A Camping Cooking System that fits in your pocket?

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in today's video I'm going to be taking a look at the compact little cook set containing pot fuel stove and accessories the best thing of all fits in your pocket so you can take this with you anywhere you go come out from your daily stroll can't believe that this is only five minutes away from the house there's loads of these little paths these little woodland close by so it's perfect to escape in for a little while [Music] I brought my little cooks out with me just in case I want to stop for a broom and a fist nicely in my pocket I'll take you up to the rock so you can see the view [Music] can just make out damn flask which I hope to be paying a visit to in the next few days I better find somewhere quiet and show you this cookie and the nice little bench all to myself so as I said everything fits inside my pocket it doesn't come with a storage bag but those odd socks definitely come in handy this is just an old trainer salt really so on the top I have a folding titanium spoon that just locks into place like that so inside a sock yeah we have our little pot so this is a 350 ml pot stills come personalized if your name is Keith I'll pick this up on Amazon it was about 15 quid I think I will drop a link in the description below I got it from so inside here we've got my stove also got the GSI micro pot grippers picking up the pot lighter that's some fuel that's bioethanol and stove I've got in there today is the ever new titanium stove I do take this a little bit of kitchen paper just to stop it ruffling around so this stove isn't the cheapest well you can buy very similar ones for this for about 15 pounds but the good news with this little setup because you can also fit the Trangia in it I'm rocking a boom bag again just to bring a few extra bits to show you also carries me water as well as someone asked me in the last video what boom bag it was this one's a water fly and I did have it sent to me ages ago but be honest I couldn't remember where I put it so I found it again so it's getting a little bit of use for a bit of lunch my mugs in there I have also brought the Trangia just to show you how it fits into this little pot very snug the only reason I've gone for their ever new Stover over the trend year is that the Trangia does require pot supports and I have bought them as well but I'm gonna be using this stove Tilly let's just started raining that's all I need but it is good to be out even if there's a little bit of rain also in my pocket of a little windshield will it be an alcohol stove performs much better with a windshield this one I've actually just made it myself I'm using one of those big foil baking trays because it gets cooking your turkey in it Christmas just fold it over as you can see there put a little bit out I'll get some alcohol in the stove [Music] this should be enough here to boil me some water for a cup of coffee and to make yourself a snack stop it well I've forgotten to bring a little bit of foil to put underneath the stove so I'm gonna improvise with a few leaves so the easiest way to get the alcohol lit just get a dead twig dip it into the alcohol like that the wind allows [Music] think we might need the windshield there we go it's ongoing you can't see the flame but you can test it just by putting your hand no fair a bit over the tops you don't want to burn yourself so the stove will take probably about 30 seconds to bloom so the Jets will start seeing some blue flames shortly the camera picks it up you can definitely see some bigger flames now so we'll get some water into the pot just enough for coffee first because it's a small pot I don't think there's enough room in it to make my coffee and my snack stop now just sit back and admire the view so the little mug weighs in 71 grams according to specs for my charity on the scales the stove weighs virtually nothing the whole setup you don't even know you've got it in your pocket really I will put more details about it on my website if you're interested just love how quiet and alcohol stove is so much more civilized then the gas stoves are me but if you're in a hurry for a brew they're definitely not the stove for you oh we're getting some little bubbles look still plenty of fuel left in there for another boil sometimes you've just got to get wet to get your fix or the great outdoors and this is why people think I'm crackers but it appears to have stopped now and rain always follows with glorious sunshine not sure what the camera's still picking up that little blue flame in there so this particular Nalgene only holds 30 milliliters of fuel you can buy them slightly bigger this one fits in the other pocket so still part of the pocket cooks that I suppose but it can't nest inside the stove but there's enough fuel for several brews in there [Music] open all this fits in should have really tested it at home first you can just leave these where I'm gonna give this another 30 seconds on the stove I'll keep stirring actually we don't want it to burn on the bottom doing let's bring it back up to a little simmer then we'll take it off the edges that's hot just where you brought these bolt just let that last bit of fuel burn out you can actually put the pot support on top of that as well which makes boiling much quicker but the fuel burns out really quick if you do it that way watch your hands folks you can't wash him use some of this so the last bit fuels just burning out near the stove laughing a little bit lunch is starting to rehydrate view and the skies look awesome does it get any better than this look at that all thickening up really creamy 30 pence well spent all this stuff cools down really quickly those cold enough to touch already let's see if the Leafs done its little trick and protected the bench there we go not a mark [Music] good to go just washing up so when you've done everything just neatly packs back into the little titanium mug kitchen paper stove pill bottle little pot grippers and the lighter then everything just goes back into the little sock a quick note to all you single lads out there you find an odd sock under your bed I don't recommend you use that one so the windshield I just fold it flat hold it over a few times stick that in my pocket as well weighs nothing and you've probably got one of those foil trays in the back of a cupboard somewhere and they're really easy to make too [Music] so a few things to note regarding this cooks a pot size is only 350 milk so you're not gonna be able to boil loads of water but I find that's more than enough for a quick brew or any of the dehydrated meals that you can pick up but the size doesn't mean that you can fit it in your pocket so the pots the perfect diameter if you've already got a Trangia 27 burner well you will need to get one of those little Possible's for that which will take a tiny bit more room up in your pocket I'd love to know what your brew kit setup is made of so please let me know in the comments below and if you've enjoyed the video please hit the thumbs up and check out this video here for more of the same
Channel: Paul Messner
Views: 118,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping cooking system, camping cooking, camping cooking equipment, camping cooking kit, camping cooking set, camping cooking set up, camping cooking stove, backpacking cooking system, lightweight camping cooking equipment, camping, cooking, camping cook set, camping cook system, camping stove, cooking setup for camping, lightweight camping cook set, trangia cooking, backpacking, backpacking gear, backpacking stove, bushcraft, camp stove, cook set, paul messner, trangia stove
Id: Rzueq8Y68gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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