A brief history of VEDAS || Project SHIVOHAM

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[Music] [Music] vedabumi the land of knowledge that is one of the names of india and for a very good reason if we turn the hidden pages of the history long before the islamic invasions and the european colonization india has been one of the very few civilizations which has a very advanced education system of that times i'm not saying this we turn back the pages of the history before 1080 that's before mughal invasions and the european colonization began travelers from europe persia to china used to travel to india to obtain the knowledge as part of this vedic culture if you read the books written by majestinis alberni or hyun sang you'll get to know how advanced indian education system at that times was the knowledge of ancient india it is one of the most comprehensive and complex education systems in the world in this short video we try to compile how the ancient indian education system look like the heritage of the ancient indian education and value system as we know today has been largely preserved by the inscriptions on the temples manuscripts and verbally transmitted from a teacher to a student these are the three main sources from which we have been preserving the vedic education system till today now let's see what they are for ease of understanding we have put it this way there are six broad categories of indian scriptures which hold the entire knowledge system they are shruti smriti puranam and they cover a diverse set of fields of education like mathematics physics biology philosophy astronomy health sciences linguistics and many other branches of science and technology besides the theological concepts starting with the first one shruti shruti is well known as the vedas and there are four of them rigveda yazuru the sama veda and rig means praise a form of expressing the gratitude it explains about the various hymns praising the elements of nature and cosmos and the second one is yazur veda yazur means worship it explains about different procedures of worship of the nature and cosmos and the third one is samaveda sama means song it gives a music driven canonical format to the other vedas for ease of recitation the fourth one is means stable mind it sets the rules for a steady state daily life activities that needs to be observed in a vedic culture all these four vedas are not just like any other four ordinary books you will not understand a word of it unless you are blessed with a guru who can explain to you what each of these mean and they are highly interconnected with each other further down if we look into any of these four vedas it has four fundamental blocks arunika brahmana samhita upanishad supported by six external blocks siksha vyakarana chandus nirukta jyotisha and kalpa we'll keep it very simple not going to further details the four internal blocks of aranika brahmana samhita and upanishads they describe the theosophical philosophical and physiological anatomy of the cosmos and the nature and the fundamentals of human existence in simple words it describes brahman which means the ultimate and the supreme power of the existence the six external blocks siksya vyakarana chandas nirukta jyotisha and kalpa these are called as vedangas they complement the knowledge framework of vedas with different and intricate specializations each as you see here siksha is study of phonetics vyakarana is study of grammar chandus is study of linguistic rhythm and prosody nirukta is study of etymology jyotisha is study of astronomy and kalpa is study of rituals all these sikhs are called as vedangas and that's how the four vedas are supported by the six vedangas and that is not all each of the four vedas have four upavedas as an offspring ayurveda the study of life sciences ascribing to rigveda gandharva veda study of music art and dance ascribing to samaveda dhanurveda study of archery and warfare ascribing to yazur veda and arthas astra study of business administration and political sciences ascribing to adharvana veda now this is the complete picture of what we call today in simple words as vedas and one of our prime objectives of this channel project shivohum is to bring forward this entire knowledge system in a simple format that everybody can understand we already did couple of documentaries on dhanurvedam ayurvedam samsung lot more and you can find them on our channel and the next one is smriti smriti is authored by the sages and saints who mastered shruti which is the vedas and brought in their experiences and revelations it is much like a thesis that the sages on different branches of studies like theology philosophy science etc it completely subserves or ascribes to shruti which is the final authority and there are 18 such smritis written by different rishis and they are atri vishnu harita nasi angirasa yama apastamba samovarta and the next one is puranam in very simple words puranam is nothing but a historical document often puranam is mistaken as a mythology but the fact of the matter is it's a historical document that has a 10 dimensional feature in the 10r the first one is sarga history of creation of cosmos second one is vissarga history of creation of the world's third rupti history of evolution of the life fourth raksha history of sustenance of life fifth antarani history of the time scale and how the time used to be measured in the past sixth wamsa seventh vampirina both explain about the history of the lineage and the history of the dynasties that ruled bharath since times immemorial eighth samsta history of the catastrophes all the natural calamities that have occurred in the past 9th heitu history of the prime causes of those catastrophes and the last one is upper sarayah history of the supreme being or the different incarnations of god and there are 18 such puranas all written by just one rishi sriver vyasa and the 18 are markandey purana mastia purana bhagavata bhavishya brahmanda brahma brahma vishnu varaha vamana agni narada padma the amount of knowledge in these puranas is just incredible for instance agni puranam explains about different varieties of martial arts we did a short documentary on dhanurvidham extracting details from agni puranam and dhanurveda samhita you can check out on our channel the next one in line is etihasa etihasa the word spells says which means this is how it happened of all the scriptures are the one which shaped up the ethos of india as we know today and there are only two etihasas sri ramayanam and mahabharata these two scriptures are of the highest order which defined directed and drived the human values in india since thousands of years and bhagavad-gita which is the epitome of all the sacred scriptures is an integral part of the grand epic of mahabharata and the next one is agamas agamas are treaties on theology epistemology and also describes the architectural principles of temple construction basically they are the rule books of how a temple needs to be constructed and the rituals in the temple needs to be organized all the magnificent grandeur of the indian temples and the exquisite carvings that we have on the indian temples the source code of all the beauty is from agama's for instance shilpa shastra the branch of knowledge which deals with sculpting is from agamas and there are 77 shakthi agamas 28 shivagamas and 108 vishnu agamas so wide and so deep in the last one we have siddhantam siddhantam means principles a set of principles in different fields of science and technology this is the most interesting part of the scriptures for instance in astronomy itself we have 18 siddhantas which talks about different different details about planetary motions geometrical principles trigonometry calculus a lot more in this category we have a huge set of scriptures that are in the fields of science and technology to name a few sushruta samhita by rishi sushruta on surgery and medicine aryabhatiyam by aryabhatta on astrophysics and astronomy addashastra by chanakya on commerce and business administration pancho dhanta by varahamihira on treaties of astronomy rashindra mangalam by nagarjuna on the signs of alchemy and the list goes on and on and that is a very brief history about the vedas and the other scriptures of ancient indian education system for ease of understanding we tried to condense a lot but it is so wide deep and complex all at the same time and the backbone for this entire education system is samskritham and if we don't have the competence of samskritam all this knowledge system is good for nothing let me give you one example and you will understand it here is a slokam from aryabhattiya written by aryabhatta yes the same man whom we celebrate that he invented zero in this slokum he gave two scenarios the first scenario is two bodies moving in opposite directions and the second scenario is two bodies moving in same direction he says that time elapsed for r and b to pass through or otherwise is equal to the distance by some of their speeds and in the other scenario it is distance by difference of the speeds in simple words he gave the equation of speed is equal to distance by time this equation of speed is equal to distance by time is the foundation for kinematics a branch of physics which is the heart and soul of everything that moves in this world this equation is the foundation in the engineering of beat a car or a space shuttle this equation is a revolutionary discovery but if we don't know how to read samsung all this is good for nothing according to the documented history galileo galilei in the year 1638 he published a book called two new sciences in this book he first gave the formula of speed is equal to distance by time now don't start judging galileo all his work is original and if you read this book you'll get to know he did not get inspired from arya but the fact of the matter is something that was discovered by aryabhatta in 510 ce had to be rediscovered by galileo in the year 1638 in these thousand years the speed is equal to distance by time equation which is written in samsung is locked up in aryabhattiya 1000 years imagine what could have been the impact if this was known earlier to the whole world all we know about aryabhatta is he invented zero but he has left us a wealth of information well how many such equations and other scientific concepts are hidden in the indian scriptures which are written in samskritam waiting to be decoded well i'm not saying that all the great things in this world were invented or discovered by indians but all the great things that were done by indians are not known to the world and that's why we started project shivoham to bring forward all these kinds of stories and as always thanks for watching
Channel: Project Shivoham
Views: 658,015
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Id: S1-17TeZvV0
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Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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