridiculous was that I'm so doomed into your face it's honestly hilarious I'm gonna continue the vlog on full zoom my arm is all the way stretched out but we're all like fully the camera's fully zoomed in my arm is like super extended right now if I bring it in to like where I normally vlog you'd be like this guys we're gonna go enjoy our food we'll see you guys in a second I really need to undo this is just awkward you see like if I undo MIT this is where my hand actually is oh them food was full and some leftovers nice little sandwich we saw this sign right here we really don't know if it's 3d is it 3d or is it no that's on the wall no no no that's 3d that's 3d there's a 3d sign that's really that's really weird I thought it was on the wall but it's actually 3d what in Texas horses pull it over come here buddy I'm everybody someone sent me googly eyes for a microphone thank you so much that is awesome and also we got this rubber band unspeakable way this is so cool that is so cool literally made out of rubber bands that's so serious Talent honestly [Applause] a kid and his brother it says to follow their mom's channel on YouTube business mom followed my mom on YouTube oh so many of you guys are sending me eyeballs like this is crazy this is from Kolber look he says I bet you can't put all these eyeballs at your microphone bro that's a bet whoa what's like a hundred mister me a hundred we hope in the letter hope is money 140 guys you don't need to be sending me money come on no money what is the letter say what are they saying he said I want to buy the merch so I'm sending you this and then they gave you their address and said this is the side shirt I want this is the Hat no guys do not send me money to buy merchandise if you want to buy merchandise it is you have to buy it online and the links in the description you have to buy it from that website do not buy it from any other websites because if you find it anywhere else it's not from me and please don't send me money to send your shirts like I understand it's nice and everything but like [Applause] every single one of you guys spit in money we're gonna have it and this is way too much this is a hundred and forty dollars that's enough to buy the normal original shirts are like fourteen dollars and these are twenty like that's like no so we're gonna send this back please don't send money I do think it's funny though honestly I think it's hilarious that someone like it simply cap honestly that's so funny that's hilarious but guys please don't do that if you do I'm just gonna send it back that's seven shirts say like how many shirts like open it back up I want one red and one green shirt and a hat two shirts that I have so that would be like $70 do they want to buy a shirt to say anything in the letter they just think you four dollars and then gave you their phone number Thanks Oh guys please let's I feel like this isn't right but it's like this person sent me a picture of their cat this is so cool and look they said look inside like with my eyes that's funny really good holy flip that's insane that's insanely good drawing close enough I always knew you two would make a great pair of cones roll back flip will you forever be my cone a cup yes you forever be my cone yeah someone sent me a new play button so we're gonna take this and we're gonna put it with all the others so there we go there we go and also this shelf I'm gonna turn into a lot of like cool things that you guys make me kind of like this we're gonna put them on this shelf I still think this thing is so cool that is awesome but that shelf will be full of cool stuff made by you guys what is that way who's the person behind the mat that's so funny this is a shirt design you have your thing on the front and on the back it says next one flippable shirts so there's no inside out there's no such thing but it's like what like you know like do I need to explain this should I make em speakable socks of another country pretty cool what if Oh what if I made the socks and on each foot so like you have two foots here there's two big eyeballs right here oh no someone sent me more money someone sent us more money I think it's a ten is it money is that ten disappointed it's so small it's disappointed it's the point it didn't focus but yeah disappoints someone I'm not gonna like here's part of the letter I'm not gonna show you guys the whole thing cuz there's a lot of personal information on it but someone Ford me their engineering bill it's from like Hollywood like like California and it's it's a bill they forward it to me yeah I love you guys but I'm not paying your bills that's like a really cool frog and then we got this thing I'm not sure what it is Simon on it and it says pool I have the hiccups you break it or is it just a letter it's like an origami letter type thing that's so cool good Oh Simon that's pretty good that actually looks like and look at his face nice kidding really good at these drawings like oh my gosh that is awesome by the way I also got a best youtuber award thank you thank you guys so much for sending me all of this like we got all of us villain here all that and then more stuff over there thank you guys so much this was so so cool if you guys want to send me anything there's an address in the description and it's just there's I still can't believe that someone sent me their bill to be paid and they and also someone sent me a hundred and forty dollars to buy merchandise please do not send me money to buy merchandise I'm not gonna say it again in the blog but it's like a third time said please do not send me money you guys want to get merchandise there's a link at the top of the description and that's the only place you can buy it if you find it anywhere else don't buy it from anywhere else because that's not for me merchandise the link is the one that I put in the description of my videos and all over my channel and my social media accounts so I'm just letting you guys know that well this was awesome we just open the last letter and the last person sent me ninja stars and they also like some like just paper kind of like ninja stars and they also sent me a jelly belly or like kind of jelly bean scented touchscreen phone wipe so you can wipe your phone you know if it's dirty then it's gonna smell like candy okay well why would you smell the screen of your phone thank you guys so much you guys are awesome I have a lot of work to do personally I got videos to record for you guys using it okay I got videos to record you guys and I have a couple meetings just in a couple minutes so wait does the smell good oh that actually smells well I guess I'm gonna go get to working stuff you to the ground and I I will literally see you guys in 30 seconds because in my world I'm gonna go work for like 30 hours but on the blog world I'll see you right now I'm done working no mana I didn't even start I'm just kidding I'm just okay I'll see you guys in say like alright so I just pretty much wrapped up everything at the office kayla is at below what yeah what are you that worried about oh that's fun well I pretty much wrapped up everything the office we're about to leave it has turned into a beautiful sunny day it looks beautiful in the morning it looks like he was gonna rain and there's also a really nice Ferrari down here look at this oh yeah yeah but for the rest of the day we do have some plans I'll probably use that $4 that that fan gave me to actually get Starbucks because that one fan said that you know you know I like Starbucks so much so I should go get Starbucks with the $4 you send me so I think I might stop by some do you want to throw bucks you do want Starbucks okay so I guess who views that $4 to actually go get start will expend then we're going to be ripping your car apart and taking apart all the speakers and that that will be at that will be a journey where are you revving is that you revving oh my gosh girl don't even get me started so unfortunately I told you guys that we were gonna go to Starbucks and actually use the four dollars to get money and unfortunately I forgot the four dollars up there so we'll do that another day another vlog I'll save it don't worry I can see you in the reflection of that's not your car making a noise that's that's the money [Music] that's not your car I thought that was your car let's go Lake looks beautiful today all right are you gonna lose here we go hardcore street racing at its finest boys you ready to lose oh oh oh she's winning Oh [Music] alright guys listen to these pops listen to this here we go wait for it okay one pop not bad okay two pops not bad find the cats found one got you hello good afternoon how was your day I was sniffing a proof where's the other rascal up there is the province sleeping like they probably just woke up tired all right time for some food this one's like all right time for another nap your internet famous how do you feel sir how do you feel look at how fluffy he is I don't think he likes that I mean do you enjoy like that okay you should let him down he probably doesn't like that yeah go play with your brother well look at the two little kittens all right we all good go get a car wash the beautiful beautiful GTR is very very dirty it might be a little hard to see on the camera I mean you can kind of see it right here but like look at this it is extremely dirty you can see it kind of good right here it is just I mean it this thing look look at my finger that's just for me now jeez that's that's really dirty moral of the story the car is really dirty it needs a wash let's go ahead and start up the 1,300 horsepower beast so step number one you got to prime the fuel system so you press it once no foot on the brake press it again hear that sound that's the fuel system being primed and then put on the brake start it oh-oh-oh-oh we're good if I sound like it's dying and I personally it does sound like it's dying but at the same time it sounds amazing [Music] [Music] I just I love the way this car looks it's so pretty it really is all right points people didn't prepare for this camera is about to die I don't have a charger in this car neither do I do in the house neither do I have any extra batteries cuz they're all in the office so I'm gonna try to be a little less on the filming because if I film a lots gamers dead I'm sorry I'm sorry [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] looks a lot cleaner than it has before not necessarily the cleanest it's ever been but it doesn't look good it does look real shiny I like it I like it I would clean this car in a really long time just because I don't drive it very office it and stuff but it does look good now the tricky parts pulled into the foot oh look who's here oh wait hold hold on boys hold on boys this Isaiah this is always at the police is that the flippin police boy always got a police siren on his car oh my god why did you say okay I'm in your spot all right thank you all right you're welcome that is beautiful we thought it'd be a great idea to rip out all the normal speakers on Kayla star and put aftermarket once in because currently the speakers in our car can't actually listen to music because they're like so old we got these things you know speakers and we got this sublet back slightly and then you go other way over here we have the subwoofer itself so basically what we're gonna be doing is ripping out all the doors replacing all the speakers we already got the radio in it's not plugged in or anything but we got that in but we're gonna be ripping off all the doors and putting a sub back here in the back so this is gonna be a fun project and this is what me Gabe and Kayla are gonna be working on for the next like what you say four hours one hour the others done in one hour honestly that would be clutch cuz I really want a hot tub so it's that gonna happen in one hour [Music] well we are gonna get to work and I'll give you guys some progress updates arrive [Music] so new pyjamas alright well I'll give you some progress updates right progress updates we have taken off all the doors all the way over there as well we've also taken out all the speakers so these are the old speakers and these are completely blown like listen to this you hear that that means the speaker is completely done oh you want to see your car oh she hasn't seen it at all okay come on but she has no idea what it looks like all the doors off and everything it looks normal from here wait for it [Music] everything's completely basically ripped out but the radio is in it's not plugged in but you can see it yeah I mean your air vents should go back on hopefully if they fit you know I'm pretty much gonna wrap up the vlog at me and Gabe are gonna finish up the car basically what we have to do next is putting the speaker's put in the radio wire something from the battery all the way like through the floorboard or something we gotta figure out where to wire it all the way to the back where the amp is right and then put the subwoofer in the back as well let me show you guys so that is the sub box right there the Bluetooth speaker that's a Bluetooth speaker Gabe actually made this this is sick he completely made this whole entire thing and here's the back of it with LEDs that's all like the inside all the batteries it's very I'm so sick bit sick but its sanely heavy and the crazy thing is the battery life on that thing lasts like what is it like calculated haven't tested it yet but it should be seven hours full volume which is insanely loud seven full hours of full organ charger phone you can charge your phone you can put all these to the other side there you go pull this up name phone charger that's so cool basically you put all that together and then this is like what is this bedliner yeah yeah so that's so it's like a really kind of like matte finish really weird but cool dude oh that's the battery percentage so it has a little screen right there it shows you the battery percentage 85 percent so we're gonna be using this thing all night while we put in all these speakers and everything but these are the new speakers right here that are gonna replace those ugly things and then this is the amplifier which basically powers everything so that will be going into the back and that's why we have to run a big cord from the engine all the way to the back yeah that cord right there so we got to figure out how to run it from the battery shove it through a hole somewhere in here that goes inside the car we're gonna find that which is gonna be interesting yeah that's the hard part then after that we have to figure out how to hide it because you know you don't want to be driving in the car and just have a random big blue cord right there so we got to figure out yeah so we're probably gonna have to take off all this plastic and run it through here and stuff so basically we're gonna be doing this for the next couple hours to say the least but I wanna I'm pretty much gonna wrap up the vlog here I want to thank you guys so much for watching if you do want to see like a final completion of this car maybe in the next vlog I like show off the completion of it and like the finish and like what it sounds like obviously you know you can't really capture truly what it sounds like through a camera but you can kind of hear it a little bit but I want to thank you guys so much for watching this vlog this was an awesome day opening on the all the fan mail and everything so before you guys go be sure to subscribe like you know all the simple basic stuff and I'll see you guys in a couple days in a brand new vlog [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 3,132,768
Rating: 4.9332809 out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays, car, cars, racing
Id: V1KrWwao1dU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 57sec (1677 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2018
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