A Crime Of Passion | Full Mystery drama Movie | Cynthia Gibb | Gordon Currie

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foreign [Music] I'd like to thank all of you for being here today Winery has come a long way from its humble beginnings when my father stuck my mother in a bathtub full of grapes and told her to stop she did together with his partner and trusted friend they built an Empire that nobody could have possibly imagined one box of wine at a time well said we enter a whole new Arena ONE shelf higher and loaded with corks on behalf of my loving husband Alan Leach and myself we would like to propose a toast to the Dume Grand Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon may it paved the way for many equally exceptional vintages to come here [Music] [Music] come on let's get a picture great thanks okay very impressive Thomas now you can retire a wealthy man with secure place in viticulture history I grew the grape salad but it's not my name on the bottle that's Freddy's Legacy she knows how important you were to this one word don't ship me off to the retirement home too soon I worked too hard to walk away just yet let me enjoy the fruits of my labor excuse me Mrs I just wanted to tell you how much I love your wine the body is just [Music] I'm Ellen Leach Freddy's husband and you are oh I'm sorry Arabella Stone Arabella very pleased to meet you you too Arabella I'm I'm really curious how would you describe the uh the Finish I mean slow smooth it has an uncommon sweetness for such an aggressive introduction very perceptive how do you know so much about white from drinking them following fermentation we keep the young wine with its skins for an average of 38 days maceration to naturally soften tannins at which point it's also fascinating isn't it yeah and the Japanese do the same thing with rice uh kind of would you excuse me I think I need to taste them a lot it's kind of like the Mick Jagger of fermentation isn't it you think I'd be used to it by now I think anyone gets used to that Connie this is fabulous I've never had such a taste him a lot now my husband Jason he says that that Merlot goes much better with with warm cheeses than cold cheeses what do you think Freddie Merlot huh it's French Merlot if you'll excuse me I need to earn my keep and go mingle of it I've always known how handsome you were but I had no idea that you were such up as well I might have to get you to come by more often I think proposition let's just call it um an invitation I'm not feeling well Thomas I think I'm ready to leave what is it this time dear I have a headache I feel dizzy well I'm sure Freddie could take you up an aspirin why did you find yourself a nice quiet office I don't want to find a quiet office I want to leave well I can't a lot of important people I haven't talked to yet maybe it's time you did could I get a picture of Mr Shipman yes of course why not get all three of us great thanks thank you perfect it's late I'm leaving uh how how serious were you about that invitation of coming around more often I'm available if Dume Winery has an opening there's always an opening for someone with a person to learn maybe we should arrange an interview to verify my qualifications foreign foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] thanks so much for coming Mrs leech yes I've arranged for the cleaning crew to finish up tonight and if that's all right with you of course I'll stay and lock everything up when they're finished oh you don't need to do that no I don't mind Julia I'd feel much better knowing the job was done properly now I know why Thomas says he couldn't live without you thank you no thank you Lillian for taking care of all the arrangements if you ever decide to leave the shipments you've got a job with me pardon do you interleach went to the main house would you like me to get him for you oh no no he'll turn up in this video thank you I I'm impressed you were fantastic tonight oh you showed up hmm I've never been good with crowds you know that I prefer one-on-one I think I'm drunk I was hoping you'd say that um why don't we sneak out of here get a Swede in town and have room service deliver champagne and caviar I have a better idea what why don't we climb in bed here yeah order a pizza yeah what's the good of having money if you can't recklessly spend it [Music] so besides I thought you were more interested in dessert [Music] what is it Constance oh my God [Applause] we've taken everyone's statement and I'll talk to Mr Shipman again this afternoon obviously he's in pretty rough shape don't imagine he'll be any better later you mentioned Mrs Shipman wasn't feeling so well want to go early that's right any idea what stopped her her husband is a partner in this Winery I guess that he um didn't feel comfortable leaving his guests federally did they have a play detective Callaway Constance was very close to my wife the shipments were like family to us I understand if you remember anything unusual well hesitate to call me I'll need a list of your guests whether they attend it or not to you right away thank you [Music] [Music] so awful I mean why why would anyone want to kill Mrs Shipman the police haven't determined it was murder is Thomas getting any sleep oh no not really he's trying to lose himself in his work I think he's getting sick himself [Music] all he needs is time William [Music] I just think it's weird that's all she didn't even know Constance I'm sure she was just here to pay her respects there's nothing respectful about that woman she practically threw herself at Thomas at the reception you saw her Thomas was like a father to me I don't see take advantage of him when he's feeling vulnerable I'm not so sure I can't believe you said that come on sweetheart we both know their marriage was nothing more than a habit that a long time ago we don't know that and we shouldn't be judging anyone's marriage but our own thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] what are you doing here I'm here for my interview you didn't forget did you no I didn't forget but die you told me there's always an opening for someone with passion to learn hmm and um [Music] I have tremendous passion to learn is that a good thing or a bad thing thank you [Music] so you hired an assistant yeah she's incredible she studied viticulture in France and I I've never met a woman that wanted to talk grapes as much as I do so I hide around the spot that's great Tom what's her name Arabella Stone she was at the reception last week a little better mark my work she's going to be a valued asset that doesn't mind me I can't wait to meet her oh please she shows up looking like something out of a Victoria's Secret catalog and she can't stop talking about grapes I don't know what one has to do with the other she's after his money Alan I think you're overreacting you haven't even met her I don't need to meet her the fact that Constance died the way she did and is this the right knife no you know and she left him alone in this big old mansion with all his millions that's enough reason for me to suspect her she probably gave him lap dance for the interview trust me the woman is a gold digger she's looking for more than just a job I say if it makes him happy good for him you are not helping Alan we need to find a way to expose her to him before this thing goes too far why don't you give a dinner party for him I'm sure he would love to show her off a little it's a terrific idea I think this is ready as long as I don't have to cook Arabella Thomas tells me that you study viticulture in France but very exciting I spent three years in Nexus and I studied under Neath I'm not familiar with him are you Thomas I can't say that I am Professor dubani has a small phenological laboratory not much of a profile I'm afraid oh that's all right well you met Allen and France didn't you Freddie yes I did oh really I'd love to hear your story how you made out in France [Laughter] share my story isn't as ambitious as yours but yes we met wine tasting and I am actually it's kind of like Thomas and Arabella isn't it I guess so well I remember the moment I first laid eyes on Freddy it was as if everything stopped the music the talking my heart I knew she was the woman I was to marry before I ever heard her Speak oh how romantic is that to this day I can't drink a Bordeaux without falling to one knee and proposing lying lying oh how long have you been married 10 months six days it was well then here's to a long and happy marriage I only hope it can be as strong as the marriage Thomas and Constance had [Music] laughs [Music] good night you guys thank you so much for coming bye Freddie drive safely exceptionally thank you I'm so glad you could make it me too bye-bye thank you for being so gracious [Music] what do you mean she threatened you I mean she told me to back off or I get hurt she she sounds a little like you is not funny Alan of course it is I don't know I just don't want Thomas to get hurt she's got him so lost in her eyes he doesn't even feel her hands digging for his wallet you were making way too much out of this let him have his little fantasy he can afford it money you know it's what happens to Thomas when his little fantasy turns into a major nightmare you know she dumps him for a bigger payday [Music] thank you be right with you foreign [Laughter] I need the help of the Michelangelo at the internet make yourself at home and don't don't mind the mess the cleaning lady's been on vacation for about eight years now I cannot believe we'll still live down the overhead well I want to see what you can find out about this one Arabella Stone I want to tell you right now she's hot and European what did she do it's what she's about to do setting herself up to make a play for my partner's money Alan seems to think that there's nothing to it he would know what does that mean rich girl goes to France to buy some grapes and comes back with a husband yeah tell me what I'm saying is I could do a two for one what do you really know about him that I love him it's enough for me this was a bad idea give me a couple of days a Freddy you look great hot and European kidding [Music] thank you Thomas [Music] any review is out and it's a good one it's great congratulations Where's Thomas North Vineyard but he should be back any minute I see he is giving you his access codes mm-hmm you can't update the files without access new shipment from cognac is late I really think we should consider changing cooperches do you it was only a suggestion I'm not so sure Freddie would appreciate your advice she's just a little threatened that's all Arabella why don't we put our cards on the table all right you deal for the record I have no problem with Thomas hiring an assistant especially one as beautiful as you however I'm sure you can understand Freddy's concern I can understand her concern I'm not sure I understand yours cards on the table remember I think it's time Thomas retired I've talked to him about selling his share of the winery to us to make certain it remains a family operation he'll still be a very rich man and have more time to spend his money with whomever he pleases [Music] Thomas deserves to be happy as we all do [Music] so you and I are so different after all are we what's the occasion hmm review for you congratulations Thomas sounds like a celebration isn't ordered oh I was hoping you would say that hmm [Music] we're just about done with the Beaujolais we can turn off the bottling machine and get its serviced next week yeah okay thanks yeah what how can a woman with such good instincts about people be so blinded by love knock it off what'd you find Arabella stone is the name that she's used for the past year her real name is Jackie rust born in Germany daughter of an American GI raised by her mother in France apparently she she wore out her welcome in Europe and decided to seek a fortune in the states it's well known on the street big on sweetheart scams she finds some rich old geezer falls in love and then takes him to the cleaners I knew it God she's also been arrested a few times convicted only once so smart woman knows how to find a good lawyer listen Freddie you better be careful she usually works with a partner and I got a buddy of mine still digging I'll let you know what he comes up with she's doing everything in her power to keep me out what do you want to do about it but Thomas is acting like she's his daughter really don't know how much influence she has on him but she's definitely forcing him to pick a side well then you're gonna have to make sure he picks yours don't tell me how to do my job you listen to me I spent a lot of time setting this up I'm not gonna let anything get away this paper you understand me I understand I can handle it relax you know I'll do whatever I have to do you better [Music] Lillian I'm out of wine in here Freddy I don't want to hear it she's a first class Gold Digger with a track record going after rich men I don't care about her past how can you say that Thomas you're a man of science you've built your whole life around decisions based on facts what do you know about my life when your father and I started this Winery 35 years ago we didn't have two nickels to rub together we sacrificed everything to build this business including our personal life and now that you're old enough to understand what's going on all you can all you can think about is what you stand to lose I'm concerned about you Thomas I don't want to see some con artist taking you to the cleaners I find it incredibly insulting that you assume all arabellas after is my money arabella's not even her real name I think you better leave Friends Thomas please please listen no you listen to me what I do with my personal life is none of your business you want to talk to me concerning do me wines fine otherwise you keep your opinions to yourself this is business isn't you made it personal by coming here and attacking my life and the people I choose to spend it with fine then let me make this very clear I do not want that woman anywhere near my Winery your winery that's right it Bears my father's name and if you want to play the part of an old fool you go right ahead but I won't let your ego open the door to that woman get out of my house Thomas no get out of my house now go [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] thank you ready ready [Music] [Music] how happened I don't know it's a good thing I was outside when it happened or I never would have heard the crash when I find out who stacked those boxes I wonder if I heard them there is no way they could have fallen like that by themselves somebody pushed them I don't think so Freddie I would have seen someone leave if they were in there well with all that distraction they could have gotten out so what are you saying someone's trying to hurt you Ryan's newest employee just starting to think that the timing of constance is death wasn't such a coincidence after all sounds to me like accusing Arabella of murder all I know is that I am not comfortable now not with her around what do you want to do I swear to get this kind of resiliency in a fruit bearing Vine especially when it's cold but that's my hybrid crafted Cabernet interesting Tom I'd like a word with you in private please we don't have anything to talk about outside work so what do we have to say my assistant can hear it I think we have an insurmountable difference of opinion regarding the winery and the direction in which it's going I think you have a problem with Arabella that's right I'm not comfortable allowing an employee that I don't know complete access to our files and I'm not comfortable with you questioning my decisions I think we need to have a talk about a financial settlement that will allow you to retire with the recognition that you deserve how dare you how can you say something like that I don't see any other option as long as you're involved with this woman to the extent that you are well here's one for you Frederica you come up with a price I'll buy you [Music] that didn't go very well did it I'm on to you Jackie rest [Music] if he wants to buy you I can't do a thing about it [Music] we'll see [Music] foreign [Music] please ah Mr Shipman isn't here he's at the winery I know actually I was hoping I could speak with you oh sure Freddie and I are concerned about Mr Shipman in particular his ability to make rational decisions since his wife's death you follow me I think so you understand we both want the best for him as do I I know that Lilian that's why I felt I could talk to you about this I'm not sure I understand what you want me to do just keep an eye on things you know his routine better than anyone let me know if you notice anything out of the ordinary well I think it's all that that he's our Knights here see that's exactly what I'm talking about we had no idea they were spending so much time together I know it's not my place but I I don't think she's being completely honest in her feelings towards Mr Shipman it worries me then we understand each other you know I do anything to help Mr Leach um one more thing if we could just keep this between us I don't want to upset Freddy you know how she feels about Mr ship of course I I understand good no blackmailing him is no longer an option I mean Too Deep are you trying to buy me off he loves me he wants to marry me perfect I give him what he wants on holidays and have a headache every other night of the year so Miriam I just stays the same 50 50. listen we went into this looking for 100 grand each right I get you twice that money but partnership is over nobody walks out on me I'll tell you when the partnership is over not this time I'm out slanty when he finds out who you really are where you really been what you've done for money when you guys because of your pride oh baby I killed a lot more than that because of my pride [Music] his name's Alfred Barker he's your basic run ml ultraviolet sociopath you work with your girl in scams the past few years no thanks you think he's capable of murder wow from what I understand he's capable of anything if he's involved I watch your back where do we find him well I got a friend of mine Johnny drips trying to run down an address but apparently it moves around a lot Johnny trips don't ask by the way drip snow is not associate of Alice he brought it up not me your marriage wasn't a secret you know Dale we've talked about this I don't want you looking into Alan's past I trust him with my life all right I'll leave it alone [Music] are you spying on me no I I just saw the light like a moth to a flame good night good night [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] maybe you should sleep an hour on tonight I'll talk to her I'll find out what happened but don't you think you can come you can tell me what to do in my my house well listen to this I'm not interested in sleeping with someone who could be my father yeah well who are you interested in sleeping with and then a real man someone was not a not a fit for his woman how can you say that to me because you act like a pathetic drunk who enjoys fumbling his Graves more than his woman [Music] no wonder your wife killed herself [Music] well bring someone push me to the bedroom [Music] I don't believe it [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] hold it I'm Frederica Dumay we're family okay [Music] okay Julian where's Mr Shipman he's he's in the study the police have been questioning him for hours go in Freddy I'll stay here with Logan excuse me are you okay what the hell is going on here Mr Shipman's being arrested Under Suspicion and murder what Thomas where's your attorney go home Freddy you'll get what you want now you want to talk there's no law against that what did he say happened well take a look he was drunk they had a fight she walked out the rest is blacked out there's no reason to think this is anything but a crime of passion whatever this looks like he didn't kill her Mr may he was already under investigation for the murder of his wife what the autopsy report shows she died of a broken neck there were not enough drugs or alcohol in her system to Warrant falling off that bridge she was pushed and who had a motive for that Thomas loved his wife most husbands who commit murder do this makes no sense look it's the only thing that does make sense Arabella Stone was there the night his wife was murdered he's admitted to having an affair with her now she winds up dead doesn't take a lot of Professor to find a motive the police said she was shot three times at close range pulling a cold-blooded killer could do something like that probably a long line of people waiting to put a few bullets into her in one of her old scam victims tracked her down and killed her what are you talking about I asked Dale to see what he could dig up on her Dale your friend from college rips off Rich old men Arabella Stone isn't even her real name why didn't you tell me a Dale in it I want it to turn into a thing so you had to deceive me no Ellen it wasn't anything like that you didn't tell me everything you do would you like to be a little more specific where were you last night for that matter the last few nights you leave the bedroom when you think I'm asleep and you come back hours later I don't go anywhere yes you do Alan and I've been waiting for you to tell me on your own but now that we're talking about it I'm like an honest dance okay you got me I have been doing my homework studying Thomas's journal to earn my keep when he retires the truth is I am a bit of a fraud what I really know about wine you could fit in a glass I'm sorry I'm sorry too I didn't mean to sound like that the important thing is that you know how much I love you now concerned I am for your safety foreign [Music] Thomas please forgive me for the way I acted when I said was right I made a fool of myself and now two people are dead that wasn't your fault you don't know hell I don't even know that I can't remember what happened I know I get her I know I was drunk I was so angry I wanted to kill her you gotta stop talking like that I'm gonna call our attorney he'll be here today find out what really happened last night police believe that the same person that killed her murdered Constance for life but to you she told me that all the time she was lying it was good at this the new constants wouldn't give me a divorce so we did what we did to get by Freddie I heard Connie Arabella wasn't the first Thomas I promise I'll find the truth you'll be careful your might be our hello I need to talk to you ASAP what [Music] foreign [Music] by the pool he was passed out she was lying next to her car it's a horrible thing to go through there had to be someone else I know he didn't kill her it's gonna be all right Lillian how long will the police keep Mr Shipman if they charge him with two murders they won't let him out until after the trial well what am I gonna do what I I could never leave Mr Shipman but now I'm too scared to stay here why don't you come work for us yeah until Thomas is free to come home we could use the help what are you are you serious you've tasted Freddy's cooking I'm dead serious Parker had been living downtown a one-room apartment on East Proctor not a very nice area I know where that is so Johnny drips knows this guy says Barker moved up to a cabin in the mountains because he had to lay low for a while does this guy know where it is dripp says he does and he's ready to talk for cash there's just one catch he wants to tell you in person why he didn't say maybe this guy wants to get her alone like Constance and Arabella when did you get back long enough to hear your friend try to set you up you'll want to talk about setups I'm talking about my wife who are you talking about a murder well at the very least it seems to me your good friend here might have an interest in seeing do May wines go under that's ridiculous you have the look of a jealous man if Freddie lost the winery it might knock her down a peg maybe even into your class stop it both of you dare you better go stay away from her if you know what's good for you I'll see myself out can't believe you did that I don't trust him he's going to get you hurt worse Freddy Dale wait please wait I am so sorry he was out of line is your husband's your house he's got a right to say what he wants concerned about me that's all I'm sure he is I'm curious Freddie was he concerned enough to tell you he was married before three years ago to a wealthy Widow didn't last long though about a year she died in a mysterious boating accident in the south of France that's not true my guess is he mentioned you about the time he ran out of money be careful Freddie he's not what you think he is [Music] [Music] that's about as ugly as it gets I had no idea I was capable of such an egregious display of jealousy sorry sweetheart forgive me all right I'll try again later were you married before me that's quite a friend you have there this isn't about Dale were you married yes I was it has nothing to do with us it has everything to do with us to hide Freddy it's not like she's out there hiding from you it was a horrible time for me it's not something I talk about to anyone it was easy just to block it out of my mind put it all behind me and start over with you she died foreign she drowned we took her boat out for the weekend anchored near a small island had dinner a few too many drinks after I'd fallen asleep she must have tried to take the dinghy ashore they found her a day later was she wealthy I'm not sure I understand your question Freddie are you asking me if I married her for her money or killed her for it I don't deserve that and I deserve to be interrogated you lied to me you married and buried another woman and you didn't feel the need to tell me about it how do you expect me to react I thought we had a marriage based on trust I didn't tell you and I should have but I never lied about it I didn't see how it mattered I'm sure you have little things in your past you'd rather keep to yourself [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I have to meet Dale for what talk to the guy that knows where arabella's partner is I'm going with you no you're not [Music] [Music] foreign now remember I don't know anything about this guy Johnny drip says he's a first class weasel he's not to be trusted and why are we giving him money because that's what weasels do they they sell people out for money yeah but if they can't be trusted then we can trust him to be a weasel I don't like being called a weasel weasel sells out on his friends and Alfred Barker's no friend of mine so you got the money amazing man don't waste my time we got the money see you're the domain brought the one who owns all that wine yes I am not bad so how's it feeling to be Filthy Rich hey look we're paying for an address here not conversation yeah well I want to know what kind of people I'm doing business got a problem to be filthy rich yeah but it does so you want to find Barker huh he's a bad man I believe you wanted two hundred dollars small price to pay for something wasn't so bad we're out of here the Twin Pines three two four North Weatherly cozy little cottage that's that's a good address oh yeah it's good yeah yeah enjoy the ride I'm just curious Parker I don't like to be double crossed we were partners and he dumped me for the one that turned up dead guess she cleaned up a little better than me Shane is just wait until tomorrow give me one more day to see if we could what else I can dig up on Barber what she takes off tonight feeling the heat already if he's hiding out in the mountains for all we know he could have left town by now which is why I need to get up there and find out Freddy look I promised Thomas that I get to the truth of this and right now that's Barker what's he gonna do kill me well fine I'll go with you please Tia if you don't hear from me in a couple hours sending the Marines foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Barker if you say so who are you you know who I am you're a Long Way from Home Mrs Leach if you say so you're looking to trade your mansion in the Hill from Mars little place like this now I can afford both you've got guts I'll give you that of course I thought you were smarter than to come out to a place like this all by yourself it says I'm all by myself what do you want truth about two murders come a long way for nothing can you hear the cops caught that guy your husband needed no we didn't I think you and your partner Arabella killed Constance to get a shipment's money and then when she dumped you you killed Arabella that's a hell of a theory Freddie but it's wrong I didn't kill anybody not this month how are you sleeping at night Freddy you want the truth look in your own backyard just know this I will use all of my money and my resources to make sure that you pay for what you did to Constance I found you hiding up here all it cost me was a couple of bucks [Music] oh wow [Music] please answer it please [Music] are you all right where's Parker wow I think he's gone uh his cabin was in there's a fire in the fireplace and I heard this car pull out when I was on my way down here no what's the matter with you kill me you're hurt my ankle we gotta get you to a hospital [Applause] I got your message does your idea have a minor problem please Alan I'm tired what happened to you two bumps and bruises sprained ankle where the hell have you been dancing Freddy please you leave here to see Dale come back the next morning on crutches I deserve more than sarcasm I went to see Barker I'm fairly certain that he's the one who killed constant ARA Palace so I wanted to see if I could get him to admit it well when I left his place he attacked me attacked you where was Dale I went by myself thankfully Dale followed me he found me in the Woods running away from Barker ah what were you thinking I don't know we have to go see detective Callaway fine I didn't see it doesn't matter this guy could decide to come after you right now if I can do hire her I thought we could use the help until Thomas comes home thank you I'll get you some ice for this okay he's been having a tough time of it I'm sure it feels good to be needed again once you get some rest you've had a busy night [Music] his name is Alfred Barker yeah I know who that is a bit of a grifter with a taste for the rough stuff my knowledge has been clean for years not anymore I went up there to talk to him about his involvement with Arabella Stone AKA Jackie rust I was lucky enough to get out of there just with this sounds like Barker you can file assault charges down the station I'm more interested in you filing murder charges Stone to back that up no more than you have on Thomas look Mr May I know that Thomas Shipman is a long time friend but without any motive or concrete evidence I'd be wasting my time chasing after somebody like Barker Detective me for sounding naive but isn't that how you get emotive and concrete evidence by chasing I'll run a check on them don't get your hopes up even if he is involved Barker's not the type to leave fingerprints we're Witnesses for that matter [Music] I'll be right with you so what can I do for you to stay away from my wife you decide who Freddie talks to now do you with regards to you yes I do this is a conversation you should be having with your wife not me no this is between you and me are you threatening me you're damn right I am I am not about to let some low-life lose or destroy everything I've worked for worked I know all about the kind of work you do and I gotta make sure Freddie knows too get the hell out of hell out of here I'm on to you so what can I do for you the Mast has to be pumped over the cap several times a day to extract maximum flavor and tannins and watch the Heat buildup 55 to 75 degrees no warmer no colder that'll be all for now thanks you're not supposed to be on your feet Freddie wine doesn't make itself why don't you go lie down I can handle it from down here how are you going to do that when you're so busy threatening my friends Dale called as soon as you left I am not going to apologize to him he is subversive in putting you in danger he almost got you killed I trust Dale but you don't trust me did it ever occur to you that the man who attacked you just might have been Dale that's ridiculous he's the one that saved me was he huh it seems to me it was quite a coincidence he just happened to show up in the nick of time and what about uh Barker why didn't he just kill you when you were inside his cabin so I couldn't identify him it was dark outside dead women don't talk Freddy if he wanted to kill you he would have done it when he had the chance are you saying that Dale tried to kill me no just trying to make it look like I am I think he killed Constance and Arabella to set up Thomas knowing you get full control of the winery now if he could make you believe that I'm trying to kill you he could save you and move in when I'm when I'm where were you last night what do you mean where was I was right here waiting for you I called no one answered you think it was me answer me answer me you think I followed you up there and tried to kill you I don't know what to think anymore [Music] foreign Allen [Music] [Applause] help me please somebody's in my house yeah foreign [Music] [Music] how did you get here so fast I I just called 9-1-1 it was Burger we put a tail on him as soon as we confirmed he's working with Arabella Stone he didn't waste any time making his move sleet why don't you come down to the station in the morning we'll get your statement then certainly I'll have an officer posted here for the rest of the night thank you try and get some sleep thanks for everything according to Barker he was there to rob you not hurt you City case your place last week during the recession posing is one of the waiters so if he was there but he didn't have a motive he claims Shipman's wife dying created a bit of a problem for the scam they were running it's hard to Blackmail a single man for sexual indiscretion what if his partner killed her didn't tell him and then when he found out he killed her he has an alibi for Arabella Stone's murder he's lying Ms Demay there's no evidence hang on a sec there's no evidence linking Barker to those killings thief and a con man and he admits to planning to rip you off and leave the country he tried to kill me at his cabin he denies it and I believe him over me he said you went up there to accuse him of murder and there's no proof you said yourself you couldn't identify your assailant so I threw myself off the cliff Mr May if it were up to me I would lock him up for life but that's not the way the system works I'm sorry I don't think he's our guy and I know that's not what you want to hear how did it go I hope they have that horrible man put away please tell me who other times lawyers get done he'll get five to ten weeks my ankle's killing me I'm gonna go lie down oh Lillian would you mind Mr leech is upstairs what are you doing I'm packing some clothes I don't understand I think you do Freddie you've made it quite clear that you're not comfortable being around me in the interest of saving our marriage I think I'm going to move out until you are actually you said much worse where will you go thought I'd talk to Thomas about staying at his place that way I could help him out with his personal affairs can still be available for the winery business say goodbye you've said everything else keep an eye on her Lillian if you need anything I'll be staying at the shibbons well I I wish there was something I could do to help just you being here with her is a tremendous help [Music] Miss Thomas looks like the judge is not going to let you out on bail to homicides and with your resources you're too big of a risk to run I can understand that well sure wouldn't mind that nice glass uh mayor Lowe right about now make that a bottle everything's going to be okay if your case ever does make it to trial the jury won't convict with the evidence they have no Witnesses no murder weapon no DNA evidence frankly I think the district attorney is praying for a miracle foolish to think a woman like that wouldn't want anything but my money I should have known better and I got a confession to make when Freddie married you I thought that was a mistake I was sure the only thing you were interested in with her money I'm sorry for that thank you she's lucky she found you the house really really doing the front but I know how close he was to Constance she's determined to find out who killed her to the point of putting herself in danger danger what kind of danger her friend Dale found the man who was working with Arabella Freddie went up to confront him and was assaulted is she all right she's fine in fact Lillian is there with him I hope you don't mind I asked her to stay with us during your ordeal good idea in fact I think it'd be best if she stayed with you folks when I got out of here she's very loyal Thomas she would never want to leave it I wouldn't want Freddy to no no I had an affair with Lillian I started about three years ago I'm not sure how it happened but Lillian was there [Music] she never made any demands shall we sold County respect did Constance know what she did she never told me I was foolish [Music] speaking of foolish I wonder if Mike could ask a favor whatever you need Freddie and I are having a problem and we need some time to work it out and I was hoping that I could stay at your place of course what kind Dale found out that I was married before and made a point of telling Freddie I should have told her but I never did he convinced her that I'm dishonest and now she's having doubts about our relationship want me to talk to her no sure we can work it out well make sure you do because do me wines need both of you all right foreign [Music] until Thomas free to come we could use the help tail this this email you sent me on Barker is unbelievable how come one guy knows so many creeps no you don't need to come over Lillian is taking perfect care of me yeah all right we'll talk about it tomorrow bye thanks that's all this doctor's orders anti-inflammatories for your ankle calcium and iron supplements two to help the pain and what do you say we just trade it in for a bottle of red it'll do exactly the same thing I promise um didn't think so thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I'm sorry Mrs leech is unable to come to the phone right now [Music] who is that Lillian I'm just one of those pesky people trying to sell you something I'll get your dinner give me the police department right away detective Callaway is emergency please [Music] [Music] Lillian I think I need something to eat [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Lillian Lillian [Music] Lillian [Music] Lillian [Music] Lillian thank you foreign [Applause] [Music] kitchen's closed scare me we don't make it easy do you you couldn't just stay in bed and wait until the pills did the work for me what are you talking about I'm gonna kill you Mrs Leach are you surprised what it couldn't be Lillian mousy the loyal housekeeper you doing this because I love him but that's something you wouldn't understand but things get rough for you you you write another check but you don't know what it's like to sacrifice to go to bed night after night alone well the man you love is sleeping with another woman he didn't love her he loved me we were destined to be together he told me that to kill Constance she brought you into that house but she left me no choice I was willing to wait until Thomas left her but she forced my hand come in oh it's a shipment you look beautiful I've known all about your disgusting Behavior I've waited until now to say something because of how important this event is to Thomas but after tonight you're no longer welcome I'll expect your resignation in the morning as well as whatever discretion you're capable of I was very discreet she was fond of her tranquilizers and I knew that sooner or later she'd leave the party to mope about her failed marriage [Music] it was liberating and I knew sick Thomas loved his wife [Music] okay you can't run away from the pills you've already swallowed [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] this room looks familiar doesn't it Mrs Leach remember the last time we were here together you had that unfortunate accident with the falling boxes that's the problem with making murder look like an accident sometimes you you accidentally Miss that didn't happen with Arabella there was no time to plan an accident I I heard them fight that night cause you act like a pathetic drug no wonder he said the most horrible things to she wanted to kill her he wanted her dead out of his life I could feel his pain like it was my home [Music] though I killed her for him because I love him I didn't have much time I knew when she left that night she'd still be back to collect a wound like that would say or do anything to keep a man like Thomas oh [Music] I was protecting him like any good wife would I trashed the study I wanted to make it look like a robbery but still the police went after Thomas but I'm not worried with his money and his lawyers yeah it's only a matter of time before he gets off right Mrs Lane [ __ ] but you know all about that don't you you rich girls find your way out of any trouble you get into can't buy your way out of this can you Mrs Leach [Music] thank you [Music] that wasn't very original Mrs Leach I know you're in here I can hear the fear in your breathing [Music] that's right it was me Alan told me all about you and Dale when I moved in that morning and about the fight you had had the night before he was worried about you and he went looking for you I followed him to the computer store you must be feeling heat already he's hiding out in the mountains for all we know he could live territory which is why I need to get up there and find out a pretty look I I would have killed you that night if it wasn't for your damn friend I would have killed you and let the police blame it on Barker or maybe even Al lemon this place would have gone to its rightful owner Thomas and his new wife Lillian [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] questions [Music] everything hurry up [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] last look around your Empire Frederica because it'll all be mine in the morning when Thomas comes home Thomas will never marry you Lillian you're his maid ow I hear he's made and that will never change that's why he fell in love with Arabella oh well you know how anything's about love that's why your husband walked out on you maybe I'll comfort him in the morning when they find your broken body Supply letter of resignation Frederica [Music] [Applause] [Music] help me ready I'm here let go no no you only hope I Could Break Your fall I can't let go Freddy no look at me I won't let you die no no you can do this Freddy trust me [Music] I'm afraid [Applause] [Music] whoa you okay yeah I think I broke my leg me too [Music] here it is I've been saving this bottle for a very special occasion I think my retirement qualifies what is this that's not a du May label well I have to wean myself we don't have a distributor in France not yet anyway once we incorporate some new Automation in our bottling and packaging division we'll be all over Europe I told you I was doing my homework the fourth class four our new plant manager the computer genius who's going to drag us into the 21st century [Music] girl with your education you should be ashamed but don't worry don't worry I'll uh develop a new program and I'll have it straight down the week I made an executive decision hope you don't mind they made me an offer I couldn't refuse Thomas's Guest House Alan's job had a chance to a chance to get rid of a load of Bad Karma we had a man-to-man and realized we were both acting like boys I know how much Dale cares about you and how much you trust him and if there's one thing we all want Dumay wants to stand for is Trust [Music] Trust [Music] important ingredient in good lines good friends and good marriages [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign foreign
Channel: Rallie
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Keywords: Rallie, TV, Film, Movies, TV Show, TV Series, Trailer, A crime of passion free movie, free Movies, fULL fREE mOVIES, MOVIES ON YOUTUBE, fREE moVIES, A Crime of Passion Movie, Full Free Movies, Free Movies, Drama, dramatic movie, Dramatic, Mysterious, Mysterious movie, Mary Higgins Clark, Mary Higgins Clark Movie
Id: PYdrSQsEpYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 46sec (5686 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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