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in this massive collection of theories and breakdowns on Encanto I'm excited to share with you all of my thoughts about the story thus far throughout all of En Kanto Mirabel was at the center of the story fighting to preserve her family and their magic but along her journey she discovered a vision from her uncle Bruno that she would be instrumental in the destruction of her family's Miracle which of course did not surprise her abua for many years abua Alma had been convinced that their magic started to Die the day Mirabel didn't get her gift abua had always believed the magig gal's work and dedication would keep their Miracle burning and each new generation would be forced to take on that burden everyone had to constantly be the best version of themselves they had to constantly be helping everyone around them and they had to keep fighting for their magic or risk losing it all together and mirb bel's apparent failure to receive a gift indicated to abuela that she was not worthy of their Miracle while these thoughts from AA were cruel they came from a dark fearful place inside of herself as she would later explain to Mirabel the Encanto they lived in was born when aa's husband Pedro was murdered in an attempt to allow his family to escape the oppressors who had forced them to flee from their home Elma and Pedro had met when they were young they fell in love and had triplets but then their Village was plagued by violence which forced them away from their home the small family had to leave everything they knew behind and they treed far into the mountains in hopes of finding peace but the the bad men who had taken their home came after them and in an attempt to keep his friends and family safe Pedro tried to stop them before they could harm his wife and children and he was murdered before Alma's very eyes but why did that happen well when we look at Encanto it's meant to be a tale that is visually similar to the turn of the 19th century in the country of Colombia early in development Encanto was imagined as a film that felt like 1950s Columbia but over time they decided they wanted to shift the period to feel closer to the 1900s so they could depict a more folkloric Colombian aesthetic knowing that we can look at the history of Colombia throughout the 1800s and 1900s to understand what may have inspired the devastation the magicals experienced I don't think Encanto is meant to be a period piece that's depicting one specific Moment In Time the dates the outfits and the architecture although need to line up perfectly with the history of Colombia instead what the story does is timately connect us to Colombia using a concept called magical realism this is an idea that's common across many cultures in Latin America that alludes to Magic existing among ordinary people and things it combines the exceptional with grounded elements like the Encanto the magels live within is simply a place of nature that is also filled with enchantment and everyone who lives there simply co-exist with that sacred land what this means is that while there are surreal and Fantastical elements throughout out in Kanto at the heart of the story is an authentic and realistic Colombian journey and this makes Pedro sacrifice even more devastating because it's based on what really took place in Colombia and understanding what happened there I think reveals to us who was coming after the madri gals one of the directors of Encanto Sharice Castro Smith explained that many people from Columbia and Latin America identify with the idea of being displaced from their Hometown so telling that tale with aspects of magical realis felt right for auua Alma's backstory en Kanto was built to be a story that felt real especially for the people who understand the struggles experiences and hardships that the characters go through and there's definitely distinct events that took place in Colombia that tore the country apart you see after Colombia obtained and solidified its independence from Spain in the mid 19th century two major political parties arose in the decades that followed the Colombian conservative party and the Colombian Liberal Party party and in 1899 their struggle for power erupted into a civil war known as the Thousand Days War 2 years later the war resulted in 60,000 to 130,000 people's deaths extensive damage to homes and property and National Economic ruin but while this is the era that is depicted in Encanto it seems the events that Alma and Pedro went through are more closely tied to the struggles that came in the following even more deadly conflict starting in 1948 a 10-year Civil War arose again between the conservative and liberal parties known as La violencia simply meaning the violence this war primarily took place in the country side of Colombia where I believe the magil were initially living and over time peasant on peasant violence began to take place in these areas as rural Town police and political leaders encouraged conservative supporting peasants to seize the land of liberal supporting peasants it wasn't just soldiers at War normal people were fighting and killing one another and and the people in Encanto who were on Horseback burning down buildings didn't look like a formal military at all those people seemed to be other villagers I think the people who came after the madals were other towns people from their original home in the wake of a civil war like the ones that tore through Colombia emboldened people came after those who had differing political affiliations and in an attempt to protect their children's lives Alma and Pedro left before their homes were seized and burned to the ground they ventured far away but they were followed to a river where a tragedy took place unfortunately Pedro was lost leaving his wife and three children on their own but luckily through a miracle they were kept safe his sacrificial death took place just before Casita came to life so maybe he's a part of the magic what if he's Casita when the crack started to come Mirabel stared into AO Pedro's picture almost like he was trying to speak to her and when Casita falls into ruins Pedro's picture Falls as well which could all be pointing to the fact that Pedro's Soul lived and died within the Madre gal's home could Pedro fit into any of his family's magic or is he truly gone now initially we can really only Identify two main magical entities in the magal lives the miracle itself and Casita now when it comes to the Miracles magic it's some type of entity that's made decisions about who is Ed a miracle the borders of the Encanto whether or not a magical receives a gift and what gifts will be bestowed at the same time there's also the being that's Casita who the magicals play with can fight in and are protected by and these two forces are definitely not the same when Mirabel Was preparing to save the miracle Cita was clueless as to how that could be done the Casita was locked within the rules that it was existing within which is why it couldn't enter Bruno's room or stop the cracks from coming Casita was a humble servant of the magicals but it did not have the full scope of knowledge or power like the miracle itself had Casita was out of the loop on what the miracle was doing it was empowered and derived by Magic but it was constructed as a separate entity to the miracle itself which makes it seem like Casita could be Pedro since Casita was a member of the family yes yes Casita we're going now ABA and Mirabel are accustomed to accepting quita's help they grew up depending on speaking to and befriending Casita but they definitely don't act like Pedro is Casita like when a bua is calling for her husband's help she explains to him that Casita is in trouble showing she doesn't believe he is the house cracks in our Cita we cannot lose our home again and when Mirabel wakes up at the beginning of Encanto she says good morning to a wo Pedro and talks to Casita again showing that everyone treats them as two distinct entities I think if abuela thought for a second Casita had the spirit of her late husband she would only call Casita her Pedro and I feel like after 50 years of being in the house if Pedro's Soul would have been within it he would absolutely have found a way to reveal who he was to his wife maybe just his Essence existed in the personality of Casita but I don't know I kind of feel like it would be torture to serve your family endlessly after being ripped away from them especially if they had no clue who you were are I don't know if that really sounds like a desired fate especially since the magal fell apart and it all led to Cita falling I feel like Pedro embodying Casita would be a terribly draining existence and I think it doesn't really make sense especially since we know abua feels Pedro's presence in some other way I asked my Pedro for help he sent me you abua knows he's still somewhere making an impact impa in his family's lives now one interpretation I've seen that explains the reason abua could recognize Pedro was because Mirabel was an Reincarnation of Pedro I mean mirabel's entire heart is dedicated to her family to the point where she's willing to sacrifice her life to keep the madals going just like Pedro but I don't really like that idea very much because I think it weakens the bond between Alma and Pedro as well Asma and Mirabel I just don't find it very satisfying to think that Pedro's spiritual return to the world would result in Alo pushing him away and there are numerous comparisons between Mirabel and Alma that show that they are connected so there's no need to have mirabel's Origins deeply connected to Pedro maybe instead Pedro is the being that is in full control of the family's magical Miracle now that thought is interesting because Mirabel actually acknowledges it was abuela's unconditional love that saved their family and brought about their Miracle initially we were saved because of you we are a family because of you we also know that it was Alma's desire to preserve her family's home magic and power that led her to lose sight of her unconditional love Casita and the Miracle itself only would persist if the magicals continued to remain a stable loving family but a lot of the Miracle's magic is based around abua Alma's actions it seems like Pedro made the ultimate sacrifice but ensured that the miracle came to be but I don't think she was doing everything on her own you see we find out through the bonus feature our Casita on Disney plus that the Encanto was created because of a simple prayer we also know that Elma and Pedro were religious people who were married by a priest and supported their Church in the Encanto so maybe Pedro didn't bind with the magic of his family maybe he wasn't reincarnated or was completely obliterated from the world Maybe Pedro was his wife's Guardian Angel after Pedro died I think he was responsible for ensuring that Alma's prayers were heard he was the one watching over them from afar and keeping them on track to stay together maybe Pedro's death gave him the ability to ensure his family could find peace but out of that loss came a magical Encanto aa's original Miracle occurred to protect and empower the micals after the tragic death of AOA Pedro mountains Rose around abua a living Casita was built to keep her and her children safe and the candle that had been with Alma and Pedro since their wedding day the one they took from their home to light their path when they fled violence was embedded with magic this is where our magic comes from M but it was aa's Role to look after it you see in the years that follow Doors and Rooms were formed for each of aua's children and Grand children when they came of age along with magical gifts and powers that were based on their role and purpose within the family an attempt to keep the miracle alive a boa standards Rose for her family her grip tightened around everyone and slowly this broke her family protecting her descendants truly came above all else for her she just wanted the madals to thrive after she had to struggle for so long on her own so it would make sense that she would have some thoughts on who her daughters should marry ABA knew that background of every boy who her daughters could be interested in because everyone there either escaped with her and Pedro years ago or descended from that initial group she watched all of them grow up with her own children so even when she was introduced to these guys she probably had some opinions formed before they ever arrived according to director Jared Bush Felix was able to charm abua very easily the example that truly shows aba's affection towards Felix is at Antonio's party where he is able toing break down her walls and get her onto the dance floor they were able to Vibe together and have fun she was always fond of Felix so when Papa fell in love with him Alma completely bat their marriage I mean she was the one who got them the umbrella when pippa's hurricane was going off at their wedding she was ecstatic for Felix to join the family Austine on the other hand was most likely not aa's first choice for Julietta you see Austine and Julieta met because Austine was always getting hurt around the Encanto because of how clumsy in accident prone he was which meant that he spent a lot of time going to Julietta for her healing food they got to bond over time and from the concept art it seems like they both were just sweeping each other off their feet and eventually they fell in love I'm not exactly sure what it was that turned a boila off from Austine sure he doesn't have the same type of magnetism as Felix but that's a hard act to follow and he was just as kind and considerate but one way Austine did stand out from the rest was because he was more of a cityman Felix was inspired by the Colombian Caribbean coast and he fit in with most people in the Encanto who were from small villages from across the country according to the art of Encanto though the creators explicitly chose to expand the family's Origins by giving Austine a three-piece suit to show he came from a different place than most people in the Encanto making him a fish out of water Augustine's cultural differences were the main things that kept him from being embraced immediately by Alma but since Julieta loved him abua was kind of just for to allow them to get married but it definitely worked out for her having Felix and Austine in the magicals made their family better in addition to both of these guys seeming to have very romantic sides to them Felix is always by Peppa's side to comfort her he's always cheering on his kids and is ready to have some fun with his family and Austine is always ready to be there for his wife and daughter's struggles he tries to protect them whenever he can and he'll run to them when they are upset even though they didn't have magical powers they were doing everything they could to help their families and they raised some pretty amazing grandchildren for AA too Augustine even adored his daughter so much that every day he wore a flower to represent Isabella and had socks that represented Louisa and Mirabel something I think is underrated too about Felix and Augustine is that they got along beautifully one of the most awkward things that can arise in families is when the in-laws are completely shunned or when two siblings spouses don't really interact with one another that's just a recipe for so much weirdness but Felix and Augustine related to one another since they were both Outsiders without powers in the family magal there was even concept art showing that the two couples were so close that they would have gotten married on the same day but while they didn't have the same wedding they did get the same last name I'm sure by boa's request they took the magile last name for themselves and that probably just brought them even closer together in early dras of enconto we are going to get to see the son-in-law's friendship explored a lot more as they would have been a dynamic duo in the family in deleted scene for example we would have seen them show Mirabel how to be in charge of keeping the Cita clean as everyone else went into town to use their gifts they kind of liked their chores since abua wasn't around and they could kind of go do whatever they wanted the burden of being a magical that was always Weighing on them was able to be relieved just a little bit when they were on their own like every other member of the family abua put pressure on them to be their best selves and to lift up the magal while they didn't have any magical gifts though they certainly were always putting an effort to be there for those who needed them and the love they showed for their family could never be in question doing that made them pretty special for Bruno though his abilities felt more like a curse the art of Encanto a gorgeous book chronicling the creation of Encanto which I'll leave linked below if You' like to get it yourself does a fantastic job showcasing how the family and Casita are tied together Casita was constructed as an extension of the madreal so if the family has problems and is in an uneasy State The house's foundations begin to break down the candle burning away the cracks creeping over the home and the gifts fading are symptoms of the family's dysfunction the miracle only continues to Glow as long as the family remains as one but the madals hadn't been W for many many years Bruno was the first casualty of a boa's desire to control her family within his room Bruno had a tower that was filled with sand which was based on Colombia's Los estraz mountains he was forced from a young age to not only be positioned to watch over his family but with his gift he was also burdened with the ability to look into the future you see Bruno's Visions were not something he had full control over again Jared Bush explains that some of his Visions can be involuntary which is probably how he initially discovered his powers the first days months and years of figuring out his gift was chaos and was said that using his powers were very draining and took considerable effort especially when he was trying to see something specific in early versions of Encanto Bruno was even supposed to pass out or get very weak when he completed a vision of the future as Bruno grew up though Elma started bringing villagers to have their Futures foretold she wanted their Encanto to be a paradise and every year she wanted to prove that they deserve their Miracle by using their gifts to serve the town so Bruno followed his mother's request to use his gifts for the people and it was around that time that he started to develop his ritual as a crutch to focus cope and prepare himself for the often emotionally taxing and physically exhausting job he had to undertake over the years that followed the ritual began to feel like a necessity for him as his role in the village became more stressful and intense and he became more superstitious he just wanted luck to be on his side because he wanted to bring people and his family Good Fortune dawned in a ceremonial outfit Bruno would encircle himself in sand within his vision cave he'd burn leaves and hold the hands of the person person whose future he was looking to see Bruno's vision would then appear before his eyes as they turned green and then that vision would be forged onto Green Glass and then like clockwork he would hope that the person's future wouldn't upset them if I see something that you don't like you're going to be all Bruno makes bad things happen oh he's creepy and his vision killed my goldfish you see Bruno was said to be an introvert who wasn't comfortable around people to begin with and this social isolation wasn't helped by the fact that his gift was often interpreted as negative by the people who called upon his Visions without knowing exactly how their lives would progress and with no accountability for how they influenced their own lives the villagers slowly turned on Bruno as they came to believe that he was seeing their dreams only to create misery and Chaos in their lives he was a nightmare luckily though Bruno was able to meet a random rat or two to give him some company as he often felt forced to be alone as he grew up which only was exacer ated by his mother who started to join in on the town's anger towards him 's desire to rise to their magical gifts led to extremely high expectations of her children so seeing how Bruno's Visions often led to people fumbling and grappling with prophecies they couldn't understand infuriated her she wanted peace and stability in their home and in their Town not uncertainty and darkness which led to her looking down on Bruno the very woman that forced him to create visions eventually resented the burden she made him bear abua began to only see the worst in Bruno when he was growing up which drove him away emotionally and physically you see when we look back at the triplets going through their ceremony to get their doors Bruno's door is not in the same place as it was at the beginning of encanto's events when Alma's children are adults Papa's gold door and julietta's blue teal door surround aba's red door on one wall while Bruno's Green Door is around the corner from Julieta with a staircase leading to it but in the flashback Bruno's door appears to be between his sister's doors aba's Red Door is nowhere to be found and that's supported again when we look at the images depicting Alma with all of her gifted descendants Bruno is between his sisters with his green door and there is no staircase to be seen at some point Bruno's door moved and I think that happened slowly over time I mean we know that doors can suddenly come in and out of existence and that everyone's magical rooms are formed around around them and can be even larger than any physical space in Casita could allow them to be so the space can be created anywhere plus we also know that Casita is able to construct stairs when a moment calls for it so I think as Bruno became an outcast within his own family his door faded away to a new location to isolate him further from the rest of the madals he was pushed to the side because of his family not understanding him and his gift and the larger the distance he felt emotionally from from them the staircase continued to grow and the placement of his door went farther and farther away I kind of think that pipa's wedding was probably a turning point for Bruno's relationship with his sisters he arrived on his sister's big day just trying to be there for her and to show her he loved her and she interpreted the action as a way to get into her head at that point in time he just seemed like a weird monster to everyone no matter what he did no one not even his sisters believed he car cared about the family as Bruno's nieces and nephews were born he remained alone for the most part although he did give both Isabella and Dolores visions of their future but when Mirabel failed to receive a gift when she came of age that was when abua begged for his son to look into the future to see what might happen to their family's Miracle after over 30 years of slowly condemning him and his gift when she became desperate Bruno was the only person she knew she could go to what he saw though Disturbed him deeply he witnessed the Magic in danger and Casita breaking with Mirabel at the center of it all but unlike Visions from the past the future felt uncertain at the time he believed Mirabel would either destroy or save their home but in reality she would one day break their family so that they could be rebuilt but I knew how I was going to look I knew what everyone would think because I'm Bruno and everyone always assumes the worst Bruno knew that Mirabel would shape his family's fate but the jal's lack of faith in him brought him to realize that if he told his mother the truth about what he saw the family could turn on little Mirabel so in an act of defiance and in hopes of keeping her safe Bruno destroyed his vision and left his Tower in Family behind he was no longer distant from his family his place in the magicals was gone and he also gave up using his abilities and his family's magic which all culminated in cit's connection to the room being broken broken and his door's light fading away with his love for his family still present though and with the knowledge that it would be practically impossible for him to return to the Encanto if he ventured over the mountains he instead went past the nursery moved a large painting near dolores's room and broke into the walls it's kind of funny he chose to do that near Dolores since she must have heard him going into the walls that night but I guess she was going to have to hear him for years without anyone really caring or noticing associate him with the sound of Falling Sand all alone with the burden of the future Weighing on him he built out a home for himself next to the kitchen where he accumulated food furniture and a sizable collection of friendly rats to keep him company while his original room fell into ruin in his absence sand would flood his home the pathways would begin to collapse and his Chambers were ready to be destroyed whenever someone would enter them again long before Mirabel noticed that their family's cassita was breaking down Bruno and his rat Pals saw it happening all around them of course the rats were comforting and kept the time on his own interesting but of course Bruno longed to reunite with his family but while he wanted to be with them and to be included again at the time all he could do was watch from afar yeah my my gift wasn't helping the family but uh but I love my family you know sure when the Casita began to crack Bruno did everything he could from inside the walls to keep their family's home together he tried his best to remain Brave and make the best spackle he could but for the most part Bruno had to be patient for those 10 long years as he waited in the shadows for Mirabel the girl he saved to decide their family's fate unfortunately though Mirabel was not safe from her family's contempt without a gift Mirabel was constantly asked to not contribute to her own family she was looked at as a screw-up and an inefficient helper abua didn't see a use for her so Mirabel was forced to watch as the rest of her family shined brightly while she was left alone eventually though mirbel would be the one to open her family's eyes to something new at one point a story was being developed that would have shown Mirabel desperately trying to find a magical gift of her own but the filmmakers eventually decided that by the time we meet her she would have likely grown past that desire therefore Mirabel has already accepted that she doesn't have a gift she will never wield magic like many members of her family at the start of the film she just wants to be embraced by her family despite how she is separated from them because she still feels shame from her family and Community for her differences and that's completely unfair because there's no reason Mirabel shouldn't have received a gift we know she was born a madreal just like the rest of her family she's not adopted or something like that so it's not like she should not be given powers like her father and Uncle there's also definitely no specific requirements or behaviors that are necessary to receive or keep Powers which we clearly saw from her mischievous cousin Camilo I mean we saw him using his abilities for his own selfish reasons like when he tried to sneak food for himself by becoming Dolores or when he attempted to scare Mirabel by transforming into Bruno and the truth is that she probably cares about her family more than anyone else so it's also clear cly not a lack of commitment on her end that was keeping her away from somehow earning Powers really the only other person that could have cared about the magicals more was her abuela the other living family member who didn't receive a gift it's kind of ironic that aboa was one of the people that was most critical of Mirabel if not the most critical for not having abilities while she had none of her own while abua and the rest of the family thought Mirabel was an outsider the truth was that she was in fact very similar to abua in many ways and I would even go so far as to say that they are connected I think the reason both abua Alma and Mirabel are powerless is because they are tied together and will fulfill the same purpose in the magig family both aboa and Mirabel loved their family with their entire being abua Alma enjoyed throwing massive events at the Cito for their Community to recognize the coming of age of their family members and she is constantly searching for opportunities for her grandchildren to find success while Mirabel celebrates her family by adorning her dress with different icons to represent each member of her family and she literally sings their praises whenever she's asked but their love for their family goes beyond just adoration and pride when Mirabel saw that Casita was beginning to crack and her family's gifts were fading she believed this was the opportunity to prove herself to her family and in pursuit of answers she actually connected with her sisters along the way because they were desperate for change in their family just like her Mirabel got to see the burden Louisa was constantly under and how Isabella felt she could never be perfect enough while abua has seldom praised so many members of her family it's Isabella who has shown aba's full affection no one has perceived as more perfect or adored as Isabella in abuela's eyes she's so beautiful and graceful to the point where people refer to her as an angel which can be seen in the pictures of the madugal ceremonies in almost every picture a boa stands composed holding the family's candle with two hands except for at Isabella's ceremony where we see abua putting one hand on her back and actually smiling Isabella was chosen out of the magic El by abua to be the best among them to be the perfect example what a member of their family could be which is why abua poured so much of herself into Isabella and attempted to build her a perfect life but what separated Isabella from the rest of the family well I think aba's choice to hyperfocus on Isabella comes from an irrational Place Mirabel proved that even without powers she was just as special as everyone else in the migal family they all have a role to play they are all deserving of love and no one deserves more than the rest including Isabella but of course as we learn in Encanto abuela is a complicated woman who has had to endear massive heartbreak in her life she's emotionally scarred and that's why I believe a favorite AO in her family as a young mother abua Alma was forced away from her home and had to watch as her beloved Pedro was killed before her eyes and these moments weighed on her ever since which we can see from the black Shaw that she put on after her tragedy took place AB boila became Stern and hardened as she attempted to remain strong for her family and the community at large she had endured something she never expected to happen and it shaped her in a way that she never wanted it to I thought we would have a different life I thought I would be a different woman we can see from her flashbacks with Pedro that Elma grew up being joyful and Whimsical she was hopeful and happy but with a painful Connection to the Past and an inability to move on from her grief she was changed abua was left making decisions that were based on the traumas she experienced and her life was changed forever abua constantly felt like her dream life was taken from her and she always always believed that her family and home were vulnerable so in response to all of those feelings and all of that trauma ABA did everything she could to give the life she had wanted to Isabella aba's beauty and youth was consumed by grief being a widowed mother and leading the town ABA wanted better for Isabella and she believed she knew what was best for her and I think one of the main reasons she did all of that was because Isabella was her firstborn grandchild and looked just like her when she was young of course all of aoa's children and grandchildren have elements of her in them but Isabella is a spitting image they both had the same brown eyes straight black hair round faces and identically curved ears they even appear to have similar body types and are around the same height so I think AB boila saw Isabella as her second chance to see her happy life come to fruition abua molded Isabella's existence into what she deemed was perfect so that she could live through her granddaughter honestly I think a huge reason abua even wanted Isabella to marry Mariano was because she saw a lot of Pedro in him of course Mirabel just thought marianao was a big dumb hunk who came from a great family but I think abuela could see the softness in him that Dolores eventually saw Mariana was famous in town for being devilishly handsome with chiseled features and wavy hair but he was also kind thoughtful and full of love like Pedro who I found out through the art of Encanto was a writer abuo Pedro was not only a good husband but he also was a thoughtful poet who like Mariano seemed to just have so much love aba's youthful trauma guided her decisions and unfortunately the more perfect Isabella was perceived to be the more burdens she was forced to bear no mistake had ever been allowed to remain in Isabella's life which left her to feel like she could never stop AOA from changing in her and as if she had to continue to meet all the unrealistic expectations that were placed onto her she was well- behaved a beautiful woman and adored by everyone she encountered and whenever she got out of line she allowed ABA to quickly get rid of the mistake to keep her on the path that was expected of her like when Isabella was overwhelmed by the idea that Mariano wanted five kids and her head sprung up flowers abua came and ripped out the single white flower out of all the pink ones is Isabella was old enough to remember Bruno leaving after mirabel's ceremony she knew that if she didn't constantly prove that she was doing everything she possibly could to help her family that she could be forced away and never spoken of again that fear in Isabella gave aboa the freedom to expand her demands to an enormous degree and she felt warranted to do so especially as Isabella bent to her words and played into the fantasy AB boa was trying to create Isabella literally practiced being perfect to attempt to please a boa for 21 years she hid her sadness conflict and pain behind her smile selfish I've been stuck being perfect my whole entire life and the longer all this went on the more abua actually became convinced that Isabella was perfect abua even got to the point where she believed that Isabella's marriage to Mariano and the quote unquote perfect children they could have together would be capable of fixing their fading miracle and with that belief abua became even more protective of Isabella which is why she bered Mirabel when she thought Mirabel was making Isabella go out of control of course abua didn't see this at the time but Mirabel was trying to help Isabella in a way no one in her family had before while Mirabel was actually getting Isabella to be truthful about how she felt about her place in the magicals and allowed her to start expressing herself ABA was convinced Mirabel was corrupting her perfect Isabella without even considering that may have been what Isabella needed abua was blaming the world for damaging her family and was searching for a villain within her home without taking responsibility for how she pushed everyone away it was so hard for abua to even consider loosening her grasp of Isabella because she didn't want to see her granddaughter give up on the life that she had been ripped away from abuela's Life had been destroyed by others and she didn't want that that fate to come to Isabella I think abuela subconsciously chose Isabella to be her favorite grandchild because of the trauma that had been weighing on her for decades she saw her younger self within Isabella yes abua desperately wanted to use their family's magic to preserve their new home but she also wanted to see her descendants live out the life that she had dreamed of with abuo Pedro the truth is though abua couldn't control Isabella forever because she needed to Define her self on her own terms Samantha vfor a story artist on Encanto explains beautifully that when Isabella breaks away from auua she isn't rejecting femininity she's not rejecting her gender expression her makeup or her dress Mirabella just opened her eyes to the reality that she can be a woman who defines who she is on her own abua Handel let Isabella go so she could go live her own dream believe it or not in early draft of Encanto there was a pitor that was initially considered for Isabella who she would have been in love with named bubo Marquez you see early in the development of Encanto the barrier around the magri gal's home would have been broken which would have given the outside world an opportunity to enter the magical Sanctuary for the first time in 50 years well in the final film it's unclear how far away abua in abuo Pedro's Village was from the Encanto originally the city they came from was going to be just over the mountains Mirabel and AA were even going to venture to aa's original home instead of the river at the climax of the story there was concept or drawn up showing how that City would have been a thriving massive and more technologically advanced Place compared to their hidden home like in the city they were going to have cars now one person who came from the city into the Encanto was bbo who was described by the art of Encanto as a true fish out of water with a dorky personality he was far from the imposing strong Tel Nolla handsome that would eventually be embedded into Mariano instead he had glasses modern clothes was very thin and he was even considered to be so small that Isabella could hold him like he was a baby but even though he didn't have pure machismo according to a deleted scene from Encanto bbo gave Isabella something no one else had bbo is the only person who has ever really seen me at this point in the story Isabella would have been trying to flee from the Encanto with bbo before the barrier was healed she was aware that the way of being perfect would never allow her to be happy so she was trying to escape with the man she loved in hopes of being able to start a new life with him but you're safe oh I'm wearing this Jaguar print coat wild animals see it and they're like is that a giant jaguar and I'm all yes and they're like I will not mess with him honestly they were kind of a cute couple minus the really really intense making out session that is something I don't think we would have ever needed to see or hear now of course bbo wasn't in Encanto though which from what I I can tell occurred in part because Isabella's Journey was reimagined Isabella was always going to be a boa's favorite she was seen as the perfect magal but for a while she wasn't meant to be an antagonist to Mirabel Camilo's teenage angst was going to drive a wedge between him and Mirabel but that relationship was eventually transferred to Isabella as the sisterly Dynamic was determined to be more impactful to make that work though Isabella's rebellious nature was removed instead of having a love interest who she knew her family would disapprove of in a plan to leave the madals behind which all showed that she was already breaking away from the family she was instead given Mariano Guzman to be betro to Isabella developed into a young woman who is so committed to her family and being perfect that she even was willing to marry a man chosen for her she was prepared to give herself to someone she didn't love also that a boa's dream of having another generation in their Cita could come true and her desperate need to be perfect then got in the way of mirabel's chaotic good intentions while bubo was the exact opposite of what abua wanted for Isabella Mariano came from a great family was unbelievably good-looking and AA was truly one over biased charm he was exactly what the magicals wanted for Isabella but what about the version of Isabella we know now would bbo be our version of Isabella's true love well I completely agree with Samantha vfor a story artist on Encanto who explained that Isabella's story is not rejecting femininity she's not rejecting her gender expression her makeup or dress when she's breaking out of the cage her family put her in she's just becoming more of all of that on her own terms Isabella's Journey thus far is not defined by a guy she rejected the man her family betrothed her with so that she could explore who she wanted to become and I don't want her growth to feel undone by pairing her with a partner in my mind the only way for her story to feel like it's moving forward and for her her to be with someone is for her partner to further her independence yes bbo seems a bit different and odd but if he was able to see Isabella as an evolving woman if he could Embrace that she's on a journey of self-discovery and if he could connect with her in a kind way that she had never experienced before like he was originally going to do I can see him absolutely making an impact in Isabella's life I think pairing the once perfect flower of the magicals was someone who would have never been thought of as perfect would create a compelling connection as they both Embrace who the other one is and maybe that could lead them to fall in love but taking it another step forward in the limited runtime of a movie or a series would it even feel very fulfilling to see Isabella fall in love if that came at the expense of seeing the other young magal experiencing a relationship I don't want to say that we shouldn't get to see Isabella fall in love just because she had so many characteristics of a traditional princess and we saw her already reject Mariano but look at camoo he's an awkward teenager who is funny and witty seeing him trying and failing to impress girls I think would be extremely entertaining and hilarious to see play out or Mirabel her whole life she was never seen as good enough it would be so amazing to know that she eventually found someone who always respected and adored her but if I could only pick one magical to start a new relationship you know since Dolores and Mariano are already going the distance it would honestly be Louisa she spent her whole life serving the town so wouldn't it make sense that in an effort to slow down her life she would finally consider going on a date we've never really seen a physically dominant woman in a Disney project get the chance to fall in love and there's no reason that the sweet sensitive and beautiful Louisa shouldn't get that chance she should get the opportunity to pursue love I mean after all She Glows cuz she knows what her worth is Louisa was one of the magicals who was under aba's influence and control the most she had pressure on her that she couldn't escape for years and it was all because of the expectations That Grew throughout her life people knew she was strong so they assumed she had the strength to take on all of their burdens Louisa is a classic example of a middle child ABA spends all of her time praising Isabella's Beauty charm and Grace and condemning what she sees as mirabel's deviant and misguided behaviors there was a belief in the Encanto that Isabella was bringing forth the future of the magicals while Mirabella was always the one causing trouble for their family the oldest daughter of Julietta was perfect and the youngest was the worst and that left no attention or concern for Louisa of course though that didn't mean there were no chores for her to do abua always made sure Louisa's blessings were put to good use which makes sense sure there are a lot of magics who have helpful gifts but when it comes to maintaining the village no one comes close to being as beneficial as Louisa while she can do simple tasks like collect donkeys she also can move supplies construction materials and even buildings themselves she can reroute Rivers push mountains and is as tough as the Earth Louisa could shape the world around her with her bare hands and in response to such a powerful gift abua set her out into the community to serve everyone without considering the load she was placing on her granddaughter and how she was treating her one thing I remember being told by my mom growing up was that my friends would treat my younger brother Adam the same way that I treated him so if Adam came into my room and I screamed at him as I often did then my friends would also act like he shouldn't be around they would also treat him like he was an annoying kid brother but I didn't want my friends to think that they could speak to him like that I had to be more aware of how I was treating my brother especially around other people and in incanto abuela set the tone for how the village was supposed to interact with Louisa and she treated her like a servant when AA calls for their family to start setting up Antonio ceremony Louisa is supposed to just run to her call Louisa the piano goes upstairs I'm on it even before Antonio receives his gift most of the madals are enjoying the celebration or welcoming people with their gifts but Louisa she's a donkey attendant Louisa is literally lifting people off of their animals giving them a parking slip and parking their donkeys I thought we learned from shangqi that a parking attendant isn't necessarily a great role for someone with lots of potential parking cars is super hard thanks bro maybe one day you'll pass your driver's test live the dream like me it feels like Louisa is just another powerful donkey for the town to use instead of what she actually is one of the most considerate giving invaluable people walking amongst them I mean when a boila wants Louisa to get them a piano after mirabel's warnings about the cracks in the Casita she literally just claps her hands like she's a dog doing what she's told music and those expectations are then put on her by people outside of their family even when Louisa is at home it's just hard to watch Louisa be the only magical who is ordered around all the time by everyone in the village like when the Gusman's visit she's expected to serve them just like she serves a boila even though she's in the middle of eating a meal Lisa could you bring over the piano okay and what does a do when Lisa is being disrespected in the Casita absolutely nothing because at the moment she was more concerned about Isabella getting engaged and ensuring Mirabel didn't screwed all up the fact was that throughout most of Louisa's life no one came to her aid about her insecurities because no one noticed them in her and she doesn't even receive any thanks for her efforts no one appreciates or sees the sacrifices she makes to help everyone and what makes it even worse is the fact that most of the time people only acknowledge her when they need her help that's why she feels like her only worth derives from her acts of service Louisa became as helpful hardw working and understanding as she could and established a facade of strength in hopes of receiving love but that also meant that she never was the most pressing matter for abua she was shut out of aa's concerns because she never seemed to need her as much as Isabella and Mirabel did Louisa fell through the cracks even though she was drowning that's why when Louisa's Powers began to fade she broke down so quickly especially during the meal with the goose mons but abua knew before that dinner that she needed to talk to Louisa about how she was doing because saw that she was upset instead of going to Louis's side though she told Mirabel to stop whatever she was doing and then got the Gusman so that Mariano could propose to Isabella even when it was clear to AA that Louisa needed her help she still ignored that call so that she could focus on Isabella and Mirabel and that's because she believed their actions were having a larger effect on their home Louisa was on her own for years dealing with the crushing weight of aoa's expectations without any support from her or anyone else else but abua wasn't resting either since the moment she lost Pedro and received the miracle she had been constantly fighting to ensure that the new home they had could not disappear like it had when she was a young woman ABA was hardened burdened with grief and unwavering in her determination to keep her family together she was misguided as she focused on the results of her family's magic instead of showing everyone her love but she was working constantly so I think when abuela looked at Louisa she didn't see someone with burdens she saw someone who was committed fully to the family due to her distorted reality she thought Louisa was doing everything right the truth was though that they were both living a joyless high stress and draining life but they continued to endear because they thought they were serving their family and were scared about what would happen if they stopped the pressure of keeping the magal together passed to Louisa and abua just couldn't see how that weight was Dam damaging her obedient helpful and kind granddaughter because of oa's own crushing burdens she was unable to respect Louisa in everything she did for their family of course though even with that rough history between them Louisa never stopped loving her grandmother I mean Louisa protected a boila when the Cito was beginning to fall she helped rebuild their home and was thrilled to be alongside all of the madrigals but she also needed moments to breathe Louis had to find a moment to live without responsibilities weighing her down while Isabella had to break away from her family's expectations to create a life that was authentic to her by hearing her sister's stories Mirabel saw that she wasn't alone in feeling that she was not being truly seen or heard by her family a force inside the madrigals was perpetuating their insecurities anxieties and struggles and eventually Mirabel saw their issues stemmed from her abua well at one point Cito would have been a total extension of abua in that version the wallpaper would have changed colors to reflect her mood in whatever room she was in in a similar way to how Papa's disposition controls the weather abua would have altered the foundations of their home through her own emotions and thoughts but that idea faded away because in Encanto Casita is a reflection of the entire madugal family according to the art of Encanto the state of the whole family informs the stability of Casita so when the family falls apart Casita is killed but when they are brought together and healed Casita comes back to life the consequence of exposing the maral's weak ties and strained relationships broke their family in a way they had never seen before which led to their Casita falling apart as much as Mirabel never wanted Casita to break down or their candle to melt away even going so far as to risk her life to keep their Miracle alive the candle that brought about their magic was extinguished and their home fell into ruins Bruno's prophecy had come true but there was still hope mirabel's conviction to expose the issues with in her family opened AA to not only understand her missteps but also drove her to make amends for her overreach expectations and condescension now ABA saw that Mirabel and the rest of their family was the true Miracle she should have always been grateful for their family was what made them special one of the producers of Encanto Clark Spencer who I'm most familiar with as the the producer of Lilo and Stitch explained that Mirabel opened up her family to see everyone's truths and feelings and while that got very messy on the other side of that messiness lied a stronger more connected and loving family the head of story on en Kanto Nancy Cruz furthers that idea by explaining that Mirabel was rocking the boat and showing cracks in the balance the family was trying to strike the one they thought worked fine so at first they told Mirabel to stop what she was doing however Mirabel kept going not fully realizing yet that her Destiny was to destroy the boat they were all in in order to build a new one that could fit everyone rather than excluding the people that didn't because of Mirabel Bruno was welcomed back to their home Louisa and Isabella were free to be their true selves and Mirabel was finally seen as a valuable member of their family in this new era Mirabel brought together the madugal as a team which is why they were able to rebuild their Casita establish a New Foundation for their family and create a new Miracle by creating something new for their family the madals were able to be healed again they went through a metamorphosis because of mirabel's actions which is why the imagery of a butterfly is shown throughout in Kanto Mirabel has butterflies all over her dress Cita has butterflies featured all throughout her magic is often showcased as butterflies flying through the air and even the miracle magical candle has butterflies on it the beautiful butterfly only comes about because of its radical transformation from a caterpillar and the magig gals only come together because their family went through a devastating event that forced them to change this parallel is explored even further in the end credit song dos oras where we hear about two caterpillars who are interconnected who are forced to grow apart so that they can change into and reunite as butterflies but even after they become butterflies they again can't hold on too tight to one another because they both have to fly this is all a beautiful metaphor for the journey the migal go through as they themselves have entered a new era where they came together as a family by encouraging each member to grow shine and thrive on their own when Mirabel brings magic back to their home what the art of Encanto calls the second Miracle all of the family's doors are blank again and are covered with a variety of colors this signifies there is a new magic throughout the Encanto that is no longer defined by a bua Elma was given a second chance at life because of her Miracle but while she was someone that always was attempting to look out for the well-being of the family in the town she also held on to her painful Connection to the Past she could not Escape her grief which led to her putting massive expectations on her family and herself her fear of losing her home again made her lose sight of who her miracle was for she was blinded and needed to truly open her eyes again so that she could appre appreciate her family until the moment where Elma let go of the past she held on to her candle tightly made sure everyone was safely inside the Encanto and forc the magal into the roles she believed would allow them to continue to earn their magic after the second Miracle takes place though the candle has burned out the mountainous barrier has been broken and is opened up and the doors have changed in the official screenplay we even learn that everyone's powers are no longer solidified under mirabel's Miracle everyone can Define Define who they want to be for themselves aba's controlling force and restricting magic has been replaced by Magic that allows everyone to Define who they are on their own mirabel's need for every magical to be included in the family has changed how the magic is functioning in the Encanto which I think indicates bu's Miracle is over her original gift is gone forever 's negative influence over the magic has been destroyed and because Mirabel brought her family together again the magic that's present at the end of Encanto is now under her watchful eye the explosion of light in Magic is because of Mirabel and now the magic ales are in a new era change is happening Alma is moving forward and even though that means she will have less control over her family's magic in their lives what she gets in return is her family being healed the magicals are finally living up again to what their magical candle symbolized they were together and had hope again Mirabel created a new Miracle by guiding her family out of their own destruction and finally the madals all could see her for who she was meant to be Mirabel was a Guiding Light for them which was why she appeared at the center of her family on cit's front door when the home came to life again now sure the front door is tied to Mirabel and the whole home is her domain but she can't sleep in the nursery forever especially when she'll finally move into the position that I believe she was born to take on so will she ever get her own magical room to understand what Secrets exist within Casita and what may lie behind all of the magic is's doors first it's important to grasp where they come from and what their purpose really is Casita only comes about because of the magal every person in the house influences how the home is created when the family is doing poorly cracks appear but when the magal come together the magic can be stronger than ever every member of the magal family who receives a magical gift is also granted a door to a room designed to help them amplify and understand their new abilities their room is a perfect environment for their powers which is great because their gifts are not arbitrary the gifts are granted to each person based on their personality and the role they have in the family Casita is a reflection of the magicals so even when we don't know exactly what may lie behind every door by understanding each family member we can start to grab what room could have been created for them because each Magic Room has the same rules according to the art of Encanto Mad isavi art director of environments explained that the creators wondered whether each room should feel like a completely different dimension or if it should feel like a part of the house and what they decided is that every room would start as a real room but it would transition to a vast magical but finite space when a magical child comes of age they touch their doorknob discover their gift that is specifically for them and then a room forms around them so what room formed around each magical now starting off with the oldest member of the family we have abua she is the matriarch the one who is meant to look after the family's magic which really means that she has to work to keep her family together and it turns out that she is constantly reminded of that responsibility because she's surrounded by her husband in the few glimpses we get to see into her bedroom we can see that it's an identical copy of the home she had with Pedro in their Village we can especially see this by looking at the window where the miracle candle sits as it has the same curved design on the top of it as the one Pedro and Alma had both rooms also have the same tiling on the ground and even the same blanket on the bed well on the one hand abua gets to stay connected to the life she had with her husband unfortunately that also meant she was burdened with constant reminders of what she had already lost since she couldn't let go of her past pain and the memories of Pedro the home shaped her room to meet that while aba's room is interconnected with tragedy I don't think most people's rooms are like that like aba's oldest daughter Julietta is surely not that way the art of Encanto explains that Julieta is the most empathetic member of her family and she truly makes her kids her number one priority she's a mother and a Healer which is why her gift of healing people through food is represented by herbs well we never got to see any concept art or glimpses into her room I think the entryway would most likely have a small kitchen for her to experiment within but beyond that I think she'd have beautiful vast fields and Gardens of herbs spices and local fruits and vegetables for her to cook with I imagine it would be a warm bright and comforting place for her family to come and be consoled within now Papa the second born of the triplets was initially supposed to be the Wild and table aunt which meant that she was going to be an indestructible Daredevil but eventually that was altered when the creators felt that was too close to Louis's super strength that's why they instead gave her the weather Powers we see her have in Encanto which altered her slightly into the fun strange aunt who's barely keeping it all together for a single brief moment we get to witness her being consoled in her room by Camille where we see raindrops on the wallpaper and her lamp so I assume this is the section of her space before the room transitions to her vast magical area now I think that is probably a place that can withstand any of her large mood swings and would be able to be a place she can calb down in so I would like to think that she would live on and be amongst the clouds now Bruno's room embodies how Bruno was separated from his family because of his gift in the development of Bruno's room the creators considered focusing on making the room with architecture that could have been inspired by Colombian Cathedral but that concept eventually evolved into a mountainous setting inspired by Colombia's Los Estes mountains you see because of the burden Bruno's Visions had on him he was positioned in a massive Tower where he was able to physically see beyond his position in the world and he was physically removed from his family then at the top of the mountain within his mysterious and mystical Temple his vision cave was where he learned to look into the future Isabella of course had a room where everything was related to flowers as she was the perfect girl who could manifest Beauty at a moment's notice and was supposed to be the best of the magicals it was initially an intimate space where everything was pink and pastel building up the fact that she was almost a princess for the madals but she was also trapped by the expectations of her family which can be seen through the curtains that wrap around and enclose her in her bed of course once she starts to break free from her expectations and unleashes her gift her room becomes a much more colorful and expressive place for her to live the room started as a place that was created by the expectations of her family but it became a reflection of her journey to discover who she wanted to be Dolores is an interesting case because I initially struggled to imagine what a room based on enhanced hearing would look like but I think the answer lies Again by examining her role in the family being born only a few months after the Beloved Isabella meant that she was silenced and ignored we also know that her hearing never stops even when she's in her room which is how she heard Louisa's eye twitching and how she listened to Mariano's poetry that means her room can't be soundproof but I think it could still be a place for her to feel at ease within after seeing some concept art of her with musical instruments that made me imagine a room that's built to be like a concert hall meaning it's a place that's built to not have horrible Reverb or Echo it's a sound treated place where dolores's refined ear would be able to pick and choose what she wanted to hear on the outside and it's a place where where she could listen to nature sounds and music The Way They Were Meant To Be heard when she was being ignored and when the world got too loud that was her safe place similarly to Dolores as the middle child Louisa was really never paid attention to her needs and desires were ignored as most people adored Isabella and expected her to look after Mirabel and the rest of the town for that fact so her power of course became super strength so that she could take on the burdens her family gave her according to the art of En to represent that in her room in one version she would have had vast tropical spaces with massive Boulders for her to work out with there's also some concept Arts showing her with an Olympic Victorian pantaloon Bloomer uniform which was inspired by some of the first women who went to the Olympic Games in my mind though instead of her preparing for the Olympic Games I kind of love the concept of her training like Hercules like the hero we see in Disney's movie as if she was also capable of preparing to be a god there was another concept though where rocks were all around her that seemed to also be able to Glow my favorite though is one where her room was initially seen to be a boring Place Made of Stone to show the world that she was responsible but she would also have a secret entrance to a massive theme park where she could just have fun and be a kid what does the inside of Camille's room look like well early on he was conceived as an angry teenager with a big attitude who would have been more of an antagonist to Mir on her journey but that role eventually was determined to be more impactful by being connected to Isabella Camille was then reimagined to be more of a theater kid type person who's just trying to figure out who he is by trying on a variety of personas he's having fun being goofy acting dramatic and helping out where he can using his shape-shifting abilities so his room most likely was filled with mirrors so that he could practice and perfect his impersonations little Antonio though well he's the sensitive sweet and kind baby of the family which is why he is able to have a gift where he can literally understand animals he's in tune with the world around him his room of course is a rainforest which according to the art of Encanto is specifically based around the choco region since there are so many different rainforests in South America the creators wanted Antonio's room to feel like it's still in Colombia with accurate vegetation and Wildlife for Antonio to be around and explore the biodiversity is supposed to feel present and real which is why none of the animals act or speak like humans Antonio was in his own world where he could have animal friends come together to live in harmony now of course those are all the magical rooms that we know existed at the very beginning of Encanto which left only mirbel without one but something that's important to know about the doors moving forward is that the official screenplay of Encanto describes the doors at the end of the movie as being unformed with the gifts no longer longer definitively set in stone there's a new type of magic that courses through the Encanto which could mean that all these rooms we discussed may have changed now that the family's roles have been shaken everyone's gifts could be altered because remember the people inform how the magic functions the rules behind who receives a magical room may have changed all that means if we ever see a continuation of encanto's story we may find out that Mirabel finally has a magical room of her own while the creators of Encanto have been sharing their interest on places like Twitter about their desire to continue the story of the madals we are currently just waiting to see if Disney will move forward with any kind of follow-up in kto projects right now one of the only ways to experience Mirabel and the Mad gals beyond the film is to go to the Disney parks and that's where the reveal of mirb bel's door exists right now at Disney Springs Disney's shopping and dining District at Walt Disney World there are a variety of Christmas trees set up to celebrate the upcoming holiday season and one of them is an Encanto tree across the whole tree the doors for all of the magic gals are displayed and to my great excitement that includes Mirabel to my understanding this is the first time that we've gotten the opportunity to see mirabel's door because in the movie after casito was reconstructed the magic was still forming the doors but now mirabel's door is here it's a pretty simple design with mirabel's name at the top and a depiction of her at the age of 15 filling up the rest of the frame but that's exactly what this door needed to be remember each of the magri gal's doors showcase their gift whether that is Isabella's ability to control flowers or Louisa's super strength or dolores's insane hearing for Mirabel though she is her family's Miracle much like the miracle candle that shines on a boa's door the lines coming off around Mirabel on her own door clearly symbolize that she's a beacon of light for the madri gals she's the magic a boila may have been bestowed with the candle that sustained the magic girl's magic for decades but that gift is gone while the miracle candle may be remembered on aba's door since that was her magical gift Mirabel is the source of their magic now Jared Bush a director of Encanto even confirmed that the reason the simple yellow and orange magic of the miracle candle has been replaced by the new colorful magic is because it represents Mirabel she redefined the madrigals magic because of the unconditional love she holds for her family but why did it take so long for Mirabel to receive her door well when a magical is sted with a gift at the age of five they are traditionally given a door that brings them into a room that is specifically designed to help them perfect those gifts before when I wasn't certain if Mirabel was ever getting her own room I believed Mirabel becoming the leader of her family could mean that she would W day inherit aa's room since I didn't think Mirabel would stay in the nursery forever and that's where Alma became the matriarch of the magical now that it's clear though that Mirabel is going to be able to receive her own room I really like the idea that Mirabel was kept in the nursery for a reason maybe Mirabel wasn't being dismissed neglected or punished as a young girl when her gift wasn't revealed to her perhaps she was being placed exactly where she needed to be so she could be the force that would keep the madreal together by Mirabel staying in the nursery perhaps she was there so she could learn to love raise and guide younger family members which would mean she unknowingly grew up preparing for her future role and now that she's clearly rising to become a leader of the madri gals since she brought them together again when their home and family was destroyed she's finally receiving a room that helps her fulfill her new role as the family's Miracle but what could be inside mirabel's room well similarly to how abuela's room was based off of her original home with abuo Pedro I think it's very possible mirabel's room maybe inspired by the nursery itself she's a humble person who enjoys sewing and engaging with her family so I think it could make sense that she remains closely connected to Casita and her family's Roots instead of having a roller coaster or a massive hall or a huge Tower I believe she may just want a place for herself where she can do the activities she loves and has the freedom to connect with members of her family either individually or altogether what I'm hoping though is that we'll eventually be shown would officially exist in mirb bel's room someday now that we know she has been granted to Door herself and I'm feeling very optimistic that will happen because Disney is continuing to allow Encanto to expand in both small and big ways as I mentioned PR previously we don't have any official confirmations that a series or a sequel movie are being developed but when it comes to the Disney parks I'm Amazed by the fact that within the first year of encanto's release Disney has been working to expand the characters the world and the story by bringing them to life in the physical world it really shows Disney's commitment to the franchise overall there's been some fun Mirabel and Bruno meet and greets at Disneyland you could get some magic shots with characters like Louisa and Isabella around Walt Disney World I try to rape Us in Epcot and mirabella's is currently appearing in the Disney Adventure Friends cavalcade in the Magic Kingdom the big news though came from the d23 Expo in 2022 we got the incredible update that there are discussions of bringing to life Casita in the Magic Kingdom there's ideas of having Mirabel guide you through the world of Encanto you may be able to step up to a door and discover your own gift and I hope there will be a ride too maybe we would even be able to see within all the Magic's rooms which now would of course include Mirabel but we don't know if this will for sure happen I'd be very pumped for it to be built but the truth is that even if it is constructed it'll take years to come to life regardless the fact that we're able to continue to see in Kanto be celebrated and explored is amazing the only reason our understanding of mirbel after the events of the film is expanding is because there are creative people that are being tasked to enrich in kant's world if I had to bet Mirabel will return someone was called upon to build mirabel's door to celebrate Christmas in Disney Springs which means within Disney itself they are continuing to develop her story
Channel: Isaac Carlson
Views: 14,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gYfjYqdoBRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 57sec (4317 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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