Ultimate CHEF SKILLS Challenge: CHICKEN & EGGS | SORTEDfood

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Anybody else now want a full version of Sound of Silence by Mike and Jamie?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 79 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/the_mellow πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh Barry!!

Also does anyone else get really stressed watching these challenges? I get so invested in them my blood pressure must be through the roof.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 47 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bluerose1000 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Again they've demonstrated that they do listen to the community! Poor Barry but I think it's the right call. Ben really put Barry off his game there to drop the news in the middle of a challenge but what better opportunity then when he brought dukkah up himself πŸ˜‚ He should also give Mike the spice badge back for naming the spices on the spot.

Also what a perfect duet at the end. I had to do a double take because they sounded perfect!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 46 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/breakupbydefault πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I've never felt so bad for Barry as I did in this video. I mean...the thumbnail nailed the general feeling of Barry here.

There's always next time, yes?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bjorncyborg12 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Does Mike suffer from really bad nerves? Was shaking a lot during this video.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Deadeyescum πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

God these videos get my heart reaching, I cannot imagine how stressful it is for the boys.

So well performed by Jamie today, three well deserved badges.

Cheers forever to Barry β€œthere’s lavender in dukkah” Taylor.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/The_Purrletariat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

As someone whose worked in kitchens I think this may be my favourite format in recent memory.

I also applaud the boys for the skills they've been showing throughout. They're certainly not "normals" anymore in my opinion! I still suck at making homemade mayo.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/eddieswiss πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Gonna ask Benneth how Baz stuffed up his mayonnaise because I didn't see how he made it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mumooshka πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Press F to pay respects to Barry's spice badge

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Yatakak πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] hello and welcome back to sorted food now after the shocking performances of our last chef skills challenge we thought we would take our three normals mike jamie and barry back to basics with some technique skills in three challenges today with three badges up for grabs but before we get to the challenges let's look at how the leaderboard stands as it is all to play for you sound like you're ready for challenge one challenge number one mike the question is which came first the chicken or the egg lift the clutch on challenge number one eggs oh is that an answer i don't know but the first badge is basic egg skills we would like you to demonstrate some basic egg cooking oh in 15 minutes one five we would like you to boil and peel one egg perfect for a salad so a soft yolk but not that's going to run everywhere we would also like you to poach one egg for any yolk and we would also like you to scramble two all in 15 minutes we will provide the plates to put them on you have 15 minutes and your time starts now ah ask us for anything else you think you might need boiling water creme fresh should you want it can i have some more water hot or cold or quite hot but not boiling hot about a kettle that's recently boiled yeah that sounds good for soft boiled eggs what we're looking for is large eggs fridge cold slowly lowered into a pound of boiling water use a slotted spoon or something to avoid them cracking boil for seven minutes and then fish them out and submerge under cold running water for almost as long again before peeling to slice or quarter today we're using room temperature eggs so five or six minutes should do it all through time okay strategy is just get some hot water on i'm probably going to shoot myself in the foot as i did with the photography challenge but this is probably the easiest one so far what am i doing for poached eggs there's a number of methods for me heat a pan of water at least 10 centimetres deep and season it with either salt or vinegar and heat it to just below boiling that's when small bubbles are forming on the bottom of the pan occasionally one or two float to the top crack in room temperature eggs splitting the egg as low to the surface of the water as possible it doesn't fall too far and then poach still not boiling for three to four minutes until the white is set but the yolk has a bounce at which point scoop it out with a slotted spoon and tap it dry before plating up white wine vinegar in there now how much i normally do a glug but i've never poached an egg perfectly what did you want soft fish think ideal for nisswa salad or something like that six i've gone for a glug for scrambled eggs melt a tablespoon of butter in a small saucepan and crack in a couple of eggs whilst it heats up you're going to cook it over a gentle heat stirring regularly until chunks of eggs begin to form once you get them to your personal desired consistency then i like to add a dollop of cold creme fraiche stops the cooking makes them super creamy but more importantly now's the time to season it with salt so i crack my eggs straight into the pan no butter no milk i should buy we're starting to look all right on here getting some boiling i'd either do it long or i'd do it really really short and i don't feel like if i did a microwave i would judge you a little bit you would judge me on the microwave wouldn't you butter taste makes everything taste good especially scrambled eggs that is a lot of butter so whisk your eggs in a cold pan for less washing up i read something that you shouldn't season eggs until they're kind of formed into the shape that you want them to be because otherwise the salt can affect the structure of eggs like scrambled eggs close to the water and in we go just water anything else in there i pot some salt in there out it comes and then into ideally ice-cold water because this means that the whites start shrinking back from the shell which makes it easier to peel two and a half minutes remaining scrambled scramble on the toast what consistency of scrambled egg are you going for i hate really oozy scrambled eggs like you can slag me off and say i'm wrong but i like this that's lucky isn't it this is my semi loose scrambled egg at this point now i'll season you've got 90 seconds left that looks wobbly that is a poached egg slotty spoon thank you post egg it's a little bit firmer on top kitchen towel kitchen towel what's going on here it's lovely and clean i checked beforehand on top pepper pepper pepper pepper this has cooled down so peeling with a little dunk in the bowl [Music] i hate this bit so much i always take half the egg with me when i peel you've left the most fiddly job until the time pressured end 15 seconds remaining okay well this isn't gonna happen is it [Music] i'm done i think i'm fairly happy with that three two one pop it in your star cake cup [Music] get that from the right angle and look peeled thank you very much mike you may leave the kitchen while we test your eggs and we'll call you back for challenge too badges are awarded at the end [Music] are you ready for challenge number two i feel like i'm on a roll so yeah let's bring it on lift the clutch oh wow cool wasn't expecting that this is the basic chicken badge the most efficient and cost-effective way of buying a chicken is as a whole bird all we would like you to do is cut out okay so we want you to take off two breasts skin on both legs and divide them into thighs and drumsticks two wings and leave the carcass for use too i'm going to give you 10 minutes to do it and your choice of knives off you go is that long is that not long i don't know okay no jibbles that's good legs first so first of all off come the legs get your hand underneath the bird and pop out pop out the joint and then the knife can slide really easily behind that bone when i go around that corner and i don't think that's popped out properly turned the chicken over and now i've you know popped it popped the joints popped is the word i want a ball and socket joint pop it out saves you cutting it through it whereas the wings you can't pop it out as well but you have to kind of feel around for the join don't you whilst i'm here wings did they do the same it's just like if we're just it is a bit like that what happens okay you've got roughly half of the bird off of the carcass there's one wing i believe are you happy with that you carry on so a couple of ways is to keep the wings on because it keeps the birds stable until the end then you take them off at the end but the wings will sort of stop that rocking what you've done there is also fine perhaps you could cut in at an angle to get rid of some of the excess carcass just to give you a flatter crown it is important to take your time like you are if it is a bit rickety and rockety that's the chicken breast and it's got skin when you open it up and you can kind of then keep cutting through that last bit rib cage i'm going to be honest with you evers i think i've done this better previously you crack it i'm confused what you're doing now i have to be honest i learned this every day and i thought it was really interesting so i thought display it and now you can roast that with the bone on to add more flavor and you can cook it off that's really nice it's not what we asked for in this challenge but it's really nice oh no you can keep the bone in the thigh or just roll have you taken the bone out i've taken the bone down oh excellent i didn't even ask him do that but he's boned a thigh well i'm done i can give you one with the bone in and one with the bone out just to prove dexterity and skill i really am i'm really disappointed in myself because i was trying to show off in doing that i've made myself a little worse because i know i can do the the first challenge really easily let me know when you've done and you're happy done time up are you happy to stop there yeah you wash your hands we'll clean down we'll get you challenge three [Music] challenge number three the third badge up for grabs lift the clush that's my breast gotta put it back no badge number three is the basic sauce badge mayonnaise edition we would like you to make a perfect portion of mayonnaise seasoned and flavoured how you like and some chicken goujons perfectly breaded and panade crispy and golden brown to dip into them you can flavour the chicken and or the mayonnaise as you please but essentially we're going to give you 20 minutes to do both your time starts now could i have um flour okay gushons flour egg breadcrumbs breadcrumbs and another egg so any type of chicken goose or nugget things chicken goujons but you can flavour them how you like let's just chop some chicken fine whatever first of all you don't need the skin for goujons do you or the breast bone okay that makes sense that does make sense that is what i want right flour egg breadcrumbs egg breadcrumbs yolks for mayonnaise so when it comes to mayonnaise it's more of a ratio one teaspoon of mustard to one egg yolk and then you'll need a hundred milliliters of neutral or relatively flavourless vegetable oil it should take the entire hundred milliliters as it thickens and then seasoned it to taste lemon juice salt and pepper you can add a tablespoon of warm water whisk in to loosen it if it becomes too thick but you're aiming for something that's well seasoned and spoonable but it will still hold a peak dijon mustard one tablespoon [Music] i'm gonna go ground nut because you want a flavourless oil and no way what does a duker mix i've forgotten well if you don't even know the gold you've got your spiceology badge so you better tell me quick i'm going to retract yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah those those things are really good what goes into a duker uh i would put some some cumin some maybe some lavender something light and fresh right here right now spiceology badge rescinded no no no we said this at the start of the year no you don't just concentrate on something for this no you absolutely have to learn and adopt and it's a great idea to use it and this is a crumb we spoke about that i just have to understand it no you are you serious taken away from me two and a half minutes gone have you seriously taken it away from so far all you've gone is backwards no so right i'll make it i got it i got it why is that always so difficult eight minutes to go i need to whisk the egg yolk and the mustard together the a mustard is gonna help emulsify the flavors of north africa with sort of harissa i've got some smoked paprika in here now the beautiful thing about a chicken goujon is it's like a tender strip like a chicken finger different to nuggets [Music] what now flower where's my egg flavors textures okay we did a five-seeded bread recently isn't it just pulled you out there for a second sun five minutes remaining jay pistachio nuts lavender cumin coriander comes there as well i'm going to double paneer because i want to make sure those breadcrumbs stick you chose to double paneer but you went back into flour yeah so i'm not doing that what you meant to say with double paneer was egg into bread and then egg into bread again yes check is always good probably better than leaving it to chance chicken needs a little bit longer it's probably not where we need it to be don't use the knife that i've just cut a raw chicken with i'm going to do a cheese mayonnaise salt an egg yolk little bit of pepper spoonful of dijon mustard i do want to go with lemon because i know it's tradish that should be there a clove of garlic adding a bit of sumac maybe on the top and then pouring in my oil now let's go in with some harissa look at that orange coming up to your last minute i haven't added any seasoning to it like salt yeah i've added a bit of lemon and while i'm not really thinking about it just doing it let's get that in there [Music] wonderful color because of egg yolk and the rapeseed oil okay so i've got my sumac so you're keeping it classic with sort of mustard seasoning and lemon lemon yeah so how are these looking 20 seconds on feeding a clove of garlic isn't a good use of time what's happened is it's not emulsifying so i think i did another egg no we're just going for a pinch what the hell are you doing michael a couple of snacking gushons stop the clock last five yeah four emulsify three two one [Music] sauce badge mayonnaise edition don't i pl i can't have just lost a badge in that one no it's gone so wrong i should have just done it by hand barry you may not leave the kitchen and we'll call you back in for some badger warning how we feeling challenge number one basic egg challenge mike hello boiled egg not great the poached egg brilliant brownie yolk the scrambled egg your method meant you had quite chunky bits in lots of butter it didn't kind of emulsify together if you want the chunkier style of egg you're better off using less butter jamie oh no you were very organized today you didn't need the complete 15 minutes and you also got all three onto the plate ebba's pet they all looked good the poached egg had a runny yolk the scrambled egg it's just how i like it and your boiled egg and a nice soft yolk barry you did three good plates of eggs and also didn't require the entire time all nicely seasoned all the right consistency and very methodical oh no do it hurry up peppers with that in mind barry and jamie you both get an egg badge mike not today i realize i don't cook any eggs except for fried eggs and where the hell was that challenge two the basic chicken badge all three of you were presented with a whole chicken and you all ended up with the eight component parts the important thing with this badge is about improvement and about making sure you get best value out of the chicken mike you did that and got the badge yes jamie you did that and got the badge barry you didn't follow the instructions but you still got best value out of a chicken take the bag oh technique it's black or white however something to bear in mind for everyone just take a little bit more time even in a time challenge to get as much of the good meat onto the breast and the legs as opposed to leaving on the carcass what did you do i did something new he asked if he could present it on the bone and i said yes thinking supreme he meant something very different which didn't really work well on the carcass there you go on the bone there's a full chicken on the bone there it's got a whole chicken i don't know what the technique is called but it's very impressive then the final challenge two for two mike you made chicken guzzons they were a good color they were cooked through you also made a very tasty mayonnaise with a little bit of harissa that was tangy and the spice from harissa wonderful color because of that and therefore i will give you the mayonnaise batch yes why do i care so much it's really annoying jamie you also made chicken goujons they were a slightly darker color because the oil was a bit hotter but they were cooked through still moist well seasoned but this is the mayonnaise badge which you did make with rapeseed oil well seasoned wonderful color lots of lemon a one yolk batch which you made by hand should have ended up at about 100 ml of oil you serve two tablespoons so like 30 grams but it's still very tasty and you also take the mayonnaise batch oh gosh no three for three for three that's it come on should we just wrap this one up barry i'm not gonna look at you i'm no there's nothing towards you i just don't i don't feel like we can have this moment what's happened you did not make gujons you made nuggets but i said all i wanted was something tasty to dip into the mayonnaise and the mayonnaise is the badge you were such a barry terry i thought gujon's was a french for nuggets one thing you did really well was add a nice crunch and flavour to your coating of the chicken nuggets however in the process you pointed out we're cutting this bit you had absolutely not no idea what duca is no i did have an idea regardless of the fact that you previously won a spiceology badge just a few weeks ago in a spice blends video and therefore we rescinded your batch you genuinely took it away from him for the what yeah so he goes down a badge these guys pointed out and i think quite rightly yes he only got the spiceology badge because he was guessing at spices and he didn't even bother to watch the video back and take note of the spice bin that you learn duke is like shut your mouth shut your mouth coriander salt sesame pepper rattling them off he couldn't do that but he did want to put lavender in it anyhow this is about the mayonnaise badge you should lose a self-respect badge by adding lavender you then made mayonnaise or tried to but the emulsification didn't quite work you ended up with something that was definitely not mayonnaise you know i can't give you the badge no badge bad daddy office so mike two badges jamie three for three and barry takes two but also lost by sology well there we go the end of another chef skills challenge the scores have changed a bit the question is who do you think will take the lead from here on in across the rest of the year also don't forget to get involved on twitter with the hashtag sortedchefskills maybe you know give us some extra challenges tell us what you think but i'd say mostly why don't you send barry some thoughts oh just embarrass them is there a how to follow instructions badge that maybe you could go for [Music] this is starting to hurt now i've got a lot to do hello darkness my old friend i've come to talk with you again just keep going get it done
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 769,052
Rating: 4.9610801 out of 5
Keywords: sortedfood, sorted food, chef skills, skills challenge, sorted food challenge, how to, how to cook, sortedfood battle, cooking battle, normals battle, sortedfood ultimate battle, food challenge, pass it on, taste test, poker face, chefs review, kitchen gadgets, cooking fail, ultimate chef skills challenge, sortedfood chef skills challenge, desserts, sortedfood dessert, sortedfood beat the chef, chicken, sortedfood chicken, sorted chicken, sortedfood eggs, egg, basic egg
Id: _hT7eq-jrXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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