A Closer Look into Everything in Splatoon 3 (Speculation & Discussion)

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hello guys welcome just wanted to say make sure to subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and like the video i'm wanting to keep the hype train rolling for splatoon 3 till next year and i'm also going to be doing my best to keep you guys up to date with all upcoming news of it also follow me on twitch and come talk to us on discord where we can continue to have more discussions about splatoon 3. all the links in the description below and with that enjoy the video right the splatoon 3 trailer 1.4 million people watch this live by the way let that sink in that's a lot of damn people that's like that's 2.8 million eyes 2.8 million eyes can you believe it that's crazy except for the people who are blind then they didn't see obviously but either way right the splatoon 3 trailer it was sick i was out of this world you've probably seen my reaction it was crazy there's so much to talk about it but there's also so little that they showed we'll let it play first and then we'll go back and then like uh look at it uh thoroughly or more thoroughly okay if that's okay with you guys and then um what i'll do is i'll talk to a chat you guys can ask me some questions uh of what you think and all that type of stuff too so if that's all good right everyone in this chat you probably watched this at least 50 times including myself but we're gonna watch it again all right here's for number 51. at this point i don't even think this was the game and then i saw the hood i saw the hair the little twirl and that changed everything man that changed absolutely everything i was freaking out oh my god i love i i just love everything about this uh i think yesterday i said that wasn't that eiffel tower that is this is like based in france the eiffel tower got smashed guys france is no more france is no longer existent it doesn't exist anymore dude unfortunately in the apocalypse this is what happened france is dead crab rave there's a lot more to see there's a lot more to actually pick up i'm actually going to try to do the frame by frame thing if that's okay all of this is just beautiful man all of this is just so beautiful you got the remix soundtrack for splatoon 1 when you start the game up and it hits you with a splatoon 3 trait well that's the tune 3 logo oh my god i just love absolutely everything about this trailer dude really uh the new spider shot design the new sort of i guess the new hydra design i don't know if that's like a different hydra or it's uh it's just a new one and that is coming in till 2022 guys 2022 now that's crazy right when do you guys think the time is release is gonna be give me give me you you guys thoughts before we go into like frames march summer may i'll be 100 with you guys so my opinions kind of changed honestly my opinions kind of changed i felt like it was going to come out in uh around june july may somewhere around that point but i'm starting to think potentially march you know i'm thinking a little bit more march now these days well now i can't really say these days these hours start i think march these hours i'll tell you why it's mainly the timing of where this direct and this announcements come out if they were to actually release splatoon 3 august somewhere around that time wouldn't you think that they would like talk about it during e3 time but the thing is they've really they're talking about it now so maybe next year maybe sooner they're talking about it now wouldn't you think they they would actually like release in march like springtime i don't know they may change it up a lot of people thought oh you know uh nintendo would probably are probably going gonna release splatoon 3 on a completely new console as you can see it's it's not the case i mean personally i felt like they would still would do on the switch because the switch is going to have a lot much longer life span and they're going to lose a lot of splatoon fans if they don't make a game now that's what i'm thinking that's why i just didn't believe that that was going to be the case uh if it was to take that long but this is perfect time honestly 2021 2022 that's that's that's you know i felt like it was necessary plus also other theory as well in when we are we arrows a thing there was a mario galaxy and a mirror galaxy 2 both on the same console and there are two big games too so who does who you know you don't really know either way slap in the knees okay so we've seen the trailer that's cool and all um but what's what is par what is in the trailer uh i guess the thing that we can talk about is just where this is set obviously it's post-apocalyptic uh which is very interesting uh seeing from like some other people's like i guess analysis of stuff i think uh veon and gg made a really really good point that there's like a lack of water everywhere it kind of makes me think you know that we're in the desert this is probably where the salmon like the salmon is used to like roam around and all the water is like drenched out if you know what i mean the the place where they lived is basically like drained oh yeah by the way uh i didn't say this in the book before you can pick uh two different kinds of octoling and two different kinds of inkling they aren't gender pacific so specific it does not seem that way uh but it just seems like they are two different kinds so uh shout outs to nintendo for that it's just body type probably just yeah probably body type but yeah this is set in a post apocalyptic timeline moving on little buddy he has several hairstyles that we can also pick that's cool hirobo that's the hero bow well buddy's confused there's no other real hints of anything if we move on we go on a train obviously so train traveling is something there's not really much we can take from single player other than the story is going to be a little bit more deep and there's basically a problem and you in the inkling and your little buddy is trying to figure it out they let us they better let us skip the news that's what i'm saying i agree with that try to restore the water yeah i guess that's what's gonna be the thing that we're gonna have to do but yeah that's basically as much as we got out of the single player from what we can take uh there isn't really much but moving on this is based this whole part is basically multiplayer so uh looking at this part here i don't know if that's like krusty sean's place uh the or the guy with the the guy with the custard yeah the guy with the the drink i think that's that's what that is it's the apartment pla like this is literally in the middle of japan this looks like a shop some sort of shop marketplace trading area training gear that could that actually could be what it is you know like a trading gear place or something to do with money something to do with money here so some sort of shop who knows we've got a shop here as well i'm not sure too sure what this shop is this is a scenery there's something in the back here it's blurred out but it seems like you can walk up here the place where you battle of course you walk into this area and uh you battle with people miley multiplayer area so of course looking onwards it does not seem like there's anything else i think you see down here i mean the youtube lines kind of in the way but like down here it's like i think this is where you go down into the metro maybe so this is probably where the story mode is yeah the metro i think so it's moving on and then splatoon 3. that's all we get for the plaza i mean they're really i mean you have to really dig deep to try to find these things um but there isn't really much there to be very honest there really is not much yeah so these coffee maker things these are the spawn points um we talked about this already this is probably how you spawn in whenever you die you probably spawn on one of these and then you launch yourself in uh but i guess what would happen is that if you jump back uh to spawn you land in this area so you probably wouldn't land back into the sky because that's kind of broken but like if you're already on the map and you jump back uh to spawn like we normally do you probably just land here you know and then if you die then you you swarm back in the sky so i already talked about that that's cool hey guys this is post preview dude upon further expection uh it seems that if you do jump back uh you might actually be spawning in the sky the picture quality of this is very unclear and i can't really confirm it but i'm just going to show it to you as you see there is an inkling practically spawning in the sky during battle or jumping back into the sky it's kind of unclear not going to lie that's why i'm not completely confirming it but this is also a possibility that could be happening anyways back to discussion now there's something on twitter about this by the way it was two blasters and this was one of them this was like the cold blaster and there was another one next to it uh the thick blaster this is the range blaster this is just the range blaster i thought it was like a different kind of blaster it's just a range blaster it just has like a completely different look and it's not as extended as it it normally was you know so it's basically it's the same weapon but it's just reskinned it's just like how like the ilia 4k is now blue so thick blaster yes i think it's because like i guess people mistook some blasters for being the range all the long does the the close range blaster whatever so maybe they changed it more dramatically so that people would know the difference so uh you can check that that post on uh either nintendo america or twitter as well so interesting to see diamond roller elia 4k or if it 5k maybe who knows uh it's different the nozzle's a little bit shorter so who knows what set's going to be the bow and arrow yeah that's a thing too so yeah moving on to the right we have a blue slushie machine uh new style new design uh splatter shot new design hydra splatling new designed um 96 gal so these just these weapons are just all new newly designed which is really really cool they're just all looking different and i had this well it looks a little smaller too which is you know such something but uh it's all looking it's all looking real good dude all looking real good uh baby hydra i don't know i think it's still it's still the same thing it's just that um it looks smaller because now it has this red thing on top of it the original hydra doesn't have that but this one does so i think it's it really is just a hydro spidling but it just that red thing on on it makes it look even smaller so the bow i didn't talk about the bow so much this thing shoots three uh three shots from lower middle ground actually no they're all on the same level it's probably gonna just be a mid-range weapon now honestly if i was to speculate how much damage this thing might do it's probably gonna be like a two shot in my opinion i don't think this is like a one-shot kill i imagine that you you'll be able to do this like bow thing where like you pull the bow you shoot you pull the bow you shoot like several times so i can see this being like a two shot kill probably you're gonna have to like pull it back every single time unless it's like done really fast nah they don't they don't even show us the animation of them pulling it back so it's already pulled back when it's ready to go uh moving on the squid jump we've already talked about this it's like a substrate within mid air uh this squid jump thing i was already talked about in my today's video uh you can do it with any single weapon and you use this you can use this on on walls here so this is why um this uh blaster here actually gets this much range or this much height so the that squid jump mechanic you can use are awful and it basically boosts you into the sky which is very interesting pay attention here guys because i was looking at this by myself uh the inkzooka is is very very strong as you see this person shoot it right here very very very strong from what i see we need to look closely at this blaster uh because it does not seem like he takes any damage from these laser things by the way i think zuka comes in the blaster takes one hit and then he takes another from another and then he gets splatted so what i'm trying to say is that the ink bazooka in this game like it has three shots obviously three like shots going one after the other but uh i believe each one of these shots are probably going to be 50 damage because the blaster dies as soon as the second one like gets really really close it gets really really close all right that's really interesting to actually i guess notice that's the bow which is the bow where do you see the bow oh wait are you saying that's the wait the bow has the enzuka let's take a close look at that so enzuka guy you're right i think you're right actually unless this man's copied himself so basically the bow is over here there's a bow user here and they get bearing zuko out that's interesting so okay so the bow has enzuka and the yinzuka does 50 per hit really really interesting to know uh that's kind of cool knowing that the bow has that i mean obviously it's not final i i i think we should like probably relax a little bit maybe because um they change these things all the time they do change these things all the time it would be cool to know that the bow has enzuka but in a year's time they might change that they might have just shown that just for the trailer you know keep in mind that these laser things do go through walls which is good to know um so we know what our stingrays killer whale weapon is uh yeah we have not seen any sub weapons yet not that we know of there's a sloshing machine here i was talking about this with slim during the day i i don't know how much range the social machine has but he's throwing his his thing like from here all the way down through here like what is that range like hold on let me move my look at this rage look at this range look at this look at the range that this this sloshing machine has now obviously this just could be this this could be a hacked sloshing machine it just could be hacked who knows man but that is long as hell that's not that slushy machine goes so far it could just be hacked i don't know but you know that's that is crazy social machine uh basically hacked hack is already in splatoon 3 beware 96 still has pretty long range good to know what is this thing dude what do we think this thing is guys this crap thing i think we should take a close look at like this this and this on twitter they say it's a special it's confirmed to be a special okay so this is a special it's like a a century crab yeah that's what that's like there's two options this is basically where the trailer ends so i think the last thing we can only talk about is just basically this crab this crab thing could possibly be this thing this laser uh thing but all i am hoping for whatever this laser thing is i'm just hoping that it's not like stingray alright i'll take anything as long as it's not stingray anything completely just make sure it's not stingray dude uh that is the only thing i hope for i hate stingray with a dying passion dude i hate that so much and i'm pretty sure the devs hated it too so they stopped giving weapons that's that particular special did they show the crab oh wait okay i actually didn't see this properly yeah this is confirmed to be that stingray thing this crap thing is confirmed to be uh the stingray thing all right so we know we know of two specials already in this game now how this is gonna work i'm not so sure i'm just hoping that it's not annoying i just hope it's it's man manageable this thing really tracks people i think like as long as it's automated it's if it's automated tracking i might be okay with that if it's manually tracked tracked like having allowing the player to track it themselves i do not like that but as long as it's automated we're good and i guess it is automated actually since a crab it's a crab i wonder how long it'll last for by the way yep blaster regular blaster long blaster just so you can see the difference long blaster regular blaster regular blasters here uh range blaster here but yeah dudes honestly that's it we've gone pretty and i guess really really in more in depth yeah that's what i gotta already say what do you i guess we've got some questions so we can take i'll take some questions to see what you guys are thinking how you guys are feeling uh do you reckon that uh subs are the same or they're they're going to be all different well the interesting thing is that they don't show any subs that's actually this also really interesting they don't show any sub weapons there probably are going to be sub weapons there are certain things that they don't show like the brella uh dooley sculpture um no not do these scorches just dualies in general um i think those those like two weapon classes that we don't see i mean they could still be in the game um but we don't know we don't know that yet because they were the newer weapons in splatoon 2 who knows if they will want to bring that back they might actually just bring them back in a different way uh they probably will show it in the future too opinion on the inkbow it looks cool it looks cool uh from what it from how it uh it looks it didn't look like it's gonna paint so much but it seems to be like a midline weapon that's gonna require a little bit of accuracy that's probably gonna be a two shot and as in zuko so do you think brothers will be back probably probably maybe different maybe probably even more nerfed in my opinion if they are back they're probably not gonna bring them back and make them as strong as they used to be when they first came out when they buffed them to a point where it's just like oh my god this thing is just unbearable if they do decide to release like umbrella and all that type of stuff i guess that would be later on and i'll tell you guys when they do because you know i'm trying to cover as much as this as possible so uh do you think there will still be a game mode similar to sound run that's a very interesting question that's actually a really interesting question will there be still concerning that there's gonna be post it's it's literally we're saving the salmons and we're not killing them this time what is it gonna be do you think there might be like a a different kind of horde mode coming into splatoon 3 that's a really interesting question that kind of makes you think do you think uh spawn camping will be a thing uh knowing how you're spawning back in i guess if you're dying uh you're probably gonna die and swarm back into the air i think it's gonna be less as apparent i feel because you can't like trap the people into the spawn like you can in other maps it's i feel like it's gonna be a little bit different if they decide to ever bring back walleye warehouse and you can jump back in like now we are uh i think that's probably going to be really good uh how do you think they'll distribute weapon updates because splatoon 2 did weapon a week and then changed like to four weapons a month ah they probably do it the same way like the thing is they can do it the same way and the thing is that they do that uh what's gonna happen it's that it says like it always brings some sort of hype like whenever like a weapon's getting released every single time there's talks about a weapon everyone gets hyped for it so you know i think they're smart enough to just you know if they if they have a former they might as well keep it instead of just having everything all in one place and like it always changes like it always changes how the game plays when there's a new weapon or a couple new weapons coming into the game so you know like maybe what they'll do is um at least have one of every single main in who knows but you know dealies might be al uh since they they they yeah dooleys might be out since they were there to only represent splatoon 2 while the bone might be that rep is there to represent platoon three with three shots that's also very interesting yeah it could be a thing where dooley's just completely get removed which i'm not i mean that's that might that might suck for some dooley mates um yeah that's actually something that could happen you never know like i i i don't think him like i feel like it might not but you know that is that doesn't make sense if they did what do you think happened to judge will will there be a third judge is he even alive as a cat do you think the map system is gonna be the same two maps every hour or every two hours not sure not sure maybe a little different they probably might keep it the same way because it's just how you do it but honestly i hope it's a thing where like they have like if we're talking about ranked or like quick play you have at least two uh playlists of two different modes so you could have like splat zones and tower control in one playlist and then rainmaker and klambits in another i would love it if it was like that like just have two different rotations because there are some days where hey maybe i want to play rainmaker or hey maybe i want to play tower control at least they're always like switching around in each other maybe even like an hour difference or something like or a two-hour difference at least that'll just allow it so like some people can at least play those modes instead of having to wait like an entire day because some people can only play during at a certain point and they might want to be able to play a certain mode too so and considering how many people watched this trailer and probably are going to get splatoon 3 now um it's probably very very likely uh for them to probably expand a little bit more on their playlists so do you think there will be uh all new maps or will they only make the old maps to fit the new chaos theme glad you brought that up um sorry we're going to go back to twitter real quick they're possibly going to be bringing old maps from this post courtesy of oatmeal dome act on 12. nintendo is hiring for a level designer that they will be responsible for the following tasks adjusting stages weapons and game modes renovating existing stages renovating existing stages that's the big thing there could be maps from either splatoon 1 or splatoon 2 making a return into splatoon 3. now the thing is is that what what maps are those all right what are those existing maps because god forbid we don't get murray again or can't trigger fish bring back maps like mahi mahi resort or maps like um museum de alfonso well i can't keep saying alfonso dial fonzino if they brought that map back oh my word i would actually be so hyped if they decided to bring that map back maybe they'll bring maps back but in the in the idea of behind chaos they'll revamp those kinds of mobs but actually like female in the in the form of chaos you know because of how chaos won the splatfest i could see that they i could see them doing that like making like existing maps uh turned into a more chaotic themed albacore hotel without water yeah honestly yeah really it's really interesting when they you know when they say renovating as well because it means that you're gonna have maps but they're gonna completely change in some sort of way it's gonna be the same map but they're gonna do something real different with it and as you like as we said in the start like you know all the water has been like removed i mean even yeah skipper pavilion or snapper canal those maps are literally they're going to be drained i really hope they don't bring maury towers they can really just not bring that map back please if anyone who works on splatoon just do not even have that idea as a map dude and no one likes it piranha fit too they even could bring back bluefin yeah that has a lot of water i mean a lot of maps have a lot of water but yeah you know that's what i'm saying like they literally are going to probably change the entire map instead of it just being a port because you know i'm pretty sure it's very very easy just to kind of pop a map from one game to another like job description they're not talking about that they're talking about renovating it so they're completely changing in some ways so but yeah either way that's very very interesting to to know uh do you think there'll be new rank mode i feel like they're gonna expand a little bit more on their playlists i feel like they'll expand a little bit more on their playlist but i just feel like a lot more people are gonna probably buy this game if we look at splatoon 2 and like how many people had that game at the start how many people had that game at the start i mean not that many people had a switch i mean a lot of people had to switch but it was hard to get a switch back then and only like 10 million people have it now which is is a crazy number and still this game is selling pretty well but now almost like 100 something million people or close to getting close to 100 million people have a switch or some absurd number i don't even know 70 million 80 million i don't know we're getting to 100 million probably by that time that many people will have a switch that people probably already know about splatoon 2 or splatoon 3 and they're probably going to be more inclined to even go for splatoon 3 you know like a lot more people are probably going to go get into splatoon just because of the sheer amount of people who have a switch so people know okay new game let's get it it's just like how like how well animal crossing did because so many people had a switch so many people are going to buy animal crossing because of course it's a good game and so many people are already have a switch so buying the game is just basically just you know a one two three task it's gonna be crazy when splatoon 3 comes out because this is a this is a huge title man i feel like i have a feeling this game is going to sell extremely well especially how they're doing it especially if they keep the hype up then this is going to be sick dude when do you think the new switch will come out though all right this that's an interesting question so if we're looking at splatoon 3 we kind of saw that like the graphics and stuff they look they look a little bit more refined a little bit more you know up there i mean you can even see it from like the single player stuff too like it look like the game just looks different it doesn't look like the same kind of uh fidelity i don't know how to really describe it it looks like it's been improved in some way um if we're talking about like a new switch and like the switch pro argument or the super switch argument like of course in like the next four or something years there's gonna be a completely new different nintendo console but uh i have the feeling that you know how they upgraded like the nintendo ds and the new nintendo ds we're gonna probably get like uh a nintendo switch that's a little bit more upgraded and it's gonna be more fitting for splatoon 3. who knows it could this whatever it is is probably playing off that hardware that they're keeping uh keeping to themselves right now and i feel like we're gonna probably get an updated switch uh either this year or they're probably gonna sell it alongside splatoon 3. they're not going to tell us anything now about it now mainly because one the monster hunters monster hunter console and two the um the limited edition mario one those two consoles nintendo's gonna want to sell both of those so telling us a switch pro is coming already if they had done that they aren't gonna sell so well on those two consoles because everyone's gonna wait for the switch pro or the updated super switch whatever it is i have a feeling that we're probably gonna get one before this game comes out or maybe alongside it especially with also breath of the wild too that's that's all sort of thing so it kind of just makes sense if uh if they were to do that and like up you know how the switch is going that's probably the best player to do what do you think happened to marina she's dead i don't know sorry i don't i don't know i don't know i'll answer that i mean if we were to talk about like the last map first she was kind of like she's telling she's talking about some kind of cryptic things honestly we actually look about looking back on it actually uh i took a recording of that actually uh so i recorded this just in case this is uh to do with the the stars versus blackfest place so talk about what marina was saying hurry up seriously though pearl what would happen to us if you lost your touch if she lost her touch you've always had good do appreciate that pearl but what if i wasn't a super dj anymore what if i lost lose my shine negative thoughts i think that's all she says actually that's basically the so basically like marina is kind of being kind of weird she's talking about losing her touch losing her shine losing uh yeah it's like it seems like foreshadowing in a way uh in we don't we really don't want to we don't we don't really know why she's saying that but uh i feel like that is a possibly going to play a part within the story she could be behind something within the whole splatoon 3 story but she knows something but we just don't know what it is so do you think the crab is a sub or special uh the crab is a is a special weapon it's a special weapon it's that laser thing in that you'll see in the trailer also the rocket mode the eight ball mode that might make it like like show itself up in um the playlists you know i'm hoping that eight ball mode like completely removes rainmaker late just make that just make that rain maker because that will make it a thing where like um you don't have this big powerful fish that destroys everyone like you have to always use your weapon to push the objective that would be kind of cool if that eight ball mode was the thing to be to replace raymaker i'd be cool with that actually splatoon pool spatune pool wait what is an 8-ball mode in splatoon 2 there was a mode that was found like a random mode that was found and it was never added into this into splatoon 2. and it was like april and it's basically the same as rainmaker except you push a bull onto the thing and i'm just thinking that they probably did that people hacked to try and find that out but they probably did that like the devs probably did that just to like experiment you know experiment with different modes that they could do you know i'll be totally fine with that am i looking forward to the story mode in splatoon 3. honestly yeah i am i really am like i think it's gonna be really cool like it's definitely not just gonna be as simple as platoon one and two's one like this story mode definitely seems like there's uh there's definitely a lot more depth into it obviously they haven't shown as much but it's definitely going to be hitting more of the law within splatoon like it's definitely gonna be like how the oxford expansion was like in splatoon or splatoon 2. uh do you think there's transportation in splatoon 3 in the story mode probably yeah do you think there might be like a different hub like obviously we got the like your square but do you think there'll be like a completely different one where you can travel through train i mean i don't know why they would but you know something to think about i guess if they wanted to make the the place a little bit bigger what do you think little buddy's purpose will be he's just there to be your little buddy he's just like navi he'll probably talk to you or maybe you're just you're just there to protect him it's gonna be a different bad guy and it's not the octolings there just has to be like a different bad guy that we don't know of all right guys i'm going to play the trailer one more time okay two more times i said one we'll probably do it we'll do two more times we'll do two more times do we ever find out much about mr grizz there's some lore about him um that's kind of cryptic but i kind of feel like he's the he's probably gonna be the bad guy in splatoon three most likely whoever he is we don't know do you think the announcement of splatoon 3 is going to revitalize the competitive scene for this let's do in two year uh probably there's been a lot of people who tend to quit i mean everyone kind of quits and comes back to splatoon 2. you don't know you don't really quit people just say they quit just for some twitter likes and then they come back and then they act like nothing ever happened um yeah but they'll be back they'll be back do you think comp in splatoon 3 is going to be good probably it's the same game so as long as the call form is there yeah do you think the campaign uh could be more open worlds it could be it gets they give us a glimpse of that but we really don't know it's gonna be kind of strange to see how it becomes open worlds in my opinion uh do you think they will have mode specific maps it doesn't seem from that uh post oatmeal dome put it doesn't seem like it's gonna be mode specific yeah unfortunate for that i don't think we're gonna get that do you think ink dodge uh dodge replaces substrafing in the toilet no i think sub strafing is probably still gonna be in the game but we're also going to have that uh squid jump thing will we get casuals casual cues for non turf war modes yeah i mean i hope there is a quick play mode i really do hope there is it would be nice to see that there is you know you think dlc will get might get a mix of inkling droppings or across uh probably something dlc we don't really know but it's probably gonna be something about order maybe uh just just so just to fulfill people who wanted order we'll probably get like a dlc of that i think a deal like there's so much more opportunity for dlc in this game and i hope they continue it and prepare to like boost up and just have loads of dlc for this game because they really can so all right guys the trailer has played twice it went real fast uh we've had a great conversation though we've had a really great conversation so clap pepe clap people clap however you want to clap pat's on the shoulders whatever uh or hyper clap email you probably have the the emote somewhere we do we not know how to people clap i've not seen one okay well hyper clap yeah hyper clap is there there you go we don't even have it we do we do we do we do we do hold on oh wait no we don't have it oh that's probably why okay i have it on my own discord so that's why i'm probably so used to doing it so much hi for clap yeah that's better that's we got some hyper claps there that's cool sorry just debated sorry i'll get that added someday so we can all people clap together you
Channel: ThatSrb2DUDE
Views: 31,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thatsrb2dude, splatoon 3 trailer, splatoon 3 music, splatoon 3 reaction, Splatoon 3 DUDE, Splatoon 3 thatSrb2DUDE, Splatoon 3 Nintendo Direct, Splatoon 3 my reaction, Splatoon 3 nintendo switch, Splatoon 3 chaos, splatoon 3 streamer, nintendo direct, splatoon 3 trailer analysis, splatoon 3 announcement trailer, splatoon 3 hype, Splatoon 3 speculation, A Closer Look into Everything in Splatoon 3, splatoon 3 2022, splatoon 2021, splatoon 3 discussion, splatoon 3 weapons
Id: IC9To8aTW7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 55sec (2155 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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