Only a True Genius Can Pass Eye Test In 10 Seconds

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[Music] only geniuses can spot the differences in these images as it's known as geniuses pay special attention to small seemingly insignificant details that others fail to notice are you a genius let's see can you find all the differences between the following pictures you need to spot the differences in all of our nine images number one here's a girl looking out the window anyone actually now all you have to do is find two differences between the images only two first and then the second that's it I'll give you ten seconds or you can pause the video to take a closer look so ready there as for me I forgot what we're doing here I was just staring at the girl but anyway the differences are easy look at the second image there are the moon and a stain on the wall did you get them now image number two Mona Lisa is also hiding something again you need to find two differences oh wait I've just spotted the first one can you see both of them I'll give you some time there's no rush [Music] ready now look at the second image there's a ring on our right hand also there's a dark place that's absent in the first image got it number three here's a snake charmer playing with this thing three differences are hidden in this one so take your time you spot him yet here they are a guy's turban a stick in his hand and the snake has a double tail honestly I managed to find only two I didn't notice the turban and you here's image number four I love this movie but this one looks a little bit hard you should find three differences and go [Music] all right that's time how'd you do I look closer the clock has number two buzz lightyear doesn't have the red button on his chest and I almost lost my mind finding the third one the keyhole on the door handle is rotated can you see it that's real tricky now image number five here wait what are these looks like vintage gasoline pumps oh never mind all you need to do is find four differences yep four I know they're getting harder and harder right [Music] okay time's up first two images on the pumps are exchanged these count has two differences the other differences are the spellings on the sides GSS instead of gas and one day instead of one one actually I didn't manage to spot all the differences I hope you coped with them number six okay here's Big Ben find for differences here and you're closer to calling yourself a genius here's a little hint pay attention to the buses ready there here are the secrets a cloud a small Tower different time on Big Ben and different bus numbers 2 0 3 and 1/4 inch well done picture number 7 now try to find 3 differences between these images of this Roman soldier I'll give you 10 seconds to think while I go get a cup of coffee that's time now here's the answer a screw on the helmet missing spear and a plane yeah that plane looks like it's completely out of place but I didn't notice it did you here's number eight find three differences between these trains just three they're pretty simple actually 10 seconds are yours [Music] [Music] here you go the number of the train is different the footprint on the platform and a puff of steam above the Train now that one was easy finally number nine my favorite find it three differences between the images of this lovely woman this task is pretty hard so take your time ready now here you go a wristwatch missing part of the chair and a different sign on the piece of cloth hanging in the background well it took me ages to find the last one [Music] so did you manage to find all the differences share this video with friends who think they're the real deal let improve it if you're visiting our channel for the first time click Subscribe we have more mind-blowing puzzles for you [Music]
Views: 2,257,713
Rating: 4.6394138 out of 5
Keywords: Spot the Differences, test, sharpness of mind, small details, find the differences between the following pictures, riddles, brainteasers, riddles that will trick your friends, riddles that will blow your mind, riddles and brain teasers with answers, puzzles, riddles for kids, tricky questions, find the difference, only the most smartest, only the most attentive, only the genius can
Id: mVjXnUxvDoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 37sec (397 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2017
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