A closed recirculating aquaculture system (CRAS) using oxygenated ultra fine bubbles

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in traditional recirculation aquaculture Ras the environmental condition of rearing tank can be controlled in a facility therefore the system has advantages that it is less susceptible to external factors such as red tides fish diseases heavy weather and it is also high yielding however traditional Ras also has disadvantages of high initial cost high running costs and thus low profitability for Ras attempts to reduce costs while maintaining productivity have been made for a long time ultrafine bubbles that are making innovations in various fields has been found to be a key to solve the problem a closed recirculating aquaculture system see Ras using oxygenated ultrafine bubbles now we will introduce the innovative system that we have evolved this figure shows the system flow diagram in this sea Ras rearing water is reusing by recirculating filtration and additional water will be supplemented as needed to compensate for water evaporation the definite characteristic of our system is using aqua nanos and oxygenated ultrafine bubble generator for controlling do level in the whole sea Ras rearing water once passed through Aquaman ops becomes highly oxygenated water containing oxygenated ultrafine bubbles with twenty milligrams per liter do rearing water brought to a bio filter with Effects of high concentration of oxygen and ultrafine bubbles activates nitrifying bacteria maximizing the performance of the biofilter though a bio filter requires a large amount of do Ocwen an ox maintains dissolved oxygen content of rearing water even after passing through the bio filter of above 10 milligrams per liter accordingly it becomes possible to control the oxygen content throughout the system using only one oxygen supply source not requiring oxygen supply to each rearing tank compared to traditional ras lower initial cost and running costs can be achieved because facilities such as an oxygen to solver carbon dioxide deaerator suction unit and ultraviolet sterilizer are not needed aqua nanos makes it possible to control the oxygen content throughout the whole system using only one oxygen supply source it also easily keeps high dissolved oxygen condition so fishes suffer no stress and accelerate their growth bactericidal effect of ultrafine bubbles inhibits the growth of bacteria and rearing water without any treatment for sterilization sterilization using electrolyzed water or ozone common sterilization method involves risks after sterilization using electrolyzed water residual chlorine and oxidant that are toxic to fishes remain in water ozone sterilization also involves a risk of residual oxidant sterilization with ultrafine bubbles that uses only oxygen is a safe method is free from these risks ultrafine bubbles have cleaning effect making marrying tanks channels and piping resistant to dirt cleaning effect of ultrafine bubbles are also appreciated for example in pipe cleaning and food industrial plants this effect reduces the frequency of large-scale cleaning operations for rearing tanks accordingly it is possible to reduce stress to fishes and the number of workers ultrafine bubbles also have bacteriostatic effect to ak' of excess feed and dead fishes and breeding water tanks this prevents deterioration of water quality and bad odor this table shows the result of bacteriological examination in CFU colony forming units of rearing tank and it sooo company using oxygen ufv a bacterial count in rearing tank is limited to only 32 CFU it is very scarce usually the bacterial count of fishery ring think attains 10 to the fifth sixth power CFU so we can clearly understand that UF b has the extremely wonderful bacterium stat activity does the ultrafine bubble really exist this is a movie showing the generation of ultrafine bubbles by using aqua knobs in an experimental facility aqua Nanak's uses a static fluid mixer the Raymond nano mixer which is our patent technology oxygen and saltwater are together pass through the mixer under pressure using a submerged pump thereby generating ultrafine bubbles we analyzed sample fluids thought to contain ultra fine bubbles generated by aqua nanos using a nano particle analyzer nano site by illuminating ultrafine bubbles with a laser light scattered light of the bubbles can be observed microscopically substances and nano scale are found to be moving slightly this is called Brownian motion the movie on the screen shows Brownian motion of the ultrafine bubbles but cording to the measurements resulted from the analysis of the ultrafine bubbles using nano site 200 million bubbles per milliliter of ultrafine bubbles with the average particle size of 167 nanometers were generated this is a surprising number indicating that only one milliliter of water contains 200 million bubbles in nano scale that is a fraction of a millionth of one millimeter if you lost incorporation in an ocean of pure Ashima Prefecture Japan we it lawsuit corporation and Nanak's cooperatively develop a closed recirculating aquaculture system using oxygenated Coulter fine bubbles as of May 2014 we are filtering fishes in the aquaculture facility of Eden lawsuit for about eight months representative species are Tiger puffer scorpion fish and black scraper there have been no adverse effects such as gas bubble disease and other fish disease in addition it is noteworthy that growth period has been reduced in the present growth rate of fishes it is expected that Tiger puffer will reduce its growth time by ten months and scorpion fish and black scraper will reduce by four months of course reducing growth period to give benefit to fish farmers suffering from profitability as introduced so far flows recirculating aquaculture system using oxygenated ultrafine bubbles allows high productivity and stable production comparing to sea bass aquaculture or other land-based aquaculture it is possible to reduce cost significantly this system is expected to be further applied to various fish species in future we hope to produce de la Pia and catfish that are attracting attentions as edible fish resources in large quantities and fervently hope to contribute to solve one of the global issues that is the food problem you
Channel: nanox0704
Views: 395,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aquaculture (Industry), Food (TV Genre), nanox, Agriculture (Industry), Nanotechnology (Field Of Study), nanobubbles, nanobubble, UFB
Id: W6lDgj5YwZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 02 2014
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