A Day In The Life Of A Mobster | Michael Franzese

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quite often i get asked what was a normal day in the life of a mobster what did it look like well it was anything but normal but i'm going to tell you what it was like [Music] hey everybody welcome to another sit down with michael francis how is everybody doing it's christmas season hope you're getting your shopping done under whatever restrictions we have i think all the online retailers are doing a lot better than the uh brick and mortar stores this year but i think that's been a trend that's happening anyway uh but anyway i hope you're getting into the spirit you know fighting your way through this things are going to get better but let the christmas spirit just take you over and uh you know just just make you feel good that's it that's what we're trying to do here at the frenzies household so uh before i get going today i've been getting a lot of inquiries about my books uh because you see me read from one yesterday i just want to tell you quickly what i got a lot of people are asking about christmas presents and once again uh i got four books right now blood covenant my life story tv series based upon this is in uh development next year we hope um that's this i'll make you an offer you can't refuse my business book great book it's all about machiavellian ideology proverbs ideology it was translated i think in 10 different countries bestsellers listed three asian countries and people have loved it so you'll like that my wife's book this thing of ours her story you know better than mine i think so if you want to get that i always tell the guys at a men's group hey when you see what my wife went through to stay with me you let your wife read this she's going to think you're terrific trust me um so that's that and then honestly people my favorite book uh there was a documentary done on this but god the father and i really put my heart in this one it's a ministry tool anybody that really needs encouragement you know uh feeling hopelessness it's my story but in a little bit more detail and um again i put my heart in this one so anybody that's struggling this is the book i got thousands of these in prisons all over the country so and it's been effective having an impact store.michaelfranchise.com or you can go on facebook instagram you can pull it up there and buy it so that's that now what are we going to do today so many of you asked me mike what's life like as a mobster i mean describe a day in the life of a mobster well i'm going to do that and i'm going to do that in three different phases because i was never an associate you know associate is somebody that's kind of hanging around a maid guy i shouldn't say hanging around but supportive of a made guy he's never was made maybe he might get made if he's proposed who knows but i was never an associate i immediately became a recruit because my father repo proposed me so it's recruit a soldier once you get made and then for me it was a copper regime capo skipper street boss okay all of those so i'm going to describe my life in each one of those phases of me being a mobster as a recruit i think i've told you this but there's a lot of new people that tune in so if i'm a little bit redundant i'll get through it quickly um as a recruit once my father proposed me to the family i go downtown a captain in the family capo picks me up takes me to see the boss at that time was tom de bella and a fellow by name andrew russo who was my first cup of regime and tom runs this down to me michael i got a message from your father he said you want to be a maid member of that life is of our life is that true i said yes here's the deal from now on 24 7 you're on call to serve this family 24 7. that means if your mother is sick and dying and you're called to service you leave your mother's side come and serve us from now on we're number one in your life before anything and everything when and if we feel you deserve the privilege to become a member we'll let you know that's what you you're told as a recruit andrew looks at me and he says be tomorrow at carroll street that's where our social club was and kind of our headquarters at that time for the columbo family he should be there in the morning wear a suit so as a recruit my day every day was going downtown to carroll street most of the time or to wherever i was designated to go and i would just sit around and see what was needed of me i observed i learned as a recruit quite often i drove the boss around and and my couple at that time because i always had a nice car i was in the car business during that time even though i was young i had a leasing company and i had a body shop and i always had a good car that i was driving so they would like me to drive them but uh i didn't really drive them i would sit in the back seat uh andrew would drive and tom de bella would sit in the passenger seat and i'd just sit there buy my own business not say a word and listen you know i gotta mention this again some of you have heard this but that scene in donnie brasco okay when uh lefty rigerio uh al pacino was sitting in the car smoking and joe postone the johnny depp character opens the window because the car is filled with smoke and i'll never forget you know uh pitino turns to him and say uh donnie shut that window you want to kill me with that draft on you want to kill me donny what are you doing what are you doing with that what the [ __ ] donna you want to kill me with that draft you know how many times i heard that couldn't open the window i never smoked but they used to smoke and it would be filled with smoke and i couldn't open the window because they said there was a draft funny scene but anyway that was kind of it i drove them quite often there was times when i would sit out in the car they would go in for a meeting that i wasn't allowed to attend i wasn't a made guy at that point and i'd sit there and wait sometimes two three four hours for them to come out at night quite often at towards the end of the day we'd go for dinner uh dinner would be hosted some of the recruits some not you know some other people that maybe they wanted to meet we'd sit around we'd always go to a a decent restaurant have a bite to eat and then at some point in time we might go to a club that night all associate together and during this time i'm absorbing what the life is really all about and i'm waiting because at any moment i could be told this is something you need to do i could be given an order and sometimes it was about something serious sometimes it wasn't that serious but basically my day as a recruit was getting down to brooklyn in the morning normally carroll street or wherever i was designated to go there were times when you know my cup of regime lived in long island so i'd have to pick him up and drive in with him but basically it was just being on call 24 7 for whatever i was asked to do it was a little bit difficult because at the same time i'm trying to earn a living you know and i think in a in a prior video i had told you you know i i had gotten myself in trouble i went to trial a number of times i was trying to build my life back i told you in another video i was working weekends uh for a fellow by name of vinnie vingo who was an associate at the flea market told you all about that you can look it up in another video a recent one and so basically though i was on call and there were times people as a recruit that i was given something to do to prove myself worthy i'm not going to get into detail use your imagination but uh there is no way that you enter that life without proving yourself doesn't matter if you're somebody's son there's a lot of sons of fathers that uh are part of that life andrew russo brought his sons in persico brought his sons in colombo brought his sons in you name it there's a lot of nepotism in that life and it doesn't matter who your father is you still must prove yourself in that life in one way or another again use your imagination so that's basically my life as a recruit and that lasted for me for about two years and it is taxing and i lived on long island i had to get into to brooklyn uh just about every day and uh you know it was tough but hey this is what i wanted and i had to prove myself and i was there on call 24 7. so cut two halloween night 1975 the night that i got made with five other guys so now i'm a soldier in the family okay uh obviously my my ranking increases because now i'm a made guy i have privileges that i didn't have before so i'm allowed more than than not to uh to go about my business now you kind of find your way at that point in time you know my cup of regime was still andrew russo and by the way i love andrew he was a great guy and i have no ill feeling towards him whatsoever he was very fair with me i got along well with him and i know he's a little bit elderly now and i always wish him and his family the best that he was just a good guy him and his whole family and um he was good with me you know when i needed something he was there for me i had to put everything that i was doing on record with him and the reason you do that when i say on record you don't write it down but you have to tell your official your kappa regime this is what i'm involved in whether it be legitimate or illegitimate because if it's legitimate and somebody makes a claim on your business and you don't have it on record you sit down and there's an argument about it you could lose the argument just because you didn't put it on record if it's an illegal activity whether it be book making shy locking you know hijack anything that you might do that's illegal if you don't put that on record with your kappa regime and there is a claim or a sit down or an argument something with another made guy and it wasn't on record you could lose the argument because you never put it on record so you must put everything you're doing as a soldier and even as a recruit on record so again answer to my cop regime i'd get up in the morning if i was needed i'd run downtown but i didn't have to do it as often but a lot of times i did get a call come around michael i need you to do this i need you to do that so you're still always on call as a soldier the second thing is now uh now i start earning money so when i'm earning money again go to my copa regime this is the deal i got here's the money that i'm turning in and you have to do that and it was more or less during my time as a soldier even a little bit as a recruit but more as a soldier that i kind of found my way and they kind of saw me as an earner in that life and in that life you kind of separate yourself people there's people that earn and they're valuable obviously because the family's got to make money you know the colombo family especially we're always known as more as the tough guys uh when i mean when i mean tough guys i mean i'm not saying we're tougher than anybody else but uh we weren't the business crew so to speak really we had you know several wars in our family uh we had one of the smaller families i think we had 115 made guys at the time uh that i spent in that life where gambinos and genovese they had over 200 maybe 250 but the bonannos and and our family we were a little bit smaller in that regard uh lucasia also a little bit smaller but um so i established myself as an earner started to bring in money i knew i knew how to use that life to benefit me in business i was very aggressive went out on the street and did my best to earn for the family and as a result of that i started to you know rise in stature because listen money means a lot in that life and you know you bringing it in you supporting the family in a certain way it works out well and so that was it so but i also had my own business during that time as a soldier i establi established my automobile dealerships i had a mazda dealership i also had a chevrolet dealership out in suffolk county long island i had leasing companies and but let me get into my my my really my daily routine it was i get up in the morning i'm always an early riser up five six in the morning i'd have breakfast with my family during that time and then boom somebody would normally pick me up i usually wouldn't drive i'd go to my offices in the morning if i didn't have to go right to brooklyn either the chevrolet dealership the mazda agency that's where my offices were i conduct my business there the legitimate stuff that i had to do in business that it called for and then if needed i'd head downtown in the afternoons quite often meet with my copper regime andrew maybe the boss get through whatever mob business had to be done at that point in time later on in the day i would always make sure that i got home for dinner sit down eat dinner you know spend time with the kids and then again seven eight nine ten o'clock i'm out again we used to go to a club almost every night i had my whole crew around me we would sit down discuss our business i mean it was a a a very busy day i never was bored i never had nothing to do i can tell you that because i had guys that were uh in my crew so to speak around me they were always trying to get something going business-wise so i was always dealing with them one way or the other it became a big responsibility even as a soldier cut two i become a copper regime 1980 i'm appointed officially before that i was acting capo for my dad uh when he came home and you know that's another whole thing i mean i can you know sit here for for hours to tell you about my relationship with my dad and things that we had to do together um but as a competition now it's different now you're assigned men it is an official position you know people have said to me michael why do you call yourself a boss i don't call myself a boss the media calls me a boss everybody else calls me a boss but when you're a kappa regime you are a boss you're in charge of men you're not the boss of the family but you're a street boss the men are assigned to you by the boss the soldiers are you also have your associates and you're responsible for them and they're responsible to you so that's a leadership position you know it's it is what it is so that's why people call it a boss um but i had a lot of responsibility i mean it was a lot of work and then dealing with your guys who are always you know i don't want to say in trouble but they're always have something going on that you have to deal with you know as a cop regime you're always dealing with something with your associates or with your soldiers that are under you uh it was just very involved and i would do that throughout the day if i had to go downtown to see the boss obviously i'd meet with him uh and we would do our mob business you know michael this is what we need you to do and you know sometimes i had to do certain things and get my crew involved a lot of stuff again get home for dinner try my best to do that uh spend time with with my family and then always 9 30 10 o'clock out again and yes we used to be in a club just about every night that was it five six nights a week we'd be in a club until maybe one two three in the morning um you know we would party a little bit we talked business quite often in the clubs and i used to go to all of them a couple on long island channel 80 231 in the city we'd go to regines studio 54 at times i mean just a lot of the clubs aren't mentioning all of them but that was my life you know five six days a week i tell my kids you could never be in a club as often as dad was because during my time in that life that was it and yes a lot of mob guys did that we we we just spent our nights out like that so that was uh that was kind of it i always tried to spend sunday at home you know sunday was kind of family day and um you know holidays obviously family days so that's it for today uh man i do hope you're getting into the christmas spirit hope everybody's doing well uh we're in lockdown here again in california you know under almost house arrest i would call it but you know we're getting through it listen i don't want to minimize uh the seriousness of this virus it is serious a lot of people are catching it you know try to take the politics aside i don't know if they're doing the right thing but with these lockdowns i feel bad for many of the restaurants that are struggling that are never going to open up again i'll tell you i was at westwood california where ucla is big town very affluent town on monday and i was shocked to see all the uh the storefronts that were boarded up and closed and empty uh it's terrible i know people are struggling i just hope that this government figures something out i hope that people get the aid that they need to get because it's sad you know and i know a lot of people are depressed and i know a lot of people are going through stuff hey when the going gets tough the tough get going you have to have that attitude people so i hope you do take care of your families through this time of the year try to be as as joyous as you possibly can for those of you that are believers like i am it's a time to be thankful just to be alive and free and you know above the ground i would say we have a lot to celebrate uh on our lord's birthday on december 25th so that's it for today how do i always leave you be safe be healthy and god bless you and i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Michael Franzese
Views: 592,839
Rating: 4.9365387 out of 5
Keywords: michael, franzese, michael franzese, mafia, mob, mobster, mob boss, mafia boss, capo, caporegime, colombo, colombo family, colombo mafia, gambino, bonanno, lucchese, genovese, al capone, john gotti, gotti, american mafia, italian mafia, prison, federal prison, prison gangs, fat tony, sonny franzese, day in the life, a day in the life, daily life, daily vlog, recruit, soldier, what you have to do in the mafia, what is a mafia soldier, what is a mafia captain, daily life of a mob boss
Id: eSqY25voLNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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