A Day In The Life of OCD - Art Installation

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okay I can do this I can do this it's gonna be like any other day just keep my head down and keep walking I can do this what is my bag doing on the floor okay do I have everything I have my cord I'm a computer I have my notebook I think I'm forgetting something I don't know a zipper goes from left left to right left to right and move that over to the right okay I have my keys my keys my keys good put that there my keys my wallet I have my wallet and my phone I have my keys my wallet my phone my keys my wallet my phone my phone my wallet my keys okay am I forgetting something I don't know okay left shoulder right shoulder okay time for some shoes shoes great hello shoes right foot first always right foot first I have to remember that and time for the left okay wait that's not how I tighten them before I let me do this again I can do this deep breath and yes yes this is right I got it finally okay out the door we go okay one two three one two three okay we're going here we go puddles I hate puddles okay just got to lock this up make sure nobody breaks in turn once twice once again twice again once again twice again and I think we're okay good that wasn't so bad I can do this I can do this and a sidewalk wouldn't be a sidewalk without the cracks now would it ah just got to get a good strike going and I should be okay till I get to school ah perfect oh [ __ ] damn it Oh let's start over okay quickly quickly back here we go I can do this I can do this back to the start back to the start here we go and one more time right foot left foot left foot right foot left foot right foot left foot right foot yes yes I've got this I've got this here we go let's just hope I don't see any red cars how am i way to school that would be bad okay look yeah alright so a car perfect perfect and now we get the flowers 17 flowers mourn 17 yellow bus yellow bus yellow flowers yellow bus perfect everything's going according to plan Oh would you look at that the Davidson's finally sold their house no more bratty kids running around with their Fistful of [ __ ] man use a condom dude 12 kids so let's today Tuesday 8 times 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I think I'm good ok here we go alright thank you thank you I should really learn to say that out loud and I'm making good I'm here we go all right nice Bush there's a lady lady okay way too close way too close for my comfort oh my god is is that a red car ah now to adjust hate red cars why couldn't you go to work today oh stay home sick that is a nice house though oh right nice oh no Carly whoa too close back up what are you doing your stick you're standing on a crap what what I don't have time for this are you kidding me I need to get school can you please get out of my way oh yes friendly conversation blob let's go and your shoes undone are you kidding me nobody taught you how to get the crack get off now okay I need to go I need to go now goodbye goodbye I need to get to class see ya are you kidding me with this girl oh god get away ah I can't believe she just got there on that crack okay I'm over it let's count something all right uh one two three four five six seven eight nine all right cool three more than last week that is good job tree good job okay all right still still walking on this dreadful sidewalk one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirty forty fifty six Oh too many rocks too many rocks did they put more rocks there from last time I think there's more rocks than last time last time I counted only I don't remember I don't remember this is not like me I'm supposed to remember these things okay take deep breath you're doing all right you're halfway there we're gonna make it it is stifling outside I should not have worn this sweater maybe I can make a little pit stop I mean I'm gonna be late anyway okay now let's do this I was taught mom taught you well all right here we go off and this is how you fold a sweater over and under perfect god damn it Oh start again okay I don't have time for this sweater over under perfect there we go okay get in the backpack finally alright put it in there so it says anti-wrinkle as possible and zip from the left and up and over left first right shoulder then we are a go okay sure why not let's learn to walk again so I like I've done that a million times ah another Street one two three four five six is this guy gonna go is this guy gonna go should I go I'm gonna go I'm gonna go don't hit me please and oh now you go thank you thank you jump over this crack and back on track okay hello shadow you must hate me as much as I hate me doing all those things seven eight hundred times here cook all something fun to do and officially a crazy person ah I'm gonna count these of course I'm gonna count these why not one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen Twenty twenty 20 one's good number twenty was the first time I oh my god who put all these here oh no no no no no he walking on the street okay this is literally hell on earth alright milk eggs orange juice cereal pop-tarts plastic forks and I'm done okay back on the sidewalk perfect man grocery lists always make me feel better it's weird and that's a massive crack no thank you Street one two three four five six six six today living dangerous today alright okay I can I can I can I can I can live with that alright here we go almost there damn I should look eight ways all right that's what happens when you don't follow the rules don't follow the rules you don't follow the rules you don't follow the rules follow the rules all right back on track another person selling their house this is nuts what if they're all moving away because of me because my crazy antics because of oh I can't step on a twig are you kidding me I didn't see this I was too busy looking at the sign oh my god it's like a minefield oh how am I gonna get through this alive manhole don't kill me now I am NOT standing around I need to get away from that chaos all right I straighten things out by walking on this don't fall up or you'll die perfect oh thank god past the hardest part of my walk I just can't wait to turn around in three hours and do it all again backwards that's gonna be awesome just gotta keep my head down red bushes red bushes I hate the color red why is it everywhere why is it everywhere on this walk that's because I didn't follow the rules I didn't follow the rules we know I'm gonna follow the rules now I want to come in from the right-hand side of this building I'll just walk here and turn around yeah everything sold are people watching me right now can't believe what they're thinking okay up the stairs and don't touch the pole you idiot Oh back down one two three four back up one two three and do you look behind you from my house to the class making a circle cappella designs I made it [ __ ] every stop about level 8 everything's cleared up and my kids are free alone
Channel: Brody Brian Darik
Views: 9,595,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: OCD, Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (Disease Or Medical Condition), Art, Installation Art (Visual Art Form), GoPro, POV, Camera
Id: a-T19wbcEA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 05 2015
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