A Day in The Life of a Podcast Host | Podcast Studio Tour LA

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hey guys I'm Rachel Hollis and I just realized that oh that's me in the mirror behind me let's go like this I have had a podcast for over 7 years and today I thought it would be cool to show you guys what a day in the life looks like for us as a team how do we set up Podcast how do we welcome guests we actually have two guests today we don't normally double book in the same day but both of these were such huge incredible guests that we had to do it so it's going to be a little bit of a crazy day and I wanted to show you what it's all about now surprisingly I start the day with Journal work this is my start today Journal where I write down the things I'm grateful for and the goals that I'm working on in my life this is the look this is the fit this is the setup for the podcast fit guys I'm literally just wearing my pajamas all right we're going to start with a very attractive Ensemble for me I don't know what this outfit is but real life this is me cleaning the podcast Studio before guests arrive our studio is in my backyard and a lot of leaves tend to fly in when the doors are open so before guests come I just take the vacuum out and make sure she's all good to go I try and give a gift to every guest that comes on the show and I write a handwritten note to each one thanking them for the time I never actually know if any guest will read the note but it's important to me that my intention is there plus it's really weird to write to Shia Twain each guest gets a mug made by my favorite ceramicist in Hawaii and I always tell people that it's from my favorite ceramist in Hawai her name's Lauren and she's pretty amazing if you want to go follow her on Instagram if I've said it once I've said it a thousand times I really care about the way things smell I think scent sets the state for everything else so if you come into my home if you come over to hang out or to have dinner or if you come to do a podcast episode you better believe it's going to smell really really good I'm just adding some essential oil drops to my diffuser this is called Retreat not an ad just a smell I really like I also love having fresh Greenery on the table in between the guests and I just think it's good to have it around and I cut some from my garden sometimes there are flowers but at the very least there is always a rosemary bush that I can use to again make things smell really good I keep a bowl of affirmation cards on the coffee table in front of every guest and almost every person picks a card without being prompted I feel like the universe is always talking to us and 100% of the time the guest pulls a card that they tell me they really needed on that particular day and by the way let me just say I pulled this card because I love cards and I'm going to read it yes it says to begin the practice of allowing I must get out of the way and let Spirit give me direction that's how I live my life yeah these are from Gabby Bernstein and I got them on Amazon okay wait there I'm going to look there it's terrible lighting but I love a skin care moment so I'm just going to take you on my morning skin care today all right we'll first do wear wise your favorite X exfoliating pads I got this from Molly when she came on the show actually tried it out and may be dug it vitamin C totally essential if you want even [Music] skin I love this product that one's from Miranda Kerr when she was a guest on the show and I have been obsessed ever since I use like 10 of her things this is the non oil oh my gosh so good I don't really have anything to say about this moisturizing sunblock an aesthetician used on me once and I thought it was light and smooth and I just have used it ever since now this is fabulous this is May lindstrom's the blue cocoon it's what I use as the top layer on both my cheeks and my forehead and I feel like it helps with my rosacea and the texture of my skin I have adopted long walks as as a part of my exercise routine and I really love it on podcast days I don't have time to get a workout in and do morning routine with the kids so this is my workout I go on a little over a 2 Mile Walk and it wakes my system up and makes me feel really good I also make my walk to my favorite coffee shop so it's about a mile there I have an Americano and a mile back right now we got the single setup let's go [Music] double here we are with our two person setup this is Rachel's camera points at Rachel and this is our guest camera points at our guest but we're not done yet there we go here we have Rachel's mic guest mik this is my mic if uh heaven forbid I have to talk I sit here and play with these things they do all the talking and then I also take notes over here never forget the SD card I can tell you that from experience and we did it a lot of people say it smells real nice in here and that's cuz of this guy I made this Frame curly maple look at this shining can't have noise from the fridge so we've got to unplug it but so you remember to turn it back on put your keys in the fridge I'll be back here's a pro tip if you have these small thisd drives put some uh Velcro on them in case anybody's wondering it's just a two light setup this is her back light and there key and then that is the same thing but that way smoothie green smoothie I'm all about that life I have a green smoothie almost every single day and it's a really good recipe before a podcast because it's really light if you want the recipe it's on the site now it's time for hair and makeup I don't always have it done but if I'm doing an interview I absolutely do and this is Britney she has been my hair and makeup gal for years at this point so we know exactly what we're doing and there's no guess work to the process hey hey oh hey producer Jack is here I brought fresh Tangerine shut up from where you grew them I didn't oh it's my aunt have a tree nice we piced a whole bunch oh this is my actual dream fresh Citrus thank you bro look at this transformation she's so talented I take zero credit for the way this looks I don't know about this sweater with like big pants but I'm going to go for it cuz I feel like a sailor so this is what this is our first our first look guys it's our first look I haven't actually taken this off yet this is from anthropology here we are my hair to be bigger but this is what we're wearing today super embarrassing but this is actually what my jewelry area looks like which is so terrible I put it all down here when I moved in and I honestly have I've just never fixed it guys and that's horrifying but that is what true just uh just breaking in here real quick because about a month ago we shot day in the life I was watching edits yesterday and I'm keeping it in what my jewelry area looked like but every time I would watch an edit of that I would be so embarrassed I just wanted to show you guys I did clean it up I I cleaned it up I got some organization things ordered them online these are all my necklaces this is vintage I never wear it but I really want to I'm going to at some point I promise oh my NE necklaces my Rings I actually think this looks really pretty I got my Hoops almost all of the brooches are from my grandmothers this was my boyfriend's Grandma's This was um my nanni's which was what we call my great grandma this is Grandma neie this one was I think Grandma too okay you guys don't care about the broaches but there they are and then I don't have a lot of earrings but those are the earrings the watches oh look and then I like did this moment with my sunnies I know some of you were judging me I was judging me but I cleaned it up Mom I cleaned it I think it's really groovy that I have a record player so I try and put a record on before any guests arrive and on this particular day I was feeling like some Marley most guests during the winter will ask for coffee or tea so just in case they want tea I pre-boil the water so it's ready when they arrive otherwise it takes like 10 minutes and I feel bad that they have to wait that long also absolutely my favorite brand of tea is big heart they're really cool it's rad company and their tea is delicious we're doing two guests today our first one Michael B Beckwith the analogy I use sometimes is when you look at the ocean it's water there things in the ocean there's Plankton there's seaweed there's boats there's human pollution but all that which is within the ocean is not the ocean so all that is passing through us is not us who are we we are awareness we are pure awareness what are you doing over there um I'm looking for places that we can order food from Jack uh places we've looked we've had before there is a new place I've had but you haven't I don't think and we have a really good salmon situation that I'm going to get but we look at this and see how your heart feels about it 100% Jack how's that uh how's that lunch it's fantastic be good fantastic good mine was really good too we need energy for Shania Shania let's go girls okay we ate lunch and I changed my outfit and uh I'm caffeinating cuz I didn't actually finish my coffee in the last interview and uh the next podcast guest which is Shia Dwayne CL um is in about 30 minutes okay true story I look like I'm chill about this but I was crapping my pants like I was so excited that she was at my house and trying so desperately to just be calm I was telling my boyfriend earlier I'm like she is the soundtrack of my life I'm not going to cry cuz that's weird I can feel you yeah but oh it like hurts my heart a bit that that process didn't feel good to you but also so inspiring that it does now well let me explain first that what overpowered the fear was my connection to the music we just had a whole recap which we should have taped we did it there's Jack we've just finished Shia was here my big fear was that she was not going to show up and she actually was here and she was amazing beautiful and the conversation was awesome Rolling Deep too Rolling Deep we so yeah that's the day yeah that's the day uh what are you going to do now Jack now that we've had a whole day of taping I'm going to go eat something great and then probably go to bed okay cool yeah maybe some edits you know sure that happens plan good plan high five good job [Music] today
Channel: Rachel Hollis
Views: 11,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: c48gllXBogI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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