A Family For Joe (1990)

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[Music] hey you already had toast so I didn't see your name on it Mary E C leave her alone maybe she lies in cold mom we going to be late for school late for school oh no There Goes My scholarship to Harvard you are so pathetic you don't even know where Harvard is Leon stop chewing on my foot hey Leon thought your leg looks like one of his bones Harvard is in Cambridge Mass if it's not in America who cares car time for the bus let's get a move [Music] on [Music] well we've been up till 3:00 in the morning the last two nights with this Pete I tried but I just couldn't tell them oh God I'm not looking forward to this [Music] [Music] afternoon she's usually home by now hey is anybody home Holly we're in here hey Leon hello Holly what's going on we're about to have a talk he's Nick in trouble I told you stop hanging out with those Stoner goons man you're a total eclipse Holly nobody's in trouble then why are you here well because we care about what happens to you what is happening to us as you know your parents will did not name a legal guardian and as they're no living relatives we've already talked about this the Brewers said we could live with them and you said okay I said as the social worker handling this case I could recommend that but the court would have final approval are you telling us the court won't approve the Brewsters after a great deal of consideration and I know a lot of soul searching the roosters realize that they just can't do it please please forgive us oh God how I hate doing this your mom and dad our best friends it's tearing me apart you've been saying it too how could we ever do this all nine of us in our little house and it's not just the space it's the time you know we both work the hours we do have well we want to do right by all of you we just don't know how we do that and our kids are wondering what about them so we thought maybe we could do this we take the two youngest Mar Mary and Chris and then what happens to us we do our best to find a good and caring foster home that will take the two of you foster home why can't we stay here we're doing okay the court agreed to this on a temporary basis because the Brewsters could supervise it's been 3 months now and we need to find a permanent solution oh sure permanent that's real important in 5 years Nick will be 18 and then you can all go and live with him he could be in charge of me this is getting worse and [Music] worse Papa Bear Mama Bear baby bear all safe and snug in their bed baby bear okay [Music] sleep tight Chris you okay yeah are you crying uh no it's the TV okay we'll go to bed yeah [Music] okay oh [Music] la [Music] oh who is it it's us you sleep no I was too bad we got to talk about what what we're going to do have you got a plan no I do I've been lying here thinking about it what is it well the four of us run away go to Australia and live in the outback with the Aborigines cannibals I could start a school and teach them things yeah like how to be vegetarians no like how to brush their teeth maybe I'm not awake maybe I'm just having a bad dream oh sure make fun you'll be with the Brewsters Nick and I have to live with a stranger did you two stop hey you know something maybe we do have a living relative what are you talking about well we always think of him as being dead cuz he's been gone so long but what about Grandpa Joe Grandpa Joe dad's father who he ran away when Dad was just a couple weeks old I guess having a baby freaked him out and he took off but if he's alive and we can find him he can come live with us and we can all stay together do we know what he looks like Grandma burned all his pictures oh great and he'll be real easy to find hey wait a second if we don't know what he looks like then neither does anybody else this is the stupidest idea I ever heard of yeah that's what they said about Edison when he invented the automobile Nick Edison didn't invent the automobile well he invented something didn't he the light bulb got Le diamler invented the automobile oh yeah got live right hey there it is come on [Music] are all these people homeless no they're all that walking their poodles hey check him out excuse me sir can we talk to you for a minute I don't speak English well AO I'm sure Edison had his failure Su yeah like the automobile brainy axe I know let's cut across to the lake yeah I hear that's where they have a better class of bumps yeah man all right so what' we score man here check the plastic uh sorry let's go back freeze it Geo let me see your cash all of it hey that's it it's our bus fair you read the bus man don't you know it's not safe give me hey you get the hell out of here hey who are you talking to old man I'm talking to the baldheaded guy with the purse lovely hey why don't you come out of that box old man we'll see how lovely you look I'm resting and I'm lovely enough now leave those kids alone and get lost what if we [Music] don't hey we'll be looking for you old man the name is Joe [Music] is that really of your bus money uh-huh and I'd find one and get on [Music] it did you hear that his name's Joe the same as our Grandpa's you thinking of asking him why not he's the right age the right sex the right name yeah but we don't know anything about him except you lives in a cardboard box not for long come [Music] on Hey Joe hey this ain't the line for the bus no we want to thank you for helping us out back there you saved Our Lives well don't make me regret it are you kidding this is your lucky day we're taking you home with us for a real hot meal I got a hot meal no I mean a real meal you know a big turkey with dressing and cornbread stuffing sweet potatoes cranberry sauce pumpkin pie you forgot the roughage forget the whole thing why I know your parents would just love to see me at the dinner table hey they wouldn't mind huh why not because um because because they're dead what he means is we're orphans yeah usually works out that way no you don't understand see they were killed in a plane accident 3 months ago and we don't have a guardian now hold it are you looking for a handout from me no we don't need any money we've got plenty not so loud not on us anyway without a guardian they're going to split us up and put us in foster homes I know looks can be deceiving but uh I ain't Sanic but I am all our relatives are dead except maybe our dad's dad we're not really sure cuz he ran off years ago well I ain't seen him nobody's seen him see that's why this will work if we can find somebody to be our grandpa and live with us we can all stay together you want me to be your grandpa well yeah I mean it's a great deal you have your own wom bath all the turkey dinners you want to eat a TV a swimming pool a jacuzzi a car yeah a trash compactor snooze alarm automatic sprinklers call forwarding yeah and three great kids come on what do you [Music] say I ain't the grandpa type say kids how about a grandma huh well you know he did give us some good advice what's that find a bus and get on it no way come on where you kids going our Grandpa's inside what's he look like we're not sure yet just put it over there after here all you get with dinner is a sermon you come home with us and you get this I ain't going to be your grandpa just for dinner if you don't want to stay take the money and split get the other half after the Earth what's for dinner good afternoon Brethren we'll be starting our prayer meeting in just a few minutes matter just for [Music] dinner I think this guy's scary he's just not used to being around kids oh that makes me feel [Music] better but I haven't even started your dinner no problem we can handle it you deserve a night off is there some reason you don't want me in this kitchen boy Mrs Brewster I can't put anything over on you I do have three kids of my own Nick all right the thing is I bet Chris and Holly that I could cook dinner so I got to deliver what are you going to cook TV dinners I'll check with you later are you sure you know what you're doing hey the microwave is my best friend oh [Music] Hey Joe how'd you like to drive this beauty what's for dinner right come on this is the kitchen pretty nice huh who's that that's our sister Mary Mary this is our long lost Grandpa Joe hi kid shy she can't talk it happened when our parents were killed it's called a post-traumatic syndrome how long does it last they don't know but Mary and I communicate with without language nice to meet you you people got rats that's Leon our dog that's a dog yeah even though he only eats cat food last time I saw something like that was in Africa they called it a warthog you were a bum in Africa Chris I've been a lot of places how'd you end up here how come you ask so many questions how how come you have a dent in your chin Chris dinner time see what's in the freezer let's see hey wait a minute where's the roast turkey you really want me to cook a turkey all right we've got Chicken tetr Salisbury steak fet of so and a Mexican dinner you can skip the tetrazini I'll eat the rest [Music] [Applause] [Applause] should we wake him up let him sleep get used to the place somebody better watch him what for to make sure he doesn't wake up and swipe the silverware I don't think we need to worry what are you all staring at you fell asleep you got a doggy bag no but we have a Brady Bunch lunch pail where's the little one she goes to bed at 8:30 what time is it almost 10:00 she I got to get moving what's your hurry somebody sees my boxes empty it won't be so easy to get get a back just a little thunder and lightning yeah but why go out in that when you can stay right here these are your golden years do you want to spin them in soggy cardboard well I don't want to spend them playing Grandpa which is something I know nothing about you don't have to know anything just pretend you're Joe Banks and and we'll take care of the rest okay you'll do it tonight I ain't making no promises after that all right come on you can sleep in our parents' room huh hey ain't you forgetting something what the other half of my Andy Jackson who's Andy Jackson the guy with his face on $20 bill oh [Music] think it'll be [Music] okay yeah for a night okay see you in the [Music] morning [Music] [Music] oh two stinks no toilet can't get much fancier than [Music] that well well well what will they think of next an indoor [Music] ouse [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you doing just checking the silverware's still here good so is he yeah what's the guy doing in there he's not the guy he's Grandpa and whatever he's is doing I hope he's enjoying [Music] it our dad was about your size you sleep okay mhm bet it beats that box M especially in the rain [Music] mm it's like I said there's nothing to this Grandpa gig you just chill do what you like and we take care of the rest mhm so um you think you might like to try it for good oh you don't have to decide this minute just stick around today and we'll talk tonight okay mhm great nice talking to you anytime Mrs Brewster is going to be here any second you got everything you need uh-huh great hey give me that give me [Music] that what's with him he doesn't like that guy wearing Dad's shirt neither do I Chris it's a shirt good morning it's Mrs be here give it to him I'll get rid of [Music] her this is my dad's not exactly my style yeah it's clean I think this is really crazy but we don't want him to leave so he stays here while we're in school he could wipe us out if he's such a thief why did he save us from those punks that was the bus fair this is the whole bus look if he's going to be our grandpa we better find out if we can trust him fine then you tell Mary the grandpa stole her Teddy roxin we don't tell Mary anything especially the truth you mean we let her think he really is our grandpa why not it makes her happy besides she's 7 years old she could blow the whole thing I'm telling you something's weird about the guy look at Leon I'm not taking advice from a dog who eats Kitty [Music] bit [Music] it's okay Leon it's only me with the groceries Leon I got a nice thick bone for you he that you want to feat it Leon Leon Where Are [Music] You Leon Leon come [Music] on what are you doing in the bathroom here's the bone I Prest okay see you [Music] later lady they're all your [Music] come on hurry up Joe Joe Joe Joe okay I'll check upstairs I'll check the backyard I'll check the silver [Applause] [Music] overwar you know an old guy named Joe yes sir is he okay he's fine he's in [Music] jail you see the park is my be and Joe is one of my regulars so when I see him wearing new clothes I asked where'd he get him he said from his grandkids but he can't remember where they live so I figure he stole the stuff and then when I Pat him down I found this car in one of the pockets your dad's uh-huh well I figured that's where he C the clothes so I set a car he didn't steal them at all did he Grandpa Grandpa Joe why don't you tell me you had such terrific grandchildren I keep my family life private we should have told you we did steal our clothes and leave you in there to run why'd you run out on us like that you want the clothes back take them they bring me nothing but trouble I'm leaving the way I came leaving yeah if you leave they'll split us up we go into foster homes find somebody else there lots of guys who love this gig finny thought you'd like a ride that's great right grandpa yeah great so Grandpa this the first time you ever rode in a police car uh-huh yeah without [Music] handcuffs okay go around front okay come on come on come on go come on go go go hey Mrs B what's for [Music] [Applause] dinner Leon knock it off we'll come and get you as soon as she's gone it's a game Mary we're playing can go seek with Mrs Brewster Chris come on where we [Music] going it's your room not bad it's quite a collection you've got [Music] here Leon doesn't get [Music] jealous they're folks huh they look happy you know wherever they are I bet they'd like you to be happy [Music] too well I got to get going get ready for dinner you to hey thanks for inviting me in see through piggy bank you're asking for trouble kid for all the pennies I'll bet your brother Nick owes [Music] you are you sure you can handle this no problem well okay see you in the oh I almost forgot Nick Holly open house at school tomorrow night want me to take you I would and so would I but we're going with the friend oh all right have fun too bad we lost her as a guardian we could have gotten away with murder okay let's go oh no you can't go to open house like this why not you have to change we gave you a whole closet full of dad's clothes to try on I could put on everything in that closet and those people are still not going to believe I'm your grandpa sure they will and if they do so what so if we can pull it off with our teachers we can pull it off with anyone I never said I wanted to pull it off at all look all you have to do is shave I shaved two days ago and put on a suit and tie a suit and tie I haven't worn a suit since Truman was President Truman who maybe you should talk to his teachers you don't have to talk to anyone just look nice and smile at people smiling ain't my thing he has a p Point here now what's wrong with any of this I ain't wearing a suit and tie especially a tie that has little ducks on it like this oh come on won't you just try on these please I think they're cute I don't wear [Music] cute man you are stylist what's the matter you couldn't afford the sleeves it looks great yeah I could get a job as a stoplight okay maybe something duller hi Mary you ready for bed we're picking out some of dad's clothes for Grandpa to wear to our school [Music] tonight okay how about this hold it if you wanted somebody like that why did you pick somebody like this certainly not for your wardrobe no we picked you because because you saved Our Lives we thought we could trust you so if I put on a tie with little ducks on it that'll change me to somebody else I guess not so if I want I can go like this there are homeless Grandpa lots of them they're not all bums okay but you might get some looks I'm used to that well let's go this is going to be great homeless Joe meets the PTA well what's this you like this all right come on get out of here so I can change but you said I said putting on the suit ain't going to change who I am okay sure sure and here's a pair of loafers that'll look great with the suit forget it I ain't wearing no loafers what's wrong with loafers too easy for somebody to steal them off your feet I'm glad you're on the scene Mr bangster I've been very worried about Nick oh why is that the terrible trauma he's suffered from this tragedy he has oh yes his gravs have taken a nose dive and they weren't all that good to begin with I had a hunt but I want you to know that even though he's failing in several of his subjects we're going to uh take care of this semester you're passing mhm I mean he tries poor boy his mind isn't on his work why should it be if he doesn't have to do it they are look I didn't know Nick and Holly had a grandfather I was away 37 years in the maritime service Hol is an exceptional student Nick on the other hand ought to go to Sea like you running a ship takes brains too I would know I always get seasick on boats I know the feeling happens to me in classrooms really make you sick no it was more of an allergy where's Nick goofing off somewhere there he is who are the other guys Nick's new friends they're seniors they look like they're in the circus you're right they should be in cages hey Nick come on hey grbs you're doing great everybody's buying it hey Holly hi carry I'll be right back okay I got a note from Rick today I think he likes me oh wow I uh talked with Mr Edwards he said you're flunking everything but he's going to pass you anyway yeah I've got him thinking I'm slipping off the deep end pretty slick huh yeah pretty slick you keep that up and I can give you some valuable career guidance yeah about what about how to be a bum what a slam duunk hey Chris is Mary in bed uh-huh so what happened they loved him he was hot the guy's a natural born Grandpa you sure you haven't done this before yeah and I ain't so sure I ever want to do it again these shoes are killing me at least nobody stole them off your feet that's because I stayed away from those two guys you're hanging around with do they wear their hair like that because it's the style or are they being punished Oh you mean the bad news bozos at least my friends aren't weird you don't call all those two guys weird no way they're totally cool you want to know what weird is sleeping in a box now that's weird not half as weird is telling people that the guy sleeping on the box is your grandpa ooh what a burn this is Nick make it quick oh hi Mr Merkel huh yeah he showed up about 2 days ago oh how did you know oh oh she did you're on your way over to meet him uh he's not here right now he went to the market said he'd be back around 10 right they'll be over in an hour who Mr Merkel and Miss Collins who are they our lawyer and social worker she got a call from Mrs Spruce asking about our grandpa oh I knew she'd make trouble I'm just going to grab my gear and what are you doing this is what we've been waiting for the Moment of Truth truth yeah and they're going to find out we're not telling it who says they'll ask questions and I don't have the answers we've got 60 Minutes you only had one wife and kid right so how much is there to remember okay you were born in 1920 when was our real Grandpa born it's on Dad's birth certificate here it is May 13th 1919 close enough suppose they check simple you tell them that when you join the maritime service you Chang your last name to Whitaker changed your birthday changed everything so you couldn't be traced good thing you changed your clothes here these are the Articles you read about what about our parents that's how you found us any pictures of your grandma back then right here that's her and Dad just after he was born that's the woman I left uh-huh must have been out of my my mind so after the war ended I decided to stay in the maritime service worked my way up to boson after 37 years at Sea I retired in ' 84 big mistake why is that well all those years at Sea not having a family you never remarried nope anyway on land retired I was lost I had nothing to do so I started drinking I Woke Up 3 years later in the gutter and dead broke how tragic you still drink no ma'am I got myself clean and stayed that way but I had taken my pension in a lump Su and it was gone so there I was sober penniless and 67 years old been out on the streets ever since and you've been living all those years as Joe Whitaker it's hard to remember ever being anybody else do you have any identification well I got uh Social Security in my union card well these prove you're Joe Whitaker they don't prove you were ever Joe Bankston it's hard to prove that you're somebody you spent so much time trying to forget that's true of course it would be helpful if there's some sort of physical evidence that proves your Joe Bankston yeah oh I do have something here I know it ain't much it's a picture of Joe Jr my son their dad well it's a photograph of a baby but wait a minute let me see that I don't believe it olly what are you doing this picture it's like a piece of a puzzle I here I knew I'd seen it look look at this this it's a fit yeah it's a perfect fit that's a picture of our grandma grandma always said she didn't know how it got torn I did it the night before I left the only reminder that I had a son a I'll tell you I asked you for some physical evidence and I sure got it well Mr bankson now what are your plans call me Joe well from the way these kids talk it seems like they could use a Grandpa I'd like to try and keep this Bunch together those articles about their parents' death were published over 3 months ago why did it take you so long to come forward well where I was living they didn't deliver the paper to your door every morning I had run out on their dad I was not too sure how they'd feel about me I want him to stay and so does Mary yeah I guess in spite of what he did to Dad I'd like to give him another chance Chris sure grandpas don't jump out of a box every day well if that's how you all feel I guess I can support it all right grandpa excuse me now Joe may be your grandfather but that alone does not determine guardianship why not by his own admission he deserted his family he never tried to contact his son he spent most of his life at sea he's 69 years old he was an alcoholic and for the last 2 years he's been homeless but we want him to stay he's our grandpa nevertheless I'm afraid that based on his history I'm going to have to recommend to the children's court that he not be appointed Your Guardian I'm [Music] sorry I can't believe it they won't let our own grandpa be our Guardian our very own flesh and blood not really they don't know that I told you it wouldn't work I better just take off you're not taking off ever but if Miss Collins says he's not qualified that doesn't mean anything yeah Nick's not qualified to be our brother but here he is Mr Merkel said we could fight it in court and that would take about six weeks so we've gotten until then to prove that he is qualified to be our Guardian how about it I'm still not sure I want this job but I don't like to be told I can't handle it by some high futin broad all right broad too rough too sexist and too nice [Music] come on Joe move it we've got to get you in shap we don't want to go to court with the rundown Grandpa 37 minutes 10 seconds you've got work to [Music] do me on got oh [Music] yeah okay let's get back for here you go what's this tomato soup with no salt and why aren't we eating salt we are you're not no salt but I gave up sugar eggs bacon don't you want to be healthy I am healthy I've never had a sick day in my life so I taste of [Music] this I'd rather drink fish water you can't too many [Music] carcinogens Grandpa you ever been to mambasa you mean mambasa yeah that's it yeah a couple of times when I lived in Nairobi you lived in Nairobi Africa Nairobi is not a Seaport what were you doing there curiosity killed the cats you know yeah good thing I'm a kid so there was uh what someone there was she beautiful whoa who said it was a woman did you love her [Music] I don't remember oh I'm sure there's one thing I do remember though what's that you're supposed to be doing your homework now get to it gramp sometime will you tell us about her [Music] who [Music] what's this I thought we were going for tacos you get your tacos I just want to throw you around what' you do buy a boat oh I work [Music] here you work here since when for the last couple of days if you're working how you going to take care of us part time while you're in school come on [Applause] [Music] hey did you see that earring gnarly man I'd love one of those I think it's stupid you think everything's stupid no she usually thinks everything is gross that could go either way a Gramps you're just oldfashioned why because I don't want to drill a hole in my ear if there was a chance of hitting oil maybe otherwise you're got to love pain or else you're just playing weird come on I'll show you where I [Music] work I don't get it what do you need to work for what do you want me to do sit in the house with Leon all day discussing what to fix for dinner I need to get out see people talk to grown-ups you sound just like a mom besides I like working then why'd you become a bum sometimes life gets you down if you ain't got a reason to get back up so now you must have a reason yeah so I don't have to watch any more soap [Music] operas 33 flat and you're not even breathing hard what Leon's problem too much salt in this cat food come [Music] on Jo speaking Mr bankton this is John Reed Christopher's principal uh-huh I'm afraid we've got a little problem here what's that well tears 2 in long you see we don't allow the long dangling earrings for safety and health reasons now I told Chris he could use a stud type earring but he said to me that persons who wear studs are DeWees I'm afraid I have no choice but to suspend if you could hold up on that I'll be right over I'm sure we can work it out if not we might just have to rip it out [Music] yes ah Mr Bankston good send him right in thank [Music] you Mr Reed Joe Bankston I think I figured out what this earring business is all about you see I wear an earring too you do I hadn't noticed but now that you mention it it's uh very colorful when Chris lost his folks he had nobody then I show up and I it I'm all he's got so he wants to be like me oh to emulate you you're right earrings were a tradition in my family we come from a long line of seafaring men all the way back to John Paul Jones oh you were in the Navy he was in the maritime service 37 years I was a bosen maybe you'd like me to talk to the kids sometime about my experiences oh would you Mr bankson the kids love things like that be happy to now uh why don't I just take Chris home and we'll settle this thing between us good idea when I'd appreciate it if you didn't mention this to anybody like Miss Collins because sometimes the ladies don't understand [Music] if I had known you were so interested in family tradition I'd have given you my grandfather's [Music] watch what's the matter with you the hearing's in one week and you have to act like a jerk if you'd have gotten suspended that would have been it joe'd be gone we'd all be gone I think you wants us to be in foster homes I do not and who are you calling a jerk what about the Stoners and freaks you're hanging out with what if Miss Collins found out about that I'm not the one getting suspended we've got a wait till the hearing so lack out okay okay come in so how's it going okay what's that alcohol so it won't get infected you want some okay [Music] where'd you get this bought it where'd you get yours same place they punched the hole oh I got you this Mr Reed said you could wear it if you had to have an earring you mind if I don't wear it no problem but thanks and for getting me out of trouble kid there were a few times in my life when I told the whole world to go take a flying leap too you know what it did right on top of me you dig that yeah I think [Music] so boy when you walked in that office I couldn't believe it I bet your principal couldn't either yeah he freaked well I'll see you later okay oh yeah what's a bosen he's kind of the boss on the ship oh and are you really related to John Paul Jones only when I wear an earring so what do you know about John Paul Jones isn't he the guy who said I have not yet begun to fight yeah hey maybe we are [Music] related [Music] m Mr bankson seems like a nice man and I know the children care for him but as my report States I feel that there are issues that are more important such as age and previous history and for those reasons I believe custody should be denied I presume there is someone here to speak on Mr bankston's behalf I your honor as a friend of the family and executive of the estate I believe Joe bangad should be named legal guardian so's older what's the point of being with someone younger if it means we have to be split up I guess Miss Collins is good at her job but she doesn't know what it's like to one day have nobody and the next have a grandpa who really cares about you and she's not the one who has to go live with strangers I think he's doing a good job I mean four kids that's not so easy especially with someone like my brother Nick your honor Mary is unable to speak because of a hysterical Neurosis brought on by your parents' death you have the medical report to that effect I do Mr Merkel Mr Bankston is in excellent Health alert good muscle tone cardiovascular system functioning well and remarkable Vision the results show Mr Bankston to be emotionally well adjusted and without any significant personality disorders he is also a very sound sleeper we live across the street we see what goes on there every day if you could see what we see you'd know that Joe Bankston really cares for these kids I'm sure that Joe Bankston is a decent man but miss Collins whose Duty it is to protect the children of this county has a different opinion and recommendation a recommendation that is difficult for me to rule against therefore I am Mr Bankston what are you doing I know what you're going to say I don't have to hear it [Music] Grandpa wa Grandpa don't [Music] go grandpa I love [Music] you as I was saying it is difficult to rule against Miss Collins but not impossible therefore I am awarding probation AR custody of these children to their grandfather Joe Bankston the operative word here is probationary Miss Collins you will monitor the situation and report to me once a month [Music] yes and if anyone's still interested this hearing is closed yeah Mr bankson I hope you prove me wrong I'll be seeing [Music] [Applause] you we did it I can't believe it we're staying together in our own house nobody's ever telling us what to do again ever yeah we're going to do it right just like Mom and Dad hey GRS still haven't figured out how to use the microwave huh my watched US 10 after 11 great I haven't missed Johnny's monologue you haven't missed mine either on school night you're supposed to be home by 10:00 look Grandpa you're doing a great job at this and we really appreciate it but don't you think maybe you're starting to take it a little too seriously we made a deal 10:00 on school nights what do you care when I get home I got a call from school today you got an F on two tests algebra and English yeah but think about it I'll never use algebra and I already speak English so enjoy your Weenie Roast and let me worry about school okay Mary open the door no if you're late for your piano lesson I'm not taking you to the park I don't want you to take me what's going on Mary's locked herself in her bedroom she won't go to her pianoist I don't want hi to walk me I want to go alone that's stupid you can't go alone every Saturday I walk to her lesson and afterward I take her to the park to ride the Margo around well it sounds like a good deal to me it's okay do you like me arounds yeah if they don't go too fast can you do it huh I'll go to my piano listen if you take me well what about your sister here she always tells the teacher if I didn't practice take her it's fine with me but this is something you guys do together every week so you don't think there were a million things I'd rather be doing on a Saturday than babysitting okay get your stuff yay you're sure you don't mind why would I I'm not her mother you know but you're the next best thing to it I guess not anymore Grandpa uhhuh Mommy and D went to heaven right that's right when I die I go to heaven you bet well if mommy and daddy died when they were 45 and I don't die till I'm 80 I get to heaven why be older than them um would you like to be old that would be weird yeah well I'll read up on it and get back to you thanks Grandpa sure you know you were kind of rough on your sister this morning I was uh-huh me I hurt her feelings I think so gee I didn't know I could do that just a d I'm looking for I need you to sign this quick come on Gramps you don't have to read it I got to get back back where slamburger slamburger I've got a job starting tomorrow only I need you to sign it so I can get a work permit what do you need a job for I want to start saving money so I can buy a car when I'm 16 you bring your grades up and I'll sign what do grades have to do with getting a job slamburger is okay when you're 13 but if you don't improve your grade you'll still be there on your 40 slamming Burgers you're not going to sign it nope I don't believe this I've created a monster Grandpa what if I don't go to heaven what if I go to hell don't you worry honey your older brother will be there to look after you this your dad's signature my grandpa's he's my guardian okay tomorrow 400 p.m. sharp great I'll be [Music] here where are you going to put that it's 10 ft long it is not and I'll keep in my aquarium tank you already have lizards in your aquarium tank survival of the fittest that is primitive it's the law of the Jungle we don't live in the jungle have you been in Nick's room lately there isn't anything in Nick's room that could eat our little sister two kids ready did you get Leon's fleas spray yep you're sure you don't want to keep the fleas and get rid of Leon Grandpa can I get a pet no you're not Grandpa it's a snake 10 ft long 5 ft and it could be my birthday present oh no hold on a minute don't you already have some slimy things yeah but not a boa constrictor that's a Bo constrictor yeah isn't he pretty pretty dangerous if you have ask me nobody ask you I've got $83 of my own the rest can be my birthday present well if that's what you really want but I already told him he couldn't have it you're not in charge of me grandpa is well if that's what he wants to spend his money on and I don't have to look at it all right fine just get them whatever they want that's a great way to raise children where you going to get a snake bite kid foas don't bite they strangle [Music] satisfied He's Still Still Still crawling okay stand back I'll get him toss a mouse into there first so he won't be hungry e gross forget it with our luck the mouse will get loose too ew glose this will take care of him ant and roach spray that could kill him love of the Jungle remember it'll probably just make him nauseous just what we need a sick snake I told you this would happen but no you wouldn't listen to me no reason to start now then is there it's for [Music] me I see something is it him not unless he turned into a green baloney sandwich gr what's gross what are you doing here my job I hope I'm not interrupting lunch oh no no we were just uh we're looking for Hugo Hugo uh yeah Hugo Hugo that's uh Mary's favorite Teddy Bear right Mary is it a flying Teddy big oh do you have cold hands how big is it Anyway here this side yeah well maybe it's over here no he's he's not under there we already looked oh no what I haven't seen Leon maybe hug go ate him Leon Leon the teddy bear ate your dog no she's got it all mixed up Leon ate Hugo the dog ate the teddy bear well he's got this thing for sawdust it's Leon Leon did you eat Hugo Leon e Hugo he might have eaten something he shouldn't but not a five foot snake snake Hugo is a snake uh-huh and he has a face like this you have a 5ft snake loose in this house it could bite somebody it doesn't bite it strangles I suppose you think this is funny that depends on who he's strangling later GRS wait a minute where you going with with my friends the guys on the bikes yeah I want to meet them a come on Gramps you haven't met them yet Grandpa what about Hugo yes a reptile large enough to eat small children interesting thought be right back okay you want to meet him uh-huh the one in the front's Mike and the other one's Jerry guys this is my grandpa okay later That's Mike and Jerry and that's all we know about them they drive motorcycles it's not what I call close supervision what did you have in mind finding out who they are what they're like well I know what they're like they're trouble and you let Nick hang around with him well so far he hasn't messed up when he does the part's over why don't you do something about it before he gets into trouble look some kids you tell them things they listen others got to learn the hard way for somebody who's never been around kids you certainly seem to know a lot about them how many kids have you got I am not the one responsible for raising this family thank you but from what I've seen here today what you're going to take them away from me no but I will be around good maybe you can help us find [Music] Hugo I sure I'm hungry grandpa I guess all that exercise worked up an appetite so you want to get something to eat yeah can we go to slamer how do you know about slam Burgers Grandpa that's where everybody goes I hate going where everybody goes how if I say are you sure you're only [Music] six hi Joe hey P hi Mary hello Mr booster hey you just missed Nick he got off 5 minutes ago what do you mean got off got off work he was only here till 3: today well better get these Burgers home while they're still greasy see you I'll see you grandpa is this work in here not for [Music] long [Music] 85 86 87 there you go thank you Grandpa yeah how can you turn the lady that your name was next just a little joke oh how come she didn't laugh I guess you didn't get it I get it want that he ought to get quite a kick out of it [Applause] yeah hello Mr Bankston this is Marie Lewis Car's mom Holly's friend what's wrong she what she ran away where'd you go I'll be right there come on what's the matter Mr bangston uh-huh how's it going come on [Music] in [Music] what do you [Music] want I've come to take you home [Music] do you want to talk about this I am never speaking to you again for the rest of my life was it because I took Mary to her piano list because I let Chris have a snake because of that big Coy crawling around the top of your head now she sound like I used to sound [Music] out [Music] great driving Mike hey peasant what's for dinner y roast turkey great just have a tray sent up to my room I wish I could then I wouldn't have to watch you make a gravy Lake in your mashed potatoes oh man that is really scorching I still can't figure out how he gets his pece to float what are you doing in here we need to talk what about I found those in your drawer what were you doing in there you don't have any right to be searching my room sui right now I want to hear about this hey anybody could have put those in my drawer so we've got ourselves a mystery maybe we should call the cops cops okay the truth is they belong to a friend of mine I was just keeping them for him what's his name why I want to return them it's uh too late he uh moved away and suppose they were mine what's the big deal I didn't say it was a big deal did I no so how long you been using it a kid at school gave me one after my folks were killed I just smoke them every once in a while what's a while a week a day an hour depends whenever I need one need one you need this stuff I don't mean like I'm addicted no like I didn't need a drink when I was an alcoholic come on it's not heroin or crack there's nothing wrong with the smoke every now and then there isn't huh no I mean it doesn't even affect me except you know to relax me oh it's a good thing huh yeah as long as you don't smoke too much maybe you're right you know more about this stuff than I do maybe there ain't anything wrong with it so can I have him back I've got a better idea where are you going m is as good as you say it is I think you ought to share it Mary go tell your Grandpa it's time to carve are you still not talking to him that is correct it's also stupid wait a sec what are you doing if it makes you feel good and there's nothing wrong with it I think we should all try some what kids these are Nick's marijuana cigarettes Nick no wonder he's brain damaged I don't think you're going to heaven Nick says there's nothing wrong with this stuff right right but that doesn't so I figured we'd all try some before dinner and see now how do you get one of these things going are you crazy what's the matter I don't want them smoking that you're smoking it that's different why I I'm I'm older you could get arrested for this that's right it's against the law what if it doesn't hurt you honey get me a match with you no they're not going to smoke that I don't want to smoke it me nether I'll try one Chris why don't you want him to try it it's not good for him then how come it's good for you okay you made your point are you going to stop yeah I'll stop if you guys don't start but that still doesn't excuse you from searching my room I didn't I was putting B back in the drawer what were you doing with this I closed your account I'm the only one who can do that you forged my name I forged yours kind of evens out doesn't it you took my money you get it back as soon as your grades improveed you think you can just come in our house and treat us like this you're the one who invited me it was a stupid idea bringing some dead beat bum in off the street I should have known don't need to rip us off that's not a nice way to talk to your grandpa he's not don't Mary do me a favor all right you go on up to your room I'll come and get you in a little while if I knew if that was the favor I would not said yes you were wrong to forge my name you were wrong to use marijuana you do wrong you pay that's the way I ran my crew that's the way I'm running this house you see I told you he was going to change everything now do you believe me do you think he's right Holly no I think he's a jerk to be smoking that stuff but you had no right to search his room that's that's unconstitutional for cops not for our grandpa you're not our grandpa you're a guy we gave a job and I don't like the way you're doing it it is that the way you feel Holly yes Chris how about you fine I travel light my napsack and my self-respect oh here it's your money you tell Mary tell her what you want what are you doing I don't stay where I'm not welcome it's time to be moving on Nick he's leaving that's what you wanted wasn't it he was going to stay and we'd all be together but no you two have to screw up everything Chris Chris will be back what about Grandpa he's not our grandpa if he's not what happens to us [Music] did you find him no there was somebody else living in the box where can he be come [Music] on I know maybe he went down to the dock where he works yeah we better go hey what it's [Music] Chris Chris is Chris where are you going we'll give you a ride forget it I'm going with Joe he's not here wherever he is I'll find him Chris come back and we'll help you oh sure I've seen the way you help Chris go [Applause] [Music] no how's he doing well he wakes up for a few seconds but then he drifts off again that's the anesthesia he'll come around soon if you need me just buzz thanks quiet boy Leon Joe how is he where were you how'd you know I went back to the house to say goodbye to Mary and Pete was there he told me how is he he's got a simple fracture of the right leg a slight concussion and some cuts and bruises but he's he's going to be okay I'm glad you're here I need to call Pete hey pal you're going to be okay grandpa I couldn't find you or Hugo yeah well I'm here did you come back to make sure that you're okay I'm not now but I'm going to be that's [Music] good hi Chris what's that that's how they feed me how do you taste it you take good care of him where you going Grandpa you remember on the way over I told you I had to go away for a while how come Nick and Holly can explain that better than me now you take care of yourselves and look after each other where is he where's [Music] grandpa [Music] grandpa is Chris all right he woke up and wanted to know where you were I didn't just have to tell him we don't want to we want you to come back what was the vote 4 to one one Leon you know when I first said yes to this crazy idea I thought maybe it'll fly I'll just chill out and lay back and everybody will do his own thing but it doesn't work that way not not with me isn't there some way it could work one way I'm the captain of the ship when I give the order I don't want to hear you're not our real grandpa or we picked you up out of the gutter I'm sorry about that that's not how I feel I was just angry me too I didn't mean to take it out on you you know we need you the world is full of bums even if we could do that even if we didn't need anybody I'm not ready to run things we want you back to be our grandpa our real Grandpa and Captain I just hope you'll be reasonable if you have any doubt about that I've got a hole in my ear to [Music] proven [Music] Neon [Music] okay that bright one up there is the North Star now you just follow it to the right Nick that's that way you're so weird you see the outline of the handle and the pots that's the Little Dipper oh yeah it's like connect the DS what's that bright one over there that looks like it's moving a Boeing 747 oh what an eclipse like you know a lot about astronomy hey I know n my Pisces that's astrology don't bother me with details Grandpa did you ever wish upon a star no but I spent a lot of nights at Sea using those babies to figure out where I was and where I was going bet you thought you'd never end up here that's for sure what's he crying about he wants to go inside so do I what I thought we were camping out tonight I can't get comfortable with my cast it is kind of hard yeah my reception stinks when I was homeless I used to sleep out all the time yeah cuz you had to hey it's not such a bad life we got the sun in the morning the moon at night traveling around the country meeting interesting people let me tell you something being homeless ain't all that bad in fact being homeless is the pits come on let's go inside all right I'm watching on the big TV hey that's no fair I get the big TV I have a yeah you want to try for two that's real bad ni picking on somebody with a crutch I hate D too much violence Grandpa come on [Music] [Music] Monday night you better clean up your act cause Al's writing dirty letters on an all new Al then Mark and Willie have a double disappointing double date on an all new Hogan Family Monday night I'm Tom Broker join me for a rare intimate portrait of the president on the job go behind the scenes and spend a day in the life of the White House in NBC News special [Music] Wednesday [Music] oh
Channel: nobodysmurf
Views: 953,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Robert Mitchum, A Family For Joe, 1990, chris furrh, maia brewton, jarrad paul, jessica player, tv movie, television movie, tv pilot, tv pilot movie, family movie, Television Film (TV Genre)
Id: wkUGOhboe2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 51sec (5571 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2013
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