A Day in Tokyo's Hidden Fashion District

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[Music] hey welcome back to the channel everyone today is a rainy day in Tokyo and we are exploring the old Tokyo District of shimokitazawa when you think of fashion in Tokyo you think of districts like Harajuku Mando Ginza and those are all awesome and those are in the central districts of Tokyo which are really convenient to get to but a little outside the city or even just a half hour away you can get to really cool districts like shimokitazawa this district is known for independent clothing stores it's live music bars and some of the most aesthetic cafes you can find and it's really interesting because this area has recently been renovated and so you get this really cool mix of minimalistic modern architecture with some of the more grungier Aesthetics of what Tokyo used to look like so we're going to go explore some of the thrift stores today come along let's see what we can find our first stop of the day is this open air bar and cafe area called bonus track uh bonus track is this newly built area with a lot of cool small cafes beer gardens small restaurants and you can eat outside which is pretty rare in Japan actually this was a given to me as a recommendation uh from a friend uh so thanks toy for sending me here because we're really excited to try out some of the food [Music] here so we ended up choosing a place called wake andon shimokita and it's kind of like this small bar/ Cafe that offers a lot of Japanese uh Comfort dishes so I got a udon Set uh elsc got an okou set which is rice porridge or kind of like the Japanese version of kanji how is it it's really good the thin noodle texture is really awesome um I think sometimes like udon can be a little too thick and then you get this really interesting kind which is a little thinner so it's really good [Music] good so how was lunch it was good it was really good so now we're at a doughnut place called H H and Elsie ordered two Donuts she ordered a you ordered one I ordered one all right she ordered two donuts for us mat [Music] cre [Music] donut those are some really good Donuts um so we're going to head back into more Central shimokawa uh where there's going to be all the thrift stores something I also want to do is kind of take some Street photos of people's fits uh people here are super fashionable so I want to get some cool shots of what they're wearing this area is more towards kind of like Street Wear Styles rather than like the high-end luxury goods that you'll find in Ginza or Shinjuku or more wild styles that are historically known in huku so we'll see what kind of the vibe is I kind of want to get some photos here too uh Elsie and I will take photos of each other all right let's [Music] go [Music] so now we're in this uh new half open air half inside mall called reload this is really new it opened up during co uh just a couple years back and it's really cool uh really nice and minimal so come and check it out it's just in the heart of shimokitazawa very aesthetic if you want to get some cool Instagram shots this is definitely a place where you can do [Music] that [Music] all right so this is the older area of shimokitazawa it's full of thrift stores cafes small restaurants to visit and try out so Elsie and I are going to wander through some of the thrift stes to see if there's anything that we want to check out or pick [Music] up there's quite a number of places that have a really big American influence whether or not that's you know having a lot of sweatshirt that say like California or San Francisco or universities or you know restaurants that are just clearly advertising American beef they're like perer shops everywhere it's really interesting to see how Japan has really taken on this American styling and kind of take it and made it their [Music] own [Music] let so we just finished dinner at a Thai place called rura Thai yeah it was pretty good we had a really spicy papaya salad a really good pad tie and then a pad CU um solid we recommend it a lot uh if you're okay with spice definitely get the papaya salad but yeah it was definitely very very spicy so now uh we grab some tayak and this will be the last thing that we do for today all right cheers I got a custard one I got a apple apple yeah that was it it's really good yeah this is really good all right so thanks for coming along I hope this little adventure to shimo kazawa was as fun for you as it was for us I hope something interested you whether not it was a thrift stores or some of the restaurants that we went to there's definitely something here for everyone thanks for coming along once again please like comment and subscribe and we'll see you next time [Music] bye St
Channel: Jermspang
Views: 33,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CxGA3gBaERs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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