A Day in the Life - Episode 1

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hey hi how are you good how are you doing good good just pick up today yes please you guys been busy not bad for a friday all right how about you oh we're always busy that's good thank you thank you ryan and then the other one i dropped off i could pick up monday monday okay awesome have a great weekend thank you my name is ryan newton i'm a police officer for the city of tustin i've been a police officer here for 15 years i work patrol i work a cover shift and you guys gonna be riding along with me virtually today i'm excited about it just picked up my dry cleaning which i do every monday and nice to have a good fresh uniform to start the week with now we're headed back to the station we're gonna do a little workout not too much and then we're gonna change out and hit the streets [Music] this is my police car unit number 11. it is a newer police car i take pride in keeping it very clean i do share the police car with another officer but it looks a little dirty so we might go get it washed but everybody likes to take my police car after i'm done using it because they know it is sanitized and clean and ready to go out and appeal [Music] oh well thank you hello officer melendrez all right so the first thing i got to do when i get in here is i gotta put on my mask you gotta have your mask on when you're inside the station for the most part then i got to clock in here make sure i don't have a temperature looks like i'm 97 degrees so that's always a good start to the day i'm gonna walk upstairs um i'm gonna go get my workout clothes on i'm gonna come back down and hit the gym for about 30 minutes before i change up so i'll see you guys in a minute hey guys all right i'm going to do a real quick 30 minute workout this is cell block 34 for station 34 which is tustin tv i'm going to jump on the treadmill here and i'm going to get to it so in honor of this i wore my station 34 cell block 34 shirt train to win i'm going to start out with the treadmill [Music] [Music] all right i'm all changed out ready to go um i'm gonna go check in with dispatch give them my unit number see if anything is going on in in the city right now and uh just let them know and be out in the field hey guys uh i have eight unit 811 i'm gonna be 108 solo today no training all right anything going on no nothing on the board okay awesome thanks guys i'll see you later try to make something happen thank you all right so this is the tussling police department briefing room this is where all the officers before we go out in the field uh we'll meet here we'll catch up with each other we'll talk about what's going on in the city any patrol checks any recent arrests of interest and then after we're done here we go to our police cars and we hit the streets and that's what we're going to do now 520 on copying right all right so uh we just got out in the field it's a busy shift so usually when i come out here like this uh there's already a lot of calls that are already in progress a lot of stuff going on so right now we're going to the tustin auto center i have not read the call i don't know what it is yet but we got dispatch there it looks like there's an upset individual who is wearing some scrubs he was a customer a few years ago and he's back and he's upset with staff for not replacing a motor or something like that so we're gonna be in route there and there's other officers going and we're gonna deal with the situation got my coffee still a very important part of the day because uh without this i don't think i'd be the same person so my wife makes this for me before each shift say goodbye to the kids they know daddy needs the coffee to go to work officers just got on scene and they're out with the subject now so we're still about 2 13. 10 minutes i've been temporary on green one for me and 10 3 means they want silence radio traffics because something's going on so i'm not in route with my lights and sirens but that basically tells me that i need to get there as safe as possible but as quick as possible looks like we got four units on this call already something was mentioned about shooting or gun that usually gets people rolling pretty quick to these calls clear silent he's on mandatory supervision and i'll be checking the species of accounting he also is a washington oclr 243 240 242. hi hello how are you that's not what i expected yeah i know that's not burnt it's not is this uh your call it's what freezes breezes okay with criminal threats the court wants someone to be extremely specific like i'm coming after you let's say he says i'm going to go back to my car i'm going to get a gun i'm going to come shoot you it has to be a specific plan it has to name specifics or you're afraid that that's really going to happen based on the statement that he said or coming after you asking you about your home and cars that could be construed as uh he's going to come after you subtly so as far as criminal threats where i can arrest you for that i don't think we have that unless you can provide me with some other sort of specific statement that he made other than that other than that no okay so what i can do now is advise him that he's not welcome back here ever is that correct you don't ever want him back here you don't want his business anything civilly he can pursue in civil court but that'll be separate than today if he does come back you can call us out because i'll have documented that he was uh officially verbalized i've realized that he's not to return and if he does he could be arrested for trespassing that's not fair enough yeah but as far as today we'll tell him that he has to leave if he does come back definitely call 911 be concerned with his demeanor and so on yeah that's that's the only thing is that let's say i mean today obviously they've checked everything he doesn't have anything on him just is there going to be a next time what's going to end how further is he going to go exactly next time because of what happened okay um let me uh step back here talk to my partners find out what we have on that end and i'll be back to talk to you with a report number and so on thank you thank you okay so are you a current customer of custom are you really he's uh pleading the fifth for unknown reasons he won't answer any basic information copy that pleading the fifth huh all right so uh what's uh what's he unhappy about the service or he's saying that he had an appointment today and from what i know i don't i haven't talked to any of them up there but from what i know he is not getting the appointment that he desired to have his engine fixed so right now we're just trying to basically keep the peace did he mention something about a gun or something yeah shooting something um again i didn't get the full story from uh breeze but i think he he made some vague statements about possibly having a gun yeah he was walking really close to the vehicle that's why we went you know 10 30 on green wine yeah i was wondering what that was about yeah we didn't know what he had in the car or what his interest level was and getting into it so yeah we just detained him he's not under arrest we're just trying to figure out what's going on really gotcha anything for me uh no all right cool i think we're good but thank you for coming by all right appreciate it i'll see you guys later all right but we're gonna clear all right all right so we got called out here today um for a individual who was here at this business that wasn't happy with uh the service and mentioned something about coming back with a gun potentially officers got here on scene and we heard the the phrase can give us 10 3 which means silence on the radio just in case so that kind of to me was like okay we need to get there see what's going on the reason they did that was because he was uh not being very friendly to them when they got here a gun was mentioned so he was trying to get back in his car they detained him he's not under arrest or anything but uh it sounds like they're working it out he'll probably be released and they're just going to give him a trespassing advisement from here and they don't want to back so we're going to we're going to move forward they're code 4 here all right so we're going down to my adopter complex um each officer that works patrol here in the city has a complex within the city that is theirs they own it um they it's their complex to go and get to know the managers to get know the people and if there's any issues that come up they work as hard as they can to solve it so my complex is villa valencia mobile home park we're going to go and meet with allison who's the manager i usually check in with allison once a week and see how things are going sometimes she's got nothing for me everything's good and sometimes there's an issue that needs uh my assistance and i also go by there probably once or twice a shift to do a patrol check just show my presence so the program's been in effect about about 13 years and i've definitely noticed that this program is uh it works really well when i go to a different complex and there's an issue maybe between neighbors or something and i can contact the officer assigned to that complex and they can work with management to get issues resolved because of this program i've definitely gotten to know a lot of people in this complex um and i actually have a good friend that lives in here and me and the maintenance guy are pretty tight we i come by side of his family once in a while hi how are you good good this is allison this is uh the manager here at the bill valencia mobile home park and i was talking about her we usually check in about once a week and uh she's got any issues that come up you know i try to solve them for her and i come by and do patrol checks in the middle of the night when she's uh not here and keep everything safe so how's it going it's going good yeah any issues just having you kind of go through the park really kind of helps things people just kind of hanging out that shouldn't be hanging out yeah so yeah i told you i contacted that guy over here about two weeks ago he was a resident but uh right yeah other than that i've been coming through with my trainee at you know about 1 or 11 or something and i haven't seen anything so okay is our friend on malaga back or he is not no okay that's good news yeah yeah so i'm not sure the mom is supposed to keep me updated on what's going on with him so that's really good just as far as his care and everything so yeah absolutely um i didn't have a resident ironically text me and say that they had someone in their backyard that they didn't recognize that ran away when they called out to them at seven in the morning i was talking with allison and she was saying that there was some issue with uh some person in between a couple of the units early in the morning so what i'm going to do for her is i'm going to fill out a patrol request which is going to get read off during the briefings and an officer is going to go down there during that time and just do a patrol just to make sure everything's okay so that's a perfect example of how allison uses her adopt-a-complex officer for bill valencia to potentially solve problems or uh prevent any issues okay absolutely okay it's good to see you everything else is pretty neat all right let me know if you guys need anything you just text me or whatever okay okay thanks for coming all right you guys hear that there's a there's a pursuit going on right now chp is on our red channel and it's right over us there's two uh two helicopters going on out here one two three helicopters so media and uh chp we're not involved obviously we'd hear it on red channel which is our county-wide channel or we hear it on our green one channel um but dispatch did let us know that hey just fyi there's a sorry i'm in the middle of the street there's a pursuit going through the city so just stay out of it and let chp do their thing yeah all right let's uh let's continue on making a right turn now right turn uh this is going to be on newport uh heading westbound now uh we might be in the city of tustin here now yeah it looks like you are and approaching uh the next intersection now and making a u-turn so when we see the suspect making all these u-turns and making turns uh seeming to be unsure of his direction that's when you definitely get the feeling that the suspect is not familiar uh with with the uh with the area oh my goodness we have a pursuit going through our city um we're not involved chp is but it is in our city and i didn't hear the want so i'm not sure what that is yet but we're gonna head that direction actually what we're gonna do is go to where this uh northbound red hill come on northbound red hill for a walnut okay so this guy lives on nissan this is the registered owner of this vehicle we're entering a parking lot now let me wipe out and see what this uh this is for a 99-cent only store so with these pursuits uh if it's chp's pursuit we won't unless they ask for our assistance we're gonna let him do it but if something happens like um the person crashes or whatever we'll take uh we'll take charge at that point take the report so right now the uh suspect vehicle is still actively fleeing from chpc you probably want to you probably wanna get this [Music] [Music] three [Music] they tried yeah and unfortunately they are underneath the freeway right now so we can't really see anything yeah we're under the left lane what the hell's he doing he has the option here of getting back onto the freeway but uh we'll just have to wait and see what he does chp very close behind you see they have three units here uh one of them with their doors open [Applause] from here there we go oh yeah get out guns are drawn and you know they're giving orders to this vehicle get in get in get and there he goes he almost steps on the gas really quickly and then uh makes a left turn there looks like uh this might be the northbound five now we're uh looks like we're heading northbound on the five now [Music] all right so chp is going to take the pursuit back over the person does live here on this street whoever i mean at least registered owner of that car we don't know if it's actually that person so we're going to stay in the area i'll be just in the area of red hill and missing so we're gonna hang out here and hopefully that person returns usually people who are in pursuits they like to go to an area they're familiar with so if they come back we do have some in-house dispatchers sent this to me we do have some in-house contacts with that vehicle in-house contacts are notes that show up if we've had contact with people before so in this case uh the person who's associated with that car that we were just pursuing was arrested in 2019 for looks like assault with a deadly weapon so we're going to cross the street and get a little closer to where he's going to back up [Music] control one chp we're back off city streets here we're going to be out it looks like south to go westbound fourth round 55 all devices so exiting the freeway now uh back off the freeway so this is uh as you guys were saying definitely a cat and mouse game uh the suspect probably has no idea where he wants to go at this point and uh he's he's getting on the freeway getting off the freeway probably realizing he doesn't want to stay on the freeway once he sees the traffic and then he gets off the freeway so uh this is uh one of those ones that becomes uh very dangerous because you don't know how it's going to end and you know you have a suspect that doesn't want to go to jail uh even though that's what they most certainly know how this is going to end so they're back in our city not next to us but it's a good possibility they may come back down this way so it's just me and one other officer right now in the area of the registered owner's address here on on this street it does look like across the street we have a unmarked chp vehicle because they have the same idea i do and at some point i think that the person driving this car is going to come back towards their house and when they do they may try to run who knows but we're going to be here it's a good way to start the shift here comes the pit maneuver and here we go chp with the pit that looks to be a successful pit suspect going backwards onto the lawn uh and we'll see if that actually brought this uh brought the engine to a stop it looks like it has and that may bring this thing to an end here folks suspect out of the vehicle hands at least visible hands not in the air yet suspect kind of walking around now hands are in the air now the uh suspect looks to be looking at the damage he's not happy with the uh with the with the damage here but you know he brought this on himself as he's walking around not particularly following chp uh instructions as of yet i'm gonna widen out a little bit see where uh where chp is they have their guns drawn that body language is not good yeah no not good body language santa ana k9 going to the termination point of this pursuit we're going to follow control one that's not going to be at 2201 eastwood street cities identity you can see there's four helicopters up right now this canine is obviously uh moving to get there pretty quick we're not authorized to roll to this uh using lights and sirens so we're not going to we're going to travel there safely and honestly we're probably not even going to get involved because it has left our city in these types of circumstances uh your adrenaline can you know start pumping if you're pulling out your weapon a vehicle's fleeing from you you don't know what uh what the person is going to do it could be you know a dangerous situation but as you do this for a while i've been doing this for 15 years some of the things that used to give you that adrenaline rush don't anymore and you're really calm and focused and you know exactly what needs to happen and that's that's where you can distinguish you know the newer police officers from the more experienced veterans depending on where you work you can i mean if you're in a really busy city and you're dealing with stuff on a nightly basis um you know you're gonna get used to a lot of that stuff and your adrenaline is gonna start coming down each time you deal with something um if you work in an agency that's maybe a little bit slower and you don't deal with this stuff as often it's going to take several years so on these things like when you roll up on them you don't want to you want to know what direction guns are going right you don't want to pull up and be down range from the officers pointing guns at the bad guy so uh it looks like they are facing westbound but i haven't heard on the radio yet what the uh how it's ended up so we're gonna we're gonna hang back right now santa ana's over there doing the felony car stop we have a pretty good relationship with santa ana um they uh you know obviously they border us irvine borders us uh the sheriffs and uh orange pd and we work well together you know we share a big border a very active border some of the most active places in our city are the border of santa ana control one if you're gonna have that pit that's just west of the location of the blue shirt could you move by the way please control one party for the vehicle so i just got notification over the red channel that the uh suspect that was fleeing from chp and from us was taken into custody without any incident and the vehicle didn't have anything else in it so we're uh we're gonna be clear from that and moving forward five twenty ten eighty-six [Music]
Channel: City of Tustin
Views: 1,323,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IEZTj82Soso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 25sec (1525 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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