A Dennis Clone?! | Dennis the Menace and Gnasher | Full Episode Compilation! | S04 E37-39 | Beano

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] the last time hi isn't an Omega flip power you can only use what's on the cards like laser strike volcano blast quick shake you know and the strongest power wins what about the power of costly pastry and mysterious beef filling nice card collection minis I don't know you were in soil mega flip thought you only played things without lasers like Chet's Oh laser chess would be awesome I appreciate a mega flip is a game of skill and strategy but I wouldn't expect you and your clothes to understand anything about that oh yeah me and my coat whatever you said so understand plenty No then you won't object to taking our Sun in a friendly game would you does it have to be friendly we'll each put our cards on the line winner takes all what cards have you got violin victory homework hammer swati strike Jordan is a very drunk do you accept my challenge or not of course I love games who wants to play snakes and ladders this Omega flute match worth our while if we win you'll do all our homework for a month and if I we will do all your homework for a month I don't think so no if we win you'll be our Butler's for a month whatever it doesn't matter cause you'll never beat us anyway so it's a great will battle at lunchtime tomorrow oh I do have one card the rarest most powerful cloud the reason there's only one in every million packs [Music] [Applause] [Music] better practice your Butler skill what are we gonna do none of our cars are anywhere near as good as the mega Omega ball Oh Walters right we might as well practice babe Butler's have what y'all bust bust upon shall appear you this isn't over we're gonna practice all right Otto mega Flip Wilson may have the best card behind the best player if I have five apples and King Alfred burnt the cakes how long put up the defense shield so we can all make a train find out how to fill a path using a thimble [Music] [Music] [Music] do you think you are doing hey keep those to me I have a special power of my own confiscation please we need our cards for a bigger mega flip battle tomorrow you should have thought of that before you started playing with them in my class can't believe mrs. creatures have got cards just because we were practicing I'll make a flip in a boring lesson yeah what's she gonna do with them anyway well wind whip tornado spin hmm if we're gonna beat waltz so we need more cards but not just any cards we need a mega Omega ball of our own no she's gonna help us if one out everybody [Music] don't suppose you take a pie in exchange for a pack of Omega flip cards No so how are we gonna beat balsa without any cards like did you say water I want all the Omega flip cards you have don't forget the ultra rare ones don't just lie there pick them up that kid makes my life a misery whenever he comes in right we over stopped on some packs so you can have these they're not the best but even the weakest cards can be effective if you work together right let's see what we've got um duck dive drizzle dog breath okay our only hope is this last card we still haven't bore any decent cards wait it's still one option left the trade who's gonna trade for these we have no choice Curley my smells like beets your bunnyhop I hear you have a spare squirrel slum card to swap it for not one but two cards for my super amazing game-winning Coleco deal Dennis everyone knows creature has your deck I suspect whatever pitiful hand you managed to scrape together so far won't even be worth my goats glare card come on angel face don't you want this dog-breath card you may not realize but it can be very useful in battle against um against against the power of crusty pastry of mysterious meat filling cards you must have something you can trade I wish I could help you Dennis but I lost my last deck of Omega cards to corporate wrinkle he is a master of strategic gameplay you know maybe corporal tinkle would like to trade oh no corporate uncle does not trade his cards you must challenge him to a game if Walter beats us we have to be their Butler's we'll never live it down [Music] no a menace never gives up but it beautiful if mrs. creature confiscates our cards oh no no don't take her cards don't take it away of course I want to play lessons but it's perfectly fine at break time what I mean um yay time to battle Dennis and may the strongest card win which as we all know is the bigger available only hope is to make them use up their powers before we take too much damage [Music] [Music] oh just a mega flip battle in history [Music] it's over and the weakest cards can be effective if you work together [Music] [Music] I put look worms down people's next to no they always come out when it rains once again we prove that Walter and his children are no match for a menace and no homework for us for a month more hard sucks but seeing how much Walter loves homework a world away from the hurly-burly of everyday life I close my eyes we're on the B note sound Cup final and we're almost from city Q operation golden ticket is on course for successful completion mmm four tickets for the cup final please Oh Zoe just so be last tickets [Applause] we'll do anything cut your lawn polish your boots shine your medals anything for those tickets who tempt me or you like sonny jim the colonel will never buckle if you try to buy tickets walter they've sold out oh I'm not buying a ticket Dennis as chief reporter for the school paper I get a press pass so all we need is a press pass like Walters and we're in oh this is a menace made in heaven oh no tickets left laughs sorry the match is a complete sellout one press pass please there you go the final twist pass yeah Press Pass please you which paper do you write for that daily I've never heard of it that's because it's new and exclusive and only online well this is the final Press Pass and it's mine you can't both have the final Press Pass you're right the final Press Pass should go to a deserving home meaning meaning whoever gets the most readers by Saturday guess the final press pass into the match challenge accepted may the best reporter win Denise fair enough to me 30 hold the presses I have a new read story for this afternoon's edition Davis the minis biggest loser ain't be no town 22 seconds we've got a newspaper pogs look Asha dogs bottom has been given its own TV show yes I'm in your bedroom say hello to the homeworks by 3000 the whole this little beauty will be keeping an eye on you at all times right ah no buts Dennis take a seat six months worth of homework to do Dennis and remember if you're thinking of leaving your desk the whole works by 3000 we'll be watching which means I'll be watching oh we have to meet Korean pie plates in three minutes Naja this calls for a top drawer menace [Music] look at that no more sneaking behind my back pulling the wool over my eyes it's all about using your head 20 seconds let's get to work no he's on the blink [Music] we need a website one state to the other website coming up great so with a fixed position navigation interface sure and some schooi ccs coding why not oh I know and an intricately designed content management system that automatically generates us to SEO URLs to provide accurate metadata within a fully functional customized database can help you out curly he's got a knack for computers okay so now we've just got a post a story for people to read but how will we know how many people are reading it well when someone clicks on our website it comes up as a hat on the screen exactly and what two hits make okay let's make you write curly bring in the boss here goes a world exclusive our first picks bush how easy is this [Music] [Music] one more happy reader he's right there is no [Music] story [Music] but voltages patented me this place a bit low this put the numbers exactly even Walter gave me one specially for you to believe the Press Pass is mine do this soon I'll be shaking hands with be no town United's finest so Walter wants to shake hands dizzy curly I've just hadn't really an idea [Music] that's him [Applause] the daily Menace big competition be the first to shake Walter's hand will he is free subscription 500 extra [Music] 986 readers to Walters 487 the Press Pass is ours congratulations one Press Pass coming up Press Pass no it's not we want it fair and square [Music] gets the pass yes read my magazine water scale degree treachery trickery Oh at 5,000 meters here we go here we go here we go Oh what have you been up to Dennis still want to see the match no sure nice [Music] ain't your face have I got a deal for you your press pass in exchange for five three thousand stay ahead prying mums and dads with this state of the art revolution [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] good you're both here I was just about to tell Nasher it's time he got rid of these [Music] there are several well-regarded vlogs about Nash's impressive collection largest bone ever procured from a northern hemisphere take away obscenely large wishbone doubling as a powerful men discuss oppose speaks for itself really oh very impressive but I'd like to start to blog about my garden but no buts this back garden is a bone free zone and that's final [Music] operation bone transplant is go we need ideas now Russia's bones need a new heart we get started touring xylophone on sub broke anything else or sneak them into an everyday domestic setting no what we need is an all-new bone zone somewhere not you can access any time of day is somewhere we can keep an eye on things ah Jesus where the stripe jumper Danny's at school on a Saturday don't tell me you're here for the lecture lecture putting the fun in quantum physics well actually Walter we were up to something I should be reporting to the headmaster Oh Dennis curly and PI phase joining us for some extracurricular learning I see [Music] Dennis there is no fun in quantum physics we gotta do what we gotta do to protect Nash's precious bones [Music] I think I need a lie-down well anything to keep your bones safe nasha nasha nashe particles could be so side-splitting ly funny it was like a comedy club with leg don't we got here [Music] [Music] looks like you got company not sure I [Music] presume is the dorsal vertebrae that's enjoy a mighty fine specimen good show dr. Paley oh I'm certainly glad we hold a professional I prefer Walter Soros bovine poultry for us like Walter Soros how about your old Nazi Soros these are dinosaur bones then ashes preposterous young man why the dog was simply collapsed like a moose tall without bones not nauseous actual bones his world-class collection what kind of dinosaur is a both hey anyway hands up all the qualifying paleontologists present hmm anybody I I know my hand is up no no that's what I thought [Music] dennis is just peeved he wasn't the one to make the archeological find in this century that it was in fact for the record these bones belong to science now they are going on around the world tour as soon as I have them assembled and when will that be and don't even think about any funny business Dennis the Walter Soros will be the most closely guarded skeleton in peanut [Music] gentlemen I give you these second mugs closely-guarded skeleton in B now town the t-rex of the museum if they want a dinosaur to take on tour we will give them one mash mash are you ready to make medicine history Oh Masha let's make men is history then phase two operation bone transplant begins meet tomorrow before school the museum [Music] now to ourselves an actual dyno all right sorry not sure need this one Aziz - lets get this dinosaur mobile [Music] [Applause] time to move this to the dig site before they ship out nauseous collection from peanut sounded good all right let's get going [Music] [Music] [Music] who goes there yeah nobody what are you doing down there oh just helping out huh that's right huh you missed a bit nasha I see oh well ah so anyone got any idea how to assemble this thing [Music] citizens of Reno town this is a proud day indeed be those sounds first-ever dinosaur is about to go on a round-the-world tour do you think they'll notice the difference [Music] oh no won't asaurus my expert eye tells me these are not even dinosaur bones doctor smile for the cameras my boy hello smile and hope nobody notices be knocked out I give to you the mutton bovine poultry was a bone free zone but you never said anything about forgotten [Music] Bosh's Boden's yeah miageru looks like dad's got a bone to pick with you [Music] you
Channel: Dennis & Gnasher: Unleashed!
Views: 3,097,479
Rating: 4.4856877 out of 5
Keywords: dennis the menace, cartoon, dennis and gnasher unleashed, dennis & gnasher unleashed, dennis the menace and gnasher, kids cartoons, cartoons for kids, beano dennis the menace, dennis the menace series 1, dennis the menace series one, dennis the menace full series, beano, beano characters, BBC, CBBC, CBeebies, Cartoons - Topic, Animation - Topic, Animated Cartoon - Topic, bnv, S4
Id: 08M8GfQrb-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 21sec (1821 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2018
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