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hello beautiful people welcome to my Channel or welcome back if you are already a subscriber and hello to you if this is your first time stopping by sending you a warm welcome and thank you so much for deciding to click on this video today all right so today is Sunday October 30th I am going to be recording this trip that I just got assigned last night it's gonna be my first official trip that I'm working out of my new base for those of you who may not be familiar with my channel I am a flight attendant with a main lawn carrier and I recently got assigned a transfer to Newark New Jersey I'm already gonna get this ball rolling in my new base I got a trip already so I got assigned a four day pairing and I'm gonna give you guys the trip details as follows so my check-in time is going to be 6 30 p.m you guys this is gonna be the first time that I'm working overnight flights and I have no idea how this is gonna go for me I'm actually a little nervous because I just am praying that I'm not super exhausted but I've been chilling and relaxing the last couple days like getting my mind back ready to get working again and hopefully I'm well rested enough I'll probably take another nap within the next hour or so before it's time for me to get ready to head to the airport right now it is currently 2 17 so I want to leave the house around like um five ish because like I said it's gonna be my first trip out of the new base so I have to take the bus to the airport I also need to go to the crew room to get a new phone they just are upgrading our work devices to iPhone 13 so I need to pick up that device and I also want to just kind of get familiar with the terminal and kind of just be more comfortable moving forward with knowing where everything is that I would probably be utilizing quite often which will be the crew room the KCM check-in area and just getting familiar with the c terminal and just knowing what's wrong around there to like eat and stuff like that as far as the trips so we are headed to Newark to Seattle directly straight there no stops in between the flight time is blocked at six hours and 20 minutes but hopefully it'll be a little bit less than that and then I have a 12 hour layover in Seattle pick things back up tomorrow around noon and I'll be going from Seattle back to Newark and then from Newark to Jacksonville Florida the Seattle to Newark flight is blocked at 5 hours and 16 minutes and then the last flight of the day which is from again Newark to Jacksonville Florida is two and a half hours and then I have a 29 hour layover in Jacksonville Florida I have not had a layover this long since I've been with the company yeah 29 hours is a long time I wish it was somewhere International but it's fine um we'll see what I get into once I get there and then on the last day I'm gonna be going from Jacksonville to Newark Newark to New Orleans and then New Orleans to Newark the first flight from Jacksonville to Newark is 2 hours and 15 minutes in Newark to New Orleans is three hours and then the New Orleans to Newark is two hours and 45 minutes so I would say overall this is not a bad trip as far as flying time I think it's a credit of 22 hours and 15 minutes so I should see you know a nice a nice piece of change for this trip because it is a four day and we do have some long flying hours in those days of me working that's nice it's a good first trip out of my new base so I'm excited hopefully it all goes well with me checking in and I have a nice crew and yeah I feel like I gotta get back into the groove of flying because I literally looked at my calendar my work calendar this morning and I realized I haven't worked a trip in two weeks which is crazy I had off days and then I had days where I just didn't get assigned any trips in my old base so I just kind of been not flying so I'm excited to get back into the swing of things hopefully now that I'm at a busier base I'll be flying much more which means more content for you guys and hopefully more exciting trips and layovers we're gonna just start getting ready let's get this show on the road [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] welcome [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] y'all so I'm all dressed and ready to go I just need to do a couple more tasks and then I'm gonna walk to the bus stop and head to the airport and hopefully this is going to be a good trip it's how it's looking doing the black dress today I don't have my shoes on yet I'm gonna wear my Crocs to walk to the bus because why would I walk to the Bliss wearing my heels okay so update ciao I don't miss the bus that I wanted to get on in order to get to the airport at a decent time and if I wait until the next bus it wouldn't drop me off until 604 and my check-in time is 6 30. so it's like do I want to take a chance of waiting on this bus and say it's running later there's traffic and I get to the airport late and have a late check-in so yeah I should have planned this out better here's what I found what I didn't ask you to find anything Siri um so yeah that is a bummer I had to just order a lift it's going to be here in five minutes and I'm gonna worry about that the lift is like 24 so had I just got ready faster or just planned this out better I would have been saving 24 what do you live and you learn it's all right it's all right as long as I get to the airport and have a successful check-in and nothing goes wrong that's all that matters at the end of the day and we could plan better for the next time next trip I'm definitely catching the bus to the airport because uh-uh I'm about to be paying 25 dollars every time I need to go to work that's a dub but anyways do better see y'all at the airport y'all I'm finally at my hotel room in Seattle it is currently 12 42 in the morning we were supposed to be here almost an hour and 45 minutes ago maybe like an hour and 30 minutes ago but then it took forever for us to actually get to the hotel after we landed because the hotel shuttle was full so we had to wait for them to do another round to come back and get us yeah but hey this is part of the job you know there's going to be delays and it's expected but did I expect it to happen on my very first trip out of my new base no I did not however I can say that the crew that I flew with on this trip was super dope like the galley person that I had in the back hilarious kept me laughing entertained the whole entire flight had such a great conversation with one another nice thing to have a great crew to work with because it makes your flight go by faster and it just makes it fun so even when you have delays you have some other aspects that bring you Joy and positivity those are all in and together you know I'm not the only one that's just delayed I'm not the only one that's just tired I'm not the only one that just wants to get in my bed like we're all going through the same emotions most of the time when stuff like that happens but nonetheless I'm grateful and happy I made it to Seattle safe and sound so I'm going to show you guys the hotel room that I'm going to shower and get in the bed because our check-in tomorrow well technically later today is at 11 11 am which means I need to be up probably around 10 15 ish we're going to catch the 10 45 shuttle to go to the airport then we're literally going to do this flight that we work tonight again tomorrow but just in rivers I'm gonna go from Seattle back to Newark and then Newark to Jacksonville Florida and then I have a 30 hour layover so um yeah tired as an understatement but here we are guys back in the thick of things this is definitely not me complaining but I'm just keeping it real with you guys about how this trip went but it's gonna be cool it's gonna be cool we're gonna Thug it out okay so this is the room as soon as you walk in let's go into the bathroom first so there's me what's up okay shower pretty standard bathroom this mirror is cute um they can come this way just closet right here make sure ain't nobody hiding in this thing okay and then I have a double bed yay which I love full length mirror right here a little stupid thing you know it's a fridge in a microwave I love the hotel rooms that have both and then let's see if there's a view oh not really much going on outside but there's that it's raining outside right now I can't wait to get into the bed see you guys in the morning it's the next day your girl is up ready to get this day started I'm starving it's about to be 10 A.M remember that I have to be downstairs for shuttle pickup at 10 45 so I'm gonna see if I can hurry up and go downstairs and order some breakfast hopefully it won't take long so yeah let me go get something to eat okay you guys I just put my order in downstairs I'm gonna get a waffle and I'm going back up to my roommate now to pack up my bag just to make sure that I got all my stuff to get a different time to report to the show because we don't want to be running late so multitasking at its finest y'all I just got dressed so fast probably looking crazy didn't get to do any makeup but it's okay no big deal but now I feel like I'll have enough time to comfortably eat my food without rushing and scarfing it down so that's what I care about most right now [Music] y'all tired is an understatement right now I finally got to Jacksonville Florida literally just walked into my hotel opened up my camera to talk to you guys before I go to sleep OMG so flight was delayed finally got here I was supposed to be here around midnight it's 1 30 in the morning so much happened today but I'm too exhausted to really sit down and like talk on camera I just want to let you guys know I made it successfully show you guys a hotel room and then when I'm rested and up and we're energized tomorrow morning I will come back on camera and chat with you guys to tell you about the day because y'all it was a lot going on today this hotel honestly looks like it's gonna be super nice I can't wait to like walk around in the morning because I'm actually staying at a golf resort slash I think it's a beach club or something like that so it's nice so I'm excited because I have 30 hours here well now it's really like 28 and a half because of the delay and then the resort was like almost a 30 minute drive from the airport so that cut into my layover time anyway not like it's a big deal because I'm about to go to sleep but I'm just saying but anyway I said I was gonna show you all this room so let me show y'all cause I'm just over here talking so when you walk in there's a closet area and then fridge coffee maker this is the bathroom sinks and then there's your favorite flight attendant in the world okay [Music] um and then this is the room area double bed love love love cute little sofa and then just table chair TV can't really see much out the window right now but I feel like this view is going to be cute I think like there's some water and like a little Bridge outside but you guys can only see me and the reflection so I have to make sure I show you guys that in the morning so yeah this is a room see you guys in the morning peace let me show you guys The View out of this window now that it's daylight [Music] so pretty and it looks like a very nice day outside foreign hey guys good morning it's the next day clearly I am up and ready to get this day started it's about 10 35 in the morning definitely caught up on my sleep I feel well rested so I'm happy about that what do I have on the agenda today the first thing is in my last Vlog I stated how I was looking for a therapist and I scheduled me a therapy session finally so that therapy session is today at 11 so I'm going to have my therapy session which I feel like is very much needed like I just have so many things that I need to get off my chest process and I know it's not all going to happen in one session but I am excited to get the process started and hopefully all goes well with the counselor that I found and if not I will find another one uh but nonetheless wishful thinking that it's all gonna go good to be honest y'all when I have woke up this morning I had opened up my Instagram app I've seen that one of the rappers of Migos unfortunately got murdered last night and it just really made me so sad you guys I actually started crying because it just seems like the senseless violence is never ending it's also kind of like yeah a famous person that we know or that I know uh passed away but things similar to what happened to him even though we don't know all the details happen so often to people that we don't know around the world constantly and it's just unfortunate to see and to know that there are so many people out in the world who just don't have love and compassion and decency and just people are just so desensitized to taking someone's life over things that just don't matter at the end of the day taking people away from their families their loved ones it's just so heartbreaking and it's so frustrating to see that going on over and over and over again it seems like it's just I hate it I hate it so much so I cried this morning about that and just the overall thought that someone's life is expiring all too too soon by the hands of someone else oh I know I come in on my channel to hear that but I just felt like I wanted to share that frustration and I'm pretty sure other people who may be watching this video can fill me on that one so oh I tell you this world is an interesting place but I also know that there's a lot of love and kindness in the world too and I just wish that more of that would be spread and shared and put into our communities to cancel out the hate I really really do but anyway first things first on my agenda today is therapy then after that we are going to go walk around this resort we're gonna see what's outside I'm excited to be outside and be near water and just relax because it's much needed and depending how this therapy session goes your girl might be doing more crying today so we gotta have something to to build my spirits back up just in case you know I'm sad and stuff after my session which is not always a bad thing after therapy because you know you're unpacking so many emotions and things and it's not uncommon to maybe possibly be sad after the session but I'm not speaking that into existence Lord let me in my session today with smiles okay yo I almost forgot to give you the details about yesterday's flights and how crazy my day was the flight from Seattle to Newark what happened on that one we were getting ready to leave the hotel and apparently the driver that dropped us off the night prior didn't inform the hotel that we needed a van to drop us off at the airport at 10 45 the next morning when we get downstairs to wait on our van the van's not there and I'm running late and then we were telling the receptionists like yeah our driver is not here they were supposed to pick us up at this time so she's calling them driver is not answering or telling her that our check-in is at 11 11. my under the hotel is right across the street from the airport you guys so she wasn't able to reach him and then she was like okay I guess I'm just gonna drive you guys we were like okay cool back you know as long as we get there whatever so we get in the van to get dropped off at the airport again my angels right across the street um she was saying that it was her like first time driving people to the airport because keep in mind she's a receptionist not the hotel man driver and she just uh was confused of how to get to the terminal to drop us off so we went around the airport like almost three times so when we finally got there we were late but we got there and we finished boarding in time we left on time and all that so that's how the day started the next flight is Newark to Jacksonville and so I was honestly really tired that flight that we were working but we pushed through about halfway through the flight there was an incident in first class where a passenger it was a little bit unruly and got to the point where once we landed the Port Authorities had to meet the flights and so that was kind of crazy because everyone at that point was really ready to get off the plane because we were delayed about maybe 25 30 minutes and we had about 15 people on the aircraft that had connections people are bringing their flight attendant call Button like it's just going off and off and off and I'm like okay we're still taxing so if it's an emergency ring your call button again and we will assist if not unfortunately we'll have to hold any um questions you may have until we're successfully parked at the gate so people are still ringing the button so I get up I'm thinking like it's an emergency I'm going to these people that have their buttons on and I'm like hey what's going on are you okay they're just asking me if they're going to make it to their connecting flights I'm like oh my gosh really I'm risking my safety right now to walk up the aisle and you're asking me about your flight um and so I had to graciously respond to them so yeah that happened so it was just very chaotic I was so ready to be done I was starting to be done like you'll have flights where you know the unexpected happens and you just gotta roll with the punches and push through because at the end of the day that's just the nature of the job sometimes like you're gonna have customers who um have to ask you a lot of questions and a lot of times you don't even have the answers or you're not even the person that would really be the one that they should be asking but at the end of the day we're the one wearing the uniform and representing the company so they think that we all have the same roles you just gotta figure out the best way to help people the funniest is that we're dealing with the unruly passenger In First Class they did an amazing job with handling the situation and coming together collectively as a team to rectify the situation I wish I could give you guys all the details about what happened but I think it's best to not do that on camera it was just a crazy day so I'm just like ugh what a way to like have my first trip out of my new base to have delays and unruly passenger and late check-ins it was just a nice warm welcome but hey I'm rolling with it I'm still here okay we're actually leaving out of this hotel now you guys [Music] this party started [Music] um [Music] thank you made it to the beach club [Music] [Music] I got a cocktail that says well rum coffee and something else in there I don't know it's about a coughing alcohol and saw that matters I'm just here it looks good it smells good let's see how it tastes also I'm back upstairs in my hotel room now I don't know why but I'm so tired all over again so I'm about to take a nap I think it was because the food I ate and then laying outside in that sun just oh got me ready for a nap the food that I had was really good it was really good everything was well seasoned I was like yes okay then it's a little too hot for me right now outside I hate being in the sun I hate being hot so I think I'll probably go outside once it starts cooling down maybe around like 5 30 6 p.m it's about let's see what time is it right now let me check let me check currently it's 2 35 I'm gonna lay down for like an hour and a half maybe two and then by then it should be cool down outside and then I'll go back outside so I'll see you guys when I wake up oh I'm finally waking up getting out of the bed and it's like 6 30. I was laying in the bed to sleep and lounging around that whole entire time okay guys so I just made it outside but there's like nobody that works like a hotel that's outside right now that I can ask that I could ask to turn on the fire pit so I'm kind of sad because I wanted to sit out by the fire so because it looks like that's a dub I might go sit back inside at the lower level of the hotel because it's more light over there and I kind of want to work on editing some of my content so womp womp womp but I do want to show you guys how it looks outside right now they have some accent lights so I want to show you guys how cute that looks foreign hello y'all good morning it's the next day it is currently 409 a.m my driver is supposed to be coming to pick me up at 4 30 from the hotel to take me to the airport my check-in is at 5 15. I slept pretty okay last night but I don't know why I'm so tired I think I just been honestly exhausting Myself by just all this stuff that I have going on in my personal life two are starting to really impact my quality of sleep even though I'd be like lounging around and taking naps during the day and going to bed early none of that really matters at the end of the day if you're not taking care of your mental so I really gotta get back right you guys I cannot I cannot yesterday when I have got back to my room I just came in my room eyes all red telling you guys I was done vlogging for this video and see you next time and I was like no no no no no no no no no no so when I got up this morning I was like okay it's a new day I'm feeling a little bit better because it's first thing in the morning to be showing that type of energy too much on camera because I feel like the last few Vlogs I've been just kind of low energy and just not really my normal on camera self and I just really want to bring that back into my Vlogs and showing you guys that these are supposed to be entertaining and granted you know I want to be authentic and let you know that life is not always peaches and cream however I can't allow myself to be all sad and stuck on camera because then I'm just gonna get in a habit of doing that and this is not what that channel is for okay I'm here to uplift encourage and get y'all to live your best lives with me okay and I need to get back to within my best life so that's what I'm working on right now so bear with me you guys I'm going to thanks I'm supposed to be ending my day around five Thirty so hopefully it all goes as planned there's no delays like be good to me on my last day please please please please please I want to get home at a decent time I'm just gonna go ahead and wrap this Vlog up because I don't think there's anything else that's going to be interesting to share and showcase oh with that being said thank you so much for tuning in to today's Vlog I appreciate you so so so much thank you for rocking with your girl and I hope you have a great remainder of your day great remainder of your week whenever you're watching this video and I'm sending you lots of love and light per usual subscribe to my channel if you haven't already okay I know that wink was ugly as heck but please subscribe see you next time peace
Channel: Jeannuel Lexxy
Views: 9,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flight attendant, flight attendant life, flight attendant vlog, flight attendant vlogger, life of a flight attendant, flight attendant job, cabin crew vlog, flight attendant youtube channels, day in the life of a flight attendant, the life of a flight attendant vlog, the real life of a flight attendant, travel with me vlog, flight attendant life 2022, life of a flight attendant youtube, flight attendant a day in my life aesthetic, flight attendant vlog 2022
Id: 28-lka30_aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 58sec (1798 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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