A Day In The Life Of A Creative Executive | Timm Chiusano

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I've learned that when you just simply don't stop that's when the magic happens might be a cliche one to start with but honestly just not giving up there were a thousand reasons for me to not make a Tik Tok the next day over the course of the last thousand plus days but I just kept making [Music] them I honestly don't know what I am these days because all of the world have become mixed so fast I'm a dad and I'm a husband first and foremost I'm somebody that happens to use content in a multitude of ways both professionally and personally that has become professionally at the same time I am a marketing executive that fell backwards into a social media world of somewhat being renowned I guess depends on who you are what your perspective is on what I do ohol we'll clip that right there and I'll use that as the intro everyone I'm Brian welcome to another episode of the show Tim welcome thank you for having me Brian I usually ask my guest how did you get this job depends on what job you're talking about I feel like I've got three right now I got my corporate job simply by impressing people around me during the time that I didn't know it's like those people that you don't know that are watching but are ultimately watching I had worked with somebody at ESPN that person left the company went to what was Time Warner Cable media got an email one day that said hey I have something interesting it you know is rooted in your production background I was in marketing heavily at the time but I started my career in life Sports production and it was to reinvent how local cable sales could facilitate production needs for small businesses at scale across the country and I thought this sounds amazing I was managing maybe 10 or 11 people at the time and had a very big book of business business at ESPN for their things like C you know cor like cold hard facts and some of the in content advertising that they were doing and this felt like a smart evolution of both management perspective because it was a 100 people that you're going to inherit out of the gate and there's going to be a complex business problem to solve within this how do you reinvent how this is done uh I didn't know that that was going to entail they literally brought me in the Thursday before my first day and said you're going to have to fire all 100 people and do it within the first 6 weeks and reinvent the department within the first8 months we didn't tell you this going through the interview process for a handful of reasons but that's what it's going to be but to answer your question I got that job by doing the best that I could which has just always been kind of my Mo like whatever I have in front of me let's do the best that I can with it that can sometimes have a ripple effect and you leave an impression that you don't know that you're leaving and then all of a sudden someone that could have have been two you know boxes down the org chart as like hey here's an opportunity the creater thing was just you know what I want to get away from Instagram as a 46-year-old you know had Instagram since 2010 and all of a sudden Tik Tok popped up and it's like oh this is interesting and I don't I'm sick of being judged when I do experiment with content in places where friends and family are like what are you doing like just put a picture of your kid up and call it a day and that got wildly out of hand within a couple of years and then that has opened up other doors so right now I would say my jobs are I literally have this listed on LinkedIn vice president of content at my day job then I'm a creator for KN as I'm assigned creator with KN it's a very well-known agency in the space and signed with Park and fine and I signed a book deal for something that'll come out in 2025 amazing let's unpack that a little bit more um I love the day job I love that you still do it and that's like you know I'm guessing I'm just thinking about a pie I mean how many times can you slice that thing it must be getting very thin at this point M uh on top of that you're managing a family you know or at least you're the dad in this role Y and there's a your partner and then you have your daughter uh which you know who all require your time as well uh and vice versa talk about um um the inflection point when did that sort of micro storytelling start and what was the impetus the impetus was just to express myself literally just to see what can be possible with video and that really started with Just Like Home Movies right I mean a bunch of stuff that I posted to YouTuber Vimeo way back when but it was never I never thought hey you can build an audience with this it was literally a link to send to a friend to say hey made this video from our trip last week and a lot of it wasn't even in the same type of cadence that I have now it was Tik Tok unleashing voiceover capability which was like early 2020 because at first you couldn't do voiceovers on it I'm like oh that's so that makes it so much easier I can use these other clips that I have yeah I don't dance I don't sing I Don't Dance I mean I started with I made one that was just like here's four or five Random clips of me and my wife and my daughter going to an art exhibit in Brooklyn the next hand were Protein Bar reviews because that's what I was doing on Instagram but I wanted to do it in a safer space and be a bit more abstract with it and also just learn right B based on the day job production at scale within a small budget for small businesses now there's a device that's in everyone's pocket that can edit on the fly with filters Etc so it's literally just like I like talking about protein bars let me see how weird these filters are and like how quickly you can put something together MH voiceover comes out and I wanted to explain myself a little bit more because I was surprised like people started to watch and started to follow and I'm like wow there's 500 people now like that's so wild that that's type of audience is there for these Protein Bar reviews yeah and I wanted to explain that in addition to Protein Bar reviews I love talking about sneakers I love talking about sushi I love talking about New York City I have all of these things and at the time I said there's the things in my life that I put in my mouth and the things that do not and I just explained it like that at a super high level and had probably my first quote viral post with that I'm like that's so interesting and then from there I started to hear I came for one of those things but I stayed for the wisdom and I'm like that is something I totally did not expect and then it was wow I have this at my disposal I'm the actor I'm the writer I'm the producer I'm the director I control it all what is my brain really saying and how do I extrapolate that and just do that and that's basically what people see on a day in and day out basis now it's like a little bit of Wes Anderson super old school Woody Allen chich and Chong mix those together and it's just it's a natural narrative that's always playing in the back of my head like I almost can't turn it off I love that comp yeah that's what I thought of when I see your storytelling it's chich Chin chong meets Woody Allen you know it's Tim you know no uh uh let's go back to uh the protein bars um I'm also a protein bar fan uh net this out for us like where did you where did you land on the bars as far as like top ones yeah the uh grenade is a brand that is relatively well accessible here in the states I think that their marketing is terrible with all due respect like it's just it's a weird brand name for a protein bar MH but the product is fantastic they're white chocolate salty peanut is probably the best protein bar on the planet I then default to noow which is a very like people think that that's awful it's a vegan protein bar I'm lactose intolerant so like I'll air on that side that's fair um you know also up there I mean Quest has a couple of good products fitc crunch is remarkable I have one of those every single night is the last piece of my snack hour routine um but I used to get this protein bar the month club from Europe and so I was was able to try like all of these crazy varieties and brands that you just couldn't get anywhere else but if you can get your hands on any grenade protein bar do it it's worth it if you're lactose intolerant go no cow they're way better than I think people give them credit for it's just a different texture thing where's the Aloha bar rank for you that's when I like the Aloha bar so my question would be CU that's not on my radar what are the macros cuz I think protein bar has to be defined is something that actually has something that's pretty close to like 20 g of protein for every 200 to 300 calories yeah I think it's uh 12 to 14 for about 200 calories so it's maybe a little low that's yeah I would say that that's borderline and I would get really specific too where it's like there's a cutof point and I'm sorry that that's just not that's like that's borderline in there so never tried it it could probably because I would see it and be like these macros don't make sense for me yeah got you and that aligns like with your lifestyle so let's talk about that for a second so you're known as a runner or I see you running all the time M do you consider yourself a runner no absolutely not I did not I mean I'm running a lot now somewhat of a creature of habit like got into it and especially now I put a cold Plunge in my backyard and that's like the this amazing Elixir at the end of a run where I like I lifted weights this morning and I was like I don't want to get in the plunge cuz I'm not didn't run is it a plunge unit yeah yeah so they're one of our partners oh cool yeah amazing love it got one in August every single day doesn't matter what the weather is outside I've been a huge huge huge fan so happily to uh to shout out plunge you have they all in I have the yeah it's like the the New Gen or the you have the first the the the first the box to the side not the one where the unit is connected yeah they have the Allin now it's pretty cool yeah no I've seen that it looks it looks I'm like damn it I've only waited a couple months but yeah do you know they have a sauna coming out too I do and that's been tempting cuz I live in Brooklyn we have a backyard there's a little playhouse that my daughter has largely outgrown so that's been very tempting to look at and be like hm I got the space and it's right there and there is already electrical that goes out there so we'll see Ryan and Mike if you're listening Ryan let's hook it up I mean look there you get a lot of organic uh play on that to say the least I was just out at their facility in Sacramento oh cool uh I mean imagine like two or three Costco uh size facilities and they're doing all the assembly and it's pretty dope I bet I mean it's it makes all the sense in the world and I did a tremendous amount of research and I'm not just saying this but it seemed to be pretty straightforward Plus in the creater space you start to make these friends right and Caleb Simpson who is well known for how much you pay for rent can I get a tour of your house he has one on his back deck we went on a run got to try it out there I was like I'm sold on this I had done cryotherapy so cold therapy was already something that was like okay cool this makes sense yeah uh and this guy named Matt Choy who I don't know if they have a deal but like I know he just put us on in his backyard in Austin and he was in everyday plunger too and then I was like okay I'm this has got to happen yeah it's good for like that middle-age inflammation um I've been plunging now pre-workout M oh interesting and then I'll go to the gym uh I get a lot of my Bic exercise through tennis lately or pick up basketball Y and so like uh hips I was going to say you're brave well hips knees and um and ankles y I'll go in post game for the inflammation only but if I'm going to the weight room I go in before I go so that I keep the gains yep CU it'll you know apparently I've heard that yeah yeah yeah it's better before for when you're lifting yeah it gives me like a natural pump I get the energy oh yeah no I'm like running around the house like all I want to do is push-ups right now just to like it'll wake you up yeah totally or you can do the same thing in a cold shower just you know I did that but like there's something there's something way different like I did cold showers for a while when cow therapy cold showers cold showers just weren't doing the trick especially I think in Old New York homes where the water's going to like run in with what's you know in the radiators or something where it's like this is not that cold after like 40 seconds or something oh I got you yeah I mean same thing happens in California it 55° is cold in California but you know it's not cold enough to get you know your plunge on if you know you're used to 37 or 38 yes uh so your morning routine and it's I mean mad respect I don't know how you do these daily Vlogs I mean it's just it's a lot of work as someone who shoots video and does production and editing I mean walk us through so I'm I'm sure you're up at 4 4:30 like 4 402 or 353 it depends on whether or not my wife has to be at work at 6:30 or 8:00 so the days where I drop off my daughter 3:53 usually uh straight downstairs pre-workout immediately on the laptop try to knock out as much work as I can within the first hour if I've done my homework the night before I've got a rough cut ready for myself from the previous days whatever oh okay so you're doing it the night before not the night of I'm trying to get smarter about that overall right now it is run around grab as much vertical videos I can make it up the night before or the morning of if I'm like I'll try to whittle because I'll get like 15 minutes of footage sometimes up to 40 minutes of footage Whittle it down to 90 seconds and then from there I sit there and I'm like okay where do I start literally like I'll just go through and be like where's an interesting place where I can potentially grab somebody's attention and then reverse engineer from there 90% of them are made off off the top of my head and I give myself a timed out so if it's not done I don't have a piece of content for the day and there's a lot of times where I'm like I have a piece of crap content in my pocket now but it's something and I'm really grappling now with how do I make better use of that time but that's basically 4 a.m. until uh on days where my daughter has to be taken to school be 400 a.m. to like 5:30 and then I'll run or whatever for an hour um so yeah have you you set deliberately set parameters for yourself 60 90 minutes y so it's it's done or it's not done yep um are you scripting like are you writing this out cuz a lot of your stuff is vo like you shoot the b-roll and then there's voiceover yep you're not scripting no it's just off the hip correct okay and you're editing uh on your phone no uh iMovie so an iMovie yeah this which is especially for those that are in the space so it's not only iMovie but it's iMovie on a laptop which does not do vertical video natively right so I airr it I will then I put it in the timeline I will rotate it and I'll sit there like this and I'll edit for you know and watch it and and then I'll export it rotate it back and so I I'm guessing so I move it why like because that's what you knew how to do and it's easy it's F yeah I don't need I don't need that much and I like the fact that it's like okay here are the tools you have at your disposal okay and you're going to have to figure the rest out with your footage and how often can you just simply make what you're saying deliver visually what's happening and that's as complicated as it needs to get I did a puff of smoke effect yesterday had the former CEO of 7-Eleven reached out and was like hey you want to do something interesting together somebody from his team did and I was like sure and we were discussing like okay what's the premise and kind of making it up on the Fly I was like well I'll just have you like disappear at the end like you were just some sort of corporate Yoda that that came in is like the new guy but you play and he's like can you make me like a puff of smoke and that was about as far down the road of like visual effects or fancy things and I had to get a little bit of help from somebody on the team I'm like I think I know how to do this but I'm not 100% sure but yeah iMovie simple and just get it done and leave it on storytelling okay so I'm going to push back now yeah so you've been doing this now for how many for how long uh first Tik Tok was August of 2019 started in Earnest in early 201 I've probably made 1,600 Tik toks since then all right so 600 Tik toks in 1600 1600 Tik toks in and four years in basically yep um why don't you have an editor so I just hired one for YouTube because I know that that's something that I need to scale um I don't I don't know it's just it's I I love doing it I actually like I genuinely love doing love seeing like can what is in my head actually be put down in into a timeline Tim are you a control freak I'm I'm not because there's a lot of things where I'm like I'd be totally fine with like I trust your judgment especially work like air traffic control with a high volume of stuff that we do trust your work here's my opinion try to be very specific about subjective verses hey these are just things that need to be changed and I just I I'd like the task of trying to complete what I see but on the YouTube thing I mean you can ask my editor who's done maybe four of the these for me so far and I'm like cool I'm trusting your opinion like go nuts and I would rather get things out the door than get too much in control so that's always been like a big part is I'm here to help I'm here to assist but I'm not here to control because that's not good for anybody and I also don't think that I'm smart enough to have that true control across the board yeah I mean I I just respect the amount of work and time and effort that goes into I mean a daily Vlog is a slog I mean it's it's no joke yeah and 1,600 videos in MH I mean that's a tremendous amount of thought and effort so mad props to you um how about the platforms you know you have about a million is on Tik Tok but half that number on Instagram um 110th 100,000 is what I got on 10th right um so a bit of a Delta there and then YouTube new as a new Venture very new so how did you decide how do you decide like where to put your priorities y I don't I really like it's been it's been so halfhazard it's just been I'm experimenting Tik Tok just happened to be the first like video first platform that made sense and it was a place where nobody knew who I was so I could do whatever I wanted and it didn't really matter and that was really the beauty of it only within the last it's funny I grew like 30,000 followers on Instagram since I finally started to repost Tik toks on Instagram literally took me like 2 and a half years and everybody saying why are you not putting your stuff from Tik Tok on Instagram I was like way too many friends and family on Instagram but that's now they're all on Tik Tok as well so that kind of flew out the window yeah and I felt weird about just being like hey here's this one thing in these two places in Echo chamber yeah yeah so I've been trying to do two different versions in some cases and that'll be like the other day I've had something that at the last second literally within 10 minutes of posting I'm like I'm ripping off the voiceover reals is arguably a better platform for use of Music based off of how that element shows up in the space and I'm like I had this no Aon song in my head let me just lay that on top and then put it out there and it'll be completely different look and feel but it's all still experimentation I have to get better about I should know right now next Tuesday morning what am I going to do if I'm really smart about this I should know that I don't so I'm failing in real time intentionally to get myself to that space while trying to tell the story of that happening because I think that the audience will appreciate the fact that no this is real like I'm not especially because I think the voiceover can come across a little pretentious at times of like you know it just it has this you know you're you're able to remove yourself and you're removing any stumbl you're removing and especially from for how you talk so I try to layer in as well like no no no no no this is I made it up off the top of my head and I don't know what I'm doing next Tuesday and I should like let's talk about this journey together because y'all are witnessing this in real time and all I really want to do to get out of this honestly if I can get you to trust me wholeheartedly then like there's a thousand things we can do together especially because I feel like I can bring so much corporate perspective to the space for Generations that need it and seem to actually be craving it in some regard and if I can just build the trust through that and show them how I'm feeling and figuring out process and what am I going to do and scheduling Etc that that's you know arguably could be a fun Story how does the audience differ from platform to platform do you do you feel like there's a whole different audience even though there's you know this Vin diagram where there's some Middle Ground between tick tock um scrollers and Instagram scrollers and YouTube Watchers yep um I feel like YouTube is sort of a leanin experience totally Tik tok's more of a lean back yep um what's your take on that I totally agree YouTube is commitment to who that person is and the trust that whatever they're going to do is going to be worth showing up for that's why you are subscribing versus following M I think that in it's so interesting especially since I've only been repurposing the videos for a short period of time to see the different performance metrics the pieces that feel that are a bit more drawn out perform better on Instagram even though they have even though you can only upload 90 seconds there where I did this one I was like hey my week one perspective and here were my favorite things it was a bit more thoughtful there wasn't there weren't as many cuts it was a bit slower performed incredibly well on Instagram same piece I deleted did it off of Tik Tok cuz it was just not performing whatsoever and I've noticed it's almost that there is a more people want something a bit more calm I feel on Instagram I don't know if that's a demographics thing but I feel like that is that has been consistent since I've started to repost it things that do not perform well on Tik Tok perform Super well on Instagram it's usually not vice versa but there does seem to be a I'm talking to somebody in their mid-30s versus I'm talking to somebody potentially in their mid 20s between Instagram skewing a bit older which makes sense right I mean that you know one's been around for much longer and is you know the other one's you know arguably more Gen Y and gen Z MH and and what do you think they come for what why are they tuning into Tim I heard more often than I could I never would have thought this was a piece of feedback you make getting older seem less scary there's something yeah there's like this comfort of stable family relationship that looks solid job that looks hectic but in control and somebody that is just enjoying their surroundings shoe game you know on point the the fact that there are Aesthetics that go along with it whether it's sneakers or just the lifestyle of being in New York City there's something that just seems to and I I've saw that when I first saw I'm like oh that's so interesting and then you start to see LinkedIn notes and comments and DMS that are like almost copy and paste but in some cases especially recently by reposting things on Instagram I'm like I'm now getting flooded with stuff that I saw two years ago on Tik Tok and it's fascinating because it's like basically the same narrative I'm less scared of corporate America I feel like there's actually a potential for me to find a relationship that's going to be longstanding and still get me excited and the idea of all of these adult resp responsibilities looks less daunting because I've kind of got this like you know dumbass guy behind the P you know that in regards of the way that I weave the tail on a day in and day out basis where it's about the nuances and about like bringing those to the surface in a way that almost mutes what is always there which is just the chaos of the world and to just kind of live in the moment that seems to be what is aggregating the broader perception of why people like this I love that and uh that's my impression too is I see your cute little family and um you and your wife being affectionate and you doing stuff for her and she's doing stuff for you and you know when she's running the marathon you're there supporting her and you're taking your daughter here and there and you you know you get this Glimpse uh into your life which is very comforting I think I think that tracks with me but it's also in many ways holds up a mirror to my own life it's like oh you know Tim's living a life like I am it's like family first um we're going out to eat I love food too uh he's wearing a cool suit or you know uh trying his hand at becoming a better public speaker which you know everyone kind of secretly aspires to right like feeling more comfortable talking in front of people or on camera those are all very relatable things so I think you know if I would give you my opinion it's like you're like Mr relatable thank you I'll take that because I want at like going back to the trust thing I want to be able to for almost any audience in any circumstance like we could have a conversation because I genuinely feel that way like when I was in high school that was my bread and butter was I'm not going to be the coolest person in the room I'm not going to be the best athlete Etc I would happily hang my hat on based on my my own paranoia and my own insecurities in my teenage years if I can hang my hat on I can go to any click and they're at least going to be like oh hey what's up Tim in a positive tone I'm set that's like all I need and that I feel like has been consistent throughout and something that I'm trying to be cognizant of at the same time not let it paralyze me too much because then you can become like I'm just trying to appease everybody yeah I would call it humility like like it's in check well yeah I mean there's eight billion of us on the planet and there's not a single person that I'm better than so yeah like that makes it easier to share too right like there's nothing that I'm trying to preach or say hey you're doing this wrong or you should be doing this it makes it much easier when I genuinely am like y'all can take it or leave it like I'm just here and I'm sharing and if you don't like it for any reason like fine I'll try to not let it affect me if you're leaving negative comments and that kind of stuff but like yeah just here to have fun yeah and it doesn't appear to be acting at all it's like I've just flipping the camera on you guys are just along for the ride right you know I'm letting you see into my life right well I don't have the time for hey I suck at acting in fact it's very noticeable at least I notice it anytime my wife takes a clip I instantly get like what are you doing it's so much easier when I can just like literally this is what I'll this is what I'll do this is the move in the street and because I don't use anything that like I'm actually like from an audio perspective I'm like if I just get gums flapping so I can be walking with somebody and do that and I grab it it doesn't really matter what was happening in the moment I can at least remember remember the general sense of it and then repurpose it later on but it has to be grab and go it has to be no frills like you can't it's your point can't do this on a consistent basis if it's like cool let me set up a tripod here like this thing is super banged up because it's been on every flat surface in New York City that will hold it up for at least 4 seconds and allow me to capture a shot and I get it or I don't get it well so the other day I did see a drone shot that's new totally well that was a had a friend that has one thought it would be fun and it was super fun yeah uh I would love to be able to start to expand the way I story tell and that could be it was so it's so funny it didn't perform well on Tik Tok so far and I think I know why I tried too hard to be like let me tell you why I took this footage versus let me step back and let me tell you the story of like that day and if I would have done that I think it would have performed better to like hey check out why I love this church and here's that thing that I always go past that we talk about or like however I would Express that so sometimes I almost get in part of why I still use iMovie is I might get too distracted by what can this thing do versus how do I just use this to help do what I've already been doing but I would love to continue to experiment because it's just it's just fun you want my two cents please uh this is the opinion of one so take it for what it is I think maybe and I didn't know that it didn't perform well yeah but as you say this I'm processing it quickly here's a offthe cuff response I think that you have such a connection with the audience that the Drone shot was zoomed way out and you're just like this big character in it we didn't see the whites of your eyes we didn't see your face smiling we didn't see any reaction or emotion and it's you y that we come to see yep not the footage yep and I think that's probably what was missing yeah interesting I I buy that wholeheartedly it's so interesting to hear you say that tooo because my in my head I saw it differently but I'm trusting you know this was a knew this guy Sam amazing dude hey let's collaborate on something will you be at my house at this time on this day cool not going to like not you know no control freak aspect of nothing else like I'm going to be kind of hands off you know we kind of lost each other in a couple spots here's what I got just an amazing int introdu but like in my head I kind of saw like cool can it Fly next to me and then like Zoom past the bodega that's still dark at 5:00 a.m. or whatever time yeah so that I can be like this is why I love that sign and like some of those things so I do hope to experiment more in that space because to your point the different angles of just bringing somebody in closer but just giving them a different experience is something I would love to tap into yeah and I'll bet if you had points in that where they cut back to you flying the Drone yeah yeah yeah that that you probably would have got more traction I'm just guessing it's very non-scientific but I think it's the audience has this relationship with you um they're part of your life uh it's a it's very Truman Show but in a real way you're you know it's it's actually real life uh let me switch gears to Roi yeah so how have you been able to monetize this like how is this 1, 1600 videos in now still worth doing yep and how are you capitalizing on so signed creator with Knight Knight is mostly well known for being Mr BEAST's agency so Reed best Reed Reed's such a good dude and working with a gentleman named Andrew and a woman named Brooklyn and a handful of other folks have just been incredible Ezra cooperstein was the first person to reach out through Linkedin this was two is years ago if not longer okay and I didn't know I didn't know what KN was didn't know who Ezra was just trying to respond to everything from every corner of the planet at this point like I am a yes to everything kind of person had a one-on-one with him and it wasn't until that morning where I'm going through my calendar and I'm like okay who is this person what did I sign up for today I was like holy what is like this is this is nuts this is cool and so I've had a long-standing relationship with them which feels so good because it is truly a hey does this make sense let's have a lot of conversation let's spend a lot of time together Ezra has come to my house and gone on that 4 a.m. routine with me m just to spend time and to see the family and to meet some of the characters which I think is a testament to how KN is just run holistically what do you think they see in you it's a great question because you look at the roster across the board and it like it I'm kind of a sore thumb in the mix to a certain extent I think it's the longterm opportunity to utilize what is in my head for broader purposes than just doing brand deals How can there be interesting things that certainly will bring in monetization opportunities but give them something else to play with relative to like corporate training things or um you know opportunities that have already popped up where it's like okay let's talk about speaker fee engagement type of things that may be different from you know some like a KET or KET I should say who's you know probably not getting I I don't know might maybe he is getting a lot of you know speaking opportunities but um it just it feels like a different size plus they like there was just a genuine relationship there and I think they saw long-term potential and they like the fact that I wasn't saying hey let's do this I want to get out of my job like how fast can we make some money it was let's build a relationship let's have some dialogue let's see what's out there and especially with my ESPN background in integrated marketing all the opportunities have come up so far BMW Google Tik Tock um Factor meals just did something with them uh arur whiskey I've been able to storytelling person for us to have those conversations with about but um so far so good so it's really been only recently within the past 6 months I want to say that things I've gotten like the brand deals and opportunities to come my way yeah I've seen I saw the BMW one I I think it goes back in my opinion uh I think maybe what they see in you is um well first of all there's there's an adult in the room you know uh all these other kids that they have on the roster are super talented and Incredibly successful let's face it they're still 20s something uh in figuring out life they don't have any kids yet um they have't navigated a corporate job uh they probably can't even grow facial hair but it's like you know now we have this new demographic with Tim who's got this incredible relationship like Jimmy does with his audience um or any of the other talented people on the roster it's like you've got this one-on-one connection with people uh and if you know anything about you know YouTube is an example our Channel benefits from this too it's like um when we monetize a video there's such thing as like RPM and CPM which is like the cost per thousand m stands for Millie it's Latin for thousand it's the way they determine the value of an ad if you don't know yep um and our cost uh cpms are on average 30 40 as high as $70 per CPM wow um and it's because we have more professional content and so compare and contrast that to say like uh Mr Beast or you know some one of these other that's um less professional less serious and more um maybe entertainment driven y their cpms might be and I'm guessing it's maybe a dollar $3 it's it's under $10 and so they have to have a lot of volume to be able to generate a lot of dollarss whereas we don't have to work quite as hard we don't need bazillions of views to be able to you know monetize that in a meaningful way and also the the brands that we attract these are grownup brands for grown-ups yeah so you know we get the BMWs or we get the you know a plunge or the Turbo Tax or the Marriott Hotels or people where they have money to spend yeah U I think actually based off that it makes me think of what the night connection might be because I gained so I the more I learned about the roster the more respect I gained for the thoughtfulness and the work ethic that goes into what those like sfia niggard is a great example in regards to the consistency that she's put out on YouTube and I didn't know who aphmau was until my daughter started watching her and then having a conversation with Andrew at VidCon about AAU and her consistency of uploading and how thoughtful she is about the business um maybe it's just like strategic element to it and whether that's you've built a 100 million subscribers or you've got 5K on YouTube and a million on Tik Tok or whatever that combination is you know maybe the maybe the middle part is just like the the Strategic approach to the space and whether or not that's like a you know somebody like myself with a corporate background or somebody that just kind of has known the business and accelerated because of their work ethic and their perspective well it's rare to have a middle-aged guy let's face it yeah um be so popular uh another friend of mine who's doing really well on Tik Tok is this guy named Neil Ford yep and Neil's a great Storyteller too you know he's um you know a very seasoned human being to have a lot of life experiences and he's having a great Heyday on Tik Tok right now telling stories and doing a great job uh I think you're diversifying their portfolio frankly yeah like you know um you bring a lot to the table with your wealth of work experience and life experience uh I think it's a great move on their part this series is called behind the brand yep we talk about Brands uh so what is the Tim Brand break that down the Tim brand is to the you know couple words you used earlier uh relatable um somebody that is a brand that is reliable so relatable reliable trustworthy uh just different enough that it's interesting without being so over the Toop and uh consistent I would say that those are kind of like the brand attributes maybe overly thoughtful so um have you had any thoughts of creating your own product like your own energy bar I mean that protein bar like stands out as yeah I've had a I mean my own protein bar popcorn would be 1,000% that I would like I could do a snack hour mix of popcorn tomorrow and I could either partner with the brand and be like this is exactly what I see in my head a signature sign uh if if it was with the right collaboration it would have to be like one of a couple of brands that I would only want to do that with just based on what I see in my head what's the dream collab overall or sneaker wise sneaker wise uhne it would have to be Jordan have to be Jordan brand only because like you know the Air Jordan 4 in 1989 changed my perspective on life holistically so I'd want to if if it we're talking dream scenario I'd want to start there we just just before you came we had Nigel Sylvester oh wow who's a you knowx goat yeah his uh his his ones are some of my favorite ones ever like that was a fantastic collaboration I think they did a killer job on those and those are my one of my favorite pair of oner rock M uh and then outside of shoes the perfect Club it would be one of like three popcorn brands that I'd almost rather not say just because they show up pretty often in my uh in my spots um there's a brewery it would be one of two beers either something with Mill or something with this brand called other half that's around the corner and I actually know them quite well and I think that they just for whatever reason hasn't like dawned on them that that would be something smart to do would you do a white label though like you know collab with them and like come out with your own label and design it and I would love to experiment in that space it's funny because I've when I have done things to sell it's been small batch out of my basement and then all of a sudden we're doing you know shipping and all the logistics as well and that was not a but I mean Kelly did most of the work my wife Kelly did most of the work and I felt bad like I'd come home and I'd hear these printing labels getting done and you know she's stacking boxes and packs in the corner and it was very low volume relatively speaking but it was fun like fun to design a crew neck sweatshirt and have it be exactly the way that I wanted it based on what I saw in my head and based off of how that got inspired in the first place and I'm you know sitting here in a suit that's not you know your typical kind of you know corporate American suit like I'm very specific and intentional from an Aesthetics perspective yeah you walked in with a purple backpack on too yeah and then like you know it sometimes it gets almost embarrassing where I've got purple Supreme gloves in my you know and so it like goes all the way through there purple lining in the thing um and it's it's this element of raised in the 90s and literally hearing lines like with a hat to match which was from an Infamous biggy small song and being like wow I can do that right there's some things were from a bold perspective you're like oh I this feels cool but I don't know that I'm cool enough to do that thing and then slowly but surely becoming more comfortable even if sometimes to I'm like H this might be a little too matchy matchy today like let me put that in my pocket but uh I have I am very intentional almost to an annoying degree where it's like you don't need to do that much research about a t-shirt kind of thing but if I'm going to have it if I'm going to spend my money on it if it's going to be part of my life in general like there's going to be you know everything in its right place as the radio song goes yeah but that's that's branding internet sh it's very intentional MH right it's uh attention to detail it's uh yeah I mean my my Tik Tok page is annoyingly clean relative to what are the label like what do the text labels look like how do they all fit into their own kind of category so that if you went through you would immediately be like oh this must be one of those just because of the way that it looks and that's that almost holds you back to a certain extent because then it's like like no one's going to go there and probably scroll through and be like oh wow this is so aesthetically clean and I know that but at the same time too I can't get away from that yeah I think they call that OCD Tim yeah no there's there's without question elements of that in my day-to-day yeah but you know uh it's not a it's not a obsessive compulsive disorder I think it's um I think it's obsessive attention to detail mhm uh and it's uh well-intentioned design yeah you know sometimes you can call that ux UI yeah totally you know yeah I mean superow I I would like thank you I'd like to look at it that way when I got a box from The Container Store once and I saw how their labels or not even the labels the tape on the box Not only was it branded but it had specific mots on it that was really smart about who they are as a brand and it was just there was so much intention to it so I love picking I think that that's why the Air Jordan 4 stuck out and changed my life perception wise cuz like you didn't just put a sole on this you put an air bubble in that thing you didn't just put some places to put the shoelaces like look at this Wing like why is this mesh there like I have a thousand questions about this and then I can't help but apply that to a certain extent as often as I can like my office has a lot of stuff in it but everything is there with a story or with a reason and same with my house and I just I don't know for the time that I've got on this planet I kind of like my surroundings to be that way well well I'm fortunate enough to do it yeah I mean that's branding 101 How many pairs of shoes you have 70ish 70 yeah yeah no it's you're need a bigger house here pretty soon no I it's funny my we've talked about you know we've talked about every kind of crazy dream scenario especially as things have happened over the past couple years you know do you quit Corporate America and move to Paris for a couple of years like all like the things that are just kind of fun to talk about and my daughter's always like the on that's like no under no circum ances are we ever leaving this house there's and there's good reason for us to not ever leave the house but uh uh definitely not looking for more uh size and space in fact the less clutter uh the better yes although you know she's 11 and and she you know she's maybe doesn't have the same perspective but I I understand respect I get it um if I were a kid again I would not want my world turned upside down or having to make all new friends go to new schools that's traumatic uh in fact I did that as a kid uh several times um as we're rounding third coming home um impart some wisdom to people who are entrepreneurial at heart uh trying new things that may not work experimenting like you are what have you learned I've learned that when you just simply don't stop that's when the magic happens might be a cliche one to start with but honestly just not giving up there were a thousand reasons for me to not make a Tik Tok the next day over the course of the last thousand plus days but I just kept making them and then all of a sudden things start to click so like I think the ability to be okay with the fact that you're going to try a thousand different things and you're going to have 999 failures again somewhat cliche but like holy cow in practice and it doesn't matter like what you are doing that can bring a lot of weight to it don't let too many outside voices have too much of an impact on on you because it can be very easy whether it's an interaction with a vendor who has a certain perception of you and you're then all of a sudden like well wait a minute I'm so reliant on this relationship like there are so many things that can get inside of your head that can then start to Veer you down a path that is not where you're supposed to be going because you're letting too many outside sources control you it's like I bring it back to two simple questions on a consistent basis are my intentions good and are my efforts solid and if the answer is yes to both of those then I'm way more comfortable to be like cool let me hit the gas pedal if I crash into something I crash into something but if my intentions are good and my efforts are solid that's really all I need to be cognizant of because I'm going to fail like there are things that are going to go wrong there are phases that I'm going to go through I'm like this is this is awful this is off the rails you know whether it's like you feel as though you're getting canceled or you feel like nothing is good anymore um I think that bringing it back to those two questions have helped me consistently and be cognizant of what has impacted you to do this thing in the first place right Woody Allen movies and chichin Chong and Wes Anderson like those continue to be the source of it so if you're into the pretzel industry and it's because you have the story about the recipe that your grandmother made like always keep that at the core I feel like good brands and things that end up exploding always have this something at the middle and sometimes it's not the first thing you learn about the brand but eventually you get to it's like oh wow what a neat story and the fact that that connective tissue was kept there and they were able to be consistent and they were able to like keep the outside voices at Bay but at the same time be cognizant of their surroundings and the last thing I'll say is self-awareness self-awareness I think is critical regardless if we're talking entrepreneurs or corporate space or anything the number one thing that seems to be the dividing factor from what I have seen in my career between those that have very successful careers and those that flop or have some sort of catastrophic failure at some point is self-awareness and there are varying degrees of it I literally can look and have conversations and dissect interesting this person got to this level and then plateaued or this person got to this level and then nose died or they just skyrocketed and the number one variable consistently is the amount of self-awareness that that person had over the long course I mean we were just sitting back you know chopping it up reminiscing about the good old days and all that you know tracking my roots where I came from and where I'm [Music] going
Channel: Behind the Brand
Views: 2,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bryan Elliott, Behind the Brand, entrepreneur, branding, brand marketing, bryan elliott behind the brand, Tiktok, instagram, instagram 2024, tiktok 2024, how to make vlogs, how to make vlogs with phone, content creator, content creation for beginners, vlog, vlog creations, how to vlog beginners guide, how to vlog on youtube, timm chiusano, timm chiusano podcast, timm chuisano interview, how to vlog, viral, viral tiktok, how to make tiktok video, how to make tiktok edits
Id: ldt0kIJ5ZBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 47sec (2987 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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