Deltarune Memes 17

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we're just normal men what do you mean normal men we're just innocent men [Music] I haven't brushed my teeth in two weeks my criminal record is longer than Rousey's manual and my diet is compromised with merely chalk moss and apple scented shampoo [Music] Ed one of our glasses but I forgot which one the way this dinner is going I hope it's mine I am imprisoned in this world again I really Envy you envy you come on can't we all be friends I can get you a nice cup of tea and we can I'm sending you to the timeout Dimensions dissatisfactory stability no apparent reaction [Music] s yeah I have nothing on this this guy's guilty I'm just stalling for time and then he turns himself into a pickle and he calls himself pickle Rick it's the funniest [ __ ] I've ever seen Chris he'll watch it with me right Chris okay Chris do not call me that I turn myself into a pickle Morty a pickle Rick however since the introduction of gen 7 Flareon isn't a long time hey don't worry about your ex-wife asgore I'll look after her for you why are you like this evil gang evil gang evil gang I love you I love you too bro evil gang evil gang evil gang [Music] that's Showbiz baby right now no bad stupid mood hush you'll be in my arms soon enough we can watch car crash videos and kiss [Music] hey what are you doing [Music] oh I'm just [ __ ] tossing bikes into the river bro show us your face you're looking at it [Music] thinking about the time I was struggling to open my water bottle and Akai I had spoken to maybe three times came up to me and went let me help you and then proceeded to struggle to open the bottle I would have fallen in love right then and they're not gonna lie accept your vessel it is just as wonderful as you are which is very help me Chris I have lung cancer there's only one way out of this Rousey we have to cook I hate this image with a burning [ __ ] passion a guy [ __ ] walked into work dressed in these I am the height of fashion Bismarck is the capital of North Dakota but Fargo is the largest city in the state of talking about states do you want to go to the Cyber Grill sure hang on [ __ ] you royal royal hates me and I didn't even murder any kids this time all my kids are gonna make so many [ __ ] friends it's pride month Chris you know what that means huh what do you want us to like go to gay or Dark Worlds what are you mad nope are you mad nope a terrible Calamity would occur Rousey the motorcycles coming oh my god he has headphones on he can't hear us oh my God please wait for assistance oh my so you're dressing up as each other how sweet you look great but it's not very scary I'll show you and whoa who's Edward I want to be the first trance mask absent father it's okay to ask for help you're not a bird and your feelings matter Noel go ploof the neighbor kid dad come on Chris has been lonely ever since Azrael left [Music] all right now time for the evil and sad one we do love and the evil and sad one whoa [Music] that love hurts it from the angel and fix the damage that's been done [Music] have you forgotten which one of us is the fake one the angel is on your left your loved one is on your right [Music] cannot keep both of us alive only one of us truly matters the other is only a malicious copy I don't understand don't you want to save your world don't you want to avenge your loved one whom I stole everything from foreign [Music] Fighters short Dark Worlds gender neutral presentation Pottery problems eat raw Moss can't wait for breath of the wild too undershirt what was I thinking just now I still think you look cool this is the greatest plan hey Chris just wanted to check on how you're enjoying your room [Music] oh oh hey Rousey what's up you walk into the kitchen and I'm wearing gloves and goggles and wilderness today I learned it's possible to play guitar perfectly while shivering in Rage now that's a talent how are you hey what kind of art are you into green green Green damn dude are you a construction worker cause you are building building [Music] what does that mean mind your own business I'm not very evil some people call me sugar sweet boy what how what the [ __ ] what are you free high school dropouts up to now pray tell we're teaching Rousey how to swear of course you are Rousey say [ __ ] frick that's cute [ __ ] I'm adorable yo finally take a repair shop my components won't last long in this [Music] this please turn off my power I can't you think coming out as a mind-controlled non-binary kid is hard try telling people you are a game see how much acceptance you get from a tolerant left you're Fountain he spending I'm expecting are there any other spam tips I should know about meow how fast can you build a giant robot I have been waiting my whole life to hear those words oh my God she's killing thrash should we should we side fresh cakes chilling my baby baby congratulations you have seven chairs and ten children what do you do make everyone stand I will bring free chairs the top seven can sit down free hey as can I take one of your snacks I don't have anything to eat oh of course Cara my mom packed too much for me anyways take whatever you like monster chips with vitamin magic must be a monster thing what ah he will never be bowling [Music] Hey where's Chris tremble Betty the Platypus I invented the big shot in it Chris oh my gosh are you okay I can't believe they made you eat moss oh no that one was actually me what they've been trying to get me to stop Susie do you want to come play Mario Kart on my Nintendo DSi xltm with me I don't have one that's okay you can borrow my spare DS Lite and Chris come okay that's fine why the hell can I only play as a little mask guy I wanted to play as the big turtle Chris how are you going so fast you're cheating aren't you Chris is your new dog vaccinated be next me next wanna buy a limited edition Pokemon style hydro pump beam of pissed um Chris why are you digging for trash looking for items oh sweet you dug through the trash and found an analog pocket how lucky analog pocket was added to your key items always wanted one of those flowey great news I have found a cool new game that is extremely puzzle-like here I brought it I think you'll find it very fulfilling like I wanna play some board game with you go find an idiot who cares you're intimidated by my puzzle solving prowess no need to worry my friend you know I'll give you a Fighting Chance uh first of all no those games live up to their name boring secondly I think I can beat you at some stupid game it's basically Kitty stuff anyways well it is a known rule that forfeiting means admitting defeat what do you not think you can beat me hey no if you really believe that I can I just don't do [Music] you dumb baby game for dumb babies I'll win just to show you how stupid this is [Music] ah okay yeah yep okay yeah murder huh okay yep so this is just what we're doing now huh yep yeah okay totally fine with this okay yep yeah okay yeah yep do you guys realize how messed up all this is my sister is dead she died right here right where we're standing dude cool it with that no one cares about your sister right now we almost died ourselves what's your opinion on gay marriage as far as I'm concerned all marriage is gay marriage but I believe you can do the right thing as long as you hold on to this my nipple your nipple all right all right the new news [Music] show up huh what a coincidence I recently Drew up some schematics for a ride of my own take a peep [Music] build this right now immediately you can't run from the truth any longer the culprit is well Chris you got it all you need to pin him down for good go ahead and put that creep back in the trash where he belongs oh have you know I'm the most in all of diversity so it has come to this after all it's all as you said I was the one who took his life I was never able to escape the burden of being a puppet okay for gym class today we're going to learn how to square dance like a bunch of cowboys the Cookie Monster pajama pants white trash girl and the most suicidal autistic Envy will be going first guess who likes you Fred you better not be flushing bath bombs down the toilet again hi Chris I'm back from uh [Music] uh you don't have to learn how to make face yes I do yes I do it's the thing because bagels are so difficult if I can make bagels I can make anything guys check out what I can do imma deal with my legs next God I wish that would mean I'm so happy Valentine's Day is over so lame yeah hey Chris thinking what I'm thinking check it out it's my mom's favorite brooch hey Chris what did you bring for show and tell [Music] oh the suffering that comes from desire think about it girl thank you [Music] this message goes out to the group of teenagers who left at me at the mall today asriel isn't around to carry you anymore you have to get up Chris what you don't want me to carry you to smart kind sweet s we couldn't ask for a better daughter I just wish she wasn't so defenseless I can't be there to protect her keep an eye out for her okay okay Golden Hair stereo she is a light but lately she slips into the darkness Chris you walk among the dark protect her from Susie no problem [Music] hmm [Music] no no no this isn't this town this this world this isn't how it's supposed to be hello papyrus I'm so glad I could make this connection would you like to help me turn things back to how they're supposed to be I thought coming to a new town with only monsters would be good perhaps after [Music] whatever happened back then so far Pax hasn't left the house but no matter what I'll make sure nothing like that ever happens again see neither King nor Queen can compare to you meal for your power he's right everywhere I open a fountain even royalty seems to idolize me I'm giving them oh oh after all this time does that mean I'm finally I'm finally popular heck yeah oh it's hot what's taking Noel so long yeah she Chris where are you going stay there stay here in the heat while you run off to the lake what the heck [Music] I got a double pack so we could share but all the good flavors are sold out but you're not picky huh you know I'm still holding it right Noel arrived immediately after sorry how come let you have two plushies like a military combat and I am the brave General you are all foot soldiers fighting in the tranches crunches trenches I'm sending you both on a mission into enemy territory and I don't expect either of you to return welcome on Noel come on hurry up yeah this thing's a piece of [ __ ] let's go do something else yeah hold back give me chicken pot pie hey you squeezy little mouse go get it you're sorry ass don't you talk down to me like that [ __ ] get out of my way you piece of [ __ ] [Music] my job here is done but he didn't do anything are you hungry have you been snitting in the celebration map your tappers are you stick per your Indies do you need to product Uncle go now are you tired break your time do a quick smash of your vitals are you fond do you need to reduct your plans if you have a trick Tock are you good or too drinking if you need to break off a grinch or mend the bottle go to that now I hope this helps and I hope your wonderful day fighting yes and if you spare your enemies they may even become your friends doesn't that sound like a better idea than murder no ises Donatello fight man I'm hungry oh Chris how about you show Susie how to bake the pie sure [Music] well Susie dig in you should go first you're our guest please go ahead uh okay it's good really I'm glad you like it and for once I didn't have to do everything myself Chris sorry Chris always eats the entire pie without me what really always they even ate the pie I made last night Chris you've lost my crust and you really hurt my feelings oh and are you saying that [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Chris can walk me home ma'am I mean toriel oh my you're already that close [Music] you're quiet well yeah it was weird no wait I mean just sitting around a table eating the pie we made together even without your dad around it was like totally normal [Music] hey actually forget it I had fun today see you tomorrow Susie you can come over anytime [Music] hey Sans yo what's up bro you know how you always tell me to go outside you know well I did oh hey bud that's great yeah about that I think I did an oopsie what did you do um well I kind of broke the balance between realities more panicked if I wasn't this impressed how the hell did you even manage to do that uh you know long story do you think that townspeople will accept spaghetti as an apology well I guess it's worth a shot baby girl I have a tack pattern he wouldn't even dream of memorizing I know every bug by the way personally here comes the Lancer for my work which one is he again the guy that says things and you can never tell if it's a compliment or insult well well well someone smells like muffin mix downloading killing uploading pain instant thousand deaths to brain motherboard on murder spree blood computer Victory online chilling upload nice posts give life a little spice CPU is pure and true internet for me and you I think I'm acoustic want to learn to play an acoustic guitar where do I start I wanna make food for somebody I wanna throw a hand grenade in my toilet call me your poor little scrunkly Mimi boobsy meow meow one more time and I'm gonna start flying around really fast and the girl who's a gross dude I love men who are fancy ladies we are best friends we all desperately trying to escape the narrative I've engaged with it on a structural level and beginning to make it by home I'm recompeting the narrative as we speak [Music] Chris we need to have a serious discussion I have talked to our doctor and we both agree your recent eating habits cannot be good for your body and not to mention your teeth so they've given us two options either a you're getting braces to help suppress your urges or [Music] that's not true false proceed Chris likes birdly nobody likes birdly now stop interrupting my lesson Professor Alphas Chris did it again Chris this is the seventh week in a row you've opened a dark fountain in class what are you listening to burning men soul for Persona Trinity Seoul wanna listen check it out I'm in the house like carpet hey Chris you ever think how eating the rest of the class would work what I mean think about it we're monsters so like even if there is a real animal version of us we probably wouldn't taste the same uh-huh like I've tasted deer before doubt Noel would tastes the same oh you think about eating Noel a lot don't you stay on topic jackass okay so here's another thing to consider when eating your classmates Jesus Christ how would that even be possible what do you mean okay so when we monsters well uh die we turn to dust I I think that's how that works right so if they're dust then there would be no meat to harvest so honestly makes you wonder if that's even possible oh hey Noel what's that wanna sit with us hi sure thing you guys talking about if it's possible you fellow classmates and what conclusion have you reached basically would be impossible since any monster you kill would turn to dust before any meat is harvested hmm thinking Noel uh theoretically speaking you could slowly shave off bits and pieces while they're alive well what the what the what about this too you want Susie to eat you don't you stay on topic Chris I'm sorry what's that remorse code wow ing I got a beautiful car here four for you all I want is seven thousand dollars look at this [ __ ] seven thousand dollars for this car but it's got a slide dent in the back you give me seven thousand dollars all you gotta do is Queen gonna be here to see us perform I'm not certain but why do you sound so sad I don't really want to see her really and why is that well because she said we weren't friends anymore and she banned music back in cyber world it was a whole thing me and Captain KK started a revolution and everything huh what do you mean you banned music bro what you told swish here that you two were no longer friends and that you were outlawing music it's absurd assessing accusations yeah that's not true LOL yes it is in cyber world the night the night showed up and you decided it was your new best friend yeah that's still not true the Knight told me oh yeah okay sure maybe the Knight said that I didn't though Queen has informed me that music has been canceled please do not cross-reference this with her what what wait people call people hot because they make them feel physically hot looking at them oh yeah I can literally do whatever I want hello hello God damn it cakes hey okay bye now Rick that voice it didn't sound like Chris at all right that's what Susie thinks Noel is doing I don't know probably some nerd [ __ ] like studying hmm which one is gonna impress Susie not a good idea proceed this will not work can I take your order please I'll have two number nines a number nine large a number six with extra dip a number seven two number 45s one with cheese and a large soda I have a [ __ ] gun five Whoppers and five more Whoppers and will you Chris draymore take this darkner as your lawfully wedded husband what Chris I did not know you relationships the Throne of the Gods holy what the [ __ ] is this workout ready buddy too why the [ __ ] is he a catboy okay Chris now once you get all of my eggs I want you to make a kick-ass omelette got it Chris is it strange to say that it's nice spending time alone with you like this hearing you said that Chris I'm Jeff the Killer don't [ __ ] joke about that man don't do it you don't know what Jeff could do to you he's a killer you know read the Creepypasta that's not funny don't joke about that each time I tell you those free words I mean the more and more I eat bugs books are lame I bang rocks together for entertainment everything else is boring I'm just gonna start killing people babe your behavior was not iconic we have no choice but to cancel you to death babe dead left you in a way that kills you welcome to papyrus's newsletter here I will talk to you about my new sweater my new sweater and if time permits my you better you get her new Jitter you better no wrestling no no no no I mean my blue debtor of a brother [Music] Same by the way this newsletter is about me now butterflies in your stomach hmm that sounds pathetic and logical I have never felt them in my previous romantic interests for example Susie romance is just an elevated friendship Chris there is not a single butterfly I do know that not everyone has to be romantically attracted to others right [Music] put flour in a pot and carry him around in my fancy purse like the rich ladies do with their chihuahua dogs come on asriel say [ __ ] say [ __ ] ass real come come on metaton more like I met a ton of cool friends and he is one of them how can you reach heaven when you fear Heights [Music] you're right Chris the best way for me to be a prince is to sink my subjects into despair the darkness will unite their hope to take me down don't do it DOC people are gonna be sad sad backwards is dusk and dust not my problem you ask the fun gang how to win at War you emphasize the importance of superior Logistics reliable intelligence tactical precision and effective strategic deception to swiftly and efficiently Force the enemy to the negotiating table oh I don't think anyone can win anything in war but he absolutely must fight fighting because you love the ones behind you will always be a far more important motivator than fighting because you hate the ones in front of you Napalm [ __ ] Chris why did you want me to play this it's so ugly and the controls are so Jank not to mention them you you made everything [Music] you've been looking a little down no you like games you made it for me no one's ever made me a game before of course someone with my caliber deserves a million games made in his own Visage a man with the highest IQ of the club you talk about your IQ one more time you can't play the game anymore ah no I want to play LOL oh hi Chris hi please come in I assume you um want to use the piano yeah go ahead wait Chris is that a half dead two shirt it's Aziz oh yeah I forgot he used to play with he was into it did did you know there's a song in the game that's not in the soundtrack normally the game's pretty intense with you killing waves of aliens and stuff I was always too scared to look through huh but then there's this level with no enemies you just crossed this huge suspension bridge while a haunting piano song plays and the song's not on the OST for some reason at least not the playlist I found online I used to um watch Des I'd ask her to play that level over and over just so I could hear the sound in retrospect I was probably being really annoying but she always indulged me anyways um you can go play now sorry [Music] yo Chris I got a new video game song you should learn yeah so I've been playing half dead too Des got me into it and there's a song that isn't on the YouTube playlist for some reason look here it is in a let's play as he as real yeah this is Claire de Lune it's not in the playlist because it's a royalty-free recording of Clair de Lune what's that what do you mean what's that it's Clair de Lune Claire the what asriel do you not know what Claire de Lune is well sorry I haven't heard every bit of obscure Human music what do you mean obscure asriel is Claire de Lune by Claude Debussy what the what his name oh shut up look I don't care who made it I still think you should learn it I don't need to learn this one dude I already know it [Music] thank you [Music] check it out I'm in the house [Music]
Channel: L Void
Views: 177,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Deltarune, Deltarune 2, Deltarune Chapter 1, Deltarune chapter 2, Deltarune memes, Deltarune Comic, Deltarune Dubs, Deltarune Comic dub, Comic dub, Undertale, Undertale Comic dub, Undertale 2, Undertale meme, Spamton, Spamton neo, Spamton G Spamton, Gaster, WD Gaster, Funny, Meme, Sans, Sans Undertale, Deltarune 2 comic dub, Deltarune 2 comic, Deltarune Dub, Undertale Dub, Toby Fox, Tumblr, Reddit, Kris, Susie, analog horror, Sweepstakes, Gianni, gianni matragrano
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 31sec (2251 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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