How to Maintain your Recirculating Aquaculture System

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[Music] thank you hey guys it's shikemi olamisi the farm lady and you are welcome back to another amazing interesting and educative video so as you can see from the title of the video we are going to be sharing with you how we do a recirculating aquaculture system maintenance okay and for those who do not know what a recirculating aquaculture system is I'm going to be explaining that to you shortly so stay tuned and don't go no way what is a recirculating aquaculture system every circulating aquaculture system is a partially closed system that enables the ReUse of water for fish farming well in this system the solid waste like the pieces of your fish and the indications waste like ammonium are usually eliminated or converted into a non-toxic product by the system component so this is basically a summary of what a recirculating aquaculture system does now that we know what it's all about I'm going to be sharing Clips with you of how we do the maintenance now the reason for this maintenance is because we notice that over time the fish you know are producing more waste as they are growing their waste production is increased and we realize that we needed to increase the components of some of our filtration C stem and then the sedimentation aspects as well and that is why we are doing this maintenance so firstly we are washing the existing filtration medians right so we are using a pressure washer here to you know get the debts out which is the waste from the fish in them to washing using a pressure washer so that's what we're doing here [Music] now we're trying to flush out and you know wash the granite base it's a whole lot of you know procedure that we have to do in order to ensure we are starting on a clean note right remember we are increasing the capacity so here we're done washing as you can see it's all sparkly white and clean here are some of the biological filtration materials [Music] so now we've started layering some of our filter Medias and of course I'm not the one seated over there amazing people on the team you know it's a team of you know intellectual people working together to achieve an amazing result so all hands on deck and then we're doing every step we're carrying out every step like it should be done and of course I have to you know involve myself in one or two things hand them some of the materials to enable us you know hit us Target faster already washed and you know disinfected Granite that we are also going to be using because a whole lot of Granite base was used in order to achieve our results right so we already washed them and disinfected them so your hair is scoping them out [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] some biological filtration materials to enable us you know do the biological filtration of the water [Music] thank you now the whole setup is done and we filled all tanks of the system or put water prepare to test run it and now we're about to switch it on look at that amazing right I bet this is amazing we have a 1.5 horsepower pump that helps us to take water back into the ponds it's an amazing process and of course we have our UV light section that helps with sterilization of the water so far so good we're happy with the whole process that we've been able to upgrade you know it's been amazing so the maintenance is definitely going to be done from time to time depending on when the need arises so look at that look at this and then we also have an aeration system so it's it's a complex system that you know goes from one stage to another in order to ensure that the fish are getting quality water at all times everyone is smiling and everyone is happy with the results look at my amazing sis here says Mary doing she has been an amazing Soul so far everyone engineer on board the engineer diploma you know the whole team came through and this you know became you know a success eventually so we're happy with the results [Music] thank you we love the farm ladies see you guys next time bye bye subscribe to us [Music]
Channel: The FarmLady Aquatics
Views: 42,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Recirculating aquaculture system, closed recirculating aquaculture system, fish farming, modern fish farming, modern fish farming technology, ras aquaculture system, ras aquaculture system design, ras farming, ras farming aquaculture, ras farming system, ras fish farm, ras fish farming, ras fish farming technology, ras system, recirculating aquaculture, recirculating aquaculture system design, recirculating aquaculture systems, what is recirculating aquaculture system
Id: nQqnRtqF7Dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 32sec (452 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2022
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