A Brief Visit to Harlan Kentucky.

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we're in beautiful downtown Harlan Kentucky looking at the Harlan County Courthouse this is the Doughboy a monument to the Harlan County uns who died in Ward 1 and this is the Harlan County time capsule they be opened and 2076 there's a little information on the Harlan County Courthouse and here's a little information on the name of Harlan County which was names for major solace Harlan and some of these storefronts here are actually fake they was put up by a movie company that filmed the movie above suspicion here about the FBI agent that murdered his lover in pack County Kentucky they turned Harlan temporarily into Pike County of the I think it was the late 1980s and this is a monument here at the Harlan County Courthouse the servicemen from Harlan County who died in World War two two Korean Conflict and Vietnam here at the courthouse and this is the Harlan County miners memorial an out of Harlan County into died in there the coal mines as you can see there's a quite a few names on here all these men here died trying to make a living and pay their bills and take care of their families don't notice that there the Harlan County post office this is the Harlan County Justice Center they moved the courts to when they took him out of the old Harlan County Courthouse interesting note to top for the Harlan County Courthouse used to be the old Harlan County Jail that's now located outside of the town of Harlan this is Main Street in Harlan it used to be a lot of businesses here before small towns started as a die out and businesses started to leave them for miles we're looking at the Harlan Center now and now we're looking back at the Justice Center and this is Harlan community television which provides cable and internet service for a large chunk of Harlan County that also looks like they might be capable of communicating their of the planets you never know especially in Harlan looking again at the Harlan County Courthouse Justice Center and back and here's the little information about Harlan County in general all righty then that was some neat information now let's go for a little Drive Thru Hornet [Music] this is the portal restaurant I think it's a opened up because the portal restaurant in the TV series justified as in Harlan Baptist Church one of many many churches in Harlan Baptist Presbyterian Pentecostal Holiness they've been a couple of Catholic churches I wanted more than one encumber another church Oh suck my moon doing some tree cutting in Harlan wow what a mess this is Cumberland Avenue we're on as a man walking his dog the dog is a small one with four legs man had the blue shirt this is Mount Pleasant funeral home one of the oldest and most active funeral homes in Harlem there's no matter how poor place gets people still got to die and you got to do something with them when they die there's a Confederate flag in the window we there these are a couple of guys stations small fact in Harlan gas is usually 20 to 30 cents higher than it is anywhere else Union Drive just over the mountain - Pennington gap Virginia which is it for from here and get it 20 30 cents cheaper and this will conclude our visit to Harlan County
Channel: Ignited Coyote
Views: 9,789
Rating: 4.9424462 out of 5
Keywords: Harlan Kentucky, travel, small towns, bloody Harlan, Justified, Harlan, Southeast Kentucky, Ignited Coyote, Small Town People, Small Town life, Appalachia, Appalachian People, Cities, Court Houses, Under suspension, KY, 119, Small Town America
Id: m7vd5OR4cy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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