A Cholesterol Master Class with Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn | Jr. MD.

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hello and welcome to today's interview with one of the I call Living Legends of medicine and Whole Food plant-based nutrition I'm Gustavo Tolosa your whole food plant-based host and it is a privilege and an honor to have Dr esselstin with us today for my followers on Facebook YouTube and social media Dr esselstein will follow um I wanted to tell you that we follow you and your wife and and your daughter Jane and appreciate your efforts in educating the public welcome to this live interview and thank you for making the time to talk to us thank you for this kind invitation I'm more than pleased and delighted to be with you I I years ago I had a very close friend from Argentina his name was Renee faboloro oh wow that is that what a friend to have I mean I I know I I read it in your book one of The Great in 1960 1963 at the Cleveland Clinic Trevor Laura was taking a rotation to cardiothoracic surgery at the same time that I was taking that rotation in my uh residency and we became quite close friends uh for three months we were on the same service when I came back from Vietnam uh and was given a position at the Cleveland Clinic they decided to put people into the surgical Locker alphabetically and since esselstyn was next to favelaro for for two years before he left permanently for Argentina he and I shared the same locker sorry I love it you know he was when he contributed so much to medicine and to her health to the world but of course in Argentina he had a very well the foundation is still uh were you know going on here in Argentina and wonderful well thank you for reminding me that I knew I read it and then I I forgot very good well Dr esselstein we have today a topic because um almost everybody in this group here follows a whole food plant-based SOS freed a way of eating and but often people are confused with this topic of cholesterol HDL for good cholesterol LDL for bad cholesterol triglycerides what doctors consider high or borderline differs quite a lot from Doctor to doctor could you briefly talk a little bit about cholesterol and then the second part tell us the relevance of those numbers for Whole Food plant-based followers if if there is a difference well that's you know that's a pretty big order [Laughter] well it's all yours well I think that when you begin to look at cardiovascular disease or atherosclerosis one of the first things that really jumps out at you is the fact that we have perhaps known for over a hundred years that they're multiple cultures on the planet Earth where cardiovascular disease is virtually non-existent if you were a heart surgeon and you decided that you were going to hang up your surgical shingle in rural China Okinawa Central uh central Africa the Papo Highlands in New Guinea Vitara himara in northern Mexico no heart disease why is it because they worry about their cholesterol how often how often does the Tara humara check their cholesterol so yeah it's a it's it's really it's always comes down to the food and uh when we look at cholesterol and you break it down in the 80s 80s and 90s it used to think that the HDL was somehow an HDL fraction of the cholesterol was protective and LDL was the bad one but you know some very interesting things uh began to happen when I started our first study back in 1984 uh it was by no by coincidence it was mostly all men nothing against women it was just the way that the patients were sent to me there weren't very many in that it was a small study 24 patients but what happened very rapidly we noticed that as soon as the men started eating plant-based their good HDL cholesterol remember in the United States to normal the normal level for an HDL cholesterol the low level is air 40. in other words they used to think that if it was below 40 it was too low well suddenly when I started to study all the men their HDL cholesterol started to go down with this wonderful Whole Food plant-based diet and it was go and they all went down below 40 and they were in their mid-30s but at the same time they were losing weight at the same time as they were losing weight they were also losing the symptoms from their heart disease and when we carefully studied them now with a with a lower than normal HDL cholesterol their disease was reversing reversing with a no lower than normal HDL cholesterol ornish was noticing the same thing and so it really was a rather exciting to think that there was a I think it was in not but 2006 when Pfizer came out with a pill it was going to end oh heart disease it was called torsetrabib and torsaturated half of the pill was Lipitor and the uh which would lower your bad cholesterol and the other half of the pill uh was torsetrobin which would take your HDL cholesterol over a hundred but as Pfizer was about to Spring this on the public the chairman of Pfizer got a phone call from the head of the monitoring committee who said Mr Pfizer chairman we have a problem with Sarasota bib and he said okay what's that well he said in the control group uh there have been 51 deaths but in the tourist Century group there were 81 deaths it was killing people so it never came out right then there was an interesting study by uh Dan Rader and his team from the of lipid chemist from the University of Pennsylvania in 2011 I think it was in the uh January 13th issue of the New England Journal they had taken 2 000 persons and drawn blood and measured their HDL cholesterol and there were some that were high some that were low some were medium then they did an interesting thing they took every one of those um HDL cholesterols on those 2 000 people and they measured the capacity of the HDL cholesterol to be able to reverse cholesterol transport and they found that the capacity of the HDL molecule to do the reverse cholesterol transport had no relationship to the measured blood level of HDL for example you can have a very nice high level of HCL and at the with that high level of HDL it might have been very poor at reverse cholesterol transport on the other hand you could have a low level of HDL that was very effective so it was really beginning to bring some questions about what we were thinking about cholesterol and then there was a team the team from UCLA in February of two of 2011. uh they were looking at the Apple A1 the Apple A1 protein moiety of the HDL cholesterol they were kind of checking about uh and what they found was that when you were eating the typical Western diet you injured the Apple A1 moiety of that HDL molecule and you converted it from normally being an anti inflammatory molecule and once you injured the Apple A1 molecule it now became a your HDL was converted to a pro-inflammatory molecule joining with your LDL to injure you is that am I going too fast does that make any sense it does it makes sense yes yes now so then the other thing that happened is both ornish and I noticed that when when I have patience to start eating this highly anti-inflammatory plant-based nutrition almost invariably their HDL cholesterol starts to drop and of course that for people who were unfamiliar with this that can be very disturbing but what it is it that means you're doing it correctly because as your whole body begins to become less inflamed there's less inflammation then the liver recognizes this and the liver says to itself I don't need as much HDL I'm going to reduce my HDL production and that's what happens with Whole Food plant-based nutrition the best demonstration I can have of this I was thinking about the uh when the late Bill Connor went down and uh to the uh Tarahumara Indians and measured their HCL 25 milligrams remember now the low limited for men was 40. here they are these in it was 25 was their low their level of HDL no heart disease why now that would drive the unknowing cardiologist absolutely apoplectic right but it's really a profound demonstration of how healthy these uh the hearts are of the Tara humara and they're eating such an anti-inflammatory diet that they uh they have a low ACL wow that that to me that it's uh such a shocking I've never heard you talk about this before in this detail and uh because inflammation is uh to me is one of the scariest words I always talk to people about lowering inflammation and so what you just said about the liver not needing to produce as much wow okay okay sorry about that I needed I it's that's wonderful I I'm I need I need help so um that's pretty much the story on the on uh cholesterol because uh let's I've been running a uh a seminar for patients about it every month for those who have cardiovascular disease and several things that we have learned uh when patients are following this nutrition this plant-based nutrition correctly and accurately as part of this seminar many patients have learned long before they ever heard of me they learned that they could not take a Statin all right it had this too many side effects it was giving the muscle cramps or it was injuring their liver or it was giving them diabetes or it was giving them brain fog they couldn't take a Statin And yet when I we published back in uh a group of 198 patients that we've followed for close to four years I published in a the Journal of family practice in 2014 and we found that even those patients who didn't would take a Statin but follow the program correctly they did just as well they did just as well as a matter of fact in my book you'll see this in the several of the pictures some of the most profound examples that we've had of disease reversal occurred in patients who either refuse to take the Statin or those who it was actually before the Statin came out I'm thinking of an example of a 54 year old gentleman and uh who came to see us in 1986 and he was one of our early participants in the first study and he had a coronary artery heart disease he had had two uh surgical bypass operations and in addition he also had a partially blocked artery in his uh right thigh so the coming when he would come to visit me to going across the skyway to my office he had to stop five times to because of the claudication in his right calf and I was so and we had a we measured at his ankle we measured the pulse volume of that right leg at Baseline and then I forgot all about his leg and ten months later when he came to see me he said Dr esselstyn do you recall when I first came to see you I had to stop five times crossing the Skyway to your office because of the pain in my right calf muscle I said yeah I remember he said you know in the last month it's uh gotten better and it's gone away and I said well then what we got to do is we got to take another post volume so we went back to the vascular lab they repeated the pulse volume and we compared it to what it was 10 months earlier and it was now doubled and so we now this is one of the very infancy the very beginning of our study it was very exciting to think that food and food alone could absolutely Halt and reverse cardiovascular disease and we thought that the science was Rock Solid and somebody who might criticize this and say what about the Statin well there was no Statin in 1986. so we again had confirmation that this was something that was effective and would work especially when patients uh adapted it and did it correctly now uh I think that the thing that is to me is a little frustrating in the in the treatment of cardiovascular disease is it with all due respect to myocardiovascular colleagues now I don't know of any of the drugs that they use none of the stents that they use none of the bypass operations in other words all the Therapeutics have not one single thing to do whatsoever with the causation of the illness and it's uh very frustrating for example many Physicians will say I don't know doctoral system I don't know how you get your patients to uh follow that diet and I said well if you're going to have a patient make a lifestyle change you've got to show the patient respect and the only way I know to go show a patient respect is to give them my time because when most Physicians are seeing 25 or 30 patients a day and the patient is given 10 minutes it's not going to happen what I find is most important is to really uh to give the patient two separate uh two separate periods of my time for example when we have the seminar they're going to be 20 patients and it'll all be virtual but every one of those 20 patients beforehand my secretary will give me their phone number and two weeks before the seminar I personally call every one of them to get my arms around their story and at the same time give them an opportunity to ask questions of me so that coming to the seminar we have a strong platform from which we could all move forward now I I should give you an example of of what I might what I might say to the patient because I think it's uh it's a illustrial illustrates how I try to get them to make the com this complete transition which is significant no question I would start out by saying to the patient all experts would agree the word this disease has its Inception its onset It's Beginning is when we progressively injure the life jacket and the CR and the really salvation of all our blood vessels which is that innermost lining called the endothelium and the endothelium is responsible for making this magic molecule of gas called nitric oxide okay and it is nitric oxide that is responsible for the Salvation the preservation and the protection of all of our blood vessels because of its remarkable function that nitric oxide has for example nitric oxide will keep all the cellular elements within our bloodstream flowing smoothly like Teflon rather than velcro it keeps things from getting sticky number two nitric oxide is the strongest blood vessel dilator in the body when you climb stairs the arteries to your heart your arteries to your legs they widen they dilate that's nitric oxide number three nitric oxide will protect the wall of the artery from becoming thickened stiffer inflamed and protect us from getting high blood pressure or hypertension number four is the absolute key a safe and normal amount of nitric oxide will protect us all from ever developing blockages or plaque so literally everybody on the planet Earth who has cardiovascular disease has their disease because in the preceding decades they have so sufficiently trashed injured compromised and turned their endothelial system into an absolute train wreck that they no longer have enough nitric oxide to protect themselves from making blockages in plaque however the good news is this this is not a malignancy it is a completely benign foodborne illness and once you can get patients to understand that never ever again are they to pass through their lips a single morsel that is going to further injure and already train wreck endothelium because then the endothelium will recover make enough nitric oxide so we can halt any disease progression and we often see significant elements of disease reversal now what are the foods that every time they pass our lips we injure the endothelial cells they are number one any drop of oil olive oil corn oil soybean oil safflower oil sunflower oil coconut oil palm oil oil in a chip oil in a cracker oil in a piece of bread oil and a salad dressing oil injures endothelial cells any questions on that I wrote a paper on oil and that was published in the international Journal of disease reversal and prevention in 2019 the title of the paper was is oil healthy and in the paper I review the animal studies and the human studies showing how oil injures endothelial cells 100 percent clear yes also we want to eliminate anything that has a mother or a face meat fish chicken foul turkey and eggs also we want to eliminate Dairy milk cream butter cheese ice cream and yogurt I don't like sugar sugary drinks diet colas Pepsi and Coke we want to avoid sugary Foods cakes pies cookies Stevia Agave excesses of maple syrup molasses and honey I don't like nuts peanut butter nut Butters cashew sauce or avocado too much saturated fat and we want to eliminate coffee with caffeine there's a Greek study and Italian study coffee with caffeine will injure endothelial cell production of nitric oxide all right the reason that my program will succeed where Others May Fail is that nobody else is as mean as I am I you just don't seem means [Laughter] so now we've got to continue what are you going to eat yeah you're gonna eat all these marvelous whole grains for your cereal bread pasta rolls and bagels all these marvelous 101 types of legumes lentils and beans wonderful red yellow and green leafy vegetables white potatoes sweet potatoes and some fruit and they're wonderful books out there now with hundreds of recipes that are delicious for this so it's that's not a problem about a decade ago I made a significant transition in our program that was based upon the fact that the endothelial production of nitric oxide is age dependent for instance you never heard of a boy or a girl at age eight having a heart attack now they've got nitric oxide coming out of their ears but by the time they're age 50 it's beautifully healthy they now have 50 percent of the nitric oxide they had when they were age 25 and by the time you're 80 you've lost 70 percent so the two modifications that I made were as follows first we had a greater stimulation of the endothelial production of nitric oxide and number two we embraced the newer research that shows us that mankind has an alternate pathway for making uh nitric oxide so here we go I if you are a patient with heart disease I need you to chew not smoothies not juicing I need you to chew six times a day a green leafy vegetable that is approximately the size of one one quarter of your fist after it has first been steamed five and a half to six minutes so it's nice and tender and then you must anoint it with several drops of a delightful either balsamic or rice vinegar and why is that well because research has shown us that the acetic acid from those vinegars can restore the nitric oxide synthase enzyme contained within the endothelial cell that is responsible for making nitric oxide all right now that means that you're going to you're going to chew this alongside your breakfast cereal again as a mid-morning snack again with your lunch and sandwich that's three excuse me mid-afternoon is four dinner time is five and of course I adore it when you have that evening snack of arugula or kale now the second benefit from chewing the green leafy vegetable it restores the capacity of your bone marrow to once again make the endothelial progenitor cell what do they do the endothelial progenitor cell will replace our senescent injured worn out endothelial cells now the third benefit and most important when you're chewing a green leafy vegetable you are chewing a green nitrate that green nitrate is going to mix with the facultative anaerobic bacteria that reside in the crypts and grooves of your tongue now those bacteria when they reduce that nitrate it's going to be a nitrite and when you swallow the nitrite it is now your own gastric acid which is going to further reduce the nitrite to more nitric oxide which can enter your nitric oxide pool so think about it what you've been doing for minimal expense no side effects all day long dawn to dusk morning tonight you are absolutely restoring nitric oxide the very molecule the deficiency of which has given you this disease in the first place now there is a caveat to this toothpaste with fluoride or public drinking water with fluoride and mouthwash will injure the beneficial bacteria in your mouth now what uh oh and also I do not like antacids because antacids will reduce your gastric acidity and you will be unable to reduce the nitrite to more nitric oxide the top six vegetables would be kale Swiss chard spinach arugula beet greens and beets however if you want the full group the whole group it is bok choy fish chard kale collards collard green bean greens mustard greens greens napa cabbage brussels sprouts broccoli cauliflower cilantro parsley spinach and arugula and asparagus and the reason I go through that with you because you have to know how Whole Food plant-based nutrition can enhance your memory yes that's pretty amazing we should we can even make a song uh as a musician I can do I could make this the the greens song that doesn't mean that a person cannot eat raw greens right you're on there is a suggestion that when you heat them though it helps when you start to chew you get more remember when you're eating green leafy vegetables there's a lot of wonderful phytonutrients that are contained uh is there you mentioned the seminar a seminar that you run on a regular basis how can people know about this and perhaps participate is there a website or some place my secretary okay okay yeah is that is that on your website yes okay all right so people could go to your website and and send them an email yes okay or talk email or they can or they can call or whatever they want yeah oh okay there's a phone number very good you mentioned earlier how sometimes it's a frustrating uh because of your cardiovascular colleagues um I assume that many of them are not well versed in Whole Food plant-based you know nutrition so when they look at these numbers for cholesterol these numbers are for the regular population how should we if if we really have uh minimal inflammation and we have a healthy endothelium because we follow let's assume that we do follow a strict Whole Food plant-based diet and our cholesterol numbers are a little higher um how much should we worry about that and should we consider it I have I have people close to me for 30 years they've never had a cholesterol under 200 I mean and some of them but as long as they're eating Whole Food plant-based nutrition I think that what you're building is a an absolute an endothelial Fortress an endothelial Fortress so even if you've got a few extra molecules of cholesterol going through your bloodstream cholesterol is not evil it's it's really quite essential but what really gives it an opportunity to to be evil is if you have a weakened endothelium for instance let's suppose that I've got somebody who's becomes us to our program and they're worried because their cholesterol is 190 or 210 whatever but if they've been eating this way carefully I said here's what you can do to give yourself some reassurance I'm going to give you five biomarkers that you can get to check your inflammation one oxidized LDL two asymmetric dimethyl Arginine three myeloperoxidase four tmao trimethylamine oxide five hscrp highly sensitive C-reactive protein if all those inflammation markers are normal and nice and low you should be protected even even if the cholesterol is a little higher yeah it's okay okay because of the health of the uh right right well that is being always a little bit of a frustration for me because I do follow the diet that you recommend and for 10 years and and my cholesterol just doesn't want to go below uh 200 maybe but everybody everybody has a different thermostat on there for making cholesterol every some people make I mean if some people found my program 100 there may be a total cholesterol of 102 or a 120 150 180 200 that's their thermostat of their liver that's not going to change that there's some but at the same time what they can do is keep their inflammation right right that was uh that was very good the markers that you mentioned I have one other uh I'm gonna forget it if I don't say it and that is I'll give an example of how some people normally think the other day I was counseling a couple the husband had had a heart attack and after I was with him 40 minutes or so went through all what I just went through with you the anointing all about nitric oxide and so forth and the wife then looked at me and said Dr hesselson you haven't talked to me yet what are the cheat days I said would you spell cheat she says c-h-e-a-t okay I said you mean if your husband is good all week long that he should then on Saturday and Sunday he can eat what he wants he said yeah she said that's right I said now think of what you just said you've passed a hundred and four days out of 365. your husband is still trying to destroy his few remaining endothelial cells so we can have a second heart attack oh she said I didn't think of it that way that's the way there is no saying is 90 that if you're following a 90 that means 10 percent of the time you're trying to further destroy an already destroyed endothelium it makes no sense why would we want to want the damage uh this very important part how do triglycerides fit into this picture a lot of people report that their triglyceride triglycerides are higher actually when they switched the whole food plant-based diet yeah I have to do anything with sugar or yeah sure a lot a lot to do with simple carbohydrates almost always with simple carbohydrates people start smoothies smoothies will really often raise your uh triglycerides will do it a lot of fruit dates uh and of course we never want people to have fruit juice when they start having fruit juice that'll do it as well and that alcohol is notorious for raising triglycerides yeah okay okay alcohol very good and would have Dr uh it's Justine how about something like I have received this question a few times so I I need to ask you because I don't I've never heard of this something called uh berberine have you you got me there okay uh it's it's spelled b-e-r-b-e-r-i-n-e berberine or berberine what is it it's supposed to be some sort of a supplement maybe if anybody would like to write it here in the chat um that supposedly helps with lower cholesterol but maybe while we wait for that um someone asked me to ask you the importance of a a p o b um a um upper lipoprotein B um I don't know if that has to do anything with collateral Apple lipo protein b a p o b well unless I'm like unless I'm confusing this with the moiety part of the HDL molecule uh fob is uh is a more aggressive side of uh of a more aggressive site of LDL I think yeah I think that's what the person wanted to have a little more explanation of what it is and and what it does but I think it the important thing is to we can we can often get ourselves tied up in uh and not with this with this disease when you think that it's so shameful that the American Heart Association the American Heart Association was formed in 1924. the American College of Cardiology was formed in 1949. why haven't they brought the diet of those cultures where heart disease is non-existent why why not bring that culture to this uh or that way of eating to this country because the answers of this disease is not stents and bypasses and drugs the answer to this disease let's let's not forget the Dignity of simplicity it is the food exactly yeah well that's what I always tell you know I do sometimes I do uh webinars and I cook do cooking demonstrations and other things and I always talk about the Simplicity of this we human beings somehow want to complicate things and um it's just it's natural but it's it's the food so for example taking a nitric oxide supplement is probably it's just go with the food like you said chew your Your Greens correctly yeah yeah they do I I was surprised to see that as somebody came up now with um nitric oxide supplements so you again just popping a pill you know and and hoping that that will do the job uh yeah I think the the uh there I think like two companies that make pills and I uh I guess what I'm waiting for I want to see where those pills are put to work with a group of patients who were seriously ill with cardiovascular disease and if they can halt the disease and reverse it then then there might be it might be something that can be considered also I don't want to hear about it after they've tried it on 100 patients I want to know what's happened after it's been tried on 3 000 patients right that's right that's when when the effects really began to come up it may be perfectly safe but we don't know until that's done all right right um uh somebody was asking here and well this is a very interesting question okay this is a 75 year old person and uh have been prescribed a Statin drug by my physician even though my cholesterol is excellent I have no known heart issues and maintain a fairly healthy plant-based and Physically Active lifestyle my physician has based this decision on my family history uh you know brothers and fathers who have died of congestive heart failure and um so that's how it was based and the person is saying just because I you know members of my family had this issue but I have good health and good cholesterol do I need to to take a Statin drug well one of the things that I've learned over the years is to be a little bit delicate when uh when you get you somebody is trying to position you in a in an awkward position of driving a wedge yeah but patient and their outside physician but uh I think it's so I think it's very important for whoever that patient is to respect these feelings and the uh the understanding that he is trying to bring to that situation but on the other hand uh I think that what might help settle the issue would be to get a calcium score and if your calcium score is really quite normal because what I've heard is you feel well but I don't know that we've got any hard data and you've and it's and really if you I'm talking to the patient now and if you I've been eating any of the typical Western Foods oil meat Dairy and if you're over the age of 17 or 18 you already have coronary artery disease we know from studies in the city of the of the pathobiologic determinants of atherosclerosis in the Young an interesting study where they took patients who were between the ages of 17 and 34. who had died of accidents homicides and suicides and at autopsy of these patients early coronary artery disease is ubiquitous everybody now not enough for their cardiac events yet but we think about it by the time they're in their late 40s that's when we begin to see this tsunami of cardiovascular disease yeah okay very good do you recommend any types of supplements besides B12 not at the present okay you can you get some sunshine to keep your vitamins up if it's too low you can always get a supplement but uh you know you ask yourself what uh what are the supplements that the papamo Highlanders are taking or those in rural China no heart disease yeah but I think if you're going to eat plant-based I would like you to have some B12 all right okay um one more question because I I know we've gone over but there's a an interesting question here I understand there is a difference or a two types of LDL ldla and ldlb if you are on a whole food plant-based diet and your HDL is 52 triglycerides 80 but LDL is 166 for a total cholesterol of 260 something brand new as traditionally around 180 is this a concern why would it be so lopsided given what is it well what what is the patient eating right well that would um I mean are they eating an Argentine diet no this is supposed to be well we can this person is here and they can answer in the chat here if you or if you could speak is this bed um and I think she's whole food she says Whole Food plant-based for three years so not a drop of oil yeah no no no no Jerry no animal protein no sugar and what's the one that's so high so she says so she says that she's she has nuts um and um well nuts are loaded with a saturated fat that'll that'll raise your that'll certainly rate that stimulates your liver to make more LDL cholesterol yes so the LDL is 166 and so and the total is 260. yeah that's that's elevated right right so do would you recommend that she tries to eliminate nuts and seeds at least yeah because that's if they want to follow the program that I suggested I made it I made it very clear today that and the nuts are not a part of it right right very good well uh do you or your family or do you do you recommend products that have flour any kind of red uh that is healthier than others well here in the states yet there is a and the perhaps the Ezekiel I think it is that's exactly right that's what yes it is because it has it's not on the sodium right okay but what about a a hard patient do you don't recommend any bread correctly well or maybe some I yeah I've providing that the bread isn't loaded with oil or so yeah then it's then I I don't restrict it and if you have a cracker what we often will do is take a pita pita bread the one who was out in the oil bacon then just hit it and you got crackers right no that's very good and and even though we didn't talk a lot about sodium sodium it also injures the endothelium well I'm not sure I can see all of us have to have a certain amount of sodium right but I think when we over overdue salt now we get into hypertension and hypertension is an absolutely terrible terrible terrible disease because right even if you even if you haven't had a stroke by the time you're 75 if you've had years of hypertension you have a much greater uh propensity to have dementia right and that's and that's just horrible I mean dementia is uh is absolutely very very very challenging to a family and to the individual and I and I've had colleagues that are more somewhat slightly more senior than I who have there it's as if their brain has perished right right and it's it's it's just it's tragic it's tragic exactly would you would you mind one more time although this is recorded So everybody here could watch the recording would you mind mentioning one more time those markers those type of tests that you all right let's do it oxidized LDL asymmetric dimethyl arginine thank you myeloperoxidase tmao trimethylamine oxide hscrp highly sensitive C-reactive protein that should be fine correct that that's fine all right thank you thank you um very good well we hope that this has been helpful for everybody here and thank you Dr esselstein and if people would like to to get in touch with your secretary your website your website is actually drasselton.com right right so please go there because I know that we couldn't uh go through all the questions that everybody posted here but um you can contact Dr esselsen's secretary and perhaps you will be one of the lucky ones to get a phone call um very good well thank you again and I hope you have a wonderful day thank you this Channel all right
Channel: Gustavo Tolosa
Views: 40,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cholesterol, heart disease, whole food plant based, vegan, dr. esselstyn, dr. caldwell esselstyn, gustavo tolosa, dr. gustavo tolosa, dr. mcdougall and gustavo tolosa live webinar, chef aj, dr. caldwell esselstyn and gustavo tolosa live webinar, coronary artery disease and dr. caldwell esselstyns study with joel kahn, high cholesterol, plant based diet, vegan food, dr. mcdougall, whole food plant based diet, plant based, cholesterol master class with dr. caldwell esselstyn
Id: Or5uiAMznxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 15sec (3255 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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