A Day In The Life Of A Syrian Kid | Syrian School | Real Families

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[Music] we followed school life around the world from Uganda to India to China now we're in Damascus Syria the oldest capital city on earth in the heart of the Arab world [Music] [Applause] following a year in the lives of four schools in Damascus we look at Syria's next generation what is life really like in this high-pressure crossroads of the Middle East [Music] there are signs that Syria is opening up but it remains dominated by a single party and Syrians have limited political freedom and education is compulsory for boys and girls until 15 and free up to university level like anywhere in the world school life is about much more than just books [Applause] in this program it's the start of a new school year Amal Hassan is the head teacher of Zakia of Jersey Girls secondary school she makes sure everyone that knows who's boss diet comes from a devout Muslim family and until now she's been educated at Islamic school but this term she's moved to the more liberal Zeki al al Suzie School where most of her classmates come from different backgrounds across town and jaramana boys school Yousef this football man he's an Iraqi refugee who lived through the bombs of Baghdad now in Syria he must start to overcome his fear of explosions [Music] we follow their stories as they begin the new academic year at their Syrian schools [Applause] [Music] it's September set in the affluent Alma's our area of Damascus Zakia laughs Rosie girls secondary school prepares for the first day of town looking forward to guiding another batch of students to graduation his head teacher mrs. Amal Nasir I won't be able to see how strong I am and how I am proud of myself and how I am free from aside and this is very good for them to face or the problem of the life they have to be like this [Music] [Music] today is the first day of mrs. Hassan seventeenth year as head teacher here do it [Music] [Music] the girls are finding their classes for the new school year 17-year old my ass Barozzi was so disruptive last year that she's been moved to a different class sake l our Suzie is a state school which teaches 1200 girls aged from 15 to 18 like most Syrian schools its secular and follows the baccalaureate system teaching the full range of subjects mr. nobley she gets up to speed in physics [Music] [Music] mr. Fossum tackles life's big questions in philosophy the hardcore manager Adele khon kaen a Blowfish a pellicle a Brophy Adam the saunas and in the next door classroom mrs. Ramadan sets up a store with Islamic studies Allari access water LaHood's AXA Anderson's LaHood Olivia and I'm diversity leads had a catch on now what's different about the beginning of this school year is that it coincides with the start of the holy month of Ramadan Muslims aren't supposed to eat or drink until sundown the school doesn't enforce this but as a concession there's no PE and the tuckshops closed at least on the first day of turn the girls can wear whatever clothes they like they want to shop at the beginning believe that they are gifts beautiful gifts for the teacher for me for each other but beautiful or not school supervisor mr. hem wants to make sure that for the girls these relaxed rules only last for one day [Music] [Applause] they can wear whatever they want this thing tomorrow will not know them they are quite different tomorrow [Music] the holy month of Ramadan has just begun it celebrates the start of God's revelation of the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad late afternoon in the streets are jammed with hungry thirsty people fighting to get home [Music] towards sunset at a time that would normally be rush hour the traffic gradually trickles away families gather at home and friends recent restaurants [Applause] huge firecrackers in the sunset call to prayer tell the faithful it's time to begin their iftar meal a word normally used for breakfast [Music] the new moon hangs over the city which will follow the Ramadan daily cycle for a whole lunar month everyday before dawn the city is awoken by drummers waking the faithful to eat a sustaining meal that will take them through the day ahead [Music] [Applause] [Music] day two Zakia our Susy school and mrs. Hassan is checking her girls have come in their uniform in year old diapers easy is a new girl at Zakia our Susy so she's got a new bus route to master the great majority of schools in Syria are secular but until now diet has been educated at a Sharia school run according to Islamic principles but diets which schools to non-religious Zakir al are Suzy in order to focus on her academic studies for the crucial last year of her baccalaureate some Muslim girls at Zakia or Suzi don't wear the hijab the traditional Islamic headscarf diets Islamic sharia school was a different world [Music] the new head teacher a Muslim woman from a different generation has noticed a change of fashion 14 years ago the gear will not come back now most of them they are covered why I do so mrs. Hassan has come to explore the reasons agent and she intensity keep after time and in the future sport new girl Dwyer decides to join the debate Alania Deseret no kanata very icky icky icky demonic has Bethlehem man kill she any physical hijab es parado is abelian canard de Arte a neutral base has a ninja and after immediatly move telekinesis and to my image will allow there's Desmet but he doesn't kill she wondered Dean Stimac Cameron a dentist I'm pretty honest ahead why that mostly me after who madam doesn't have bad him slam me right there Muslim am with her hijab will come in mister hated not loaded madam happy in madam of the hegemon a needy kid I can't help added la lot of the short actor as therefore negative sign which I dusted another serie is the north of it [Music] [Music] the surveillance and user account the contact our head of innovation but brunella had never been shy at Offutt allah i want them to be free from inside a lot physical tyranny for the villa here or shanley paradigms teens and young yahoo attitude or not addictive it was the head of the murder yeah and how does she and her unless society doesn't why does anything other than the wish to mark [Music] it's mrs. Hassan's job to deal with all the challenges that come with her position not everyone can be headmistress because it is very difficult to to to know everything about your students about your teachers vice head leaner is dealing with an issue that every school faces at the beginning of the year the difference here is that many of the teachers also work in other schools to boost their income so it's a logistical nightmare to sort out the timetable to fit in with everyone's different work schedules I said I think is a gentleman always that I think and she probably is [Music] things have got so bad that mrs. Hassan has called the teachers meeting to set things straight Sharat la illaha Deanna Sue Ellen what are you really in an acid hissing in Sarnia a la una carta de bahía de poule ahead of it men are hella Haga who killed Juarez vitamin L fair Nahanni Wi-Fi can it be shark occasionally yeah now the man I attended by Sharia Killebrew honey italiana ah hello sir Malaysia hola nation Naga will Chaka tamanna when the holy sonic ELISA raha see relative to Tatiana democratic return nor dictatorial Hashanah Wilma hey baby burn a me Wilma hey baby story be egg named Talib arty rod when a concealer in a dresser well luckily my very similar to how I get into more Hardy who mentions about the Uni AK in America was who Fiamma same in general nervous drive an hour south from Damascus and you reach Israeli occupied territory and now to the west and you're in Lebanon and four hours to the east is the border with Iraq Damascus and at schools feel the effects of nearby events since the fall of Saddam in 2003 two million Iraqi refugees have fled to Syria their first stop in their quest for a new life 15 year-old Yusuf and Eros and his older brother Johnson our Iraqi Christians from Baghdad but for now they live in Damascus as a refugee Yusuf is eligible for a free school uniform from the UN as he's about to start life at a new school little shiny you can supply diamond lower I had my father's command center Syria is proud of the Haven it's offered but many Iraqis have suffered high levels of psychological trauma before arriving here and ethically carpentry job a new common skill miss my hacker SWAT not someone what diamond I should call animal animal and you know especially Adama commander after picking up his new school uniform Yusuf returns home [Music] he lives with his family in the Damascus suburb of jaramana historically it's a religiously mixed area of the city so it's been a magnet for Iraqi Christians who have suffered badly in the sectarian violence that engulfed their homeland after the fall of Saddam [Music] Yussef loves football he spends his evenings playing with his fellow Iraqis at a local Damascus football club Paul with his brothers watching his favorite team in a nearby cafe but not tonight because tomorrow Youssef is going to start life at a new school at midnight tonight Yusuf's brother James will leave Syria to start a new life as a barber in Sweden he'll be joining his wife who's already managed to get a visa Oh Samson orange juice our bar Adonis Tucker oh come on FC nylon can I sit on a set of us after you veteran senator inaudible sorry I definitely know and the idea of a demonic beer though which are not father's name [Applause] [Music] column or a material dad no [Music] justiciar awara Livadia plotted Maria was Slava Hani up a book thing in this of the cantilever spiky [Music] it's morally brother [Music] it's time for James to start saying goodbye to his family [Music] I wanna cry [Music] morning and jaramana is waking up with his brother already about to touch down in Stockholm Yusuf is setting off for his new school the staff are getting ready [Music] Yussef has been in damascus for two years already so there are some familiar rocky boys who are also starting at jaramana school today the school teaches 500 boys up to the age of 15 the only problem is it was built for 300 a new head teacher mrs. SIF is struggling to cope pokken learn meaty and tall attack Reba and I rocky here the one who ate the lovely after oral medicine and I'm still able to love it again I really Oh Marshall oh the hotness wait you know I got the idea village shop any man she some of them I don't know I told but no metallo who have a baton long these boys are not just from different countries but different faiths as well the school is secular but teaches both Islamic and Christian religious studies so school supervisor radwan needs to know who will study what the word I'm diversifier [Music] on the first day of term the boys are told not to assert their differences Yousef is no stranger to conflict after life in Iraq where even a kickabout could be life-threatening for not sure what an absolute fit done for connected k'vin Benna began Fattah to steal a fella fear in Iraq Yousef had been expecting to play in front of a visiting group of Dutch talent scouts but his brother's death meant that he had to leave the country before he could show them his skills now he's in Damascus he's safe to follow his sporting dreams but in his first pee lesson it seems sports teacher mrs. fell or is less of a football fan than he is for long yusuf realises that today's pee lesson will be all talk and no action until the fall of Saddam Iraqis and Syrians lived under different versions of the same political system bath ISM bath is Arabic for Renaissance the bath party was founded in Damascus in 1940 after the end of French colonial rule it's based on secular and socialist ideals images of the president leader of the Baath Party still look on citizens from every angle the Syrian Constitution says that the bath party is the leader of state and society and the party organization stretches into every day school life Zakia or Suzy Sirach barked hopes to become the leader of the bath the school structure so from now on the girls will have to pass sorrows uniform check just to get into school will be on you by then and I annually on butter but they're already on better but they come at the shock is so young lastly school supervisor mr. Hobbs width is grooming sonar to take over the position of Head Girl here Lavar if they just see that start up tea with her business you'll see other people at the dole ecological [Music] while Sarah may seem hard on her fellow students mr. Harib regrets some of the liberalizing reforms introduced in 2001 when President Bashar al-assad came to power but if Sienese Netherlanders been hospitable Diala and so on a certain level map deadly heavy and mothers that we are Oscar da pad for a young believer US military academies dongsaeng nabob access a vision young it has a knack and I'm aware of is that this idea that you should see didn't mr. Hogg that morning assembly mr. habe has given sorrow the role of acting head girl [Applause] after the national motto sorrow gets to raise the national flag to the strains of the Syrian national anthem [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] young Syrians may now have more freedom to choose their futures than before but the bath party is still effectively the only political option for them it's time for the school prefect elections all the candidates and voters have to be active members of serious revolution youth union what Fonzie has been buffered are we as Iraqis who were hesitant by the devil a well mr. Muhammad's MEA with them simply observe at 7:00 as of today sauna can get a step closer to being confirmed as the new head girl embellishment up mean maybe Danielle Mosley me elsewhere as me yes varasi my ass puts herself forward despite sometimes being known as a disruptive student and although sorrows the front-runner she needs mr. Hobbes help to add her name to the list of candidates burrata cheese that we adhere to a day Jana Jana Vita a little mesh way polygamists wait Michael only the top seven girls will become leaders of the school seven subcommittees ranging from head of sports to head of media the other union members filter away after voting leaving just the candidates behind to witness the count of the votes Syrian democracy is very limited in national elections the bath party is guaranteed a majority in parliament and instead of presidential elections there's a referendum every seven years when the president stands on Shah Baba Wawa Abdul Jenny finally it's time to hear the results Danny may have not thought a clutter comes in salt although sorrow got the most votes it's up to the adults of the student union to make the final decision on the eventual rolls she and the six other top candidates will be given several may yes but as it comes to Washington saw several Vienna telling me to Earth Day tomorrow bravado despite the fact that sorrow won the most votes her father is not entirely happy with her Jimmy o'phelan a permaculture lean mean what's what so Allah instead of Chopin no no c'mon Nana could hurt Alicia what an opener and a Titanic an F in Atlanta schmuck shut up I know could she a demi with the hot dog so far was that the regime what about the I mean he'll get exactly Hobart woman he'll get exactly what is Howie and abou see my mother's her father's criticism seems particularly harsh as saara and a few friends have been keeping up their basketball practice despite the fact that they're fasting for Ramadan number C village at the Ramada signor in the hollows Jonnie that sumbitch was Vasudha one of Sarah's friends is maius Barozzi who was so naughty last year that she was nearly thrown out of school but she's popular enough to have clinched the 7th leadership position against the odds from solo to me happen a year later so - you still are okay miserable so you wanna black is the hell energy mob stuff and oh cool they ever seen a side of 984 even and truthfully you're Clooney along with a no supermodel jaramana boys is a religiously MIT school with a lot of Christian Iraqi refugees it's full to bursting point and at break times you can get pretty enough everyone competes for very limited space today Yusuf's Iraqi friends ferdi and Steven have got into trouble they've been called in and to see supervisor in this summer smart smart that's the machine and almost even Lucifer so yeah oh and Sam thought it was soft and so yeah to me I said were welcome Emily a shiny mater sorta without she has to walk up a sudden I was she an effect an equivalent of Sabbath they may have meat animal or serrano bhajans we're using Yousef gets wrecked in as a witness answer hard answer domina Rahman consulted for sir I'm Sofia Lopez dancer oniony Yemen Iraq ver that potato vicious me with master fattybuck is not a department head no belliston at the receiver jane atwater Mujahid after proof savvy the tunnel motive is very as a former convent playa santa baby but I'm Dino Donaldson FC doctor administered in a subpoena Spa d'Italia penis that's when I mean who said on Antonio man hanging on to a man who's ahead doctor an ensign like beer and Belarusian gift of a Muslim akitoshi to see [Music] aha I keep though she loved I'm Lucy how can her purpose Playa larga nai name you don't feel well good it's alone but stuff probably on e-bay beautifully nurse why c'mon belong to us any ID can be mu J about my job today there's a chance for Yusef to try to put the past behind him 60 miles outside Damascus is the mainly Christian town of maluna there's an expectancy in the air as the town prepares for the annual all night festival of the cross [Music] and back in Damascus 30 buses are waiting to take members of jeremías refugee community to the party it's an opportunity for the raki Christians like Youssef and his brother Johnson to reassert and celebrate their Christian identity after persecution in Iraq [Music] the crowds are gathering in Maaloula for the all-night firework festival for Youssef it will be a real reminder of the sounds of war [Music] [Applause] as the light fades processions set off into the surrounding mountains [Music] robotically not inclusive nature [Music] fire handlers have taken up positions above the town from where they will orchestrate a fearsome display [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my Lockhart tonight Youssef will have to confront his fear of loud bangs head-on [Applause] [Music] [Music] first they visit the chapel of a convent of Saint Patrick where an all-night vigil is already underway [Music] [Music] the focal point of the ceremony is the Christian symbol of the cross [Music] [Music] [Music] the party will continue throughout the night simply letting off firecrackers marks progress for Yusuf who lived through the American bombardment of Baghdad but perhaps he'll never fully get over his fear of loud violence [Applause] [Music] the festival of the Cross has coincided with the third week of Ramadan and in Damascus were over 80 percent of Muslims the holy month is gathering in intensity bizarre Z is no exception she'd memorized the entire Quran by the time she was 14 and went to Sharia school until she moved to secular zakiya our Suzy this turn to concentrate on preparing for the baccalaureate exams [Music] for daya there is no contradiction between devout religious conviction and a desire for a modern education last next did I land in Halawa Lenin and it's any good a limb and there she looks beautiful how about it or a VA I thought that always she is just one I had that already you can yeah Nina leave it a little bouquet knows it with a lot of and I don't get home and you know nasty I mean my daughter's awesome cuz all my radish or not and I am as a child diet dreamed of space travel something medically I forgot that somehow I feel a bit like dummy gets dressed and I can't have two can there are some top gear Tony does that I hit a dummy like a hot the Polish dildo and I'm a little status without can take the vehicles of heritage for a name is Philip away notable and Yamamoto where a barrage Bakunin dinosaur the stock silico right at photo Kazan the right has now been at Zakia or Suzy for nearly a month but before the holiday hits newly elected prefect - Peruzzi is among those who've been picked to take part in a new innovation in Syrian education has been weather and say that is to say that Allah had a phenomenal hours she and her wishes - Shabab studio and I'm at our house come on man Anisha John and reality are mine after shot at really much more hot hot cocoa cream can set off a bomb as Marat Gelman Wafi Khan had a sister Kay had a yes'm had a melody ie as a proton Shakira Mia's animalistic Honorable Christopher Hampton offers FEMA deliverable at the Margaret rigorous comedy anyway a lot of times at the first sight Farrakhan watching my ass and her team get down to work on their pitch little do they know that the school is about to host a very special guest I smell acid the first lady of Syria is known for making surprise visits to these workshops and today she's come to Zakia our shoes keep going the first lady was born and went to school in England before marrying Bashar al-assad now president of Syria she represents the newly evolving free-market face of the country she makes her way around the groups as they prepare their business presentations I smell acid had a successful financial career in the City of London so she's well qualified to grow the girls on their business strategies on the civilian have secured one of its main surveillance [Music] [Music] the Nomad diamond diamond mesh crystal only year in stock lady Amana fitter always be curvy the Omaha omiyage developed Roger Allam lavish a kilometer surya reserved he Maharaj sorry it's a tough kid sorry a team he'll have done more if a colossal the demon me I mean emotion about sorry - I'm sorry hey the force as a hobby effective the world Tonya vessel alum do Liliana to tawa I'm a total war be no amateur slash did Google minhwan ejects the YouTube minhwan Asia sin art Rohan for the killing Charlotte after a three-day I multiply your Moomin ilallah molarity as an abandoned home rush to map here dearest removed a mushy bananas Rahal mean holla at the Oswald for horny entice her to move a senior you mister be in touch with her father Roberta hello well to fallow Mohammed I did Rita sue [Music] I mean [Laughter] [Music] on the way out the first lady is mobbed before she can reach her car [Music] [Applause] [Applause] a day later in the 82nd emissary Morano [Music] [Applause] after a whole month of fasting Ramadan is about to end so it's time for some last-minute present shopping before the ade holiday [Music] Nanoha hollister Madonna OS in Ibiza Ramadan vowel Medeiros fr om caramel Don subway ooh show up kinda funky Oceanus all what - I still hostin of it came to my attention that evening the final firework is lit to mark sundown and the streets fall silent for the last time as people break their fast the moon has waxed and waned and Ramadan is over for another year dawn on the first day of a Damascus awakes to the end of Ramadan in the old city the ancient Ahmad mosque is filling up with worshippers gathering for the heat prayer across town Dyer and her sisters arrived at their local mosque to share the celebration [Music] while the men gather in the main hall the women find that place upstairs to worship they've done since how do you motivate that evening [Music] across Damascus the prayer begins once the special ií'd prayer has been said the normal devotional cycle is repeated three times through [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] the end of the prayer brings a month of fasting to a close and the heat holiday begins [Music] [Music] soli the streets fill with children wearing their new clothes and playing with their heed presence small fairgrounds spring up in the cities parts many take advantage of the family gathering to pay their respects at the graves of their ancestors dua and her sisters have come to pay a special holiday visit to their grandfather [Applause] [Music] back to school after hade and the tuckshop has thrown open its doors [Laughter] [Music] he's back on the timetable kisara after school means hitting the drill square with the head digits it and she regularly Dwyer has got through her first month in the school she's had time to assess her move to zocalo Susan's collected an account with liquor and Nevada and one Capuchin fountain a banana ejector it wasn't the community but Lagoon in addition today I'm definitely any different there was only you and I one had 2000 the local youth union has come to reveal their final decision on the student leadership for the rest of the school year well I want to know if a referral fee partner al-azizia Fitness Oswald I mean the director had cool manner here alpha traveled even for dietary fitness era the town either television Dada and his VA well cover us our fee mashaallah la mejor de creer was here Haller vietname which you've had at least that our idea for the Vietnam it's meiosis chance to pitch for the job she Oh sod R&D focus on and cover is half you Ravi Timaeus varasi each additional no machi a mover sigil on it but then I let me shake a row team you know I understood it myself I'm name is Shirley a hidden every mr. Mahina push the market mr. manhandle my solar an attack on Muhammed can do is that was very wrong oh come on miss aquatic particle thick burn Mahan basically couldn't see anything can she be being keepin ticket watching watch the merciful if Kabir and if she shouldn't see on the neck Syrian school can to Palestinian refugee rappers break the mold to find out more from the Open University about schools in Syria go to BBC owk forward slash Syrian school [Music]
Channel: Real Families
Views: 362,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Real Families, Full documentary, Parenting Documentary, Tips for parents, Full episodes, Syrian School, syrian school bbc, syrian school bbc documentary, syrian school system, syrian school episode 2, syrian school episode 5, syrian school episode 3, syrian school episode 4, bbc documentary, syria documentary
Id: T56nVzdlCLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 40sec (3520 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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