A cool way to make wood siding!

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hey guys and welcome back to another video on Lumber Capital lard after spending the entire morning trying to figure out this lap siding machine I'm left a little bit humbled because you know there's a lot more to it than you might think how is lap siding even made let's find out [Music] [Applause] [Music] so if you watched our last video on lap siding when we put together our new lap cider because this old one was broken we were trying to get done an order of 100 pieces and that just didn't happen and I started to think it might not happen today either but I stay corrected I think that we're actually we're actually going to manage it hey it's going to be really loud I'm trying to film a video while the do's going without my headphones I'm just wrecking my ears right now that's just the only thing I can think about um so anyhow we decided to fix the old one and that's the one that we're using today but when we put a can on here this morning to start cutting oh boy was it not working I mean there was just nothing laps sidey about it I mean it was just it it was awful I mean I wish I could show you some of these pieces here maybe I can oh wow that's better don't have to shout I mean they just aren't even at all um it was just really wavy we weren't getting that taper if you guys don't know what lap siding is I guess I should probably start there lap siding hold on let me get to my display here these displays are so cool cuz you can see all the laps or all of the different kinds of siding here we have the board and Baton wavy Edge and then we have some WP siding over here so Lo siding is when basically there's a taper can you see it good there see how it's thick and then it goes to thin that's a very specific kind of cutting because a normal Mill just doesn't do that you need a lap siding machine to go on the bed of the mill looks like this and so we have one on there right now you can put this on the lt70 but we have we have it just on the 15 here because it's closer to the ground it's a little easier so it's there see it there and so that creates a taper in the board which makes lap siding so we have a fresh canant on now we actually start start with a can instead of a whole log that way we can start with the whole log on the lt70 uh which is a lot faster just bust out a lot of cans on the production Mill and then take it over to the 15 to do the lab siding so we have a pile of cans right here that I milled up the other day and this will be lap siding here shortly as far as what the lapser does to actually make the taper I want to show you guys here in a second walk over there perfect that's a perfect piece so you'll see in a second she's going to take this lever you guys have to see what it does when she lifts it up [Music] so every time she moves that lever one way or the other it's going to tip the can which creates the taper it's a pretty simple setup but this morning the whole Mill was just completely out of whack and we think we know why when we put the mill here it was Winter out and the pavement was a certain way and then after it heated it completely shifted it completely shifted it and it wasn't level anymore um so the bed wasn't actually level with the blade we don't think after I don't know 2 hours of just readjusting the entire thing we think it's back to how it should be it was a kind of like a what is happening here but we ran through everything he had the level out now it should be completely level and it's making actually pretty good pieces of lapser siding better than I think we've made before because we actually removed one piece that was stopping the lever from moving all the way down it's kind of interesting the lap siding machine is made to put on the lt15 up to the lt70 but it's it doesn't really work perfectly um and one of the one of the clamps was in the way of the lever going all the way down and you know what I think that we've cut a lot of lap siding using it like that and what happened when we took that off was then the lever created because it was able to swing all the way down it was able to create more of a taper than before which when I was looking at those pieces we were Milling before I just I wondered about that um but I'm really glad that we figured that out now I don't know just just live and learn live and learn right should get her chin from crashing and burning my Crash and Burn dog yeah show everyone your chin see that's what you do when you just jump and then smash base plant jeez [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what time is it it's coffee time and cheers to lab siding in all of its greatness you know our 200-year-old Old Barn is covered in Hemlock lap siding and it's still in pretty much good condition you know what I almost said perfect condition and then I realized that like it's falling off and stuff it's really not it's really not in the best condition but hey it lasted 200 years and you know what's funny about that they put on the lap siding at least on part of the barn the wrong way what do I mean by that I mean instead of the thick end being down this tapered end was down how on Earth they manage that it beats me it's funny looking you you look at and you're like hm I guess they weren't that bright 200 years ago after all you know if you haven't caught on yet we have our own coffee now so you've got to try it if you haven't yet these mugs these awesome mugs are available on our merch site as well as the coffee these are handmade um and they you you can just tell it's it's a quality mug okay it's really nice and thick it keeps in the heat nice and good and it's that kind of shape that keeps in the heat as well um I'm very specific about my mugs and I was really pleased that Brian was able to find the perfect mug for me and so yeah check that out lumber capital. shop I have a link to it down in the description other than that we have a long way to go and a short time to get there so I'm going to leave you here and we're going to finish up on this order wish us luck and I hope that you enjoyed if you did make sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already but other than that we'll see you back here next time bye [Music]
Channel: Lumber Capital Log Yard
Views: 121,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sawmill, Bandsaw, Lap siding, Lumber Capital Log Yard, Wood siding, How to, Woodmizer
Id: OHjW8wR8nk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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