a day in my life ( teen sailing the world )

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foreign hello there my name is Finn f-i-n-n and uh I live on a sailboat with my family and we've been sailing around the world for about seven years now now uh why is that relevant well I figured since I'm sailing from Israel around the Red Sea up the Suez Canal and into the Mediterranean I figured I would show you guys what a day in my life looks like as a 16 year old boy who lives on a sailboat what responsibilities do I have and what do I get up to during the day yeah starting tomorrow morning let's go Tada it's currently 11 41 I know I slept in but I always sleep in because my night shift is from 12 to 3. this is the second day of the passage and this is the day in the life and I'm gonna try and be 99 real about it so for breakfast I'm not gonna go and make some avocado blueberry toast I'm gonna I'm probably gonna eat cereal because that's what I eat because I'm an unhealthy teenage boy I've moved from my bed over here because I want to show you guys The View outside my window and surprisingly have a look at this that's pretty neat I would have to say [Music] cool foreign just like that we're good to go wow nothing but ocean ocean ocean and a few boats look at how blue this water is it's so freaking blue good morning good morning anyway let's eat some breakfast [Music] wow [Music] laughs [Music] just finished eating that amazing cereal and dawned on me that I've already been to the Mediterranean and been around Europe and I wanted to show all of you guys what I looked like when I was there look at how young I was look at little it's a little thin little thin yeah I'm so freaking stoked to go back though gonna visit all the old places I've been to gonna create some new memories heck yeah yeah but in the meantime I think I'm gonna go listen to music on Deck [Music] [Music] I'm back in my bed because I really don't have anything else to do I'm gonna watch a movie but before I do so I ugh wanted to answer the question about seasickness seasickness does my family get seasick do I get seasick after sailing around the world for about seven years now yeah we still get seasick depending on the swells like if it's really rough outside we're gonna get seasick indefinitely but for like right now it's not rough at all so we're big chilling for me I don't get super seasick I don't vomit or anything I've never vomited from being seasick unlike my mother which she has and my brother which he has there are like medicines and stuff and tabs or whatever that you can put behind your ears but they don't really work yeah seasickness foreign [Music] yeah I know I'm cleaning the floor it's cause I'm a housewife no it's actually one of my chores I have to clean the floors and I have to do the laundry yeah simple boat tours right all right I'm gonna unzip the sail bag now because we're putting the Mainsail out meanwhile Jack's putting fuel in the boat look at you go Jack you work hard I'm a good boat crewer member guy yay [Music] yay as you can tell me Shut up me and my brother are really close yes we're very close he touched me like that that's good weird my mother I love my mother my mother love me too I hope oh of course sailing Takes Me Away to where I've always sailing is actually pretty boring the best thing about living on a sailboat is one of the best things about living on a sailboat is having muscles yeah John B in the Outer Banks I got three words Play Station three [Music] haven't played this in a while [Music] [Music] I'm a pro gamer if you can't already tell I'm very Pro I'm a pro gamer um yeah I haven't played the PS3 in a very long time I actually got this game when we bought this boat [Music] if you really want to think about life and just get away from everything highly recommend going on a sailboat for a week just go out in the middle of the ocean so peaceful so so peace [Music] here comes a story of a hurricane [Music] so save your tears and save yourself pushing cyclone thank you [Music] I think it's dinner time [Music] it'll just turn it cut the drip on about to eat the salmon and then I'm probably gonna take a nap because my night shifts is soon and I'm feeling a little tired and I don't want to fall asleep on night shift so I will catch back up with y'all when I wake up for night shift let's go what's up what's up the time right now is 11 54. that means my night shift is in six minutes good E2 shoes my night shift goes from 12 to 3 A.M I gotta stay up late yeah my sister should come down in here and wake me up and get me out there um but I'm awake before she's done that so I'm just gonna go out there and yeah we'll switch places out there I'm a little tired but it is what it is I'm in the kitchen right now with Kate she's just doing her chores and then she's gonna go to bed is there anything a party right now yo I'm using the shred light because it's easy on my eyes and it keeps my night vision good but it's pretty dark out here the camera's not gonna really be able to see anything there's not really any wind I've just got to watch out for boats shallow spots it's gonna be a pretty easy night shift just motoring on up to the entrance of the Suez Canal yeah I'm so stoked we're finally going into the Mediterranean we've been in the Middle East for like five months now six months now and it's a great place it's a lovely place but I've seen enough desert yeah so if I get into any deep thoughts or anything like that I'll uh share them with you guys but yeah it's probably just going to be a pretty uh non-exciting night shifts nothing is gonna happen I don't think yeah just me and my thoughts [Music] one hour into my night shift nothing's happened I've been scrolling on my phone because we have internet I'm addicted to my cell phone I was just thinking maybe I'll meet a girl in Europe wouldn't that be fun maybe in Greece or something Romance I love romance I don't get a lot of romance but I love romance there's so much time to think about everything on night shift but when I bring up the camera I can't think of anything so I think that's gonna end this video ladies and gentlemen to end my night I'll go ahead and wake up Jack once my night shifts over and then I'll go to sleep in that's a day in my life if you enjoyed this video good morning I was saying if you enjoyed this video you should go follow me on Instagram I post frequently on there too tune back in every Sunday for another video you can actually watch another video here or here alrighty bye bye now
Channel: Finn Whitaker
Views: 1,646,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zFT4QOub6uU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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