A Day In The Life Of Jonny Brownlee | Triathlon Training

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[Music] this is actually that's why i started dating so we're starting the day today with an open water swim we're at the sailing club which is actually where i swam here it's probably a 10 year old kid one of my first open water trims we swim here twice a week at the moment in the summer it's nice as well when you live just up that hill not very far so good so it's wednesday morning and uh it's a nice way to start the day i used to be one of those people who didn't like swimming open water that much because i felt like i missed the uh was missing a bit of training because i wasn't doing my normal swimming of knowing exactly how to run 5k or you know doing the specific sessions that i always used to do um and then actually during lockdown we had to swim open water here every single day and my race swimming felt absolutely amazing i felt the best i've had an open water ever so this year we've incorporated a little bit more and i really enjoy it it's a great way to start a day it's very hopefully like a race because you're wearing a wetsuit you're not turning you're swimming constantly for a long time and it's just fun and something different [Music] so this morning we're here through a long aerobic swim last night i did a really really hard track session so i'm a little bit tired but we'll just do about four and a half k to 5k of steady efforts uh with some pickups in the middle but it's just about building a long endurance base and getting used to open water and it was lovely here the last few weeks my blue skies even a bit non-wetsuit and now it's a bit cold oh is it eight o'clock in the morning uh we'll keep moving should start off with two just complete laps two big laps [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] sessions on i think we saw about 5k huh um a few little efforts and just a bit of an aerobic session it's good the water's lovely today about 18 degrees so it's nice job done i guess is don't really buy a house mystique or something simple she can do especially i'll paste the album put the mushrooms out absolutely don't want to wake up well i can't tell come on i didn't say anything you see something you don't wake up yeah i'll butter mushrooms a bit of preparation um as a triathlete we also go from one session to the next so shrimp done now for a run so i need to fuel in between so i've got a bit of perching usually uh a bit of jam and some peanut butter that's been nicely prepared for me about eating so straight out the lake um out for a run so again this is just another aerobic road somewhere between 65 and 70 minutes about uh 13 14k just nice and easy to flush out the legs after track last night uh and we're luckily one of the great things about yorkshire is you pretty much run it everywhere so out the lake and onto the the moors and then across some nice stepping stones and back on the rally so my training philosophy is pretty simple in that you have your key sessions in the week so for me that's a hard tuesday run session i had a tuesday swim i had thursday swim and i had thursday bike to run and then a hard saturday morning then around that you basically get as much aerobic training as possible can before you start to get too tired and damage those sessions so these one this aero session like this is about flushing the legs out building that aerobic base strengthening up those muscles so that you can run fast uh when you need to um so that's what we're doing today uh yeah i do prefer to run with other people i uh spend my whole career running with different people and especially for these easy runs when you're a bit tired and your legs are a little bit soft the night before and it means that i can run with these guys talk to them about a few things and uh before you know it the run's done and it's a good time to catch up with your training partner as well because obviously when you're going fast and then doing hard sessions and you want to put the emphasis on going hard rather than the social aspect of it um and also my own coach mitch comes on the these runs of us now um he's not too old yet and that means we can talk about how session went last night talk about training for the next few weeks and uh and use it as a bit of time for that a bit of a meeting on the run and where is my watch got all my different trainers lined up fashion trainers faster running trainers these trainers are made out of plastic from the ocean tempo trainers i'm recovering recovery stuff so everything you need in a car to go for a run oh and also most importantly just in case you get caught out [Music] all right let's go [Applause] luke [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] i'm not sure everyone's gone how was that yeah it's good leg's a bit stiff off last night uh that's a big session on the track but yeah i'm good i'm good got through it nice and easy uh i always try and run off road so about 90 percent in the morning it's an off-road uh just so it's a bit softer on the foot and more interesting um normally on wednesday this is where we run far from just because it's more convenient because straight out to him go for a run back home for a little bit and then out on the bike so it works well but there's a few different areas that went on um very lucky moment because the ground is very nice and uh and firm so it's all good all right morning done swim done run done uh 11 o'clock back a bit at lunch let me sit down watch a bit of taller fence [Music] back oh car keys speed down the dogs out here at the moment so that's probably a good thing this room basically involves me coming in getting a whole um bundle of sweaty kit and putting it in my washing machine on repeat uh and that's basically this is drying room you know when you're trying for a year three four five sessions a day you need that and uh you need a good drying room a good cleaning room uh and a dump in the room and this is it um at the moment obviously heats up the big thing and then lots of heat training sessions so i've got heat pills which take your core temperature inside you you've got to swallow this and all the different different devices that go with that so that's all that's here every day starts with a brew of yorkshire tea and about four or five and three [Music] livingsbury that's a perfect yorkshire tea hopefully anyway i um hey i'm in it but i only um started drinking two really when booker started training with us in 2014. um because you can't do anything uh without having a brewery booker it just solves all problems a little mess at the moment huh so this is the bike room if my light turns on you gotta give him a bit of encouragement occasionally oh there we go so this is my bike room a bit messy at the moment because of that stage of the season my philosophy with this training area is i want to make it as easy as possible for me to go out for a ride so normally it's a lot more organized than this but bikes from the wall take it off electric galaga garage opens up and on you go and i got bikes for all conditions a random glove there uh i've got bikes for all conditions so mountain bike um volca wanna go off road something a bit different um a cross bike dash gravel bike um depending what tires are i put on it um so again i normally use it more in winter for a few graph sessions and great fun winter bikes gets very very very muddy in yorkshire so mud guards on it here not you just for a while because it's been summer but keep it dry during the winter um and then a spare time to buy another mountain bike um and then this is biking right at the moment uh my new scott foil which i raced on and i've been training on and uh this bike's absolutely brilliant i think this is the third my favorite bike ever had it's light aero and everything you need in a bike um and i'm getting new olympic uh paint job soon i'm pretty cool so this is where all the bikes are here is my magical bike fitting device to make sure all my bikes are fit the same i'm very very proud of it i got injured once and i believe there is because uh my with so many different bikes one was slightly different shape to the other and i was riding a bit awkwardly so i went out and made this and it it kind of works i think and also my bags all seem to fit the same now but it makes it easier when you got lots of same bikes so i've spent a lot of time in this room over the last uh year probably and um this is my high-tech heat chamber and obviously tokyo uh the word on the street at the moment is it's gonna be hot and then we'll keep talking about that and everyone um well i don't believe that the athlete that's gonna win uh tokyo is the one who's best prepared to compete in those conditions and we're trying to be very hard this year and um obviously may not be very good in the heat and i said i'm prepared for it and i knew i had to put a lot of effort into it so here i am in my heat shaver room and it's a conservatory with an insulated roof a local yorkshire company very kindly came and put the roof on put two radiators down the side it's on its own separate heating system and it gets up to about 35 36 degrees in here and gets really humid just by being in here and i've got my bike my wahoo kicker for cycling can do zwift races on the big screen suffer um like that um and my treadmill is running off and lots of suffering sessions in here it's not much fun but it's definitely definitely worth it and uh in the last week or so i've noticed massive improvements i've gone from struggling to push out 200 watts in those temperatures to be able to do proper hard drift races so hopefully it's all going well my diet definitely hasn't always been pretty good my diet's a lot better than it um a little bit now that it used to be i eat a lot more fruit and veg a lot more protein a lot more better meals during the day i've actually stopped eating a lot of bread i said i've got a bit of red hair but i lit i used to eat probably again towards a loaf of bread every two days and whereas now i attempt for that um just because i eat better food the other day um but i'm having this today because uh i'm very tired i feel like calorie depleted so i need the calories but on the whole my uh my diet definitely felt better i think the most important thing for us guys is timing so when you finish a session you get food as quick as you possibly can get protein down here as quick as possible kinds of protein shakes or good food whatever you prefer um so you make sure you feel the next one i just heat up the microwave there's some noodles and some salmon um with a bit of bread and a bit of uh salad with it as well i guess after my life at the moment especially this period up to olympics of eating uh training and sleeping and eating is definitely the most important thing for me to be able to maintain weight to allow me to do the training and then hopefully avoid a knee injury so there's someone who suffers from bone stress fractures getting your your calorie intake right it's definitely important timing right it's very important um if i could change anything with my diet it would be living off less carbohydrates because i think i'm very carbohydrate dominant and as i go into the long distance stuff i get something that needs to change so this is my living room where i spend most of my time um at home and i quite like with my houses and three stories so i quite like the idea that downstairs at the bottom floor is where i keep my bikes and my training room uh why do my heat chamber stuff up here is a little bit of a kind of living space with triathlon free zone apart from a few medals behind me i say that while i'm stood here um but up here on my kind of uh i don't know mantelpiece metal kind of cabinet i've got a few bits and bobs and this has basically become the medals i've won the last few years i've come back on trips and put here but um i guess this one is actually probably one that meant the most last few years that was my world cup win in sardinia a few weeks ago and that meant a lot because after a really poor race the week before in yokohama it meant a lot to to win that race um and then i got a few random ones local 10ks um that was a bit of a family kind of challenge that we did um obviously super league models itself that meant a lot to me uh winning in singapore and even though it weighs an absolute ton getting it home um that's got its own special place and there's a few random books that i've bought when my grandma's giving me a book vouchers for christmas but not actually read um i guess even the books here um tell me tell a story about my life in the as you can see i like sport you've got eddie jones james taylor all sorts of different running books football league united books you can't beat a good bit at least united i started doing a bit of magic because my mate stu hayes who went to olympics with us in 2016. taught me a bit magic so a magic book and then um uh i got a puppy about a year ago with my girlfriend so about puppy so uh this till this uh bookcase he's got everything from triathlon oh to even the tudors so i did a degree um in history at least university and there's tutors there so you've got triathlon football magic dogs tudors and even yorkshire and then leads a book on leave what more can you want there's even a few of my training partners in the book don't think of match unit unfortunately touchy subjects oh olympia middle and uh here's my london olympic medal i don't actually keep this here i like this being in my safe and keep it somewhere very safe and hidden away so um my rear wall is actually in alex's house and his south because we took it to an event and i was going away traveling somewhere so i gave it to him and i'm not in it back um but there's my london medal and this um along with the rio one uh definitely means the most to me i i never ever thought i'd win an olympic medal never mind two never mind at home olympics which you'll never be beaten in my eyes so that was amazing day so um when i moved into this house i really liked the idea of my shirts on the wall and i started it and i've got quite a collection now and i'm proud of them so it started originally because uh i think when i was about eight ten years old alan smith was my favorite united football player probably won't mean a lot to a lot of you uh watches by alan smith absolutely legend played for legion i had unfortunately left to go to man united um which wrecked it a little bit but i still absolutely loved him and and i really like steven mcphail everyone says he's on the most talented footballers play for legion i had a few injuries was amazing um another team gb shirt that i took during one of the parades after after rio and this is a i really like this one that we filmed the yorkshire tea advert and obviously for yorkshire tea and harrogate and um we had to wear try suits for that and um here is to try and see it to be war and i think it looks pretty cool though all right straight into the next session now um swim done done done now going out biking and again it's another aerobic session today to continue the theme of a kind of aerobic recovery day so today we'll be doing about three and a half hours um about 100k into the yorkshire dales with the group with a bit of caffe stop about halfway to freshen up refuel and make it a nice day out ready off we go again uh so in here today i've just got um so some water and some ot how you tabs just black currant flavor today yeah well i'm getting to the stage now with my training um i've done a three week kind of real hard block now one more week to go then i'm waking up in the morning and going oh no what day is it and if it's tuesday thursday my body's aching but oh no the hard days so when it comes to wednesday i know that it's nice easy day um then that's a good thing because it means that uh obviously i'm not going hard and i can really enjoy these days and this is what i really enjoy about training these days around your bike in the yorkshire dales with the lads um you're not really going above talking pace and just enjoying it and if you can't enjoy these days then i always think then you you probably shouldn't be doing triathlon even though it's summer i'm british so i always take a vein jacket all right off we go tour around yorkshire [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] why your teeth are all the rashes are better than them quarterback three chicken butter half past seven fish and chips all right your diet that's good potatoes potatoes obviously fastest cake in the world it's gone oh that's disappointing there was nothing in it oh there's no point crying there was spilt milk the other scottish i'm not moving them [Laughter] victoria sponge which must have switched his stuff yesterday victoria go on chips get chips do that one piece of italian sponge up there ah bloody cat there it is it's not that i can't give a chip that's the principle that you never buy but you always want chips never want it your fault anyone's your problem one chip singular try and buy one chip i think you need i don't think you need an agreement do you think i had to ask specifically for butter i thought batter came up oh sorry man so [Music] 1825 so this [Music] training all the time [Music] although he knows you're crystal he'll calm down so uh i'll see as you've found out today training takes over a lot of my life um so it's now at five o'clock i used to play xbox playstation until the doctor moved in my girlfriend moved in and now uh i normally either take dogs for a nice easy walk um sometimes i run i'll just um sit down and watch football i'm a massive regionality fan so uh i try new things that don't involve too much activity we're gonna be nice now barney wait ah wait go good girl good girl so i'm gonna have a shower now and then put my feet up for the evening and have a chill being a day in a simple way to look at triathlon is you have to run fast but you have to run fast of the bike so you have to end that bike as freshly possibly can and be able to use that running ability that you've built up and i know that i'm fit and i know i'm training well when i can i can start a wednesday tired and then end the six seven hour day actually feeling better than i was on a saturday [Music] [Music] you
Channel: supertri
Views: 311,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3zLE8sc4JZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 37sec (1897 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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